His True Colors Novel Chapter 123 – 126

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Chapter 123

The old lady looked at Harry Su with a sullen face, and said: “If you hadn’t done anything, the position of chairman would have been given to you. You can become chairman because the Su family has only you, a grandson, otherwise. If you do, the chairman will never be you.”

This sentence can be said to be worthless for Harry Su. This caused him to have a strong hatred for the old lady in his heart.

“Grandma, are you going to watch Amelia Su’s position in the company getting higher and higher?” Harry Su gritted his teeth and said.

“I have my own way to deal with her. If you want to get the status of chairman as soon as possible, you can improve your ability, otherwise, you can only wait for the day when I close my eyes.” said the old lady.

Close your eyes!

Well, I’ll wait until the day you close your eyes.

After Harry Su left the Villa, he was overwhelmed with murderous intent. Since only you are dead can I sit as chairman. Then you go to die!

At the Mountainside Villa, Lily Jiang persuaded in Amelia Su’s room. The old lady only gave three days. If they couldn’t do what the old lady asked for, they would be sad in Su’s house.

“Why don’t you think about it for yourself, even if you are now the person in charge of the Chengxi project, but the old lady wants to vacate your rights, there are many ways. Why do you want to delay your own future for a waste of money.” Amelia Su made Lily Jiang a very headache. The good things that should be said have been said, but Amelia Su just didn’t want to.

“Our family is relying on you to support, if the old lady targets you. What else will you use to support us in the future, and the mountainside Villa costs hundreds of thousands a year. Can you still count on him?”

“My good day with your dad has just begun. Is it worth it that you are taking an adventure for an outsider now?”

Amelia Su’s face was as sinking as water. Why should she ask George Han for such a shameless thing.

She did not expect that grandma would come to the house unexpectedly, and she also made such an excessive offer.

“Mom, I’m not so thick-skinned.” Amelia Su said.

“Is it time to care about face? And you let him do things, of course, he has been eating and drinking for free in our house for three years, so what if I help you a little bit now.” Lily Jiang dismissed.

Three years of eating and drinking for nothing?

Lily Jiang can also say such a ridiculous thing.

Not to mention those things that George Han helped Amelia Su, after all, she didn’t know, but the value of this Villa couldn’t be more than George Han’s three years of eating and drinking in Su’s house?

The most humble person is invincible, this sentence is on Lily Jiang. Reflected vividly.

“Mom, don’t forget, who bought the place you live now.” Amelia Su said.

“Stupid girl, now the head of the household is you. It doesn’t matter who bought it, this house already belongs to you.” Lily Jiang looked at Amelia Su confidently with a big smile on her face. She felt that she was really smart. Asking George Han to transfer the house to Amelia Su early, this kind of wise decision, besides her, can anyone else think of it.

“Mom, you can’t be so skinless and faceless.” Amelia Su said.

“What does it mean to have no skin and no face, people do not want to die for themselves, and in this society, who is not trying to make oneself live better, I am nothing.” Lily Jiang said.

Amelia Su sighed, and it was impossible to reason with Lily Jiang, because her selfishness had reached the extreme.

“What are you doing in a daze? Go to George Han, your grandma has already spoken about this. You should be very clear about your grandma’s temper.” Lily Jiang reminded.

Amelia Su knows what kind of person the old lady is. If she really can’t do this, she will definitely be blocked in the company in the future. Although she will not deprive her of her identity, it is inevitable to weaken her rights.

“Let me think about it again.” Amelia Su said.

Lily Jiang looked at the time, it was almost time to take care of the skin, and said: “Okay, you should think carefully, I’m going back to the room for skin care.”

After Lily Jiang left, Amelia Su lay in bed without sleep.

George Han has helped her a lot. Without George Han, it would be impossible for the Su family to win the Chengxi project. Almost everything in the Su family was done by George Han.

