His True Colors Novel Chapter 1203 – 1206

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Chapter 1203

“Also, if you don’t do what I said, you will die.”

The threat of this sentence is very serious for the elderly.

Although he is old, how can he be willing to face death with his current position?

Although this arrangement is likely to arouse dissatisfaction among others at the Wuji Summit, is there any other choice to save lives?

Of course, while saving lives, if you don’t get some benefits, this is also unacceptable to the elderly.

“How much benefit can you give me?” the old man asked.

Hearing this sentence, Nangong Boring laughed, as long as it is a problem that can be solved with money, it is not a problem for him.

“Is one hundred million enough?” Nangong Boring said.

Hearing this number, the old man’s brows jumped. Who on earth is this guy? He spoke such an exaggerated number. Is he really so rich?

“Are you kidding me?” the old man asked.

“You can transfer money before doing things. Do you think this is a joke?” Nangong Bo Ling asked rhetorically. One hundred million, which seems to be a lot, is indeed an astronomical number for ordinary people, but for the head of the Nangong family, This is just a little pocket money, not enough to build the tip of the iceberg in the center of the earth.

“Okay, I promise you.” The old man said in a deep voice. For 100 million, even if it is to offend some people, it is worth it, and he can only do so now that his life is threatened.

“Tomorrow I will give you a candidate, and it will be done in three days, is there a problem?” Nangong Boring said.

“As long as the money arrives, I will make arrangements for you.” The old man said.

“Send off the guests.” Nangong Boring waved to Zhong Changqiu.

After sending off the old man, Zhong Changqiu returned to Nangong Boring with a puzzled expression, because it was easier to kill the old man and using puppets to do this thing. He didn’t quite understand why Nangong Boring would spend money to do things.

“I know what you are thinking. If you arrange a puppet, he still needs time to adapt to this person’s identity. For me, the delay is too long.” Nangong Boring took the initiative to explain before Zhong Changqiu could ask.

Nangong Boling is a person who does not put money in his eyes, but for him, time is very important. He never wastes his precious time on meaningless things.

It’s only 100 million, and for the total assets of the Nangong family, nothing is a fraction.

“Patriarch, who are you planning to arrange to attend the Wuji Summit?” Zhong Changqiu asked.

“Do you still remember an old friend I met in the summer? He is now living in seclusion in the mountains and he heard that he was teaching apprentices, but I know where.” Nangong Boring said.

“Are you talking about Chongyang?” Zhong Changqiu frowned. This is indeed a master, but he has been silenced for many years, and he did not expect Nangong Boring to still control his whereabouts.

“Yes, he is a real master. If George Han can win him, his identity should not be fake.” After Nangong Boring finished speaking, he threw a card to Zhong Changqiu and continued: “This is the address, you go Find him and tell him that I want to see him. I think he will not refuse.”

“Yes.” Zhong Changqiu nodded in response.

In a certain mountainous area, there are almost no people here. In the depths of the forest, from time to time there is a childish voice that makes painful screams. People who don’t know think it is someone who abused children in the forest.

But a closer look shows that the child is not being abused, but like crazy, hitting the tree constantly, his shoulders are already bloody, and the child is clenching his teeth.

On the side, there was a middle-aged man sitting aside, turning a blind eye to this situation, but urging the child to continue to exert his strength without any affection.

“Such an injury is called pain. What qualifications do you have to claim that my Chongyang apprentice will continue to use force and not break this tree. I cannot rest today.” Chongyang scolded and digged while eating. Wild peanuts.

The child’s eyes were already full of tears, but after hearing Chongyang’s words, he dared not slacken at all.

“Do you know why you are called Qi Hu? The tiger is the king of the beasts. I want you to be the king from now on. Now you blame me, and you will definitely thank me from now on. Only then did you know how hard Lao Tzu uses his conscience.” Chongyang said. I can’t seem to be idle with peanuts stuffed, and keep talking about it.

Qi Hu didn’t understand why he had to do these things, but since the day he was picked up by Chongyang, he could only do so to fill himself.

