His True Colors Novel Chapter 1255 – 1258

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Chapter 1255

The only way to survive is to have value for Nangong Boring, so when Nangong Boring said to let him go, Han Tianyang subconsciously felt that Nangong Boring would make some demands on him.

But to Han Tianyang’s surprise, Nangong Boring actually shook his head.

“With your ability, you can’t help me with anything.” Nangong Boring said very directly. For him, even if there is only a little value that is not squeezed, he will not send anyone to bring Han Tianyang to the center of the earth. Once a person enters the center of the earth, it means that Nangong Boring has completely given up.

Therefore, Han Tianyang, who had been to the center of the earth, was already a waste in Nangong Boring’s mind.

“Nangong Boring, have you begun to do good? I am in your hands, you don’t need to play tricks with me. After all, my life is life or death. You have the final say.” Han Tianyang said coldly, he I don’t know what medicine Nangong Boring actually sells in the gourd, but he doesn’t want to be played by Nangong Boring at will. As a chess piece, Han Tianyang was helpless back then, but this does not mean that he will accept Nangong Boring’s humiliation.

“If I said, I dare not kill you, do you believe it?” Nangong Boring asked with a smile.

Han Tianyang sneered, what identity Nangong Boring was, he knew very well, in this world, is there anyone he dared not kill?

“I don’t know what it means for you to say these things to me. If you want to humiliate me before death, I don’t think it is necessary. My role is not worth your time.” Han Tianyang said.

Nangong Bo Ling sighed, and he didn’t dare to say these two words from his mouth. It was a bit unconvincing, but the fact was that he didn’t dare to kill Han Tianyang, and he couldn’t use his previous high-level attitude. Treat Han Tianyang.

Now that George Han’s abilities have been placed in front of Nangong Boring, Nangong Boring is not questioning George Han’s identity, so he is very clear that he wants to understand the Apocalypse more clearly, and even enter the Apocalypse. Get help from George Han.

And when Han Tian was the grandfather of George Han, Nangong Boring naturally had to treat him equally.

In some respects, Han Tianyang’s chess piece played a key role, but the way it worked was something that Nangong Boring never expected.

“Believe it or not, this is the truth,” Nangong Boling said.

Han Tianyang frowned tightly. Nangong Boring didn’t seem to be joking, but why is it so? Why does he say this, and why does he do it?

There must be some reason for this, but Han Tianyang couldn’t guess what it was.

At this time, Han Tianyang suddenly found that the freighter was heading to a small island, as if it was about to dock.

Docking means that Nangong Boring might really let him go.

“If you don’t tell me the reason, I won’t get off the boat.” Han Tianyang gritted his teeth and said. He felt that this was really weird. If he didn’t know the reason, even if he got off the boat, he would be uneasy.

“All this has something to do with George Han. If you have any questions, go back and ask your grandson.” Nangong Boring said.

“George Han!” Han Tianyang looked at Nangong Boring in amazement. How could this matter be related to George Han?

Counting time, George Han is only fourteen years old this year. What role can he play in this matter?

“Nangong Boring, I don’t understand why George Han is involved in my affairs, he is just a child.” Han Tianyang asked.

“Child?” Nangong Boring looked at Han Tianyang with a questioning expression. In terms of age, he is indeed a child, but in terms of ability, he has surpassed 99% of adults in this world. The lower one percent, I am afraid that only the more powerful players of Apocalypse could be his opponents.

For this kind of speculation, Nangong Boring had already used the maximum, but he didn’t know that this one percent shouldn’t exist at all, and in fact it does not exist.

George Han’s strength can be called invincible in the world, invincible on earth!

“Yeah, isn’t he a child?” Han Tianyang said naturally.

“After you go back, you will naturally understand that when you see him, he is probably the most influential person in the entire Hillwood City, even… the person with the highest status.” Nangong Boling said.

Han Tianyang felt like he had heard a fantasy story.

Fourteen-year-old George Han can become the most influential person in Hillwood City, and even the highest status. How is this possible?

With the steps of the Han family, how could George Han have such a development.

