His True Colors Novel Chapter 1551 – 1554

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Chapter 1551

Nangong Boring stayed in the Han family, which invisibly caused a certain amount of psychological pressure on the Han family, but for Han Tianyang, this pressure did not exist at all, because he knew about George Han and even more. Nangong Boring was afraid of George Han.

“I didn’t expect you to have today. It’s uncomfortable like this.” Han Tianyang said to Nangong Boring.

For Nangong Boring, there is no such thing as feeling good or not, because what he wants from George Han is something other people in this world cannot give, so even if he sighs down to George Han, Nangong Boring can also easily accept it. As long as he thinks that he can become a person like George Han and can extend his life, Nangong Boring feels that everything is worth it.

“Looking at you, it seems to know about George Han.” Nangong Boring said.

Except for Han Tianyang, the other Han family members all have a kind of fear of him, and Han Tianyang, a former puppet, can be so unscrupulous, which makes Nangong Boring guess that Han Tianyang understands George Han, and this is the only way he is. I won’t be afraid of myself.

“My own grandson, can you not understand?” Han Tianyang said with a smile.

“Your luck is really good. With such a grandson, you should be able to get a lot of benefits.” When Nangong Boring said this, there was an undisguised envy in his tone. He really hoped that such a person could appear in his heart. The Nangong family, but unfortunately this is impossible.

“Benefits?” Han Tianyang deliberately struggled, and then said: “He gave me something and let me eat it, saying that it can protect me from all diseases and prolong my life. I don’t know if it is true or not.”

Nangong Boring bit his posterior molar unconsciously. Han Tianyang was his puppet, but Han Tianyang got what he had always dreamed of.

“Do you know his abilities, do you still need to doubt what he said?” Nangong Boring said.

Han Tianyang smiled faintly and said, “Of course I have to doubt, because I think the benefits that this thing can bring to me are more than simply prolonging life.”

These words almost made Nangong Boring vomit blood. Isn’t this guy’s performance just showing off on purpose?

“By the way, you came to my grandson, not for these things.” Han Tianyang didn’t mention George Han’s name, but directly described it as his grandson. For Nangong Boring, this kind of constant show off, It is a blow again and again.

Nangong Boring wanted to deny it and no longer give Han Tianyang a chance to show off, but if he denies it and George Han knows, wouldn’t it be his own decision?

“Yes.” Nangong Boling said.

Han Tianyang smiled happily because he had already got what Nangong Boring wanted.

Han Tianyang never thought that he would one day be qualified to show off in front of Nangong Boring. After all, Nangong Boring is the world’s top upper-level figure, and he is just the head of a small Han family. Status and status are completely incomparable.

But because of the existence of George Han, Han Tianyang’s identity is obviously higher than that of Nangong Boring, which made him breathe out a sigh of relief.

Nangong Boring was a little bit aggrieved. Before, Han Tianyang was his puppet, but now, he has no chance to be equal to Han Tianyang. After all, Han Tianyang is the elder of George Han. This natural advantage is Nangong. Bo Ling is incomparable anyway.

“Hey, I didn’t expect it, Han Tianyang, I have this day too.” Han Tianyang said with a sigh.

“Indeed, I don’t know what kind of shit luck you have to have such a grandson.” Nangong Boring said, although he was not convinced, he could only accept this helpless reality.

on the other hand.

Not long after George Han arrived at the airport, she received a call from Mary. Because Mary had too much anger in her heart, she wanted to know what happened to Nangong Boring and why she would treat George Han. Thousand is so respectful.

“George, what’s going on with Nangong Boring?” Mary asked George Han directly without circling around.

“He is afraid of me.” George Han said.

“How could it happen?” Mary said unclearly, who is Nangong Boring? The world’s largest private economy, how could he fear George Han for no reason?

“Mom, don’t ask for other reasons. I have something to rush back to Basin City and get on the plane right away.” George Han said. He can tell Han Tianyang about his own affairs, because that’s the person he cares about. , But Mary is not qualified to know.

And George Han also knew that Han Tianyang could help him keep secrets, but Mary absolutely couldn’t do that.

Without asking why, Mary was definitely not reconciled. Just as he was about to speak, a blind tone came from the phone, and George Han hung up the phone.

This made Mary a little angry, but after another thought, how could she be qualified to be angry with George Han now?

Chapter 1552

After returning to Basin City, George Han and Amelia Su discussed how to solve her problem.

Although Amelia Su has decided to leave the earth by death, how this matter is going to be carried out is still a big question.

“Three thousand, it turns out that it’s so difficult to die. It’s really troublesome.” Amelia Su said helplessly after racking his brains.

