His True Colors Novel Chapter 167 – 170

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Chapter 167

The infighting George Han in the Villa didn’t know, and found a cigarette under the shade of a tree. When Mary came out, he walked up to him and said, “Smoking is bad for your health, so let’s quit.”

George Han took a sip and said, “If I don’t feel sick, how can I know that I’m still alive? I’m not old enough to keep in good health. Don’t do things that are bad for your health when you are young. Why do you come when you are old?”

Regarding this inexplicable fallacy, Mary showed a speechless expression and said: “The body is the greatest capital. If the body is not good, how can you do what you want to do?”

George Han raised her eyebrows, Mary said so, she seemed to have noticed something.

“What I want to do. It doesn’t matter whether I can do it or not, because I don’t want to prove it to anyone, but just want to try my ability.” George Han said lightly.

“But there are some things you have to do.” Mary said, took out a photo and handed it to George Han.

Looking at the person in the photo, George Han asked, “Who is this?”

“It was because of him that you were treated unfairly back then. It was he who made the emperor’s appearance and the traitor’s appearance to Nangong Qianqiu. I have always suspected that the identity of this Taoist priest is not simple.” Mary said.

The face of the emperor?

George Han frowned and met Han Jun in prison that day. He heard Han Jun mention it. But I didn’t understand the meaning of his words, now it seemed that Mary knew what was going on.

“What is an emperor?” George Han asked.

“It was this Taoist priest who told Nangong Qianqiu that Han Jun has the emperor’s appearance, and only he can support the development of the Han family. And you, the traitorous appearance, will hinder or even drag down the Han family. Since then, Nangong Qianqiu has not Think of you as the Han family again.” Mary explained.

“Because of this absurd reason, I was driven out of the Han family by her?” George Han smiled bitterly, and Nangong Qianqiu believed this nonsense?

“Yes, I stopped Nangong Qianqiu, but she insisted on going her own way, and I couldn’t help it. Your master also went to investigate this Taoist priest, but nothing was found. You should be aware of Lord Yan’s ability. Even he couldn’t find anything. The information further shows that his identity is not simple.” Mary said.

“You mean, this Taoist priest was sent by the enemy of the Han family?” George Han asked.

“Even your father’s matter, I suspect it has something to do with them.” Mary said.

George Han smiled, playing with the yellowed photo in his hand, and said: “Since it is the Han family’s grudge, and I was kicked out of the Han family, does it have anything to do with me? Why should I cause trouble for myself? ?”

“If you don’t ask for trouble, it doesn’t mean that trouble won’t come to you. If you say that it’s not the Han family, they will believe it? And when I appeared in the Su’s Villa today, they will definitely know it too. You think they will not go. Investigate this matter?” Mary said.

George Han’s expression turned cold, Mary obviously threatened him with these words and made him have to intervene in this matter.

“Don’t be angry, it’s your request to come to Su’s house. I just satisfied you.” Mary said.

George Han smiled helplessly, Mary was indeed called by him, but how did he know that there was something hidden behind it?

Mary sighed and said, “I know that the Han family has done a lot of unfair things to you. But you are the Han family after all. Even if you don’t come to the Su family, they will find you sooner or later. I just ask you to advance. Just prepared.”

“Even my master doesn’t know who the other party is. This enemy is not so powerful. You are just dragging me to the funeral.” George Han said.

“Do you have so much confidence in yourself? After more than ten years of dormancy, this character is not something ordinary people can have. I believe you can do it.” Mary said.

“Believe I have a fart. With my current ability, how can I face such a powerful opponent?” George Han said lightly.

Mary hesitated for a moment, and said, “When I was young. Your grandfather is very good to you, you shouldn’t forget it?”

“But after my grandfather died, you know how I was treated in the Han’s family. Wouldn’t it be too meaningless to try to convince me of my grandpa’s goodness?” George Han sneered.

