His True Colors Novel Chapter 1531 – 1534

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Chapter 1531

Amelia Su didn’t leave the stone room for half a month, which was a huge suffering for George Han.

In this half month, George Han wanted to rush into the stone room countless times, but unfortunately with his ability, he could not bear the pressure brought by the strength of Suspension. No matter how suffering, George Han could only Waiting helplessly.

During this period, Fei Lingsheng came to find George Han, and told George Han Linlong that she hoped she could destroy the process of Amelia Su’s power inheritance, and it was best to kill Amelia Su at this time.

By doing this, Fei Lingsheng had directly chosen to betray Linlong, and this choice was still very wise for her.

Because Linlong and Ben could not come to the earth, and he also said very clearly that he was afraid of Amelia Su’s strength, so what Fei Lingsheng had to do at this time was to please George Han as much as possible, and he could not rely on Linlong to reach it. Divine Realm could only put hope on George Han.

George Han didn’t have too many thoughts about this, because now he only hopes that Amelia Su can come out peacefully. As for other things, it is not George Han that has the intention to consider now.

On this day, Fei Lingsheng came to George Han again.

As soon as she appeared, George Han knew that he must have something to do with Linlong, so he directly asked, “Did Linlong give you any other orders?”

“If I don’t do what he says, he will kill me.” Fei Lingsheng said.

George Han sneered coldly. Now that Linlong is in Xuanyuan World, how can he kill Fei Lingsheng?

“Don’t worry, if he had the guts to come to Earth, he would have come long ago, and he doesn’t need to wait until now.” George Han said.

This reason Fei Lingsheng naturally understood that if it weren’t for hesitation, Linlong would still need to give him the task of killing Amelia Su.

But what Fei Lingsheng was worried about was not that Linlong came to earth.

“He can create dreams, can he kill people in dreams?” Fei Lingsheng asked.

George Han looked at Fei Lingsheng with a sneer. Fortunately, she was still a strong master at the extreme level, and she didn’t even understand this.

Dreams are nothing but illusions, but how can you kill people in illusions?

“Don’t you know what a dream is?” George Han said.

Of course Fei Lingsheng knew that she would not be so ignorant, but Linlong is Linlong after all, and no one can guess whether he has special abilities. After all, Fei Lingsheng has experienced dreams in person, and she knows how much dreams are. real.

“Even Linlong can’t kill people in a dream, can you?” Fei Lingsheng said.

George Han knew that she was scared, so he was worried about this, and said, “If you are scared, you can stay by my side. I can guarantee that he can’t kill you.”

This sentence is good news for Fei Lingsheng. Although she doesn’t know if George Han can really help, at least it can give her peace of mind.

“What about the forbidden land?” Fei Lingsheng asked.

“I will let the people of Apocalypse guard it. In this situation, he must not dare to mess around.” George Han said.

Fei Lingsheng nodded and stopped talking.

Time passed quietly.

Twenty days have passed since Amelia Su entered the stone room, but the power emanating from the stone room has not diminished at all. According to this situation, I don’t know how long it will last. This makes George Han more and more anxious. .

At the beginning, he was on the island of the headquarters of the Black Sheep Organization, but he had been closed for three full years. If Amelia Su was the same, it would be too difficult for George Han to accept.

To worry about Amelia Su for three years, one can imagine what kind of psychological torment George Han will endure.

“It’s useless for you to be anxious. At this time, no one can help her.” After feeling George Han’s anxiety, Fei Lingsheng said to George Han.

George Han naturally understands this simple truth, but he understands it doesn’t mean he can be relieved, after all, this is the person he cares most about.

“You don’t understand.” George Han said.

“In addition to worrying about her condition, you are still worrying about yourself,” Fei Lingsheng said suddenly.

“What do you mean?” George Han frowned.

The corner of Fei Lingsheng’s mouth raised, and said: “She is a strong man in the world of eight directions, and you will go to the world of eight directions sooner or later. By that time, her strength will be much stronger than you, and you will lose the ability to protect her. This kind of contrast is unacceptable to you, right?”

These words of Fei Lingsheng directly touched George Han’s heart.

