His True Colors Novel Chapter 147 – 150

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Chapter 147

George Han didn’t answer the question, and Mo Yang knew he didn’t mention it on purpose, so he didn’t ask more.

As Mo Yang and Lin Yong made a call, the streets of Basin City in the early morning became lively. Hundreds of people shuttled through the streets, walked into various hotels, clubs and entertainment venues, digging three feet in the air. Han Jun must be found out.

And Han Jun at this time. Still in the Wenrou Township of Jinqiao City, he didn’t want to leave.

Perhaps it was because he had been in Qincheng for too long and had not been exposed to female s*x for too long, so he was now anxious to let all the women in Jinqiao City serve him.

“That rubbish, I must have never enjoyed such treatment before, really a poor worm.” Han Jun said with a smile, hugging left and right, like an emperor, thinking about George Han’s situation. The more pitiful he felt.

After being kicked out of Hillwood City by the Han family, he couldn’t live in a small place like Basin City, and fell to the point of being bullied and treated as a waste.

“But don’t worry, I will rectify your name and let the people in Basin City know that you are not a waste. After all, I will have to live on your name in the future.”

“It’s f*cking embarrassing to the Han family.”

After speaking, Han Jun was immersed in playing with female s*x again.

Yenching the next day.

Nangong Qianqiu received a private message, and Qin Cheng had discovered that George Han had escaped from prison, although the person who had been bought by her temporarily suppressed the matter. But the other party also asked her to send George Han back to Basin City in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, once the incident is exposed, not only the Han family will be finished, but all those involved in this matter will be affected.

Nangong Qianqiu knows how serious this incident will bring. Although she wants to kill George Han directly now, she has to send George Han back to Basin City before then. After all, she still has to protect her. His beloved grandson Han Jun.

On the same day, Nangong Qianqiu boarded a plane to Basin City.

For many years, Nangong Qianqiu has never left Beijing, and this time, this old lady has worked hard for Han Jun.

It’s a pity that the person who was deeply despised and despised by Nangong Qianqiu was destined to make her lose everything.

The emperor’s appearance!

That should belong to George Han.

Amelia Su has been living in Shen Lingyao’s house these days. In order to avoid encountering Han Jun, she didn’t even go to the company. Today the two of them would not go out unless they were hoarding food for the family.

But what Amelia Su didn’t expect was that as soon as she got off the stairs, she saw George Han.

Shen Lingyao stood in front of Amelia Su for the first time and scolded George Han: “You hurry up and block us in broad daylight. Believe it or not, I will call the police to arrest you.”

George Han looked at Amelia Su and said, “It’s me.”

Amelia Su was in a trance. This familiar tone and expression were exactly the same as George Han.

There is no such familiar feeling in that person.

Could it be that George Han is back?

“You… are you George Han?” Amelia Su asked.

George Han nodded and said, “The person you met before is called Han Jun.”

Amelia Su’s worries and misses for George Han during this period all turned into tides, and she couldn’t help but want to surge towards George Han.

But just after taking a step, Shen Lingyao grabbed her hand and said, “Amelia, don’t trust him so easily. Who knows if this guy is real.”

Amelia Su was reminded like this, and felt that he could not trust the person in front of him based on his feelings. What if he still pretended, just acting on purpose?

“Why do you prove that you are George Han?” Amelia Su said.

George Han smiled helplessly and said, “Unexpectedly, I have to prove that I am me, this…”

“Look, I said he was pretending, he didn’t know anything.” Shen Lingyao took a step back and looked at George Han warily.

Although Amelia Su felt like George Han in front of him, if he couldn’t prove it, Amelia Su would not believe it.

“You can’t prove yourself. It’s not George Han.” Amelia Su said.

George Han touched his nose and said, “You sleep, sometimes you snooze, often sleep at the head of the bed and wake up at the end of the bed.”

“Underwear is never matched.”

“I don’t like coriander and green onion for dinner, and I have two bowls of white rice for each meal.

