His True Colors Novel Chapter 163 – 166

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Chapter 163

Kong Wu threw off Xie Yufu’s hand and said coldly: “She is not my girlfriend, and today’s affairs have nothing to do with me.”

Xie Yufu’s face was pale when he heard these words. He deliberately created an opportunity for Hero Kong Wu to save the beauty. He didn’t expect that he would be so heartless!

“Kong Wu, what do you mean, I have liked you for so long, are you so ruthless?” Xie Yufu gritted his teeth.

“Xie Yufu, ask for your own blessing. This brother is under the boss of Mo. You should call your dad quickly and let your dad solve this problem. Good luck. Your dad can save you. No luck. Okay, you can pay with meat today.” Kong Wu said.

Xie Yufu was shocked, this person was Mo Yang’s subordinate!

She was just looking for a ghost for the dead, and she would provoke Mo Yang!

Even if her father met Mo Yang, he had to be polite. What would be the consequences of wronging Mo Yang’s subordinates?

“Little girl, you went out today, didn’t you read the almanac?” The man said with a smile.

Xie Yufu’s legs were weak, and he regretted deeply. How could it be, how could it provoke Mo Yang’s people? She just wanted to find someone for Kong Wu to show her, she just wanted to let Kong Wu know that she was a weak woman who needed protection!

“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Xie Yufu apologized to the man.

At this moment. George Han who had gone to the toilet came out. The man saw George Han and unconsciously straightened his waist.

When passing by, Xie Yufu suddenly grabbed George Han’s hand, his relationship with Thomas Tian was so good. He can definitely save himself.

“George Han, help me, aren’t you very familiar with Father Tian? Let Father Tian speak for me, OK?” Xie Yufu said in a panic.

George Han frowned and chuckled lightly: “Just now you let me go, did you forget it so soon?”

“I’m sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn’t let you go.” Xie Yufu knew how big a disaster she had caused. When her father knew about this, he would definitely scold her, Kong Wu could not save her, but George could, so it doesn’t matter even if it is to apologize to George Han.

“I helped you.” George Han said lightly, shaking Xie Yufu’s hand and walking towards the box.

With a desperate look, Xie Yufu knelt down to the man and said: “Please, let me go, I didn’t mean it, I can give you money, please.”

The man sneered, thinking that he had offended Brother George. Can it be solved with money?

Pulling Xie Yufu’s hair, he pulled back to his box.

Mo Yang and Lin Yong were both in the box. Seeing that man brought a woman back, he asked suspiciously, “What are you doing?”

The man walked up to Mo Yang and explained the situation in his ear. Mo Yang, a human spirit, guessed what Xie Yufu wanted to do in the first time, but the person she asked for help was wrong, and she made the opportunity for nothing. miss.

It’s really courage to let George Han go.

“Let your dad come, you little girl, if you want to use my brother, you have to pay a price.” Mo Yang said.

In the other box, Tian Linger saw that Xie Yufu hadn’t come back, and asked curiously: “Where is Xie Yufu, where did she go?”

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹Xie Yufu offended Mo Yang’s people.” Kong Wu said.

“Mo Yang? What did she do?” Tian Linger asked puzzledly.

Kong Wu explained the situation to Tian Linger. Tian Linger didn’t have the slightest pity for Xie Yufu’s fate after hearing this. She knew how much her best friend was thinking. If she was just playing tricks to let the hero of Kong Wu save the beauty, she You can come forward and say a few good things for Xie Yufu, after all, she is a member of the heavenly family, and Mo Yang will definitely give face.

However, Xie Yufu actually let George Han get out, which is not worthy of her sympathy.

“Kong Wu, she is for you. But if you don’t spend less time, are you not a little moved?” Tian Linger said with a smile.

Kong Wu shook his head decisively. He didn’t have a good impression before, and now it’s even more impossible to help Xie Yufu speak. This woman not only offended Mo Yang, but also offended George Han, and offending George Han meant that Offending the heavens, this is all a chain effect.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹such a scheming woman, even if she marries home, she won’t have a good result.” Kong Wu said.

Tian Linger nodded, and said: “Eating and eating, stay away from her in the future, so as not to be calculated.”

Xie Yufu at this time was extremely desperate. She had never thought that the situation would develop to such a serious level, and she also did not expect it to be so serious.

It didn’t take long for Xie Yufu’s father, Xie Jinyan, to arrive in sweat.

