His True Colors Novel Chapter 1555 – 1558

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Chapter 1555

For Amelia Su, the old man’s birthday is a very good opportunity.

Although it is said that all relatives of the Su family are working under Wilson Su, but for Amelia Su, some grudges have to be reported.

Of course, maybe Amelia Su doesn’t care about these things. But George Han couldn’t swallow this breath. He could allow himself to be aggrieved, but he would never allow Amelia Su to be aggrieved at all.

Just like everything in the past, George Han could tolerate the Su family despising him, and even scolding him for rubbish, George Han could be calm as water, but humiliating Amelia Su just couldn’t.

“What do you want to do?” Amelia Su asked while looking at George Han.

“What else can you do, whoever bullies you. Who will pay the price.” George Han said coldly.

Amelia Su shook her head, even though Harry Su’s group of people had indeed troubled her, and those relatives used to treat her as a maid, and let her do everything dirty or tired. I don’t care if she is just a child.

But now, Amelia Su doesn’t care about these things anymore, because now she has become different from ordinary people.

“I don’t care about these things anymore, I don’t need you to avenge me.” Amelia Su said.

George Han shook his head again and again, this is not just revenge.

“It is very likely that I will use this to protect you in the end. Give me this chance.” George Han said.

After they went to Bafang World, George Han’s ability was no longer as good as Amelia Su, and he lost the qualification to protect Amelia Su.

Amelia Su also knew this, because George Han had told her that she was very good. Even an absolute powerhouse in the Octagonal world, so at the moment George Han asked to protect her, Amelia Su couldn’t find any reason to refuse.

“Whatever you want, as long as you are happy.” Amelia Su said.

The single dog Xiaolong on the side inexplicably ate a wave of dog food. Although he did not know what was going on, the happiness that overflowed between the two made Xiaolong feel very comfortable and even a little envious, so he couldn’t wait. Want to find a partner.

But for Xiaolong, the women around him are all coveting his status and money, and the green tea attributes of those women can be recognized by Xiaolong almost at a glance, so he treats these people. There is no interest at all.

“Boss, you two should get married right now.” Xiaolong couldn’t help but say.

George Han glared at Xiaolong, who shivered. Quickly said: “Boss, I just talk about it casually, don’t be angry.”

George Han suddenly turned to look at Amelia Su. And Amelia Su’s eyes also bloomed with a strange look.



The two said in unison, then holding hands, they ran directly out of Xiaolong’s office.

The confused little dragon still didn’t understand what was going on, and the two of them were gone.

“This…Where is this going, why is it so sudden.” Xiaolong touched his head, confused.

Sitting back to his own position, Xiaolong’s face gradually showed a smile.

Although he never dared to think that this position would truly become his, but when this happened, it was not so difficult to accept.

And Xiaolong knows. George Han simply couldn’t see everything in Basin City, so he gave him the entire company.

As he said, everything in Basin City. For him, it was just a game. Perhaps from the beginning, he hadn’t thought about the ending, let alone that Fengqian was his own.

“The boss is the boss, this pattern. It’s not comparable to ordinary people. For such a big company, you can give away someone if you say you give it away. Apart from the boss, who can do such a shocking thing.” Xiaolong smiled and said to himself .

I thought that when I first met George Han, Xiaolong left with the purpose of collecting protection fees. Unexpectedly, such a move completely changed his life.

“Boss, even if I become the boss. This company will always be yours. As long as you come back, I can give you this position.”

on the other hand.

George Han and Amelia Su, who rushed out of the Fengqian company building hand in hand. Stopped a taxi.

“Master, go to the Civil Affairs Bureau.” George Han said.

The two just met with each other’s eyes just now to confirm the other’s inner thoughts. That’s why they had a year of understanding at the same time. This is a tacit understanding, and there is no need to use too much language to explain to each other.

The taxi master glanced at the two of them. They must have rushed to get a certificate if they were so anxious, but depending on the grade, both of them are still children.

“You guys, are you sure?” the master asked hesitantly.

“Of course, Master. Could you please drive quickly.” Amelia Su urged.

