His True Colors Novel Chapter 1315 – 1318

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Chapter 1315

George Han didn’t care about Xiaolong’s sudden loyalty, because the current Xiaolong is still a small bastard who does not have much ability, and whether he can grow up in the future is still unknown, so Xiaolong’s value to Han Three thousand is limited.

At this stage, his greatest significance to George Han is the driver, but the driver can be replaced by any one person.

In the case of low value, George Han would naturally not take him too seriously.

Of course, if Xiaolong’s future growth can take on important responsibilities, and have the ability to be alone, George Han would not mind training him.

The Chen family is located in a high-end residential area. Although it cannot be compared with the Villa area, it is also one of the best real estate properties in Basin City.

An unfamiliar car must be registered if it wants to enter the community.

Xiaolong was also a little clever, and directly told the security guard that they were guests of the Chen family.

When the security guard heard this, he thought about this man driving a luxury Maybach car, so he let it go.

“Boss, these security guards are all snobs. If you change to a bad car, they won’t let it go.” Xiaolong said with a sigh.

A luxury car is a proof of strength. Only with strength can you afford a luxury car. When a security guard stops a car of this level, it is natural to think about whether the owner of the car can offend him.

So in a way, it’s not a force, but they don’t have the guts to let it go.

“What you can see is only the surface.” George Han said lightly.

“What surface?” Xiaolong asked with a puzzled look.

“After you park the car, go and find out where the Chen family lives.” George Han said.

Xiaolong’s doubts were not solved, but seeing that George Han was unwilling to continue that topic, he could only hold back his curiosity.

However, Qi Yiyun, who was sitting next to George Han, had a smile on her face. She seemed to understand what George Han meant.

However, Qi Yiyun can understand that it is nothing unusual. With her careful thoughts, it is not surprising that she can think of this.

After parking the car in the parking lot, George Han and Qi Yiyun did not get off the car, and Xiaolong went to inquire about the location of the Chen family alone.

“What did you mean by that sentence?” Qi Yiyun asked George Han.

“Since you understand, why ask me?” George Han shrugged helplessly.

“I just want to know if I have the same thoughts as you.” Qi Yiyun said.

“Then tell me what you think.” George Han said.

Qi Yiyun smiled and said: “What you call the surface should be the forces that Xiaolong saw, but the real situation is that the security guards are afraid of people driving this kind of car, so his release, more speaking, is Because I dare not stop.”

“Is there a problem?” George Han’s instinct told him, Qi Yiyun seemed to want to refute his idea, so George Han unconsciously showed a wry smile on his face.

“Of course there is a problem.” Qi Yiyun said.

“Such a trivial matter, there is no need to be more serious, really speaking, what if you lose?” George Han’s life experience is definitely not comparable to Qi Yiyun, so if these two people are really because of this When things were arguing, George Han would never fall behind, and there was a 99% chance that Qi Yiyun would lose.

“Are you so confident that you can convince me?” Qi Yiyun said confidently.

Of course George Han is confident. He admits that Qi Yiyun is very powerful among his peers, but George Han is of the same age on the surface, and has actually had decades of life experience, which Qi Yiyun can’t compare at all.

Just when the two were about to argue, Xiaolong suddenly came back.

This allowed George Han to escape. After all, losing or winning in this kind of thing is of no benefit to him, and there is a saying that good men do not fight with women, and George Han did not intend to bully. Qi Yiyun.

However, Qi Yiyun looked sulky, and seemed a little depressed because Xiaolong had affected her performance.

“Boss, the Chen family has been found.” Xiaolong said to George Han.

“Lead the way.”

Xiaolong nodded and walked in front of George Han and Qi Yiyun.

I still remember when Mullins was taken away by Mo Yang, Xiao Long was full of fear.

When he went to Tianjia, Xiaolong was also very nervous.

But today on the way to Chen’s house, his mood seemed particularly relaxed, he was not afraid at all, and he even looked forward to what would happen next.

