His True Colors Novel Chapter 1495 – 1498

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Chapter 1495

When George Han walked out of Dao Twelve’s room, he ran into Qi Yiyun head-on, which made George Han frown slightly, why did she appear here?

“I can help you.” Qi Yiyun said to George Han.

“What can I do for me?” George Han asked.

Qi Yiyun took a deep breath and said, “I can let Amelia Su live in the mountainside Villa. I am the best excuse. He can’t help you with anything.”

Hearing these words, George Han’s eyes instantly released killing intent.

Qi Yiyun actually listened to them at the door!

For George Han, this is something that is not allowed to happen, because there are too many unspeakable secrets in him. If Qi Yiyun listens to it, once it is spread out, this will inevitably cause an uproar.

“How dare you eavesdrop on what I said!” George Han suddenly stretched out his hand, pinching Qi Yiyun’s neck tightly.

The reason why Qi Yiyun took a deep breath before speaking was because she knew about eavesdropping. It is likely to arouse George Han’s anger, but in order to stay in the Villa, she has to do so.

In Qi Yiyun’s heart, she really didn’t want to leave the mountainside Villa or George Han, so as long as there was any way and opportunity. Qi Yiyun will use it.

Even if this method is likely to hurt her, Qi Yiyun will not hesitate.

“Only I can help you, I can be the best excuse.” Qi Yiyun said these words with the only breath left.

His face quickly turned red, and Qi Yiyun, who could not breathe, had an unusually firm expression in his eyes.

George Han wanted to kill Qi Yiyun, as simple as squeezing an ant, and he had countless ways to destroy the body, but can he really do this?

George Han couldn’t be cruel, after all, he owed Qi Yiyun too much, if he killed Qi Yiyun. His conscience will never be peaceful forever.

Seeing Qi Yiyun’s eyes become erratic, George Han finally released his hand.

Qi Yiyun, who was given a respite, took a breath of fresh air.

“Next time there is such a thing, I will kill you.” George Han said coldly.

Does Qi Yiyun regret it?

will not!

Although her life was hanging by a thread, she still had no regrets, because this was her only chance to stay in the mountainside Villa.

“Don’t you want me to help you, do you really think that Dao Twelve can think of a better way?” Qi Yiyun said with difficulty.

George Han thought. Although he gave the matter to Dao Twelve, he did not hold much hope. After all, Dao Twelve could not find the perfect reason for Amelia Su to be in the mountainside Villa. Stay.

And Qi Yiyun is indeed a very good choice. The love between her and Amelia Su’s best friends is a perfect reason.

But before, Amelia Su expressed her care for Qi Yiyun. She hinted that George Han should handle the relationship with Qi Yiyun, and if Qi Yiyun comes forward to let Amelia Su live in the mountainside Villa. How would Amelia Su feel?

“No need.” George Han refused decisively, he didn’t want Amelia Su’s misunderstanding to deepen.

When Qi Yiyun heard these three words, his expression suddenly became desperate.

“Do I have to go. I don’t want anything, I just want to live here.” Qi Yiyun said unwillingly.

“I owe you, if there is another life. I will pay you back.” George Han returned to his room after saying this.

He does owe Qi Yiyun too much.

Whether it was before or after being reborn, George Han couldn’t deny that he owed Qi Yiyun.

But how can this be?

It is impossible for George Han to sorry Amelia Su because of this debt.

Qi Yiyun was stunned for a long time in the same place, and a bit of bitterness was revealed in her blank expression. She knew that she had to go and had no other choice. Although she was very disappointed, she had to face this ending.

“Perhaps. I shouldn’t have come to Cloud City to find you.”

Eyes full of loss, Qi Yiyun, who seemed to have lost his soul, began to pack his luggage. At this point, she has no excuse to stay in the mountainside Villa.

George Han did not show up until Qi Yiyun left.

However, it took a long time for a woman to visit, which made George Han feel very surprised.

Lily Jiang!

Before being reborn, this woman used George Han as a dog and often trampled on George Han’s dignity. He would take the initiative to find the door, which made George Han feel very puzzled.

After all, he now has nothing to do with Amelia Su. This also means that the relationship between him and Lily Jiang is still strange.