When Xie Jinyan saw Mo Yang and Lin Yong, he directly cursed Xie Yufu without asking what happened.

“What did you do that offended Boss Mo, and didn’t you kneel down and apologize to Old Mo Dadao?” Xie Jinyan said angrily.

Tianjia is a giant in the cloud city business community, while Mo Yang is a big man in the gray area of ”‹”‹the cloud city. Based on the capabilities of the Xie family, even if it had something to do with the Tian family, he did not dare to offend him easily.

Mo Yang put down his chopsticks and poured a bowl full of liquor to Xie Jinyan. Said: “Thirst, quench your thirst first.”

Xie Jinyan wanted to slap Xie Yufu to death. He must go to the hospital after this bowl of wine, but he would not drink it. The hospital can’t escape either.

After biting his head and drinking a whole bowl of liquor, Xie Jinyan had to smile and said to Mo Yang: “Boss Mo, the little girl is ignorant, and there is something wrong with it. Please let me ask you a lot. If you have any requests, I It will satisfy you.”

Mo Yang smiled coldly, filled a whole bowl of wine, and said, “Thank you. You mean, I want to blackmail you on purpose?”

Xie Jinyan got a numb scalp and said quickly: “Boss Mo, you have misunderstood, misunderstood, I don’t mean it.”

“Then what do you mean?” Mo Yang looked at the wine and said with a smile.

Xie Jinyan had a bitter expression on his face. A bowl of wine had just gone down, and his throat and stomach seemed to burn, but this bowl. I still have to drink it.

It was another bite, and Xie Jinyan felt that he was about to breathe fire, and quickly said: “Thank you, Mr. Mo for the great wine, I really can’t drink it.”

“This woman has a lot of small tricks. Looking at her cleverly, she is actually looking for death for herself. Please take care of herself in the future. You won’t have such good luck next time.” Mo Yang said.

Xie Jinyan breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Boss Mo is right. Don’t worry, I must strictly discipline him.”

After leaving the box, Xie Jinyan hurried to the toilet to induce vomiting, which made him feel better.

Xie Yufu waited for Xie Jinyan at the door of the hot pot restaurant. She knew that she would be scolded when she went back. In her heart, the person who caused this result was George Han. If it weren’t for him, she would not have been ignored. Will not offend Mo Yang’s men.

“George Han, you wait for me, don’t think that one day prosperity is optimistic about you, I will not be able to deal with you, I will definitely make you regret it.” Xie Yufu gritted his teeth.

After the three of George Han ate and drank enough, they walked out of the hot pot restaurant and Kong Wu voluntarily disappeared. He didn’t know if George Han would develop a relationship with Tian Linger, but he could feel Tian Linger treat Han. Three thousand’s special attitude, if he continues to be an electric light bulb, it may destroy the goodwill Tian Linger has built for him. In this regard, Kong Wu is still very smart.

“Send me home?” Tian Linger asked George Han.

“No time, go back by yourself.” George Han finished speaking and left on his own.

Tian Linger stayed in place, this guy, doesn’t know anything about gentleman manners? She is such a big beauty, I don’t know how many people want such an opportunity, but the opportunity is placed in front of George Han, he actually doesn’t know how to cherish it.

“George Han, do you know what a gentleman is?” Tian Linger gritted his teeth after catching up with George Han.

“Little girl, I am already married. If you like me, it is not a good thing.” George Han said with a smile.

This sentence made Tian Linger blushing. Her current state of mind is indeed a bit like George Han, because George Han has shown unusual excellence in all aspects. In her opinion, George Han is almost The perfect prince charming, the only flaw is that he is married.

But Tian Linger didn’t care about this, and said to George Han: “I will only let others fall in love with me, how can I easily fall in love with others.”

“Go home, don’t send me off.”

Tian Linger’s face was green, and she kept shaking her fists against George Han’s back, and finally became discouraged again, bowing her head.

Chapter 164

Family day.

George Han got up very early to wash, and he was kicked out of the Su family Villa the last time the old lady died. Logically speaking, he is not eligible to participate in this family day, but Lily Jiang is now afraid to be in front of George Han. Talking nonsense, so even if she saw that George Han was going to participate in Family Day, she just watched.

Thinking of Nangong Qianqiu hanging in the living room that day, Lily Jiang is still very scared, although she does not value her own useless son-in-law. But I didn’t dare to underestimate it.

“Are you going too?” Amelia Su asked George Han.