He had been worried about this for a long time, and he had also mentioned it to Amelia Su.

Although Amelia Su said at the time that he could protect George Han, out of the self-esteem of a man, how could George Han hope Amelia Su would protect him.

More importantly, the reason why Amelia Su left Bafang World is unknown. George Han guessed that she might have offended someone and attracted powerful enemies, so she was forced to come to Earth.

If this reason exists, then when Amelia Su returns to the Bafang World again, the enemy family will definitely come back. For Amelia Su, this is a huge trouble, and George Han at that time is probably just like an ant in the Bafang World. Existence, this is a situation that Han 30 million cannot accept.

“You are smart, but people who are too smart are often unpleasant.” George Han said lightly.

“Do you remember the strange beasts in Xuanyuan World?” Fei Lingsheng said.

Looking at Fei Lingsheng, George Han didn’t quite understand what she meant.

Although George Han was reborn, she hadn’t forgotten all the things in Xuanyuan World. How could she suddenly ask?

“What do you mean?” George Han asked.

“Foreign beasts can be tamed, and Linlong will definitely bring a great improvement to your strength.” Fei Lingsheng said.

George Han’s eyes widened suddenly, and the meaning of Fei Lingsheng’s remarks was very clear. She wanted to tell George Han to tame Linlong, let Linlong recognize the master, and become his strange beast.

But how could this be possible? George Han didn’t know if he was Linlong’s opponent, and to tame Linlong, his strength had to be much higher than Linlong. Obviously this was an unrealistic thing.

“Your joke is big. Tame Linlong. With my current strength, how can I do it?” George Han said.

“You really can’t do it with your strength, but there is still her. As long as she can help you, wouldn’t this matter be easy?” Fei Lingsheng said.

she was?

George Han looked at the stone room. When Amelia Su walked out of the stone room, no one could know what kind of strength Amelia Su would be.

If she recovers to her heyday, then Linlong is just an earthworm to her, and she can indeed help George Han tame Linlong.

Chapter 1532

I have to say that Fei Lingsheng’s remarks made George Han very excited. Although he now has a red-eyed jade mang, there is still a very big difference between the two compared to Linlong, but think carefully. After all, this was an external force, not his own real strength, which made George Han lose a lot of interest.

“Even if the Linlong can be tamed, it is not to enhance my own strength. It does not make much sense. Moreover, in the world of eight directions, Linlong is probably just a low-level alien beast. Otherwise, how could he escape How about to Xuanyuan World?” George Han said.

“I know a secret method that can refine alien beasts, thereby transforming all the power of alien beasts into your own power. You and Linlong are not at odds with each other. Even if you refine him, you should not feel heartache.” Fei Lingsheng Said.

Refining alien beasts.

This was something George Han had never heard of, but compared to his knowledge of Xuanyuan’s world, Fei Lingsheng definitely knew better than him.

Since Fei Lingsheng said that there is such a secret method, it is very likely to be true.

“You mean, tame the Linlong, and then refine the Linlong?” George Han said.

“Yes, so your strength can be improved a lot,” Fei Lingsheng said.

“Why do you want to tell me this? I am stronger and it will not do you any good.” George Han looked at Fei Lingsheng questioningly. The relationship between the two of them was hypocritical, so in George Han From Qian’s view, Fei Lingsheng would never treat him well for no reason.

“It’s really not good for me to become stronger, but I hope you can help me become a strong god.” Fei Lingsheng said, this is her only obsession, as long as she can reach the gods, she is willing to do anything.

“Do you want to go to Bafang World too?” George Han guessed.

Fei Lingsheng shook his head without hesitation, and said, “I finally managed to dominate the Xuanyuan World. Why should I go to the Eight Directions World to be an ant? As long as I become a god, no one will be my opponent in Xuanyuan World. .”

George Han thought that Fei Lingsheng had a higher pursuit, but she didn’t expect that she just wanted to dominate the Xuanyuan world, which in George Han’s view was a meaningless thing.

Even if she was invincible in Xuanyuan World, she didn’t have a better pursuit, but she was just living in a daze.

