His True Colors Novel Chapter 1687 – 1690

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Chapter 1687

“Dragon? The king of beasts?” A contemptuous sneer suddenly came from inside the cave.

The voice is very majestic, deep, and full of magnetism.

“Why? Is the IQ of the Dragon Clan now so low?” He sneered.

Linlong was angry: “Sneaky, what a hero is, there is a kind of talk.”

“Speaking to you with a mentally handicapped kind, deserves this king to show up in person? Beastmaster, overwhelming.” The voice just fell, at this time. A purple mangkin suddenly struck, and Linlong hurriedly mobilized energy to resist, but the whole person couldn’t help being hit by the purple light, and his brain was in chaos. He shook his head desperately, and only then recovered some of his sanity.

“The Beastmaster calms his anger, the Beastmaster calms his anger.”

“Yes, he is the new patriarch of our Dragon Clan. Please forgive him for the loyal guardianship of the four of us.”

“The dragon clan finally got a patriarch, please be merciful.” Silong hurriedly blocked Linlong with his knees and begged for mercy for him.

“You four. What qualifications do you have to intercede in front of this king?” With a cold smile, another purple light attacked, and the four dragons were immediately beaten.

But Silong not only did not resist at all, but got up in a panic and continued to kneel down.

Linlong watched this scene, the whole popularity did not come across.

“Are you not convinced? Xiaolong?” The cave laughed coldly.

Linlong snorted coldly: “I was not careful just now and asked you to plot it. Now, I let you see. Who is the real beast king.”

After speaking, Linlong urged the dragon heart in his hand, and the whole person went directly into the cave to kill.

However, just after taking two steps, Linlong stopped, covering his head with his hands uncomfortably, and squatting down uncomfortably, completely losing his combat effectiveness.

“It’s just an ant, who dares to be presumptuous in front of this king, it’s almost dead.”

Seeing another purple light rushing out, while Linlong completely touched his head at this time, he didn’t pay attention at all. George Han got up and stood in front of him directly.

As soon as the purple light passed, George Han’s body flashed yellow, and a small yellow aperture suddenly lit up all over him. The purple awn also slowly dissipated.

It’s yellow aperture again!

It was exactly the same as the aperture of George Han when he and Linlong were looking for the heart of the dragon in the ancient battlefield.

Within the aperture, Linlong’s situation was instantly relieved, stood up, and looked into the cave coldly.

“Human, really the most annoying bug in the world.”

As soon as the voice fell, the temperature in the entire cave dropped sharply, and frost was condensed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The entire cave was as snowy and cold as preventing the Buddha from entering the world of ice and snow.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden noise in the cave, and a huge purple light directly filled the cave.

George Han felt that his eyes were dark, and when he opened his eyes, there was already a dark and barren world around him, and he could not see the direction or the slightest light.

“Enchantment?” George Han was taken aback.

“Little bug, you know a lot. However, there are some things, even if you understand. You have no chance to understand it, because you will always be trapped here and be ravaged by the dark hell. Until the ashes disappear. “

George Han smiled: “Really?”

Linlong also smiled.

At this time, outside the cave, the elder of the Void School of Ordination led more than 300 disciples, who had already entered the Forest of Hundred Beasts. But as soon as he entered Lin, he encountered a massive attack by Qi Beast.

For a time, humans and beasts fought fiercely.

Wu Yan’s cultivation is extremely high. Although he can have one enemy and many, there are too many strange beasts. According to his estimation, the tens of thousands of strange beasts in the Four Peaks Hundred Beast Forest, regardless of their size, regardless of class, almost all went into battle this time.

There are more than three hundred disciples in the Wuzong area, almost not opponents, and they are completely dependent on the crushing of the cultivation base of themselves and the elders of Liufeng. This barely stabilized the situation.

“Arrange an array, arrange an array!” Wu Yan shouted.

More than three hundred disciples immediately evacuated from the battle, ran out of the battle circle quickly, and then quickly formed a huge circle. Encircled the beasts.

Together, the six elders and the elders of the Ordination Academy threw out their magic weapons, gathered in midair, and connected each other in a seven-star posture. On the ground, hundreds of disciples also threw swords and chanted in unison, suddenly, in mid-air, with Seven Swords as the core. Stand with a thousand swords.

This is the Seven Star Sword Formation of Wu Wuzong, with seven elders in charge of the formation eyes, so the formation is extremely strong and the defense is quite high. Wan Beast, who was still aggressive just now, was trapped in Jian Zhenzhi for a while and couldn’t escape.