The taxi master smiled helplessly, and then started the car.

Such things as marriage certificates actually have no meaning to George Han and Amelia Su. Because this is only after the earth can prove their relationship, but after arriving in the world of Bafang, this thing is of no use.

But this form is very necessary for George Han and Amelia Su, because this is not felt in the Bafang world, and they have been married before. If there is one less certificate in this life, it is more or less a regret.

When they arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, the two ran in in a hurry, but in less than two minutes, they drooped and appeared at the door.

He smiled helplessly.

George Han was a bit bitter, while Amelia Su was a little embarrassed, because the staff inside told her just now that she should be more reserved as a girl, how can she want to get a marriage certificate before she reaches the legal age.

“Are we too impulsive.” Amelia Su said helplessly.

George Han has also completely forgotten the key point. They are not even twenty years old now, and they want to get a certificate. Isn’t that nonsense?

“It seems a bit.” George Han said awkwardly.

Amelia Su narrowed her mouth and said, “If there is a chance in the future, we must return to Earth and get a marriage certificate again.”

For George Han, these words were equivalent to an agreement between the two, and George Han responded with one bite.

At this moment, Amelia Su’s expression suddenly showed a hint of shock, as if she had seen something incredible.

Following Amelia Su’s sight, George Han understood why Amelia Su was shocked.

Su Yihan held a person who seemed to be very old, and his behavior was very intimate.

That person must be at least forty-five years old. Even Su Yihan’s elder is more than enough, but depending on the closeness of the two, it is definitely not as simple as the elder.

Chapter 1556

“I didn’t expect that Su Yihan was young, but he knew how to plan for his own future.” George Han said with a smile. Su Yihan is essentially a bitch, and George Han has a deep understanding of this matter. It’s just that he didn’t expect that Su Yihan had changed from such a young age.

Judging from the clothes and backpacks on Su Yihan, she and this old man must be driven by money, because with her family’s status in Su’s company, it is absolutely impossible to buy luxury goods so generously.

Amelia Su has no affection for Su Yihan. Because Su Yihan often cooperated with Harry Su to bully her, but seeing Su Yihan actually degenerate to this point, Amelia Su was still a little bit unbearable in her heart, like a flower like a jade. How could it be ruined by a bad old man.

“What’s the matter, you won’t be softened, this is the path she chose.” George Han couldn’t help but said a trace of pity in Amelia Su’s eyes.

“She is the Su family after all, and doing these things is embarrassing to the Su family.” After Amelia Su finished speaking, she walked towards Su Yihan.

George Han sighed helplessly, these nosy things. They weren’t supposed to intervene, just watch the excitement.

“Su Yihan.” Amelia Su walked directly in front of the two, blocking their way.

When Su Yihan saw Amelia Su, he let go of the middle-aged man’s hand in a panic.

“Amelia Su, you… why are you here.” Su Yihan said in a panic.

The first time the middle-aged saw Amelia Su, his eyes were coveted, because after possessing the power of Swinging, Amelia Su’s temperament has completely transformed, and she is now a living goddess. It has a very fatal attraction to men, especially such lecherous old men. More addicted.

“This is…” the middle-aged man asked Su Yihan with interest.

“Me, cousin.” Su Yihan said.

The middle-aged man looked up and down Amelia Su. His eyes said playfully: “It’s a rare coincidence today, let’s have a meal together.”

Su Yihan knows the character of this man very well. When he said this, he must have fallen in love with Amelia Su, which made Su Yihan feel a sense of crisis of falling out of favor.

It was hard for her to find such a rich man who could satisfy her material desires. If Amelia Su is snatched away, who will be her benefactor in the future?

So Su Yihan’s expression. Immediately became full of coldness, and said to Amelia Su: “Go, I have no time to eat with you.”

Feeling Su Yihan’s rejection, Amelia Su was a bit speechless. How could she be willing to fall into the hands of such an old man at such a beautiful age.