Hearing these words, Amelia Su stood blankly on the spot.

These are the little details of life, he can tell. Explain that she knows her very well, if we don’t get along day and night, it is impossible to know these things.

More importantly, Amelia Su thinks. Even George Han shouldn’t know about underwear, he…could he have seen anything?

“How about it, believe me now?” George Han said with a smile.

Amelia Su’s face was flushed. It’s okay to sleep and eat, but how could he know that he doesn’t like matching underwear?

“You… why do you know how I match underwear?” Amelia Su asked.

“Ahem.” How did George Han cough awkwardly? Of course, you can know it by peeking, but if you say this, you won’t be hammered to death by Amelia Su.

“This…there is a mess in the closet, I guess.” George Han said perfunctorily.

“Guess what, I see you, I’ve seen it clearly. Rogue.” Shen Lingyao, who is not too big to watch the excitement, looked at George Han with contempt.

George Han glared at Shen Lingyao fiercely, and said, “Pay back the money.”

When Shen Lingyao heard this, he couldn’t help but shrink his neck. He even knew about this, it seemed that George Han was good.

“Well… you two, discuss it yourself, I still have something to go.” Shen Lingyao slipped faster than anyone else.

Amelia Su walked to George Han. I couldn’t help but want to give George Han a hug, because she was too worried about George Han’s safety recently, but her eager hands were finally restrained by her.

“Where have you been, what happened?” Amelia Su asked.

“Do you want to know who I am?” George Han said.

This is the biggest secret about George Han and the most curious thing about Amelia Su. Of course she wants to know.

The chicken nodded like a peck.


Just as two words popped out of his mouth, George Han’s phone rang. And it was Mo Yang who called, and it seemed that there was news about Han Jun.

After answering the phone, it was determined that Han Jun had been found in Jinqiao City and hung up. George Han said to Amelia Su: “You go home first, I have something to do.”

Amelia Su nodded and said: “Be careful.”

“Don’t worry, it’s just a clown.” George Han finished. The moment he turned, his face was covered with frost.

Golden Bridge City.

In Han Jun’s box, all the women had been driven away by Mo Yang’s men, and a bunch of men almost filled the box.

Faced with this situation, Han Jun was still very scared. Looking at it this way, these guys should have been offended by George Han, so they found him.

This trash brother, there is actually an enemy, what a f*cking trash.

“What do you want to do, want money?” Han Jun asked.

Mo Yang sneered coldly. This guy really looked exactly like George Han. It deserves to have come out of a womb. Even if he was very familiar with George Han, he still couldn’t see any flaws.

“Yes, I want money and owe me two billion. When do you plan to pay it back?” Mo Yang smiled.

Han Jun was shocked, how could the waste owe a huge debt of 2 billion? Is this the f*cking piercing of the sky and using it to repair the sky?

“If you can’t get the money today, I can only take off your hands and feet, you can figure it out by yourself.” Mo Yang threatened.

Han Jun just came out of Qincheng, before he had time to enjoy life, if he had no hands and feet, he would be completely reduced to a waste.

At this time, he didn’t care about the fact that the Han family’s transfer was exposed, and said to Mo Yang: “You have admitted the wrong person, I am not George Han, I am Han Jun, this is my ID card.”

Han Jun took out his ID card, and Mo Yang vaguely saw the words Hillwood City.

Since he is from Hillwood City, George Han must be from Hillwood City.

How could George Han join Su’s family in Hillwood City, far away?

“Are you f*cking stupid for me? If you say it’s not, it’s not. Get the money, or you don’t want to get hands and feet.” After Mo Yang said this, the other people standing in the room took out one by one. Bright knife.

Han Jun was immediately frightened by this scene and immediately knelt down to beg Mo Yang for mercy.

Chapter 148

Seeing Han Jun kneeling and kowtow with his nose and tears, Mo Yang really couldn’t understand why there was such a big gap between people who came out of a mother’s womb.

Han Jun didn’t look like a man at all. He was so useless that he had gold under his knees, and he would kneel when he said.