“I ran into Harry Su two days ago. He said let me go. I’ll go join in the fun.” George Han said with a smile. Today, Mary will appear, and Su Yihan will spit out all the betrothal gifts. It’s a good show. How could George Han miss it if I had a chance to watch it.

Amelia Su frowned. Is Harry Su changing his s*x? How could he let George Han go?

At this moment. Lily Jiang couldn’t help but asked George Han: “George Han, do you really want Su Yihan to spit out all the bride price today?”

“Of course, but I don’t know how much she has left.” George Han said. After Su Yihan took the money, he spent more than eight million yuan, estimated There is not much left, after all, the luxury goods she buys are expensive.

Lily Jiang couldn’t wait to go to the Su family Villa to watch this good show. Although this bride price won’t fall into Amelia Su’s hands, it is better than Su Yihan’s.

And today, the talents of the Su family will know who the bride price is for.

“Mom, after you go, don’t talk nonsense.” Amelia Su seemed to have guessed what Lily Jiang wanted to do. Reminded.

“What do you mean?” Lily Jiang asked puzzledly.

Amelia Su looked at George Han, and said to Lily Jiang: “You can’t say that this bride price was originally given to me.”

“Why?” Lily Jiang jumped directly. This is a matter of making face for Amelia Su, why can’t I say it?

“Let you stop talking, don’t say anything, there is no reason.” Amelia Su glared at Lily Jiang.

Lily Jiang glanced at George Han cautiously. Is it because he is unwilling to expose this matter?

Before the change, Lily Jiang dared to act according to her own wishes, but now she had to consider George Han’s wishes. If he didn’t want to, she really couldn’t say it.

“Listen to Amelia.” George Han said. After his current identity is exposed, George Han is unclear, but since it took three years to create the image, it would be ruined. , It is also a pity.

More importantly, George Han likes to control everything secretly.

Lily Jiang sighed inwardly. Such a face-saving thing can’t be said, isn’t this the opportunity to pretend to be missed?

George Han drove to Su’s Villa.

The relatives in the Villa haven’t come yet. But Su Yihan arrived very early, showing off his famous-brand clothes with his peers.

“My dress is a limited edition of the joint name. Now I can’t buy it with money, but it cost me tens of thousands.”

“And this watch, do you know how much it costs? More than 800,000, you can’t afford it in this life.”

“I recently saw a necklace that cost more than 300,000 yuan, but unfortunately it hasn’t arrived yet. I can’t wait.”

Listening to Su Yihan’s show off, those people seemed to agree with smiles on the surface, but they were very unhappy in their hearts. If Harry Su had not given her the betrothal gift, how could she have such a good life.

Now in the hearts of several people, hoping that what George Han said at the beginning could be fulfilled, they severely hit Su Yihan’s spirit.

When Amelia Su’s family came to the Villa, Su Yihan saw George Han, his expression instantly unhappy.

“George Han, why are you here, this Villa, you are no longer qualified to come in, have you forgotten?” Su Yihan said to George Han arrogantly.

“Harry Su let me come, of course I can come.” George Han said with a smile. The higher Su Yihan flies, the worse he will fall. It wasn’t until she had the intention to show off now, what kind of mood she would be after Mary appeared.

“Hehe.” Su Yihan sneered. She had already said to Harry Su that if George Han was not allowed to participate in Family Day, how could it be Harry Su let him come.

Turning his head to Amelia Su said: “Amelia Su, you have forgotten the fact that you are not eligible to go to Su’s house? Or is it that you are relying on the identity of the person in charge of Chengxi and have to bring him, do you think you can Don’t you put Harry in your eyes?”

Amelia Su’s current state with Harry Su, it is considered that the well water does not interfere with the river water. Harry Su does not interfere with the Chengxi Project, and she will not interfere with Harry Su.

“Su Yihan, it’s up to you whether he can come or not. You might as well ask Harry Su.” Amelia Su said coldly.

“Okay, just ask, and see who he would listen to.” Su Yihan looked proud. How can Harry Su dare to offend her now? She will marry into the Han family in the future. Harry Su is still waiting for the investment of the Han family. Would you offend her because of George Han’s uselessness?

Harry Su was in his room, but there was nothing to do. He was from the old lady and showed up late on purpose. This is a common problem of the Su family, a small family with many rules, and he regards himself as a famous family. I always feel that I will be superior to others, doing meaningless things, and feeling very good about myself.

