His True Colors Novel Chapter 1303 – 1306

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Chapter 1303

Tian Honghui returned home early. When he found that Thomas Tian had specially found a few well-known chefs to return home, he was even more curious about the identity of the guests tonight, because Tianjia has never received such a grand reception. Any guest, and Thomas Tian is personally supervising the work in the kitchen, this attitude is enough to explain the importance of the guest tonight.

But in the current Cloud City, is there really someone who can give Tianjia such a high standard treatment?

“Girl, do you know who will be coming tonight at home?” Tian Honghui asked when he walked to Tian Linger who was watching TV.

Tian Linger smiled and said, “My brother.”

“Brother?” Tian Honghui looked wrong. When did Tian Linger have an older brother, he didn’t know this at all.

“When did you have an older brother? Why don’t I know.” Tian Honghui asked curiously.

“Of course you don’t know some of them today,” Tian Linger said.

Tian Honghui sat next to Tian Linger and said softly: “What is going on, you can tell dad quickly.”

Because Tian Linger was spoiled by Tian Chang, she has a very high status in the family. Sometimes even Tian Honghui’s biological father would not be taken seriously. Even when she was watching TV, it often happened that Tian Honghui was ignored. Things.

But when it comes to George Han, Tian Linger has a special topic, and is in a state of endless talk.

“My brother is very good, even grandpa is very cautious to him, and he is very handsome.” Tian Linger said with a smile.

“How old is he?” Tian Honghui asked curiously.

“En…” Tian Linger frowned. After all, she hadn’t learned about age like George Han, but from her feeling, she was only a few years older at most.

“Isn’t it about the same age as you?” Tian Honghui guessed that Tian Linger would call him a big brother. In his opinion, he is definitely not old, otherwise he would never be a peer.

But if he is really about the same age as Tian Linger, then he is also a child, how could he get Thomas Tian’s attention?

“It should be a few years older than me, Dad, if you ask so much what you are doing, you will be able to see him at night.” After Tian Linger finished speaking, he focused on the TV again.

Tian Honghui knew that he could see it at night, but now he is really curious, so he wants to know more about this person.

“Do you know his name?” Tian Honghui continued to ask.

“George Han, it sounds good.” Tian Linger said with a smile on his face.

“George Han?” Tian Honghui muttered the name silently. It was too unfamiliar. He was so unfamiliar that Tian Honghui hadn’t heard of it at all, and Basin City didn’t seem to have a big family with the surname Han. Could it be that this kid came from outside of?

Many speculations did not make Tian Honghui know more about George Han, but after knowing George Han’s age, Tian Honghui was more confused.

At this time, Maybach was still parked in the UFO building. Xiaolong found that George Han was staring out the window with deep eyes. This kind of eyes were so mature that it shouldn’t be something a child could have.

For a while, Xiaolong had an illusion that the boss in the back seat did not seem to be a minor.

“Boss, is this place special for you?” Xiaolong couldn’t help but ask.

Hearing this, George Han raised his mouth unconsciously and said, “It is indeed very special. This place has changed my appearance and made me really aware of what I should do.”

“Boss, let me say something disrespectful. Although you are young, I feel that your life experience is very rich. How did this come from?” Xiaolong asked curiously.

This is a long story, and even if George Han told Xiaolong, he wouldn’t believe it.

Who can believe that George Han was reborn at the age of fourteen.

Who can believe that George Han has set foot in the world beyond the earth.

These experiences are absolutely unique to the entire planet, and they are not just what can be described by the word “rich”.

“It’s almost time, go to Tianjia.” George Han said.

“Yes.” Xiaolong responded and drove towards Tian’s house.

After leaving the main street, George Han suddenly said, “Stopping.”

Xiaolong subconsciously slammed on the brakes and stopped in the lane. If it weren’t for the long distance behind, a rear-end collision might have occurred.

“Boss, what’s the matter?” Xiaolong asked George Han in a panic.

George Han opened the door and got on and off the car directly in the lane. Xiaolong was a little confused. He didn’t know what was happening, so he could only pull the car to the side of the road.

