His True Colors Novel Chapter 1467 – 1470

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Chapter 1467

The words left by Amelia Su made George Han stunned for a while before he understood what she meant.

She did not doubt the relationship between George Han and Qi Yiyun, but hoped that George Han could better handle the results of this relationship and prevent Qi Yiyun from being hurt more.

These words are analyzed from another angle. It means that if you want to establish a relationship with Amelia Su, you must resolve the relationship with Qi Yiyun. This is good news for George Han, and it shows that Amelia Su has recognized him in his heart.

This was a big step in the development of the relationship, but Qi Yiyun was hurt. No matter what George Han does, Qi Yiyun’s injury is inevitable.

Back at the Villa, Qi Yiyun had already returned to his room.

The Twelve Blades are taking Fei Lingsheng around the house.

Since the spirit array is to be built in the mountainside Villa. Fei Lingsheng naturally had to be familiar with the environment here.

Now that someone has found a solution to this first-class problem, George Han will not be annoyed by mediocrity, and he can’t help much at first, and extra pointers may add confusion.

George Han walked to the door of Qi Yiyun’s room and knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Qi Yiyun said.

George Han pushed the door away, Qi Yiyun looked at the textbook with a very serious expression. But on closer inspection, the textbooks were all taken upside down. It was obvious that Qi Yiyun used this method to cover up his nervousness.

“In three years, haven’t you figured out where to go?” George Han asked Qi Yiyun directly.

Qi Yiyun’s body trembled visibly, although she had expected this day for a long time, but when this day really came, the shock to her was still very big.

“Are you going to drive me away?” Qi Yiyun asked.

“The development of my relationship with Amelia Su, you have become an obstacle invisibly, you continue to stay. It will only add more trouble to me.” George Han thought about it, and was indecisive. It might as well be decisive and let Qi Yiyun give up completely.

Although this will hurt Qi Yiyun. But this kind of injury is fast and ruthless, and time will eventually heal.

If George Han is not so decisive, and Qi Yiyun sinks deeper and deeper, her injuries will be more serious and harder to heal.

“I will not destroy your relationship.” Qi Yiyun said, this sentence. It also shows that she does not want to leave.

“Your existence is an obstacle, not a destruction. I think you should understand this truth.” George Han said.

Qi Yiyun took a deep breath and said, “Did Amelia Su let you do this?”

George Han didn’t know how far the relationship between Amelia Su and Qi Yiyun had developed, but as far as this matter was concerned, it had nothing to do with Amelia Su. Although she reminded, but this decision. But George Han did it himself.

“It has nothing to do with her, I just hope you can realize that if you continue to stay, it will not do any good. Whether it is for you, for me, or for her.” George Han said.

Qi Yiyun strained all the muscles, waited for three years, finally saw George Han, but in exchange for such a result, she was very unwilling in her heart.

But George Han has made it so clear, why can she continue to stay?

Moreover, Qi Yiyun knew that there would be no good results even if he was so stubborn.

“I will leave tomorrow, okay?” Qi Yiyun said.

“I will send someone to take you away. If you have any trouble with Qi’s family in the future, you can contact me. I will help you.” George Han said.

“Is this compensation?” Qi Yiyun asked.

George Han did not answer this question, but turned and left the room.

If this is compensation. It seemed too cheap, and George Han didn’t want to give Qi Yiyun the illusion that he was pitying her.

When George Han did this, he just wanted to do it.

Go back to the living room.

Fei Lingsheng had already visited all the surroundings and had some clues about George Han’s idea of ”‹”‹building a spiritual formation.

“This is a good place to gather spiritual energy, but you have to know that the earth’s spiritual energy is very scarce. Even with the spiritual array, I can’t guarantee how effective it will be.” Fei Lingsheng said to George Han.

As a real powerhouse of the gods, George Han can naturally feel the scarcity of the earth’s spiritual energy. He did this only because he wanted ordinary people like the twelve swords to enter the introductory stage of cultivation. What benefits can it bring.

