His True Colors Novel Chapter 159 – 162

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Chapter 159

“George Han, there is nothing for you here, what are you doing?” Tang Long said with a dissatisfied expression.

George Han walked to the desk and sat directly in Zhong Liang’s position.

This action angered Tang Long even more!

What kind of shit, dare to sit in Zhong Liang’s position.

Zhong Liang treats you as a friend, and that’s not the reason for rubbing your nose.

They are from the Han family, and you are just a waste of Basin City.

“George Han. You are really shameless. Brother Zhong treats you as a friend. It is fortunate for you for the third life. You dare to sit in Brother Zhong’s position casually.” Tang Long scolded coldly.

“Friends?” George Han smiled faintly, and asked Zhong Liang, “Are we friends?”

Zhong Liang’s face was ashen, you f*cking want to kill yourself, why are you dragging me into the water! Quickly said to George Han, “I am not qualified.”

George Han looked at Tang Long, shrugged and said, “Have you heard. He is not qualified to be my friend.”

Tang Long’s three hundred and sixty degrees of confusion, Zhong Liang, is not qualified… not qualified to be a friend of George Han?

How could it be that he was just a waste, anyone could step on his head, how could Zhong Liang be disqualified?

Tang Long dug out his ears, he must have heard it wrong, or he had auditory hallucinations.

“Brother Zhong. Do you want me to help you teach this guy who doesn’t know what is good or bad?” Tang Long said.

“What the hell are you stupid?” Zhong Liang gritted his teeth and said to Tang Long, he wanted to teach George Han a lesson. I don’t even look at what I am not into the trendy stuff.

“Brother Zhong, you, what’s the matter with you.” Tang Long asked puzzledly.

Zhong Liang glanced at George Han, his heart trembled, but he couldn’t let Tang Long talk nonsense anymore, otherwise he would be burdened by this stupid, he wouldn’t even have a fart.

“Young Master, what do you want to do with Tang Long?” Zhong Liang asked.

His remarks were obviously deliberately revealing information to Tang Long to let Tang Long know who George Han was.

When he said this, Zhong Liang took a big risk. Once George Han was dissatisfied with this, he would have come to an end in his life.

But looking at George Han’s appearance, he didn’t seem to be angry.

Tang Long at this time, but his face was pale in an instant.

What does the little master mean?

Why did Zhong Liang call George Han Young Master!

He is from the Han family, he can be called the young master…


Tang Long’s head was like thunder. Shocked him to death.

Han…George Han, he, is he from the Han family!

With a thump, Tang Long knelt on the ground feebly, and said to George Han in disbelief: “You…you are the Han family!”

George Han shook his head and said, “I am not a Han family anymore. I disdain to be a Han family. For me, I am George Han.”

What does this mean? Tang Long doesn’t understand, but Zhong Liang’s face is even more ugly. He doesn’t regard himself as the Han family. What does this mean? Didn’t you take the Han family seriously?

After all, for so many years, he has made a lot of deployment secretly, and even Fengqian Company was cultivated secretly by him.

Perhaps… those in Hillwood City who watched the Han family’s jokes would never have imagined that the real power of the Han family is not in Nangong Qianqiu, let alone Han Jun, but the unknown young master!

With his city mansion and methods, it is absolutely not a problem to rebuild a more glorious Han family.

This is to push the old to the new?

Zhong Liang felt his scalp numb. It was like there was an electric current, until now, he didn’t realize how terrible the young master was.

Wiping a cold sweat on his forehead, Zhong Liang said: “Little Master, Zhong Liang is only loyal to you in this life. If there is betrayal, the heaven will die.”

George Han smiled and said, “You don’t need to be so loyal to me. I warned you to be kind to Zhang Linghua, and you…what have you done?”

Zhong Liang was so scared that he knelt on the ground and said in a panic: “Little Master. I’m sorry, it’s my negligence. I hope you can forgive me. I will definitely listen to your instructions in the future.”

