His True Colors Novel Chapter 1591 – 1594

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Chapter 1591

George Han did not explain the axe to Linlong because he is more concerned about the ancient battlefield. If there is such a place, and George Han can absorb the ancient energy left on the battlefield, this will change him. A very important turning point in its own strength.

If he can possess ancient energy, then he will have the strength to gain a foothold in the world of eight directions, and then he can continue to protect Amelia Su.

“Stop talking nonsense, I’m going to Misty Sect, are you going?” George Han asked Linlong.

“Go, of course.” Lin Long said without hesitation. He has now tied himself and George Han together, because he knows that it is almost impossible to find the ancient battlefield based on his own ability. Can only rely on George Han.

Moreover, Linlong felt faintly that the special aura exuding from George Han’s body might be related to the ancient battlefield, which made him have to follow George Han.

Misty Sect has always been a very special sect in Xuanyuan World. The members of the sect are all composed of women, and within the sect, no men are allowed to appear.

This is equivalent to a back garden full of beauties, and no man has defiled it. For men, it is more like a daughter country, a holy land that countless men dream of.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary men to enter the territory of Misty Sect. There are many levels, enough to make many people retreat.

But for George Han, it was like being in an uninhabited state.

His divine realm is nothing in the eyes of those strong in the world, and even described as an ant.

But for Xuanyuan World, George Han was the supreme god.

When he arrived at Misty Sect, George Han had been blocked three times, but these three blocks did not affect him in any way.

Zhantai Liuyue and Yan Qinghua were already waiting at the foot of the mountain.

From the first time they learned that someone had trespassed in Misty Sect, the two of them were ready to meet the enemy.

George Han was a completely unfamiliar face to Zhan Tai Liuyue, so she did not understand why George Han broke into the Misty Sect.

“Who are you, why are you breaking into my misty sect?” Zhan Tai Liuyue asked George Han vigilantly.

Although George Han knows what Zhan Tailiuyue looks like, he will still be amazed by her beauty when she sees her. In the words of the earth, she is a fairy in the sky.

“Sect Master does not need to be nervous, I am here just to ask a few questions, and I will never hurt you.” George Han said.

Yan Qinghua had only one feeling when she heard this, and that was that the man in front of her was extremely arrogant.

When he came to the Misty Sect, it was ridiculous that he faced the powerhouses of the Misty Sect and said things that would not hurt them.

In the Xuanyuan world, apart from the powerhouses of the Extreme Master Realm, in Yan Qinghua’s view, no one could threaten Misty Sect.

“Your tone is really not small, don’t you think you will get hurt when you are stumped?” Yan Qinghua said sharply.

George Han knows Yan Qinghua’s temper, this is a hot little lady, and the personality of Zhan Tai Liuyue is completely different.

“Lao Yanchang doesn’t have to be angry, I’m just telling the truth.” George Han said lightly.

In Yan Qinghua’s memory, she had never seen George Han, and this was something she was very certain about, but why did this strange man recognize her?

“Do you know me?” Yan Qinghua asked.

George Han didn’t just know him, he was still very familiar with Yan Qinghua, it was just the past, no explanation.

“Of course, why don’t I know the famous Yan Qinghua? There are rumors in the world that you are extremely beautiful and you are the right-hand man beside Sect Master Zhantai. Besides you, who else is qualified to stand beside the Sect Master.” George Han said with a smile.

This once touted, made Yan Qinghua a little airy, she had never been flattered by a man, and this feeling was particularly different.

At this time, George Han heard the voice of Linlong that only he could hear: “I didn’t expect you to be able to say such disgusting things.”

The corner of George Han’s mouth hesitated, if it weren’t for someone else, he would have to take out Linlong and squat it.

“You said there are a few questions you want to ask, what are the problems.” Zhan Tai Liuyue asked George Han, she said that, there was already some compromise, because she could not feel the true state of George Han , This made her feel a little uneasy. If George Han was a newly promoted Extreme Master Realm powerhouse, fighting with him would definitely not be good news for Misty Sect.

“I’ve reached the foot of the mountain. Don’t you ask me to go to the sect for a cup of tea? I need to sit down and talk slowly about this matter.” George Han said.