“Did I allow you to speak. I want to invite her to dinner. You are qualified to refuse?” The middle-aged man scolded Su Yihan. Obviously, he just used Su Yihan as a vent tool. He didn’t really put in his emotions, so he dared to be so straightforward in front of Su Yihan.

“Look at it again. I dug out your eyes, do you believe it?” A cold voice sounded.

George Han appeared beside Amelia Su.

He had already felt the middle-aged man’s unkind eyes, and he was still looking at Amelia Su without any worries. For George Han, it was disrespect to Amelia Su!

“Little thing, who are you, dare to threaten me by saying this.” The middle-aged man said to George Han with a mocking look.

He wouldn’t pay attention to the young kid.

Look at the current cloud city. Besides Su Family and Fengqian, who else can he be afraid of?

“You are something old again.” George Han said.

The middle-aged man heard the three words old. With a hideous expression on his face, he gritted his teeth and said, “Who are you talking about the old thing? There is a kind of say it again.”

“Old thing, you won’t be so old that you can’t even use your ears?” George Han said with a smile.

The middle-aged man was completely furious.

In front of a woman, being so humiliated, he felt that all his face was lost, so he could only teach George Han a lot to find a place for himself.

“Small things, you provoke me yourself.” The middle-aged man raised his hand inexplicably with green eyes.

George Han was wondering what he suddenly raised his hand for, and saw someone approaching them nearby, and it was obviously the same group of people.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually brought a bodyguard in secret, and it seemed that he was not an ordinary person.

However, in Basin City, no ordinary person met George Han, it was just a paper tiger.

A group of a dozen people surrounded George Han.

The middle-aged man showed a triumphant smile on his face, and said, “Small, how do you want to die.”

“I should ask you for this sentence. I said it. If you look at her again, I will cut out your eyes. Now the conditions have been met.” George Han said coldly.

The middle-aged man seemed to have heard a joke. With so many bodyguards, George Han dared to speak up.

Even Su Yihan thought that George Han was an idiot. At this time, he was still not convinced, and even dared to say such things.

Chapter 1557

“Amelia Su, you should let your boyfriend take care of his mouth, don’t say anything to harm yourself.” Su Yihan reminded.

Heard this. The middle-aged man’s eyes revealed a sense of disgust. Doesn’t the boyfriend mean that the goddess-like woman in front of him has been defiled? This is a great pity for him.

However, this does not mean that he has given up on Amelia Su. This kind of goddess, even if it is a bit flawed, is acceptable to him.

“Your boyfriend is dead today, but there is a way. You can make him die.” The middle-aged man said to Amelia Su.

“What way?” Amelia Su asked casually. She didn’t worry that George Han would be harmed by this guy. For these people, George Han could not use two hands.

“As long as you are willing to accompany me for a meal, watch a movie, and we will watch the sunrise together tomorrow morning, I will let him go, how about it.” The middle-aged man said with a wry smile.

George Han had murderous intent in his heart. It’s not just as simple as removing his eyes.

Coveting Amelia Su, and in front of him, making such a request to Amelia Su, isn’t it what it means to die?

“Have you bought yourself a coffin?” George Han asked.

The middle-aged man didn’t care what George Han said, because in his eyes, this kind of trivial chores was just his mouth, and he cared more about Amelia Su’s choice.

“Originally, I wanted to save you and say a few good things for you, but now I don’t have to.” Amelia Su said.

This makes the middle-aged man very uncomprehending, he still needs to help speak?

This is the situation now. As long as he said a word, George Han could be crippled at any time. This woman shouldn’t be pretty, but her brain is wrong?

“I think you are both blind. I don’t know who I am.” The middle-aged man said.

“This is the boss behind Fengqian Company. I don’t know who of you is better?” Amelia Su asked with a curious expression on purpose.

When the middle-aged man heard the words Fengqian Company, his expression was obviously startled.

In Basin City, except that FengQian and the current Su family made him a little scared, he didn’t even care about the Tian family. It was such a coincidence. Just ran into someone he feared?

But the little crap in front of him didn’t look like someone over twenty years old. How could it be the boss of Fengqian Company?