“No one has ever seen Han Tianyang’s body. The coffin in his graveyard is still empty.” Mary said.

Heard this sentence. George Han’s emotions agitated instantly, and he said in a deep voice, “What do you mean, what do you mean by this sentence!”

The news of Han Tianyang’s death came back to the Han family, when George Han was no more than a child. He cried dimly, heart-piercing, but now Mary told him that no one had seen Han Tianyang’s body!

“I’m just skeptical, but whether it’s true or not. You need to investigate it yourself. Perhaps, if you find out the background of this Taoist priest, everything will become clear.” After Mary said these words, she left straight away.

George Han’s chest was violently up and down, breathing heavily.

Grandpa has something to do with this matter?

Is it possible that he did not die at all, but was arrested by someone.

If it really is. He can’t ignore this matter, even if there is only one ten-thousandth chance left, he must try it.

Looking at the appearance of the Taoist priest in the photo, George Han clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: “If Grandpa is still alive, I advise you to treat him well, otherwise I want you to die!”

George Han, who was immersed in anger, didn’t notice anyone approaching, and Amelia Su saw him with a heavy expression. And with anger, he dared not speak.

Looking at the person in the photo, Amelia Su frowned slightly, as if she had seen it somewhere.

After a long time, George Han withdrew from his emotions, saw Amelia Su by his side, quickly put away the photos, and asked, “How about? Did Su Yihan take out the offer?”

Amelia Su nodded. Said: “Cash has been spent almost, but she will sell all the things she bought, and the family house will also be sold, and there is not enough money. Only the company’s money can be used to subsidize it.”

“This lesson is heavy enough for her.” George Han said with a smile.

“But…” Amelia Su stopped talking.

George Han asked curiously: “But what?”

“She gave me all the bride price.” Amelia Su said.

George Han was taken aback, he thought that Mary would take away all the bride price. I didn’t expect to transfer it to Amelia Su!

“What did she say?” George Han asked.

“I said it was something that the Han family gave out, but it never took it back. It was pleasing to my eyes, so I gave it to me.” Amelia Su said.

George Han smiled, although this reason is a bit far-fetched, but the people of the Su family shouldn’t think too much, after all, the world of the rich is not what they can imagine.

At this time, Su Yihan walked to George Han angrily. Her wealthy life was completely shattered and she couldn’t find anyone to blame. Naturally, she could only put this pot on George Han’s head, because only George Han was the only one. Only cursed her.

“George Han, you crow mouth, if you didn’t curse me, how could I become like this.” Su Yihan said angrily.

George Han looked indifferent, and said, “How can I say that I cursed you? Didn’t I say those words, is the bride price yours? It’s just your self-righteous thinking that the bride price is yours, who says Do you have a dowry gift?”

Su Yihan’s expression is extremely ugly. It is true that no one has said that the bride price belongs to her. From the beginning to the end, it is just her wishful thinking. But even now, Su Yihan is still reluctant to admit reality, because no one in the Su family can be with her. Compared with beauty.

“George Han, wait, I will make you regret it. Su Yihan will still marry a rich family. As for Amelia Su, she will never be able to compare with me for the rest of her life, because she was married to you.” Su Yihan refused to admit defeat. Said that without the Han family, there are other rich people, and she firmly believes that she will be taken by the rich.

George Han smiled faintly, Su Yihan’s self-confidence comes from her appearance, but for the rich, what is her appearance?

Although these four words are a joke in the eyes of many people in the eyes of most people in this era, they still have a certain meaning for the real rich. And with Su Yihan’s status, where can the circle come to contact those rich people? What?

Chapter 168

As soon as Mary walked out of the Villa area, Jun Yan suddenly appeared beside her like a ghost.

“You not only let him take on an unnecessary responsibility, but also gave him unnecessary hope.” Jun Yan said in an unusually cold tone, although his duty is only to protect the Han family, and is not qualified to intervene in any of the Han family. Things, but Mary is behavior, he can’t stand it.