On the other hand, George Han, although the entire Basin City treated him as a waste. But in fact, George Han’s performance has nothing to do with wimpy, it’s just that those ignorant people mistakenly think he is wimpy.

The abilities of the two brothers are far apart.

Mo Yang glanced at his mouth with disdain, and said, “Don’t you dare to act like a man?”

Han Jun doesn’t care whether he is a man or not. As long as he can survive, he can avenge him in the future. What is a momentary humiliation?

And during that time in Qincheng. Han Jun is also a thoroughly obedient student. If he fails to fight, he will admit counsel, or he will be hit harder. This is the truth he has realized.

“Brother, please let me go, I’m really not George Han.” Han Jun cried.

Mo Yang shook his head speechlessly. What qualifications does this kind of person have to be brothers with George Han?

I don’t know that their home is in Hillwood City. What kind of existence is it that actually raises this kind of waste.

“Of course you are not George Han.” At this time, a familiar voice reached Han Jun’s ears.

Han Jun raised his head in disbelief.

George Han!

How could he appear here.

“George Han, you… why are you here. Are you in jail?” Han Jun asked.

“By the way, this is my boss, you can give him back two billion.” Mo Yang smiled and said, this kind of bones, he really can’t stand it anymore, it’s embarrassing to the man.

Han Jun was stunned, George Han was so useless to be the boss? Isn’t this an international joke?

Feeling that these people are George Han who came to act and frightened him on purpose?

Han Jun stood up angrily and said to George Han: “Okay you George Han, you f*cking find someone to scare me.”

After that, Han Jun even shook his fist at George Han because he was used to bullying George Han when he was in the Han family. Anyway, Nangong Qianqiu supported him, even if George Han was beaten into the hospital Nangong. Qianqiu will not blame him.

This was the attitude towards George Han when he was a child. After he grew up, Han Jun not only failed to constrain. And even more arrogant.

“I didn’t fight back before because I was afraid of killing you, but now I won’t.” George Han kicked out.

Han Jun slammed on the wall with a bang, the pain made him worse than death.

“George Han, you f*cking dare to hit me.” Han Jun gritted his teeth and glared at George Han.

“Do you think that with Nangong Qianqiu supporting you, you can do whatever you want? When I don’t put Nangong Qianqiu in my eyes, even she is not qualified to show off in front of me.” George Han said coldly.

Han Jun laughed, this idiot didn’t even pay attention to grandma, it was a damn brag.

“George Han, I will tell grandma about this, you just wait to regret it.” Han Jun said.

“In addition to letting her support you, do you have any other skills? The emperor’s appearance, you are more like a conscientious eunuch.” George Han walked to Han Jun.

Han Jun held his head high. He didn’t believe in George Han and dared to beat him. How much humiliation he suffered in the Han family, he didn’t even dare to say a word. Now that he has become a parent, is it possible to have a temper?

“Try, you try to move me again.” Han Jun defiantly said.

Mo Yang on the side covered his face with his hands. How could there be such an evil pen in this world? Under such circumstances, he still provokes George Han, isn’t he looking for death?

“As you wish.” George Han punched Han Jun’s face.

Han Jun was again wailing in pain, rolling all over the floor, cursing at George Han, and yelling for Nangong Qianqiu to avenge him, like a three-year-old boy who was bullied.

“Your brother, is there something wrong with your brain?” Mo Yang couldn’t help but said to George Han. He had never seen such a cowardly man, and he had never seen an adult who talked about his grandma at any time. What kind of stuff.

Han Jun has always achieved nothing, and lives by the doting of Nangong Qianqiu to this day. It is not surprising that he has such a performance. George Han would like to thank Nangong Qianqiu for this. If it were not for her, perhaps Han Jun would not be so easy to deal with.

“Bring him back to the magic capital.” George Han said.

Mo Yang waved his hand, and several people took Han Jun out of the room.

“How do you handle this?” Mo Yang asked George Han.