More importantly, Han Tianyang knows Nangong Qianqiu’s attitude towards George Han. For Nangong Qianqiu, who only loves Han Jun, it is impossible for her to give George Han a chance to develop.

So Nangong Boring’s words are very untrue to Han Tianyang’s ears.

At this time, the cargo ship entered the port. This small island is a site dedicated to replenishing supplies in the center of the earth. It also shields all signals and cannot be detected by any satellite.

Just such a seemingly unremarkable desert island can cost Nangong Boring hundreds of millions of money, which is enough to show how amazing the financial resources Nangong Boring has spent in the geocentric project.

Going off the freighter with Nangong Boring, two helicopters are already waiting on the tarmac.

Nangong Boring said to Han Tianyang: “Tell George Han for me that I will wait for him at the Nangong family. Things from the Nangong family will definitely interest him and will not be disappointed.”

Han Tianyang took a deep breath. All of this still seemed like a dream, which was particularly unreal.

From the moment he stepped into the center of the earth, Han Tianyang thought he was dead. He had never imagined that one day he could leave alive.

And now, this unreal fantasy actually happened, and it was still related to his grandson George Han, which made Han Tianyang dreamlike.

Sitting in the helicopter, Han Tianyang looked serious. He racked his brains to guess how George Han did this, but he had no thoughts at all after being away from home for too long.

Moreover, the last sentence left by Nangong Boring fully explained that this matter was related to George Han.

“Did you really become so powerful in the past few years since I left? Even Nangong Boring will be jealous of you.” Han Tianyang said to himself, his tone still a little unbelievable, but anyway , He has left the center of the earth now, and there is still a chance to go home, this is a thing worthy of joy.

Chapter 1256

In the days of waiting for the finals of the Wuji Summit, George Han became so idiosyncratic. The three major families are now all camping with him. It can be said that things in the business world don’t need him to worry at all. It is foreseeable that Fengqian will eventually The development will inevitably surpass the three major families. It is only a matter of time. Therefore, there are really not many things that Hillwood City can make George Han take care of.

But an accident is happening quietly at this time.

The Yang family ushered in an unexpected guest. All the bodyguards fell to the ground groaning in pain, while Yang Wanlin looked flustered and at a loss.

Just when he was going to let someone call Yang Bin to solve the matter, Yang Bin took the initiative to show up.

Yang Bin was dissatisfied with this uninvited guest and beat all the subordinates in the family without saying a word. Although he was outstanding, but now with George Han as a backer, Yang Bin would not be afraid of this stranger.

“Who are you to come to my Yang family to make trouble?” Yang Bin asked coldly.

The other party was a middle-aged man who looked clean and refreshing, but his aura was very strong, and his face with a faint smile also exudes majesty.

“You are Yang Bin.” The man asked.

“It’s me.” Yang Bin admitted boldly.

“My name is Yuan Hai, a man of Tianqi.” Yuan Hai said.


These three words instantly made Yang Bin feel a strong impact. No wonder the opponent’s strength is so strong, and the attitude is so arrogant, it turns out that it is an apocalypse.

Since it is an apocalypse person, with such a big temper, that is understandable. After all, the apocalypse is higher than the dunya.

“Excuse me, why did you come to the Yang family?” Yang Bin asked cautiously. His dissatisfied attitude just now was instantly reduced by him. This is the reality. Meeting people who are better than himself, even the three big families Yang Bin of Yang Bin didn’t dare to be unscrupulous.

Yuan Hai smiled coldly and said: “I heard that you have a very good relationship with George Han, and George Han’s identity seems a bit unusual.”

Yang Bin frowned slightly, George Han, isn’t he also an Apocalypse? Why doesn’t the guy in front of me seem to know him at all?

This is a bit weird. Both are apocalyptic people and don’t know each other. This can only show one problem, that is, there must be someone lying between the two.

“Yes, he is also an Apocalypse, and his identity is naturally unusual.” Yang Bin said.

Yuan Hai looked at Yang Bin disdainfully, and said, “As the head of one of the three big families, it is ridiculous that you would believe that a little kid is an apocalypse.”