Because Xiaolong had already seen the attitude of even more powerful characters in front of George Han, he didn’t take it seriously anymore.

Xiaolong himself also noticed the change in his mentality, which made him a little bit unbelievable.

Before he changed his position, even a person of the Chen family’s status could still keep him away from harassing him, but now, even if he takes the initiative to ask for something, as long as George Han is there, Xiaolong will have a pin in his heart. Not afraid.

When I came to the downstairs of the unit to which the Chen family belongs, I just ran into a middle-aged woman with a child, and the group went directly to the elevator.

When Xiaolong pressed down the elevator floor, the middle-aged woman’s expression changed obviously.

Because this community belongs to one family, and the floor that Xiaolong pressed is exactly her home, but she is not familiar with these people at all, and she has no impression of seeing it at all.

“Are you from the Chen family?” At this time, George Han suddenly asked the middle-aged woman, because she didn’t press the elevator, so George Han guessed that the floor she was going to was the same as himself.

“Who are you?” The middle-aged woman is not wary of George Han and Qi Yiyun. After all, these are just two children, but they are a little disgusted with Xiaolong, a scornful person.

“Is Chen Fei at home?” George Han continued to ask.

“Are you here to find Chen Fei?” The middle-aged woman frowned.

She is Chen Fei’s stepmother. She still has a certain understanding of Chen Fei, a person who can only cause trouble. Chen Bishan, Chen Fei’s father, helps Chen Fei wipe his butt almost every day, so middle-aged women hear about these people. When I came to Chen Fei, I subconsciously thought that he might cause trouble again.

“Is he not at home?” George Han asked.

The middle-aged woman smiled faintly. It is normal for this kid not to go home for ten and a half months. It was a week ago since he was home last time.

“He hasn’t been home for a week. If you want to find him, you can go to major nightclubs. That’s his home.” The middle-aged woman said.

“It doesn’t matter, if you don’t see him, you will see his father.” George Han said lightly.

Chapter 1316

“I advise you, it’s best not to do this. It’s easy to come and to go, but it’s not that simple.” The middle-aged woman reminded George Han.

Two children, a stubborn little bastard, they dare to come directly to Chen Bishan’s troubles. Isn’t this messing up for themselves?

Even if there is a conflict between them and Chen Fei, they should go to Chen Fei instead of Chen Bishan.

Chen Bishan is not a reasonable person. He is a famous guardian. Even if some things are really Chen Fei’s fault, as long as the status and background of these people cannot be compared with the Chen family, then Chen Bishan is absolutely unreasonable. Said.

It is even possible that Chen Bishan will take the initiative to help Chen Fei solve this trouble.

“You don’t need to worry about this, no one can stop where I want to go, and no one can keep it when I want to go.” George Han said lightly.

The middle-aged woman is a bit strange. Why is this child always speaking? Is he the highest standing among the three?

At this time, the elevator had reached the floor where Chen’s house was located.

When the elevator door is opened, you will see a short corridor, and at the end of the corridor is another anti-theft door.

George Han walked down the elevator first, and then said to the middle-aged woman, “Open the door.”

“This is your last chance to leave, have you really figured it out?” the middle-aged woman said.

She was really kind, she didn’t want George Han to pay a price he couldn’t bear because of impulse.

But this is also because she underestimated George Han. In the mere Chen family, how could George Han look at it?

“Stop talking nonsense and open the door quickly.” Xiaolong said with an impatient look.

The middle-aged woman sneered coldly and said: “Since you have to trouble yourself, I will fulfill you.”

After speaking, the middle-aged woman opened the door.

The child rushed back home the first time. He had no good feelings for the three of them. Under the influence of Chen Fei, this little kid was also very stubborn and very arrogant.

The child is Chen Fei’s half-brother, named Chen Yang.

After Chen Yang got home, he immediately went to Chen Bishan’s study.

“Dad, a brother’s enemy has come here.” Chen Yang said to Chen Bishan.

