His True Colors Novel Chapter 127 – 130

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Chapter 127

Harry Su’s remarks were obviously made from the standpoint of the chairman, but no one in the room objected, because they all knew that the old lady would hand over the position of chairman to Harry Su. Now that the old lady is dead, naturally He should inherit this position.

“Harry, do you mean that we can only swallow our anger?” Su Guolin said with an unconvinced expression.

Harry Su sighed. Said: “Do you think the Su family is now qualified to deal with the Heavenly Family? If we tear our face with the Heavenly Family, we will all suffer. Temporary tolerance is not a big deal, as long as we have the opportunity to avenge ourselves in the future.”

When everyone else heard this, they nodded.

The old lady is dead, and there is no reason everyone in the family will bury her.

At this stage, the trouble to the heavenly family is undoubtedly the moths fighting the fire, and the death of the old lady. Nor can it be claimed to the outside world that it has something to do with the heavenly family. Otherwise, the heavenly family will definitely eliminate the roots.

Everyone in the Su family is selfish and will never do it once it affects their own interests.

“What about George Han? Will he inform Tianjia? Let Tianjia know that we suspect Tian Linger.”

“Yes, George Han will surely betray us if he eats something outside.”

“It would be great if this waste could be driven out of Su’s house, but at this time, he should be driven away. I am afraid it will be detrimental to us.”

Hearing these words, Harry Su looked at Amelia Su with a sneer and said: “Amelia Su, this wasteful waste belongs to your family. You are responsible for finding a way to deal with it.”

Amelia Su definitely didn’t believe that grandma’s death was related to George Han, and he would never have done such a thing together with Tian Linger.

But now every relative believes in Harry Su’s words. If she helps George Han speak, it will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of everyone.

“Don’t worry, I will find a way to shut him up.” Amelia Su said.

Harry Su had a smug smile hidden deep in his eyes. Originally, he was very worried that someone would investigate the death of his grandma. He didn’t expect that Tian Linger would take the initiative to send it to the door. This gave him a great opportunity to clear up the suspicion.

I am afraid that God is also helping me.

Even God wants me to be chairman, who else can stop?

Harry Su looked at the relatives of Su’s family and said, “From now on, I am the chairman. Are you okay?”

“Of course there is no objection, grandma was going to give you the position of chairman, who would dare to have an opinion.” Su Yihan said.

Harry Su looked at Amelia Su with a cold expression: “How about you? You won’t be unwilling.”

Amelia Su never thought of becoming the chairman of the Su family, she was just trying to win her breath in front of her grandma. Now that grandma is dead, Harry Su has the final say in the company.

“I have no objection, but if you want to target me, I advise you to think clearly.” Amelia Su said.

Harry Su smiled and said: “Why would I target you? You are working for me now. It is my subordinate. You have completed the Chengxi project, which is also a good thing for the company, but you must remember clearly that I will be Chairman, if you let me know that you made the slightest mistake, don’t blame me for being unsympathetic.”

Amelia Su knew that life in the company would be difficult in the future, but she was the person in charge of the Chengxi project for one day, so Harry Su would never touch her.

“Harry, grandma is dead, what should I do with my dowry?” Su Yihan asked impatiently. Compared with the death of the old lady, the sadness has passed. Now she is most concerned about how those dowry should be handled.

Grandma used to keep the bride price. But now, grandma is dead, and she is the most hopeful person to be fancyed, so in Su Yihan’s view, it is time for these brides to be handed over to her.

Harry Su knew what Su Yihan wanted, and he also thought that Su Yihan was the Han family’s fancy, and said, “Of course these things will be given to you.”

Su Yihan looked happy. He has been coveting the offer for a long time, and now he can finally get it. It is worth tens of millions, and there is no need to spend money in the future.

Although several other girls of the same generation are a little dissatisfied. But they knew that they were unlikely to have a good chance, and they offended Su Yihan. With Su Yihan and Harry Su’s relationship, they would definitely not have a better life in the company in the future, so they had to bear it.

As for what happened to this matter in the future, the Han family would definitely let Su Yihan vomit the offer, so they don’t need to worry too much.

“What are you still doing here, why don’t you warn George Han?” Harry Su looked at Amelia Su dissatisfied. Said proudly.

Amelia Su left the room silently and found George Han in the living room. Before George Han could speak, she said, “You don’t need to explain to me. Because no one will believe your words, I just ask you not to Tell the heavens of our doubts.”

