His True Colors Novel Chapter 1299 – 1302

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Chapter 1299

For Xiaolong, there is no problem naturally, and a fixed asset is added for no reason. This is purely a pie in the sky.

But to change it to him, give this kind of millions of things to another person, it is absolutely impossible for him to accept this kind of thing, just thinking about it can make him sleepless at night.

“Boss, aren’t you afraid that I will run away? This car is so valuable. If I run away and resell it, I will live for most of my life.” Xiaolong said.

George Han smiled faintly and said, “Just this little pocket money, do you think I will care?”

Xiaolong swallowed unconsciously, pocket money, this is really rich, millions of dollars turned out to be just pocket money.

But thinking about the balance in his card, it seems that such a small amount of money is really nothing.

This is probably the difference between the rich and the poor, Xiaolong can only understand that.

It took less than half a day for the file transfer and all the procedures were completed.

After a professional explanation of sales, Xiaolong also had a preliminary understanding of the driving and functions of the car.

Leaving the luxury car dealership, Xiaolong held the steering wheel’s hand, sweating somewhat nervously. After all, it was the first time in his life to drive this kind of car, in case it was a bit bumpy, he couldn’t afford it.

“Boss, where are we going?” Xiaolong asked George Han.

George Han checked the time, it was not yet when Amelia Su was over from school, and if he showed up too frequently, it would not be a good thing for him.

“Go to the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain.” George Han said.

“Boss, you won’t live in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain?” Xiaolong asked.

“Am I not qualified to live there?” George Han joked with a smile.

“No, no, I didn’t mean that.” Xiaolong said quickly. With a bank card balance of hundreds of millions, it is not unusual to be able to live in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain. It is just this place, for most Basin City people. It’s out of reach, Xiaolong didn’t expect that one day he would be able to go to such a place, and he would still drive a Maybach to go.

In the Yundingshan Villa area, every household’s vehicle has been registered, and only after registration can it pass unimpeded, and George Han’s car has obviously not been entered into the security system of the Yundingshan Villa area.

So at the door, their car was stopped by security.

No matter who comes to the Villa area or what kind of car they drive, for those security guards, as long as they have no level, they are not allowed to enter. This is a right granted by the heavenly family, and it is also a rule that no one dares to break.

“Boss, what should I do?” Xiaolong asked George Han.

George Han did not speak, but rolled down the car window and asked the security guard, “Can’t I go in?”

When the security guard saw George Han’s face, he felt a soft leg.

George Han made a big trouble in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain, and even Thomas Tian was alarmed. This matter was unknown to the security department, and Thomas Tian also let go. If George Han comes to the Villa area in the future, they must treat each other with courtesy .

“It turns out that you are here, of course you can enter, of course you can enter.” The security hurriedly said.

Immediately, the lever was raised to let go.

Xiaolong once again saw how powerful George Han is. Even in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yundingshan, he can actually swipe his face card, which is a lot of face.

“Boss, don’t you even know the people of the heavenly family?” Xiaolong couldn’t help but asked curiously.

“Are you saying that the sky is prosperous?” George Han said with a smile.

Xiaolong almost choked to death with his own saliva. Not everyone in Basin City had the right to mention the name Thomas Tian. As the first family of Basin City’s business community, Thomas Tian’s status was almost supreme.

But looking at George Han’s attitude, he didn’t seem to put Thomas Tian in his eyes at all.

Xiaolong had an inexplicable feeling of chills in his back. He actually recognized someone as the boss. At this level, the Mo Yang on the road and the prosperity of the business world were not in his eyes!

According to George Han’s guidance, came to the mountainside Villa.

Although Xiaolong is a low-level person, he also knows that the value of mountainside villas in the entire Yundingshan Villa area is the highest, and there is also a big figure who is afraid of even the heavenly family.

Is it possible that this legendary figure is George Han?

After getting out of the car, the entire Villa is still rushing to renovate. This is the person Thomas Tian has found. Thomas Tian dare not neglect this matter, and as long as he has time, he will personally supervise the work.