Chen Bishan has a hobby of reading, and in his leisure time, he almost enriches his cultural heritage. He prides himself on being a literati and likes to chew words. Of course, this is all superficial. The other side of Chen Bishan is not a refined literati, but a sinister and cunning. businessman.

Hearing Chen Yang’s words, Chen Bishan frowned. Although Chen Fei caused him a lot of trouble, no one dared to come directly to Chen’s house.

Moreover, Chen Bishan knows Chen Fei’s character. Although he is arrogant outside, Chen Fei also has his own ruler in his heart. He knows who can offend and who can’t provoke him, so after so many years, Chen Fei broke through. The disasters are not big, and they are still within the Chen family’s ability to solve them.

“Someone is so bold?” Chen Bishan asked suspiciously. He thought it might be his youngest son who was joking.

“Someone is really here, if you don’t believe me, you will know if you go out and have a look.” Chen Yang said sincerely.

Chen Bishan saw that his younger son didn’t seem to be joking, so he closed the book and walked out of the study.

When he came to the living room, Chen Bishan saw George Han and three people.

However, a little bastard and two children dared to come to his house to make trouble, which really made Chen Bishan couldn’t help laughing.

“You three, what do you want to do?” Chen Bishan asked the three with a smile, full of mockery.

“Chen Fei wants to kill me, I don’t want to waste time looking for him, so come directly to his house, I think you should have a way to show him.” George Han said lightly.

Chen Bishan’s brows condensed. He had warned Chen Fei several times that no matter how he played or caused trouble, he must not cause death. Unexpectedly, this kid would still not listen.

And in the face of such a small person, is it necessary to let yourself be charged with murder?

“So, what do you want to do.” Chen Bishan asked.

“The first is the strongest. You don’t understand this truth,” George Han said.

Chen Bishan laughed directly. This little boy said, but he was so arrogant that he wanted to kill his son in front of him. Is it true that Chen Bishan is transparent?

“Boy, are you here to tell me a joke? You said in front of me to kill Chen Fei, do you really know who I am?” Chen Bishan felt that this little boy in front of him, if he was not kidding himself, then It must be a brain disease, that’s why he said such ridiculous words.

“Chen Bishan, the little Chen family, is it possible that what else can be caused in Basin City?” George Han asked with a cold face.

Chen Bishan’s expression suddenly froze, Xiao Chen’s family?

Although it is true that the Chen Family cannot be compared with the Heavenly Family and the like, the Chen Family still has a certain strength in Basin City, and it is by no means that anyone has the qualifications to underestimate it.

And such a little kid does not put the Chen family in his eyes at all!

“Little things, the Chen family is nothing. You are nothing. You provoked me so much, didn’t you think you would end up?” Chen Bishan said sharply.

“Do you think I would be afraid of the Chen family?” George Han asked.

Seeing George Han speaking these words with confidence, Chen Bishan couldn’t help but wonder, is this kid also a background figure? But most of the first-line families in Basin City knew everything about him, and he had never heard of a child like this.

“Boy, who are you?” Chen Bishan asked. He didn’t dare to say that he knew all of Basin City’s family. It is normal to have missing characters occasionally, so he had to figure out the true identity of George Han.

“I don’t want to hurt the entire Chen family, so you only need to get Chen Fei back, and this matter can be resolved.” George Han said lightly.

Faced with such an arrogant attitude, Chen Bishan is really in his head, and what if he finds Chen Fei back? As Chen Fei’s father, is it possible that he can still watch his son have an accident?

“I’m Chen Fei’s father. He made a mistake. I came to resist. If you have anything, you can find me.” Chen Bishan said.

“I’m afraid you won’t be able to hold it.” George Han said coldly.

Chen Bishan sneered and said: “I have been in Basin City for so many years, and there is nothing I can’t handle, boy, no matter what your family background is, I will make you pay for the chaos in my Chen family. You should really ask your family members what is the relationship between Chen Bishan and Mo Yang.”

These words are absolutely shocking to anyone, after all, Mo Yang is the first person on Basin City Road!

Chapter 1317

When Xiaolong heard these words, he couldn’t help laughing.