George Han nodded indifferently, no one in the Su family would believe him, this was normal. Because he has no status at all in the Su family.

“How about you?” George Han asked.

Amelia Su naturally didn’t think that George Han did this thing in her heart, but she didn’t say it, nor shook her head or nodded.

Everyone in the Su family came to the living room to discuss the old lady’s funeral. When George Han knew that Su Yihan would take away the betrothal gifts, he said to Su Yihan: “You have to save some money with this money, or you will be vomiting later. Come out, but you can’t get anything out.”

Su Yihan looked at George Han in disgust. Said: “What are you? What does my spending of my money have to do with you? Don’t forget that you are just an outsider. What qualifications do you have to point me in front of me.”

“Are you so sure that the bride price is yours?” George Han said flatly.

“Of course.” Su Yihan said triumphantly: “Apart from me, who is eligible.”

“I’m just kindly persuading that if you can send such a big betrothal gift, the other party’s backing is definitely not small, if you can’t afford to pay. You may end up in ruins.” George Han said.

“Shabi, are you cursing me?” Su Yihan stared at George Han viciously.

“George Han, there is no place for you to speak here, so shut up.” Harry Su scolded coldly.

“I am kind.” George Han shrugged helplessly.

“Haha, it’s kind, you open your dog’s eyes and see, who can compare with Miss Ben?” Su Yihan stuck her waist, with a proud look on her face.

Among these relatives. Su Yihan is indeed incomparable to others, but who would have thought that this bride price originally belonged to Amelia Su?

Although George Han didn’t bother to put this offer in his eyes, and he never accepted Mary’s kindness. But he wouldn’t let the bride price fall into Su Yihan’s hands.

How much I eat now, George Han will let Su Yihan vomit it all out.

“Harry, you can let someone take out the bride price, these are my things. I haven’t seen it for a long time.” Su Yihan couldn’t wait to say to Harry Su.

Harry Su nodded, and led a few people to move the bride price to the living room.

Gold ornaments and jadeware, 8.88 million in cash, made many people’s eyes red when they saw it, thinking that it would be great if the bride price belonged to them.

Su Yihan couldn’t wait to put the gold bracelet on her hand, and the golden phoenix hairpin stuck it on her head, feeling contented.

“You are finally in my hands. I don’t know when your master will marry me. I can’t wait.” Su Yihan said happily.

Seeing this scene, Lily Jiang couldn’t help but stare at George Han coldly. He was married with such a heavy betrothal gift, but George Han entered their house but didn’t have anything. It’s really more popular.

Although there is a mountainside Villa now, how can a woman like Lily Jiang abject money?

And this is a face problem. Amelia Su Mingming is more beautiful and outstanding than Su Yihan, but in this respect, he lost a mess.

It’s all useless!

It’s just that now it’s becoming increasingly unrealistic to drive him out of the Su family, because once he is driven away, he will definitely inform the Heavenly family. In this regard, Lily Jiang is not a fool, knowing how much he will provoke the Heavenly family. serious consequence.

George Han watched this scene faintly, hoping that by the day when you vomit these things, you can still laugh.

After discussing what to do with the old lady’s funeral, the relatives of the Su family dispersed, but the Harry Su family did not leave, because he is now the chairman of the company, so he is naturally eligible to live here.

Chapter 128

The next day, the old lady’s mourning hall was set up in the Su’s Villa, and many people who had heard about it rushed to the Su’s Villa to send the old lady one last time.

Although the Su family has no longer cooperated with others after taking on the Chengxi project, the former friendship is still there, so many people come to the Su family Villa.

In front of people, Harry Su’s performance is still as good as yesterday. His eyes were red and swollen, and he looked extremely sad, and when outsiders mentioned the cause of death of the old lady, it was also a relapse of the old disease.

Although outsiders felt that this incident was sudden, it was common for old ladies to have such accidents at an age, and this was an internal matter within the Su family, and outsiders did not delve into it.

George Han stood outside the Villa in black. He didn’t even have the qualifications to put on Ma and Dai Xiao, because this Villa already belonged to Harry Su, and Harry Su didn’t even let him in.

When he was idle, George Han could only watch Harry Su’s performance quietly.

The old lady died, and Harry Su became the chairman of the Su family. He was the biggest beneficiary. He died so suddenly, it would be impossible to say that there was no reason.