However, the injuries left by hitting the tree, after being soaked in the potion every night, will heal overnight, which is a motivation for Qi Hu to persist.

“My apprentice, you will definitely be the dragon among the people in the future. If you fail my test, you will never go down the mountain for the rest of your life.” Chongyang continued.

I don’t know how long it took, Qi Hu fainted because of pain. This is something that happens almost every day.

Chongyang took a look, and scolded again with dissatisfaction, then Qi Hu resisted his shoulders and walked back to the cabin.

“If you knew you were so unresisting, I really shouldn’t pick you up.”

After returning to the wooden house, Chongyang threw Qi Hu directly into a yellow wooden barrel.

The bucket was filled with potions made by Chongyang himself, and it was these potions that were able to quickly recover from Qi Hu’s injuries.

I don’t know how long it took, Qi Hu woke up in a daze, and immediately smelled the scent of barbecue. The little guy’s eyes lit up for a while, and he crawled out of the yellow wooden barrel with his bare buttocks.

Outside the wooden house, Chongyang was roasting the hunted hare, smelling scent.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Chongyang said: “Don’t move, today’s task is not completed, you are not qualified to eat.”

These words made Qi Hu feel like a deflated ball, staying in place and dare not move.

Listening to Chongyang’s gnawing hare, Qi Hu could only swallow nonstop.

Suddenly, Chongyang was stunned, and his whole body became tense.

In the distance, a figure came.

How can anyone come from this deep mountain and field?

Moreover, it seems that the pace of human beings is a fellow man, is it possible that the enemy has come to seek revenge?

“Who are you?” Chongyang asked coldly.

“The Patriarch asked me to see you. He wants to ask you to do a little favor.” The visitor was Zhong Changqiu, who was constantly on the move, and finally found Chongyang at this time.

This is also due to the light of the hare in Chongyang. Otherwise, looking for someone deep in the mountains this night is no simpler than finding a needle in a haystack.


“Nangong Boring.”

Hearing these four words, Chongyang stood up instantly and threw away the hare in his hand.

For Chongyang, he has never owed anyone in his life, but he was saved by Nangong Boring, so he promised Nangong Boring that he would help Nangong Boring a favor, but he did not expect that Nangong Boring would be able to Send someone to find here!

Chapter 1204

“I didn’t expect that he could still find me.” Chongyang said with a sigh. When he retired to the world, he almost severed all contact with the outside world. In order to cultivate Qi Hu wholeheartedly, he deliberately chose such a deep mountain and old forest , But did not expect that he still did not escape Nangong Boring’s eyes.

“No one can escape what the Patriarch wants to know.” Zhong Changqiu said lightly.

Chongyang nodded. The sphere of influence of Nangong Boring was indeed amazing, and since he had promised Nangong Boring back then, he has no reason to refuse.

Taking a look at the hare he had thrown away, Chongyang asked, “What does he want me to do?”

“Hillwood City is hosting the Wuji Summit, and he hopes you can participate.” Zhong Changqiu said.

“Wuji Summit?” Chongyang was slightly surprised. As a martial artist, he knew the Wuji Summit, but he didn’t quite understand why Nangong Boring asked him to participate.

Nangong Boring also has his own power in the hot summer, but these forces have never surfaced. Nangong Boring relies on many puppets to control the situation, because he likes to use this hidden method to develop his own power.

Now, Nangong Boring is going to participate in the Wuji Summit in public. Could it be that he is tired of being low-key and ready to make his name known in the hot summer?

But this kind of speculation, Chongyang himself felt that there was a problem, because Nangong Boring was not such a person at all, and he did not bother to do so.

“Can I ask why?” Chongyang said.

Zhong Changqiu shook his head and said, “If you want to know the reason, you can ask the owner of the house and ask him yourself. I am not qualified to tell you.”

Chongyang sighed. In fact, it didn’t matter what the reason was. The important thing was that he had promised Nangong Boring, but now Nangong Boring sent someone to come to him, he could only go out of the mountain.

It’s just a pity that the training time for Qi Hu will be delayed, and if Qi Hu’s training is delayed for one day, his training rhythm will be completely cut off.