Using Mo Yang to scare others is fine, but when used on George Han, it would be a big joke.

Even in Moyang’s underground boxing arena, George Han could retreat all over, and Mo Yang didn’t even dare to have any opinions, which fully demonstrated Mo Yang’s fear of George Han.

What’s the point of Chen Bishan’s use of this method to scare George Han?

“What are you laughing at?” Chen Bishan couldn’t help but scolded when he saw the smile on Xiaolong’s face.

“I laughed at you too ridiculously. If you think Mo Yang can suppress my boss, you can just call it and try.” Xiaolong said.


This guy calls this little kid the boss.

Chen Bishan laughed loudly. What’s wrong with the current world? It’s just a little kid who still has the qualifications to be the boss. Could it be that these old rivers and lakes haven’t asked about the world for too long, and today’s rivers and lakes have become so funny? ?

“Little guy, can you be the boss? Do you know what the real society is like?” Chen Bishan couldn’t help asking George Han.

George Han didn’t get angry because of Chen Bishan’s ridicule. He sat on the sofa and said calmly, “I’ll give you three minutes to think about it. You can let Chen Fei go home or ask Mo Yang to come forward.”

Chen Bishan obviously couldn’t bear George Han’s superior attitude.

He would not call Chen Fei home.

Even more would not alarm Mo Yang because of the boss who claimed to be a kid.

“Boy, I will teach you how to write the word regret today.” After speaking, Chen Bishan took out the phone.

As a ruthless man in the business world, Chen Bishan used many unclean methods to deal with his opponents, so he forged a lot of enmity. In order to prevent the enemy from revenge, Chen Bishan deliberately bought a house downstairs for his subordinates to live in. Come, if something happens to him, his subordinates can arrive as soon as possible.

In less than a minute, George Han heard the sound of the elevator opening.

A few fierce looking people walked into Chen Bishan’s home.

“These guys, give me a good lesson, and then throw them out.” Chen Bishan told his opponent.

George Han was still sitting on the sofa calmly, and he didn’t feel afraid at all for the men who rushed in.

And after seeing how powerful George Han was, Xiaolong also understood that these people would never be George Han’s opponents, so he was not afraid.

This kind of performance made Chen Bishan feel a little surprised. As an ordinary person, it is impossible for him to face this situation without changing his face.

But this little kid showed an extraordinary calmness.

At this time, Chen Yang suddenly said, “Dad, are you going to beat this sister?”

Chen Yang actually started paying attention to Qi Yiyun very early. After all, Qi Yiyun has shown a beauty beyond ordinary people at this age, which is hard for men to ignore.

As Chen Fei’s younger brother, Chen Yang learned to comment on beautiful women very early, and he was a full-fledged little pervert, so he did not want Qi Yiyun to be injured, but also hoped that his heroic actions to save the United States would be recognized by Qi Yiyun.

But at this time, Chen Bishan, how could he have such a mood, gave Chen Yang a fierce look, and said, “Go back to the room.”

Chen Yang shrank his head in shock, then ran back to his room unwillingly.

The middle-aged woman also knew that the next scene was not what she wanted to see, so she followed back to the room.

Chen Bishan cast a look at some of his subordinates, and they walked towards George Han.

At this moment, George Han raised his teacup and said faintly: “Chen Bishan, do you think these wastes can really do me anything?”

In the process of speaking, George Han directly squeezed the teacup to pieces. This scene made the subordinates stare blankly and froze in place.

Even Chen Bishan felt incredible because of this scene.

How could a person’s strength crush a glass tea cup, and his hand seemed to show no signs of injury!

At this moment, Chen Bishan’s instinct told him that he underestimated the child in front of him.

However, his subordinate is not alone, which makes Chen Bishan’s confidence not diminished.

Even if he is really powerful, he is only a kid after all, and he is still a person. How could he be his opponents?

“What are you doing in a daze, give me a ride.” Chen Bishan ordered.

Several subordinates recovered from their surprise, and rushed straight to George Han.