“Yunfeng, protect the elders for me and Liuwei, Gucheng, you quickly guide a team of people into the central area of ”‹”‹the Beastmaster to rescue Qin Shuang.”

Hearing this order, Ye Gucheng was shocked.

Let yourself be alone in depth, if there are strange beasts inside. What should I do? !

But in front of so many people, Ye Gucheng could only nod his head helplessly: “Yes.”

Then, he led a dozen or so juniors who followed him all the year round, and quickly moved towards the center of the Forest of Hundred Animals.

After a while. Ye Gucheng arrived, and the distant cave was completely within his sight.

Most of the strange beasts have already rushed out to fight the Void Sect. At the entrance of the cave, there are only a few strange beasts guarding them. Of course, these are nothing to Ye Gucheng, but the beast king inside is where he is afraid. what.

“Brother, what shall we do?” a disciple asked at this time.

What to do, Ye Gucheng didn’t know, one step forward is a dead end, one step backward…

“Listen, no one is allowed to act rashly without my order. All stay here to observe.” If the situation is good, Ye Gucheng should pick someone up, if the situation is not good, he will immediately evacuate.


suddenly. At this moment, there was a sudden violent explosion in the cave! !

This explosion was earth-shattering, not only was Ye Gucheng and the others swayed by the bombing, but also inside the Wuzong sword formation a few miles away. It also swayed for a while, if it hadn’t been for Wu Yan and the six elders to strengthen their minds, I’m afraid the sword formation would be destroyed by this explosion.

“The land of the Beastmaster is abnormal, and the beasts are in a panic. All the disciples obey the orders and guard the sword formation for me!”

“Yes!” everyone shouted.

Under the sword formation, after the explosion, the beasts suddenly seemed to have lost their souls, desperately trying to retreat. Even if the sword formation blocked them, every time a strange beast tried to break through the boundary, there would always be a fly. The sword killed his life instantly, but it still couldn’t stop them from rushing toward the sword array frantically.

After the explosion, Ye Gucheng was completely panicked. Without a word, he ran back with his sword.

Save people, even if it was his mother at this time, he wouldn’t even look at it more.

“This… this… how is this possible!”

Inside the cave, in the depths, an unbelievable voice rang out weak, pale, and completely incomprehensible.

Chapter 1688

The frost disappeared, the purple light dissipated, and the cave was restored to the scene just now. George Han looked into the cave with a smile, Linlong smiled and looked at George Han, Silong was completely dumbfounded. Look left, look right.

what’s the situation? !

“You…you…you worm, you, how could you destroy my absolute realm? This…this is impossible.” Inside the cave, the Beastmaster was completely shocked to say nothing.

The Absolute Domain is his most proud attack method, although his predecessor is unusable because of the suppression of the formation of the void, but his powerful spirit still exists. Therefore, even if it is reincarnation, even when he is just born and his new physical body is very weak, he can completely rely on his strong mental power to construct an absolute realm.

In his field. He is the master, and all the rules are determined by him.

But George Han broke this rule and even banned him!

He became the new owner of that space, and then forced himself to swallow him. If he was not strong enough to evacuate in time, then he would die in the absolute realm.

It’s him!

“Impossible, impossible, even if… even if you…”

The Beastmaster never dreamed of it, maybe a physical attack. George Han, a weak chicken in the world of all directions, is really hard to contend, but if you want to deal with him from a mental attack…

This is simply killing dinosaurs with embroidery needles, which is not an order of magnitude at all.

How many grievances and grievances in the ancient battlefield, ordinary people can bear it? But George Han insisted on relying on himself and went in.

The bones on his body, the Pangu axe he owns, everything, when faced with these, he is like playing with a child’s toy. Simple cannot be simpler.

Beastmaster is a small absolute realm, which may be a nightmare for others, but for George Han, it is to play some tricks of poker in front of the magician. It’s just a little trick.

At this time, each of the four dragons listened to the words of the Beastmaster, and turned into a child with 10,000 question marks, and their eyes were full of strangeness.

As the four guards of the Beastmaster. Silong naturally knows the tricks of the Beastmaster. Over the years, how many heroes have died in the absolute realm. Eternal life cannot be overborn.

But George Han dissolved the Beastmaster’s attack without any effort.

This is unheard of and unseen in their guards for a hundred years.

“Big Brother, I’ve seen Big Brother.”

“Big Brother, from the first time I saw you, I know that Big Brother is extraordinary.”