If Qi Hu were left alone on the mountain, Chongyang would worry about his safety.

“I can bring my apprentice with me.”

“Of course there is no problem.”

Chongyang walked to Qi Hu’s mouth full of oil.

Qi Hu raised his head with a bright and honest smile, and said, “Master’s craftsmanship is so good, it’s so delicious.”

Chongyang kicked Qi Hu habitually and said: “Hurry up and pack your luggage and get ready to go down the mountain.”

This is not Chongyang’s torture of Qi Hu, but the two masters and apprentices have become accustomed to this way of getting along. If Qi Hu is not kicked for a day, he will not be used to it.

“Down the mountain?” Qi Hu looked at Chongyang puzzledly, because the master had said that before he met the requirements, he was absolutely not qualified to go down the mountain.

“Master, why are we going down the mountain?” Qi Hu asked.

“There is a lot of nonsense, I want to go down the mountain, do I still need to explain it to you?” After speaking, Chongyang raised his foot again.

Upon seeing this, Qi Hu quickly slipped back to the cabin to pack his luggage.

Although Chongyang had a lot of doubts in his heart, he did not ask Zhong Changqiu. He knew Zhong Changqiu’s identity, and he did not dare to answer these things easily.

The group of three set out to go down the mountain that night without a moment of rest.


Since George Han’s opponents abandoned the game one after another, George Han appeared to be a little idle, but he was not idle. Since Nangong Boring has come to Yenching, then he and Nangong Boring will meet sooner or later. .

“It’s really strange these days.” George Han, who was sitting in the living room watching TV, suddenly heard Mary talking to herself while holding her mobile phone.

“What’s wrong?” George Han asked suspiciously.

Mary walked to George Han and handed the phone to George Han.

On the mobile phone, Mary and Wu Xin were chatting. Looking forward, the two chatted happily, but in the past two days, Mary sent Wu Xin without any response.

“What’s so strange about this, I have already made it clear to her, she is not willing to pay attention to you, it is normal.” George Han said with a smile, isn’t it just that there is no reply, he thought it was too big Things.

Mary shook her head, disagreeing with George Han’s statement at all.

He was indeed very ruthless towards Wu Xin, but Mary didn’t think it would affect her relationship with Wu Xin, and Wu Xin was a very polite child in her mind. How could she not reply to her messages for no reason? It.

“Son, in my heart, I always feel a little unsure, as if something has happened.” Mary said.

“Don’t worry, what can happen, and even if something happens, it has nothing to do with us.” George Han said. The first time he saw Wu Xin, he saved her at night. If Wu Xin is still obsessed with understanding, this is also true. It has nothing to do with George Han, so he doesn’t even care about these nosy matters.

“What if it has something to do with you? How about you accompany me and have a look at home.” Mary said.

Hearing these words, George Han suddenly became alert.

Could this be another strategy of Mary, deliberately wanting to use this method to let him meet Wu Xin?

“Mom, it’s really impossible for me and her. You don’t have to think about these useless ways to let me meet her.” George Han said helplessly.

Mary lightly hammered George Han’s shoulder and said, “I am really worried, and I have given up the idea of ”‹”‹matching you and her a long time ago. How could I deliberately do this.”

“She is an adult and should be responsible for all her actions. If she causes danger to herself, she should also bear the consequences.” George Han said lightly. He has no thoughts of caring about this woman, Wu Xin. It was really dangerous, and George Han didn’t plan to make a move.

“Aren’t you afraid that this matter has something to do with you? What if your enemy is making trouble for her?” Mary said.

“How is this possible, my enemy, how could I find her on his head.” George Han sat on the sofa, looking weak.

“If you don’t go, I’ll go by myself.” Mary went back to the room and picked up her bag, ready to go out.

George Han looked tangled, he didn’t intend to be nosy, but he couldn’t let Mary go alone.

What if Wu Xin really had any trouble and dragged Mary into the water again.

“I really convinced you.” George Han stood up helplessly and followed Mary.

Mary smiled and said, “Why, I’m still worried about your old mother, I thought you were really so heartless.”