“Don’t worry, I will help you become a powerhouse of the gods, and it is even possible…” George Han stopped talking, looked at the stone room, and after a while, he continued, “It is possible that after she comes out , You can break through the realm.”

If Amelia Su recovers Kongtong mirror, then for her, creating a powerhouse of the gods is probably just a small matter for fun.

These words made Fei Lingsheng very emotional, and even his breathing couldn’t help speeding up.

At this moment, there was a gray-haired old man standing beside them suddenly, but they didn’t notice it at all.

The old man looked moved and was quite excited. The beating facial muscles made people feel that his emotions were in a state of excitement.

“Miss, I finally found you.” The old man said.

When the voice fell, George Han and Fei Lingsheng suddenly turned their heads.

George Han was shocked. With his current strength, he didn’t even notice anyone approaching.

The same was true for Fei Lingsheng. She couldn’t imagine how the seemingly ordinary old man approached them, and she was still unaware.

“Who are you?” George Han asked the old man.

The old man glanced at George Han indifferently, and said, “You trash, what right do you have to know who I am.”

George Han was angry, a bad old man who dared to talk to him in this tone, he was a strong man in the gods.

“Old thing, you’re so brash.” George Han said coldly.

The old man smiled faintly and said: “Dare to call me an old thing. You are the first one. I want to kill you. It is as simple as squeezing an ant. If it is not for the face of the lady, you are already a corpse. “


Does he call Amelia Su Miss?

George Han’s heart was shaken.

Amelia Su came from the Bafang World, and the old man in front of him obviously also came from the Bafang World.

If this is the case, then George Han’s strength in the realm of God is really just an ant in front of him.

“Who are you?” George Han asked.

“You don’t have the right to know my identity. A low-level creature in the low-level world can be regarded by the young lady. I really don’t know what good luck you have.” The old man was obviously a bit angry, but he was full of George Han. Hostile, but did not dare to disadvantage George Han easily.

Lower creatures!

George Han was evaluated this way for the first time, but despite this, George Han couldn’t find any rebuttal, because this old man came from all directions, and he was really qualified to treat him as a low-level creature.

“I am a low-level creature who is also Amelia Su’s husband. If you are disrespectful to me, are you not afraid that I will tell your lady?” George Han gritted his teeth.

Chapter 1533

After hearing this, the old man laughed disdainfully: “A man of seven feet dignified, doesn’t he think he is ashamed to say this?”

George Han didn’t really feel ashamed. In front of a strong man like this old man, what kind of dignity is needed, and he is not a person of the same level in the same world, George Han does not need to be stronger or weaker than him.

Since he called Miss Amelia Su, George Han, as Amelia Su’s future husband, said these words for granted.

“What I’m talking about is just a fact. How can I be ashamed?” George Han said lightly.

The old man’s face was pale, he was obviously annoyed by George Han’s remarks, but this was indeed a fact, and he could not refute George Han.

“After the young lady recovers her memory. Are you sure she will put you in her eyes?” the old man snorted coldly.

In this regard, George Han is still very confident, after all, the relationship between him and Amelia Su has gone through a long period of training.

“This is a matter between me and her. What qualifications do you subordinates have to control everything?” George Han said.

Fei Lingsheng, who heard this, broke into a cold sweat.

Dare to use this tone to speak to the powerful in the Octagonal world, George Han is too courageous. You must know that with the strength of this old man, it is easy to kill George Han, and Amelia Su has not yet regained consciousness. . No one can protect him.

“Boy, you angered me. There is only one dead end.” The old man gritted his teeth and looked at George Han.

Anyway, at this point, George Han simply broke the jar and said fearlessly: “I can’t beat you, of course you can kill me, but if you kill me, how can you explain to her?”

“You…” The old man was so angry, but he was helpless, George Han had a hooligan attitude. He wanted to smash George Han directly, but how to explain to Amelia Su. It is indeed a big problem.

“Old man, I’m getting older. Don’t be so angry, in case you belch too much, I don’t know how to explain to Amelia.” George Han said.

Fei Lingsheng wanted to laugh, but he didn’t dare. This old man didn’t dare to kill George Han, but that didn’t mean he didn’t dare to kill her. In case he mistakenly thought that he was making fun of him, he didn’t know how he died.