“The main show has not started yet.” George Han said.

Mo Yang saw that George Han came from Hillwood City from the ID card Han Jun took out, and he was puzzled. However, George Han had not answered his questions directly before, so he also suppressed his curiosity and did not ask much.

In the afternoon, Nangong Qianqiu was accompanied by Mary. Arrived in Cloud City.

“Do you know where George Han’s trash lives?” After getting off the plane, Nangong Qianqiu asked Mary.

“The Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain.” Mary said.

Nangong Qianqiu smiled coldly and said, “Will the Su family be so rich and still live in the Villa area? It seems that he still enjoys a lot in Basin City.”

Mary smiled bitterly. George Han was kicked out of the Han family, how much humiliation he suffered when he entered the Zuosu family, but he lived in a Villa area, even if he enjoyed it in the eyes of the old lady? What about Han Jun? What is Han Jun’s life of fine clothes and food for so many years?

Mary would not stand on either side now, she only regarded herself as a bystander.

Although she used to value Han Jun more, but since Nangong Qianqiu insisted that George Han go to jail instead of Han Jun, this unfairness made Mary reluctant to help Han Jun. After all, George Han is also her flesh and blood, and should not be treated like this.

“Mom, don’t you think it is the best choice to send Han Jun back to Qincheng now?” Mary said.

Nangong Qianqiu’s face became cold and said, “The best choice? Let George Han ruin the Han family with that waste, is it a good choice for you?”

Mary felt Nangong Qianqiu’s stubbornness, so she stopped talking and let her fate. Mary no longer cared about the end of the Han family.

When they came to the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain, they did not register, so the group was stopped at the gate.

Mary was released after a phone call.

At this time, the Heavenly Family exploded in an instant, and even Thomas Tian was shocked.

Mary had been to Basin City, but did not reveal her identity, but this time. She directly told Tianjia who she was.

Han Family, how could the Heaven family be calm?

“Dad, the people of Han Family, how come you suddenly come to Basin City!” Tian Honghui asked Thomas Tian.

Thomas Tian took a few deep breaths one after another. I got goose bumps, and then my scalp numb again, as if I was electrocuted.

Thomas Tian drank three cups of tea one after another with a dry mouth, and this moistened his throat. The hand holding the teacup trembled unconsciously, and said, “Think about it in the Yundingshan Villa area. Who lives?”

“Who lives? Isn’t it the ones in Cloud City?” Tian Honghui asked in confusion.

Thomas Tian glared at Tian Honghui, and said, “I mean the mountainside Villa.”

“Mountainside Villa, Su family, now the head of the household is Amelia Su of Su family, what’s so strange?” Tian Honghui said.

“You get out of here.” Thomas Tian yelled angrily. This son is so old and still so awake, the Su family counts as a ball? Back then, George Han bought the Villa, but Tian Honghui couldn’t think of it.

Tian Honghui didn’t even know why the old man suddenly lost his temper. Seeing that something was wrong, he hurried away.

Thomas Tian sighed heavily and muttered to himself with a wry smile: “No wonder you are so good. I still think there is no one who is not worthy of Linger. Now it seems that our family really is not worthy of you. , Linger will suffer a big loss this time, hey, my dear granddaughter, he is from Han Family!”

Merely Cloud City, in front of that kind of superior family, what is it?

Mountainside Villa, when Mary pressed the doorbell and He Ting opened the door, he asked with a puzzled expression: “Who are you looking for?”

Nangong Qianqiu glanced at He Ting disdainfully, and said, “George Han.”

“Sorry, he is not at home now. If it is convenient for you, you can call him.” He Ting said politely.

“Hmph, you better let him get back right away.” Nangong Qianqiu said.

He Ting frowned, this old lady, with an imposing manner, was not polite at all, giving people a very annoying feeling.

At this time, Lily Jiang’s voice came from the house: “He Ting, don’t put the cats and dogs in our house, just let them go if nothing happens.”