“Mom, this is the last time. You should cut off contact with Wu Xin in the future.” George Han said. He didn’t want to involve Wu Xin too deeply. He was not afraid that he would be affected, but that Wu Xin would be involved in this relationship. Inextricable.

Chapter 1205

The two of them came to the dilapidated community again. Seeing Mary’s nervousness, it seemed that they were sincerely concerned about Wu Xin’s safety, which made George Han feel a little weird.

These two people are completely different levels of people, how could they develop their relationship to this degree?

George Han couldn’t understand Mary’s feelings because he was not in Mary’s position.

For Mary, Wu Xin gave her the feeling of a true friend. In the past, Mary made friends and was the mistress of wealthy people, and these so-called friends were all involved in interests, that is to say, this kind of making friends The form of is based on the relationship of interest. In a sense, it is not a true friend at all.

But Wu Xin was different. The two had nothing to talk about and did not involve any financial interests. For Mary, Wu Xin was her first friend in the true sense.

Knock on the door.

There was no response from the door, and Wu Xin should not be at home.

This made Mary even more worried, because the news would not be returned and the phone would not be answered. This situation was really weird.

“What to do? It seems that something really happened.” Mary asked George Han anxiously.

George Han opened Mary and kicked the door open. Although the method was more violent, it was the simplest and most effective.

Come home.

When Mary found that dust had fallen on the coffee table, she was even more certain that something had happened to Wu Xin. If it weren’t for the fact that no one was at home for a few days, how could there be dust on the coffee table.

“It seems that she hasn’t been home for several days.” George Han also realized that something was wrong at this time. This was Wu Xin’s home. No matter what she was doing outside, she would definitely go home to rest every day.

There must be a reason for not going home for a few days.

“I’ll call Yang Wanlin.” George Han finished speaking and took out his cell phone.

Wu Xin works in Yang Wanlin’s company, and Yang Wanlin’s men should know more about Wu Xin’s whereabouts.

“Old Han, why do you think of calling me?” Yang Wanlin said enthusiastically.

“Help me ask the people in your company, has Wu Xin gone to work in recent days?” George Han said.

For Wu Xin, Yang Wanlin still has some impressions. After all, he has something to do with George Han, and he can’t easily forget it.

“Okay, I will ask immediately, and I will answer you later.” After speaking, Yang Wanlin hung up the phone.

In less than two minutes, Yang Wanlin called back.

“How is it?” George Han asked impatiently.

“She didn’t go to work recently.” Yang Wanlin said.

“Successful.” George Han said subconsciously. He didn’t go to work or go home. The accident was already hard and fast, but George Han couldn’t guess what happened.

“What’s wrong? Is there anything I can do for you?” Yang Wanlin asked.

“I’m afraid something has happened to her, you can let me check where she went before she disappeared.” George Han said.

“Okay, I’ll arrange the manpower.” Yang Wanlin would naturally not refuse George Han’s request, even if it was only a small matter that he didn’t care about. As long as it was George Han speaking, he would definitely help George Han do it. To.

“George, she will be fine, right?” Mary asked George Han worriedly.

George Han was also not sure, after all, people had disappeared for several days, and no one could predict what would happen within these few days.

And now George Han couldn’t even guess the reason, let alone what happened to her.

It stands to reason that after suffering two losses, she should have learned to be smart, and she should know how to protect herself. How could she suddenly disappear?

George Han suddenly thought of what Mary had said to him at home before. Could it be that this matter really has something to do with him?

If it is really related to him, this matter may be more serious than expected.

“Mom, you go home first, I’ll go to Mo’s house.” George Han said. Although it is still unsure whether Wu Xin’s disappearance is related to him, if it is related to him, then this matter is likely to be Mo Yu did it.

Only this kind of crazy and unscrupulous lady would do these stupid things!

“Okay, be careful.”

Whenever there is a hurry, George Han always feels powerless, because he is not yet an adult, can’t have a driver’s license, and can’t drive. This virtually adds some trouble to him.

Hit a car and went straight to the Mo family compound.

