His True Colors Novel Chapter 1411 – 1414

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Chapter 1411

There was a video playing on the phone, exactly what happened in the Crystal Restaurant, and this video was sent to her by a good sister Tian Linger.

Due to the angle of the video, George Han could not be seen clearly, so Tian Linger came to Thomas Tian with her mobile phone.

Thomas Tian puts on presbyopia, although he can’t clearly determine whether the person in the video is George Han, but judging by his body shape, he is indeed very similar to George Han.

“What is this?” Thomas Tian asked puzzledly.

“I am a good sister, and said it was something that happened in the Crystal Restaurant. The Chen family was in trouble. If this is my brother, it should be a conflict with my brother.” Tian Linger said.

The Chen family is bad, and Thomas Tian has heard a lot, especially the deeds related to Chen Yang, but Thomas Tian did not care about this kind of things before, after all, they did not dare to break ground on the Tian family.

But if the person in the video is really George Han, Thomas Tian can’t be regarded as ignorant.

“Grandpa, shall we go there?” Tian Linger asked.

“Of course we are going. Whether it’s your brother or not, we have to confirm it. If it were him, the Chen family would be in bad luck.” Thomas Tian said.

The grandfather and grandson left the Villa, and the driver drove towards the UFO building.

At this time, George Han sat calmly in the dining room.

Although Amelia Su was very worried, looking at George Han’s calm face, she felt that George Han seemed to be able to solve this matter.

“George, are we really not leaving?” Amelia Su walked to George Han and asked in a low voice.

“I haven’t eaten yet, why are you leaving?” George Han said with a smile.

Amelia Su nodded, since George Han said that he could not leave, then don’t leave. She also wondered what the outcome of this incident would become.

After nearly ten minutes, Chen Feng’s friend finally came with someone.

A dozen or so strong men with tall horses can give people a very strong deterrent at a glance.

After seeing these people, Chen Feng was also relieved.

He couldn’t beat George Han alone. Could these people still be George Han’s opponent?

“Brother Feng.” The friend walked up to Chen Feng and didn’t even glance at George Han, because he didn’t know that George Han was the protagonist of this matter, and he would not think so either.

“It’s this kid who will help me deal with this trouble.” Chen Feng pointed to George Han and said.

When the man followed the direction of his finger and saw George Han, his face couldn’t help showing a trace of astonishment.

this one?

It’s just a little kid, so he needs to be so exciting?

On the phone, Chen Feng said that he would bring everything he could call. He thought something major had happened, but he didn’t expect it to be just a kid?

“Brother Feng, are you sure it’s him?” the man asked suspiciously.

“Don’t underestimate this guy, his strength is not simple.” Chen Feng reminded.

The corner of the man’s mouth raised a trace of disdain, how easy it can be, no matter how simple it is, it’s just a kid.

“You, give this kid a lesson, and show some mercy to your subordinates, don’t cause death.” The man said with a finger.

The muscular man walked towards George Han. From everyone’s point of view, George Han was defeated with this inconsistent figure.

But George Han didn’t change his face, even with a faint smile, which made people unpredictable.

After all, George Han had already had an amazing performance before, so his calmness now would be regarded as confident.

“I didn’t expect to have such a wonderful thing after a meal. Today is really nothing in vain.”

“I don’t know if this little guy can surprise people.”

“I want to see these strong men fall in front of him. This is the big news for our Cloud City.”

While everyone was looking forward to it, the brawny man had already walked up to George Han, shook his muscles deliberately, and said to George Han: “Brother, are you afraid, if I accidentally beat you to death, you see Hades, don’t complain.”

George Han didn’t even look at him, and said, “Is the muscles piled up by the forbidden egg like yours really powerful?”

Hearing this, the strong man’s expression changed instantly.

With a big fist, he hit George Han’s face.

This punch was enough to make ordinary people pass out.

Everyone became nervous inexplicably.

