His True Colors Novel Chapter 1207 – 1210

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Chapter 1207

The fiery pain on his face let Mo Yu know that this time Mo Yanshang was really angry.

Since childhood, Mo Yu has been dominated by Mo Yanshang. Not only has he never been beaten, he has never even spoken loudly.

But now, with a slap in the face of Mo Yanshang, Mo Yu understood how stupid he was, and also understood the important position of George Han in Mo Yanshang’s heart.

Even her granddaughter can’t compare with George Han!

“Grandpa, I was wrong, I know I was wrong, please forgive me.” Mo Yu cried and said to Mo Yanshang.

Mo Yanshang gritted his teeth. Now it is not for Mo Yu to admit his mistake and treat it as nothing happened. Although he wants to help Mo Yu, this matter still depends on George Han’s attitude.

George Han bypassed Mo Yu and came to the living room.

Wu Xin, who was tied up, sat on the floor of the living room.

Five flowers tied.

Mouth sealing tape.

While the nose and face were swollen, there were many visible scars on his body.

This scene made George Han kill intent.

Mo Yu’s methods are so vicious, she, a girl, can actually do such a thing!

George Han took a deep breath, walked to Wu Xin, carefully tore off the tape from his mouth, and asked, “I’ll take you to the hospital.”

Wu Xin cried directly, because the moment she saw George Han, she knew she was saved.

And all the pain and torment suffered these days, all turned into tears at this moment.

Mo Yanshang followed George Han to the living room. When he saw Wu Xin’s injury, his brain rang as if he had been struck by lightning.

Only with naked eyes, Mo Yanshang could see how tortured Wu Xin had gone, and all of this was done by Mo Yu.

Under this circumstance, how could George Han easily let go of Mo Yu, and even the entire Mo family!

“I contacted the best hospital and doctor.” Mo Yanshang said to George Han.

“No need.” George Han said lightly, and directly carried Wu Xin out of the Villa.

Mo Yan stayed in a daze for a long time.

Although George Han did not respond to this situation in time, Mo Yanshang knew that after George Han settled down with Wu Xin, his anger would spread to the Mo family.

Mo Yanshang became more and more angry, and finally was able to reach a cooperation with George Han. Now because of Mo Yu’s ignorant behavior, all this has been ruined.

Although the Mo Family didn’t need to be afraid of George Han, in Mo Yanshang’s view, offending George Han was definitely not a good thing.

He has more secrets that have not been unearthed, his identity, his strength, all of which are still a mystery.

If there are even more astonishing forces behind him, then this time the Mo family is probably playing with fire and setting himself on fire!

It was all Mo Yu. If she hadn’t done such a stupid thing, how could the Mo family take such risks for no reason?

Mo Yanshang walked to Mo Yu with a strong anger.

Mo Yu knelt on the ground, crying with pear blossoms and rain, watching the menacing Mo Yanshang approaching him, so scared that he dared not lift his head.

“Grandpa, I know I was wrong, please forgive me, I will never do these things again, I will definitely listen to you.” Mo Yu cried.

Mo Yanshang has no sympathy for his most beloved granddaughter at this time. In the face of family interests, what can Mo Yu count for?

“Mo Yu, you really disappointed me. This time, even if he wants you to die, I won’t say a word.” Mo Yanshang said.


Mo Yu felt a little in his heart, then looked up panicked and said: “Grandpa, save me, I don’t want to die yet, I’m your granddaughter, please help me, help me.”

Mo Yanshang shook his head. If the Mo Family really wants to show up for Mo Yu, or protect Mo Yu, it is likely that George Han will influence the power behind him, and how strong this unknown force is, it is Mo Yan. Don’t know.

Using the entire Mo Family to take risks is definitely not something that Mo Yanshang is willing to face.

“I can’t save you, Mo Family, and I am not qualified to save you.” Mo Yanshang said lightly

Can’t be saved, not qualified!

This sentence is like a bolt from the blue to Moyu.

Who on earth is George Han, how powerful he is, and why the Patriarch of the Mo family would say such things when facing him.