The reason why George Han had such a sudden reaction was because he had been looking out the window and saw a familiar face, but this face shouldn’t appear at this time.

As Amelia Su’s future classmate, Qi Yiyun should at least come to Basin City when he was in high school.

Of course, everything has changed now.

George Han helped the Qi family solve their troubles. Now the Qi family does not need to go abroad, so Qi Yiyun’s trajectory will inevitably change.

“Why are you here?” George Han walked to Qi Yiyun and asked.

Qi Yiyun was alone, pulling the suitcase, looking particularly helpless.

The reason why she came to Basin City was naturally because of George Han’s words, but she came too suddenly and was not ready to welcome life in Basin City, so she had been wandering for two days.

When seeing George Han, Qi Yiyun threw directly into George Han’s arms.

Hearing Qi Yiyun’s sobbing softly, George felt at a loss.

“What’s wrong with you?” George Han asked.

Qi Yiyun raised his head, looked at George Han with big teary eyes, and said, “I’m looking for you.”

George Han’s heart sank and met Qi Yiyun prematurely, which seemed to have caused an unexpected result for him.

Qi Yiyun came to Basin City for him, which would inevitably make the relationship between the two people extraordinary. At this time, George Han, but even Amelia Su hasn’t settled it yet, so you must not have a relationship with Qi Yiyun in advance.

“You shouldn’t show up at this time.” George Han said.

Hearing this, Qi Yiyun burst into tears. George Han’s words seemed to be rejecting her, and she instantly turned into a tearful person.

“Don’t cry first.” George Han said hurriedly. The tears of a woman are like bombs, which are extremely powerful for George Han.

“Are you going to drive me away?” Qi Yiyun asked with teary eyes.

George Han shook his head subconsciously. In this case, how could he drive Qi Yiyun away?

George Han has always felt guilty for Qi Yiyun because Qi Yiyun helped him too much in the previous life, but George Han had to choose to end the entanglement between the two by hurting her.

Now… once again facing Qi Yiyun, George Han didn’t know what to do.

Chapter 1304

The little dragon in the car saw this scene, and finally understood why the boss hurriedly called to stop. It turned out that he saw his little lover.

However, Xiaolong didn’t expect that there were women in his old age, and he was still a single dog, which made Xiaolong sigh.

“Hey, the boss has a little girlfriend, and I don’t know when I will be able to hold a beautiful woman.”

George Han took Qi Yiyun into the car. Now that she had arrived in Basin City, George Han couldn’t drive her away, so she could only take her with him temporarily. As for how to arrange Qi Yiyun next, George Han had to do well. think about it.

First of all, Qi Yiyun now has to go to school. This matter must be handled by Qi Yiyun.

As for where Qi Yiyun wants to live in the future, and what kind of way he wants to live, it still depends on Qi Yiyun’s own choice.

“Boss, is this my sister-in-law?” Xiaolong asked George Han with a smile after getting in the car.

The two words “sister-in-law” should be called Amelia Su, but Xiaolong can’t be blamed, after all, he doesn’t know George Han’s secret.

“What nonsense, drive quickly.” George Han said sharply.

“Good.” Xiaolong responded with a smile, and continued to drive towards Tian’s house.

Qi Yiyun wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. For her, if she can find George Han, she can feel relieved about the next thing.

And as long as she is by George Han’s side, Qi Yiyun will have a very strong sense of security, which no one has ever made her feel, even Qi Donglin has never felt this way for her.

No words all the way.

When they arrived at Tian’s house, Thomas Tian, Tian Honghui, and Tian Linger had already greeted them at the gate of the Villa.

This is a Villa dedicated to the Tianjia. The entire Villa area is filled with Tianjia people. It can be said that after the prosperity of the day, the whole Tianjia, everyone with some blood connections, all enjoyed the benefits.

Tian Linger happily ran to the side of the car, but when she saw Qi Yiyun on the car, her face suddenly became darker, and she was still hostile to Qi Yiyun.

