His True Colors Novel Chapter 1331 – 1334

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Chapter 1331

Holding George Han’s arm affectionately, Tian Linger asked George Han in a soft voice, “Brother, did you come to me so early? I haven’t woken up yet.”

“Why didn’t you wake up?” George Han asked with a smile.

“You are here. If I don’t come to see you, it would be impolite.” Tian Linger looked at George Han complainingly, seeming to blame George Han for disturbing her morning dream.

“But I didn’t come to see you.” George Han said mercilessly.

Tian Linger muttered a small mouth immediately, as if to shake off George Han’s hand, but in the end he didn’t do it, probably because he was not willing to do so.

Faced with this situation, Xiaolong can only look envious, not only Qi Yiyun surrendering to the boss, but now even the eldest lady of the Heavenly Family is so proactive towards the boss, look at himself again, and walk the streets without being caught Staring at it with disgusting eyes, Xiaolong felt fortunate. He didn’t dare to fantasize about this kind of girl’s initiative.

“Brother, are you looking for Grandpa?” Tian Linger asked.

“Yes, I want to discuss something with him.” George Han said.

Tian Linger became interested immediately and asked: “Brother, what do you want to do, do you want to make a baby kiss with me?”

George Han had a headache, but he treated Tian Linger as his younger sister. How could he be married to Tian Linger? And at this age, they are not used to the adjective baby kiss anymore.

“I treat you as my sister.” George Han said.

These words made Tian Linger speechless for a while. Although she called George Han’s brother, she never thought of being only George Han’s sister in her heart. Even in Tian Linger’s heart, she Had already regarded George Han as a boyfriend, because George Han was the most powerful person she had ever met. Compared with the rich second-generation children that other families had seen, those people were completely rubbish.

“I don’t want to be your own sister.” Tian Linger said with a narrowed mouth.

George Han rubbed his temples. He suddenly felt that he had come to Basin City too early, so that emotional matters had become more complicated, and even George Han could no longer control these events.

Knowing this a long time ago, it would be better to go to the Nangong family first to see what Nangong Boring had related to the Apocalypse.

“Why don’t you speak anymore?” Tian Linger couldn’t wait to answer, and asked George Han impatiently.

“Your grandpa and I still have important things to talk about. If you haven’t woken up, go to bed and get back to sleep.” George Han said.

Tian Linger was so angry that her eyes rolled, but in front of Thomas Tian, she couldn’t be too presumptuous.

“George, come to me so early, what are the important things?” Thomas Tian asked George Han with a smile on his face.

“Father, I want to start a company.” George Han said bluntly, this is the purpose of his coming to Thomas Tian.

George Han currently has no power and no power in Basin City. He just has a certain position in front of Thomas Tian and Mo Yang. This will make George Han have no way to deal with many things better. , He couldn’t possibly have Thomas Tian and Mo Yang come forward every time he encountered something.

In this case, improving your status is the best choice.

Of course, George Han can also choose to use another method to solve it, which is violence, but George Han doesn’t like this method, and he doesn’t want to be a bloodthirsty person.

“Starting a company, this is a trivial matter, what do you want to do?” Thomas Tian asked, he could help George Han fulfill such a small simple request.

“Real estate, I am going to develop the west area of ”‹”‹Basin City. I hope you can help me take the lead in this matter.” George Han said. When it comes to the development of the new city, it is necessary to contact the official people. This is also George Han. Why find the reason for Thomas Tian.

Because if he were to come forward to negotiate with the official personnel, those people would definitely not put him in their eyes, and they might even treat this as a kid’s joke.

But if Thomas Tian is allowed to come forward, the nature of this matter will be completely different, and those officials will never ignore Thomas Tian’s constructive opinions.

“Western District?” Thomas Tian looked at George Han with a look of confusion. The Western District is currently a large area of ”‹”‹abandoned factories, almost an area that no one cares about. Not to mention how much financial resources are needed to develop this kind of place, just to develop value. Looking at it, Thomas Tian doesn’t think it is big, and it has no prospects.

“You help me match up with the official, and I will solve the rest by myself.” George Han said.

Thomas Tian led George Han into the house and made a pot of tea for George Han before continuing to discuss this issue.

“Three thousand, do you know what kind of place the West District is?” Thomas Tian said.

How about the current West District, George Han hasn’t seen it, but the future Basin City West District will become the economic core of the city. After all, George Han was born again. No one compares to the future. He knows better.

“I don’t know, but the West District will become the economic pillar of Basin City in the future.” George Han said.