George Han believed that this matter must be related to Harry Su. But suffering from no evidence at hand, he is helpless.

However, with the current Su Family Company, he covered the sky with one hand, presumably Amelia Su’s life in the future will not be easy.

Was thinking wildly. George Han’s phone rang.

“I haven’t had time to go shopping with you in recent days.” George Han said after answering the phone.

Tian Linger learned the news of the old lady’s death. This call was not to urge George Han to go shopping with her, but she was very curious about how the old lady died suddenly.

The people who met yesterday were still alive and well, even if they had a sudden and severe illness, they couldn’t die so quickly.

“Why did the old lady die suddenly?” Tian Linger asked.

Regarding the suspicion of the Heavenly Family, Amelia Su had reminded George Han, so George Han would not tell Tian Linger, and he also knew what consequences this suspicion would cause once the Heavenly Family knew about it.

Of course, there is an advantage that the heavenly family will find out the murderer behind it. But the disadvantages of the Su family can never be afforded.

If you dare to slander Tian Linger, how could the Tian family let the Su family go.

“I don’t know, I’m even going in the Su family Villa now.” George Han said.

When Tian Linger on the other end of the phone heard this, the corner of her mouth couldn’t help but smile. The more Su family rejected George Han, the better it was for her.

“Since you have nothing to do, come to my house. Grandpa Wang came early this morning. I’m still in the study with my grandpa. I don’t know what I’m talking about.” Tian Linger said.

Wang Mao?

He and Thomas Tian are friends, and it is normal for friends to talk about the past, but with Wang Mao’s personality, after losing chess, shouldn’t he specialize in chess? Why would you waste time looking for Thomas Tian?

“Although I can’t get into the Villa, I can’t leave casually. Let’s go another day.” George Han said.

Tian Linger pouted, how could this guy be willing to be in Su’s house with a faceless face, is Amelia Su really that good?

In terms of appearance and figure, Tian Linger didn’t think she would lose to Amelia Su, and she was still young and her body was in the developmental stage. Maybe she would be better than Amelia Su in the future.

Really blind, can’t you even see potential stocks like this Miss?

“I won’t tell you, grandpa is out.” After speaking, Tian Linger hung up the phone and glanced down at his chest, thinking that he should make it bigger. Maybe it can attract George Han.

“God, I beg you for this. You must help me figure out a solution.” Wang Mao said to Thomas Tian before he left.

“Grandpa Wang walks slowly.”

“Linger is so good, Grandpa Wang forgot to bring you a gift this time and will make up for it next time.” Wang Mao walked towards the door as he spoke.

“Grandpa Wang, you said the same last time.” Tian Linger said with a smile.

Without looking back, Wang Mao hurried out.

Thomas Tian smiled faintly, and said: “You want to scare him so that he dare not come again next time.”

Tian Linger pouted and said with a displeased face: “Who made him say this every time, from the first time I saw him, he said to give me gifts. It has been so many years, I have not seen What is the gift?”

“Hahahaha.” Thomas Tian laughed. Although Wang Mao’s position in Basin City is very high, he is also an upright person. He never receives benefits from others, so his life is stretched, so there is no spare money for Tianling. Where to buy gifts?

But this old guy also wants face, and always mentions this.

“Grandpa. What is Grandpa Wang doing?” Tian Linger asked curiously.

“I’m here for help.” Thomas Tian sat on the sofa with a smile on his face.

“Help? Grandpa Wang is not a member of the mall, so what can I do for you?” Tian Linger said in a puzzled way, not giving gifts to Wang Mao. She didn’t really get angry because she knew Wang Mao’s situation very well, and she still admired people who were not moved by money. Not much now.

“He has an old opponent. He will go to Cloud City recently. He has lost for decades. This old guy said that this may be the last time he meets. He doesn’t want to lose.” Thomas Tian said.

“Cut.” Tian Linger unabashedly despised Thomas Tian, and said: “Can you help him win? Grandpa lost so much.”

Speaking of this, Thomas Tian’s expression became frozen, except for the martial arts hall. The biggest hobby is playing chess, but under George Han’s violent ravages, Thomas Tian now has one hobby missing. Let alone playing chess, as long as he sees it, he will feel his brain hurt.

“How do you talk to Grandpa? Grandpa was also a master at killing the Quartet before he met George Han.” Thomas Tian said unconvinced.