If it were changed, Amelia Su might not have been so difficult to tell, but after the Jinqiao City incident, she and George Han were separated, and now Tian Linger had to send the car away. Amelia Su was even more reluctant to face George Han.

Why can’t it be explained clearly? Even if there is something unspeakable, we are a husband and wife, why can’t we tell me?

Amelia Su also thought about forgetting these things and reconciling with George Han. But she couldn’t do it, because it was very difficult for her to take a compromise step, maybe… she was also used to George Han’s tolerance.

“Why do you know Thomas Tian? How many things you haven’t told me.” Amelia Su said to herself, her emotions becoming more and more complicated. Because she felt that George Han had concealed a lot from herself, this kind of mistrust caused her to reject George Han more and more.

But for some things, George Han really couldn’t tell Amelia Su right now, because she simply couldn’t accept it.

In the other room, George Han couldn’t sleep either. Thinking of the weird phone call from Mary today, his mind was confused.

Why would Nangong Qianqiu allow him to return to Hillwood City?

Since George Han was twelve years old, all Hillwood City’s senior gatherings. Nangong Qianqiu will only bring Han Jun to attend, so although the outside world knows that there are two sons in the Han family, only Han Jun is really admitted. Even because George Han has not shown up for a long time, there are rumors that he has died of serious illness. .

More than three years ago, Nangong Qianqiu asked George Han to secretly send George Han to Basin City. Since then, he has ordered George Han to never return to Hillwood City and never reveal that he is from the Han family.

Since it is so determined. Why is there a sudden change in attitude?

“If you really want to do this, don’t blame me for not thinking about this dispensable blood relationship.” George Han’s voice was full of coldness, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

As early as when he received the call, he thought of a very ridiculous possibility, and because of this possibility, he would say that to Mo Yang.

The next day, when George Han got up to the restaurant for breakfast, he saw Amelia Su.

he knows. This is not a coincidence, but Amelia Su deliberately waited for him.

“Grandma asks you to let me go to Thomas Tian and help the Su family say something nice?” George Han asked.

Amelia Su did not speak, nor did he respond.

George Han raised his eyebrows. It seems that you guessed well, otherwise Amelia Su would at least shake her head and deny it.

“You only need to nod your head and I can do this, but whether Thomas Tian can see the Su family in his eyes. It’s not for me to decide.” George Han continued.

Amelia Su hesitated for a moment, but nodded most seriously.

George Han had no complaints, and couldn’t feel dissatisfied with Amelia Su, and said, “Do you think it is my fault for Harry Su to kneel down?”

Amelia Su finished her last mouthful of porridge, got up and left, without saying a word during the whole process.

George Han sighed and smiled bitterly.

He Ting has noticed that the atmosphere between the two is a little different these days. Although quarrels between husband and wife are common, quarrels at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed are very troublesome.

“Three thousand, Aunt He tells you from the experience of people who get along, two husbands and wives must not have an overnight feud, no matter whether you are wrong or not, as a man, it is a big deal to bow your head and admit a mistake.” He Ting said.

It is not a problem for George Han to bow his head and admit his mistake, but there are some things that Amelia Su wants to explain, and he just can’t explain it, which is very helpless.

“Aunt He, if your husband went to Jinqiao City, he said he didn’t mess around, do you believe it?” George Han said.

He Ting looked at George Han in shock, and said, “Did you go to Jinqiao City?”

George Han nodded with a wry smile.

“How can you go to that kind of place where there is no difference? Tell me about you, your wife is so beautiful, why are you going to provoke those women.” He Ting said silently, no wonder the trouble is so serious, George Han unexpectedly Cheated, and still go to find the lady!

“Aunt He, although I went to Jinqiao City, I really didn’t do anything, just to do things.” George Han explained weakly.

He Ting knew that George Han was a good person, but she was still a little unbelievable when she went to Jinqiao City and did nothing.

Chapter 124


Tian Linger sat in the living room with her slender and white legs crossed, and she looked sad.