“True death is easy, and fake death has to be realistic. It’s really not easy.” George Han thought of many ways, but there were flaws.

Moreover, the Su family’s status in Cloud City is not low and its rights are not small. Once Amelia Su has any accident, the Su family will definitely investigate thoroughly. After all, the current Amelia Su is bound to the future of the Su family, whether it is the father of the Su family or Wilson Su will not easily make Amelia Su accident.

“You said, is there a way to let them know that I can’t survive in a certain situation, and I still can’t find my body?” Amelia Su said, if things proceed in this way, it would be much simpler .

George Han thought for a while, and an idea suddenly popped into his mind.

He still has to go to the Nangong family. In addition to the plane, the other means of transportation is HNA. If there is a torrential rain or wind, or even a tsunami, wouldn’t this matter be a death case? Who can investigate the vast ocean.

And if they disappeared in the sea, the Su family would definitely believe that they were dead and would not reveal any flaws at all.

“I have a way.” George Han told Amelia Su of his plan in detail.

Amelia Su’s eyes shined after hearing it. This is the perfect way she has heard so far, and it won’t let anyone find a flaw.

“Just use it.” Amelia Su said happily.

“When?” George Han asked.

Upon hearing this question, Amelia Su’s expression sank. She didn’t actually think about when to restore her memory, and even deliberately avoided it.

Because the current life is a state that Amelia Su likes very much, and she knows that once her memory is restored, everything around her may undergo earth-shaking changes, and whether she can accept this change, Amelia Su is not sure.

Seeing that Amelia Su was silent, George Han did not continue to question, and said: “Let’s go, come with me to Fengqian Company, I also have to solve some personal matters.

Fengqian’s position in Cloud City is already an extraordinary existence. No local company can match Fengqian’s influence in Cloud City, and Xiaolong, as the company responsible for the company, controls the monstrous power of Cloud City. .

The current Xiaolong can easily change the destiny of a company with just one sentence, which has led to many people trying to bribe Xiaolong.

Once Xiaolong was just a street bastard, he suddenly became the boss of the company, which completely changed his life, but Xiaolong did not lose himself because of this. In the face of those tempting bribes, he has never been tempted. Over.

Because Xiaolong knew that everything he did now was doing things for George Han.

Without George Han, there would be no him now.

So before doing anything, Xiaolong will think about two questions.

The first is whether this will make George Han dissatisfied.

The second is whether this will harm the company’s interests.

If any of the above two conditions are met, Xiaolong will refuse without hesitation. This is his way of dealing with people, because he knows very well that once he has done something that harms George Han, his current status will be at any time. Be deprived of.

George Han came downstairs to the company, but was not stopped this time, because Xiaolong had already specifically told the Security Department.

But when he first got on the elevator, George Han met a woman who looked like a female leader and showed a very disdainful look at him.

“What are you here for?” The female leader asked with disdain when seeing George Han stepping down the top elevator.

This kind of woman is a little unpleasant in George Han’s heart. She wears a pair of high heels and thinks she can be superior to others.

“We don’t know each other, so it’s so difficult that I still need to report my private life to you?” George Han said lightly.

“I kindly advise you, go back home, don’t think about bribing our boss, he is a very upright person, you will go for nothing.” The female leader finished speaking, and looked at George Han again.

Judging by her eye-catching eyes, George Han didn’t even have a famous brand on her body, and she didn’t know what kind of garbage company’s boss it was. This kind of person is even more impossible to meet.

“And for a person of your grade, my boss will probably never see you at all.” The female leader continued.

The snobbery that George Han has seen, there are 800 without a thousand, so the attitude of this female leader makes George Han feel nothing.

But Amelia Su couldn’t stand it anymore, she didn’t allow such ordinary people to look down on George Han.

“Can you look at the dog’s eyes higher, maybe your boss is already at the elevator door now, ready to welcome us.” Amelia Su said.

When the female leader heard the words “dog eye”, her expression was instantly covered with anger, but Amelia Su’s next two words made her laugh again.

In Basin City now, who is qualified to let her wife greet him personally, isn’t this a big joke?

Even if the leader of Basin City came, he would have to wait in line outside the office to meet.

“Little girl, you are really capable. You are bragging about this kind of bragging, and you are not afraid to laugh at others. From my point of view, you don’t even know who my boss is.” The female leader said disdainfully.

“I really don’t know who your boss is, but your boss’s dog is really not a good thing. It only looks at people in the cracks of the door.” Amelia Su said.

These words made George Han amused. He didn’t expect that Amelia Su’s skill at turning around and cursing was so high that he could kill people without seeing blood.

The female leader was so angry that she wanted to jump her feet.