“You are George Han, right.” Lily Jiang asked George Han with his head raised, still in a superior posture.

Since Wilson Su became the core pillar of Su’s company, Lily Jiang’s status in the family has gradually fallen. Wilson Su has the ability to make money, so he no longer needs to be scolded by Lily Jiang as waste. And at home, Lily Jiang didn’t dare to instigate Wilson Su.

After all, with Wilson Su’s current status, he didn’t need to keep his voice down. And for a woman, rich, he can replace Lily Jiang at any time, and for Lily Jiang who knows this well, naturally he dare not provoke Wilson Su.

“Why are you looking for me?” George Han asked coldly.

Lily Jiang looked at George Han up and down, and said: “You look like a dog. I already know what you like about my daughter. I came here to see you today. Are you qualified to be with my daughter? together.”

These remarks made George Han a little helpless. Can he be with Amelia Su and have nothing to do with Lily Jiang. The entire Su family is now anxious to enshrine him. Why is Lily Jiang qualified to examine her?

And George Han’s instinct told him that this woman took the initiative to come. It’s definitely not that simple, because in Lily Jiang’s eyes, there is only money. She never cared about Amelia Su’s happiness.

“Just tell me if you have anything, you came to me, isn’t it just to see me?” George Han said.

“Your kid is quite smart. If you can help me with something, I will let Amelia Su be with you, how about?” Lily Jiang said.

“Can I be with her? You said nothing. Now in the entire Su family, who doesn’t want Amelia Su to be with me? Wouldn’t you think that you are qualified to decide this matter?” George Han said with disdain. .

This speaks of Lily Jiang’s pain. She is indeed not qualified to decide who Amelia Su is with, and her status in the family is no longer her turn to make such a decision.

But in front of George Han, Lily Jiang would not admit it.

“I am not qualified? I gave birth to her in October. If I am not qualified, who still has it.” Lily Jiang said.

Chapter 1496

Without the permission of George Han, Lily Jiang walked directly to the living room and sat on the sofa with Erlang’s legs tilted, still in that kind of high posture. It seems that George Han is inferior to others.

“Propose your terms and let me see what you want to do.” George Han said lightly.

In fact, there is no need to ask this question. George Han guessed what Lily Jiang wanted to do, because this woman only had money in her eyes, so she came to find herself except money. What else can it be because of?

It’s just that George Han couldn’t think of Lily Jiang’s cheeky way to express this matter.

“Give me one million, and I won’t stop Amelia Su from being with you.” Lily Jiang said directly.

Seeing Lily Jiang’s face not red and heartbeat, George Han couldn’t help laughing out loud. This woman was really shameless to the extreme. Asking for money for no reason, can still be so confident.

“Will one million be too little, how about ten million?” George Han said.

Lily Jiang’s eyelids jumped, she felt like she was a little lion open for one million, but she didn’t expect George Han to put forward an astonishing number of ten million.

Money, of course, the more the better, after all, no one will dislike his own money.

But Lily Jiang has a feeling of being fooled. How could George Han give her so much money.

“Don’t joke with me. If I prevent you from being with Amelia Su, no one can stop me, I advise you to think carefully.” Lily Jiang said.

“A joke? How can this be a joke, ten million to me is just a little pocket money, is it a lot?” George Han asked Lily Jiang in a puzzled look.

Lily Jiang was stunned.

What kind of rich man did this encounter?

Although she had heard that George Han was very good, she never expected that George Han could be so rich and so happy.

Fengqian’s company belongs to George Han, and there are not many people who know this, so Lily Jiang was surprised.

If you let Lily Jiang know. The investment in Xincheng District is a company owned by George Han. She would think that 10 million is too little.

“When will you give it to me?” Lily Jiang asked urgently.

Although Wilson Su is rich now. But it didn’t have much to do with her, except for Wilson Su giving her a certain amount of living expenses. She wouldn’t give her too much money, which gave Lily Jiang no chance to want to be generous in front of her sisters. It was also because she wanted to pretend to be generous in front of her sisters, Lily Jiang would find George Han.

If she can get this ten million, she is qualified to pretend to be forced in front of her sisters.

Even at this moment, Lily Jiang had already figured out how to make the group of sisters admire.