She wanted to ask George Han very much, but could not think of a suitable reason. The so-called reservedness, this eldest lady of Tianjia really wanted to throw her mind on the ground.

Listening to Tian Linger sighing, Thomas Tian walked to his side with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: “What trouble is our family Linger having. Tell me and let Grandpa help you solve it.”

Tian Linger looked at Thomas Tian coquettishly, and said pitifully and helplessly: “Grandpa, are you still looking for George Han to play chess today?”

Thomas Tian was very interested in chess in the past. If anyone tells him to play chess, the wind and rain will stop him, and the lightning and thunder will not be able to stop him. But when it comes to George Han, the old man has no interest.

It was a terrible loss. As a result, he has no interest in playing chess at all, but is looking forward to watching George Han play chess.

“Your grandfather, I only have pants left when I lose, so don’t torture me.” Thomas Tian smiled bitterly.

Tian Linger mumbled a little cherry mouth, and said dissatisfied: “Aren’t you very good? You surrendered so quickly?”

“Otherwise, what else can be done? Even Wang Mao can win this little pervert. Grandpa, I am convinced that I lose, and I dare not look for abuse again.” Thomas Tian sighed, not embarrassing losing chess. After all, Wang Mao was with him, and even the president of the Basin City Go Association lost. How could Thomas Tian dare to be tough.

“Hey.” Tian Linger sighed again, grandpa didn’t play chess. She really couldn’t find a reason for George.

At this moment, Tian Linger’s cell phone rang, and the weak Tian Linger took out the cell phone, and was stunned for an instant. Three seconds later, he was as excited as he was beaten with blood and danced.

The caller ID showed three characters Xiaobaima, which is the nickname Tian Linger gave to George Han.

“Grandpa, he actually took the initiative to call me.” Tian Linger was so excited that she couldn’t restrain herself, stamped her feet on the spot, flushed with excitement.

Seeing this situation, Thomas Tian smiled on his face, but in fact he was very worried.

He warned Tian Linger not to use too much affection, but now it seems that Tian Linger completely ignores what he said.

But Thomas Tian can also understand the entire Cloud City. In addition to George Han’s not very good reputation, it is almost impossible to find a second person as good as him.

“I won’t answer yet. If he hangs up later, I’ll see what you do.” Thomas Tian reminded.

“Yes, yes.” Tian Linger calmed down instantly, took a deep breath, and pressed the answer button.

“What are you looking for Miss Ben?” Tian Linger was sitting on the sofa, pretending to be cold.

“Is the old man at home? I want to find him.” George Han said.

Tian Linger suddenly showed dissatisfaction, this guy called, and he was not looking for her, but for grandpa!

But if he can come to the house, it is considered a meeting.

“Hmph, who do you think you are, is my grandfather the one you can see if you want?” Tian Linger said arrogantly.

“Just forget it if you’re not here.”

Hearing this, Tian Linger was afraid that George Han would hang up, and said quickly: “Yes, my grandpa is here, when will you come.”

George Han on the other end of the phone couldn’t laugh or cry. This eldest lady, the princess of Heaven was too funny.

Not only George Han finds it funny, Thomas Tian is also dumbfounded.

“Okay. I’ll come right away.” George Han said.

After hanging up the phone, Tian Linger found that Thomas Tian was looking at him smiling, knowing that he was too excited just now, and raised his fist to threaten Thomas Tian: “Grandpa, I warn you, if you tell other people about this, I Tear out your beard.”

The old man held his chin silently, obviously very scared, and quickly said: “How can grandpa do such immoral things? Don’t worry, I will help you keep a secret.”

Since childhood, Tian Linger’s method of torturing Thomas Tian is to pluck his beard. This incident is almost a shadow that Thomas Tian can’t shake off. That kind of pain can make the scalp numb.

However, the only one who dared to do this in the entire heavenly family was the princess.

Not long after, George Han arrived at Heaven’s House.