As long as they know how to cultivate, they can get twice the result with half the effort after going to Xuanyuan World.

And with George Han’s current strength, it is not difficult to lead them to become strong.

“I understand, when can the creation of the spirit formation begin?” George Han asked.

Fei Lingsheng was about to speak when the doorbell rang.

Dao Twelve glanced at George Han, and after receiving instruction, he walked towards the gate.

If it were those who didn’t have eyesight again, Dao Twelve would not be merciful, and would have to kill the chickens and curse monkeys to let those people retreat.

Chapter 1468

The door opens.

Seeing that the person who opened the door was not George Han, Tian Linger stood tiptoe and looked in, and couldn’t wait to ask Twelve Swords: “Where is my brother?”

Dao Twelve thought it was the ones who didn’t have long eyes again, but he didn’t expect it to be Tian Linger. He put away the coldness on his face and said, “In the living room, go in.”

Although Tian Linger was very anxious, she said thank you very politely, and then ran towards the living room.

When he saw George Han, Tian Linger’s eyes began to shine.

Although she and George Han get along in a sibling relationship, in Tian Linger’s mind, she has always liked George Han, and she has never given up the hope that George Han will develop into a relationship between men and women.

Before George Han was reborn, Tian Linger had actually kept her love for George Han in her heart, and it was not until the moment when she knew that Amelia Su was pregnant, she gave up the idea of ”‹”‹taking George Han as her own. I guess, now that George Han hasn’t even got married, how could Tian Linger give up lightly.

“Brother, you finally came back.” Tian Linger ran to George Han and jumped directly into the suspicion. Regardless of whether there were other people on the scene, she was able to stay in George Han as much as possible in the name of her brother-sister relationship. Li acted like a baby.

George Han’s expression is full of helplessness. As a man, but also has the thought of a mature man, how can George Han not feel Tian Linger’s thoughts.

One Qi Yiyun hasn’t settled yet, and here comes another Tian Linger, which really makes George Han wonder what to do.

“Okay, okay, how old you are, still acting like a baby in my arms.” George Han gently pushed Tian Linger away and said.

Tian Linger didn’t push her nose to her face either, it was a bit cheap, and she was satisfied after taking it for a while. If she was unsatisfied, it would only arouse George Han’s disgust.

“Brother, where have you been? This trip is three years, and Linger almost misses you.” Tian Linger said.

“Do you want to die or want to die?” George Han joked casually.

Tian Linger’s face changed drastically, and she quickly said: “Brother, I didn’t want you to die, how can you say that.”

Seeing the panic in Tian Linger’s eyes, George Han realized that he was making a casual joke. It seemed a bit widened, and said, “I’m just kidding, don’t be so serious. See me today, what can I do? ?”

Tian Linger came to see George Han, of course he wanted to see George Han. As for the matter that Thomas Tian explained, to Tian Linger, it was completely useless.

“I haven’t seen you for so long, Linger missed you, of course he wants to come to you.” Tian Linger said naturally.

“Your father, don’t you have anything to tell you?” George Han asked with a smile, with Thomas Tian’s character, even if Tian Linger really just came to see her, Thomas Tian must have an explanation. No, George Han still doesn’t believe it.

“Hehe.” Tian Linger smiled and said: “Brother, you are really smart, you can’t hide anything from you.”

“Say it quickly.” George Han said.

“Brother.” Tian Linger put away the smile on his face. After all, this matter can’t be joking casually, and said, “Do you know about the patients in Basin City?”

“Of course I know, I have driven all those guys away.” George Han said.

“Grandpa said, these people are very powerful. If they unite to deal with you, I am afraid it will cause you a certain amount of trouble. Moreover, many businessmen in Basin City are planning to take this opportunity to get rid of FengQian and want to overthrow FengQian.” Tian Ling Said the child.