Thomas Tian smiled slightly. To him, George Han’s remarks were rhetoric and a vision for the future, but he did not have much confidence in such a statement, because the development of a new city requires a lot of personnel. Those who have settled in, Cloud City is not a place that can attract foreigners to move in, and without foreigners moving in, it will not have any impact on the economy of Cloud City.

“Have you ever thought about how to operate the new city, how can people accept this new place?” Thomas Tian asked.

“The entry of the world’s first-tier brands can not only attract Basin City people, but also attract a large number of investors from surrounding cities. This is just a small problem.” George Han said, he is not good at this aspect, but as long as he can use it It is not a problem for him to spend money on it.

“I have never heard of the world’s first-tier brands investing in small cities. You may not know the requirements of those first-tier brands for city location selection.” Thomas Tian said. At this moment, he still feels that George Han is too young. I think things are too simple.

Many really big brands don’t even bother to set up stores in small cities, and throughout the hot summer, only a few first-tier cities can be appreciated by them.

“I’m afraid you don’t know my energy.” George Han smiled faintly. What other people can’t do doesn’t mean he can’t do it. With Nangong Boring here, what brand George Han can’t control?

Chapter 1332

Hearing this sentence, Thomas Tian was stunned, and he realized that it was not that George Han was too naive, but that he thought of George Han too simple.

Although the first-tier brands have extremely high requirements for location selection, the identity of George Han, but even the middle-aged person will be afraid of it. This shows that George Han has a strong international influence. He wants those The entry of first-line brands is probably just a simple matter, right?

Thomas Tian smiled bitterly and said to George Han: “I think you are too simple. If you really have such a plan, I will help you go through the official procedures and negotiate with them.”

“Then trouble you. The company’s name is Fengqian. The entire west of the city will have Fengqian Commercial Building as the core. Fengqian Commercial Building will be a unique shopping destination throughout the summer. The top brands well known in the world will gather In one body.” George Han said.

If this kind of remark was spoken from other people, Thomas Tian would suspect that this person was here to commit fraud, but after speaking from George Han, he did not have the slightest doubt, and he could even see the future Fengqian. The scenery of the commercial building.

And with such a place, the economy of the entire Cloud City will inevitably be driven, and the future development of Cloud City is unimaginable.

At the same time, Thomas Tian was also clear that once the west of the city developed, then Tian Clan would no longer be the first clan of Basin City, but Thomas Tian didn’t care much about this matter.

The first name is nothing but a false name for him, and the Heavenly Family is not qualified to compete with characters like George Han. Being able to become George Han’s helper is already something that is worthy of great prosperity.

“Okay, I will convey your thoughts to the official people, and I believe they will also look forward to this matter.” Thomas Tian said.

The two chatted about other things. It was Wen Jiachang, but the main topic was Tian Linger and Tian Jia. Thomas Tian didn’t have the guts to go and attack George Han’s life experience. He was afraid that he might offend him. George’s unhappy point will create a gap between George Han and Tian’s family.

When it was about to eat lunch, George Han left Tianjia.

Although Thomas Tian and Tian Linger tried their best to stay, George Han refused.

This made Tian Linger feel very sorry in his heart, and finally had the opportunity to have a meal with George Han, but he didn’t expect him to appreciate it at all.

“Grandpa, do you think what he said is true? Although I don’t understand these things, it is not a simple matter to be No. 1 in the hot summer?” After George Han left, Tian Linger asked about the prosperity of the sky. ,

Thomas Tian had asked himself the same question countless times in his heart, but he got only one answer.

That is to believe.

The pie that George Han drew in front of him was so big that most people couldn’t believe it, but he knew that George Han would definitely have the ability to do this, so he would have such an idea.

Even if he doesn’t know anything about George Han’s identity and background, as long as there is that middle-aged person, Thomas Tian is willing to believe in everything.

“I believe it is true. Because of his appearance, Basin City will undergo an earth-shaking change.” Thomas Tian said with a sigh. He also had the idea to change Basin City, but this requires too much energy. It was impossible for the family to do so, so Thomas Tian gave up this idea very early.

But Thomas Tian did not expect that what he did not do was started by a child.

However, Thomas Tian also had a doubt in his heart. Why did George Han choose to be in Basin City? Could it be that this place has any special feelings for him?

“Grandpa, he is so powerful, what if I marry him in the future?” Tian Linger said with a smile.

Thomas Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head, not because Tian Linger had such thoughts at this age, but because he felt that Tian Linger thought too much.

The Heavenly Family is indeed very powerful in Basin City, and there are countless people who fawn on Tian Linger, and even some families make their children and grandchildren become friends with Tian Linger in order to develop a benign relationship with the Heavenly Family.