Because that person said that if you can have a good relationship with George Han, Tianjia will have a greater chance of breakthrough, and he also said very clearly that George Han’s status is higher than him.

The most important thing is that he, who has always been high in Thomas Tian’s mind, would actually kneel in front of George Han to survive.

This scene will never be forgotten by Thomas Tian.

The moment George Han entered the Villa area, the Security Department notified Thomas Tian of the incident.

Thomas Tian was playing games with his little granddaughter, but as soon as he heard about it, he immediately put aside what he was holding and prepared to go to the Villa area.

Tian Linger was spoiled as a princess in the Tian family, and in the entire Tian family, only she dared to make demands on Thomas Tian.

Hearing Thomas Tian said that he was leaving, Tian Linger immediately showed an unhappy expression on his face.

“Grandpa, you said you want to stay with me all day, how can you leave now.” Tian Linger said with a dissatisfied expression.

“Good Linger, grandpa has a very important person to see, and he must go now, and wait until grandpa comes back to play with you, okay?” Thomas Tian said.

“Of course not.” Tian Linger refused mercilessly, with an angry look.

Although Thomas Tian loves his granddaughter, George Han has to leave.

“Grandpa promises you that I will be back right away when I meet this person,” Thomas Tian said.

“Who is such a great person, must you go there in person?” Tian Linger asked in a puzzled manner, but she knew very well about Grandpa’s position in Basin City, and there was no one worth seeing in person.

“He is so powerful that grandpa can’t even imagine. Otherwise, why would I need to go personally.” Thomas Tian said.

Upon hearing this, Tian Linger became interested. She wanted to know what kind of person he was worthy of grandpa’s attention.

“You can go, but you have to take me, otherwise, I will pull out your beard.” Tian Linger threatened.

Thomas Tian touched his chin subconsciously. This little girl’s method was very torturous. Thomas Tian didn’t want to be awakened by the pain when he was sleeping.

And he also understands Tian Linger’s temper, this little girl will do what she says, and will do what she says.

“All right, but you can’t talk nonsense, and you can’t be rude to him.” Thomas Tian warned.

Chapter 1300

Tian Linger nodded again and again, as long as she was allowed to go with her, she was willing to do whatever she wanted, because she was really curious about what kind of person she was about to meet, even her grandfather regarded it so seriously.

Although Tian Linger is very young, she knows the position of the heavenly family in Basin City better than anyone in her heart, because she feels that there must be no more powerful people in Basin City than the heavenly family, but today, she sees Thomas Tian After her attitude, she realized that her thoughts had always been wrong.

Yundingshan Villa area.

Facing a mansion of this level, Xiaolong was still trembling in his heart. Since joining George Han, he has seen a world of completely different heights, and this world was once something he could never touch. This made him It takes time to adapt slowly.

“Boss, can I ask you a question?” Xiaolong asked George Han cautiously.

“of course can.”

Xiaolong took a deep breath and said, “It is rumored that there is a person who is afraid of even the Heavenly Family. This person is not you, right?”

George Han smiled. The Heavenly Family now is indeed jealous of him, but the person in the rumors is not him.

“The person you mentioned did live here before, but for some reason, he has already given me the Mountainside Villa.” George Han explained.

This answer did not let Xiaolong breathe a sigh of relief. The person who made the heavenly family jealous would even give the mountainside Villa to George Han. This shows that even that person would court George Han for some reason. It shows that George Han has a higher status than that person.

Although Xiaolong is a mindless person, he still understands this simple status comparison. That person has a higher status than the heavenly family, and his boss is more powerful than the mysterious person. Doesn’t this mean the heavenly family? Compared with the boss, it is still a level apart.

Xiaolong couldn’t help but sighed: “What kind of boss did I follow, who is so powerful.”

George Han couldn’t laugh or cry when he heard this, is this amazing?

If Xiaolong was allowed to see the real him, wouldn’t he be frightened?

“I’ll go in and take a look.” George Han said.