To overthrow Fengqian?

These four words sounded to George Han’s ears, as if they were an international joke, but Fengqian was sitting behind him. Now in the world, no one is qualified to say such a thing.

Even Nangong Boring did not dare to say that.

“Isn’t the old man worried for me?” George Han said with a slight sneer.

Tian Linger shook his head. Grandpa was not worried about George Han, but he was afraid that Tian Honghui’s stupid behavior would harm the Tian family. From this we can see that Thomas Tian is very confident in George Han. .

“No, Grandpa said that those people could not be your opponents, so how could he worry about you, he was worried about Heaven.” Tian Linger said.

“En?” George Han showed a puzzled look. Those people came for him and Fengqian. What does it have to do with the Heavenly Family?

Even if FengQian was overthrown, Tianjia couldn’t be affected by Yuchi. After all, the two hadn’t even cooperated before. At most, Tian Honghui was working on the project.

“Brother, if I say it, don’t be angry, you have to promise me first.” Tian Linger looked cautious.

If George Han was willing to take the time to guess, he would definitely be able to figure out the clues, but he didn’t bother to waste his energy on such trivial matters.

“Go ahead, I won’t be angry.” George Han said.

“My dad is one of those businessmen. Grandpa is here to let me tell you. The most important thing is to let you know that all my dad’s actions have nothing to do with the heavens.” Tian Linger said.

George Han suddenly realized that only then did he understand the reason for Tian Linger’s visit.

It turned out that she was trying to get rid of the relationship between Tian Family and Tian Honghui.

Thomas Tian’s move is not righteousness to destroy relatives!

But how could Tian Honghui get confused and overthrow Fengqian with those idiots?

Fengqian did everything that the new city has now. Without Fengqian, without George Han, is Fengqian Building still a shit?

“Your grandfather is going to put your father’s life and death outside the heavenly house.” George Han said.

Tian Linger knew that this matter was Tian Honghui’s confusion, so she did not sympathize with Tian Honghui, and since she was a child, the family has always spoiled her and raised her. In Tian Linger’s mind, Tian Honghui’s biological father didn’t have much status in his heart, so Tian Linger didn’t care about what Tian Honghui would end up in the end.

“Grandpa persuaded him, but unfortunately it was useless, and this can only be blamed on him.” Tian Linger said helplessly.

George Han didn’t ask much about the relationship between the father and daughter. After all, it was their personal matter. As an outsider, George Han didn’t need to talk too much.

“I see, you go back and tell the old man that anything Tian Honghui does, I will not anger the heavens.” George Han said.

Tian Linger looked at George Han reluctantly, she didn’t want to leave so quickly, she had just watched George Han for a while.

“Brother, can I leave after eating? I’m all hungry.” Tian Linger said.

Chapter 1469

George Han didn’t know if Tian Linger was hungry, but she didn’t want to leave. George Han could clearly feel this. Since she also said it, George Han could only let her stay.

George Han didn’t pay attention to Tian Honghui’s plan. For him, a group of businessmen in small cities with eighteenth-tier cities together was like a pile of rubbish. Apart from nausea, there is no sense of threat.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is necessary for George Han to kill their plan in the cradle.

He took out the phone and dialed Xiaolong’s number.

For three whole years, Xiaolong did not receive any news from George Han, and supported Fengqian’s development alone.

In the past three years, Xiaolong has also become a lot more mature. When no one can rely on, he has to let himself grow up, and this kind of situation that no one can ask for has indeed made Xiaolong grow up.

Now that Xiaolong is in his own hands, almost everything in the company, large and small, is in his own hands, and he is developing according to the trajectory he expected. It can be said that he is worthy of the name as the boss now, completely out of the previous gangster Nature.

When the phone rang, Xiao Long subconsciously picked it up, and when he saw the caller ID, he was stunned.