Chapter 149

When Lily Jiang walked to the door impatiently and saw Mary and Nangong Qianqiu outside the door, her pupils instantly magnified countless times.

She didn’t know this grandma, but Mary would never forget it for a lifetime.

That heavy slap in the face is still fresh in Lily Jiang’s memory, and she also knows from George Han that Mary is a very powerful person.

She… how could she suddenly come here!

Lily Jiang still remembered that Mary asked her to be a low-key person, and half of it was difficult for him. Let her regret being a human being.

But… But Lily Jiang didn’t know who she was in Mary’s mouth. Could it be that she offended that person again?

Lily Jiang recalled what she had done recently in her mind for a moment, but she didn’t think she had offended anyone.

“You… why are you here?” Lily Jiang said to Mary in a panic.

Nangong Qianqiu looked at Lily Jiang coldly and said, “Who do you think is a cat or a dog?”

Lily Jiang shuddered in fright, and quickly said: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t say you.”

Although Lily Jiang didn’t know who Nangong Qianqiu was, the old lady was very powerful. And Mary’s attitude towards her is obviously very respectful, no matter where she can provoke.

He Ting finds it strange, what kind of person Lily Jiang is. She knows very well that she is upset when she is slapped, and no one is paying attention. How can she be so polite to these two strangers in front of her?

“Let George Han get back.” After Nangong Qianqiu said, he walked into the Villa by himself.

Lily Jiang did not dare to stop. Give her ten courage to do such daring behavior.

He greeted the two tremblingly, and then called Amelia Su. She didn’t want to find George Han’s wimp, and after experiencing what happened that night. Lily Jiang hated George Han even more.

Amelia Su didn’t know what was going on at home, but George Han left before, obviously there was an important thing. She didn’t want to delay George Han, so she went home by herself.

When I saw Nangong Qianqiu and Mary in the living room, Amelia Su was so nervous that she couldn’t speak. Before facing her grandma, she felt that grandma’s aura was very scary, giving people a very big pressure, that kind of not angry and self-arrogant. The feeling that no one can match.

But until facing Nangong Qianqiu, Amelia Su didn’t know what the real pressure was. She just sat there and said nothing, making the whole Villa depressed.

“Who are you? Why are you looking for George Han?” Amelia Su asked weakly.

Nangong Qianqiu looked at Amelia Su, his eyes full of contempt. Said: “You, what right do you have to know who I am? I want to see George Han.”

Amelia Su was very unconvinced when she heard this, this person was too domineering, and he was so rude when she came to her house.

“Three thousand have something, and I can’t come back now, I am his wife, you can tell me what you have, and I will help you convey it.” Amelia Su said.

Nangong Qianqiu stood up with a sneer on his face, and walked to Amelia Su with a sneer. The next scene was shocking, she raised her hand and gave Amelia Su a loud slap in the face without saying a word.

“What kind of thing are you, are you qualified to talk to me, let him roll back immediately, or you will kneel for me, and when he comes, you will kneel as long as you can.” Nangong Qianqiu said coldly.

Seeing Amelia Su being beaten. Lily Jiang, a shrew, didn’t even dare to breathe, she could only splash in front of people who could provoke her. For such a person who knew she could not provoke, she could only swallow her breath even if she was beaten.

“Amelia, you should let that waste come back.” Lily Jiang whispered to Amelia Su.

Amelia Su covered her face and gritted her teeth and said: “Who are you? This is my home. Why are you here to show off your power?”

Nangong Qianqiu sneered and said, “A little Basin City Su family, who has such courage to speak to me in this tone, do you want to die?”

“Do you still dare to kill?” Amelia Su said without fear.

Nangong Qianqiu flicked his cane and hit Amelia Su.

Amelia Su stretched out her hand to grasp it. Said: “I respect you as an elder, and respect you for being old, and don’t care about you, but this is not the reason why you have to make an inch.”

Nangong Qianqiu is angry, so he can make an inch? Does she need a reason for beating?