George Han patted the powder off his hands and said faintly: “How did your IQ support you to where you are today?”

These words clearly humiliated Chen Bishan, which made Chen Bishan’s anger even stronger. He gritted his teeth and said: “Little thing, you are so arrogant, don’t you really know how to write dead words?”

At this time, those subordinates had already raised their fists at George Han. If they were ordinary people, under the beating of so many people, there would be absolutely no chance to resist.

But George Han was not an ordinary person.

How can these ordinary people be able to get close to the strong with the gods?

I saw George Han swept through his whip with the perseverance of thunder, and the two of them who were the first to approach George Han were directly kicked.

The few remaining people were shocked when they saw it, but gravity was out of the way, and at this time there was no chance of recovery. Even if they wanted to go back, the inertia of their bodies did not allow them to make back-repentant movements.

So a miserable scene happened.

Several of Chen Bishan’s men were kicked out by George. They seemed to be so powerful that even George couldn’t handle it.

The battle situation changed quickly. Chen Bishan, who was originally confident, never expected that the thugs he had cultivated for many years were so vulnerable, and that the opponent was just a child.

George Han sat back on the sofa again, as if nothing had happened.

“These people of yours are not very useful.” George Han said lightly.

Chen Bishan’s eyelids jumped. When George Han smashed the teacup just now, he thought that this little guy was a ruthless character, but he didn’t expect him to be so ruthless!

“Who are you!” Chen Bishan asked George Han. He knew that he could no longer ignore George Han’s identity and background. With such amazing personal abilities, he could never be born in an ordinary family.

“You still have one last chance to choose, let Chen Fei go home.” George Han said.

Chen Bishan bit his posterior molars. He is Chen Fei’s father after all. It is impossible to watch Chen Fei fall into the hands of others.

“No matter who you are, based on the relationship between me and Mo Yang, you will definitely bring disaster to your family. Don’t you think about the consequences?” Chen Bishan said.

Chapter 1318

Chen Bishan was surprised by George Han’s amazing strength, but it does not mean that he would be afraid of George Han. After all, the Chen family’s status is not low in Basin City, and he has a good relationship with Mo Yang, even if his subordinates are not George Han. Qian’s opponent, but Mo Yang is a person with an underground boxing gym. Is it possible that his boxer can’t deal with a kid?

In Chen Bishan’s view, no matter who moved out of the great figure of Mo Yang in Basin City, everyone would be jealous. Even the supreme family of the Basin City business community would not dare to ignore the existence of Mo Yang.

This kind of thought is useful to anyone in Basin City, and Mo Yang’s deterrent power is in Basin City, and no one can ignore it.

But unfortunately, Chen Bishan just ran into George Han, the only person in Basin City who would not put Mo Yang in his eyes.

“I don’t mind if you find Mo Yang.” George Han said lightly.

Seeing his careless attitude, Chen Bishan almost crushed his back molars. This stinky boy was pretending to be in Basin City. Could it be that he was not even afraid of Mo Yang?

Chen Bishan didn’t think anyone could compete with Mo Yang in Basin City, so George Han’s calmness must have been pretended.

However, Chen Bishan is still reluctant to ask Mo Yang for such a trivial matter. After all, if you use this kind of thing once, you may never lose it in the future. In order to deal with a little boy, he moved out of Mo Yang. It’s not worth it.

“Little thing, I advise you to tell your family and let them know what you are doing, and they will teach you what to do now, otherwise when something happens, you won’t even have the chance to regret it.” Chen Bishan advised. Tao.

George Han still had a careless attitude, completely not taking what Chen Bishan said to his heart.

“Could it be that what you just said was bragging. You don’t know Mo Yang at all, or even if you do, you are not qualified to let Mo Yang come forward for you?” George Han looked at him with a faint smile. Chen Bishan said.

Chen Bishan’s face suddenly turned pale, he couldn’t tolerate being questioned by a kid, and his relationship with Mo Yang could definitely allow Mo Yang to visit his house in person, but this relationship can be consumed, once it is consumed. , There will be no more.