A trace of coldness flashed in Zhan Tai Liuyue’s eyes. The Misty Sect warned that he should not be involved with any man, and the Misty Sect was not allowed to enter any man. He even wanted to go up the mountain.

This guy’s so-called problem is probably just a cover, maybe he is just a protagonist.

“The Misty Sect has a rule that no man can go up the mountain.” Zhantai Liuyue said.

George Han sighed, and he didn’t know which grieving woman founded the Misty Sect. He was so hostile to men. It is estimated that he was hurt a lot in the matter of love.

But she was hurt by a man, so she had to keep her sect disciples from approaching the man, which was too selfish.

After all, happiness in this world sometimes requires cooperation between men and women.

“In this case, I will follow the rules here, but I also hope that the Sect Master can tell me the truth and don’t hide it.” George Han said.

“As long as it is something I know, I will tell it.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

George Han looked at the nearby Misty Sect. The topic he was about to open could not be known to too many people.

Zhan Tai Liuyue understood George Han’s intentions, and distracted everyone.

Yan Qinghua quickly said, “Sect Master, aren’t you afraid that this guy will suddenly get into trouble?”

Zhan Tai Liuyue shook her head. It was not that she was not afraid, but she had no choice. With George Han’s strength, even if the entire Misty Sect was here, it wouldn’t help.

“His strength is something that the entire Misty Sect cannot contend.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

A hint of shock appeared in Yan Qinghua’s eyes.

Zhan Tai Liuyue possesses the powerful strength of the Nine Lights Realm. She can say such words, indicating that the strange man in front of her is definitely very strong.

It’s difficult to say, is he… still a strong man in the Extreme Master Realm?

“You are a strong master at the extreme master level!” Yan Qinghua couldn’t hold back her desire for knowledge, and asked George Han in astonishment.

Chapter 1592

Extreme Teacher Realm?

This realm has long been history for George Han, and he is now a strong man in the god realm.

But give Zhan Tai Liuyue and Yan Qinghua a hundred courage. They didn’t dare to think in this direction, because the current god realm was nothing more than a legend for Xuanyuan World.

“If you are brave enough, you can think about a realm stronger than the Extreme Master Realm.” George Han said with a smile.

Stronger than the Master Realm?

Yan Qinghua blurted out: “How can there be a realm stronger than the Extreme Master Realm, don’t you think that I am a dignified Misty Sect, don’t you even know what the strongest realm is?”

George Han smiled. Yan Qinghua said this, as if there is no strong person above the extreme teacher realm.

Zhan Tai Liuyue carefully tasted George Han’s words, his face gradually turned pale.

Above the extreme teacher level.

It is difficult to say that he has become the legendary powerhouse of the gods?

When this idea was born in Zhan Tai Liuyue’s mind. She shook her head subconsciously, thinking it was impossible.

How could anyone reach the legendary gods?

And even if someone arrived, how could Xuanyuan World be so quiet, how could it not be heard.

After taking a deep breath, Zhan Tai Liuyue said to George Han: “Do you have any questions, please ask quickly, this is not where you should stay.”

“I want to know who created the Misty Sect. And all her information, including all the things she left in the Misty Sect.” George Han said. He didn’t mention the ancient battlefield to the two, because once the news If it spread out, I am afraid it will cause a sensation in the entire Xuanyuan world.

At that time, there will inevitably be a wave of searching for the ancient battlefield among cultivators. To some extent, these people will inevitably cause some trouble to George Han.

“Presumptuous.” Yan Qinghua changed her face immediately after hearing George Han’s words.

Even they did not dare to mention the founder at will, and George Han was an outsider. Want to know such a secret thing.

“Are you an outsider qualified to ask about these things? I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise. I’m not polite to you.” Yan Qinghua threatened.

It is certainly not easy to know such an important thing. George Han has already been mentally prepared.

Stepping forward, George Han said, “If you are not polite to me, you have to see what you can do.”

At this time, Yan Qinghua found out. His body froze in place, unable to move. No matter how she resisted, it seemed to be useless, even a blink of an eyelid.

Zhan Tai Liuyue is the same, but her realm is higher than Yan Qinghua. So I can feel more.

She clearly felt a force bound herself, and how powerful this force was. Beyond her thoughts.