Hearing what this means, George Han Tianqi’s identity is fake?

Regarding this, Yang Bin also had doubts, but George Han’s strength was too strong. If he weren’t the Apocalypse, how could he explain his strong skill?

“Who is true and who is false, I can’t tell, how can I know that you are real?” Yang Bin doubted, this man inexplicably broke into the Yang family, said he was a man of Heaven, and said that George Han’s False, Yang Bin will naturally not believe it easily.

Moreover, his skill is great, but George Han is not necessarily so great, so who should be trusted, Yang Bin dare not make decisions so quickly.

“I have joined Tianqi for five full years. I have never heard of George Han’s name, and never knew that Tianqi has a 14-year-old. Do you think he can be real?” Yuan Hai said, as At the yellow character level, Yuan Hai only has the lowest status in Tiandi, but he can be sure that if Tianqi really has a fourteen-year-old genius, his reputation will inevitably spread to all levels of Tianqi, but he has never heard of George Han In the case of the number, it can be determined that George Han’s identity is fake.

In a sense, the current George Han does not have the identity of Apocalypse, after all, being a Tianzi-level powerhouse is already before rebirth.

“I’m just an ordinary person. I don’t know about Tianqi. I really don’t know who I should trust.” Yang Bin looked embarrassed.

“You can let him come and confront me, and I will let you know his false identity.” Yuan Hai said.

Yang Bin nodded. This is the best way. When confronted with each other, he will be able to figure out who the two are true and who is the false.

But before the results came out, Yang Bin could never doubt George Han, because the Yang family and George Han were close, and once there was a estrangement, it would be more than a loss for the Yang family.

“You call George Han, hoping that he can come home.” Yang Bin said to Yang Wanlin.

Yang Wanlin nodded and took out his mobile phone.

George Han is boringly chasing drama with Mary at home.

For these soap operas, George Han has no interest at all, but Mary watched them with gusto, and would discuss the plot with George Han.

The phone rang, as if it were salvation to George Han.

“Mom, watch it first, and I’ll answer the phone.” George Han finished speaking and quickly returned to the room.

“What’s wrong?” George Han asked Yang Wanlin after answering the phone.

“Old Han, are you free now, come to my house.” Yang Wanlin asked tentatively.

“No problem, wait for me.” After speaking, George Han hung up the phone without hesitation at all, because he is too far away from the chase of drama now.

Yang Wanlin on the other end of the phone was stunned. He didn’t expect George Han to agree so happily, and his tone was a little eager, as if he was rescued by the fire.

“Ancestor, he will come right away.” Yang Wanlin said to Yang Bin.

Yang Bin nodded and said to Yuan Hai, “Please wait a moment.”

Yuan Hai is a genuine Apocalypse, so he is not worried at all, and said to Yang Wanlin: “The Yang family casually believes that an unknown person pretends to be a Apocalypse. This will cause great reputation damage to Tianqi. After three thousand status, you understand what you should do.”

Tianqi has many yellow-character people in the world. Their task is to select people with potential in the world to join Tianqi. People like Yuan Hai usually use their special identities to make money, just like Zhuang Tanghe in the past. Gong Tian, ”‹”‹the master and the apprentice, act high in the world, and then use this authority to demand money from their goals.

The reason why Yuan Hai appeared in the Yang family was to use George Han’s incident as a breakthrough point to let the Yang family take the initiative to give him money. Otherwise, he would not come to do such a wasteful thing. To break through George Han, it can also be done in the finals of the Wuji Summit.

Yang Bin is a wise man, and he naturally understands what Yuan Hai’s remarks meant, so he nodded and said: “Don’t worry, if this matter is true, my Yang family is naturally willing to offer some thanks.”

Chapter 1257

While waiting for George Han, Yang Wanlin asked Yang Bin softly: “Ancestor, what do you think of this matter?”

When he heard this, Yang Wanlin looked at Yuan Hai subconsciously. The other party obviously came for money. Since he wanted money, then there must be a certain amount of capital, and this capital, except for his identity as a person of apocalypse Besides, Yang Wanlin could not think of other possibilities.