Even Chen Feng is no exception. After all, he is the only one who really felt the power of George Han, so he was even more curious about whether George Han could take this punch.

When the fist was almost reaching George Han’s face, those people were suddenly a little disappointed.

They also counted on George Han’s ability to counterattack. They didn’t expect that he would not even move. Did they know that he was not an opponent, so they were ready to be beaten?

“Hey, it’s boring.”

“Unexpectedly, his calmness is pretended, I thought there could be any miracles.”

“and many more!”

“f*ck, what’s going on, the strong man’s fist was blocked.”

When his fist was about to touch George Han’s face, George Han stretched out his right hand and grasped the strong man’s fist.

Under the extremely impactful situation, George Han remained motionless, which made everyone on the scene stare.

As for the strong man himself, his eyes almost fell to the ground.

If it weren’t for seeing George Han’s hand blocking himself, he even felt like he was hitting an iron wall.

“What’s the matter, are you weak?” George Han asked the brawny man with raised eyebrows.

The brawny man was horrified. The first reaction was to withdraw his hand, but when he closed his hand, he found that he was firmly held by George Han, and he couldn’t move at all.

“You…what kind of monster are you!” the strong man asked with a change of expression.

“It’s better to ask yourself what kind of trash is.” George Han said lightly.

In the next scene, everyone present took a breath.

Seeing George Han stood up, the brawny man knelt on the ground with a bang, and his wrist was obviously bent in a weird way, as if it had been abruptly broken.

With cold sweat on his forehead, the brawny man forced himself to scream, and said to George Han, “You… let me go, let me go.”

“Of course.” After George Han finished saying this, he suddenly used his hands, and only heard a click, the strong man couldn’t help it anymore and screamed in pain.

This scene caused many people to numb their scalp. They knew that George Han broke the brawny man’s wrist directly, and how could such an astonishing strength appear on a child?

The friend Chen Feng called finally put away his contempt for George Han.

“Brother Feng, who is this kid?”

Chen Feng took a deep breath. Although the ending was a bit unexpected to him, he still felt reasonable.

“I don’t know, but I feel that his background is not simple.”

Chapter 1412

Chen Feng and his friends looked at George Han’s eyes and became dignified, because they could all perceive George Han’s difficulty, and whether such a person could be offended, they had to think. After all, in Basin City, the two of them are not people who cover the sky with only one hand. Once George Han’s identity becomes stronger, they may fall into this matter.

After George Han solved a muscular man, he provocatively waved to Chen Feng’s friend, as if to signal him to continue sending people.

Amelia Su was fascinated by this scene. She never thought that the back of a person could be so stalwart that George Han didn’t seem to put anyone in her eyes. This powerful charm made her heartbeat. Accelerated a lot.

Similarly, other people who watched the excitement were also excited by George Han’s actions. After all, in their eyes, George Han was a weak person, suddenly bursting out such a powerful shock, this kind of reversal makes people want to stop. .

“This little guy is really strong.”

“He doesn’t want to knock everyone down.”

“It seems that he possesses this ability. I really didn’t expect that Basin City still has such a powerful person.”

There were sighs in all directions, and they were not afraid of being heard by Chen Feng at this moment, because in their opinion, Chen Feng and the Chen family are very likely to fall into this matter today!

Chen Feng’s friend glanced at Chen Feng hesitantly. Although he was provoked by George Han, he did not lose his mind. He had to weigh the consequences of George Han’s identity and background. If he could not He doesn’t mind leaving directly if he accepts it. After all, the relationship between him and Chen Feng is based on interests, and there is no need to sink himself into the quagmire for Chen Feng.

“Brother Feng, what are you going to do?” the friend asked Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng’s brain is buzzing, there is no good way, but because of the face, he does not want to regress, and for George Han’s identity, it is just a guess, there is no real evidence at all, if George Han He is just an ordinary person, he is embarrassed in front of so many people, how can the Chen family raise his head in the future?

“Continue.” Chen Feng said after thinking for a while.