Xiaolong stood at the original spot and nodded, and did not follow in. After all, it was enough to take a close look at this high-level residential area. He didn’t feel that he was qualified to enter the Villa.

The reason why Mountainside Villa is the most valuable place in the entire Villa area is because the landscape here is not comparable to other places, and when you look at the urban area in the distance, you can also clearly see the iconic UFO building of Cloud City. But the most famous place in Cloud City has been sought after by many people since it was built two years ago.

At this time, Thomas Tian’s grandfather and grandson arrived.

When Xiaolong saw the prosperity of the sky, he stayed in place as if struck by lightning.

Thomas Tian is known as the number one person in the cloud city, and his status is supreme. Even if some big people want to see him, they have to line up slowly, waiting for Thomas Tian to make time.

Xiaolong has only seen Thomas Tian in the local news, because he will often attend some charity events. On TV, he is so energetic. Xiaolong never dreamed that he could see Thomas Tian’s real person.

When Thomas Tian saw Xiaolong that day, his brows were slightly frowned. This guy was completely clean and he was definitely not working here.

Is it possible that another unknown junior has arrived?

But after experiencing George Han’s affair, Thomas Tian has already increased its security layout, and most people will not break in.

More importantly, if he is really an unexpected visitor and the Security Department cannot stop him, he will definitely be notified, but Thomas Tian has not received any news.

This also means that this kid is most likely brought by George Han.

The frowned brows stretched out, Thomas Tian was afraid of George Han, and he would never look down upon George Han’s subordinates. As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. Thomas Tian still understands the truth.

At this time, Tian Linger suddenly ran to Xiaolong’s side. Thomas Tian wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

“Are you the one who scared my grandfather?” Tian Linger circled the dragon, not seeing anything special, so his expression looked very confused.

Xiaolong understood that the person who could scare Thomas Tian in Xiao Nizi’s mouth was the boss, and quickly said: “You have admitted the wrong person. I am just a little brother. My boss is in it.”

Without a word, Tian Linger ran toward the Villa again.

Seeing this, Thomas Tian hurriedly followed, for fear that Tian Linger would do something that would upset George Han.

Xiaolong stood in the same place and his eyelids jumped. The little Nizi made it very clear just now that the person who made her grandfather afraid, isn’t this saying that Thomas Tian is afraid of George Han?

“This is a damn exaggeration, Thomas Tian is afraid of the boss, my God, you really opened your eyes, let me follow such a powerful character.” Xiaolong looked up to the sky, said with a grateful expression, if it weren’t for Yu When he arrived at George Han, he was still just a blind streamer.

But now, Xiaolong feels that his status has risen with George Han’s status, and he believes that one day they will become the top players in Basin City, even the two top characters of Moyang and Thomas Tian will Surrender them.

In the Villa.

Tian Linger turned around, but did not find her target person, but in fact, she had passed by George Han several times.

This makes George Han feel strange, what is this little girl looking for everywhere?

After Thomas Tian walked into the Villa, Tian Linger ran to Thomas Tian and asked, “Grandpa, what about that person, why didn’t I see it?”

Hearing that the little girl called Grandpa Thomas Tian, George Han suddenly realized that this Nizi was a bit familiar, but it turned out to be Tian Linger.

At the beginning, Tian Linger had confessed to George Han. This was also an eccentric beauty, but later recognized George Han as his brother.

Thomas Tian saw George Han not far away, with an embarrassed expression on his face. Isn’t Tian Linger just ignoring him? If this is blamed, it will be troublesome.

Thomas Tian quickly walked to George Han’s side and said, “Little brother, I really can’t help but, my little granddaughter, can’t speak, talk nonsense.”

George Han smiled and waved his hand. Tian Linger said that just now is not surprising. After all, he is just a child. People who don’t know him will naturally not know how good he is.

“You are the one who can make my grandfather afraid?” Tian Linger realized that George Han was the person she was looking for, and asked with surprise.

Chapter 1301

“Linger, how to talk, it’s impolite.” Thomas Tian scolded Tian Linger. Although he had long expected that he could not control Tian Linger, he did not expect that Tian Linger would use this attitude to fight Han. Three thousand speak.