Tian Linger personally greeted George Han at the door, and her mood improved inexplicably when she saw George Han, but she still showed a cold look in front of George Han.

“What are you looking for my grandfather for?” Tian Linger asked, sticking in his waist.

George Han found out that Tian Linger was standing outside with bare feet. Fortunately, it was morning. Lieyang hadn’t baked the earth yet, otherwise she could just stand on her feet for a while and then she would be able to apply cumin.

“Miss, can’t you even afford shoes?” George Han said with a smile.

“Yes, do you want to give me away?” Tian Linger said frankly.

George Han shrugged. Said: “All you wear are famous brands, I can’t afford to give them away.”

“Chee, do you think Miss Ben is that kind of person? Well, I gave you a car. You gave me a pair of shoes, right?” Tian Linger said.

“Okay, it’s so decided.”

After Tian Linger finished speaking, she ran back home and finally found another chance, but in order to avoid George Han’s rejection, she didn’t even give her the opportunity to refuse.

George Han smiled helplessly, the princess had a good temper. But sometimes it seems a little overbearing.

In the living room, Thomas Tian was making tea and beckoned to George Han.

The old man is very particular about tea, and he also has high requirements for tea. After pouring a cup for George Han, George Han ate it all.

“How does it taste?” Thomas Tian asked.

“Quiet your thirst.” George Han didn’t know much about tea matters, so naturally he didn’t dare to make trouble in front of people like Thomas Tian.

Thomas Tian glared at him, and said: “Breaking the heavens. You’d better drink boiled water.”

“Ahem, how do you talk to Master.” George Han said with a stern face.

Thomas Tian was like a balloon, but it was too late to regret it, so he poured another glass for George Han.

George Han came to see Thomas Tian today and asked him, so he just pretended not to be serious with Thomas Tian. He couldn’t do the shamelessness of Lily Jiang.

“Father, come to see you today, there is something I want to ask you to help.” George Han said.

Thomas Tian couldn’t help but smile when he heard this sentence. Asked: “It’s not related to the Su family, right?”

Thomas Tian has lived for so many decades, and he has already figured it out well, so he can guess that George Han is not surprised. Said: “The Su family hopes to get your approval, can you help me?”

“It’s not impossible to help, but the current Su family, to be honest, can’t get into my eyes.” Thomas Tian said, this is a fact, and now Tian Linger has clearly shown an attitude of liking George Han, and his heart is not Willing to help the Su family.

The word approval is very simple, but with his approval, the Su family can get too many benefits in Basin City, and Thomas Tian has no reason to help his granddaughter’s enemy.

George Han recognized this statement and nodded.

The Su family thinks that the West City Project can improve its position in Cloud City, and indeed there will be an improvement in this respect, but for the ceiling of the Cloud City of Tian Family, it is still insignificant.

The Heavenly Family is involved in the various industries of Cloud City. Although it does not monopolize the entire Cloud City, at least half of the economy is driven by the Heavenly Family. How can this huge influence be caused by the little troubles of the Su Family? Will Thomas Tian see it?

At this time, Tian Linger, who deliberately returned to the room and changed his clothes, went to the living room again, spraying on a light fragrance of perfume.

“Master, is there any other way?” After George Han glanced at the pure and lovely Tian Linger, he turned his head and asked Thomas Tian.

“It’s not without it, the Tianjia has a lot of industry chains, and you can find one to cooperate with the Su family. This can be considered as a face for the Su family.” Thomas Tian said.

There is no personal recognition of Thomas Tian, but you can cooperate with the Tianjia. This can be regarded as a disguised help to the Su Family. After all, being qualified to cooperate with the Tianjia is a way to prove your value.

“Father, this matter is up to you, if you want me to do anything in the future, it is my duty.” George Han said.

Thomas Tian smiled, waiting for George Han’s words, otherwise it would be a waste of help.

“Okay, I remember your words, and owe me a favor.” Thomas Tian said.