That friend was embarrassed.

carry on?

Once things get out of hand, it is too late to regret.

He must consider the pros and cons of this matter.

At this moment, Thomas Tian and Tian Linger appeared at the entrance of the restaurant.

“Heavenly Father is here!”

When the first person exclaimed the name of Heavenly Father, the others looked towards the door one after another, almost everyone with a shocked expression.

At the same time, there was an idea in my heart for the first time, how could the heavenly father appear at this time, and is his appearance related to this child?

Chen Feng’s eyelids jumped, and a strong premonition was born in his heart, because he knew that Thomas Tian could never come to him, because the relationship between the Tian Family and the Chen Family was not very harmonious.

That friend has a feeling of soft legs. Although he has a certain influence in Basin City, he has a huge gap compared with the top-level family like the Tianjia. If the Tianjia intervenes in this matter, It was a nightmare for him.

When the day was moving forward, everyone subconsciously held their breath, because they didn’t know who Thomas Tian would go to, so they could only stare at Thomas Tian without blinking.

Tian Linger trot for a while, and approached George Han, and said concerned: “Brother, how are you, are you okay?”


Chen Feng and his friends only felt thunder in their ears.

Tian Linger let out a cry, making the two of them instantly bewildered.

Obviously, Thomas Tian came for George Han, and his background is Tianjia!

Other people who watched the excitement also took a sigh of relief, and even the Tian Family had to come forward for him, it was hard to imagine what kind of identity he was.

“Why are you here?” George Han looked at Tian Linger in confusion.

He could solve such a trivial matter by himself, and he didn’t need to go to prosperously to come forward, but he came. This is not good news for George Han, because this matter is likely to spread throughout the whole in a short time. Basin City, at that time, it was difficult for George Han to keep a low profile.

“I have a friend at the scene and just sent me a video to show me the excitement. I saw that the person on the video is not you, so I quickly called Grandpa.” Tian Linger looked smug. Said, it was like doing meritorious service, wanting to get praise from George Han.

Thomas Tian also walked to George Han, and said with concern: “George, are you okay?”

George Han shrugged helplessly and said, “Of course I’m fine. How can these guys be my opponents.”

“Master Tian.” Chen Feng walked humbly in front of Thomas Tian for the first time, bending over, with an extremely sincere and humble attitude, and said: “Master, I don’t know if this is your friend. What is so sorry about , I hope the old man can forgive me.”

Thomas Tian has not been involved in the affairs of Basin City for many years, and it is difficult for him to worry about even Tianjia Company’s own problems, but it’s about George Han, which means completely different to Thomas Tian. After all, Tianjia’s In the future, it is still with George Han.

Thomas Tian looked at Chen Feng coldly and kicked Chen Feng’s lower abdomen. Although it was not as strong as George Han’s previous strength, he also kicked Chen Feng to the ground.

“Chen Feng, you are so courageous, you dare to embarrass my friend.” Thomas Tian said sharply.

Chen Feng looked helpless and miserable. If he had known this, he wouldn’t dare to mess around even if he gave him ten courage. Who could have thought that such a small guy would be Thomas Tian’s friend? And looking at the prosperity of the sky, he still attaches great importance to it.

Chen Feng’s friend was frightened and overwhelmed with a pale face. He never expected that this incident would lead to Thomas Tian. For him, it was a blow to the head. If Thomas Tian pursues it, he will be in Basin City Lian. There is no place to stand.

“Father, little brother, I know I was wrong. Give me a chance to reform and rehabilitate.” Chen Feng doesn’t care about face issues anymore, because in front of the heavens, there is no face at all to make this The most important thing is to turn things into big things.

It is not Thomas Tian’s decision whether to change or not. It depends on George Han’s attitude. Therefore, Thomas Tian looks at George Han, hoping that he can give an answer.

With these ordinary people, George Han didn’t bother to care about it, and said, “From today, don’t let me see your son. Otherwise, not just him, I will not let the whole Chen family go.”