Giving the photo to George Han means that George Han needs to investigate the hidden background behind the Taoist priest. This is an extremely dangerous thing for George Han, and Mary even moved Han Tianyang out in order to prevent George Han from having a reason to shirk. This is a situation where George Han has no choice. .

“For the entire Han family, even I can’t let George Han have a trace of affection. Only Han Tianyang is the person he cares about most. Only by doing this can he do his best to investigate this matter.” Mary has no face. Said with an expression.

“But you shouldn’t give him hope in this way. Han Tianyang is a lifelong pain for him. How many times he cried and fainted, don’t you know?” Jun Yan gritted his teeth.

“Of course I know that no one can compare his feelings for Han Tianyang. But you should know that hope is the biggest motivation for a person.” Mary said.

“But Han Tianyang is dead, this is not hope at all.” Jun Yan said angrily.

“Dead?” Mary smiled faintly, and said: “Have you seen his body? As long as you don’t see his body, who can be 100% sure that he is dead? Even if it is a one-tenth chance. Han Three thousand will not give up.”

Jun Yan took a deep breath. After so many years, Han Tianyang has no news, how could he still be alive? Mary just used this to get George Han to do this thing.

“Before he died, he asked me to take care of the Han family. How could I live in that state.” Jun Yan clenched his fists.

“You mean, his corpse is missing? Do you think it’s possible? How could Han’s secret opponent just take away a meaningless corpse?” Mary smiled.

Jun Yan knew that it was meaningless to reason with her, and she now gave George Han hope that this matter had already been destined for George Han to investigate it to the end. What he said was useless.

“You are like Nangong Qianqiu, I hope you will not repeat the same mistakes.” Yan Jun said.

Mary stopped suddenly, then smiled relievedly, like Nangong Qianqiu?

Not like. She and Nangong Qianqiu were the same people, but Nangong Qianqiu had been suppressing her when he was alive, so they didn’t expose their nature.

Mary felt sympathy for the unfairness that George Han suffered, but it didn’t mean that she would let George Han enjoy a comfortable life. George Han should bear the troubles of the Han family.

And she also needs to know why Han Cheng will suddenly fall ill. She wants to avenge Han Cheng!

“In fact, there is no need to say so much at all. He is the Han family and is destined to do these things. This is a responsibility he cannot shirk.” Mary said to herself.

When she married into the Han family, Han Tianyang personally chose her. What she liked was the same characteristics as Nangong Qianqiu. Mary didn’t understand why Han Tianyang did this before, but she now understands that Han Tianyang wants everyone to be With a unique ability, Nangong Qianqiu died, so she had to support the Han family.

“Old man. You are a very smart person. There must be no one in this world that can compare to you.” Mary sighed, then raised a smile, and continued: “But you’d better not live , Only with anger can George Han avenge the Han family. Your death is the most effective source of fire.”

The next day, Harry Su and Su Yihan appeared together in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yundingshan, with the cash and gold jade from the sale.

Su Yihan became very angry at the thought of giving these things to Amelia Su. She used these things to show off in front of Amelia Su before, but now she wants to give it away personally, which makes Su Yihan want to kill Amelia Su.

“Harry, wait for me.” Su Yihan stopped and said to Harry Su.

Harry Su looked at Su Yihan puzzledly and asked, “What are you going to do?”

Su Yihan’s eyes flashed fiercely, and said: “I can’t just make her so cheap.”

While speaking, Su Yihan took out the golden hairpin, which was actually rubbed on the ground. Very quickly wiped out.

“What are you doing, are you crazy?” Seeing this scene, Harry Su quickly stopped Su Yihan.

“I’m not crazy, even if it is given to her. I will destroy it.” Su Yihan gritted his teeth.