Chapter 125

Using an excuse, George Han had no time to go shopping with Tian Linger today and escaped temporarily, but Tian Linger also said that this must be done within three days, so George Han reluctantly agreed. Come down.

After George Han left, Tian Linger’s excitement passed, like an eggplant beaten by cream. Slumped on the sofa, his spirit was hollowed out.

“If there is really nothing to do, you can go to Su’s house to play.” Thomas Tian said with a smile.

“What are you going to do at Su’s house? I won’t go.” Tian Linger used to have a lot of activities, go shopping with her girlfriends, as long as she didn’t go to class, she usually had a good time, but recently. Since seeing George Han’s greatness and knowing that he is still the little piano prince, Tian Linger has no interest in these things at all.

“Go to the Su family and let them know that the reason why the Heavenly Family will help the Su family is because of George Han’s relationship, and let them know how powerful George Han is.” Thomas Tian said.

“No.” Tian Linger resolutely refused: “If you let them know that George Han is great, the Su family will not be able to indulge him. I won’t have a chance in the future. Grandpa, are you confused, how can you tell me? Such a bad idea.”

“Silly girl, let them know that George Han is good because of the heavenly family.” Thomas Tian said with a smile.

Tian Linger felt that Thomas Tian must have some ideas, and curiously asked: “Grandpa. Do you have any plans?”

“I can’t tell you yet. With your uncomfortable temper, you just need to do what your grandpa said. Can I harm you?” Thomas Tian said.

Tian Linger nodded. Grandpa definitely couldn’t harm her. This is undoubted. Anyway, there is nothing to do when I am idle. Just follow my grandpa’s plan.

“Grandpa, then I’m going.”

Tian Linger drove the car alone and headed towards the Su family Villa.

At the Su’s Villa, the old lady was discussing with her assistant in the living room how to train Harry Su, because she could see that Harry Su couldn’t wait to take the position of chairman, and the old lady also wanted to give him this burden, but With his current ability, it is really difficult to entrust important tasks.

When Linger appeared that day. The old lady stood up with a puzzled face. How could this lady of the Heavenly Family suddenly come to the house? Wouldn’t she still refuse to let Harry Su go?

Although she was dissatisfied, the old lady still didn’t dare to show the slightest expression to this princess.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹what wind brought you to our house.” The old lady said to Tian Linger with a smile on her face.

“Shameless wind, and the wind is quite strong.” Tian Linger said.

This is obviously burying people in secret, but the old lady wonders where this so-called shameless wind comes from.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹what do you mean by this, I don’t quite understand.” The old lady said.

“Early this morning, George Han went to my grandfather, hoping that my grandfather would recognize the Su family. You said it was shameless enough. If it weren’t for you, would George Han go to my grandfather? A small family like the Su family, I actually want to get my grandfather’s approval, so foolishly dreaming.” Tian Linger looked at the old lady disdainfully.

The old lady’s face sank, George Han went to Heaven? Could it be that he deliberately asked Tian Linger to trouble her?

This is useless. To find a little girl to help him out.

“By the way, George Han didn’t know that I came to the Su family. I just wanted to tell you that no matter how he begged my grandfather, the Su family would not be recognized by his grandfather, because you…the level is too low, even if there is a Chengxi project, Grandpa didn’t look at it either.” Tian Linger said.

Tianjia’s industrial chain in Basin City is very rich, involving almost all walks of life. The old lady herself knows how difficult it is to get Thomas Tian’s approval. She only relies on the relationship between George Han and Thomas Tian. , So I asked George Han to give it a try.

Now it seems. That wasteful waste in Thomas Tian’s heart was not so high, and it also caused Tian Linger to come and humiliate her.

If I knew it earlier, I shouldn’t let that useless face come out.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹since Mr. Tian is unwilling, why are you looking for me? Is it just to humiliate me?” the old lady said displeased.