In fact, Mo Yanshang’s fear, in addition to George Han’s strength, is more worried about the Yang family’s attitude towards George Han. He understands what kind of person Yang Bin is. If George Han is really just a waste of the Han family Young Master is so simple, Yang Bin will never help Fengqian’s development so vigorously.

It must be profitable for Yang Bin to do so, so what he values ”‹”‹is most likely the power behind George Han, who wants to use the power behind George Han to make the Yang family’s position in Hillwood City a higher level.

After George Han sent Wu Xin to the hospital, he asked the doctor to do a checkup. Although the injuries looked serious, they were fortunately some skin injuries, not too serious. This made George Han relieved. Tone.

After all, this matter was caused by him. If Wu Xin had any accidents, George Han would not be able to pass this hurdle in his life.

In the ward, Wu Xin, who was put on a hospital gown, was lying on the bed. She did not dare to close her eyes, because with her eyes closed, the experience of the past few days would be like a nightmare in her mind.

“Let’s rest for a while, I won’t leave now.” George Han said to Wu Xin.

“Then when are you leaving?” Wu Xin asked weakly.

“I have asked your boss to send someone to take care of you. She should be here soon.” George Han said.

Wu Xin had already experienced George Han’s unfeeling, so she didn’t want to sell miserables to win George Han’s sympathy at this time.

“Is she arresting me because of you?” Wu Xin asked.

“Yes, I killed you in this matter, so you can make any compensation you want,” George Han said.

George Han’s tone contained a very clear boundary. Wu Xin knew that he was deliberately showing the distance between the two.

As he once said, the two of them met right away and nothing else could happen.

Although this sense of distance made Wu Xin very disappointed, she also understood that George Han’s tough attitude, no matter what she did, it was impossible to bring them closer together.

“No, I don’t want any compensation. I want you to feel that you owe me forever.” Wu Xin said.

“I’m not a person of love, and I don’t always feel that I owe you anything, so now is your chance to speak up. If you miss it, you won’t get anything, and this kind of thing is for me. , Maybe I will forget it tomorrow.” George Han said lightly.

Chapter 1208

These words of George Han made Wu Xin feel so cold-blooded and ruthless, leaving no room for Wu Xin.

“You go.” Wu Xin said.

“Take a good rest.” With these five words, George Han really left.

For Wu Xin, it was like an illusion. She didn’t expect that George Han would really leave like this!

For George Han, this is the best result. As long as Wu Xin’s life is guaranteed, injuries such as minor incidents are nothing, and he can also ask Yang Wanlin to find a way to compensate, although money can’t solve everything. Question, but in this matter, money can show the greatest use.

Because of George Han, it is impossible to make up for this matter with emotion.

As soon as he walked downstairs to the hospital, George Han saw Yang Wanlin, with a middle-aged woman beside him, who should have been the one he had brought to take care of Wu Xin.

“Old Han, what’s the matter?” Yang Wanlin asked George Han puzzledly.

“Ward No. 17, on the third floor, you should take care of her first.” George Han said to the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman glanced at Yang Wanlin, and then left after Yang Wanlin nodded.

“Do you know Mo Yu?” George Han asked Yang Wanlin.

“Yes, Miss Mo family, this can be regarded as the role of a stubborn princess. Relying on being a member of the Mo family, she is often shining out, and her reputation is not very good.” Yang Wanlin said.

“I won Yan Bingfeng at the Wuji Summit. She is a fan of Yan Bingfeng, so she wanted to retaliate against me and arrested Wu Xin.” George Han said.

Yang Wanlin was overjoyed when he heard these words. So, did the Mo family offend George Han?

This is a good thing for the Yang family!

Recently, Yang Bin is worried that George Han and Mo family are getting too close, and he is afraid that Mo family will also establish a relationship with George Han. Now that this incident occurs, George Han and Mo family may not have a chance. Become an ally.

“What are you going to do next?” Yang Wanlin asked.

“Help me find a way to compensate Wu Xin. As for other things, you don’t have to worry about it.” George Han said.