George Han stood up, walked in front of Zhong Liang, and said condescendingly: “You have reservations about me, I can understand it, after all, in your eyes. I am just a port of call for you to take a break, the true master of your heart. , Or Han Jun?”

The cold sweat on Zhong Liang’s forehead was like soybeans, ticking.

He did think this way before. Because the Han family gave George Han a big opportunity, in Zhong Liang’s eyes, he would never be able to beat Han Jun, after all, Han Jun is a person who Nangong Qianqiu is optimistic about. It is impossible for George Han’s achievements to be worth a word from Nangong Qianqiu.

Therefore, Zhong Liang will leave a thread for himself when he does anything to avoid being reused by Han Jun in the future.

Take Zhang Linghua’s case as an example. Zhong Liang has been on the sidelines since the day when Zhang Linghua entered the company. He did not exercise any rights and preferential treatment for Zhang Linghua. The reason is to use these details to help him in the future. Improve your status in front of Han Jun.

He had to let Han Jun know from all aspects. Although he was with George Han, he did not do his best for George Han.

But Zhong Liang didn’t expect that just these little things would be noticed by George Han.

He didn’t even expect that the Han family would suddenly undergo such a big change.

“Have you not considered the consequences before taking me as a fool?” George Han continued.

“Young Master, I’m sorry, it’s my fault, starting today. I will do my best for you.” Zhong Liangmeng kowtowed to George Han, he knew what would happen if he was kicked out of the Han family. Thousands of methods, the entire Huaxia will not have his place to survive.

Moreover, Zhong Liang couldn’t lose it for Zhong Liang to reach such a height with great difficulty, this was his all.

Tang Long had already looked desperate. Whether George Han was a member of the Han family was not important anymore, just by Zhong Liang’s attitude towards him. It was enough for Tang Long to understand the gap between him and George Han.


This is just a joke.

Thinking about the vow he made at the beginning, Tang Long himself felt absurd. In front of such a person, does he have a chance to take revenge?

But Tang Long couldn’t understand. Why is such a powerful person willing to be scolded as a waste, and for three years, the entire Basin City treated him as a joke. How can he endure this humiliation.

“Zhong Liang, this is your last chance, take it well.” George Han said.

When Zhong Liang heard this, he kept kowtow and said: “Thank you young master, thank you young master, Zhong Liang must remember your words and will definitely seize the opportunity you gave.”

“This person, don’t let me see him in any company in Cloud City.” George Han finished speaking and left the office.

Zhong Liang waited until the office door was closed before daring to get up. Naturally, he didn’t need to say much about Tang Long’s hatred. If it weren’t for this idiot, how could something like this happen?

For Zhong Liang just now, his life was almost hanging by a thread!

“You heard what the young master said.” Zhong Liang said coldly.

With a panicked face, Tang Long knelt and climbed to Zhong Liang’s side, begging for mercy: “Brother Zhong, please, help me, help me, if I leave Basin City, I will have nothing.”

Tang Long’s achievements are not only his own abilities, but also the connections he has accumulated in Basin City for so many years. This is the most valuable thing in him. If Basin City does not have a company that wants him, then all his efforts over the years , All will be in vain, and then go to other cities to start over again, this is absolutely impossible for Tang Long to adapt.

Zhong Liang glanced at Tang Long with disgust, then kicked it away and said: “Do you think I have the ability to save you? You made me almost impossible to protect myself, go away, don’t let me see you again.”

“By the way, I would like to remind you that if you dare to reveal the identity of the young master, your life is worrying.”

Tang Long shook his body unconsciously, his life worried!

Desperate, regret not in the beginning.

Tang Long kept slapping himself in the face. If it weren’t for his series of stupid actions, how could things have developed to such a point? He even tried to seek revenge on George Han.

Ridiculous, extremely ridiculous!

When the company employees saw George Han leaving the company, they gathered together and whispered. Until now, they still think that George Han is bragging. After all, Tang Long is a person dug by Zhong Liang himself and a very important person in the company. .