Not long after Harry Su appeared, Su Yihan walked to his side and said, “Harry. This is a waste of money. You told him to participate in Family Day, really?”

Harry Su dug his ears and said with a smile: “Yihan, do you believe what he says? How could I let him come to the family day? He is the murderer of grandma.”

Hearing this, Su Yihan smiled triumphantly, and laughed: “George Han, why are you so brazen, does it make sense to say such a lie?”

George Han had a chuckle on his face. Said to Harry Su, “Do you find it interesting to play this kind of mentally handicapped game?”

Harry Su is now the chairman of the Su family, so he pretended to be a superior person and said indifferently: “It’s too cheap to play with you, and you are not qualified. I’m just playing with you. How about , Is this feeling uncomfortable. Being played between the palms of your hands, why can’t you stop me, are you dissatisfied?”

George Han shook his head helplessly, playing between applause? As long as he is willing, Harry Su’s rubbish will be worse than death every minute. Even the Su family can go bankrupt overnight, and he doesn’t know where Harry Su’s sense of superiority comes from.

“Since I misunderstood what you mean, then I can’t go out.” George Han said.

Lily Jiang used to treat George Han as a waste, so before George Han swallowed his breath. In her eyes it was a useless behavior, as it should be.

But now, she knew that George Han was obviously not such a person, and she didn’t understand why George Han continued to swallow.

A big man, doesn’t he even want face?

“George Han. Don’t leave.” Lily Jiang said.

“Aunt Jiang, is there a place for you to speak? Are you still qualified to let him stay? Don’t forget, I am now the chairman of the Su family.” Harry Su said coldly.

Amelia Su pulled Lily Jiang’s hand, something George Han didn’t want to do. She is even less qualified to do it.

“Mom, think about our living room.” Amelia Su whispered.

living room!

Thinking of these two words, Lily Jiang felt a chill on her face, couldn’t help but shudder, then lowered her head and dared not say another word.

“George Han, get out now, don’t delay our Su family’s family day.” Harry Su said coldly.

George Han walked out of the Villa without saying a word.

Harry Su smiled triumphantly. This feeling of ravaging George Han’s dignity is really cool. Next time, I must find a public occasion to let outsiders know how useless George Han is.

Even if he is valued by Thomas Tian, he is just a humble and poor creature in the Su family.

“Amelia Su, I really feel sorry for you. I found this kind of useless husband. Unlike me, my future husband is a rich man.” Su Yihan laughed.

Chapter 165

Hearing Su Yihan’s words, Amelia Su sneered and said: “Your money is almost gone, right?”

“What if it is spent, do I still need you to worry about it? Don’t be funny, you, the person in charge of the city west, counts nothing in my eyes.” Su Yihan said with a smile. She didn’t feel distressed at all when she spent money recently. And there is no scruples, because the Han family will appear sooner or later. And she will marry sooner or later, and now it’s just a few million dollars.

“You don’t understand the life of a rich person like me, so you should work for the Su family honestly.”

“I hope you can do what you want, and good luck.” Amelia Su said.

“Hey.” Su Yihan chuckled and said: “Forget your hypocritical blessings. I know you envy me in your heart, so why hide it. Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.”

“Well, I really envy you, so many famous brands, I can’t afford to wear them.” Amelia Su said.

Seeing Amelia Su’s soft clothes, and showing a look of envy to herself, Su Yihan became even more proud, deliberately stretched out her hand, showed the gold bracelet, and said: “Although the bracelet is not worth a lot of money, it was given from a rich family. Meaning. It’s different. Don’t worry. If you can’t wear famous brands in the future, you can come to my house to pick up what I don’t want. Although I wear them. They are all big brands, the kind you can’t afford for a lifetime. “

“Your kindness, I appreciate it.”

Family Day is also a meal. After there is no old lady, the taste of the meal becomes even more different. In addition to Su Yihan showing off, Harry Su pretended to talk about the future development of the Su family, and also said that Su Yihan in the future Things that would make the Han family invest in the Su family, but made a bunch of relatives happy.

The more the Su family develops, the more benefits they can reap. Therefore, these relatives not only favor Harry Su, but also favor Su Yihan. As for Amelia Su, the unwelcome person in charge of Chengxi, they are completely regarded as transparent. Same as people.

When it was about to lunch, a group of people came to the Villa. The lady walking in the middle had a cold temperament. Although everyone did not know her, the Su family had met the person next to her.

It was him at the beginning, with an enviable betrothal gift. Blasted the Su family.