Thomas Tian also did not expect that George Han would even bring a little girl to attend, so it seems that the relationship between this little girl and George Han must be extraordinary.

Thomas Tian had guessed before that George Han might have other ideas about Tian Linger, but now it seems that it is a wrong guess.

Even if Tian Linger is Thomas Tian’s granddaughter, after seeing Qi Yiyun, in terms of appearance, Tian Linger still has some gaps.

“Brother, how did you come, I have been waiting for you for a long time.” Tian Linger said to George Han complaining, although the two had known each other for less than a day, but Tian Linger’s attitude towards George Han , Behaved very intimately.

George Han has long been accustomed to this feeling. In his previous life, Tian Linger would stick to him all day long, and it was not just him, the other people in the Han family, Tian Linger was also very close.

Standing next to George Han, Qi Yiyun had a feeling of being a palace. She didn’t pay attention to Tian Linger’s deliberate intimacy of the little fairy.

“Dad, this is the distinguished guest?” Tian Honghui asked Thomas Tian softly. In his opinion, this is just a little kid. What’s so special about it, why can he get Thomas Tian’s attention?

Hearing Tian Honghui’s questioning voice, Thomas Tian said coldly: “Put away your contemptuous eyes, the survival of the Tian family is just a matter of his word.”

Tian Honghui curled his lips. No one could shake the position of the Heavenly Family in Basin City. How could a little kid decide the destiny of the Heavenly Family.

In Tian Honghui’s view, Thomas Tian was playing mystery, and even had some other purpose.

After entering the Tianjia Villa, Tian Linger enthusiastically introduced George Han about the layout of the Villa.

In the past, Tian Linger had no interest in coming to visit the guests from the Tian Family, but in the face of George Han, the enthusiasm she showed was unprecedented, which inevitably made Tian Honghui a strange feeling.

This little girl, wouldn’t you like this stinky boy, otherwise, how could there be such an abnormal behavior?

At this time, a security guard passed by, and Tian Linger immediately stopped him.

The security personnel lowered their heads, showing a very respectful appearance, and asked: “Miss Linger, what’s your order.”

“Look up, look at my brother, remember his appearance, in the future when he comes to my house, no one is allowed to stop him, if anyone doesn’t have eyes, don’t blame me for being polite.” Tian Linger said.

“Yes.” The security personnel hurriedly looked up, looked at George Han, and then remembered George Han’s appearance in his mind.

What kind of person Tian Linger is, all the security personnel of the Tian Family know that once this young lady is provoked, there will be absolutely no good fruit, so what she has said must be kept in mind.

“Okay, nothing else, let’s go.” Tian Linger waved a small hand, and the security staff left.

At the same time, Tian Linger gave Qi Yiyun a triumphant glance, as if she was deliberately showing her status.

But Qi Yiyun didn’t pay attention to all of this. Although her family’s situation could not be compared with that of Tian’s family, Qi Yiyun was also from an extraordinary background after all, and the aura of the young lady was stronger than Tian Linger.

Tian Linger is a kind of eccentric and weird type of people, no matter on the surface or in the heart, they all have lovely qualities.

And Qi Yiyun is a city mansion and aura together, and Tian Linger is completely two types.

To tell the truth about who is stronger than the other, Qi Yiyun obviously has the advantage. After all, cuteness is just an appearance, but the city and the aura are the ability of a person.

“Brother, I have prepared a lot of delicious food for you, and I will take you to see it.” Tian Linger took George Han’s hand and ran directly towards the restaurant.

George Han could feel Tian Linger provoking Qi Yiyun all the time, but George Han also knew that Qi Yiyun didn’t care about all of this at all, but it still made him a little headache.

Both women are already troublesome enough, and Amelia Su will be added in the future, with three women in one drama, George Han really doesn’t know how he should deal with it.

However, in George Han’s heart, the identity of Tian Linger, the younger sister, will never change, and it is impossible for him to have male and female affection for Tian Linger due to certain factors.