Mo Yanshang has sent people to the city where Qi’s family is located. According to his instructions, Qi’s family will be restarted. This is his promise to George Han, so Mo Yanshang didn’t neglect at all.

After deciding to attach importance to George Han, Mo Yanshang no longer thought about how to deal with George Han. He even thought about how to make the relationship between Mo family junior and George Han better.

For someone born on the Taoist road like Mo Yanshang, it is not easy to have such an idea, which fully demonstrates how much George Han’s powerful strength has caused Mo Yanshang.

When George Han came to Mo’s house, Mo Yanshang personally came forward to receive him, but seeing George Han’s solemn expression, Mo Yanshang felt a little unreliable in his heart. This must be something that happened. George Han is so serious.

“George, why come to me in such a hurry? Is something wrong?” Mo Yanshang’s address to George Han has become a little more intimate, calling it more like his own family.

“I want to see Moyu.” George Han said directly.

Mo Yan was stunned for a moment. Didn’t this kid refuse to be the son-in-law of the Mo family, why now he wants to take the initiative to see Mo Yu, is it possible that he was conquered by Mo Yu’s beauty?

If that were the case, it would be a great thing for the Mo family.

But Mo Yanshang found that George Han’s expression was not the case, it was probably just his own wishful thinking.

“Don’t worry, I will have someone call her right away,” Mo Yanshang said.

After giving orders, Mo Yanshang asked George Han again: “Do you have any thoughts about Mo Yu? If you can’t catch her, I can help you find a way.”

“Mo Yanshang, you’d better pray that this matter was not done by Mo Yu, otherwise, you Mo family, even if it broke ground on my head.” George Han said coldly.

This sentence changed the atmosphere instantly.

George Han once said that as long as Mo Family doesn’t break ground on him, he will never target Mo Family.

Now, the situation has obviously changed, and it is still related to Moyu!

“What the hell is going on?” Mo Yanshang asked. He had reminded Mo Yu not to mess around, otherwise he would drive Mo Yu out of the Mo family, but now it seems that Mo Yu clearly caused him trouble.

Chapter 1206

“I have a friend who has disappeared. It is very likely that Mo Yu did this. She took revenge on me for Yan Bingfeng and attacked my friend.” George Han said.

These words made Mo Yanshang’s heart tremble for a moment. If that were the case, Mo Yuke would have made a terrible mistake!

The current George Han is the one Mo Yanshang wants to seize the cooperation. If there is a gap between George Han and the Mo family because of this incident, Mo Yu can’t make up for it.

More importantly, Yan Bingfeng is not worth the price for a waste.

“Don’t worry, if this matter is really done by Mo Yu, I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation.” Mo Yanshang gritted his teeth.

Although Mo Yu is Mo Yanshang’s favorite junior, but in the face of such a major event, Mo Yanshang will never show mercy. You must know that he was born on the Tao, and he must be cruel and cruel in the Tao. Stepping on his own hands and feet, it is impossible to have the current position.

“If something happens to my friend, even if she is dead, she can’t make up for it,” George Han said.

Although he decided to draw a clear line with Wu Xin and no longer care about Wu Xin’s affairs, if this matter arises from him, this is something that George Han absolutely does not allow.

He can watch Wu Xin fall into the hands of the gangster and ignore it, but only if this matter has nothing to do with him.

Mo Yanshang took a deep breath. He could feel George Han’s resolute attitude. Now he can only pray in his heart. This matter must not be related to Mo Yu. Otherwise, the consequences will be unpredictable.

At this time, the servant came to Mo Yanshang’s side and said respectfully, “Miss is not at home.”

“If you’re not at home, can’t you find her for me?” Mo Yanshang said sharply.

“The butler has already made a phone call but has not been able to get through. Now the butler has gone to the young lady’s private Villa.” The servant said.

“Private Villa?” George Han immediately stood up and asked, “Where is her private Villa.”

If Wu Xin is really caught by Mo Yu, then the person is likely to be locked up in a private Villa.

So as long as you find a private Villa, it is possible to find Wu Xin.