Harry Su knew that she was very dissatisfied with this matter, but what else could she do besides accepting her fate? If all these gold and jade are destroyed, Mary knows. The entire Su family couldn’t bear the blame.

“You f*cking stop me, do you want to cause trouble to the Su family?” Harry Su said coldly.

Su Yihan looked up at Harry Su with dissatisfaction, and said: “Harry, what do you mean, what attitude do you have towards me now, even without the Han family, I will still marry another rich family in the future. I can let others invest. Su Family, you treat me like this now, do you want to benefit from me in the future?”

Harry Su sneered coldly. He was kind to Su Yihan because of the Han family. Now she has made it clear that she can’t marry into the Han family, and it has no use value for Harry Su.

As for whether he can marry a wealthy family in the future, Harry Su doesn’t care at all.

“Su Yihan. You haven’t seen the reality clearly yet? How many rich people are there in Basin City? Can you still marry into the heaven?” Harry Su said coldly.

Su Yihan gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t worry about me, I will bear the consequences.”

She took out the gold bracelet again.

Harry Su can’t let her go on fooling around, she bears the consequences, but it is hard to say whether Mary will only let her bear it.

Anything threatening the Su family, Harry Su would not let it happen.


A loud slap hit Su Yihan’s face. Harry Su super solemnly said: “Su Yihan, I warn you for the last time, don’t mess around, or I will drive you out of the Su family. Without the Su family, how can you live, let alone marry a rich family.”

Su Yihan shuddered and was frightened by these words. If she is expelled from the Su family, she will no longer be Miss Su, and there will be no chance to contact the rich in the future.

“Sorry Harry, I was wrong.” Su Yihan lowered his head and said viciously in his eyes.

Harry Su’s feeling towards Su Yihan was much better than Amelia Su, because there was no such an eye-catching waste from George Han around her, so when Su Yihan apologized, his attitude eased a little.

“Let’s go, it’s not your thing, so what do you care about, with your appearance, not to mention the wealthy, it is no problem to marry a rich man, at least it is much better than Amelia Su marrying George Han.” Harry Su said .

Hearing this sentence, Su Yihan’s mood improved a lot. Indeed, even if she marries with her eyes closed, she cannot be worse than Amelia Su. After all, George Han is a well-known useless person in Basin City. Who else can compare? Is he worse?

In the Villa, Lily Jiang sat in the living room and waited anxiously early in the morning, as if the bride price belonged to her. Hearing the sound of the doorbell, he took the initiative to open the door for the first time, saving even He Ting the trouble.

“Aunt Jiang, where is Amelia Su?” Harry Su asked lightly.

Seeing what they were holding in their hands, Lily Jiang beamed his eyes and said, “Amelia Su has gone to work, so just give me the things.”

As soon as the voice fell, Lily Jiang reached out to Su Yihan to grab it.

Su Yihan was obviously still a little bit reluctant to let go.

“What are you doing, these things are from our house to welcome the summer, do you still want to take them back? Forgot what she said yesterday?” Lily Jiang stared at Su Yihan and said.

Su Yihan took a deep breath and let go of her hand reluctantly.

“Come in and take a rest. You can also see these good things.” Lily Jiang took the bag, returned to the living room and couldn’t wait to open her eyes. The golden things dazzled her and she almost couldn’t open them. .

Harry Su sighed. Although he has lived in the Su family Villa now, there is still a big gap compared with this mountainside Villa.

At this time, George Han walked out of the room, saw the two of them, smiled and nodded.

Chapter 169

Seeing George Han, Harry Su sneered on his face, and said in a weird manner: “It’s good to eat soft rice. I don’t have to worry about eating or dressing until I get up three poles in the morning. Why don’t I have such good luck?”

George Han knew that Harry Su was ridiculing, but such remarks were not lethal to him, and said: “If you look like me, maybe someone would be willing to take care of you. It’s a pity that you are born with your looks. I won’t be able to catch up with me in this life.”