“It seems that I won’t teach you a lesson. You don’t know who I am, old lady.” Nangong Qianqiu retracted his crutches and slammed them on the floor heavily. There was a clang.

Among the several bodyguards who came along, one of them walked up to Amelia Su and said condescendingly, “Kneel down.”

“I don’t kneel, what can you do to me?” Amelia Su raised his head. Said with a face of reluctance.

The bodyguard was expressionless, grabbed Amelia Su’s hair and pressed his head down, raised his knees, and hit Amelia Su’s abdomen.

Amelia Su cried out in pain. Feeling the constant pressure of the bodyguard, he knelt on the ground helplessly.

She has a fierce temper, but in the face of strength, how can she compare with a bodyguard?

Nangong Qianqiu smiled triumphantly, and said to Amelia Su: “Aren’t you very temperamental? Why are you kneeling again.”

Amelia Su looked unwilling, raised her head and glared at Nangong Qianqiu, and said: “I can kneel down for you, and I can burn you three sticks of incense. Do you want it?”

Nangong Qianqiu was furious, and a crutches with a grim expression hit Amelia Su on the shoulder.

“You don’t know how to die, you dare to curse me to death.” Nangong Qianqiu shouted angrily.

Amelia Su was suffering from the pain. At this time, Lily Jiang finally couldn’t bear it. She knew that Amelia Su would definitely suffer even if she kept her mouth so hard.

But she didn’t dare to resist Nangong Qianqiu. He just walked over to Amelia Su and said, “Amelia, stop talking, and let that wimp come back quickly. He offends others, and he will bear the consequences.”

“Worthy? I like that name, but you are the mother of this bitch. You should kneel down too.” Nangong Qianqiu said with a smile.

Lily Jiang’s bones were soft, and she knelt down without hesitation when she heard this sentence. She didn’t want to be beaten.

Nangong Qianqiu still seemed to feel that her deterrence was not showing enough, turned her head to look at He Ting, and did not intend to let a servant in the family go.

“And you, come and kneel. Anyone related to George Han will be implicated by him.” Nangong Qianqiu said.

When Lily Jiang heard this, she almost hated George Han, what exactly did he do that was infuriating between people and gods. Such a powerful opponent was actually invited.

The three of them knelt in front of Nangong Qianqiu, which made Nangong Qianqiu find the feeling of the superior, and sat back on the sofa satisfied.

Mary treated each other coldly throughout the whole process without interfering. First of all, she knew that her intervention would not change the ending. The second is that she doesn’t need to intervene either, these things will naturally be handled by George Han.

Just like Lily Jiang said, the consequences must be borne by yourself. As for Nangong Qianqiu’s own evil consequences, or George Han’s continued injustice, we can only wait and see.

“Mary, such a person who doesn’t know good or bad, don’t you go and teach it?” Nangong Qianqiu said to Mary.

Mary knew that the old lady wanted her to force Amelia Su, but she wouldn’t do it.

“Mom, it has nothing to do with me.” Mary said lightly.

Nangong Qianqiu snorted coldly and said, “Do you think this will make your conscience feel better? For that kind of waste, you need to be merciful? Since you don’t fight, I will let people fight.”

After Nangong Qianqiu finished speaking, he ordered the bodyguard: “Slap this woman for me, I will see how hard her bones are.”

Without saying anything, the bodyguard slapped Amelia Su’s face several times.

But Amelia Su’s bones were also really hard, she gritted her teeth and forbeared, but she didn’t make a sound.

Nangong Qianqiu sneered and looked at Amelia Su. She didn’t believe that this woman could persevere forever. Isn’t she also a wasteful woman?

Soon Amelia Su’s face became swollen, and countless guidelines covered her face. Mary couldn’t stand it anymore, and said to Nangong Qianqiu: “Mom, didn’t you come to George Han? You are not afraid of him. Have you found Jun Han?”

Hearing this, Nangong Qianqiu was shocked. Although she wanted to continue torturing Amelia Su, she couldn’t waste any more time thinking of her precious grandson.