Mo Yu’s private Villa was given to him by Mo Yanshang, so he knew where it was, but for Mo Yanshang, he didn’t want George Han to go. If someone was found there, he would even have the opportunity to explain and cover up. No.

“The butler has already gone, don’t worry, he will definitely bring Mo Yu back.” Mo Yanshang said.

“Lead the way.” George Han said sharply.

Mo Yanshang looked at George Han’s murderous face and knew that he had no reason to refuse, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and let his subordinates arrange the car.

At this time, Mo Yu didn’t know that Mo Yanshang and George Han had already come to her Villa.

She is now thinking about how to solve Wu Xin’s hot potato, because Mo Yanshang has made it very clear that she will be kicked out of the family as long as she provokes George Han. This is something for Mo Yu. Things that are almost desperate.

She knew that Mo Yanshang’s words were definitely not a joke.

At this time, Wu Xin was released, and George Han would definitely know about her being caught.

Once George Han came to the door, she might not be able to keep her identity as the eldest lady.

So Mo Yu had an evil and crazy idea in his heart.

Kill Wu Xin!

Only by killing Wu Xin can this matter be completely covered up.

She evaporates in the world, so no one will know that they have caught her.

But Mo Yu is a woman after all, she would still shrink back in front of this kind of thing, even if she had that heart, she didn’t have the courage.

Looking at Wu Xin who was tortured into an inhuman form, Mo Yu’s greatest feeling now is regret. If it were not for her eagerness to act, it would not have caused the current dilemma.

She also never expected that George Han would have such an important position in front of Mo Yanshang. In order not to sin against George Han, grandpa threatened her with such a serious matter of expelling the family.

“Only when you are dead, no one will know that I caught you.” Mo Yu said through gritted teeth.

Wu Xin was covered with tape on her mouth, and her body was covered with scars. Her fear of Mo Yu almost reached its limit, because this woman had too many torture methods.

But after hearing this sentence, Wu Xin’s panic increased a lot, and she kept shaking her head at Mo Yu, two lines of tears like unstoppable spring water.

“Don’t blame me, I have no other way.” After speaking, Mo Yu took out his phone.

She didn’t dare to do it herself, so she could only find someone else to do it.

“Didn’t you always like me? Come to my Villa and do one thing for me. From now on, I will be your woman.”

After speaking, Mo Yu didn’t give the other party a chance to hesitate, so he hung up the phone.

She is confident that this licking dog will reach her in the fastest time.

Sure enough, the doorbell rang in less than five minutes.

A triumphant expression appeared on Mo Yu’s face.

There are many suitors around her. Those people are like dogs with wagging tails, often appearing in front of her in various forms, and the kindness to her has reached the point of madness.

In addition to her figure and appearance, the reason why there are so many Moyu suitors is actually related to her being Miss Mo’s family. After all, this identity is enough to make her suitors need not struggle in their entire lives.

Opening the door, Mo said complacently: “I didn’t expect you to come quite quickly.”

After saying this, Mo Yu’s expression froze instantly.

Because the people outside the door were not her suitors, but Mo Yanshang and George Han.

How could they appear here!

Mo Yu’s first reaction in a panic was to close the door so that they must not let them see Wu Xin in the living room.

But she who wanted to close the door was noticed by George Han in advance.

George Han stretched out his hand, with Moyu’s strength, how to resist?

“What do you want to do, this is my house, are you going to break into the house without permission?” Mo Yu sternly questioned George Han.

Judging from Mo Yu’s reaction, George Han can already be sure that Wu Xin is here.

George Han could tell, and Mo Yanshang could naturally.

This made Mo Yanshang angry.

He had warned Mo Yu, but he did not expect that she would still do such a stupid thing.

“Mo Yu, you really disappoint me.” Mo Yanshang said.

“Grandpa.” Mo Yu burst into tears suddenly, and knelt in front of Mo Yanshang.

She regretted it a long time ago, but the matter has come to this point, and she has no room for repentance. She also thought about letting Wu Xin go, but letting her go, wouldn’t it mean letting George Han know about this?

Mo Yanshang walked up to Mo Yu, slapped Mo Yu’s face heavily, and asked, “What about people!”

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