Chapter 1413

When Chen Feng heard this, he dragged his wife and children, and ran away. His friend was so frightened that he could only leave with his support.

The whole thing came to an end in a very unexpected way. The only difference was that the image of George Han was remembered by others. They had to go home and remind their younger generations not to provoke them. This person brings trouble to his family.

“George, I wouldn’t be too presumptuous to come forward.” Thomas Tian asked George Han. After all, he didn’t get George Han’s consent for this matter, and he knew that George Han had the ability to solve it.

“It’s kind of, but it doesn’t matter, it can be considered as saving me some energy.” George Han said lightly, Thomas Tian came forward to make this matter more quickly, and George Han did not fight, in this regard It is a good thing to say, but George Han is known by too many people, which is something that George Han doesn’t like.

After all, he came to Basin City and handed FengQian to Xiaolong, just because he didn’t want to be too ostentatious, but now, he couldn’t do it without ostentation. When this matter spreads out, I am afraid he will become a celebrity in Basin City.

Thomas Tian noticed that George Han had a slight dissatisfaction, and he felt like a huge boulder was hanging in his heart. With his consciousness of wandering the rivers and lakes for years, he quickly guessed why George Han was unhappy.

“If anyone reveals what happened today, they are doing the right thing with my heavenly family. When you leave later, I will ask everyone to register them. Once the news goes out, no one can escape.” Thomas Tian said to other guests in the restaurant.

This overbearing remark did not cause any dissatisfaction, because no one dared to have an opinion on Thomas Tian, and could only bear it silently. At the same time, he could only secretly write down the words of Thomas Tian to avoid suffering from unreasonable disaster.

“Nothing else, let’s go first, and I have to have dinner with my friends.” George Han said to Thomas Tian. Tonight is his first formal dinner and date with Amelia Su, although Chen Feng, a horrible guy, appeared. But now there is not enough time, there is still a chance to remedy it.

“Brother.” Tian Linger suddenly took George Han’s hand and said with a coquettish look: “I haven’t finished my meal yet.”

“Go home.” George Han said only two words, and his tone was very cold.

Tian Linger can deliberately show his affection in front of Qi Yiyun. George Han will not mind, but in front of Amelia Su, this is absolutely impossible. Even if George Han considers Tian Linger as his sister in his heart, he will not. Let her do anything.

Tian Linger was stunned. Since she met George Han, she had never felt George Han’s repelling attitude. The voice and the look in her eyes seemed to be angry with her.

Thomas Tian quickly walked to Tian Linger, pulled Tian Linger away, and said to George Han, “In this case, we will leave first.”

George Han did not speak, just nodded.

Thomas Tian pulled Tian Linger away, feeling a little uneasy, because George Han’s emotions changed instantly, he felt very clearly, this was the first time he saw George Han really angry.

“Grandpa, what did I do?” Tian Linger asked sluggishly in the elevator.

Thomas Tian sighed, George Han was with other girls, and Tian Linger deliberately acted to be very close to George Han, apparently touching George Han’s bottom line.

What else can it be because of?

Because she was ignorant, because she deliberately wanted to be intimate with George Han, and provoke another girl.

“In front of this girl in the future, you must not do this kind of thing again, she is different from other girls.” Thomas Tian reminded.

At this moment, the descending elevator suddenly stopped. Someone wanted to get on the way.

However, at this time, the sky was prosperous, and my mood was very unhappy, so my face was calm.

When the elevator door opened, the people outside the door were about to enter the elevator. When they saw Thomas Tian, they stopped and looked at Thomas Tian’s frosty face, which made him stunned by the elevator door. outer.

“My god, I didn’t expect to meet you so by accident,” the man said.

Thomas Tian didn’t speak, and his face remained stern.

The man was terrified, and it was impossible to get into the elevator. He could only say, “My God, you go first, I’ll wait.”