Yang Wanlin was a little disappointed. He also thought that when George Han went to Mo’s family to find trouble, he could take him to see the excitement.

But since George Han asked him to ignore it, he didn’t dare to say other nonsense.

“Don’t worry, I must make arrangements for Wu Xin in this regard.” Yang Wanlin said.

“Then I will go first.” George Han said.

“Wait, I have to tell you something.” Yang Wanlin stopped George Han.

“whats the matter?”

“I heard that your schedule has changed. As for the Wuji Summit, it seems to help you arrange a new opponent, and this opponent has never appeared on any list. I am afraid someone deliberately wants to target you.” Yang Wanlin said, This news was learned from the insiders of the Yang family at the Wuji Summit. There is no definitive news yet, but there is a possibility in this regard.

But even if there is only one possibility, Yang Wanlin felt that he should remind George Han.

“Unexpected thing.” George Han didn’t feel any surprise at all.

Since Nangong Boring has come to Hillwood City, he is unwilling to see himself, so he will definitely find a way to verify his strength. After all, there is still a gap between hearing and seeing.

“You don’t know who the other party is?” Yang Wanlin asked curiously when seeing George Han so calm.

“Probably I can guess, but the Yang family had better not go too far in this matter. The Yang family can’t afford the opponent’s power.” George Han reminded.

This sentence shocked Yang Wanlin. He would not suspect that George Han frightened him deliberately. Since he said so, it definitely made sense.

“Okay, don’t worry, I’ll tell grandpa when I go back, the Yang family will never make trouble in this matter.” Yang Wanlin said.

After George Han left the hospital, Yang Wanlin also hurried back to the Yang family.

When Yang Wanlin told Yang Bin what George Han had said, Yang Bin looked very serious. He had doubts about George Han’s identity and background. He thought that George Han was not just the young master of the Han family, but this doubt has always been. There is no way to verify.

But now, George Han’s remarks finally revealed some clues.

In Hillwood City, if there is someone who can’t afford the Yang family, then the status of this person is probably not only influential in the hot summer, but also in other countries, it must have amazing influence.

And being able to make enemies with people of this kind, George Han’s identity is naturally not simple.

After all, the elephant’s opponent cannot be an ant. Yang Bin still understands this simple truth.

“I don’t know what kind of big people came to Hillwood City, it is really curious.” Yang Bin said lightly.

“Grandpa, do we want to check it privately?” Yang Wanlin said, he was also very curious about this matter, so he hoped to know the sacredness of the other party through his own means.

“No.” Yang Bin said decisively. Since George Han has reminded him, if he goes into danger out of curiosity, if there is an accident, George Han will not help, so the best way now is to wait. , No matter who the other party is, sooner or later it will surface.

“Grandpa, Hillwood City, is there really anyone we can’t afford to provoke?” Yang Wanlin wondered. There is no saying that one of the three major families in Hillwood City can’t provoke anyone, but the three are not willing to head-on. Of course, he is not suspicious. What George Han said was just a guess as to whether George Han would say it too much.

“There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people, whether it is the Yang family or the other two big families, they are only in power in Hillwood City. The really powerful people, their power is all over the world, the Yang family and these people It’s not comparable at all.” Yang Bin said.

Yang Wanlin nodded, as Yang Bin said so, he naturally didn’t think too much.

“By the way, what happened between George Han and the Yang family?” Yang Bin asked.

Speaking of this, Yang Wanlin couldn’t help but laughed and explained: “Mo Yu is Mo Yanshang’s granddaughter and a fan of Yan Bingfeng. George Han defeated Yan Bingfeng at the Wu Ji Summit. Things were not convinced, so I retaliated against George Han and arrested George Han’s friends, but the torture was not light. So now, Mo Yu is offending George Han. I guess, George Han is now in Mo. Home, I’m afraid Mo Yanshang is already two years old.”

“It means that there will be a gap between George Han and Mo family?” Yang Bin couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t want to see George Han and Mo family get closer and closer. Is it possible to isolate the relationship between the two?