“What happened after you met?” Tian Linger looked at Thomas Tian with a ghostly spirit.

Thomas Tian took a deep breath, pretending to be angry, but Tian Linger looked at him without fear. The old man was immediately discouraged.

“Can’t you save grandpa some face?” Thomas Tian said bitterly.

“Grandpa!” Tian Linger’s expression was suddenly shocked, and said: “Grandpa Wang wants to ask George Han for help, so let you come forward?”

“Otherwise?” Thomas Tian nodded.

Tian Linger laughed, and the silver ling-like laughter echoed throughout the Villa.

“George Han is really amazing, even Grandpa Wang needs to ask him for help.” After smiling enough, Tian Linger said with a face of pride, raising her powder fist.

“Look at your pride, George Han is amazing. It’s not you, what are you happy about.” Thomas Tian said silently.

“Grandpa, I am his woman, of course I must be happy.”

“He has a husband. You are not ashamed.” Thomas Tian sighed. With the status of the Heavenly Family, the old man would definitely not agree to this matter if he were changed to another person. But George Han was an exception, not only Tian Linger valued it, even he had to.

The performance of the martial arts gymnasium, and the game against Wang Mao, all showed that George Han was great, and what he had, not just these, the recent power changes in the gray area of ”‹”‹Basin City also had a deep relationship with him.

The Tian Family is now facing a situation where the two sons are not high and low, and the Tian Family would have collapsed long ago if it were not for the fact that he had beaten him down.

The reason why the old man didn’t care about the business affairs and gave full power to his two sons was to train them, because the Heavenly Family has abundant capital, even if some small mistakes are made, it doesn’t matter.

But over the years, the growth of the two sons is far from what the old man expected. Once he closes his eyes, the heavenly family can only rely on the foundation to survive. Within a few decades, the heavenly family will definitely be sunset in Basin City.

In the eyes of the old man, although George Han is a foreigner, if he can enter the Zhutian family, he will definitely be able to continue to pass on the glory of the Heavenly family. Maybe, the Heavenly family is in his hands, and he will be able to reach a higher level. Get out of Cloud City!

“Grandpa, do you think I will lose to Amelia Su?” Tian Linger held his head high and thrust his waist, with a confident look.

“Of course not.” The old man’s face was full of smiles, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

He doesn’t know whether to lose or not, but Tian Linger must not lose, otherwise Tian Linger will suffer a terrible blow in this matter. She is now completely involved in this unilateral relationship. Once frustrated, the consequences It is unimaginable.

Chapter 129

On the day of the old lady’s cremation, George Han still failed to follow the large group. Because of Harry Su’s attitude, everyone now completely regarded George Han as an outsider, but when he arrived at the cremation site, Harry Su encountered something.

The cremation furnace in the cremation field is divided into ranks. With the status of the old lady, it is natural to choose the highest grade. But because Harry Su’s fault did not make a reservation, he could only hang the old lady’s body aside, and a group of people waited anxiously.

“What to do? If you can’t be cremated today, you will miss the auspicious day, Harry, you must think of a way.

“Yeah, I can’t let Mom wait here forever.”

“Harry, now you are the chairman of the Su family. Don’t they give me this little face?”

Harry Su has already negotiated with the people in the cremation field, but today’s most advanced cremation furnaces are not ordinary people. He proposed to jump in the line. The leader of the cremation field scolded him with all his head, but they didn’t give him any The slightest face.

“Moreover, I entered the cremation field. If I went out like this, I heard it would be ominous.”

“This… Grandma won’t cheat the body!”

Harry Su’s heart trembled as well, the old lady was killed by him. If it’s really a corpse, you can’t ask him for life?

“I will try again.” Harry Su said bitterly.

When he came to the office of the leader, after seeing Harry Su, the leader said impatiently: “I told you. It’s impossible to jump in the queue for you. Regardless of what the Su family, Chen family and Liu family do, it is the rule.”

“Big brother, we are here, you can help arrange it, if you can help this, I will not treat you badly.” Harry Su said shyly.

“Go away, want to bribe me, and don’t go out to inquire about who I am.” The leader was stern, and he would like to open the back door if he changed to normal, but today’s high-level cremation furnaces are all people with backgrounds. , If he broke the rules in this situation and was known by those big men, his position would not be kept.

Seeing his firm attitude, Harry Su gritted his teeth. How to explain to the relatives of the Su family? He is now the chairman. If he can’t even handle this, how can his relatives trust him to do the company well?