Harry Su was so angry that he vomited blood, George Han changed the law to say that he was ugly?

“George Han, you are such a shameless person, it really opened my eyes. As a man, I have no chance at all, and I am embarrassed and triumphant.” Harry Su said coldly.

“You can’t eat grapes, say grapes are sour? I can understand, after all, a person like you. There is no other way but envy.” George Han smiled.

Harry Su’s face was pale, and there was no advantage in arguing with him against such a thick-skinned person.

“Aunt Jiang, you are a useless son-in-law, you really give you a face.” Harry Su said to Lily Jiang after a turn of the conversation.

In Harry Su’s expectation, Lily Jiang would definitely ridicule George Han, but things did not develop as he expected.

Lily Jiang took all the gold and silver jewelry with him, and was indulging in dressing up. How can the minds taunt George Han with Harry Su?

And even if Lily Jiang didn’t do anything right now, she didn’t have the guts to say these things to George Han.

“You young people talk slowly, it doesn’t matter to me.” Lily Jiang said without interest.

Harry Su took a deep breath, this woman really got into the eyes of money, letting George Han be shameless.

“George Han. As a man, I am really ashamed of you.” Harry Su said.

“Why are you ashamed of me? I never said to ask you for help. You don’t have to be so passionate.” George Han said with a smile.

Harry Su hated it so much that all the hairs on his body were standing up, and if it weren’t for George Han, he would have been tempted to shoot.

“Su Yihan, let’s go.” Harry Su was afraid of staying here. Sooner or later, George Han vomited blood. Such a brazen person is not an opponent, so he can only give in.

Su Yihan watched Lily Jiang the whole time, dripping blood in his heart, what should have belonged to her, and now it was all on Lily Jiang’s body, not to mention how uncomfortable.

Hearing Harry Su’s words, he withdrew his disheartened eyes and said to George Han: “I have never seen such a thick-skinned crow. I hope you can eat soft rice for a lifetime. Don’t be accidentally kicked by Amelia Su. After all, a man like you is no longer worthy of her.”

“It’s useless for me to instigate divorce. There are no other tricks, let’s go quickly.” George Han said indifferently.

After the two of them left the Villa, Harry Su grumbled and said angrily: “This horrible pen gadget, I see how long he can be arrogant, wait until I get back the Chengxi Project, to see if he has any qualifications to eat soft food. “

“How is your relationship with Zhong Liang? George Han is so arrogant, and it depends on Amelia Su’s position in the company. If you don’t extinguish his arrogance, he will only be more arrogant in the future.” Su Yihan instigated her, she is now at the bottom , Wishing that Amelia Su would come to accompany her, it would be best to deprive Amelia Su of the identity of the person in charge of the city west project as soon as possible.

Although Harry Su said very harshly, there has been no progress in the progress of this matter. Although he has met Zhong Liang several times, Zhong Liang’s attitude towards him is not bad, but the relationship is not good enough to dare to raise it. For the sake of everything.

There have been two risks. This time Harry Su didn’t dare to try it easily without being 100% sure, because once the consequences caused an irreversible situation, the Su family would be completely finished.

“No hurry, I have time to play with him slowly. I’m just a waste of money. Have you played with me?” Harry Su said coldly.

Su Yihan naturally believed in Harry Su. After all, he is now the chairman of the Su family and controls the absolute power of the company, and George Han, a married son-in-law, has any ability to fight Harry Su.

“Sooner or later he will fall into your hands.” Su Yihan said.

In the Villa, Lily Jiang was still immersed in the aftertaste brought to her by the bride price. For her who only had money in her eyes, she could not tolerate anything now.

“Huh.” Lily Jiang suddenly saw that the golden hairpin had a lot of wear marks, her face suddenly boasted, and she shouted to George Han: “George Han, come and take a look.”

George Han walked up to Lily Jiang in confusion, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Look at this hairpin, is it deliberately worn out.” Lily Jiang said with an unhappy expression.