“You still care about the state of your lady. She has been in for a long time, when will she be able to come out.” George Han said, these words are also he is seeking answers for himself in disguise. Because he didn’t know how Amelia Su was, he couldn’t let go of it.

“The young lady is in good condition. This is just the beginning.” The old man said.

With that said, George Han was relieved.

But it was just the beginning, which meant that Amelia Su would need a longer time, which made George Han feel a little depressed.

“How long will it take?” George Han couldn’t help asking.

“Do you want to know?” the old man said.

George Han nodded like garlic.

“Why should I tell you this trash.” The old man said.

George Han put away his expectant expression in embarrassment. This old man is like a kid, but he has to play his temper.

“Do you want to stay here forever?” George Han asked the old man.

This sentence seems to be in the mind of the old man. And from the changes in his expression, George Han guessed that he could not stay for too long.

“Boy, although you are a trash and worthless in my eyes, since the lady has chosen you, I can only trust you.” The old man suddenly said to George Han.

These words made George Han puzzled, and asked, “What do you mean.”

“When the young lady wakes up, you help me tell her. I hope she can return to the Bafang world as soon as possible and help her family. She needs her.” The old man said solemnly.

It seems that Fuyao is Amelia Su’s real name.

And looking at the old man’s expression, it seems that Amelia Su is in Bafang World’s home. She is suffering from some kind of crisis, so she needs to rush back to Bafang World as soon as possible.

“Don’t worry, I will tell her as soon as she wakes up, but I can’t guarantee that she can restore her past life memories.” George Han said.

The old man took out a glass bottle, which was very small, but exquisitely beautiful, and said to George Han: “If you let the young lady take this pill, she can naturally restore her past life memories.”

George Han accepted the glass bottle, the old man had disappeared out of thin air, and George Han did not feel any power fluctuations.

“I can’t even feel his power. I, a strong god in the realm, is really a waste.” George Han said with a wry smile. In the world of Xuanyuan, his strength is unmatched, but for the world of Bafang For the strong, he is not even an ordinary person.

“That’s why I don’t want to go to Bafang World.” Fei Lingsheng said.

“You are the same as Linlong. Cocktail can satisfy your vanity. Naturally, you don’t need higher pursuit.” George Han said. This kind of life is meaningless to him, and Amelia Su is a person from all directions. , George Han must go to Bafang World.

Chapter 1534

The appearance of the old man further strengthened George Han’s determination to become stronger, because he knew that there was a huge gap between himself and Amelia Su. If he could not become stronger, George Han would not be worthy of Amelia Su.

Just like the old man’s attitude just now, he treated George Han as rubbish.

After going to the Bafang World, everyone in the Fu family would think of him this way. This is a situation that George Han must change.

“Linlong is not an ordinary alien beast. It comes from all directions. Can it really be tamed?” George Han asked Fei Lingsheng with a firm expression.

Fei Lingsheng could clearly feel the change of George Han. Whether it was his tone or expression, George Han seemed to have decided to refine Linlong into his own power to raise his alertness.

“As long as it is a strange beast, it can be tamed. I guess the reason why he went to Xuanyuan World is because he doesn’t want to be a slave to those strong people.” Fei Lingsheng said.

Such a statement is very possible. Otherwise, Linlong would not venture to Xuanyuan World.

“Have you considered staying in Xuanyuan World?” Fei Lingsheng suddenly asked George Han.

“En?” George Han turned his head, frowned and looked at Fei Lingsheng, not sure what she meant by suddenly saying this.

“Don’t you feel the old man’s attitude just now? He is full of disdain for you, and just treats you as a waste. This is the situation your strength faces in the world of Xuanyuan. You will rise from the top of Xuanyuan World. People, become a waste that everyone can spurn, can you accept such a change?” Fei Lingsheng said.

“It’s hard for you to want me to stay in Xuanyuan World like you, don’t you face the reality?” George Han said lightly. The Bafang World is Amelia Su’s true belonging. This alone is enough to become George Han. Reasons for the Bafang World.

“Do you think that in the Fu family, how many people will put you in the eyes?” Fei Lingsheng said.