At this time, George Han suddenly came to the office.

“George Han, why are you here? I didn’t warn you that you are not allowed to participate in grandma’s funeral. You leave me.” Harry Su said sharply.

When Harry Su was losing his temper, the leader in the office stood up for the first time and walked to George Han with a pleased look and said, “Brother Han, why are you here too.”

The leader doesn’t know who George Han is, but a bigger figure has spoken just now, so he should receive it well.

“I want to ask you a favor.” George Han said with a smile.

“No problem, as long as you speak up, I can help with anything.” The leader said.

Harry Su stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded. This leader just let him go, how could he have such a good attitude towards George Han’s uselessness?

“For the cremation of the old lady of the Su family, you can help think of a way.” George Han said.

The leader glanced at Harry Su, this dog. It’s kind of patience to get help from a big man.

“Okay, no problem, I will make arrangements.” After the leader finished speaking, he left the office.

Harry Su felt that he was afraid that there was an illusion in front of him, and the person who made him go, now because of George Han’s words, he is willing to help! How is this possible.

“George Han, what are you doing?” Harry Su questioned George Han.

“Don’t you have eyes? What you can’t do, I did it for you.” George Han smiled.

“You fart, what I can’t do, how can you do it.” Harry Su said grimly.

He is now the chairman of the Su family, and his status is much higher than that of George Han. How could there be things he couldn’t do, but George Han could do?

“Harry Su, are you blind? Didn’t you see him make arrangements?” George Han said.

This sentence made Harry Su so stupid that he didn’t know how to refute it. Even if he didn’t admit it, the truth was that the leader treated George Han very respectfully, and he only got a slap in the face.

“George Han, this is the Heavenly Family helping you. How long do you think you can be arrogant? After the Heavenly Family squeezes out your use value, do you think you can still be proud?” Harry Su sneered.

“You really guessed it right. Heaven helped me in this matter. But you can’t imagine my usefulness.” George Han finished smiling and left the office.

This matter is the relationship between Thomas Tian and Thomas Tian. Leaders dare to offend others.

However, George Han paid some price to help Wang Mao face to face. This was a condition put forward by Thomas Tian, and George Han did not agree to it.

When Harry Su returned to the Su family’s relatives, all those relatives admired Harry Su extremely.

“Harry, let me just say, how can this little thing stump you? The leader of the cremation field has just appeared. He said that it will be done for us soon.”

“You deserve to be the chairman of our company, Harry, you are amazing.”

“The company is in your hands and it will definitely grow better and better.”

Although this was not done by Harry Su, no one knew that George Han did it. Of course, this kind of flattery Harry Su was taken as order. He said with a smile: “This is not a big deal, so how can I say it is now? The chairman of the company. He still wants to give this face.”

“That is, who would dare not give the Su family chairman the face?”

Just as the relatives of the Su family were triumphant, a disdainful voice rang out: “What shit chairman, I didn’t take it seriously.”

When Harry Su saw the master of the voice clearly, his expression changed. This was the leader in the office just now. The Su family relatives didn’t know whose face he was giving, but he himself knew very well.

“You…how can you talk like that. If you weren’t afraid of Harry, why would you give us privileges?” A certain Su family relative said to the leader disdainfully.

“Oh, are you still rubbing your nose? When did I give you face?” the leader said while looking at Harry Su.

Harry Su’s triumphant energy has not yet changed, and a basin of cold water runs from head to toe.

“Leader. We are just joking with our family, I’m really sorry.” Harry Su quickly softened his attitude. If he was asked to tell him that it was because George Han helped him, wouldn’t he be ashamed.

“Just kidding me. You are so brave, and you, the Su family who don’t know the so-called Su family, if it weren’t for Mr. Han to come forward, you would be prepared to spend the night at the cremation site tonight.” The leader disdainfully said.

Mr. Han?

A question arose in everyone’s heart.

This matter was not handled by Harry Su, but by Mr. Han?

But who is this Mr. Han!

Su Yihan jumped up suddenly and asked Harry Su: “Harry, is that him? Is it the Mr. Han who gave the betrothal gift?”

This stupid woman, isn’t Mr. Han the only person who gives the bride price? It could have been perfunctory at first, but Su Yihan asked so, and he couldn’t explain it.