He appeared again today. Could it be that the Han family finally came?

Looking at the noble temperament of this lady, she must be from a famous family, could it be said that she is the elder of the Han family?

Excited, Su Yihan took out her makeup mirror and looked at herself subconsciously. This woman is likely to be the future mother-in-law. She must leave a good impression!

“Excuse me, are you…?” As the principal of the Su family, Harry Su stood up calmly and asked.

The person who came was naturally Mary. After hearing Harry Su’s words, he said faintly: “You don’t need to know who I am, you just need to know that the bride price was sent by me.”

Although Harry Su had guessed it, he couldn’t help but moved after Mary said these words. The Han family who had been waiting for so long finally showed up.

If Su Yihan can marry into the Han family, he can let the Han family invest in the Su family earlier. As long as there is such a wealthy investment, he can ignore the Chengxi project. At that time, Amelia Su’s status in the Su family will be He can kick away if he wants to.

“Please sit down, please.” Harry Su greeted quickly.

Su Yihan couldn’t wait to introduce himself. Said to Mary: “I am Su Yihan, are you my future mother-in-law?”

These words made Amelia Su couldn’t help but laugh. Su Yihan was really brazen, and he would say such things! She was so confident that she was so sure that the bride price was given to her, and she was also called Granny Mary, which really made people laugh.

“No, what about the betrothal gift I sent back then?” Mary asked Harry Su without even looking at Su Yihan.

“I have handed it over to Mary, don’t worry, I definitely didn’t steal a point.” Harry Su said.

“You?” Mary looked at Su Yihan and said, “Where is the bride price?”

“Mother-in-law, I brought it, and I took care of the things you gave me every day.” Su Yihan said with a smile.

“Mother-in-law?” Mary smiled coldly and said: “I am not your mother-in-law. I came today to get the bride price back.”


These words sounded like thunder in Su Yihan’s ears.

Get back the offer!

How could this be so, so good, why should you take it back?

Su Yihan has already spent almost the cash, and spent it comfortably, because she believes that these dowry gifts are hers. During this time, she has experienced the life of a local tyrant. Now let her take it out, where can she go to get it.

“Mother-in-law, don’t joke with me. Although I don’t know who your son is, I am definitely willing to marry him.” Su Yihan said.

“You are willing to marry him, but he can’t look down on you. How can you get into my son’s eyes with your vulgar fan?” Mary said lightly.

Su Yihan’s body shook. It fell directly to the ground.

During this period of time, she was dreaming of Spring and Autumn every day, dreaming of marrying herself into a wealthy family, dreaming of having a luxurious life, and even thought that after she married to the Han family, even the dishes and chopsticks had to be set with diamonds. And these dreams shattered instantly like bubbles!

“This…is there any misunderstanding?” Harry Su asked in a puzzled way. It’s good, how could he suddenly withdraw the offer?

“Misunderstanding? The dowry gift was originally not for her, how could it be a misunderstanding, it’s just that you think too much.” Mary said.

“But… but the bride price is also for the Su family. It’s not Su Yihan, who else can it be?” Harry Su said in astonishment, the junior in the family. Su Yihan is the most beautiful. If her son doesn’t even look down on Su Yihan, it’s even less likely to look down on other people!

“You just need to know that I want to get the offer back, and you should pay back as many. As for the others, are you qualified to ask?” Mary said aggressively.

Harry Su gritted his teeth. Although he knew that the other party was very powerful, the Su family was not a soft persimmon that anyone could handle, not to mention the betrothal gifts. How can it be taken back for no reason?

“You must give me an explanation.” Harry Su said.

“Explain?” Mary smiled disdainfully, and said, “What are you, do you want me to explain to you?”

Harry Su’s face sank, how could he be so insulted as the chairman of the Su family now.

The other relatives of the Su family were also very upset when they heard these words. To make Harry Su lose face is to make the entire Su family lose face.

“What kind of thing are you, come to our Su family to show off your might.”

“Go to Basin City to inquire about Su’s family, we are not vegetarian.”

“Don’t think it’s great to have a few bad money. This is Basin City, but it’s not your place.”

A group of relatives aroused anger, all of them glared at Mary.

Mary is the Han family’s daughter-in-law. Facing this situation, she is not only not weak. It exudes a stronger momentum.

What is a superior person?

Harry Su’s pretended aura was completely different from Mary.

“You mean, the bride price is not going to be returned to me?” Mary said lightly.