Judging from the wear marks, it was indeed not long ago, and Su Yihan probably did it deliberately.

“It looks like it is.” George Han said.

“It must be the dead girl. I’m going to find her to settle the accounts.” Lily Jiang said angrily.

“It’s such a small matter, why is it so troublesome, as long as there is no shortage of pounds.” George Han said lightly.

According to Lily Jiang’s temper, she must find Su Yihan to settle the account. The hairpin was maliciously destroyed, how could she swallow this breath.

But after hearing George Han’s words, Lily Jiang’s anger subsided instantly.

Looking at George Han cautiously, he asked, “Really not going to look for her?”

Hearing this tone, he was obviously asking George Han, and he could tell. Now Lily Jiang, not only does not dare to treat George Han with a bad attitude, but also respects George Han’s opinions very much.

“Or, you should ask Amelia Su.” George Han suddenly discovered that Lily Jiang’s attitude towards him was better. He is still a little uncomfortable. After all, he has been used to three years. This sudden change feels a bit strange.

“Well, wait until Amelia gets off work.” Lily Jiang said.

“Right. Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, do you want to go back this year?” George Han asked.

Every Mid-Autumn Festival, Lily Jiang will return to her family’s home, but in previous years, as long as there is an excuse, she will leave George Han, and will definitely go back this year, and Lily Jiang will definitely bring George Han.

“Back, if you have time, let’s go together.” Lily Jiang said.

“En.” George Han nodded, Lily Jiang had done a lot of excessive things before. But since George Han had tolerated it, he didn’t even think about setting up the accounts after Autumn. After all, she is Amelia Su’s mother. Now it is a good thing not to make things difficult for him if she is obedient.

Driving a Lamborghini, this luxury car is nothing in the Genting Mountain Villa area, but on the street, it is an absolutely beautiful landscape, and every pedestrian can’t help but look at it.

After driving the car to the gate of the magic city. George Han stopped the car and went in.

Xie Yufu, who was depressed, happened to hit this scene. George Han was a little surprised to be able to drive such a good car.

Although the Su family has some money, it is not enough to let this useless open Lamborghini.

As far as Xie Yufu knows, even Harry Su, the newly appointed chairman of the Su family, is just driving a Mercedes.

“You can drive such a good car even with soft rice, God is really blind.” Xie Yufu said viciously.

Walking to the side of the car, Xie Yufu, who was not convinced, took off his high heels and slammed down towards the front of the car, creating a very obvious depression. This was still unresolved, and he picked up a stone on the ground and threw it on the front windshield.

When the phone rang, Xie Yufu stopped destroying the car.

“What are you doing, just call me now.” Xie Yufu said unhappily.

“Limited to you within five minutes. Immediately drive to the street of Magic City to pick me up, otherwise you will not show up in front of me in the future.”

In less than five minutes, a BMW five-series stopped in front of Xie Yufu, and a young man got out of the car.

“Who annoyed you with such anger?” the young man asked.

“A rubbish. Trash, asshole.” Xie Yufu said angrily.

The young man named Liu Qi was a suitor of Xie Yufu. He was basically on call and was a standard dog licking. After hearing Xie Yufu’s words, he knew that this was his opportunity and said quickly: “What People are so short-sighted, even you dare to provoke them. Let me avenge you.”

“You? Do you have the ability?” Xie Yufu said disdainfully.

Liu Qi patted his chest and said proudly: “Yufu, don’t underestimate people. I’m on the road, but I know a lot of big brothers. Do you want this unfortunate thing to kneel and apologize in front of you?”

Chapter 170

Kneel to apologize?

How could Xie Yufu not want to, she wanted to see this happen in her dreams, George Han broke her good deeds, and also caused her to be scolded by Xie Jinyan, and almost couldn’t end because of offending Mo Yang. Qiu is in Xie Yufu’s heart, not to report unhappiness.