“Don’t be too angry, it’s not you that I’m scolding, don’t rush to check in.” Amelia Su continued.

After the knife was repaired, the female leader was definitely seriously injured, and George Han couldn’t help giving Amelia Su a thumbs up.

I saw that the female leader kept taking deep breaths to calm her emotions, but despite this, her breathing became more and more rapid. It was obvious that she was about to lose control of her anger.

At this time, the elevator just reached the top floor.

The moment the door opened, the female leader saw her boss, and her mind rumbling instantly.

How come the boss is at the elevator door, is it true that he is here to meet these two people?

Chapter 1553

The female leader shook her head unconsciously, because she felt that her idea was simply unrealistic. With Xiaolong’s status, how could she have to personally receive these two seemingly unremarkable people?

“Boss.” The female leader lowered her head and shouted.

At this time, Xiaolong also lowered his head and shouted to George Han: “Boss.”

George Han smiled faintly.

Amelia Su held her head high and said to Xiaolong: “Your subordinates are really inferior.”

A trace of anger flashed between Xiaolong’s eyebrows, and Amelia Su was a sister-in-law to him, and she was dissatisfied with her.

And listening to Amelia Su say this, it was obvious that this woman provoke them.

“What stupid did you do?” Xiaolong asked gritted his teeth.

The female leader instantly paled.

In fact, when she saw Xiaolong bowing her head and calling George Han’s boss, she already felt that something was not good.

Although she didn’t know who these two people were, it was definitely not a small person to be able to make Xiaolong bow her head so respectfully.

“I… boss, I was wrong.” The female leader said in a panic.

Xiaolong looked at her coldly and said, “Idiot, wait here, I’ll deal with you later.”

Because George Han and Amelia Su had already walked towards the office, Xiaolong had to hurry up to keep up.

The female leader looked bitter, she finally got to her current position, because she said a few wrong things, it is very likely that she would fall into the bottomless abyss, which made her regret deeply.

After arriving at the office, George Han did not take the position of Xiaolong.

Although he is Xiaolong’s boss, this position still belongs to the company’s stewardship after all. How can he be qualified to sit as a shopkeeper like this.

Moreover, the purpose of George Han’s coming today is to confess all Fengqian’s affairs to Xiaolong, so he has no reason to sit in the position of the boss.

“You are the behind-the-scenes boss of Fengqian Company. Do many people know about this matter?” Amelia Su asked George Han curiously.

“Your grandpa and dad know that, otherwise, how can they want you to be so close to me?” George Han said.

“For them, only interest is the most important thing. I used to be a transparent figure in the Su family. No one would put me in the eyes. Only Harry Su is the most favored.” Amelia Su Said, although she didn’t mind these little things now, she was still a little angry when she recalled the past.

For example, during the New Year, everyone has red envelopes, but she is the only one who is very small, and Harry Su often shows off in front of her. This kind of unequal treatment has started almost since Amelia Su can remember, and because Harry Su is favored , So he can bully Amelia Su even more unscrupulously.

For a while, Amelia Su would be afraid just by seeing Harry Su, enough to see what kind of psychological shadow Harry Su caused her.

“But now they have begun to regret it, the Su family father, can’t wait to give you all the love before.” George Han said with a smile. After his relationship, everyone in the Su family’s attitude toward Amelia Su has changed. , Especially the old man of the Su family, he probably regretted not being good to Amelia Su before.

“What’s the use of regret, my childhood was ruined by them.” Amelia Su said disdainfully.

At this time, Xiaolong came to the office, and the two stopped discussing the matter.

“Boss, come to me today, do you have anything to tell?” Xiaolong asked George Han with a smile on his face. Although the two hadn’t seen each other for a long time, Xiaolong still behaved like a street blind.

Of course, this side of Xiaolong will only be shown in front of George Han. For others, Xiaolong is an iron-faced King Kong.

“How about it, do you enjoy what is called the Master?” George Han asked.

Xiaolong nodded repeatedly and said, “Boss, where I am going now, those guys can’t wait to hold me in their palms, taking a mouthful of the dragon head, it makes me really excited.”

George Han couldn’t help laughing as he looked at Xiaolong’s appearance of being a villain.

I think when I first met Xiaolong, he was still a street bastard who knew nothing, except to scare people, he had no real ability.

But now, he has also experienced a transformation, and he has the temperament of a big boss, and because he is very young, George Han can even see a hint of handsome young man in him.

“But I know that this is all the boss, I just tried to fake it.” Xiaolong fished his head and continued.

“I came to you today just for this matter.” George Han said.

For Xiaolong, this day will arrive sooner or later, so he was mentally prepared a long time ago.