“All of Fengqian’s cooperation was reached between him and the Su family. There is someone from the Su family by your side. She should know this very well. Don’t you ask?” Amelia Su continued.

The middle-aged man turned his head stiffly and looked at Su Yihan. If this is the case, a catastrophe would have happened today.

In Basin City now, who would dare to offend Fengqian, that would be a dead end!

“Yes… is it true?” The middle-aged man swallowed. Obviously nervous, asked Su Yihan.

Su Yihan did not know the identity of George Han. However, the cooperation between the Su family and Fengqian was indeed facilitated by George Han, which is why the Su family father valued George Han in particular.

But in Su Yihan’s view, even if George Han contributed to this incident, it does not mean that George Han is Fengqian’s boss.

“The cooperation does have something to do with him, but… but this doesn’t mean that Fengqian Company is his.” Su Yihan didn’t want to admit this in his heart, because of the former Amelia Su. But just because she was playing with her, Wilson Su suddenly controls the company. Amelia Su became Miss Su’s family, which was something she didn’t intend to accept. If Amelia Su still had such a close relationship with the boss of Fengqian Company, wouldn’t she be even more of no position in front of Amelia Su.

The middle-aged man thought about it again. This is indeed the truth. He might be an intermediary, pretending to use Fengqian Company’s pretense.

But what Amelia Su said next made him completely desperate.

“Don’t you think that George and Fengqian, these two words have a lot in common?” Amelia Su said.


There was a thunder in the middle-aged man’s mind.

Three thousand!


There are indeed too many things in common.

If that one is missing, it will be exactly the same!


That’s it!

That’s it!

The middle-aged man’s eyes went dark and almost fainted.

Offending the boss of Fengqian Company in Basin City, he must be a dead end! And the entire Cloud City will not let him go.

Those people who are trying to curry favor with Fengqian Company, if they knew about this, it would be no surprise even if they swallowed him alive.

Looking at George Han again, the middle-aged man is no longer domineering, but with very strong fear.

“Go away, don’t you guys go away.” The middle-aged man said to the bodyguards.

The bodyguard also understood what mentality he was now, and quickly withdrew.

“Mr. Han, I…I’m sorry, I deserve to die, I deserve to die.” The middle-aged man slapped himself unconcealedly in the crowd, and slapped his hands without any softness.

Chapter 1558

Su Yihan felt extremely ashamed at this time, because she lost to Amelia Su, not only the age between the man and George Han, but also the status and influence.

His performance at this moment is a complete trash, slapped himself in panic, for fear that George Han will not forgive him.

For the middle-aged man, he was experiencing the most fearful thing in history at this time, because he knew what would happen if he didn’t get George Han’s forgiveness.

Seeing that his face was already swollen, but George Han’s expression was still full of murderous intent. The middle-aged man complained in his heart. If he knew this, he shouldn’t go out today.

“Mr. Han, please give me a chance. I really know I was wrong. I knelt down for you.” After speaking, the middle-aged man knelt on his knees with a pop.

This scene surprised the passers-by. Everyone was wondering what happened. Why would an older person kneel to a young man?

George Han glanced at Amelia Su helplessly, this matter was originally very easy for him to solve, just need to kill him to get it done, but Amelia Su deliberately exposed his identity, which made this guy start to kneel and apologize.

“You don’t want me to kill him?” George Han asked Amelia Su.

Amelia Su Bingxue is smart, and it is absolutely impossible for her to expose George Han’s identity for no reason, so George Han knew that there must be a reason.

Amelia Su raised her eyebrows and said, “This is on the street. I don’t want you to perform unique skills here.”

“With my means, no one can find out.” George Han said.

“Humph.” Amelia Su pouted, and said: “Are you good at your methods? Is there me good?”

George Han was speechless. Compared with Amelia Su, he was indeed not as good as Amelia Su, and it could even be said that there was no comparability between the two.

He is the God Realm of Xuanyuan World, while Amelia Su is the Kongtong Realm of Bafang World. They are completely different concepts.

“Okay, I’ll give up.” George Han slumped his head weakly.

At this time, Thomas Tian, who had long been annoyed in the crowd, walked towards George Han.