George Han disappeared for three years for no reason. It was something that made him very panicked for Xiaolong at the beginning, because he was not sure whether he could support Fengqian without George Han.

But after three years, Xiaolong was able to master these things completely, and at this time George Han appeared, making Xiaolong feel a bit of rejection in his heart.

Because George Han did not appear, Fengqian belonged to him.

But George Han came back, he was just a puppet.

The repulsion was fleeting. Xiaolong’s reason surpassed greed. He knew that he could not regard Fengqian as his. All this was caused by George Han, even though he is now in charge of Fengqian. All things, but it does not mean that Fengqian belongs to him.

And there is one thing Xiaolong knows very well that if you want to maintain the status quo, you must recognize your identity, because a word of George Han may bring him back to his original form.

“Boss.” Xiaolong said excitedly after answering the phone.

“Come to the mountainside Villa.” George Han said. In the past three years, he is not sure what changes Xiaolong has made. After all, people are selfish. In the face of huge interests, he cannot guarantee that Xiaolong has not betrayed himself.

On the phone, only verbal communication, George Han could not be sure of this, so he had to meet Xiaolong in person.

“Okay, I’ll come right away.”

After hanging up the phone, Xiaolong hurriedly ran out of the office and headed for the parking lot.

Mountainside Villa.

Before Xiaolong came, George Han asked Dao Twelve: “Twelve, do you think this Xiaolong will betray me?”

“If he is a wise man, he shouldn’t. He used to be like a beggar. You gave him everything, and you want to take it back. It’s just a word. Betrayal will leave him with nothing.” Dao Twelve said without hesitation, in his eyes, anyone in this world can betray, but George Han must be left alone, because the price of betraying George Han is not something ordinary people can afford.

“But people are selfish. No one can tell what kind of changes will happen in three years.” George Han said, people have greed, and they all have certain attributes of not seeing the coffin and not crying.

“Yes, but I hope he doesn’t have any thoughts in this area, otherwise it would be a pity for a young man.” Dao Twelve said.

George Han smiled faintly. He was right. Fengqian has been handed over to Xiaolong for three years. Now everything is on the right track. Xiaolong is also familiar with all the operations in the company. If he is betrayed Mind, if George Han re-inserts, it will inevitably cause some trouble.

Just as the two were chatting hot, the doorbell rang again.

George Han was slightly surprised. Given the distance between Fengqian and Yundingshan Villa area, unless Xiaolong drove the car to fly, how could he be so fast?

“Is there any betrayal? I’ll know soon.” Dao Twelve smiled and finished, stood up and walked towards the door.

When the door opened, George Han in the living room heard a roar.

“George Han!”

This roar was full of anger, unwillingness, complaining, and incomprehension.

With this familiar voice, this familiar grumpy style, George Han knew who was here without even looking.

When Mo Yang walked to the living room angrily, George Han put on a lofty appearance.

“What are you doing, making a big noise in my house, aren’t you afraid that I will kill you?” George Han scolded coldly.

Mo Yang didn’t mean to be scared at all. He walked directly in front of George Han and said, “What do you mean, I disappeared without saying a word for three years. Didn’t you say that Dao Twelve will take over my position?”

Chapter 1470

Seeing that Mo Yang wasn’t afraid of himself at all, George Han couldn’t help feeling his forehead with a headache.

He and Mo Yang had long been considered brothers, and this guy was not afraid of him, it seemed to be a matter of course.

And once George Han had indeed agreed to Mo Yang, letting Twelve Swords take his place, and then he could wash his hands in the golden basin. Live your own ordinary life with Liu Fang.

These three years should have been a lot of suffering for Mo Yang.

“Don’t get excited, I didn’t expect to be away for three years.” George Han said.

“Say.” Mo Yang grabbed George Han’s shoulders and said, “What have you done in the past three years?”