Chapter 160

“Where did you say this braggart came from?”

“Who knows, looking at the look of the dick, it may be a delusion.”

“You said, what would Zhong Liang do with Tang Long?”

“What else can I do? Just do it casually. It’s impossible to really expel Tang Long for Zhang Linghua.”

Several people discussed this matter with a chuckle, until Tang Long came out of Zhong Liang’s office with a deadly face. They felt that something was wrong.

“What’s the matter, Tang Long’s expression, won’t it be really fired.”

“How could it be that he was fired, isn’t Zhang Linghua no one can afford it.”

“Damn, let me ask.”

Someone walked up to Tang Long and asked with a shy face, “Tang Long, how’s going on. Did Zhong Ge fire Zhang Ling?”

Tang Long was completely desperate in his heart, his whole person was like a walking dead, without the slightest energy, he pushed the person in front of him away and returned to his office.

The office door was not closed, and when Tang Long packed his personal belongings, those colleagues outside who watched the excitement were shocked.

“f*ck it, isn’t it. Tang Long was really fired!”

“My God, who was that young man just now? He was expelled if he said he was expelled.”

“It’s over. I have offended Zhang Linghua before. What should I do? No, I will be expelled.”

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone panicked, because they more or less made things difficult for Zhang Linghua. As for bullying and teasing Zhang Tianxin, it was a must-have drama that would be performed every day.

From the day when Zhang Tianxin arrived at the company, these people regarded Zhang Tianxin as a plaything, teasing them when they were happy, and cursing Zhang Tianxin as an inflator when they were unhappy.

And now, Tang Long has been fired because of this incident, what will happen to them.

“If any of you dare to trouble Zhang Linghua in the future, you will end up like Tang Long.” At this moment, Zhong Liang’s voice suddenly came from behind him.

Everyone turned around tremblingly, one by one.

“Brother Zhong, don’t worry, this kind of thing will never happen again.”

“We must treat Zhang Tianxin well in the future. Take good care of him.”

“In fact, this child is very poor. We have done too much before. We must review ourselves.”

When everyone confessed their mistakes, Fan Xue was very upset, because she provoked this matter, although Tang Long was behind the scenes, but she couldn’t get rid of it.

She didn’t worry about losing her job before, because she felt that she could live by blackmailing Tang Long, but now that Tang Long has been fired, she has any blackmail capital.

“Fan Xue, you let me down, get out.” Zhong Liang finished speaking and returned to his office.

Fan Xue’s face was as white as paper, she didn’t catch anything, and she lost her job, which was a fatal blow to her.

If I don’t have a job, what else can I pay for my credit card consumption in advance?

The group of licking dogs didn’t dare to say anything good to Fan Xue at this time. Although she is beautiful, she has to be rich to get it done. It’s not worth losing her job for her.

At this time, outside the gate of the weak water real estate company, Harry Su blocked George Han’s path.

“Useless, you won’t offend anyone at Weak Water Real Estate, do you? You know that Su’s family and Weak Water Real Estate have a cooperative relationship, so it’s not deliberately making trouble for me, right?” Harry Su looked arrogantly to Han Three thousand said.

He is now the chairman. Without knowing the identity of George Han, he does have the proud capital. After all, Amelia Su is only his subordinate now.

And when his relationship with Zhong Liang gets better, he can hold the Chengxi Project in his own hands. At that time, he didn’t even need to give Amelia Su’s face.

Of course, all this is just Harry Su’s conjecture.

“I can offend anyone.” George Han said.

“Yes.” Harry Su nodded mockingly, and said: “With your patience, you can’t offend a big man. Who would put your kind of uselessness in your eyes.”

“Since you know, waiting for me here, there are other reasons.” George Han asked.

Harry Su smiled. Said: “It will be Family Day in a few days, I’m afraid you will forget it, so I’ll remind you.”