“Sect Master, what’s going on.” Yan Qinghua asked Zhan Tai Liuyue in horror.

Zhan Tai Liuyue stared at George Han closely, and saw George Han walking towards them step by step.

“Who are you?” Zhan Tai Liuyue asked.

“Who am I, does it matter? You only need to know that it is not my opponent.” George Han laughed.

When George Han walked in front of the two of them, he continued: “Whether you are going to tell me about this or not. I must know that even if I turn the entire Misty Sect upside down, I will find out information about her. , In the process, if anyone wants to stop…”

George Han paused for a long time before continuing: “I don’t think you want to see Misty Sect’s blood flow in a river?”

Threatening a woman in this way is somewhat innocent, and the other person is still a beautiful woman.

But beyond that. George Han couldn’t think of other better ways.

After all, this is the core secret of Misty Sect, I want them to speak easily. It’s not that simple.

“Do you really think you can do whatever you want in Misty Sect? Do you know the relationship between Misty Sect and Fei Lingsheng.” Yan Qinghua gritted her teeth and said to George Han, she was not afraid of George Han. Because in her opinion, these words of George Han were nothing more than pure threats.

Hearing these words, George Han couldn’t help laughing.

Fei Lingsheng, as the only strongest master in the imperial court, indeed has a very powerful deterrent. The Misty Sect can not be harassed by other sects, and it is estimated that it has a lot to do with Fei Lingsheng.

Unfortunately, even if Fei Lingsheng appeared in front of George Han, she did not dare to question George Han’s behavior.

“It seems that Fei Lingsheng is your backstage.” George Han said.

Yan Qinghua mistakenly thought that George Han was scared, and said triumphantly: “Now that it is not too late, I advise you to get out, otherwise, you will die without a whole body.

George Han raised his eyebrows. It seemed that Fei Lingsheng had to come forward. Zhan Tai Liuyue and Yan Qinghua had to know that even Fei Lingsheng had to be respectful to George Han. Only let them know the background. There is no use, they can tell George Han those things.

Chapter 1593

“Or, how about letting Fei Lingsheng persuade you?” George Han said to the two with a smile.

When Zhan Tai Liuyue heard this, she felt a little bit in her heart. Because she has always felt that George Han is not simple, and even guessed that George Han may not be as simple as the Extreme Master.

If he could call Fei Lingsheng casually, it would be able to prove Zhan Tai Liuyue’s guess.

But Yan Qinghua’s attitude is completely different.

She thought George Han was just joking.

Fei Lingsheng was a strong man in the extreme master realm. He came and went without a trace. How could George Han be able to see him casually.

And even if he could see him, Fei Lingsheng was not the one he could waver around.

“You really know how to brag. If you are really capable, call to have a look.” Yan Qinghua said without believing in evil.

“Fei Lingsheng, did you hear that? Don’t come to see me soon.” George Han said flatly. The voice resounded throughout the imperial court.

In the Yellow Dragon Hall, the Emperor Zun’s face was pale at this moment, and he even felt shivering.

What George Han didn’t know was that although he was reborn and changed many things in the Xuanyuan world, for those powerhouses in the Extreme Master Realm, George Han did not erase them from their memories.

In other words, all the extreme masters in Xuanyuan World. They still remember the existence of George Han, and Emperor Zun is no exception.

The emperor once died in the hands of George Han, and was resurrected due to rebirth. This was an unexpected turning point and surprise for the emperor, but it was also an opportunity for the emperor to redeem.

The emperor who has died once will never antagonize George Han again, and will never let history repeat itself.

After hearing George Han’s voice, Fei Lingsheng rushed to Misty Sect for the first time.

When Yan Qinghua was still looking at George Han with disdain, Fei Lingsheng appeared.

This scene. Yan Qinghua’s eyes almost fell to the ground.

Looking at George Han with extreme horror, Yan Qinghua’s brain has lost the ability to think.

He actually said a word. Called the first powerhouse of the imperial court!


how is this possible!

How could he do it!

More importantly, when Fei Lingsheng walked behind George Han. Slightly buried his head, this is obviously a gesture of respect to George Han.

Zhan Tai Liuyue’s breathing became inexplicably quick.

She knew that her previous guess was very likely to be correct.