This also means that he is very likely to be a man of apocalypse, so he is qualified to expose George Han, but is George Han fake? Yang Wanlin was not sure, after all, George Han’s strength was too strong, and Yang Bin didn’t want George Han to be fake, because the Yang family needed George Han to possess such an identity.

“The worst result is that George Han’s identity is fake, and we, I’m afraid we will have to pay a lot of money.” Yang Bin said.

Yang Wanlin’s expression changed in an instant, and he paid a lot of money. This was a trivial matter, but George Han’s identity was fake. This had too much influence on the Yang family. They still want to rely on George Han’s identity. The Yang family started in Hillwood City and became the true first family.

“Ancestor, if he is fake, wouldn’t all our efforts be wasted?” Yang Wanlin said.

Yang Bin sighed. He understood Yang Wanlin’s worries, but now this matter is beyond their control. If George Han’s identity is true, they cannot reverse it.

“Certainly watch the changes.” Yang Bin said.

It didn’t take long before George Han arrived at Yang’s house.

When he saw Yang Bin and Yang Wanlin together, he felt that something was wrong, and the expressions of the two were obviously on their minds.

Moreover, there was an unfamiliar face at the scene, which further showed that it was not easy for Yang Wanlin to find him.

“Ancestor, it looks like you have guests.” George Han said with a smile.

“George Han, do you know what the cost of pretending to be the Apocalypse?” Yuan Hai said directly to George Han. Since he is here to reveal George Han’s identity, he doesn’t have to waste time.

George Han raised his eyebrows, and when he heard these words, he understood why Yang Wanlin had come to him.

It seems that this middle-aged person should be an apocalypse, and his purpose of appearing in the Yang family should be to reveal his identity.

If George Han doesn’t understand Apocalypse, he is indeed qualified to dismantle George Han, but George Han is a strong man at the Tianzi level. He knows everything about Apocalypse in his heart and wants to dismantle him, unless It was Yi Lao who appeared in person, otherwise no one could do it.

“This is?” George Han asked Yang Bin.

Yuan Hai stood up, looking like he didn’t need to introduce Yang Bin, and said to George Han: “I am a person from Apocalypse, you pretend to be a person from Apocalypse, and I will expose you, do you have anything else to say?”

George Han smiled faintly, and said, “Why do you say that you are a man of apocalypse, and why do you say that I am a fake?”

“George Han, do you know the consequences of impersonating a man of Apocalypse? You did well at the Wuji Summit, but to Apocalypse, you are more like an infancy baby. You don’t even have a chance to fight back against the real Apocalypse powerhouse.” Yuan Hai said proudly. He didn’t take George Han to heart, because he saw too much of the so-called secular masters, but these masters were very helpful to Apocalypse. In other words, it’s like ants.

“You should be a member of the Apocalypse Yellow Letter Rank, and only the Yellow Letter Rank members will wander the world. Your mission is to find more talents for the Heaven Enlightenment.” George Han said.

This sentence changed Yuan Hai’s expression greatly. As for the level of Apocalypse, only the real Apocalypse would know. Although there are many rumors of Apocalypse in the world, absolutely no one can know the four levels of Heaven, Earth, Xuan and Huang.

“As far as I know, you members of the yellow character level often find excuses to collect money for yourself. Wouldn’t you be one of them?” George Han continued, this statement was personally experienced in his capacity as Zhuang Tang When I first met Zhuang and Tang, the master and apprentice in the Nangong family, they also turned around and asked Nangong Boring to pay.

Why did Yuan Hai appear in the Yang family, and why did he want to expose himself again?

The only reason George Han could think of was that Yuan Hai wanted to use this incident to blackmail the Yang family.

Yuan Hai’s face became paler, George Han knew so many things, and his manner of speaking was more like an accusation from a superior to the subordinate.

“Do you know that using the reputation of Tianqi to earn money for yourself, if this is known by the people above, what will be the consequences for you?” George Han asked.