George Han pretended to be surprised, and said, “Unexpectedly. You still invited me personally, do I have to thank you.”

Harry Su proudly raised his head and said, “If you have to thank me, it is not impossible. I am the chairman of the Su family now, and I am too lazy to care about little people like you, so I will give you a chance to eat. Good point.”

Does Harry Su really invite George Han sincerely?

Of course not. He and Su Yihan had agreed long ago that George Han would not be allowed to participate in Family Day. The reason for saying so was to let George Han go. Then drive George Han away.

He is happy to find pleasure in this kind of playing with others, especially when this person is George Han, he is even more happy.

Trampling on George Han’s dignity and stomping George Han fiercely on the ground is something that Harry Su did not get tired of in his life. Who calls George Han a waste?

And being beaten three times, Harry Su did not forget this hatred.

“Okay, in that case. I’ll go and watch a good show.” George Han said with a smile.

“Then you have to come early.” Harry Su smiled.

Back in the car, looking at the back of George Han leaving, Harry Su said to himself with a sneer: “What an idiot, do you think I will let you in? Then let all relatives see your jokes? , Just treat it as a monkey.”

George Han went to the hospital and left after confirming that Zhang Tianxin’s injury was not serious.

During the period, Zhang Linghua said some words of thanks, and George Han accepted them all, because this was the only way Zhang Linghua could repay him. If Zhang Linghua is not allowed to finish, she will definitely feel uncomfortable in her heart.

As for continuing to work in the company, George Han also told her and let her not worry. No one in the company will dare to bully Zhang Tianxin in the future.

Hanging out on the street and not picking up Amelia Su from get off work, the life is really boring, and there is no taste. I was about to go to the magic city to see when someone suddenly punched him in the back.

“George Han, where have you been for so long.” Tian Linger was shopping with her best friend. The chance encounter with George Han made her excited, and immediately dragged her best friend to meet George Han.

The bestie was wearing a pink skirt. Although her appearance could not be compared to Tian Linger, her figure was exceptionally stalwart and eye-catching. Even George Han couldn’t help but take a few more glances.

“What are you looking at? Believe it or not, I will blind you.” Tian Ling said to George Han with his hands on his hips and his chest deliberately raised.

George Han smiled helplessly, then retracted his gaze and said to Tian Linger: “If you want to blind me, do you have to consider whether you have this ability?”

Tian Linger felt discouraged when he thought of George Han’s victory over Luo Bin in the gym.

“Do you know what a gentleman is, a gentleman wants to be beautiful.” Tian Linger said.

“Beauty?” George Han looked at his head, curiously asked: “Where is the beauty?”

Tian Linger’s seven orifices gave birth to smoke, gritted his teeth, and such a big beauty is in front of him, can’t he still see it?

“George Han, do you have to make me angry?” Tian Linger said with a gloomy face, gritted his teeth.

Xie Yufu knew that the person in front of him was Basin City’s famous wretched George Han, so intuitively she did not have the slightest affection for George Han, and even more wondering why Tian Linger would say hello to George Han on the street. Isn’t she afraid of losing it? Did she save the face of Miss Tianjia?

However, although she is Tian Linger’s best friend, she dare not talk nonsense about these things, because the Xie family and the Tian family are in a cooperative relationship, and the Tian family is dominant, so even this girlfriend’s relationship , There are also benefits.

“Linger, it’s so hot, let’s find a cold drink shop to take a break.” Xie Yufu said, in fact, he wanted to separate from George Han early so that outsiders would not see her and George Han know this rubbish.

“George Han, buy me a cup of milk tea, isn’t this request too much?” Tian Linger said.

George Han looked at the time, and there was nowhere to go, but when he was about to speak, Xie Yufu said, “Let’s go by ourselves.”

George Han smiled. From Xie Yufu’s eyes, he saw a trace of disgust. It was obvious that the pink skirt girl didn’t wait to see him.

“Or, I won’t go.” George Han smiled bitterly.