“Didn’t you just say it? The shameless wind was so strong that it blew me here. I didn’t want to come voluntarily either.” Tian Linger said with an innocent look.

The old lady was so angry that she almost vomited blood. She gritted her teeth and said, “Miss Tian, ”‹”‹if there is nothing else, you can go home. I am old and need to rest.”

“I’m going to rest? It won’t be a long time.” Tian Linger said with a smile.

“You…” The old lady was so angry that her scalp burst, her hand trembling at Tian Linger.

Tian Linger is not a villain, these words. They were all learned from TV dramas. Seeing the old lady getting so angry, she felt softened and said: “Old lady, I came today to tell you one thing. George Han is because of a genius. Great, it has nothing to do with him.”

“He is a trash. I have known each other for more than three years, so I don’t need your reminder.” The old lady gritted her teeth.

“That’s good. Although my grandfather won’t recognize the Su family, but in view of George Han’s face, he also gave the Su family a chance. He promised to choose one of our heaven’s industrial chains to cooperate with the Su family. You should It’s an honor.” Tian Linger said.

The old lady’s anger was instantly smoothed by these words. The Tian Family is willing to cooperate with the Su Family?

Although not personally recognized by Thomas Tian, it was also an opportunity for the Su family.

In the entire Cloud City, those who can cooperate with Tianjia are all first-line families, which means that the Su family can be among the first-line families of Basin City through this cooperation, and there is also the blessing of the city west project. This is the ironclad thing.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹is what you said is true?” the old lady asked excitedly.

Feeling the emotional change of the old lady, Tian Linger was despised in her heart, and she just wished to kick her out. She changed her face so quickly, she was indeed an extremely powerful old woman.

“I ran all the way, am I still kidding you?” Tian Linger said.

“Thank you Miss Tian, ”‹”‹thank you Miss Tian specially for telling me this good news. By the way, thank you Father Tian Family. The Su Family will definitely seize this opportunity and will never let him down.” The old lady and Thomas Tian are at a different age. Not big, but the status is worlds apart, so her attitude towards Thomas Tian is extremely respectful.

Tian Linger didn’t mention George Han again, to avoid the old lady from assigning credit to George Han.

In fact, she doesn’t need to worry about this aspect at all, because the old lady is unlikely to have such thoughts. In her opinion, it is natural for George Han to do these things and treat them as making up for the infamy of the Su family over the past three years. You might be grateful to George Han for this incident.

After Tian Linger left, the old lady sat on the sofa so excited that she was too excited. Just now she was still discussing with her assistant how to improve Harry Su’s ability, but she didn’t expect the opportunity to come so soon.

Amelia Su is now in charge of the Chengxi project, which has weakened Harry Su’s position in the company, but if the cooperation with Tianjia is handed over to Harry Su, then he can definitely regain his prestige in the company.

“Chairman, do you want to entrust the cooperation of the Heavenly Family to Harry Su?” the assistant asked, seeing the old lady’s thoughts.

“I know you are worried about making mistakes, but now it is indeed an opportunity for him, and since he is such a big person, he should also understand what he wants to do, and cooperation with Heaven is very important. I still believe him. “The old lady said.

The assistant hesitated to speak, but he didn’t say what he said, because in his opinion, it is safest to leave this matter to Amelia Su. The Chengxi Project and Tianjia cooperate, once these two things can be done perfectly Then, the Su family will definitely become a first-line family in Basin City.

But he knew that the old lady was absolutely impossible to do so, because she would not give Amelia Su the position of chairman of the Su family.

“Call Harry and ask him to come back immediately. I want to tell him about this.” The old lady said.

Harry Su was in the company at the moment, and a crazy idea was spreading in his mind. When he received a call and knew that the old lady had asked him to go to the Villa, Harry Su felt that his opportunity had come. He went to the drugstore before driving. Toward the Su family Villa.