“Boss, I have no opinion. The boss’s position was originally yours. I will give it to you now. It is also a matter of course. I will be your assistant in the future. This will reduce the pressure on my heart.” Xiaolong smiled. Said.

Chapter 1554

After George Han listened to Xiaolong’s words, he was taken aback for a moment, he obviously misunderstood what he meant.

“You misunderstood, I want to give Fengqian Company to you, and you will be Fengqian’s real boss in the future.” George Han said.

Amelia Su could imagine what Xiaolong’s expression would look like next, so she looked at Xiaolong’s face very deliberately.

Xiaolong gradually widened his eyes, then opened his mouth.

Amelia Su could even see the Adam’s apple through Xiaolong’s open mouth.

“Be careful, don’t dislocate your jaw.” Amelia Su couldn’t help reminding.

Xiaolong’s mind is buzzing now. In his opinion, he is just helping George Han manage the company. The boss will let George Han go to him sooner or later.

But what he never expected was that George Han actually wanted to give him the company.

With Fengqian’s current market value and the value of Fengqian Commercial Building in the new city, this is a very staggering figure, but George Han would give these away, which Xiaolong could not imagine.

“Old…Boss, I heard you right!” Xiaolong dug his ears and asked in disbelief.

“No, to me, Fengqian is just a game, and you played this game very well, and now I lose interest in it, naturally I want a receiver, you are the best choice. “George Han said.


Xiaolong suddenly knelt on his knees.

“Boss, did I do something wrong?” Xiaolong asked.

Now it was George Han’s turn to be confused.

If Xiaolong did something wrong, how could he give Fengqian to Xiaolong, this guy would be a showy head.

“Boss, I will correct it if I make a mistake. Don’t scare me.” Xiaolong said.

George Han kicked Xiaolong a dog to eat shit, and said, “What are you doing, playing with me in the Sea of ”‹”‹Fog, what’s all this?”

From Xiaolong’s point of view, George Han did this either as a temptation or an irony with him, deliberately making fun of him.

Because Xiaolong didn’t think that George Han would give him such a huge asset, it would be impossible for anyone to do such a thing.

In this world, there is no one who doesn’t love money and power, and FengQian now has both in Basin City.

“Boss, I know you are testing me. My sincere heart for you has never changed and will never change in the future.” Xiaolong said.

George Han looked at Amelia Su helplessly, not crying or laughing.

“You think too much, I really want to give it to you, not to test you.” George Han said.

Xiaolong looked at George Han blankly, not knowing what to say.

“Although Fengqian is very valuable, but money is meaningless to me, and I will not stay in this small cloud city forever, so I will give it to you, because in my heart, Fengqian has no value. “George Han explained to Xiaolong.

“Boss, I am a layman, I can’t understand your realm, but with so much money, do you really want to give it to me?” Xiaolong asked, still not believing it in his heart.

“Yes, I’ll give it all to you, but I want you to promise me one thing.” George Han said.

“Boss, you say.”

“The cooperation with the Su family can never be divided, but it is limited to Wilson Su. Do you know what I mean?” George Han said.

After thinking for a while, Xiaolong said to George Han, “Boss, you mean that the entire Su family only needs to give Wilson Su face, and other people don’t have to look at it?”

George Han nodded. The rest of the Su family had left many unpleasant memories for Amelia Su, and they were naturally not eligible to receive Fengqian’s benefits.

“Yes, you just need to remember this.” George Han said.

“Boss, don’t worry, I will never forget. If this is the case, I won’t go to Su’s house next month.” Xiaolong said.

“Next month?” George Han looked at Xiaolong with confusion.

Even Amelia Su felt a little strange. What will Xiaolong do next month at Su’s house?

“Boss, don’t you know, the old man of the Su family will have his birthday next month. He invited me. Originally, I wanted to show my face, but since you said that, I won’t go.” Xiaolong explained.

George Han suddenly realized that it was the old man’s birthday.

But when he turned his head to look at Amelia Su, Amelia Su looked blank, as if he didn’t know anything.

Seeing George Han’s doubts, Amelia Su explained: “Grandpa’s birthday is a banquet for businessmen. Only the Harry Su family in the Su family are eligible to attend. People like me who are not in their eyes are definitely not eligible. of.”

That’s why, it seems that the power of the Su family’s eyes is really not a little bit, his birthday, even his granddaughter is not qualified to be there.

“This year he will definitely not dare to miss you.” George Han said with a smile.

Amelia Su narrowed her mouth and said, “But I don’t want to go. What does it have to do with me because of his birthday.”

“Go, how can you not go? After so many years of grievance, don’t you want to get it back?” George Han said with a smile.

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