At this time, Tian Linger’s dissatisfaction with Xie Yufu appeared between her eyebrows.

Chapter 161

When Xie Yufu felt the change in Tian Linger’s expression, her heart suddenly panicked. The elders in the family have explained that they must be patient everywhere with Tian Linger, because everything in the Xie family is linked to the Tian family, she This love of girlfriends can bring great benefits to the Xie family, and it is also a double-edged sword, once it is not used well. It will cause trouble to the Xie family.

And Tian Linger’s attitude determined the fate of the Xie family.

“I’ve been there together.” Xie Yufu said to George Han. Even if she looked down on George Han in her heart, she had to accept it, but later she had an appointment with her favorite boy. Drinking milk tea with this wimp is certainly inevitable.

George Han was a little surprised at Xie Yufu’s sudden change of attitude, it seemed that these two girlfriends. It should not be a simple girlfriend, but this is not surprising. After all, Tian Linger is a member of the heavenly family, and it is reasonable to be patient with her. This pink skirt girl’s home should be a lot from the heavenly family. benefit.

“What have you been doing recently, there has been no news. I heard that even Grandpa asked you. You didn’t show up.” Tian Linger asked George Han as if nothing happened.

Thomas Tian contacted himself? That should be Han Jun’s phone call, I guess this apprentice still doesn’t understand why the master avoided seeing him.

“Nothing, just playing around.” George Han said.

Go to play?

Tian Linger’s heart suddenly became nervous. How could someone as good as George Han go out to play casually? If they were seduced by Yingyingyanyan outside, they would lose a lot.

“Next time you go to play, take me, I want to go out to travel, too.” Tian Linger said.

Xie Yufu frowned when she heard this. Is Tian Linger’s brain cramping? Why do you want to be so intimate with this wimp, and go on a trip with him!

Could it be said that the last rumor was true?

After Thomas Tian’s birthday party, Basin City spread a lot of speculation about George Han.

Those who don’t know the identity of George Han guess that he will be the son-in-law of the heaven in the future.

As for someone like Xie Yufu who knows George Han’s identity, he heard another version, saying that Father Tian valued George Han very much and was planning to promote George Han in Basin City.

But even if he really wants to be promoted, Tian Linger shouldn’t behave like this. George Han is still worthless, he is also the son-in-law of the Su family.

“Aren’t you still studying? Absence of class is not something students should do.” George Han said with a smile.

Tian Linger grumbled. Said: “For me, what’s the point of studying? My family is rich, and I don’t need me to make money.”

George Han smiled helplessly. This sentence is true. With Tianjia’s assets, Tian Linger doesn’t have to worry about running out of money even if he is lying in bed for a lifetime.

But how can knowledge be measured by money?

But this kind of reasoning is meaningless. After all, knowledge changes destiny more that it can be applied to the poor, and young ladies like Tian Linger learn knowledge, that is, to enrich themselves, as for changing destiny and pursuing better Life is completely unnecessary for her.

The three people found a famous coffee shop, where Tian Linger’s favorite milk tea, and she stated that she is a frequent customer here, after arriving, the waiter was very warm reception, and even the manager personally came out, The three of them received the deck on the second floor.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹are you still doing the same?” the manager asked Tian Linger.

Tian Linger nodded. Asked George Han, “What are you drinking?”

“Ice water.” George Han doesn’t drink much of beverage products. Although ice water is bland and tasteless, no one can compare to quenching thirst.

The manager sneered inwardly, where did this guy come out of the mountain cannon. When he arrived at such a high-end shop, he only drank white water.

However, the sneer returned to the sneer, and the manager who trained with the eye-eyed Jingjing still discovered the difference of George Han.

Tian Linger only asked the man what he was drinking, but did not ask his girlfriend. Is it possible that this inconspicuous young man is still a big man?

After Xie Yufu ordered something he wanted to drink, the phone rang.

“I’ll pick up someone.” After Xie Yufu finished speaking to Tian Linger, he hurriedly went downstairs.