Chapter 1209

Mo family.

Anger is dull and stiff.

Since George Han came, the entire Mo family seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds.

George Han did not say a word, causing all the Mo family members to dare not breathe.

Even Mo Yanshang, the Patriarch, still has an inexplicable panic at the moment.

Many Mo family members cannot understand why Mo Yanshang, who relies on killing high-ranking people, is actually afraid of a 14-year-old child at this time.

But Mo Yanshang knew very well in his heart that in the eyes of George Han, the Mo family was very likely to be nothing, even he could easily destroy it.

“I remember I said that I don’t need to target the Mo family, but the premise is that the Mo family can’t break ground on me.” After a long time, George Han said.

Mo Yanshang then said: “Leave Mo Yu to you, let you handle it. There is a clear line between my Mo family and Mo Yu, and she is no longer a member of my Mo family.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Mo family changed their faces.

Could Mo Yanshang’s compromise with George Han be too much? He actually ignored his granddaughter’s safety and wanted to hand Mo Yu to George Han!

“Dad, Mo Yu is my daughter. She made mistakes. I, the father, will bear it for him.” Mo Qiyan said. He didn’t have much fear of George Han because he didn’t know well, and He also didn’t think that George Han had other more powerful backgrounds besides the identity of Young Master Waste.

“From now on, he is not my Mo family.” Mo Yanshang didn’t expect Mo Qiyan to jump out and say these words, but his response is absolutely top-notch. These words are equivalent to driving Mo Qiyan out. Mo family.

“You are his father. If you are not a godfather, you really have a relationship that can’t escape.” George Han said while walking towards Mo Qiyan.

Mo Qiyan looked at George Han bluntly, without any fear, and said, “This is my daughter. You are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks to her.”

“She hurt my friend, it makes sense that I want her to pay,” George Han said.

“Shit shit, can my daughter of Mo Qiyan be comparable to ordinary people?” Mo Qiyan seemed to have lost his mind, and didn’t care about George Han’s position in Mo Yanshang’s mind, and started talking nonsense.

George Han smiled coldly. He has seen such arrogant and domineering people a lot, and this is also the current situation of many rich people. To them, ordinary civilians are like inferior people. They can hurt anyone who wants to hurt. Who.

“Sure enough, what kind of daughter there is, there is what kind of father, you did not let me down, but a pity, your performance is in my eyes, there is a dead end.” After George Han finished speaking, he had come to Mo Qiyan. In front of.

“This is my Mo family, George Han, do you have the guts to mess around? My Mo family’s power can easily lift your Han family upside down.” Mo Qiyan threatened with gritted teeth.

“I can squeeze hundreds of thousands of ants like you, Mo Family, what’s the deal?” George Han finished with a sneer and grabbed Mo Qiyan’s arm.

Mo Qiyan subconsciously wanted to resist, but George Han’s extraordinary power made him unable to move at all.

“This hand is the price you have to pay.”

These words made Mo Qiyan feel that the big thing was not good, but before he could make any response, the entire right arm was torn off by George Han abruptly.

Blood spurts!

Everyone in the Mo family looked at George Han in horror.

No one thought that George Han actually did such a shocking thing!

Mo Qiyan’s painful screams echoed constantly.

Many women were so frightened by this scene that their feet were soft, and they were already sitting on the ground, accompanied by frightened crying.

Mo Jiadun time is a mess.

“Such a price, are you satisfied?” George Han asked Mo Qiyan with a smile.

Mo Qiyan looked at George Han in horror. At this time, in his eyes, George Han was already like a devil. He finally understood the reason why Mo Yanshang was afraid of George Han.

What kind of kid is this, it’s just a devil!

“I did this, don’t you have any opinion?” George Han turned his head and asked Mo Yanshang.

Mo Yanshang shook his head subconsciously.

Mo Yanshang did a lot of cruel and vicious things, but to achieve George Han’s level would still make him frightened.

He became more and more certain that George Han, a fourteen-year-old boy, was not easy.