“Little thing, do you really want to die?” Chen Bishan said.

“Yes.” George Han blurted out the word.

This left Chen Bishan no retreat and no choice.

His men are not George Han’s opponents, so they can only pin their hopes on Mo Yang at the moment.

Although it was said that this incident might have restored the relationship between him and Mo Yang, he could only do so in order not to lose face in front of George Han.

“This is your choice, today… I will let you know what is the sinister society.” After speaking, Chen Bishan finally took out the phone.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolong smirked in his heart. He was expecting to see Mo Yang appear, and he was even more curious about what will happen to Chen Bishan after Mo Yang appeared.

Because Xiaolong knew that in Mo Yang’s mind, George Han had a higher status than Chen Bishan. Otherwise, George Han would not be able to leave safely after he injured a boxer in the boxing arena.

Even Xiaolong couldn’t help but guess that Mo Yang might still find a way to please George Han. After all, for such a powerful character, if a head-on conflict erupts, it will inevitably affect Mo Yang’s position on Basin City Road, and his best choice, Just befriend George Han, so that this threat can be avoided.

“Are you going to let Thomas Tian come forward again?” Qi Yiyun asked George Han softly. In her opinion, this matter has reached this point. Unless Thomas Tian comes forward, it is absolutely impossible to solve it easily. Taking advantage of the prosperity of the sky once, in Qi Yiyun’s view, is definitely not a good thing.

“Do you think I have only Thomas Tian as a friend in Basin City?” George Han responded with a smile. As long as it is something that can solve the problem with his fist, George Han doesn’t need anyone’s help.

The reason why Thomas Tian was asked to come forward about the school was to allow Qi Yiyun to enter the school more safely. If this were not taken into account, George Han still had countless ways to deal with the principal.

“Except for Thomas Tian, no one in Basin City should dare to do it right with Moyang, right?” Qi Yiyun reminded that she had a deep understanding of Basin City. Thomas Tian is the first person in the business world, and Moyang is The first person on Basin City Road. The two people have different development fields in Basin City, but their status is equivalent.

This also means that Mo Yang and Thomas Tian have the same status. Under this circumstance, naturally no one would dare to fight against Mo Yang.

“Qi Yiyun, do you know Basin City so clearly?” George Han asked in confusion.

“Of course.” Qi Yiyun nodded as it should be, and explained: “Since I am coming to Basin City, I naturally want to know the situation in Basin City.”

“But you are here to study, and you know what these things mean.” George Han felt a little weird. After all, Qi Yiyun was just a little girl. She came to study and it had nothing to do with the characters of Thomas Tian Moyang, why? Will you deliberately understand them?

Moreover, Qi Yiyun thought about things so broadly at this age, and his performance was too mature.

“It’s better to know than not to know, I just want to know the people and things around me.” Qi Yiyun said.

Seeing that she said so indifferently, but George Han knew that the reason she did this must have some purpose, but she didn’t want to say it, and George Han couldn’t guess.

“No matter what you want to do, just don’t cause me trouble.” George Han reminded.

Qi Yiyun shrugged and said nothing.

At this time, Chen Bishan had finished talking on the phone, and Mo Yang also promised him to bring someone over immediately, which made Chen Bishan’s expression a bit hideous.

Even in his eyes, George Han was already a dead person.

“My subordinates are indeed very wasteful, but the fighters in Moyang Underground Boxing Ground are not comparable to them, kid, you just wait for your family to collect the body.” Chen Bishan said to George Han.

“My contradiction with your son is not great, but he is too arrogant to find me to kill, so your son must be blamed for all this.” George Han said something inexplicable to Chen Bishan.

Chen Bishan didn’t quite understand why George Han said this, but in his eyes, Chen Fei could not be wrong.

“You also know that that is my son of Chen Bishan. Of course he has the right to be arrogant. Is there any problem with killing such an innocent little thing like you?” Chen Bishan said coldly.

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