“I have the money. But are you eligible to take it?” George Han said.

These words were like a basin of cold water, and the excited Lily Jiang instantly calmed down.

“What do you mean. George Han, do you know who is standing in front of you, how dare you play with me?” Lily Jiang gritted his teeth.

“Who are you? Just a shrew who sees money open. You don’t really think I care about you?” George Han sneered.


Seeing money is open!

These words made Lily Jiang furious in an instant.

Walked to George Han. The ignorant Lily Jiang even raised his hand. It seems that he wants to teach George Han a lesson.

The former George Han was insulted by Lily Jiang for three years in Su’s family.

At that time, George Han didn’t fight with the world. He didn’t want to cause any trouble to Amelia Su because of the contradiction between himself and Lily Jiang.

But now it’s different, and George Han doesn’t have to worry about this anymore. Because he has enough arrogant strength to help Amelia Su solve anything.

When Lily Jiang waved his hand, George Han grasped Lily Jiang’s wrist and said, “Bashwife, this is not a place where you can go wild.”

After that, George Han threw away Lily Jiang’s hand. .

Due to the unstable center of gravity, Lily Jiang, who was vigorously thrown away, fell to the ground.

Lily Jiang never expected such an ending.

She thought she could blackmail a sum of George Han by virtue of Amelia Su’s mother. Looking at George Han’s appearance, how can she be taken seriously!

“George Han. You treat me like this, sooner or later, you will regret it. I will never allow Amelia Su to be with scum like you!” Lily Jiang burst out.



These words were spoken from Lily Jiang’s mouth, giving George Han a strong sense of familiarity. The scene of once humiliated appeared in George Han’s mind like a marquee, and it was exceptionally clear.

If George Han, who has a spiritual realm, can reasonably control his emotions.

But facing Lily Jiang, he lost control!

“Once you treated me like a trash, that was that I didn’t care about you, but now, I am a powerful man of the gods, how can I allow you to be humiliated!” The

voice fell, and Lily Jiang, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly floated up.

Lily Jiang’s eyes widened, showing unbelievable panic.

Lily Jiang, who didn’t know what happened, began to tremble when he saw the anger in George Han’s eyes.

“You…what did you do to me!”

Chapter 1497

George Han’s eyes were red, and the backlog of anger exploded at this moment.

In this world, only two people can provoke George Han. One is Nangong Qianqiu, and the second is Lily Jiang, because these two people brought too much humiliation to George Han. Before being reborn, George Han was almost worthlessly trampled by these two people.

“I want you to die.” George Han gritted his teeth and said this word by word.

Lily Jiang didn’t understand what happened. But the fear in her heart has risen to the apex.

In Lily Jiang’s eyes, George Han at this moment seemed like a demon.

And she didn’t know why she could float in the air. So even more afraid!

“What did you do to me, why did I do this.” Looking at her suspended herself, Lily Jiang was scared, but she also wanted to figure out what was going on.

George Han smiled coldly and said, “This is the strength of the powerhouse of the gods, and it’s far more than that. Do you want to see more?”

Lily Jiang’s head swayed like a rattle, just this. She can’t stand it anymore, how can she have the courage to see more.

When Lily Jiang suddenly arrived in front of George Han, George Han’s red eyes caused even greater psychological pressure on Lily Jiang, and he was almost on the verge of collapse.

Just when George Han couldn’t control his anger and was about to kill Lily Jiang, the doorbell suddenly rang.

“It’s Amelia Su.” Dao Twelve said, standing behind George Han.

George Han shot, he didn’t stop it, because as long as it was the person George Han wanted to kill, it would be unreasonable to die.

But Amelia Su appeared at this time. Dao Twelve had to remind George Han.

Hearing the words Amelia Su, George Han was burning with anger. There was a lot of calm in an instant, and he couldn’t help but regret exposing his strength in front of Lily Jiang.

He wants to kill Lily Jiang. There are many ways, and such methods are simply not needed.

With a bang, Lily Jiang fell to the ground.

George Han walked to the door and opened the door for Amelia Su.

“Qi Yiyun called me just now and said that he would leave Basin City.” Amelia Su said to George Han.