However, in front of George Han, the Tian Family did not have any position advantage, and Tian Linger did not shine in front of George Han. Just the little girl named Qi Yiyun had already made Tian Linger feel ashamed.

“Isn’t it good to be his sister?” Thomas Tian said.

“Of course not good.” Tian Linger pouted.

Thomas Tian didn’t persuade Tian Linger, because he knew that Tian Linger’s character was stubborn and it was useless to say anything. She would give up only if Tian Linger felt the failure herself.

“You stay at home well. Grandpa has to go and meet some old friends. I guess if they hear this news, I’m afraid that I am demented.” Thomas Tian smiled.

The leaving George Han was sitting in the car, Xiaolong would look at him in the rearview mirror from time to time, which made George Han dumbfounded.

“If you have anything you want to ask, just ask.” George Han said.

Xiaolong participated in the dialogue process between George Han and Thomas Tian. He did have too many questions in his heart, but he didn’t dare to speak out of his humble status.

At this time George Han took the initiative to mention it, and Xiaolong couldn’t help his inner curiosity.

“Boss, do you really want to develop the west of the city?” Xiaolong asked. Although he has no specific concept of developing the city, he knows that it will definitely take a huge amount of money that he can’t imagine.

“Could it be that you thought that I came to make a joke with Tianchang Blooming early in the morning?” George Han said with a smile.

Xiaolong took a deep breath and quickly said, “Boss, I didn’t mean that, I just thought it was incredible, how rich you are.”

“How rich is it?” This question made George Han laugh. His current economic situation is completely incapable of developing the west of the city. However, with Nangong Boring, the gold master, George Han does not have to worry about money at all.

However, George Han still had to think of a way to get Nangong Boring to pay.

Under compelling circumstances, George Han could only fly to the Nangong family.

“As a little brother, you want to inquire about the boss’s deposit. This is not appropriate,” George Han said.

Xiaolong shook his head repeatedly and explained: “Boss, I didn’t mean that.”

“Don’t worry, in the future, you will have the opportunity to see how powerful the gold master behind me is. He is the real rich man. The world’s richest man is in front of him. He is not even a fart.” George Han smiled.

Xiaolong murmured secretly, the world’s richest man is not a shit, how rich does that person have to be?

Xiaolong was more and more grateful in his heart that it was a wise decision to follow George Han.

Chapter 1333

On the other side, Thomas Tian has already contacted several old friends. These friends have a high status in Cloud City and almost represent the highest official position. If the city west is to be developed, these people absolutely have the right to make a decision.

After contacting the meeting place and time, Thomas Tian was ready to set off.

At this moment, Tian Honghui returned home, seeing that Thomas Tian seemed to be about to go out, he couldn’t help asking curiously: “Dad, where are you going?”

“Meeting my old friends, Cloud City will make a qualitative leap in the future,” Thomas Tian said.

This sentence made Tian Honghui not very understanding. As an 18th-tier city, Basin City has little room for development, let alone a qualitative leap.

“Dad, does anyone want to invest in Cloud City?” Tian Honghui asked.

Thomas Tian nodded and said, “Yes, and you know this person.”


Tian Honghui’s mind suddenly began to search for candidates who were qualified to invest in Cloud City, but among the people he knew, no one had such qualifications, and those people were not even comparable to Tianjia.

Even the Heavenly Family has no ability to change Cloud City, how can other people do it?

“Dad, who is it?” Tian Honghui said curiously.

“George Han.” After Thomas Tian finished speaking, he seemed to be anxious, and continued: “I’m leaving now. I’ve already arranged a meeting time with them, but I can’t be late.”

Before the change, Thomas Tian met with these old friends. Being late was a common occurrence, and his status in the business world, those old friends would not mind his late behavior.

Although the official status of those people is very high, the economy of Basin City is inseparable from Thomas Tian, so those people have to give Thomas Tian some face.

“Dad, let me stay with you.” Tian Honghui said, he was really curious about what happened, so he wanted to learn more about it on the road.

Thomas Tian hesitated, and finally nodded. He still doesn’t know if Tian’s family is qualified to participate in this matter, but let Tian Honghui know more about it. In the future, if George Han is useful to him, This is also a good thing for Tianjia.

Tian Honghui acted as the driver, and the two moved towards the agreed place.

On the way, Tian Honghui continued to ask: “Dad, what’s going on, why is it related to George Han again?”

Before Tian Honghui could not tolerate George Han in his eyes, but after seeing George Han’s abilities, he knew that he could not treat George Han as an ordinary child, but he could really change something as big as Basin City Do it?