If the man in front of him is really only in the Extreme Master Realm, he is also a Fei Lingsheng in the Extreme Master Realm. How could he be so respectful to him?

There is only one explanation for this scene. That is the man in front of him, stronger than Fei Lingsheng.

And above the Extreme Master Realm, there is only the legendary God Realm!

Unconsciously, Zhan Tailiuyue got goose bumps all over. She had never thought that she would be lucky enough to meet a strong god!

“I’m calling. When are you going to tell me about the founder?” George Han said with a smile.

Yan Qinghua was completely confused and couldn’t even speak.

After Zhan Tai Liuyue forced herself to calm down, she looked at Fei Lingsheng and said, “He wants to know about the founder of Misty Sect. Should I tell him?”

George Han felt a little strange seeing this scene.

Zhan Tai Liuyue is the Misty Sect Master. These things should be decided by her, how could she ask an outsider?

“He wants to know what you say.” Fei Lingsheng said.

Zhan Tai Liuyue’s heart sank.

“Fei Lingsheng, it seems that you still have something to hide from me.” George Han asked Fei Lingsheng lightly. Although Fei Lingsheng told him about her life, it was obvious that she had also concealed something. thing.

“I used to be the master of Misty Sect. But this little thing is not worth mentioning.” Fei Lingsheng said.

So that’s the case!

But this matter. There is really nothing to mention.

It’s just that if George Han had known it earlier, he wouldn’t need a trip to Misty Sect.

Since as the former suzerain. Fei Lingsheng’s understanding of Misty Sect is certainly not bad.

“In this case, you should know these things too.” George Han asked Fei Lingsheng.

“There is a forbidden place in Misty Sect, where there should be all the secrets of Misty Sect, but the door of the forbidden land cannot be opened. Even with the strength of my Extreme Master Realm, I have tried countless times, but finally returned without success. Sheng said.

George Han smiled upon hearing the words forbidden ground.

The place where things can be hidden definitely has unexpected secrets, which is good news for George Han.

“I can’t do it in the extreme teacher realm, maybe the god realm can do it, lead the way.” George Han said to Fei Lingsheng.

At this time, Zhan Tai Liuyue and Yan Qinghua had lost their value, and George Han only needed to consult Fei Lingsheng.

Moreover, the fear of Yifei Lingsheng towards him is bound to be inexhaustible.

After George Han walked a long way, Zhan Tai Liuyue and Yan Qinghua felt that their power had disappeared and regained their freedom.

“Sect Master, what did he mean by that sentence just now!” Yan Qinghua asked Zhan Tai Liuyue with a trembling voice.

Chapter 1594

The meaning of George Han’s remarks was sufficiently obvious, and was not refuted by Fei Lingsheng, showing that what he said was the truth.

Zhan Tai Liuyue took a deep breath, and then said: “I didn’t expect that in Xuanyuan World, there would be a realm powerhouse.”

It’s not that Yan Qinghua didn’t understand what George Han said, but she couldn’t believe it was the truth.

I heard Zhan Tai Liuyue say so. A strong wave appeared on Yanqing’s face.

Divine Realm!

The two of them knew very well what the gods meant.

Invincible in Xuanyuan World!

No one can be his opponent.

It’s just that this legendary god realm, how can anyone break through silently, there is no news.

“Go, let’s go and see too.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said to Yan Qinghua quickly.

The door to the forbidden area of ”‹”‹Misty Sect is a place that almost every sovereign will try to open, but so far, no one can succeed. This also makes people very curious about what is in the forbidden area.

And now, the appearance of George Han, a powerhouse of the gods, is likely to unlock this layer of mystery. How can Zhan Tai Liuyue remain indifferent?

The two hurriedly walked towards the forbidden area, Yan Qinghua couldn’t help but sighed George Han’s divine realm along the way.

Compared with the arrogant attitude in front of George Han before, Yan Qinghua had already converged unconsciously. She knew that no one could be arrogant in front of George Han, even in the Extreme Master Realm, let alone his mere Eight Light Realm strength.

In front of the gate of the forbidden area.

Fei Lingsheng looked at George Han’s back with a very complicated expression.

She had tried countless times to open this place, but there was no way.