On the surface, George Han is indeed just a child, and it does not make people feel the slightest threat, but Thomas Tian is very clear that his ability is enough to subvert the entire heavenly family. After all, this is a role that everyone needs to kneel down. what.

Regardless of Thomas Tian’s attitude, Tian Linger had never put Thomas Tian in her eyes. She was doted and completely confident.

Walking to George Han’s side, Tian Linger blatantly looked at George Han from bottom to top, and continued: “Where are you great?”

This made Thomas Tian’s forehead cold sweat, even he, even that person, didn’t dare to talk to George Han like this.

It’s a pity that he can’t stop it now, he can only let this happen, and at the same time he can only pray in his heart, George Han will not be as knowledgeable as Tian Linger.

“Then tell me, how do you need to be great?” George Han smiled. He naturally doesn’t know how to treat Tian Linger. After all, they will become brothers and sisters in the future, so naturally they have to tolerate themselves more. Sister.

Tian Linger frowned, thought about it carefully, and said, “At least, you have to look very good.”

There is no specific description, because Tian Linger doesn’t know what kind of performance in his heart should be.

This made George Han dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Thomas Tian stepped forward to relieve George Han at this time, and said to Tian Linger: “Before coming, didn’t you say it was OK, you can’t be so rude.”

Tian Linger glanced at Thomas Tian, then stood beside George Han and said, “Grandpa, how am I impolite, I’m very good.”

Facing Tian Linger’s helplessness, Thomas Tian had no choice but to say to George Han: “Little brother, my granddaughter is a bit naughty. I hope you can help Haihan.”

“It’s okay, it’s normal for the little girl to be naughty,” George Han said with a smile.

Seeing that George Han was not angry, Thomas Tian was relieved. After glaring at Tian Linger, he didn’t speak any more.

“Little brother, you are so powerful, can you be my friend?” Tian Linger asked George Han.

“Or, should I be your brother?” George Han said.

“Okay, okay.” Tian Linger clapped with both hands, looking very excited.

After Thomas Tian heard these words, he was a little dazed, and at the same time the secret joy in his heart was about to be uncontrollable.

Let Tian Linger be George Han’s sister, this is definitely great news for the Tian family.

Thomas Tian never expected that if he brought Tianling together, he would have such unexpected gains.

If he could really treat Tian Linger as his younger sister, then Tian Clan would not be equivalent to having George Han as a backer.

Although the current Cloud City is still under the control of the Heavenly Family, and the Heavenly Family does not need a backing, no one knows the future. The existence of George Han’s guarantee is absolutely only good for the Heavenly Family. harm.

“Brother, if someone bullies me in the future, will you help me?” Tian Linger asked.

“Of course, as long as someone bullies me, you tell me, I will definitely help you take revenge.” George Han said, before rebirth, Tian Linger also helped George Han a lot, and no matter what he did, Tian Ling Er’s position will be firm and unwavering. Now that she is born again, George Han still has very deep feelings for this sister. If she has any unexpected troubles, George Han will never stand by.

The conversation between the two little kids seemed a bit ridiculous to an adult, but Thomas Tian knew George Han’s identity, which meant that he understood the weight of this promise.

These are no jokes, nor will Thomas Tian feel ridiculous.

“Little brother, why don’t you go to my house for dinner tonight?” Thomas Tian suggested. Now that the two have become brothers and sisters, the Heavenly Family should also express themselves.

George Han thought for a while, there was nothing special next, and he didn’t plan to go to school today to avoid making Amelia Su suspicious, so he agreed.

“I’ll go and order the next person to prepare dinner.” Thomas Tian walked aside and called home.

When George Han wants to go to the Heavenly House for dinner, he naturally has to be gracious and entertained, but it’s not something that some ordinary people can just perfunctory.

At the same time, Thomas Tian also called Tian Honghui and told him to go home at night.

After hearing Thomas Tian’s request, Tian Honghui said helplessly: “Dad, I have a meeting with some bosses tonight. You are so sudden, I am afraid I can’t do it.”