Chapter 126

After arriving at the Villa, the old lady couldn’t wait to tell Harry Su about the cooperation with Tianjia. If he had been in the past, Harry Su would have been very excited, because he could get this project, he would have the capital to fight against Amelia Su, but now , He was not satisfied with any position under the chairman.

Only to become chairman. He was able to drive Amelia Su out of the Su family and then retaliate against George Han.

As the saying goes, Harry Su has been beaten three times by George Han. Such humiliation is definitely not acceptable to him.

But on the surface, Harry Su was still grateful and excited.

“Grandma, thank you for believing in me. Don’t worry, I will do this thing well. I will never let you down.” Harry Su said.

The old lady looked pleased and said: “I hope you can make progress in this matter. If you can do this matter well, I will give you the position of chairman.”

Can do it well?

I can’t wait that long.

Harry Su concealed a fierce look in his eyes, and said, “Grandma is thirsty, I’ll pour you some water.”

The old lady nodded. It is not unreasonable that she likes this grandson, because he knows how to please the elderly.

Harry Su walked to the old lady with a glass of warm water. The old lady was indeed thirsty and drank most of it in one sip.

It was another family-in-law of the parents-in-law, and the old lady felt a little sleepy after sending away Harry Su. Go back to the room to sleep.

After Harry Su left the Villa, he returned to the car, his hands shaking uncontrollably.

“What you are afraid of, do everything you do. You are about to become the chairman of the board. What else is there to be afraid of!” Harry Su cheered himself up. When he poured the water just now, he added some ingredients, no accident If you do, the old lady will die tonight.

This is the idea that Harry Su was born after being beaten by George Han and he didn’t want to be the chairman of the board in the hands of the old lady, because only in this way can he become the chairman of Su’s company in the fastest time.

Taking a deep breath, Harry Su stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

George Han did not pick up Amelia Su from get off work recently, because he thought it was appropriate to alienate and calm down. Perhaps the matter of Jinqiao City can be slowly forgotten over time.

While eating at home in the evening, Wilson Su received a call, and immediately turned pale, Amelia Su and others were unknown, so Lily Jiang directly grabbed Wilson Su’s ear.

“Wilson Su, you didn’t raise a mistress outside of bread, she is pregnant, right?” Lily Jiang said angrily.

George Han has seen Lily Jiang’s innocent brain circuit countless times a long time ago. This woman is very nervous, but fortunately Wilson Su’s endurance is very strong, otherwise the two might have divorced long ago.

Wilson Su pulled away Lily Jiang’s hand, his expression in a daze.

“You are talking, is it a call from a mean woman?” Lily Jiang asked.

“What bitch woman, where’s the bitch woman, do I have the money to raise the mistress?” Wilson Su shouted at Lily Jiang angrily.

Lily Jiang has never seen Wilson Su daring to have such a big temper with her, and Wilson Su’s performance makes Lily Jiang think he is a guilty conscience.

“You dare to brutalize me, Wilson Su, are you crazy?” Lily Jiang waved his hand and slapped Wilson Su on the face.

Seeing that the signs of the two were wrong, Amelia Su hurriedly asked: “Dad. What happened, please tell me quickly.”

Wilson Su’s throat squirmed, then he said, “Your grandma, dead!”

There was silence in the Villa, and even “outsiders” like George Han who didn’t care about the life and death of the old woman were very surprised.

Her body is very tough, how could she suddenly die!

“You…you said, mom is dead?” Lily Jiang stammered.

Wilson Su nodded his head like dead gray. Although the old lady treated him badly, it was his biological mother after all. It is inevitable that a person is dead and sad.

The same is true for Amelia Su, even if she is looked down upon by the old lady. But the unexpected news made her a little unacceptable.

“How can it be so sudden, so good, how can it die?” Amelia Su asked incredulously.

“I’m not quite sure, go, and go back to the Su family Villa.” Wilson Su stood up and said.

The family left in a hurry, the food on a table has not moved a few times.