As for Qi Yiyun, George Han really can’t guarantee, because the previous life did too many things that I was sorry for Qi Yiyun, George Han thought at that time, if there is an afterlife, he will definitely find a chance to repay Qi Yiyun.

Although it was just thinking about it at the time, who could have thought that the next life would actually come!

But facing this kind of opportunity, George Han still couldn’t make up for Qi Yiyun and lost Amelia Su.

Chapter 1305

After George Han was dragged away by Tian Linger, Thomas Tian set his sights on Qi Yiyun.

For this girl who appeared suddenly, Thomas Tian guessed that she must be a friend of George Han. Since she is a friend, then she naturally knows more about George Han.

Thomas Tian currently only knows from the middle-aged person that George Han is very powerful, but he does not know anything about George Han’s actual identity and background. If he can extract some identities related to George Han from her mouth Information is very important to Thomas Tian.

“Little girl, have you known 3000 for a long time?” Thomas Tian asked Qi Yiyun softly.

To say that we have known each other for a long time, it is not long, but Qi Yiyun knows that George Han has amazing control in Hillwood City, and she also guessed why Thomas Tian spoke to her.

“If you want to understand him, I advise you to ask him yourself. From me, you won’t get any answers.” Qi Yiyun said lightly.

Thomas Tian’s brows condensed. These little girls should be very deceiving. It is absolutely easy for an old fox like Thomas Tian to talk about her.

But Thomas Tian never expected that Qi Yiyun would say such a thing.

“No, I just asked casually.” Thomas Tian denied his true purpose, because he felt that the little girl was difficult to deal with. In case she said too much, she relayed these words to George Han, yes. It’s not a good thing for the heavenly family.

Qi Yiyun smiled faintly and said: “Don’t think of me as a naive girl. I know what you want to do, but I can tell you the truth. I don’t know much about him. I only know that he is very good. .”

Facing Qi Yiyun’s attitude, Thomas Tian can accept it, after all, she is a friend of George Han.

But Tian Honghui on the side could not accept it.

In Basin City, who would dare to treat his father with this attitude?

“Little girl, do you know where this is?” Tian Honghui asked Qi Yiyun coldly.

Qi Yiyun stopped directly, looked at Tian Honghui with neither humble nor overbearing eyes, and said, “Are you going to drive me away? Or, do you want to threaten me with your own identity?”

A fire suddenly ignited in Tian Honghui’s heart. Such a little girl dared to talk to him with this attitude, and she still ignored it.

“Do you think I dare? Tian Honghui gritted his teeth and said.

Qi Yiyun suddenly showed a flowery smile and said, “You can try.”

Thomas Tian slapped Tian Honghui on the back of the head. This is George Han’s friend. Offending her is equivalent to offending George Han. This is absolutely impossible.

Moreover, Thomas Tian could feel that this little girl was not ordinary. Her aura was like an adult, which definitely had enough confidence to be able to support it.

“Little girl, this is my son, who is not very good at talking, please bear with me.” Thomas Tian said to Qi Yiyun.

Qi Yiyun nodded and said, “I don’t care about him.”

Tian Honghui’s eyes are about to burst into flames, just such a little girl, don’t care about him?

This kind of lofty attitude almost made Tian Honghui explode.

But when he felt Thomas Tian’s cold eyes, Tian Honghui could only suppress the anger in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Tian Honghui said to Thomas Tian: “Dad, I have something important. I won’t participate in this dinner.”

Tian Honghui couldn’t bear that these two little kids were guests of the heavenly family, and he couldn’t accept that he was eating at the same table with them, so he planned to find an excuse to slip away.

But Thomas Tian’s words directly made Tian Honghui stunned.

“Leaving this house, you will never have to come back.” Thomas Tian said lightly.

Tian Honghui, who had only taken a few steps, had to stop. Even if he would lose face in front of Qi Yiyun, he did not dare to take another step because he knew that what Thomas Tian said was not a joke.

If he really dared to leave the heaven at this time, then there would be no place for him in the heaven.

Qi Yiyun smiled, and walked in the direction of the restaurant without getting down the ground.