“Give me a reason for my satisfaction. It’s not that I can’t give you this money. My Su family doesn’t take it seriously.” Harry Su said.

“I will make you very satisfied.” Mary finished speaking and took out the phone.

In less than half an hour, the Tian family brothers all drove to the Su family Villa.

Seeing these battles, Harry Su was in a cold sweat all over his head. This woman was such a big god, and a phone call actually called everyone in the heavenly family! This is a f*cking joke!

Those relatives who just yelled at Mary were so scared that they lowered their heads, not even daring to breathe.

They thought they could rely on this to be Basin City and be able to put pressure on Mary, but they didn’t expect her phone to directly call the most powerful person in Basin City!

The Heavenly Family, this is the Heavenly Family. The Su Family is just an ant in front of the Heavenly Family.

“How about it, are you satisfied with this reason?” Mary asked Harry Su.

Harry Su had paled with fright, and Su Yihan, who was sitting on the ground, had completely lost the ability to think.

It doesn’t matter if the dream is broken, but she has already spent most of the money. Now let her take it out, what can she get?

Chapter 166

Wiping off the sweat from his forehead, Harry Su didn’t dare to be even more arrogant in front of Mary. Chairman Su was a shit. The woman in front of him just casually called people from the heavenly family. What qualifications does he have to be in front of her? Arrogantly.

“Su Yihan, let someone bring the bride price right away.” Harry Su said to Su Yihan. With such a big show, it is definitely not good if you don’t vomit the bride price today. Do you need a reason at this time? Her strength is the most powerful reason, and everyone in the Su family can’t breathe.

Su Yihan’s desperate face is bloodless, Jin Yu can take it out, but she has spent almost the cash, where can I get it?

“Harry, you help me.” Su Yihan asked Harry Su for help.

Harry Su knows that Su Yihan spends a lot of money recently, and he is full of famous brands from head to toe. But it wouldn’t be enough to spend more than eight million yuan, such a big hole, even he can’t plug it.

And now that Su Yihan can’t marry into the Han family, it’s useless to him.

“You didn’t spend all your money.” Harry Su gritted his teeth.

Su Yihan shook his head in a panic, and said, “No, there is more than one million left.”

More than one million!

In other words. Su Yihan actually spent more than seven million in a short period of time! This prodigal lady is really inflated, what confidence does she have, and what qualifications does she have to spend money like this.

“I don’t care whether you change the seller’s property or sell the company. If the money is less, the Su family won’t have to stay in Basin City.” Mary said lightly.

Harry Su’s heart sank. Her words need not be doubtful, because now the Heavenly Family has come forward for her. If the Heavenly Family were to target the Su Family, the Su Family would not have a foothold in Basin City.

But over seven million, where can I find it at a time?

“Su Yihan, why did you spend so much money? Isn’t this going to kill our Su family?”

“You are such a prodigal, that’s more than seven million.”

“Hurry up and sell all the things you bought, and sell the house at home, but you can’t hurt us.”

The Su family is a big family, but the scene of each flying in a disaster is not only once, so at this moment Su Yihan’s relatives are accusing Su Yihan. Not surprisingly, they all depend on the Su family for their survival. If the Su family is involved, the family will be destroyed.

Su Yihan’s previous confidence was shattered to the ground. She never dreamed that there would really be this day, and it would really be said by George Han’s crow mouth.

“It’s George Han, and it’s George Han who cursed me. What does it have to do with me.” Su Yihan was like a madman, shitting all the responsibility on George Han.

Harry Su doesn’t believe in the curse. It can only be said that George Han was beaten up. It is very likely that the Han family valued it at first. It was indeed not Su Yihan, but she thought it was nothing.

As for why the Han family wanted to withdraw the bride price, Harry Su no longer had the mind to care about it. Now he had to take out all the bride price and the most important thing was to resolve this matter.

“Give me one day, and I will definitely return the offer.” Harry Su said to Mary.

He was unwilling to help Su Yihan, but in the current situation he had to help because he couldn’t afford to pay. The entire Su family will be over.

“Okay, I’ll give you one day, tomorrow, now, send the bride price to Amelia Su’s house.” Mary said.

Amelia Su!

How could it be Amelia Su’s house!

“What’s the matter, why should the bride price be given to Amelia Su?”

“No, doesn’t she know that Amelia Su is already married?”

“How could this woman have such good luck? Is she going to divorce George Han that trash?”