Anyway, Liu Qi is her suitor, so it is only natural to let this licking dog do something for her.

“Liu Qi, if you can make him kneel and apologize to me. I agree to finish the meal with you.” Xie Yufu said.

Liu Qi was very happy when he heard these words. He invited Xie Yufu to dinner. He didn’t know how many times he had been rejected. He didn’t expect that he finally had a chance now.

“Don’t worry, I will arrange for someone to not only ask him to kneel down and apologize to you, but also let her bark you as a dog.” Liu Qi smiled.

“He is George Han, you should know who it is.” Xie Yufu said.

George Han?

Hearing this name, Liu Qi was stunned. Isn’t that a waste of the Su family? Just this kind of thing. She even dared to offend Xie Yufu, it was almost death.

“Yufu, this kind of trash, Liu Qi won’t hit him with a bruised nose and swollen face. I have his last name.” Liu Qi said with a sneer.

Xie Yufu didn’t tell Liu Qi about Thomas Tian’s importance of George Han. She was afraid that Liu Qi would not dare to deal with George Han after he knew it.

Because this matter is only known to the upper class people who participated in the Tianchang Grand Birthday Banquet, and Liu Qi’s family is not eligible to participate in the birthday banquet, which is why Xie Yufu looks down on Liu Qi.

Although Liu Qi did a lot of things for her, and it was no dignity to be a dog, Xie Yufu chose her husband. Except for the family background, she doesn’t care about anything, the entire Basin City, except for the people of the heavenly family, she can see. There is only Kong Wu, so she is happy to do anything for Kong Wu.

When George Han came out of the magic city, he saw that his car had been smashed. He was heartbroken. Although the car was not bought by him, it was worth several million at any rate. It was unexpectedly smashed.

Immediately let Mo Yang send someone to investigate this matter, and through the nearby streets, he quickly identified who was the person who smashed the car.

When seeing Xie Yufu in the surveillance video, George Han couldn’t help but laughed bitterly. This woman actually dared to trouble him. Isn’t the lesson taught last time enough?

“f*ck, this little girl has a big temper, and she doesn’t have a long memory. It seems that her father hadn’t been comfortable with the wine last time.” Mo Yang said coldly, smashing the car at the gate of the magic city, no matter what the car is. Anyone’s is the equivalent of slapping him in the face. If this matter doesn’t teach the Xie family a lesson, what face will he have in the future to gain a foothold in Basin City.

“Brother George. Can someone bring her back?” Lin Yong asked.

George Han smiled, Xie Yufu smashed the car and made it clear that it was directed at her. With this kind of eldest lady’s temper, it is impossible to vent her anger just by smashing the car. Maybe she has other means of revenge.

Moreover, the surveillance video also clearly recorded a young man driving a BMW, maybe she was looking for a helper.

Since they wanted to teach the Xie family a lesson, they had to let them realize how tragic the price was so low.

“Don’t worry, she will definitely come to me again, open a box for me tonight, and I will relax.” George Han said.

The magic city officially opened at 8 o’clock in the evening, and it was full in less than half an hour. The chaotic dance of demons under electronic music is the normal state of the night market.

George Han didn’t go to such occasions very much, so he didn’t catch a cold with the harsh music, so he stayed in the quiet box and waited quietly.

At this time, a group of young people gathered at the gate of the magic city, including Liu Qi and Xie Yufu.

“Liu Qi, this is Moyang’s place. We are making trouble here, will there be any trouble?” Someone asked Liu Qi worriedly.

Liu Qi waved his hand indifferently and said, “It’s just a waste. As long as we don’t make too much noise, how could Mo Yang take care of these little things? Don’t worry. Even if something goes wrong, I, Liu Qi, can protect you. .”

Liu Qi deliberately showed a fearless look in front of Xie Yufu, but he was actually a little worried.