These words made Thomas Tian immediately dissatisfied. What kind of shit is it important to have dinner with George Han?

In Thomas Tian’s eyes, those flatterers were just trying to please the heavens. Such a meal would not benefit Tian Honghui other than satisfying his vanity.

“I don’t care who you want to socialize with, you must go home tonight.” Thomas Tian said.

Tian Honghui felt Thomas Tian’s resolute attitude, and doubts arose in his heart, this is what important thing happened, so he must go home for dinner?

“Dad, what’s going on, is there anything special?” Tian Honghui asked in confusion.

“There is a very important guest coming to the house for dinner tonight. The fate of the Tianjia family rests with him.” Thomas Tian explained.

Tian Honghui was shocked. The person who can make Thomas Tian value so much must not be a small role. After thinking about the evening entertainment, it is indeed not an important thing, so he can only say: “Okay, I will immediately turn away I must go home on time for socializing.”

Thomas Tian didn’t say anything and hung up the phone.

“Little brother, everything is ready, looking forward to your visit.” Thomas Tian said.

“Call me three thousand. The words little brother seem to be a bit interesting.” George Han smiled.

Thomas Tian smiled, and the folds on his face were about to trap the mosquitoes, and said: “Yes, yes, I will listen to you.”

“Brother, is your name George?” Tian Linger asked curiously.

“George Han, how’s it going?” George Han said with a smile.

Tian Linger muttered, and then asked George Han unable to answer: “Why is it called three thousand, isn’t it thirty thousand? Isn’t thirty thousand more than three thousand?”

Thomas Tian heard this from the side, and the Yintang became black. What is the problem, how could Tian Linger make fun of his name?

When prosperity was about to reprimand Tian Linger on the same day, George Han smiled and said, “I have a chance to introduce my mother to you. Then you can ask her.”

Chapter 1302

Thomas Tian discovered a problem. George Han seemed to be particularly tolerant of Tian Linger. No matter how rude to Tian Linger, George Han was not angry.

Based on the first meeting between the two today, Thomas Tian felt a little strange about this tolerance. As George Han, how could he tolerate such an impolite little girl?

Thomas Tian suddenly had a very surprising idea. Could it be that George Han had any special thoughts about Tian Linger that made him extra magnanimous?

But… Tian Linger is just a little girl, and even George Han himself, who is a boy, how could he have this idea?

Thomas Tian has always been extremely rigorous in protecting Tian Linger. He was afraid that some small things with no eyes would abduct Tian Linger. However, in the face of George Han, Thomas Tian was more tolerant, although he was more tolerant of certain things. I still don’t want to see it happen, but if the two can really produce different sparks in the future, Thomas Tian will still be very happy.

If the relationship between brother and sister goes further, then the relationship between Tianjia and George Han will naturally become more indestructible.

Of course, this is only Thomas Tian’s unilateral guess, and George Han’s true thoughts are unknown to him.

“George, if there is anything unsatisfactory here, just ask, and I will let the workers do it according to your requirements.” Thomas Tian said to George Han.

George Han has already been around in the Villa, and the general situation has been understood. Although the style that Amelia Su likes is not exactly the same, it is also very similar, so he is still very satisfied.

“No, it’s fine, thank you for your help.” George Han said.

Facing George Han’s feelings, Thomas Tian did not dare to bear it easily, and waved his hand repeatedly and said, “No need, this is what I should do.”

“Nothing else, I will leave first, and I will arrive at Heaven on time in the evening.” George Han said.

Thomas Tian didn’t keep him, and if George Han had something important, he couldn’t delay George Han because of himself.

It was Tian Linger who directly took George Han’s hand and asked, “Brother, where are you going to play, can you take me?”

Seeing Tianling blinking Shui Lingling’s big eyes, George Han still couldn’t bear to refuse in his heart, but now in this situation, if Tian Linger left with him, Thomas Tian would definitely be uneasy and bring Tian Linger with him. Being around was somewhat inconvenient, so George Han still refused.