The Su family’s relatives whispered with a stupefied expression, and couldn’t figure out why Mary did this.

Harry Su was also surprised, why should he give Amelia Su so much money.

“Don’t you know that Amelia Su is already married?” Harry Su asked.

“My gift from the Han family. I disdain to take it back, so I found someone pleasing to the eye and gave it. Do you have any comments?” Mary said.


Is this rich resilience? It’s worth ten million, because it’s pleasing to the eye, so I want to give it to Amelia Su, it’s too cheap for her!

Su Yihan was even more unwilling. In her eyes, it belonged to her. Now he was snatched away by Amelia Su.

“Why Amelia Su, am I not more prettier than her? And she was married to a wimp, so why is more qualified than me to get these?” Su Yihan said to Mary unwillingly.

Mary’s face became cold, and in front of her, she said that George Han was useless?

Mary looked at the people around her. The man walked directly to Su Yihan, slapped Su Yihan’s face, and said coldly, “Are you qualified to point fingers and feet?”

Su Yihan was slapped, covering his face and dared not say any more nonsense.

“Tomorrow this time. If he didn’t send the bride price to the mountainside Villa, what should he do, don’t you know?” Mary said to the heavenly family around him.

Everyone in the Heavenly Family nodded their heads like garlic, and did not dare to have the slightest opinion on what Mary said. This is a member of the Han Family. The Heavenly Family is powerful in Basin City, but it is not even a fart to throw it at Hillwood City.

After Mary left, the atmosphere in the Su Villa was depressed.

“Harry. What should we do now?” Su Guolin asked.

Harry Su looked at Su Yihan with sinister eyes. If it hadn’t been for her to spend so much money, this problem wouldn’t exist. Now Harry Su regrets giving Su Yihan the betrothal gift very much, but regrets it is too late.

“Just let Amelia Su say that the money has been given to her, isn’t that enough?” a Su family relative suggested.

Lily Jiang was cheering about this matter. How could he be willing to hear these words. That’s millions of bills.

“Impossible, we didn’t get the money, why did we say we got it.” Lily Jiang said.

“Are you going to watch the Su family die? Don’t forget, you are also from the Su family.”

“Yes, now the Su family is in trouble, you should also help, but it’s just lying, what’s the problem.”

“The money has been spent. Are you going to kill Su Yihan?”

The spear was directed at Amelia Su in an instant, but they were not helping Su Yihan to speak, to resolve this problem, but in the end it was themselves. Because they don’t want to be implicated in this matter.

“Yes, but if she knows, who will bear the consequences?” Amelia Su said.

This made everyone in the Su family dare not speak anymore. What were the consequences? They are well aware that this is not something that can be easily afforded.

Although Harry Su also thought about letting Amelia Su help to lie, but the concerns that Amelia Su said could not be taken lightly, in case that woman knew that her anger was fatal to the Su family.

“Amelia, the place where the company can get cash now is only the loan in your hand.” Harry Su said.

“No.” Amelia Su refused decisively. The loan was used for the Chengxi project. How could it be used to fill the hole that Su Yihan had made?

“Are you going to watch the Su family go bankrupt? The Heavenly Family targets us, what if you have those loans in your hand?” Harry Su gritted his teeth.

Amelia Su took a deep breath, glanced at Su Yihan, and said: “Let her sell everything, even the real estate must be sold. You can count as much as you can, and you can take the rest from the loan.”

Su Yihan yelled angrily after hearing this sentence: “Amelia Su, what do you mean, am I going to sleep on the street in the future? You are trying to fix me on purpose.”

“Tell you? Su Yihan, you spend the money yourself. I didn’t use a cent. How can I fix you. You are not very arrogant, don’t you enjoy it? You are the result of this. Can you blame me?” Amelia Su said.

“Then I can’t sell my things, nor can I sell my house, I don’t care, everyone will die together.” Su Yihan said with a grim expression.

This sentence directly caused everyone’s dissatisfaction.

“Why should we die with you? If you don’t want to live anymore, go jump off the building yourself.”

“You spend the money, and it is only natural to let you spit it out now, who made you so arrogant.”

“I’m still buying a necklace, I think you can buy yourself a sling, you think you are right.”

The juniors of the Su family who were dissatisfied with Su Yihan for a long time found the opportunity at this time and naturally would not let go of the opportunity to sprinkle salt on the wound, because during this time, Su Yihan often showed off in front of them.

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