“I don’t want you to have any misunderstandings between me and her, this is the best ending.” George Han said.

Amelia Su didn’t say much. After all, this is what she mentioned about George Han.

“Welcome to summer, save me.” Lily Jiang’s cry for help suddenly sounded in the living room.

There was a trace of surprise in Amelia Su’s expression.

Before Amelia Su could ask. George Han took the initiative to say: “Your mother.”

“Why is she here?” Amelia Su asked puzzledly.

“Go and ask her.” George Han said.

Amelia Su walked quickly to the living room.

I saw Lily Jiang sitting on the ground with a flustered expression, as if he had seen a ghost.

Since Lily Jiang ran away from home, Amelia Su’s feelings for Lily Jiang have become weaker. Even if she returned to Su’s house now, Amelia Su knew she was because of the money. So I didn’t treat her as a mother at all.

“What are you doing here?” Amelia Su asked coldly.

“Amelia, he, he wants to kill me.” Lily Jiang said, pointing to George Han.

Amelia Su is not a fool either, how could George Han kill Lily Jiang silently and innocently. This must be Lily Jiang slandering George Han, and she will appear here. It is also a very strange thing.

“You haven’t told me why you are here.” Amelia Su continued to ask.

“Your mother is about to be killed by him. You still care about these irrelevant things. You’d better see the true face of this guy. You must never be with him, otherwise he will even have the possibility of killing you in the future. “Lily Jiang said.

George Han smiled bitterly, this woman would really seize every opportunity, and this had already begun to warn Amelia Su not to be with him. And still threatening Amelia Su in this way.

“What is she doing here?” Since there was no real answer from Lily Jiang’s mouth, Amelia Su had to turn her head and asked George Han.

“She came to negotiate with me as your mother. If I want to be with you, I have to give her a million. As long as you give money, she will not hinder you, if you do not give money, she will prevent you from talking to me Together.” George Han said truthfully.

Amelia Su bit her posterior molars. Although the person in front of her was her biological mother, she could even do such things for money, which made Amelia Su feel humiliated.

“You nonsense, when will I ask you for money, don’t spit people.” Lily Jiang defended herself in a sapo manner, because she knew that if Amelia Su knew about this, she would have no place in the Su family in the future.

“There is monitoring in the living room, is it bloody, just look at the monitoring, do you need it?” George Han said with a smile.

With these words, George Han began to regret it, because the surveillance captured the scene where Lily Jiang asked George Han for one million yuan, and it must have also captured the scene of Lily Jiang rising into the sky. If this was seen by Amelia Su, Han How should three thousand explain?

Chapter 1498

Regret is too late for George Han, because Amelia Su desperately wants to know whether Lily Jiang has said these things. After all, this is her mother. She doesn’t want to believe this kind of thing in her heart, so she can only speak with facts. Can Amelia Su truly realize who Lily Jiang is.

And Lily Jiang also showed a particularly obvious panic at this moment. Because she knew what the consequences would happen once Amelia Su knew about it.

If her status in the Su family, Wilson Su would no longer put her in the eyes, and even be indifferent to her, if even this biological daughter offends, then her future life will be even more sad.

“Amelia, he lied, don’t believe him.” Lily Jiang said to Amelia Su in a panic.

Amelia Su said without changing her face: “Who is lying? Just look at the surveillance system.”

After speaking, Amelia Su turned to look at George Han. Continue to say: “Take the monitoring out.”

George Han looked embarrassed. If she really took out surveillance, Amelia Su would definitely see things she shouldn’t see at this stage, but if George Han didn’t use surveillance, Amelia Su would most likely be suspected of slandering Jiang. Lily, this will cause Amelia Su to resent him.

After all, Amelia Su does not have deep feelings for George Han. George Han is very clear about this, but Lily Jiang is her mother. In Amelia Su’s mind, who is more important, there is no need to think about it.

“Do you really want to see it? Seeing the facts will only hurt you more.” George Han said.

“I want to see it.” Amelia Su said firmly.

George Han smiled helplessly. At this time, regretting his first impulse is meaningless. In this case, George Han can only face this matter.

“All right, come with me.” George Han said.

George Han and Amelia Su walked side by side. Lily Jiang was held on the shoulder by the twelve swords, and followed them in custody.