The reason why I didn’t show up just now was because I was worried that I would expose George Han’s identity and that he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble for George Han.

But now, he saw that George Han was a little helpless and didn’t seem to know how to deal with this matter. For Thomas Tian, this was a good thing and could help George Han solve it.

“Three thousand, what’s the matter.” Thomas Tian shouted enthusiastically after walking to his side.

Middle-aged men are not afraid of the heavenly family, because since Fengqian was founded, the influence of the heavenly family in Basin City has plummeted.

But encountering the Heavenly Family at this time is not good news for him, and the appearance of Thomas Tian is more able to prove George Han’s identity.

“You came just right.” George Han didn’t know what to do with the person in front of him, and Thomas Tian appeared and helped him solve a problem.

“Three thousand, if you have any inconvenience, just let me come.” Thomas Tian smiled.

“Take this guy away, I want him to have two eyes.” George Han said, molesting Amelia Su with his eyes, George Han didn’t want his life, it was already a very kindness.

But for the middle-aged man, these words are like a thunder strike.

Without his eyes, his world will be dark, no matter how beautiful a beautiful woman can be seen, what is the meaning of such a life?

“Mr. Han, Mr. Han, I was wrong, please give me another chance, I won’t dare anymore.” The middle-aged man kept kowtow to George Han in desperation.

The touch between his forehead and the ground made a bang, and soon a large blood stain appeared on his forehead, indicating that he was not able to save a bit of strength and that he was extremely afraid.

For these, George Han did not see it, because the middle-aged man began to look at Amelia Su with a lecherous eye and made a request to Amelia Su, his fate was already doomed.

“Take it away,” George Han said.

Thomas Tian nodded, waved to invite his men, and then took the middle-aged man away.

During this process, the middle-aged man still yelled to George Han for mercy, but George Han pretended that nothing happened.

For George Han, such behavior is unforgivable. No matter who the opponent is, as long as he touches George Han’s bottom line, it is a dead end.

Su Yihan’s face was extremely ugly. She thought that she was approached by a rich and powerful person, so she wouldn’t have to bow her head in front of Amelia Su in the future, but what she didn’t expect was that she still had no chance to stand up in front of Amelia Su.

“Go home, you are from the Su family, you don’t need to confront this kind of old man.” Amelia Su said to Su Yihan.

This was particularly harsh in Su Yihan’s ears, as if Amelia Su was mocking him maliciously.

“Amelia Su, don’t be too proud, one day, I will find a better man than him.” Su Yihan gritted his teeth.

These words made George Han couldn’t help but laugh. To find a better man on the earth is simply wishful thinking and impossible.

“I’m doing it for your own good, you wouldn’t think that a person like him would really like you,” Amelia Su said.

“Why not, do you deserve to be liked only by you?” Su Yihan said viciously in his eyes.

George Han shook his head helplessly, Su Yihan was out of hatred for Amelia Su, no matter what Amelia Su said is useless, her kindness, but Su Yihan will be regarded as a donkey liver and lungs.

“Let’s go, you can’t save this kind of woman.” George Han said to Amelia Su.

Amelia Su didn’t want to save Su Yihan. It’s just because everyone was Su’s family, that’s why she kindly reminded her. Moreover, Amelia Su is already above mortals, and she doesn’t want to care about things with Su Yihan. Don’t want to see her fall.

Moreover, most of those things in the past were planned by Harry Su, and even if Amelia Su wanted revenge, she would look for Harry Su.

“Since you can’t listen, I can’t help it, but I can tell you that in this world, there is no better man than him.” After that, Amelia Su took George Han’s hand and passed Su Yihan.

George Han was very happy. He was originally annoyed. He suddenly felt that today was not a bad thing. At least he was approved by Amelia Su, and Amelia Su took the initiative to take his hand. This is considered to be a big relationship between the two. progress.

In this world, there is no better man than him!

This is the most touching words George Han has heard so far.

“What are you laughing at?” Amelia Su couldn’t help asking when seeing the smirk on George Han’s face.

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