George Han suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and said confidently: “One day, the whole world of all directions will creep under my feet, do you believe it?”

Fei Lingsheng wanted to treat this sentence as a joke. The Bafang World is a completely incomparable space in the Xuanyuan World. With George Han’s current strength, even the lowest person in the Bafang World could kill him. Are you qualified to say this?

But Fei Lingsheng was able to laugh, because George Han’s determination made her feel a strong persistence. The current George Han may not be able to do it, but in the future he may really be able to do it.

“If there is such a day, I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you.” Fei Lingsheng said.

“No need.” George Han shook his head and said, “You want me to escort you in the Bafang World, but this is not what I should do. I only want to protect her.”

George Han looked at Amelia Su persistently, although he knew that after Amelia Su left the stone room, he was no longer qualified to protect Amelia Su, but this idea would never change in George Han’s mind.

Day after day passed.

As the saying goes, there are no children in the mountains, and the world has been thousands of years.

In a blink of an eye, it has been two years since George Han came to Xuanyuan World. During these two years, George Han stayed in front of Shimen almost every day. If it were not for special circumstances, he would never leave.

In the past two years, Shimen’s power has been significantly weakened, which shows that most of its power has been absorbed by Amelia Su.

One thing George Han felt was very strange. Amelia Su only took a short time to absorb the condensed beads he got before his rebirth, but this time it took too long. Between the two, what? Will there be such a big time gap?

Could it be said that the power that Ningzhu brings to Amelia Su is limited, so it can be absorbed in a very short time?

But Amelia Su, who had absorbed the power of the beads at the time, could already abuse the entire Xuanyuan world.

And this time, Amelia Su, shouldn’t he be able to restore the strength of Kongtong Realm directly.

If this is the case, wouldn’t this threat of Linlong become a joke for George Han?

At this time, Linlong should have been hiding in the dark forest shivering.

Xuanyuan World.

In the dark forest, there will be angry roars from time to time, which makes the powerhouses of the entire Xuanyuan world very scared, so that during this period of time, there are no strong people who dare to wander outside, for fear of a bad luck and be caught by Linlong Go for food.

And Linlong’s anger came from his fear of Amelia Su. He knew very well what was happening with Apocalypse, but in the face of all this, he had nothing to do. Linlong also tried to go to Earth, intending to solve Amelia Su’s trouble himself. However, if he uses the space-time tunnel to enter the earth, he will inevitably attract the attention of the Bafang world. More importantly, there are still people secretly protecting Amelia Su on the earth. Even if he goes, it is very likely that he will not achieve his goal.

The current Linlong seemed to be dying chronically. He knew that he would die when Amelia Su recovered his strength, but he couldn’t do anything.

“I’ve been hiding for thousands of years, is it really going to be destroyed in the hands of a woman!” Lin Long gritted his teeth and said unwillingly. Before long, he can use the power of heaven and earth to completely seal off Xuanyuan World. At that time, no matter how he ruled and dominated the Xuanyuan world, no one could interfere with him, but at this critical time, Amelia Su gained the power of swaying. For Linlong, it was a very desperate thing. !

“Fei Lingsheng, next time I see you, you will inevitably be broken to pieces.” Linlong said to himself viciously. In his opinion, Amelia Su’s threat has not been lifted. The biggest reason is Fei Lingsheng’s betrayal. If Fei Lingsheng hadn’t betrayed him, how could Amelia Su accept Fuyao’s power so smoothly?

No matter how much he said, how much self-comfort he did, Linlong knew one thing, that was his bad luck, this was the fact that he was unable to change.

Facing a strong Kongtong realm like Amelia Su, Linlong didn’t even have the courage to resist.

Of course, Linlong did not give up. After all, he escaped from the world of all directions for thousands of years. How could he easily admit his fate at this critical moment of life and death?

Recreate dreams.

When Fei Lingsheng appeared, Linlong’s attitude had undergone a huge change from before, and he was no longer such a lofty appearance.

“You still come to me, don’t you still think that I can help you kill Amelia Su?” Fei Lingsheng said lightly, feeling that he appeared in the dream again.

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