Outside the cafe. A Ferrari parked on the side of the road, and Xie Yufu walked directly to the car, looking at the man in the car, his face couldn’t hide the joy, this is the man she has admired for a long time, Kong Wu.

“Kong Wu, go upstairs and rest for a while.” Xie Yufu said.

“Didn’t you say that there are important things? Hurry up. I have other things.” Kong Wu said impatiently. Although Xie Yufu is a beautiful woman, the strength of the Xie family and the Kong family is not much different. , Xie Yufu is not an ordinary woman to Kong Wu. It can be thrown away by just playing around, so he doesn’t bother to bother with Xie Yufu.

For Kong Wu, he is not interested in any woman who will cause a burden. After all, he is still young. There are still great flowers in the world, and there are many beautiful women waiting for him to be favored, how can they hang on a tree.

Xie Yufu doesn’t mind Kong Wu’s indifferent attitude, because she has long been used to it, and most people become blind when they like someone, even if Xie Yufu knows that Kong Wu has many scumbag behaviors. She doesn’t mind either.

“Go take a rest. Tian Linger is also here.” Xie Yufu said, that’s why she asked Kong Wu to meet at this time, because she knows that only Tian Linger is present, Kong Wu will give her face .

Sure enough, when he heard Tian Linger was there, Kong Wu’s expression suddenly changed. He hadn’t thought about anything to do with Tian Linger. I don’t have the guts, after all, Tian Linger is only 18 years old now, and Thomas Tian protects her very tightly. Anyone who wants to get involved with Tian Linger will not end well, but he can strengthen this Tianjia princess. , Becoming friends with her, the benefits are also great.

“Well, I happen to be thirsty. Let’s quench my thirst.” Kong Wu said when he got out of the car.

Xie Yufu was full of joy, and didn’t mind that Kong Wu stayed because of Tian Linger, but thinking that there was George Han upstairs, Xie Yufu didn’t want Kong Wu to think too much. So it has to be vaccinated.

“There is another person here today, but I have nothing to do with him. Don’t worry, I’m seeing him for the first time.” Xie Yufu said.

“Who?” Kong Wu asked curiously.

“It’s just a waste. You should have heard his name, but you must have never seen it. How could this kind of person be qualified to meet you.” Xie Yufu said disdainfully, how about being valued by Thomas Tian, in Xie Yu In Fu’s eyes, George Han still regarded George Han as useless, because Basin City had too many useless deeds about George Han, and this stereotype could not be erased by one thing.

“Wonderful?” Kong Wu asked suspiciously. Could it be that Basin City’s waffle was him?

“Let’s go, what do you care about this wimp, just treat it as if he doesn’t exist.” Xie Yufu took the initiative to hold Kong Wu’s hand, his face filled with happiness.

Kong Wu was rescued by George Han last time in the Yundingshan Villa area. If George Han hadn’t come forward, the property management department of the Yundingshan Villa area would definitely have trouble with the Kong family. This matter is over, so in Kong Wu’s heart, he is very grateful to George Han. As for how loud his name was in Basin City, Kong Wu felt that it didn’t matter.

I don’t know if these groundless things are true or false, but the things George Han saved him are true.

After following Xie Yufu into the cafe, Kong Wu couldn’t help asking: “The person you are talking about is not George Han, right?”

Xie Yufu covered his mouth and chuckled, and said, “The entire Basin City, besides him, who else can have such a reputation?”

Kong Wu’s expression was startled. It was really George Han. He wanted to find a chance to thank him for a long time. He didn’t expect to meet in this situation today and unconsciously speeded up his pace.

Xie Yufu sneered in his heart, George Han was lucky to be able to sit at the same table with Kong Wu and drink milk tea.

But when Kong Wu went upstairs, Xie Yufu was shocked and couldn’t believe it.