Yuan Hai showed a look of panic. He never expected George Han to say these things. It seemed that he was really a man of heaven, otherwise, it would be impossible to know these things.

“You…why do you know so much?” Yuan Hai asked with a cold sweat from his forehead. He vowed to believe that George Han’s identity was a pretend, but after George Han said this, he couldn’t I don’t doubt that I was wrong.

“Four doors and three halls, which door do you belong to?” George Han continued to ask.

Yuan Hai’s legs were weak and he knelt directly on the ground.

He even knew the four gates and three halls!

This… If it weren’t for the Apocalypse, how could he know so clearly?

Originally, Yang Bin and Yang Wanlin were a little worried about the identity of George Han, but after seeing Yuan Hai kneel down in fright, they couldn’t help but laugh.

Obviously, George Han’s identity is true. The reason why Yuan Hai didn’t know about George Han was simply because his rank was not enough.

“Ancestor, it seems that his status in Tianqi is not low.” Yang Wanlin said with a soft smile.

Yang Bin nodded in satisfaction, this was the result he most wanted to see.

“Are you from Yi Lao or He Qingfeng?” George Han continued.

At this moment, Yuan Hai’s heart was about to jump out. Yi Lao He Qingfeng, these are the two heads of the apocalypse. Knowing their names has already confirmed George Han’s identity.

“I’m a strong man at the Heavenly Word level, you dare to question me even if you are just a Huangzi level, and you want to use this matter to earn money for yourself, do you know it is wrong?


Yuan Hai’s ears sounded like spring thunder.

The four words of Tianzi-level powerhouse directly stunned Yuan Hai!

The reason why he doubted George Han’s identity was because he had never heard of the name George Han, but if George Han was a strong man at the Tianzi level, he would not have heard of it.

The Tianzi level powerhouse is the most mysterious group of people in the apocalypse. How can he be the lowest member of the yellow letter level know such high-level things?

Chapter 1258

Yuan Hai’s face was so ugly and ugly, every word of George Han had a huge impact on him, and he had even begun to doubt his life.

Yuan Hai couldn’t help thinking, what kind of person is in front of him, and how could he doubt the identity of such a person?

Tianzi-level powerhouses are already the top group of people in the apocalypse. He is only a yellow-word level, what is he?

At this time, Yuan Hai had no doubt about George Han. Although George Han still did not produce any evidence to prove his identity, his words had fully explained his identity. After all, he was not a man of apocalypse, but fundamental. It is impossible to know the internal affairs of Apocalypse in such detail.

“No matter who you are, I have the right to execute you on the spot, because you have violated Apocalypse’s regulations and used the Apocalypse to collect money privately. This crime is a capital crime.” George Han said.

Yuan Hai burst into tears.

Kneeling in front of George Han, constantly kowtow.

He was terrified!

Frightened at a loss.

He did not expect this incident to bring such results.

For Yuan Hai, joining the Apocalypse wasted a lot of effort, and now he got his wish in less than two years, and even committed such a crime. If this is held by George Han, all his previous efforts will be in vain, and even All his lives were lost.

“I know it was wrong, I know it was wrong.” Yuan Hai repeated this sentence over and over again, hoping that George Han could forgive him.

As early as when George Han met Master Zhuang Tang, he knew how bad the actions of these yellow-character members wandering in the world were. Since it happened to him this time, George Han would naturally not be merciless. Go to Yuan Hai.

This can be regarded as clearing the door for the apocalypse!

George Han walked towards Yuan Hai step by step.

Yuan Hai’s heartbeat increased and he almost jumped out.

Bang bang bang…

Yuan Hai kept kowtow, only hoping to stop George Han, and only hoped that George Han could let him go.

But George Han did not stop.

“This is the price you should pay. It is precisely because of a group of people like you that Apocalypse can’t recover its vitality.” George Han said coldly.



With a terrifying scream.

George Han abruptly interrupted Yuan Hai’s arm.

When Yang Bin and Yang Wanlin saw this scene not far away, their eyelids jumped.

This was the first time they saw such a cruel side of George Han. At this moment, George Han did not look like a fourteen-year-old child.