Xiaolong looked at Qi Yiyun from the corner of his light. He didn’t expect that the boss is not simple, and his sister-in-law is not simple. He even put Tian Honghui in such an embarrassing situation, and she still looks unchanging.

If this is for someone else and come to Heaven, she still won’t be trembling, but she doesn’t show any cowardice.

The woman who deserves to be the boss, her aura is really different.

“Dad, do these two little kids really deserve your attention so much?” Tian Honghui asked Thomas Tian after Qi Yiyun and Xiaolong had gone away.

Thomas Tian nodded heavily, took a deep breath, and said, “Do you want to know the reason?”

Tian Honghui nodded decisively, of course he wanted to know why.

“You should be very clear about what the person from the mountainside Villa means to the Heavenly Family, right?” Thomas Tian said.

Tian Honghui didn’t know much about this matter, but he heard Thomas Tian mentioned that if it weren’t for the person in the mountainside Villa, the Tianjia would never have developed today.

In Basin City, the Tianjia was able to be at its peak because of the person behind it, and the initial funding for Tianjia’s development was also provided by that person.

“Dad, you said that without him, there would be no heaven.” Tian Honghui said.

“Yeah, without him, there would be no heaven, and the rights he has are not only in the country, but it is such a person who kneels to three thousand. Can you imagine what kind of picture it is?” Thomas Tian smiled bitterly and said, he never thought that Basin City could have someone with a higher status than him, because in Thomas Tian’s eyes, that middle-aged man is almost omnipotent, as long as he wants to do it. Things can definitely be done.

However, even he had to surrender in front of George Han. Isn’t that enough to show that George Han is great?

The trivial Tianjia, bowing his head in front of George Han, what counts?

“What…what!” Tian Honghui’s eyes widened, with an incredible look.

Such a powerful character actually kneels in front of a little kid!

“How could he? How could he kneel down?” Tian Honghui asked puzzledly.

“Because he wants to live, is it simple and clear enough? He kneels in front of George Han to survive. Can you imagine what kind of person George Han is?” Thomas Tian sighed. .

Tian Honghui could not imagine, because in his eyes, George Han was just a child, but the facts were obviously not that simple.

“Dad, I finally understand now why a child can get such attention from you.”

Chapter 1306

Tian Honghui can underestimate George Han because he doesn’t understand George Han at all, but he cannot underestimate the middle-aged man because he knows that Tian’s family has today’s development and is inseparable from that man. relationship.

Even that man made the Heavenly Family the status it is today.

And such a person would kneel down for George Han’s life, even if Tian Honghui is a fool, he should be able to understand George Han’s ability sideways.

It’s just that it is difficult for him to accept, why such a child has such an amazing ability, what kind of identity background does he have!

“Dad, do you know what kind of person George Han is?” Tian Honghui asked cautiously.

Thomas Tian looked helpless. If he knew, he wouldn’t need to be confused. It’s a pity that his current understanding of George Han was not enough to know these things in depth, and Thomas Tian did not dare to investigate George Han at will. Qian, fearing that George Han’s small actions would cause dissatisfaction with George Han.

If such a person is separated from the heavenly family, then the path of the heavenly family will come to an end, so Thomas Tian dare not try easily.

“I warn you, you can be curious about his identity, but you absolutely can’t investigate him casually.” Thomas Tian said to Tian Honghui, he didn’t want this son’s stupid behavior to harm the heavenly family.

Had it not been for Thomas Tian’s warning, Tian Honghui would definitely use his personal network resources to investigate this matter as much as possible.

But since Thomas Tian had said so, Tian Honghui could only dispel this idea.

“Dad, are you afraid of causing his dissatisfaction?” Tian Honghui asked.

“The Heavenly Family is high above the Cloud City, but you should be able to understand a truth. There are mountains outside the mountains, people outside the people, and just a cloud city, it doesn’t matter at all.” Thomas Tian said with a sigh.

In the eyes of Basin City people, the heavenly family is supreme and the first family in the business world. Anyone should be a little afraid of it.