After speaking, the person actively pressed the button to turn off the elevator.

At this time, Tian Linger spoke again: “Grandpa, she is not as pretty as Qi Yiyun yet, why would my brother care more about her?”

“Whether you care or not is not measured by looks. You must remember that this woman is not something you can provoke. Her status in George Han’s mind can be replaced by no one.” Thomas Tian Reminded.

Although Thomas Tian has always had a small expectation in his heart, I hope that the relationship between George Han and Tian Linger can develop closer, not only like brothers and sisters, but also to ensure the future development of Tianjia.

But after experiencing the situation just now, Thomas Tian gave up, because he knew that this was absolutely impossible.

George Han’s attention to the girl just now surpassed everything, which he could clearly feel.

Crystal restaurant.

Everything is back to normal.

However, Amelia Su looked at George Han’s eyes, but there were many complicated emotions.

George Han was able to beat the Chen family so hard that he dared not speak, and the elder of the Tian family personally appeared for him.

It’s just that Tian Linger happened to see the excitement. It is worth Thomas Tian to come forward. What kind of talent does he have to do it?

“George Han.” Amelia Su suddenly shouted.

George Han, who couldn’t help the world, showed a panic expression at this time, and said, “What…what’s wrong?”

“Who are you?” Amelia Su asked curiously.

George Han can be very calm in the face of any personnel, but in front of Amelia Su, his most real side will be exposed very thoroughly.

“Me? I’m an ordinary person. My name is George Han, and I am a man.” George Han said.

“You know what I want to ask, your identity background, your family background, why can you let Thomas Tian come forward.” Amelia Su continued.

This question is a bit difficult for George Han because he could not explain Amelia Su too clearly. After all, there are some topics that involve George Han’s rebirth. It is obviously not appropriate to tell Amelia Su at this time, and Amelia Su There is also a high possibility that you will not believe it.

If Amelia Su regards it as a fake, and he runs the train full of mouths, wouldn’t it make Amelia Su feel that he is unreliable.

When facing this relationship, George Han was very cautious, but he didn’t want Amelia Su to misunderstand him as an unreliable person.

Chapter 1414

“Do you believe me?” George Han looked at Amelia Su sincerely.

Amelia Su nodded subconsciously. Although she didn’t understand George Han, she felt an unprecedented sense of security in George Han, and she also knew that George Han would not hurt herself, so naturally she believed in George Han. .

“Since you believe me, don’t ask so much, you just need to know that I will protect you.” George Han said.

Although Amelia Su is a little girl, she was born in an environment like Su’s family, and she is by no means an innocent little girl. Fighting against Harry Su and Su Yihan also made her gradually have her own city.

“You just don’t want to tell me what to say to protect me.” Amelia Su said flatly.

George Han smiled helplessly, he was just afraid of telling Amelia Su the truth, Amelia Su would not believe it, but would distrust him even more.

“Don’t worry, sooner or later, I will let you know everything. At that time, you will understand why I want to do this.” George Han said.

Amelia Su didn’t bother to care, at least she knew that the current George Han was good to her.

The two ordered their own dishes. This dinner was a little controversial, but the ending was still perfect. After the meal, the boss personally waived the order for George Han, which was considered to be enough for George Han’s face.

After leaving the UFO building, the two did not take a taxi, and walked on the street, chatting about Amelia Su’s fun at school.

And the topic that Amelia Su talked the most was about Qi Yiyun. George Han could see that the two people’s girlfriends are developing very fast now, and they have almost reached the point where they can talk about everything.

This made George Han somewhat worried. With Amelia Su’s scheming, she definitely couldn’t play Qi Yiyun. If Qi Yiyun had any bad intentions on Amelia Su, she would definitely suffer.

It seemed that she had to go home to wake up Qi Yiyun, but she could not cause her to harm Amelia Su.

When the two were passing an alley, George Han suddenly stopped.

“What’s wrong with you?” Amelia Su asked strangely.