Chapter 162

“Brother Han, I didn’t expect that it was really you. I always wanted to find a chance to thank you for what happened last time.” When Kong Wu saw George Han, he stepped forward with enthusiasm and walked away at the same time. Xie Yufu’s hand.

Xie Yufu was at a loss for a while. If Tian Linger was so innocent, it was because Thomas Tian valued him, what was Kong Wu for? Does it mean that even an excellent person like Kong Wu needs to curry favor with George Han?

Thomas Tian’s influence is really big enough. Just a word from him can cause such a big response.

If even Kong Wu is like this, people in Basin City’s entire life will probably try to cheat on this waste.

Xie Yufu’s heart was very unbalanced. Why could such waste be able to turn over because of Thomas Tian’s word salted fish, but she had to serve Tian Linger carefully and pretend to be a good girlfriend.

In fact, there are many dissatisfaction with Tian Linger hidden in her heart, but she does not dare to vent it.

“I didn’t expect it to be you.” George Han looked surprised, after having a relationship with Kong Wu last time. I’ve never seen it again, and I can actually meet it on this occasion, and seeing Xie Yufu’s attitude, it seems that he likes Kong Wu very much.

“Neither did I expect, Miss Tian, ”‹”‹I will invite Brother Han to dinner tonight, and you can come together too.” Kong Wu said.

Tian Linger was always thinking about why she could ask George Han, but she didn’t expect Kong Wu to help her accomplish this thing. She was naturally happy, and her liking for Kong Wu increased a bit.

“Okay. I want to eat well.” Tian Linger said with a smile.

“No problem, how can I be shabby if I invite Miss Tian to dinner.” Kong Wu said with a smile.

In Xie Yufu’s eyes, George Han should be an outsider, but the situation is now. Obviously she was rejected. Listening to the three chatting, no one would respond to her even if they forced a sentence or two in. This made Xie Yufu hate George Han inexplicably.

Had it not been for George Han, Kong Wu would not ignore him, nor would Tian Linger, it was because of this uselessness that made her a transparent person on this occasion.

After drinking the milk tea, George Han checked the time and said that Amelia Su should be off work, so he called in advance to report not to go home for dinner tonight. The hospitality was difficult. Kong Wu wanted to be grateful to him, and he was too embarrassed to refuse. For George Han, these young people in Basin City are worth making friends with. After all, these young people will be the real economic pillars in the future.

Dinner is at a very popular hot pot restaurant. To eat here, you must reserve a place one week in advance, but Kong Wu is there. It is not a problem to easily get the reserved box of the hot pot restaurant.

And when the owner of the hot pot restaurant learned that Tian Linger was there, he personally went to the box to greet him, and arranged the manager at the door of the box to listen to instructions at any time.

When George Han didn’t drink, Kong Wu simply took a drink, pushing a cup and changing a cup and chatting happily, but they were all very daily things and didn’t involve George Han’s personal affairs. This is Kong Wu’s cleverness. Although he knows that George Han is not simple, and he has a lot of curiosity about George Han in his heart, but no amount of curiosity must be suppressed. If you become friends with George Han, you will have the opportunity to learn about these things slowly. . And once it aroused the disgust of George Han, he didn’t treat him as a friend, and if he became an enemy, the loss would be great.

“I’m going to the toilet.” During the meal, Xie Yufu, who couldn’t speak, could only find a reason to go out and breathe.

When she walked out of the box door, Xie Yufu’s expression became much colder because she was completely excluded from this circle. She originally wanted to take this opportunity to ask Kong Wu to come out today so that she can get in touch with her feelings. George Han was ruined, and she was very unwilling.

Xie Yufu, who came out of the bathroom, happened to bump into a man who was drunk. It seemed that he was very drunk, but Xie Yufu showed a smile on his face.

When she walked to the man, she deliberately rubbed the other person with her body, and then she changed her face greatly, slapped the man on the face, and said in panic: “Why are you touching me?”

The man was dizzy and slapped. He didn’t know what was going on. He looked up and saw Xie Yufu look good and dressed s*xy. He smiled and said, “Beauty, how much money is a night,” Stay with me tonight, I will make you cool.”