Otherwise, what kind of child can have such cruel methods, and can not change his face!

George Han turned around and walked towards Mo Yu.

Mo Yu was already sitting on the ground with fright, his face pale.

She didn’t expect that Mo Qiyan just said a few words for her, and he would pay such a painful price.

Ben still pinned his hopes on Mo Qiyan, but now, Mo Yu knew that no one could save her.

“Don’t come over, don’t come over.” Mo Yu said to George Han in a panic.

“Yan Bingfeng’s trash, if it weren’t for my mercy, he would have already died in the ring, but do you think I can’t win?” George Han said.

“No, I didn’t. He deserved to lose.” Mo Yu denied. At this time, he was a mud bodhisattva, so how dare he speak for Yan Bingfeng.

And Mo Yu now knows that he can be valued so much by Mo Yanshang. His strength is definitely much better than Yan Bingfeng. How can he bother to deal with Yan Bingfeng with unclean methods?

He doesn’t need it at all!

“Do you finally understand now?” George Han asked with a smile.

“Understood, I know you are better than him, I know how ignorant I am, please let me go.” Mo Yu said.

It has never been George Han’s style of doing things for a woman, but Mo Yu seriously hurt Wu Xin, and she will eventually need to pay.

“Good men don’t fight women, Mr. Mo, do you think this is the truth?” George Han said to Mo Yanshang.

Mo Yan was stunned for a moment, only then did he understand what George Han meant. He was unwilling to make a move by himself and wanted the Mo family to punish Mo Yu himself.

In some ways, this is good news for Moyu.

But if it makes George Han dissatisfied, this matter will probably make George Han hate the Mo family.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman suddenly said, “I’m coming.”

The speaker was Mo Yu’s mother. She hated George Han very much at this time. After all, her man’s right arm was injured by George Han.

But she knew that even Mo Yanshang didn’t dare to rise up. On the contrary, no matter how much resentment she had, it was useless.

And in the case of her shooting, Mo Yu’s safety can be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

“She is Mo Yu’s mother.” Mo Yanshang explained to George Han.

“It’s time to educate your daughter.” After George Han finished speaking, he sat on the sofa as if he was okay, waiting to watch the next good show.

Chapter 1210

Mo Yu’s mother didn’t know how to relieve George Han, so she could only do it in the same way that mothers educate their children.

Of course, Mo Yu was so spoiled by Mo Yanshang. Despite her mistakes, her parents did not dare to criticize her. In the entire Mo family, except Mo Yanshang, no one dared to criticize Mo Yu at will.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Mo Yu’s current character was developed because of Mo Yanshang’s doting, and Mo Yu’s mother has never really educate her daughter.

There is a saying that the golden club produces good people. The simplest and most direct way for parents to educate their children is to beat people.

Mo Yu’s mother walked to Mo Yu and raised her hand to a resounding slap.

This is the first time that Mo Yu has been beaten in the true sense. In normal times, she would definitely ask Mo Yanshang for help, but now, she knows that she has committed a big mistake, so she can only endure the pain.

One slap after another.

Mo Yu’s delicate face quickly became red and swollen.

But George Han sat on the sofa and did not move like a mountain. There was no reaction at all. Obviously, Mo Yu’s mother’s lessons could not let him let Mo Yu go.

Mo Yanshang didn’t mean to save Mo’s words on the sidelines. For him, whose interests are paramount, Mo Yu brought disasters to the Mo family. Even if she had to pay her life, as long as he could keep everything in the Mo family, Mo Yanshang would not. Any comments.

This is the sorrow within the wealthy family. When the wind is calm and the waves are calm, family affection prevails, but once there is trouble, family affection appears extremely cheap, and even life can be paid.

“Grandpa.” Mo Yu, whose cheeks were already numb with pain, couldn’t help but beg Mo Yanshang for mercy, because she knew that only Mo Yanshang could save her.

Mo Yanshang’s expression was stern and cold. From the moment he saw Wu Xin in the Villa, Mo Yanshang knew what he should do. He couldn’t save Mo Yu, because he saved the entire Mo family, only let George Han vent. With the anger in his heart, the Mo family might escape.