As an 18th-tier city, the value that Cloud City itself can reflect is very small. Even if it spends a lot of money, it is difficult for Cloud City to develop well in the future. Because of the economic collision, it will inevitably be related to foreigners. , And Basin City has no capital to attract foreigners.

“He wants to create a Fengqian commercial building, which will inevitably become the core business district of Basin City.” Thomas Tian said.

This sentence made Tian Honghui smile contemptuously, even he felt that Thomas Tian was always confused, how could he be stupid with George Han?

The core business district of Basin City seemed to sound very powerful, but Tian Honghui knew very well that this was just a good expectation, no matter what kind of investment he made, it was useless.

What if the core business district of Cloud City is really achieved? It is completely impossible to develop only by relying on the consumption power of the locals of Cloud City.

“Dad, the UFO Building is a failed case. You don’t really think he can do the so-called Fengqian Commercial Building?” Tian Honghui said.

Thomas Tian smiled and shook his head. The UFO Building was indeed a failure case and did not achieve the goal that investors wanted, but he knew that the Fengqian Commercial Building that George Han shot was a completely different change.

Integrating the world’s leading brands into one, how can such a commercial building be comparable to the UFO building?

Moreover, Thomas Tian knows that with George Han’s ability, there is no famous brand that he can’t find. He wants to stimulate the wealthy people from the outer city to spend in Basin City. The method is also very simple. New products are sold and limited sales are available. Once engaged, it can attract a lot of popularity.

Especially those famous brand luxury goods, there will always be countless noble ladies paying for it, and they are definitely willing to travel all the way to Basin City.

“Do you know what Fengqian Commercial Building has?” Thomas Tian said.

“What else, isn’t it just a department store with a changed name?” Tian Honghui said lightly.

Thomas Tian expressed disdain for Tian Honghui’s narrow vision, and said: “This is your pattern? Can he only invest in a department store?”

“Dad, do you trust him too much? Do you really think that a great mall can be created in a place like Basin City? Hillwood City has the largest sales mall in Asia because it is located in The core city, and the brands included, are also the most in Asia.” Tian Honghui said.

“Once Fengqian Commercial Building is completed, the place with the most brands will be replaced.” Thomas Tian smiled.

Tian Honghui’s eyelids jumped. The meaning of this sentence is easy to understand. It means that the famous brand effect of Fengqian Commercial Building will be higher than that of the Hillwood City shopping mall. But in an 18th-tier city, how could it be possible for those luxury brands Settled?

“Dad, you mean, what brands are George Han capable of?” Tian Honghui asked cautiously. If this is the case, then the completion of Fengqian Commercial Building might really change the destiny of Basin City. After all, there are too many wealthy women who can go crazy for luxury goods. In order to buy a bag, they can go abroad and search for a long distance. For them, it is definitely not far away.

“It is not only the ability to allow brands to settle in. I can almost imagine that those luxury goods sold in China are definitely the first to be launched in Fengqian Commercial Building. Only this can drive the economy of Cloud City, the future of Cloud City, you Can you imagine?” Thomas Tian said with a smile.

Tian Honghui swallowed unconsciously. If George Han can really do what Thomas Tian said, then the entire Basin City will really be completely transformed, and it will be able to jump directly from the 18th line. For third-tier cities, even second-tier cities!

“Dad, does the Heavenly Family have a share of this big piece of fat?” Tian Honghui couldn’t help but ask. If the Heavenly Family can also participate in this project, then the future status of the Tian Family will not be limited to Cloud City. .

“Perhaps, there is a chance.” Thomas Tian is currently unable to predict the fate of the Tian family in this matter. What he can do now is to help George Han solve the problems caused by the official as soon as possible.

Chapter 1334

When they arrived at the appointed place, the few old friends that Thomas Tian had agreed upon had not yet come, but it was not that those people were late, but that Thomas Tian had arrived early.

For Thomas Tian, who was often sooner or later, this was the first time that it was unprecedented, so that those old friends who arrived outside the scene and found that Thomas Tian was already there, they were all surprised.

“God, this is the sun coming out from the west, you actually arrived early!”

“It’s not quite right, you won’t have anything to ask us today, it’s here so early.”

“God, we are all acquaintances. We all know what you are going around.”

Several people expressed surprise at the early arrival of Thomas Tian, and subconsciously felt that Thomas Tian might have something to ask them, otherwise, it would never be the case.

Thomas Tian smiled. He also knew that he was always late before and made these old friends quite complain, so it is reasonable to be teased by them.

“Don’t worry, this matter is a good thing for you, and I don’t need to ask you, you will agree to it, I am here today, mainly to discuss with you how to grant the land.” Thomas Tian said.