And now, when George Han stood in front of the gate of the forbidden area, Fei Lingsheng still felt that George Han could not open it.

Because Fei Lingsheng thinks that this place possesses its particularity, perhaps any brute force will be of no avail, unless the secret hidden in this door can be found.

“Can you feel it?” George Han, who was standing in front of the door, asked Linlong who was hidden in his cuff.

“Yes. This power is a bit strange, I have never felt it before, perhaps, this is the ancient power.” Lin Long said excitedly.

It has been in Xuanyuan World for such a long time, without any breakthrough in the matter of the ancient battlefield.

Of course, it also tried to find clues in the past major sects, but they found nothing, and the appearance of George Han began to gradually surface this matter.

But one thing Linlong still felt very puzzled, because this place had been there before, and apart from failing to open the door of this flash forbidden land, it had never felt the existence of this special energy here.

“You have come to this place.” George Han continued. Since Linlong knew that the major sects of Xuanyuan World were created by those people, he was investigating the ancient battlefield. You will never miss these places.

“Yes, but when I came before, this power didn’t appear. Perhaps it was you that caused the wave of ancient power.” Linlong said.

“Me?” George Han asked in confusion.

“Yes, because in your body. I can also feel a strange power.” Lin Long said.

George Han didn’t explain to Linlong that the power came from an axe obtained by the earth.

Of course, George Han knew the particularity of the axe.

In order to be able to absorb the power of the axe, George Han spent several years.

But what does the axe and the gate of the forbidden area have to do with the ancient battlefield?

It is difficult to say, is the axe an artifact used by a certain ancient powerhouse?

Thinking of this, George Han shook his head subconsciously, feeling that his guess was unlikely.

Because the ancient battlefield is in Xuanyuan World. The axe was obtained from the earth.

“Did you think of something?” Seeing George Han shaking his head, Fei Lingsheng couldn’t help but step forward and asked George Han.

“This door, you must have tried various methods.” George Han asked Fei Lingsheng.

“Yes. This door makes people very curious. I have used almost everything I can think of, and I have to give up.” Fei Lingsheng said.

“You can use that strange power to test it out. If both powers belong to the ancient power, they may be able to resonate.” Linlong’s voice came from George Han’s ears.

This kind of voice, even Fei Lingsheng, who stood beside George Han. It is also undetectable.

George Han had no other way, so he could only try Linlong’s way.

However, in George Han’s view, the possibility of opening the door is very small. Power is unique, but it does not mean that it is all ancient power.

When he walked to the door, George Han urged his axe and emitted that strange power. At this moment, Shimen visibly shook.

Fei Lingsheng behind him was dumbfounded.

She had thought of any possible way. But they couldn’t shake Shimen at all.

As for George Han, he was just standing in front of the door, which caused a stir.

George Han himself was also very surprised. In his heart, he felt that these two forces were different, but the collision of the mysterious force just now made George Han clearly feel that the two forces were fused together, which showed that his previous ideas were completely wrong.

If the power of the ancients exuded in the gate of the forbidden area, then the power of the axe is the power of the ancients.

This also showed that the axe that George Han got was indeed an artifact used by a certain ancient powerhouse.

However, why did the things left over from the ancient battlefield appear on the earth?

It’s hard to say that the War of the Ancients, have you ever hit the earth?

With the shaking of Shimen, a crack in the stone was clearly exposed.

George Han urgently needed to urge his axe power, and Shimen slowly opened.

Zhan Tai Liuyue and Yan Qinghua who had just arrived saw this scene. Once again stunned in the same place, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

“Opened, really opened.” Yan Qinghua couldn’t help but said.

Zhantai Liuyue trembled slightly. She also asked to open the door to the forbidden area and racked her brains, but she was not able to do so, and George Han just came. The door of the forbidden area has been opened.

“The strength of the powerhouse of the gods is really different. For us, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky, but for him, it is as easy as a palm.” Zhan Tai Liuyue exclaimed.

In fact, Zhan Tai Liuyue’s idea was fundamentally wrong. The reason why George Han was able to open the stone gate was definitely not because of his divine realm, but because of the power of the axe.

As the stone gate was fully opened, a dark cave appeared, and it was not bottomed out. It completely felt like the abyss of hell.

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