“Fat your mother, can you speak. Is Mr. Han you worthy of being called Big Brother? He is the master of our patriarch, we…we want to be called Grandpa.”

“Grandpa, Grandpa Han. Hehe.”

The four dragons are not stupid. They can live to this day without the heart of the dragon clan. They still hold important positions, and their minds can turn much faster than ordinary people.

At first glance at the situation on the Beastmaster’s side, George Han was so calm. Suddenly seeing the wind turn the rudder, he bowed to George Han’s door.

George Han was also a bit speechless by these four dragons, but he beat the dog to see the owner. Just now when they were in a hurry, the four dragons were still desperately pleading for Linlong. From this point of view, the four dragons were not bad in nature.

Besides, they are Linlong’s people, what does Linlong think. Why doesn’t George Han know.

“Traitor, traitor, you four traitors.” Inside the cave. The Beastmaster cursed angrily at this time.

“Grandpa Han, the reincarnation of the Beastmaster was when the entire spirit of the Beastmaster was the weakest. Although he activated the Absolute Domain just now, I believe that it will definitely make him lose his energy. He has no ability to launch a second attack in a short time. Grandpa, take advantage of his illness to kill him.” The evil dragon headed.

“Yeah, Grandpa Han, now is the best opportunity. The opportunity is not to be missed. The loss will never come again.”

Seeing Silong frantically urging George Han to kill himself outside. The Beastmaster was almost vomiting blood at this moment.

Don’t be afraid of the enemy being strong, just afraid of the teammate pig, what Silong said. It was indeed his current fate. Reincarnation had spent too much energy on him, so as soon as he arrived, he tried to get George Han with the strongest technique.

How did you know that the boat was overturned in the gutter!

He is exactly like a baby now. In the face of any attack, there is no strength to fight back.

“Bitch, bitch, you four dead bitches!!!” The Beastmaster gritted his teeth, furious.

George Han shook his head helplessly, glanced at Linlong, and the two slowly walked towards the cave.

The cave was a hundred meters deep, and it was almost dark inside, and the darkness was even more difficult to see. However, under the leadership of the four eunuchs, George Han quickly passed through the caves and successfully entered the innermost one. Secret room.

The secret room is made up of two huge stone gates, and people can already smell the strong smell of blood inside the gate.

George Han touched the stone gates. Judging from the touch, each stone gate weighs at least 10,000 jin and is half a meter thick. It is protected by energy and it is not easy to open it.

At this moment, the four dragons looked at each other, smiled, and jumped towards Shimen.

Chapter 1689

The four dragons shrank quickly and quickly attached to the stone gate. They swam around each other quickly, forming a circle. After three rounds, the stone gate restarted. The dust flew up for a while.

It turns out that these four dragons are the keys to Shimen, and George Han really smiled bitterly in his heart. These four traitors are really cheap.

Selling teammates to this point!

As soon as the stone gate was opened, a blood-red light shone out of the stone room instantly, marking both the man and the beast red.

In the center of Shimen, there is a huge blood pool, the blood pool is full of blood. It was boiling, and occasionally a few blood bubbles appeared.

Like a dog leg, Silong invited George Han into the stone room.

Then, the head of the four dragons gave a cold voice: “Little bastard, our grandpa Han is here, don’t you hurry out and meet you?”

George Han was speechless. Such traitors, whoever is their master, will be unlucky, but, at least for him now, these four people can only be described as true fragrance.

No matter how the Beastmaster’s temper can be suppressed, he can’t help his traitor to be so presumptuous in front of him.

With a scream of anger, a dark figure suddenly jumped out of the blood pool.

George Han watched for a long time abruptly.

Finally, I couldn’t help laughing.

George Han laughed, and the five dragons also laughed.

The Beastmaster blushed: “Why are you smiling? What’s so funny?”

Said it was the king of beasts, George Han’s first impression was that it was a lion. A majestic and sturdy thing like a tiger, but what he never dreamed of was that the so-called Beast King in Bafang World turned out to be…

A rabbit!

To be precise, it is a strangely shaped rabbit.

Except for the appearance of no difference from ordinary rabbits, the biggest difference is that when this guy opens his mouth, he has tiger-like fangs instead of the two bright front teeth of ordinary rabbits.

George Han couldn’t imagine that this seemingly cute thing turned out to be the arrogant, cold-blooded Beastmaster just now!

“So now, do you commit suicide by yourself or do I do it? Anyway, I’m hungry. I don’t know how long to stay in this hole. It would not take much effort to eat a roasted rabbit.” George Han Weiwei Smile.