After all, Mo Yang is the most powerful person in the gray zone in Basin City. To make trouble in his place is equivalent to finding Mo Yang trouble. This matter was known to Mo Yang, and the end must be miserable, but Liu Qi was willing to smile for the sake of his beauty. Take a gamble, as long as Mo Yang doesn’t know about George Han.

After listening to Liu Qi’s words, the others felt a little more relieved, and they couldn’t make much noise against an unknown person.

“Yufu, just wait for the trash to kneel down and apologize to you.” Liu Qi smiled and said to Xie Yufu.

“Don’t waste time talking nonsense, go quickly.”

Xie Yufu said this. Everyone entered the magic capital.

They had long ago inquired that George Han was here, and through the internal staff of the Magic City, they also understood the box where George Han was located.

The group of people walked towards George Han’s box with a clear purpose.

Speaking of the aura, it must be more imposing to kick the door directly, but this is Mo Yang’s territory, they dare not even break a cup, let alone kick the door.

Very carefully opened the box door, a group of people filed in.

There were only three thousand people in the whole box, and Liu Qi was a little strange about it. Who would be so bored that he opened the box by himself. And there was not even a sound of music in the box.

But this is better, George Han is easier to deal with alone, and it will not make too much noise.

“George Han, you can’t get to bed, so you’re just spending the time here alone?” Liu Qi laughed and said to George Han.

The glorious deeds of George Han. In addition to washing and cooking at home, there are also well-known roommates. Almost everyone who has heard of George Han knows that he hasn’t even touched Amelia Su’s fingers for three years.

“You guys came quite early. I didn’t make me wait long.” George Han smiled.

Liu Qi frowned and asked: “Are you waiting for us?”

“Yes, I smashed my car, I have to find someone to compensate.” George Han said.

“Pay?” Xie Yufu smiled coldly and said: “George Han, do you have no eyes or your dog is blind? Look at this situation, will I pay you?”

“Of course you don’t have the money to pay me, so I plan to teach you to inform Xie Jinyan.” George Han said.

Xie Yufu said with a cold face, “I’m afraid you won’t have a chance to inform my dad, go to the hospital to lie down for a month.”

Hearing Xie Yufu’s words, Liu Qi said to the others: “What are you still doing in a daze? Give me a call. Put this waste into the hospital and stay for a month, one day less.”

Xie Yufu said that one month must be one month, Liu Qi licks the dog. Be very thorough.

Xie Yufu sneered with hands on his hips, and quietly waited for George Han to be beaten down before kneeling to apologize to her.

Do you think it’s great to be valued by Thomas Tian for letting you spoil my good deeds? After all, the useless is a useless, in front of my Xie Yufu, you are nothing.

“George Han, kneel down and apologize to me earlier, I can let them lighten up.” Xie Yufu said triumphantly.

George Han looked at Xie Yufu, this kind of woman relied on how much money the family had. Relying on a few licking dogs like her, I think that the whole world is centered on her, which is extremely arrogant.

Compared with Tian Linger, the eldest lady of the heavenly family, George Han had to sigh, saying that money has turned bad. It is not decided because of money, but depends on the personality of each person.

Tian Linger became domineering, and no one in Basin City could stand it, but she never did anything that relied on the strong to bully the weak, unless it was someone who really hated her. She will shoot.

“Xie Yufu, you really should learn from Tian Linger.” As soon as George Han’s voice fell, the few people had already rushed to his face, some raised their fists, some kicked their legs.

In front of George Han, these people are comparable to ants, crying and crying one after another, but not from George Han’s mouth, but from those people who Liu Qi called.

In Liu Qi’s eyes, George Han would be beaten to the ground soon, but the facts were completely different from what he thought. In less than a minute, none of the people he called paid back. Can stand.

“You… how could you be so powerful.” Liu Qi said dumbfounded.

“You are the only one left. Since you want to behave, why not behave thoroughly?” George Han said with a smile.

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