“Land grant?”

“God, what do you want to do again?”

“Is it impossible for the heavenly family to have any new actions?”

The land grant must be related to new development, and it is indeed a good thing for a few of them.

The better the development of Cloud City, the better the performance of their official figures, but from their point of view, the development of Cloud City has almost reached a bottleneck. Even if Thomas Tian has a plan, it may not necessarily be able to drive more economic growth. development of.

“This matter has nothing to do with the Heavenly Family, and I’m just a runner.” Thomas Tian smiled.


Several people showed expressions of astonishment.

What status is the Heavenly Family in Basin City? It is almost supreme. How could someone use Thomas Tian as a call to run errands.

“God, stop joking, who can use you as an errand runner in Basin City.”

“You are a big joke, who can believe it.”

“God, speak up quickly, we won’t take these jokes seriously.”

Several people chuckled, and didn’t take what Thomas Tian said to heart.

But Thomas Tian’s serious expression has not changed at all. Whether these old friends believe it or not, he is really just a runner.

“Don’t believe me, I just run errands for people, and this project will exceed your imagination.” Thomas Tian said solemnly.

Several people frowned. Thomas Tian looked serious. It seemed that he was not joking, but Basin City, did such a person really exist?

“God, it wouldn’t be… the man who lived in the mountainside Villa in the legend?” an old friend asked cautiously.

Many people know about this matter, but the identity of the owner of the mountainside Villa is unknown to everyone, and no one dares to ask Thomas Tian easily.

But now that it is mentioned, it will inevitably make them curious.

“The owner of the Mountainside Villa has changed. Now this person has a higher status and stronger strength than the previous person, and I did run errands for him today.” Thomas Tian said.

“What the hell is going on.”

“How is he going to develop Cloud City.”

“What is this new project, and where does he want it.”

Several people couldn’t wait to ask.

Thomas Tian told them all of George Han’s plans, including the development direction of Fengqian Commercial Building and the target of investment.

After a few people listened to it, there was a feeling of listening to the heavenly book. For Basin City, investment promotion is the biggest obstacle to the development limit. After all, Basin City is only a small city, and there is no capital to attract capable businesses.

The future planning of Fengqian Commercial Building can be done almost exclusively for first-tier cities.

To make this kind of commercial building appear in Cloud City is completely whimsical.

“God, are you kidding me, can he really gather all the top brands in the world?” an old friend asked Thomas Tian.

Several other people had the same problem, so they all stared at Thomas Tian with wide eyes.

“I look like I’m joking, what he can do is beyond your imagination.” Thomas Tian said firmly.

These old friends are all aware of Thomas Tian’s character, unless he has Alzheimer’s, otherwise these words are absolutely credible.

And those who are worthy of Thomas Tian’s belief, what reason do they have to doubt?

“When can we meet him.”

“Yes, such a powerful character, you have to recommend it.”

“Since we are going to develop, there will definitely be a lot of issues we need to meet in the future. You will bring us to know about them.”

If they knew that George Han was just a child, these guys would not believe this, and since George Han asked him to come forward to solve these problems, it means that George Han himself does not want to show up, and Thomas Tian dare not. Arrange a meal for them to meet.

“I’ll talk about it later. When can you approve the land on the west side of the city?” Thomas Tian asked.

“There are now a large number of abandoned factories in the west of the city. This is something that we have a headache. If we can use it to develop new projects, it will be a good thing for Cloud City. After normal procedures, within half a month, there should be no problem. .”

“Okay, then I will wait for your good news. After half a month, I hope this project can be officially launched.” Thomas Tian said.

“God, this time your heavenly family, I’m afraid it’s going to rise again. With such a large piece of fat, you can eat a lot of oil and water.”

Thomas Tian shook his head and changed to another investor. Thomas Tian might find a way to make Tianjia take advantage of it, but in the face of George Han, he absolutely dare not do so, even Thomas Tian is eager to pay for himself. opportunity.

“This project has nothing to do with the Heavenly Family at the moment, and I don’t dare to mess around. I advise you, don’t try to steal fishy from this project. His ability is not just to make my Heavenly family bankrupt overnight. The same is true.” Thomas Tian reminded.

Hearing that the Tian family was bankrupt overnight, the expressions of several old friends changed drastically. After all, the position of the Tian family in the cloud city business community is unmatched. In terms of the best aspects of the Tian family, he cannot match. This investor shows that this person’s energy is indeed amazing.

“Okay, we will remember your words.”

“Don’t worry, who would dare to mess around with such a big thing, but if you have time, I really need to introduce this big man.”

“Yes, let us also get in touch with real top characters.”

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