And this incident also aroused the curiosity of other relatives, because although their chances are not great, they are not absolute.

“Harry, has the person giving the bride price show up?”

“Really, where is he and when to go to Su’s house, did he say who is the one he is after?”

Several younger girls from the Su family couldn’t wait to ask.

Harry Su shook his head and said, “It’s George Han.”

“George Han!”

“George Han!”

“How could it be him!”

While everyone was surprised, they were a little disappointed, but Amelia Su frowned.

It’s him again. Even the cremation was handled by him. How wide is his network?

He used to ask Lin Yong to come forward with the money, but he did it once, not again and again, right?

“Of course he can’t do it, it must be someone from the heavenly family.” Harry Su said viciously.

Upon hearing this sentence, all the relatives of the Su family dared to be angry and did not dare to speak. Because of Harry Su’s misleading, all of them thought Tian Linger was a murderer, but they did not dare to look for it without evidence. The people of heaven are facing each other, so this hatred can only be kept in my heart.

“George Han is really embarrassed with the Tian Family.”

“This scourge will cost him sooner or later.”

“f*ck, I really want to kill this wimp.”

Chapter 130

With the help of George Han, the cremation burial finally did not delay the auspicious time, and it was held on the same day. Unfortunately, the Su family did not appreciate George Han for this, but even hated him exceptionally.

Especially Harry Su, feeling that his face was lost because of George Han, so he took down a grudge against George Han.

A few days later, the Su family’s affairs subsided, and it did not cause much sensation in Basin City. After all, the old lady was not a big figure in the Su family.

This morning. Before George Han got up, the phone rang like death.

“Why haven’t you gotten up yet, have you forgotten what’s going on today?” Tian Linger said anxiously.

George Han opened his dim eyes, checked the time, and hung up the phone.

Neuropathy, it’s less than six o’clock!

Tian Linger on the other end of the phone hadn’t seen George Han for several days, so she couldn’t wait. Although it was still early, in her opinion, George Han would face a very powerful opponent today. Moreover, even Wang Mao had never won, he had to get up early to prepare.

After being hung up, Tian Linger was not discouraged and continued to call the second one. It was not until George Han turned off the phone that the young lady hammered the bear doll on the bed to vent.

“If you don’t answer my phone, you dare to turn off the phone. I’m the eldest celestial family, how can you treat me like this.

It wasn’t until nine o’clock that George Han woke up slowly. Turning on the phone again, what left him speechless is that after less than ten seconds after turning on the phone, Tian Linger’s call came again. Wouldn’t she keep dialing?

“I’m up. I will go out after washing. If you call me again, I will be blacklisted.” After that, George Han hung up.

Tian Linger scratched his head with anger, but when he thought of being blacklisted, he didn’t dare to harass George Han any more.

At the same time, the Peninsula Hotel has one old and one young coming out.

“Master, how many times has Wang Mao lost to you? What’s the point of asking him to play chess?” the young man asked puzzled.

The old man smiled faintly and said: “Who said I want to play chess with him, Basin City has no better player. Otherwise, with his strength, how could he be the president of the Go Association?”

Wang Mao’s games in China can be considered quite famous, but this old man doesn’t pay attention at all, because he is Shangguan Black and White, and is called the Warriors of the Country. In China’s Go world, he has various honorary titles. Be soft and become famous. Change the name to black and white, in his words, his life is only Go. He is a true master of the Go world, and George Han has also studied his game record.

As Shangguan’s black and white apprentice, Ouyang Xiujie is also a leader among the younger generation in Japan and China, and many people believe that Ouyang Xiujie will definitely be a figure in the Chinese Go world in the future, able to inherit Shangguan’s black and white mantle.

“If you don’t play chess with him, why do you want to invite?” Ouyang Xiujie asked puzzledly.

“A person of his level is no longer worthy of being my opponent, but you still need to practice. What he says is a personal thing. If you can beat him, it will have a lot of benefits to your reputation.” Shangguan Black and White said .

Ouyang Xiujie was taken aback. He did not expect that in this chess game, the master would actually use Wang Mao as his stepping stone.

If Wang Mao can be defeated, his reputation in the Go world will definitely be even stronger.

“Thank you, Master.” Ouyang Xiujie said respectfully.

“Although I didn’t put Wang Mao in my eyes, he is still a little capable. You must be careful.” Shangguan Black and White reminded.