“I killed a killer organization, and it was the world’s top, do you believe it?” George Han said. Although the Black Sheep Organization does not have a true killer organization, there is no gold medal killer. The black sheep organization is like a tiger without its fangs. It is not too much to say that it is extinct.

Mo Yang’s eyelids jumped, he knew that George Han would not lie to himself.

But the world’s top assassin organization would be wiped out, which still made Mo Yang a little unbelievable.

“What deep hatred?” Mo Yang asked curiously.

“Same as you. If you don’t put me in the eyes, I have to play with them, but they should know that they regret it now. On Huangquan Road, I guess they are beating their chests.” George Han said.

Mo Yang’s body was obviously stiffer, and George Han’s words were innuendo, as if to warn him about his fate.

“This…I can be the same as those guys, we are brothers.” Mo Yang smiled very reluctantly and said to George Han.

George Han shook his head helplessly, Mo Yang, when it was time to be counseled. But it’s not vague at all.

“Of course it’s not the same. If I changed to those people and dared to take my shoulders, I would have died long ago.” George Han said.

Mo Yang released George Han for the first time. Although he was aggressive when he came, he is now completely devoid of arrogance. After all, the person standing in front of him is a guy who just killed the world’s top killer organization.

“By the way, when are you going to deal with my matter? Liu Fang is still waiting for me to marry her. If I don’t get rid of my current identity, she won’t agree.” Mo Yang said with a distressed expression. He tried his best to persuade Liu Fang. But Liu Fang didn’t get in, so he didn’t listen to his excuse at all, and he made a rigid request. Only Moyang Jinpen can wash his hands to change.

“Are you waiting, or is she waiting?” George Han asked with a smile.

Mo Yang was not afraid of embarrassment, and said, “It’s me. You don’t know that I can hold hands with her. In the past three years, I have almost been suffocated. Without a bridal chamber, my energy is nowhere. Release.”

Mo Yang used to be a nightclub motor, and he couldn’t stand it without a woman all night. For him over the past three years, it was really hard.

George Han is still quite looking forward to the marriage of these two people. This is the most important thing in Mo Yang’s life so far.

It is also a beautiful thing to watch your brother get married.

“Tomorrow, you just need to hand over everything to Dao Twelve.” George Han said.

“You think this is a business, you can do it with one bite, he is a new face, so many people in the upper ranks are dissatisfied. If these people are not resolved, how can he sit firmly in his position.” Mo Yang looked disgusted. Looking at George Han, he seemed to be complaining about George Han’s incompetence.

About these things on the road. George Han knew very well that the things that Mo Yang was worried about did exist, but in the face of the strength of Dao Twelve, these problems were not a problem.

Those who are dissatisfied, those who fight to be convinced, make trouble. Just let others evaporate directly, this is a way of doing well.

“Do you know what his identity is?” George Han asked Mo Yang.

Mo Yang looked at Dao Twelve, and had contact with Dao Twelve three years ago. But Mo Yang still didn’t know the true identity of the twelve swords.

“Does it matter?” Mo Yang wondered.

“Of course it does matter. Your worries are not a problem at all in front of his ability.” George Han smiled.

Mo Yang had long known that the Twelve Swords were uncommon, and when they first met, he felt a hostile aura on Twelve Swords, and this kind of aura was not a person who licked the blood of the sword.

“Tell me, what’s his identity, frighten me.” Mo Yang said.

“Killer. Top killer.” George Han whispered in Mo Yang’s ear.

Mo Yang’s eyelids jumped after hearing this. Although he was the boss in the gray area of ”‹”‹Basin City, he played. Almost all are methods linked to benefits. Although there are some dark side things, they are more professional than killers. It’s still a lot worse.

“It seems that my worry is indeed superfluous.” Mo Yang smiled bitterly. With such an identity, it is not a trivial matter for him to win the gray area of ”‹”‹Basin City. Whoever refuses to accept it will bury it in the soil, one by one. , Bury a few more, who dares to have an opinion on him?

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