Lily Jiang’s expression at this time is undoubtedly desperate, because the scene Amelia Su sees next will be the last straw to crush the camel.

When George Han found the monitoring period of Lily Jiang’s remarks, Amelia Su could clearly see how Lily Jiang said those remarks, in what tone and attitude.

Amelia Su was undoubtedly very uncomfortable at this time. After all, Lily Jiang was her biological mother, but Lily Jiang did this for one million.

As the surveillance video played, George Han also became nervous, because he would soon be angry, and Amelia Su saw that scene, and he couldn’t find any way to solve it.

“Now you believe it.” George Han said to Amelia Su, hoping to find a reason to turn off the video.

Amelia Su stared at the replay screen. Without speaking, when George Han wanted to turn off the video, Amelia Su was also pulled down.

“I want to see what else she did.” Amelia Su gritted her teeth.

Looking at Amelia Su’s firm expression. George Han knew that it was impossible to turn off the video.

Soon, the video reached the time when George Han became angry, and when Lily Jiang fell to the ground due to an unstable center of gravity. Amelia Su’s expression even has a sense of joy, because now she, like George Han before, is full of anger, and she can teach Lily Jiang how happy she is.

But the next picture made Amelia Su look confused, even if it was Lily Jiang who had experienced it in person, at this time, he looked at herself in the picture. He was also at a loss.

I saw Lily Jiang in the video floating for some reason, and without any external force, and no one approached her at this time. Just so inexplicably flying into the sky.

George Han sighed. It was too late to stop it now. Now that the matter was over, George Han stopped thinking about it, if Amelia Su asked about it. George Han can only tell the whole story.

When the video played until Amelia Su appeared in the Villa, Amelia Su finally said: “Mom, in your eyes. I’m worth a million, right?”

Lily Jiang didn’t dare to speak easily, because she knew how badly she was wrong about this matter. If she was angry with Amelia Su, she would be a servant in Su’s house.

“Before, you used to shout to dad and call him trash all day long. Although I hate you, you are my biological mother after all. I tell myself again and again. You have a bad attitude towards dad, but at least you still treat me as a daughter, but Today I know that in your eyes, I am a commodity that can be sold for money.” Amelia Su continued.

Lily Jiang shook his head in a panic, and said, “Amelia, it’s not like this, it’s not like this.”

Amelia Su pointed to the surveillance video and gritted her teeth and said: “The facts are already in front of you, do you want to deny it? Didn’t those words come from your mouth?”

In the face of hard evidence, Lily Jiang has no way to quibble. She is a person who is blinded by money and is in her world. Money is the first thing, even if it is her own daughter who was pregnant in October, no money is important.

“From today. Don’t expect me to call you mother again.” Amelia Su said.

These words made Lily Jiang’s heart fall into Binggu. She, who had no status in the Su family, could almost foresee what her future life would be like.

If Amelia Su didn’t even speak for her in the family, Wilson Su would only get better, and even Lily Jiang could expect to be kicked out of Su’s house and Wilson Su would marry another good wife.

“You come with me.” After speaking to Lily Jiang, Amelia Su looked at George Han and said.

George Han did not struggle at all, because he knew that he had to face it sooner or later, so he followed Amelia Su and left.

Dao Twelve smiled helplessly. The scene just now was seen by Amelia Su. It seemed that it was very difficult to conceal the fact and give Amelia Su a satisfactory answer.

However, from the perspective of Dao Twelve, George Han was able to tell Amelia Su the facts as early as possible. This is not a bad thing. At the very least, it can make Amelia Su aware of their previous relationship earlier, and George Han does not have to worry about Amelia Su being caught by others If a person is abducted, there is no need to worry about changes in their relationship.

Amelia Su took George Han directly to the second floor. There was no one here, so it was best to talk about the mysterious scene just now.

“You don’t need to ask me, you should know what I want to do?” Amelia Su said.

George Han shrugged and said, “You want to know what happened to Lily Jiang just now.”

“A big living person is floating in the air inexplicably, and there is only you in front of her. This matter has nothing to do with anyone except you.” Amelia Su said in a word that George Han could not find any excuses to clear the relationship.

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