But Thomas Tian knows very well that the real high-ranking figures are above the entire summer and even the world. They are the real great figures. In the eyes of these people, the heavenly family is not even a fart.

Tian Honghui is very arrogant in Basin City and doesn’t put anyone in his eyes, but he still knows what Thomas Tian said, leaving the heavenly house in Basin City, he is nothing.

“I know what to do.” Tian Honghui said.

“You know what a shit.” Thomas Tian glared at Tian Honghui coldly, and said: “If you really know, you should know that doing nothing is the best. The relationship between Tianjia and him is the most Fortunately, Linger will maintain it.”

“Linger?” Tian Honghui looked wrong. Tian Linger was spoiled and nurtured, and had a bad temper. Isn’t he afraid that Tian Linger would offend George Han? How could he let Tian Linger maintain this? What about the relationship?

“He is very tolerant to Linger, but I don’t know why.” Thomas Tian said.

I guessed that George Han was interesting to Linger, so he was particularly tolerant to Linger, but after seeing Qi Yiyun, Thomas Tian dismissed this idea, and given George Han’s current age, his thoughts are also It seems ridiculous.

More importantly, if George Han is really interested in women, then mature and feminine is his first choice, and Tian Linger is still a real little girl, who doesn’t have anything that a woman should have. Potential, how could George Han be interested in her.

“Dad, what do you mean is that he likes Linger?” Tian Honghui said with a smile.

Generally speaking, as a father, when his daughter is young, he will protect her as much as possible, and must not let some stinky boys abduct.

But Tian Honghui didn’t think so. If Tian Linger could really hold George Han, it would be an excellent thing for the Tian family.

“You are blind. Didn’t you see the girl that George brought today? Although I don’t want to admit it, her appearance is much better than Linger.” Thomas Tian said.

Speaking of Qi Yiyun, the expression on Tian Honghui’s face has become more rigorous. Although he didn’t have a deep contact with Qi Yiyun, he has already felt Qi Yiyun’s difficulty in a few words.

Moreover, she still has a calmness when facing adults, and the city is not shallow, she is a girl who is difficult to deal with.

“Dad, this little girl will definitely be a ruthless character in the future.” Tian Honghui said.

Thomas Tian nodded in agreement. Because of this, he thought that Tian Linger was useless. There is such a girl next to George Han. Other girls who want to approach will probably be played with by Qi Yiyun’s means, and eventually leave. field.

“It’s almost time for dinner, but can’t let him wait too long.” Thomas Tian finished speaking and walked towards the restaurant.

At this time, Tian Linger had enthusiastically introduced the name and taste of each dish to George Han, and even understood the origin of each dish, which surprised George Han.

In the last life, he hadn’t noticed that Tian Linger had so much research on dishes, and this knowledge was obviously not from the textbook.

“You know so much about cooking, have you learned it?” George Han asked Tian Linger with a smile.

“Of course, I know every dish I like to eat. I know its story, and it will be more enjoyable when you eat it.” Tian Linger said with a proud face. This Nizi is very hostile to Qi Yiyun, so Whenever she finished a sentence, she would deliberately glance at Qi Yiyun.

If George Han agreed with what she said, Tian Linger would even raise an eyebrow at Qi Yiyun.

However, Qi Yiyun did not make any response from the beginning to the end, because in her heart, she did not put Tian Linger in her eyes at all, and she did not even treat her as a threatening opponent.

“It seems that you are a standard foodie.” George Han said.

“Foodies?” Tian Linger was taken aback, and asked George Han: “Is this a derogatory term?”

“En…no, it’s a complimentary word.” George Han said after hesitating for a moment.

Tian Linger smiled, and then looked at Qi Yiyun provocatively before saying: “Brother, if you like, you can come to the house for dinner every day. How about I’ll be with you?”

“This is your home, how can I come every day.” George Han said with a wry smile.

Tian Linger did not want to give up so easily, and continued: “You can also treat this as your home. If you want, you can still live here. The other people in the Tianjia have absolutely no opinion, but…”

Before the words were finished, Tian Linger hesitated.

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