“Nothing, there seem to be stones in the shoes.” George Han finished speaking, took off his shoes and shook them, then pretended that nothing happened.

Of course, he stopped, not because there were stones in his shoes, but because he felt that there was a fight in the alley, and it was not a fight of ordinary people. Both sides were very good at strength, which aroused his curiosity.

But with Amelia Su by his side, George Han didn’t plan to see the situation. Although he could protect Amelia Su, if the screen was too bloody, it would be a bad experience for Amelia Su.

After sending Amelia Su home, George Han returned to the alley. To his surprise, the fight was not over yet. With his sense of consciousness, both sides paid a lot of money, and it was the end of the battle.

George Han hid himself and entered the alley.

This is a dead end, so usually no one shows up at night.

At this time, there were four people in the alley.

Three of them were in a group, and the one who was forced to the end of the alley was fighting alone.

But even in the case of one-to-three, he still made the other party pay a big price.

After discovering this, George Han in the dark couldn’t help becoming more interested.

How could such a master appear in a small place like Basin City, and they seemed to have to desperately kill each other, this hatred is not shared.

“When will you resist? Even if you run away today, you will face endless pursuits in the future. Do you really think you can escape the black hands of the organization?”

“Let us have a good time for you, you don’t have to live all day to remind you, is this bad?”

“Daqing, you can catch it with your hands. You know the fate of the betrayal organization better than anyone.”

When George Han heard these words in the dark, he probably understood what was going on.

These people should be members of a mysterious organization, or a killer organization, because of that person’s betrayal, so they will chase and kill them.

George Han has a certain understanding of the killer organization. He knows that once he becomes a killer, there will be no retreat in this life. If he dares to betray the organization, it must be a dead end, and even if he escapes by a fluke today, he will be in the future. Will face endless hunts and kills, and sooner or later, corpses will be on the streets.

The man named Dao Qing was breathing heavily, his physical strength has been exhausted to the limit, and he was able to stand steadily, almost relying on his last breath.

“The me now is you in the future, don’t you think about it for yourself?” Dao Qing said.

When Dao Qing spoke, George Han suddenly felt a sense of familiarity. He definitely heard this voice somewhere.

Could it be said that you can still meet acquaintances in such a place?

Secretly George Han narrowed the distance so that he could see Dao Qing’s appearance better.

“Only those who betray the organization will fall to your end, and we will not.”

At this time, the secretive George Han had already seen Dao Qing’s appearance and made him stand on the spot.

Dao engine.

Twelve knives!

This person turned out to be the twelve sword!

George Han never expected that he would meet Dao Twelve at this point in time. Before his rebirth, Dao Twelve was very helpful to George Han, so George Han also regarded Dao Twelve as his brother. Treat the same.

But before the rebirth, the time when the Twelve Blades came to Basin City was very late.

It seems that rebirth has indeed changed a lot of things, but the current George Han has not encountered them all.

Just when the three of them were about to exhaust Dao Qing’s last effort, and Dao Qing was also in despair, a sudden voice suddenly sounded in the alley.

“Three people beat one person, you are too bullying.” George Han came from the darkness, no one noticed his appearance, only heard his voice, not seeing him.

“Who, who is talking.”

“Sneaky dare not show up, what are you.”

“Have the ability to show up and speak!”

The three of them panicked a little, because at this time, if Dao Qing’s helper appeared, it would be a disaster for them, because not only Dao Qing’s physical strength reached its limit, the three of them also struggled for a long time.

“Talk to me, don’t be too presumptuous. Otherwise, the end will not look good.” As soon as the voice fell, the person who asked George Han what he was, after a scream, fell to the ground, vomiting blood, but After struggling twice, there was no more movement.

The remaining two panicked immediately. They didn’t even see how the other party made the move, and they had already lost an opponent!

“Come out and hide yourself like a man.”

“Anyone who has the ability to come out upright and upright is what counts as a dark arrow to hurt others!”

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