Mo Yanshang carefully considered a question, that is, with George Han’s ability, is the Mo family really unable to cope.

Mo Yanshang thought about this question for a long time. Judging from various factors, it is not a good thing for Mo Jia and George Han to tear their faces apart.

First of all, George Han and the Yang family have reached a cooperative relationship. Under the circumstances that George Han’s ability is unknown, the Yang family itself is a big problem for Mo family. Performance, launching various offensives against the Mo family, the Mo family will be in an extremely passive situation, coupled with George Han’s push behind the scenes, the Mo family will definitely be hit hard.

After all, George Han’s current reputation is already valued by many people in the Hillwood City business community and want to cooperate with him. If this force is united, it is also not to be underestimated.

More importantly, Mo Yanshang has always been suspicious of George Han’s background. This is a veil of mystery. Mo Yanshang does not know what kind of demons will be waiting for him after uncovering it, so he will not try it lightly. .

“You should bear the consequences for your own mistakes. No one can save you.” Mo Yanshang said coldly. This is his firm attitude on this matter. He will never offend Han because of Mo Yu. Three thousand.

Mo Yu looked desperate. In this situation, even Mo Yanshang was unwilling to speak for her, so no one could save her.

“My friend is still in the hospital.” At this moment, George Han stood up suddenly and said.

All the Mo family members focused their attention on George Han at the same time. They knew that George Han had something to say, and the next words would be destined for Moyu’s end.

“From tomorrow, for three days, I don’t care what you use, as long as you can get the understanding of my friend, I can let you go. If you can’t get it, I will come to Mojia again in three days. “After George Han finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the door.

Wu Xin’s understanding, this is the last time George Han has helped Wu Xin, because understanding is not only as simple as forgiveness. The Mo family will pay a great price for this, and this price may make Wu Xin’s life become different. different.

Of course, if Wu Xin had a different choice, George Han would not interfere. He provided the opportunity, but Wu Xin did not seize it. This is Wu Xin’s business.

Back at home, Mary was watching TV in the living room. After seeing George Han, she immediately asked nervously, “How is it, did you find someone?”

“It’s okay.” George Han explained the whole thing to Mary. Mary gritted her teeth with hatred. She didn’t expect that Mo Yu was a woman with such an evil mind and took Wu Xin away and tortured.

Fortunately, George Han found out in time and did not pose a threat to Wu Xin’s life.

“How are you going to deal with this matter?” Mary asked.

“I have already taught Mo Yu, and I gave her three days to find a way to get Wu Xin’s forgiveness. If Wu Xin is smart enough, she will be compensated by the Mo family.” George Han said .

Mary curled her lips and said, “You want to borrow Mo’s hand to compensate her, right?”

“After all, this matter also has something to do with me.” George Han did not deny that because Wu Xin suffered this disaster, he couldn’t get rid of it.

“But can the Mo family understand your vague expression? And if Wu Xin doesn’t have this idea, she won’t get anything.” Mary said worriedly. In her opinion, Wu Xin is not that complicated. Girl, so taking the opportunity to blackmail the Mo family is not necessarily something Wu Xin can think of.

“This has nothing to do with me. There is only so much I can do. Does everything require me to teach her? I don’t have so much idleness.” George Han said.

Mary sighed. She knew that when George Han did this, she still wanted to draw a line with Wu Xin. She didn’t understand it. Is this line really so important? Even if you really can’t be a lover, it’s okay to be a friend. Why do you have to take such an extreme path?

“You are a little devil, I really can’t guess what you are thinking of.” Mary said.

“If you can’t guess it, it’s right. If my city is guessed casually, doesn’t it mean that I am too incompetent.” George Han said with a smile.

Speaking of Chengfu, Mary still admires George Han. In the case of Fengqian Company, at his age, among his peers, I am afraid that no one can do it. It is indeed commendable to know how to plan ahead at a young age. of.

“You’re the best, okay.” Mary responded with a smile.

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