The Beastmaster was angry: “Skills must not be killed or humiliated. Don’t bother you to do it, I will kill myself.”

Anyway, after death, it’s a big deal to reincarnate for a while. Anyway, his spiritual consciousness is strong enough, so he will spend more time on the matter.

“Grandpa Han, the soul of the beast king, is immortal. Even if he commits suicide, if his soul is complete, he will soon be resurrected.” At this time, the traitor boss, appropriately reminded George Han.

The beastmaster grinned with a grin. I can’t wait to pluck his skin and drink his blood.

George Han nodded: “It makes sense, Beastmaster. Do you know what to do?”

“Then what do you want?” Beastmaster forced his anger.

“Let’s make a deal. If you obediently be his spiritual pet, I will spare your life. If you don’t want to, you will be destroyed now. People from the Void Sect can’t cure you. But you shouldn’t doubt him. Can’t help you?” Lin Long smiled.

After Linlong finished speaking, he quietly approached George Han’s ears: “This guy can be the Beastmaster, he must have extraordinary abilities. Keeping such a guy by his side is good for us and harmless.”

George Han nodded, in fact, he also thought this way, in the world of all directions, relying on himself to face Fu Shane, George Han would grow up. There is no certainty of victory, so one more person has more strength.

Beastmaster felt cold. How could he be a dignified beast king, how could he be a spiritual pet for a human bug, and he would not want to kill him. This is simply an insult and trampling on the animal character, but on the other hand, George Han can break his absolute realm, so he must kill him. It is really not difficult to die his soul.

The Beastmaster knew this well.

“Is it difficult to choose? Then I will give you another advantage.” Lin Long smiled.

Although the Beastmaster did not answer, he looked at Linlong and was obviously waiting for his next sentence.

That’s right, the Beastmaster weighed again and again, and put aside what shit and beast style. Survival is the most important thing.

Moreover, George Han can break his absolute domain. For now, it is not a loss to recognize him as the master!

“In the future. I am the boss, and you are the third!”

“The third child? What about the second child?”

George Han appropriately released the red-eyed jade python at this time. Seeing the red-eyed jade python, the beast king was even more speechless. He not only had to succumb to a dragon, but also to a snake.

“If you don’t agree, what about another condition?” Linlong continued to laugh.

“Enough, just do it, don’t mention the conditions.” The Beastmaster was very depressed, for fear that Linlong would go too far, and in the end there would be some cats and dogs, and he couldn’t even be the third child.

George Han smiled, and soon signed the master-servant contract with the unwilling Beastmaster, and George Han gave him a particularly resounding name: “Xiao Bai!”

The Beastmaster resisted several times, but after being rejected by George Han, Xiaobai sneered coldly at the four dragons who laughed wildly: “By the way, Master, I have something important to report, about these four of them.”

Chapter 1690

Upon hearing this, George Han became interested, and Silong looked at Xiao Bai baffledly, and was speechless for a moment, wondering what he was going to do.

“Master, have you heard of dragon nature?”

Speaking of dragon nature, George Han immediately understood, dragon nature. Therefore, since ancient times, there have been various legends such as Longsheng Nine Sons.

It’s no wonder that when Qin Shuang and Qin Shuang first came in, the four dragons looked like ghosts. They were dragons, so they were naturally born like this.

Seeing George Han nodded, Xiao Bai continued: “In addition to this, the dragon clan has one of the biggest characteristics, that is greed. As long as they are dragons, they can’t walk when they see money. The reason why these four traitors are willing Being my bodyguard in this cave is also because of the treasure in this cave.”

Upon hearing this, Silong’s eyes suddenly widened.

“That… Grandpa Han. You… don’t listen to nonsense, he is pure revenge at all. What’s the value in this hole?”

“Yes, Grandpa Han, the boss is right.”

The four dragons are like garlic, and George Han smiled: “Yes or not, Linlong is also a dragon. You can find out by checking it.”

The four dragons looked at each other. If Linlong wanted to investigate, nothing could be hidden in this cave. Even if they had hidden gold panties, there would be nothing left. Everyone was a dragon, so how could they not smell the jewellery.

“Hehe, Grandpa Han, you don’t have to be so serious. Yes, yes… the smaller ones do have some wealth, but the problem is… this is all the dragon’s hobby, I believe you don’t like this. “The headed dragon said.