He kills decisively and is never merciless.

“Ancestor, Old Han is really a bit cruel.” Yang Wanlin said cautiously.

Yang Bin, who was once young, also had such a hot temper, so he didn’t think George Han was ruthless. After all, his identity was much higher than Yuan Hai, which was the price Yuan Hai should pay.

What qualifications does a low-level person have to blame and doubt a high-level person?

And after listening to what George Han said just now and Yuan Hai’s reaction, George Han is probably a member of the top level inside Tianqi.

“George Han’s status is supreme, and Yuan Hai deserves this end.” Yang Bin said.

Hearing the words Supremacy, Yang Wanlin showed a smile on his face. Now in Hillwood City, the Yang family has the best relationship with George Han. If George Han has a very high status in Tianqi, then the Yang family The future can be expected.

Yang Wanlin couldn’t help thinking, maybe when the Yang family fell into his hands, he would have become the first family of Hillwood City. At that time, he was truly the first person in the Hillwood City business community.

“Ancestor, you didn’t think of this. I have worked hard during this period of time. It is really worth it.” Yang Wanlin said with a smile, and did not forget to fight for the credit in front of Yang Bin. After all, during this time, he was the only one to satisfy Han Three thousand various conditions.

Yang Bin took a deep breath, his face was not pretty.

“Ancestor, what’s the matter with you, Lao Han has a great identity, are you unhappy?” Yang Wanlin asked curiously.

A faint smile of helplessness appeared at the corner of Yang Bin’s mouth, and said, “How can I be unhappy, but I’m afraid this incident today might cause George Han’s estrangement!”

“Gap?” Yang Wanlin asked puzzledly: “Why, isn’t it all right?”

Yang Bin shook his head and was too lazy to explain that Yang Wanlin was still too young to understand the nature of the incident.

Although the cause of this incident was Yuan Hai’s doubts about George Han’s identity, but from the moment Yang Wanlin called George Han, didn’t the Yang family also show their doubts about George Han? If George Han could think of this, he might not have a good impression of the Yang family.

Now Yang Bin can only pray that George Han’s thoughts will be immature and will not think too deeply about this matter. Only in this way can the estrangement between George Han and the Yang family be avoided.

Seeing Yang Bin not speaking, Yang Wanlin shook his head straight, wondering what Yang Bin was pretending to, but in his opinion, this is great news for the Yang family, as long as he can sustain himself and George Han. The relationship between the Yang family and the Yang family must be the pinnacle of the business world.

At this time, Yuan Hai, who was in pain and sweat, was still kowtow to George Han, his forehead had even bleeding, but he still didn’t stop.

The broken arm is a punishment, and Yuan Hai is even more afraid that George Han will end his life.

“From now on, don’t let me see you again.” George Han said coldly.

Yuan Hai was stunned for a moment, relieved, and quickly said, “Thank you for not killing.”

After saying this, Yuan Hai ran away rolling, not daring to linger any more.

The ending of this matter ended in a way that no one had expected.

When Yang Wanlin was about to get close to George Han’s set of thousands, George Han’s expression was cold, and he didn’t mean to relieve himself at all. This made Yang Wanlin feel a little confused and did not dare to step forward.

George Han sat straight at the tea table.

Just as Yang Wanlin was about to pour George Han tea, Yang Bin grabbed him, and then personally came forward and poured a cup for George Han.

“George Han, we are also helpless with this matter today.” Yang Bin said cautiously.

Yang Wanlin was at a loss as to how he looked at the ancestor’s tone, as if he was apologizing. Could it be that he didn’t see what happened just now?

George Han picked up the teacup, took a sip, then poured the whole cup of tea on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Yang Bin brows straight, an ominous premonition instantly enveloped his whole body.

“It looks like the tea from the Yang family doesn’t suit me anymore. It’s really awful.” George Han said with disgust.

When Yang Bin heard this, his face instantly turned pale.

But Yang Wanlin, who didn’t understand anything yet, said, “Old Han, if you don’t like this one, I’ll change it for you.”

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