“Master, please rest assured, I will not let you down.” Ouyang Xiujie said with a serious expression.

“You don’t need to have too much psychological pressure. This will affect your performance. Even if you lose, you are not ashamed. He is an elder after all. But if you win, you can be impressive. The influence of this stepping stone It’s not small.” Shangguan smiled triumphantly. His plan was almost perfect. Ouyang Xiujie lost will not have any impact, but if Wang Mao lost, Ouyang Xiujie stepped on this stepping stone smoothly.

“Master, inside and outside the chessboard, your strategy is unmatched. I am really lucky to be your apprentice.” Ouyang Xiujie smiled.

“Don’t flatter, it’s serious to show that old guy a little color.”

Most of the members of the Go Association were present, because they knew that a heroic figure like Shangguan Black and White came to Basin City, and he would definitely visit the Go Association in person. They all wanted to see the real Shangguan Black and White, and many people regarded him as an idol. The idol is here, so naturally you can’t miss it.

However, no one besides Wang Mao knew that Shangguan Black and White came to him to play chess.

Not long after the appearance of Shangguan Black and White, the entire Go Association became agitated, men and women, young and old, all excited.

“Senior Shangguan, I didn’t expect it to be you.”

“Senior Shangguan came to Basin City this time, is there anything important to do? If it is useful to me. Please speak up.”

“Senior Shangguan really made our Basin City Go Association flourish. If you just give pointers, our chess skills will definitely improve a lot.”

Shangguan Black and White has long been accustomed to being touted, and a person of his level cannot be greeted by many people wherever he goes.

There was an official smile on his face. Walking up to Wang Mao, he said, “Can you give me some tips? It depends on the strength of your president.”

Wang Mao’s face was a little ugly. After losing for so many years, he was already shadowed when he faced Shangguan Black and White. The retreat in his heart made him lose without a fight.

“Senior Shangguan going to fight with the president?”

“It’s great. It’s a great honor for us to see Senior Shangguan playing chess with our own eyes.”

“President, without further ado, let’s start now.”

Seeing Shangguan playing black and white chess, these people have seen it, but it was in a TV game, most people did not come to the scene, this opportunity is precious for them, so everyone is very excited.

Wang Mao glanced at Thomas Tian. Didn’t this old guy say that George Han had agreed? How come George Han hasn’t come yet.

“Shangguan, in front of you, I’m really an axe in front of you.” Wang Mao said with a shame.

“You are too modest. Although you and I have played against each other, I have never lost, but you have brought me a lot of surprises. This shows that your strength is quite strong.” Shangguan Black and White smiled.

Standing behind Wang Mao, Xu Huan looked unconvinced. Although she knew that Shangguan black and white was very powerful, it was too arrogant to say such things. He had never lost. Isn’t this just a disguised saying that Master has never won?

“Grandpa Shangguan, you are so powerful, why didn’t you win the world championship?” Xu Huan said.

As soon as this was said, the expressions of all the people present changed drastically, because they all knew that although Shangguan Black and White had a high status, the biggest regret was that he lost in a world-class event. Although he only lost once, he never again. Participated, which shows that he is very taboo about this matter. And Xu Huan mentioned in public, didn’t he deliberately sprinkle salt on the wound?

“Hmph, my master doesn’t bother to participate. He never puts his personal reputation first, he just wants to make more contributions to China’s Go world. So he didn’t waste time on this matter.” Ouyang Xiujie Leng Said the voice.

In order to ease the atmosphere, the members all applauded after hearing this sentence and lamented Shangguan’s black and white righteousness.

What Xu Huan wanted to say was stopped by Wang Mao. The other party made it clear today that the person who came was unkind, and the extra verbal argument to the end might make them even more embarrassed.

“Wang Mao, don’t worry, it is not me who is playing today, but my apprentice.” Shangguan Black and White said.

Ouyang Xiujie clasped his fists and said, “I would also like to ask Grandpa Wang for his advice.”

Wang Mao frowned slightly, what did this old guy want to do, how could he let his apprentice play?

Soon Wang Mao figured out the other reasons, and couldn’t help feeling angry. This is the stepping stone to him!

“Grandpa Wang, you won’t be timid?” Ouyang Xiujie said defiantly.

At this time, Wang Mao finally saw George Han who was slowly entering the door, his brows stretched out, and he said: “I am an elder, and I will play against you. , How? If he loses, I will play against you again.”

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