“That’s not necessarily true. Although the master can break my absolute realm, but with all due respect, no matter how strong the master is, it will be no different from me now. Both are still in the growth stage. When a person grows. Useful. Naturally, the more things, the better, so it is obvious that you are prepared for some jewelry.” Xiaobai said.

These four traitors betrayed him and made him a spiritual pet. He naturally has his abacus too. Damn, the fish die and the net is broken. I’m not having a good time, so don’t think about it.

Moreover, the contract has been finalized, and George Han is his master. For him, it is a shame and shame to recognize human beings as masters. If his master is still a weak chicken, it is even more shame in the shame and shame.

Also, if George Han is too weak to be killed, as a spiritual pet, he will not end well, so he is public for private. He had to lean towards George Han at this time.

“Hey, once the Beastmaster, you don’t talk nonsense, our grandpa Han is wise and martial. You are obviously slander.”

“Yes.” The four dragons nodded together.

George Han was about to speak. At this time, Lin Long spoke: “What Xiaobai said is not without reason, no matter which world you are in. Money is an eternal and unchanging good thing.”

George Han also felt that there was some truth in it. To join the WTO, you need money, and the world of Bafang World, which is decisive and decisive, needs money even more.

Money can make ghosts grind, of course George Han will not refuse.

“However, taking other people’s things doesn’t seem very good.” Han Suonaqian said embarrassedly.

Linlong smiled disdainfully: “In private, where is this taking other people’s things? These four dragons are the dragons of my clan. As the patriarch, their property should naturally belong to me, and you are my master. This is called Take it?”

“That’s right. Since I said it in private, then I will say it to the public, these treasures are given by my strange beast clan. I originally wanted to use them to let these four guards protect my safety, but I am doing this now, which shows that the four of them have seriously neglected their duties, so it is normal for me to withdraw our previous commission, and you are my master, and it is normal to accept it.” Xiaobai said.

You and me on both sides, Silong was taken aback by surprise, and finally summarized the eight characters. Both public and private should be turned in.

George Han also knew that Linlong and Xiaobai were thinking about themselves, and nodded: “Since you all said so. Silong, why not take it out.”

“It’s okay if you don’t take it. Anyway, I’ve been hungry after coming in for so long. We can’t eat the roast rabbit, but we can still consider the roast snake feast.” Lin Long smiled.

Hearing the roasted snake, Silong couldn’t help but feel a cold behind him. There were three waves of masters in it, but none of them could provoke them.

“Hand!” Silong gritted his teeth. Very depressed.

But if depressed is useful, they have already become the strongest in this world, so depressed go to depressed. Silong still took George Han honestly and went to his residence.

There are so many miscellaneous caves in the cave, so the wrong sect is complicated. If no one leads the way, George Han will definitely lose his way in it.

After bypassing the Congcong Cave, George Han stopped in front of a small cave that seemed very hidden under the leadership of Silong.

The entrance of the cave is concealed with stones. If you don’t look carefully, you won’t find a secret door here.

The four dragons looked at each other reluctantly, and then reluctantly repeated the previous movement of opening the central gate. After the four dragons wound three times, the Shimen opened gently.

The moment Shimen lightly opened, the cave that was originally dark suddenly became bright.

George Han swears that he can be regarded as a person with huge wealth, but he was also shocked by the various flooding jewelry in front of him.

Bright color. The number is simply breathtaking, and the entire cave is almost full of various rare treasures.

George Han estimated. If these things are used to load cars, they can fit several trains.

Not only George Han, but even Xiao Bai was shocked at this time.

He is a dignified beast king, and he never thought about it. These four traitors have snatched so many treasures in private.

“You…you guys who are accumulating money are too irritating, so many?” There was golden light in Linlong’s eyes. As a dragon, he also had an inexplicable impulse to see jewelry.

Before coming in, he had warned himself countless times that, as the patriarch of the dragon clan, he should be prudent, low-key, and connotative, and should not be corroded by some copper smell, but after coming in, he had to sigh, what a f*cking fragrant!

Silong nodded awkwardly, but his awkward smile was full of bitterness. These are all the belongings of the four brothers for thousands of years. Usually they are reluctant to bear it, but they did not expect that one day they would eventually be reluctant for others.

“It’s interesting.” Lin Long smiled and walked in directly.

George Han followed closely and slowly followed in.

This is simply the world of gold and the paradise of jade, but unlike the Xuanyuan world and the earth, all the jewels here are not only more beautiful in color, but the most important thing is that they still have a faint white light.

The most important thing is that George Han was still in these treasures and found many incredible things.

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