After stopping the bodyguard, he said to Amelia Su: “Quickly let him go back.”

Amelia Su was already slurred, and finally Lily Jiang took out the phone.

Chapter 150

“George Han, where are you dead? Don’t go home yet.” Lily Jiang scolded after the call was made, because all this was the consequence of George Han, if it weren’t for his words, How could Amelia Su get beaten?

And Lily Jiang also understands that Mary will appear today, and it is not to trouble her, so she is not so afraid. As long as George Han bears the consequences, the Su family can separate the relationship.

If George Han wanted to afflict them, Lily Jiang also thought of a good way. It would be better to divorce Amelia Su and George Han on the spot, so that she would not be implicated.

After finding Han Jun, George Han had already taken back his own phone, but Lily Jiang suddenly asked him to go back, and the attitude of speaking was so bad that George Han couldn’t understand it.

“Mom. What’s the matter?” George Han asked.

“Don’t call me, I’m not your mother, now the enemy is coming, you still want to hide, get out quickly.” Lily Jiang said.


Hearing these words, George Han’s eyes condensed, it’s not that Nangong Qianqiu went directly to the mountainside Villa.

George Han hung up the phone and drove all the way to the Yundingshan Villa area.

When he returned home, he saw Amelia Su all three kneeling in front of Nangong Qianqiu. And when Amelia Su’s face was red and swollen, George Han’s inner murderous intent directly covered the entire Villa.

With a calm face, George Han took a few deep breaths when he walked to Amelia Su’s side.

Dare to fight Amelia Su!

She even dared to beat Amelia Su!

“George Han, you are going back with me honestly. Or do you want me to use the strong one?” Nangong Qianqiu said to George Han disdainfully.

The corner of George Han’s mouth was drawn with an extremely cold smile, he turned his head suddenly, and said to Nangong Qianqiu: “You have reached my bottom line.”

“Bottom line?” Nangong Qianqiu smiled disdainfully, and said, “Do you have a bottom line for such useless things as you?”

George Han clenched his fists and said coldly, “Is the waste you brought useful to me?”

Nangong Qianqiu’s eyes were contemptuous, although the person she sent was killed by George Han last time, but this time with so many bodyguards, can George Han still fight? And even what happened last time was nothing but an accident in the eyes of Nangong Qianqiu.

It must be that the black-clothed waste was too careless, so he lost Jingzhou carelessly. Otherwise, with the skill of George Han, how could he be his opponent?

“George Han, you are the one who made them tired. Don’t blame me. I have reminded you that if you do what I said. They will be safe, but if you force it to this point, then the entire Su family can only be buried with you. “Nangong Qianqiu said with a smile.

The entire Su family!

Lily Jiang was shocked when he heard this sentence. Who is this old lady, and she said so loudly! Even the entire Su family is not in the eyes, and they want to be buried with George Han. Is she so capable?

Regardless of whether she can do it or not, Lily Jiang is already scared, and she will never let herself be hurt by George Han.

“George Han, from now on, you no longer have any relationship with the Su family. You are not from the Su family.” Lily Jiang said to George Han eagerly.

“Hahahahaha.” Nangong Qianqiu laughed, and looked at George Han with pity: “I didn’t expect you to join the Su family, and now you have to be kicked away. It’s really pitiful. If you live so humble, why? Don’t you die?”

“Humble?” George Han lowered his head gradually and said: “I do live very humble, no one puts me in the eyes, but…”

Suddenly, George Han raised his head, looked at Nangong Qianqiu with a torch, and continued: “Humble does not mean that you can be bullied.”

“So? What can you do? Resist, you trash. Do you have the ability to resist?” Nangong Qianqiu finished speaking disdainfully, pounding his crutches, like a commander of law, surrounded by several bodyguards. Close to George Han.

George Han raised his brows and smiled unexpectedly, and said: “Nangong Qianqiu, in your eyes, I am very useless? I was beaten by him since I was young, and I didn’t even dare to fight back, so you take it for granted that I am useless. But do you know? I don’t fight back, I’m just afraid that I would accidentally kill him.”