Before leaving, Lily Jiang said to He Ting: “These meals are even cheaper for you today.”

When they arrived at the Su family Villa, all the relatives of the Su family had arrived.

The old lady’s room. Harry Su and Su Yihan knelt by the bed, crying dimly, Harry Su’s heartbroken expression with tears and noses made people unable to see the slightest flaw.

Amelia Su was a little moved when she saw this scene. Nose is sore.

Suddenly, Harry Su walked up to George Han aggressively, and said angrily: “It’s all you, you killed grandma.”

George Han frowned. Some small things made him take the blame, he could endure without rebutting, but if the old lady died such a big thing, if Harry Su were to put the blame on him, he would never accept it.

“What does grandma’s death have to do with me? How could it be caused by me.” George Han said coldly.

“If it weren’t for you, how could Tian Linger come to our house? Grandma is just tired today. She said she wanted to rest, and she cursed her for not having done her work, so who else could it be?” Harry Su said.

Tian Linger!

How could she come to Su’s house?

George Han had a calm face, but even if she had been to Su’s house, the old lady’s death could not have anything to do with her.

Tian Linger is only an 18-year-old girl this year, how could she have the courage to kill.

Tian Linger came to Su’s house, and it was the old lady’s assistant who told Harry Su about the incident. When Harry Su heard the news, he planned to buckle the shit on Tian Linger’s head. Only in this way can he not be suspected. After all, he came to see the old lady today and can be regarded as a suspect. .

“George Han, what’s the matter?” Amelia Su asked George Han coldly.

George Han looked helpless and said, “I went to Thomas Tian today. Although he would not recognize the Su family, he agreed to find a cooperation with the Su family in the Tianjia industry chain. Tianlinger came to Su. Home, I should have told grandma about this.”

At this time, the assistant said timely: “Miss Tian did say this thing.”

“The Heavenly Family would be so kind to help the Su Family? I think you can’t understand Grandma, that’s why you let Tian Linger be cruel. George Han, I didn’t expect you to be so cruel and cruel, and grandma wouldn’t let it go at any age. Pass him.” Harry Su can’t let Tian Linger clear the suspicion, this pot. George Han and Tian Linger must be carried on their backs.

“Really? Since you are so sure, call the police.” George Han said coldly.

Hearing the word alarm, Harry Su’s heart trembled. If the official intervened in this matter, he would definitely show his feet after a thorough investigation.

“The Heavenly Family is so powerful in Basin City, what’s the point of calling the police? Not only did you let Tian Linger harm your grandma, but you also want to harm our Su Family?” Harry Su said.

“How did I harm the Su family?” George Han looked at Harry Su coldly.

“If no evidence can be found, the Tian Family can use the excuse of slandering Tian Linger against the Su Family? Isn’t this harming the Su Family?” Harry Su said.

Other relatives also agreed with Harry Su’s statement, staring at George Han with a vicious look.

“George Han, get out, this is not a place for you to stay.”

“Yes, you outsider, hurry up and don’t show up in Su’s Villa in the future.”

“Grandma’s death must have something to do with you, and the Su family will not recognize your identity in the future.”

The relatives cursed, George Han stared at Harry Su, his rhetoric was like a well-planned story, and it was impossible to say that the death of grandma had something to do with him.

But in the whole family, no one believed what George Han said, so his suspicions were meaningless.

After driving George Han out of the room, Harry Su said to other relatives: “Grandma’s death is related to Tian Linger. This matter cannot be revealed. We can only treat as grandma as a normal death.”

“How can this be done? It’s illegal to kill. Do you want Tian Linger and George Han to get away with it?” Su Yihan said.

“The Su family is not yet qualified to deal with the Tianjia, but under my leadership, it will definitely surpass the Tianjia in the future, and we can take advantage of this cooperation with the Tianjia to slowly find evidence of Tian Linger’s crimes. Don’t worry. I will avenge my grandma.”

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