These words made the smile on Xie Yufu’s face thicker, but it was quickly covered up. He became more alarmed and said: “You fart, I am not such a person, you quickly apologize to me, otherwise, I will not let you go today.”

“Apologize, there are not many people who can make me apologize in Basin City.” The man said with a smile, completely not paying attention to Xie Yufu’s threat.

But he walked upside down in front of Xie Yufu, blocking her path. Continue to say: “It was you who slapped me just now. Yes, I like your strong temper. I don’t know if you are so strong in bed.”

After saying this, the man took Xie Yufu’s hand.

Xie Yufu was truly panicked at this time. He quickly turned away and said: “Don’t mess with me. I am Kong Wu’s girlfriend. Do you know who he is?”

This is Xie Yufu’s plan to give heroes Kong Wu a chance to save the United States. Let her be able to show a soft side in front of Kong Wu, if Kong Wu can be affectionate, so much better.

“Kong Wu? What kind of shit, I haven’t heard of it, you f*cking beat me, if you don’t accompany me tonight, this will not be over.” The man said.

At this time, George Han who came to the bathroom happened to ran into this scene. The man who stopped Xie Yufu was a bit familiar. Seen somewhere.

“Are you okay?” George Han stepped forward and asked.

The opportunity Xie Yufu created was for Kong Wu, but it was not for George Han to make trouble, and said coldly: “What does it have to do with you, you go away, don’t be nosy.”

When Xie Yufu said this, he didn’t see the drunk man’s expression half sober, obviously because he saw George Han.

“Okay, go ahead.” George Han shrugged indifferently and walked into the bathroom.

The man heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this. The reason he saw George Han was so scared. Because he was Mo Yang’s subordinate, he was afraid that he would offend Brother George’s woman, but now it seems that this woman is having a feast with Brother George. If this is the case, let alone her.

“Beauty, you really don’t know how to cherish the opportunity.” The man said.

Xie Yufu didn’t know what stupid she had done, and counted on Kong Wu to save her, saying: “You wait, I will let my boyfriend come over.”

“Okay. I’ll wait for you.”

Xie Yufu called Kong Wu and said that he had some trouble.

Kong Wu was hindered by the relationship with the Xie family, so he had to come forward.

The person is here, but after Kong Wu saw that person, he couldn’t wait to slap Xie Yufu a few times. Kong Wu’s father only met with Mo Yang a few days ago. He was there at the time, and he had seen Mo Yang’s subordinates. Did this wicked woman actually offend Mo Yang’s people?

The Kong family’s status in Basin City is not low. Even lived in the Yundingshan Villa area, but their family is ultimately a member of the shopping mall. If you go against people in a gray area like Moyang, you can imagine the end.

And now Mo Yang’s momentum is very fierce, no one in the entire Basin City can be his opponent, Kong Wu’s father wants to have a good relationship with Mo Yang.

“Kong Wu, this gangster is indecent to me, you quickly avenge me.” Xie Yufu said to Kong Wu eagerly, with a soft and weak look.

“Your boyfriend turned out to be Master Kong.”

“Hmph, now you know how good he is, you’d better kneel down and apologize to me today.” Xie Yufu said triumphantly.

“What’s the matter?” Kong Wu asked the man after he approached.

“Master Kong, your girlfriend slapped me for no reason, not to mention that I was indecent to her, what do we do if you say this?” The man sneered, and he would count if it weren’t for George Han’s earlier episode. Well, after all, we still have to give Kong Wu some face, but Xie Yufu was so rude to George Han just now, and let George Han go away, can this be good?

“You fart, it was you who insulted me first, and then I hit you. What does it mean for no reason?” Xie Yufu cried out of grievance immediately, holding Kong Wu’s hand, and Pear Flower said with rain: “Kong Wu, quick Get revenge for me, this shameless thing, just touched my ass.”

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