After that, George Han took the lead in attacking the bodyguards, moving so fast that Nangong Qianqiu and others could not see clearly.

Mary’s expression moved. Does George Han have such a great skill?

However, he has been learning from Jun Yan since he was a child, which seems to be a matter of course.

The snoring tiger does not mean it is a sick cat, but he has never awakened.

And now, George Han has clearly awakened!

How terrible is the waking tiger?

Just look at Nangong Qianqiu’s horrified expression!

Several bodyguards all fell under the angry George Han, and all of them passed out, and there was no room for resistance.

Nangong Qianqiu’s face was as pale as paper. Last time she thought that George Han was lucky to win the man in black. But now, George Han’s powerful skills are really shown in front of her, can this be a fluke?

“You…” Nangong Qianqiu looked at George Han in disbelief, how could it be that he was useless. How could it be so powerful!

These bodyguards were all masters trained by Jun Yan, a powerful force to defend George Han, why, why are they in front of George Han. It’s like paper!

Nangong Qianqiu’s cognition of George Han broke at this moment, and his heart was shocked, and he was generally unable to calm down.

Although Mary was surprised, compared to Nangong Qianqiu’s turbulence, she was much less turbulent, because she did not treat George Han as rubbish. He suffered injustice since he was a child and secretly made himself stronger. This is nothing wrong.

“Do you know why I have to endure so many years?” George Han said.

Nangong Qianqiu was so shocked that she fell down on the sofa, after hearing what George Han said. Asked shortly, “Why?”

“Because only when you force me to desperate, I can convince myself and kill you!” George Han said.

Nangong Qianqiu’s pupils were like an earthquake, and George Han… actually wanted to kill her!

Mary’s figure flickered. Fortunately, she was sitting on the sofa. Otherwise, she would definitely fall to the ground in fright because of George Han’s words.

His dormancy turned out to be to kill Nangong Qianqiu!

It’s no wonder that for so many years, he has always been an obscure and useless, rejected by thousands of people, it turns out that his forbearance. It was to make Nangong Qianqiu take it for granted, and then he was able to deal with Nangong Qianqiu cruelly.

The Han family, it was the Han family who forced him to do this, no wonder anyone!

“Dare you…do you dare to kill me? George Han, you are so daring.” After Nangong Qianqiu was frightened, said to George Han angrily.

George Han smiled coldly and said, “You don’t care about my life, do I still care about your life and death?”

Nangong Qianqiu saw the coldness on George Han’s face. Realizing that he didn’t seem to be joking, he said, “Aren’t you afraid of thunderstorms?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t do it myself.” George Han took out the phone.

Not long after, Mo Yang took Han Jun to the mountainside Villa.

Amelia Su had long known that there was a person who looked exactly like George Han, so when she saw Han Jun. Not surprised. But Lily Jiang and He Ting were shocked to lose their souls.

He…he and George Han look exactly the same!

He Ting finally understood that the person who came home that day was not George Han at all, and it was not George Han who wanted to rape Amelia Su.

“Han Jun.” Nangong Qianqiu saw Han Jun with a blue nose and a swollen face. I can’t breathe in distress.

When Han Jun saw Nangong Qianqiu, he thought he was going to be saved, and said with his nose and tears: “Grandma, you are finally here, hurry up, let someone beat me up. He even dared to find someone to beat me. Grandma, you must avenge me.”

Kneeling Han Jun walked to Nangong Qianqiu, it was a touching picture.

Nangong Qianqiu kept slapping Han Jun on the back, as if he was comforting a wounded child, and said, “Don’t worry, grandma will help you get revenge. My poor grandson is not good for grandma. Grandma is late. Will make you suffer.”

This scene is so touching, the love between the grandson and grandson is deep and strong.

But George Han is also the Han family and the grandson of Nangong Qianqiu, but the treatment is far from the ground, which is ridiculous.

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