“Next time, I have something to do today.” George Han said.

In order to avoid Tian Linger being entangled, Thomas Tian hurriedly said to Tian Linger: “Linger, you go home with grandpa first, and you can see 3000 at night.”

Tian Linger reluctantly let go of George Han’s hand.

Walking out of the Villa, Xiaolong immediately walked up after seeing George Han.

“Boss, Heavenly Father is here, you are too good.” Xiaolong couldn’t help saying.

Thomas Tian would treat him so politely, it must have something to do with the middle-aged man, and George Han was sure that the middle-aged man must have said something to Thomas Tian.

But it didn’t matter. There was no grudge between George Han and the Tian family. Thomas Tian treated it with this attitude, and in the future, George Han would be able to reduce a lot of trouble when facing the Su family.

“Go to Tianjia for dinner tonight. Come with me.” George Han said.

Go to heaven and eat!

Xiaolong was so shocked that his chin was about to fall off. It wasn’t that anyone was qualified to go to that place. If you wanted to enter the gate of the heavenly house, you must have a high status.

“Boss, or else, let’s go.” Xiaolong said weakly.

“Why?” George Han looked at Xiaolong in confusion.

“That kind of place, I’m a little scared.” Xiaolong lowered his head and said timidly.

“Aren’t you a bully on College Street? Why are you afraid of eating a meal now?” George Han joked with a smile.

Xiaolong was full of embarrassment. His name is self-styled, and what he usually does is bullying and fearing hardship. When encountering a truly top and ruthless character like Tianjia, he is just an ant in his eyes, how can he dare to be a little presumptuous.

“Boss, don’t make a joke on me, my bully is just to scare people. I don’t have any real skills.” Xiaolong said.

“Since I don’t have real skills now, I must slowly hone my real skills. There are still many big scenes to see in the future. You will be scared after a meal. What use do I want you to do?” George Han said.

“Boss, you can’t don’t want me.” Xiaolong suddenly forced his face, and finally kept up with such a fierce boss, he didn’t want to be abandoned.

“Let’s go, take me to Basin City and walk around.” George Han said.

The cloud city in my memory is still very profound, but there are some places that are worthy of George Han’s recollection, such as the Flying Saucer Building, where there are very good memories of George Han, and it is also there that George Han gave Amelia Su the life. The first surprise made her the envy of all Basin City people.

Xiaolong drove and came to the street of the UFO Building. Everything here has changed a lot from before being reborn. It is not as prosperous as before, and there are not many well-known businesses settled in, but the restaurant in the UFO Building is already there.

George Han couldn’t help thinking of the surprise he made for Amelia Su that night. It was the first time he saw Amelia Su cry like a tearful person.

Thinking of these things, George Han inevitably felt a little moistened eyes and wiped it with his hands unconsciously, because after Amelia Su followed him, he suffered too many grievances. It was also from that day that George Han really began to change. Amelia Su changed.

When Xiaolong saw this scene from the rearview mirror, although he was curious, he didn’t dare to ask more, just waited quietly.

on the other hand.

Tian Honghui is very curious about who he will have dinner for tonight, because he has rarely seen Thomas Tian in such a solemn state. After all, there are no people worthy of the heavens to scruples in Basin City now, and there are no people in the mountainside Villa. That person also left Basin City, so it was difficult for Tian Honghui to imagine what kind of person he was able to make his father pay such attention.

“The party tonight is cancelled, I have to go home.” Tian Honghui called his friends one by one to cancel the party.

The so-called socializing is nothing more than a group of big men drinking and having fun together. Of course, women are indispensable, so Tian Honghui still feels a little lost.

But thinking of what Thomas Tian said and the attitude he showed, even if he was lost, Tian Honghui did not dare not go home.

After hanging up the phone, Tian Honghui repeatedly wondered who else in Basin City could make Thomas Tian pay attention to, but he couldn’t think of an answer.

“Hey, I hope the people you see tonight, don’t let me down, otherwise I will lose a lot.” Tian Honghui said to himself.

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