His True Colors Novel Chapter 115 – 118

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Chapter 115

“I am satisfied with the strength, so that she will suffer less, you can pay attention.” Tian Linger reminded Wilson Su.

Lily Jiang closed his eyes and was willingly beaten by Wilson Su for the first time, saying: “Wilson Su, if you dare to let me be beaten a second time, I will not let you go.”

Wilson Su gritted his teeth for so many years. It is impossible to say that he didn’t feel aggrieved in his heart. Even though he had given up his dignity while riding on his head by a woman, his anger became more serious.


A resounding slap in the face of Lily Jiang, Lily Jiang turned around and fell to the ground.

This slap brought together all the grievances of Wilson Su over the years.

Very cool!

So cool to speak.

Wilson Su felt a lot of happiness in his heart.

Lily Jiang’s head was dizzy when he was beaten, and his face was sore and painful, and soon his cheeks became swollen.

“Yes. I’m quite satisfied. Let’s forget about this matter.” Tian Linger clapped his hands and left.

After Lily Jiang was relieved, she stood up and kicked Wilson Su a few times, and said cursingly: “Wilson Su, are you looking for a chance to retaliate against me?”

“If I don’t hit you, can Tian Linger let you go?” Seeing Lily Jiang, who was aggressive, Wilson Su stunned again.

Amelia Su pulled the frantic Lily Jiang and said: “Mom, how can you blame Dad. If he doesn’t fight harder, can the security guards start lighter than Dad?”

Lily Jiang understood the reason, but she couldn’t accept being beaten so hard by Wilson Su, threatening: “From today. Don’t enter the old lady’s room.”

Wilson Su smiled bitterly. When Lily Jiang was unreasonable, he could only admit his fate.

“Amelia Su, George Han’s wretched waste just left, there is no intention to help me, do you think he still puts my mother-in-law in his eyes?” Lily Jiang said.

Amelia Su knew that George Han had left deliberately, but Lily Jiang said what she said yesterday. How could George Han be blamed?

“Mom, be careful when you speak, otherwise this is not the last time.” Amelia Su reminded.

In front of the Villa, George Han did not rush home, but was in the garden.

He knew that the departure just now would very likely add to the freezing point in his relationship with Amelia Su, but if Lily Jiang was allowed to make unreasonable troubles for three years, George Han was reluctant to retreat, even if it was for Amelia Su’s sake. It’s almost the end.

What’s more, if he doesn’t become strong, his relationship with Amelia Su will definitely end without a problem, because Lily Jiang will not give up making trouble in their relationship.

Sometimes when I think about it, Mary’s words have some truth.

It’s just that George Han still has his own layout, so at this stage, he still can’t reveal his strength.

After Amelia Su parked the car, she saw George Han in the garden, and she stopped for a moment, and then walked towards the Villa.

George Han sighed and walked up the mountain road to the top of the mountain.

“I once said that I would take you to see the scenery of Hillwood City. I will never break my promise.”

Sitting on a boulder on the mountainside, George Han’s eyes were a little blurred. Since leaving Han’s house, his purpose is very clear. He wants all those who look down on him and think that he is waste to regret, at the same time. He will also take Amelia Su to appreciate the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Han family!

Are you ready to regret it?

At the top of the mountain in the middle of the night, the fog was hazy, George Han sat all night, with dew all over his head, and he didn’t stand up until the sky was white.

Stretching, the sound of soy beans burst out from his body.

Soon after going down the mountain, Amelia Su stood in the place where George Han was before, looking north with longing eyes.

Five days later, the annual big day in Basin City can almost be said to be a grand event in the upper class because of this day. It’s the birthday of the heavenly grandfather.

The Peninsula Hotel, as the most luxurious five-star hotel in Cloud City, stopped receiving all guests one week before. They had to prepare for Thomas Tian’s birthday. On the birthday, except for those invited to the birthday party , Do not allow any other people, not even the waiters inside the hotel. It was also carefully selected to be able to work on that day, which is enough to see how powerful this matter is in Basin City.

One after another luxury cars drove into the hotel parking lot, and the people who got off in front of the hotel were all first-line figures of Basin City official businessmen.

The ten members of the Su family are considered to be the big troops at the birthday party. Among them, Harry Su and Su Yihan are listed, and Amelia Su, the person in charge of the Chengxi project, will naturally not fail. Except for the old lady, Su Guolin and others are among the remaining six. They are all core members of the Su family.

The old lady handed in the invitation, and the dedicated service staff led them to the exclusive Su’s position, not far from the main seat of the banquet hall, which made the old lady very excited again.

The order of the seats in the venue and the location where each participant is seated are all said. The closer you are to the main seat, the more important the Tianjia is. Su’s family could not enter the door before, jumped to occupy a table and was still close to the main position, this kind of improvement in status was like stepping over a high mountain.

“Isn’t that George Han that trash was invited by Thomas Tian himself? Why didn’t you see the trash here?” Harry Su looked at the people in the venue. Many first-line elder brothers came today, but these people are not his concern. The target is George Han.

“Harry, pay attention to speaking, how can you call the old man’s name directly here?” The old lady of the Su family reminded coldly.

Harry Su was silent. He quickly covered his mouth and said, “I’m sorry, grandma, I will pay attention.”

“Harry, how can you believe what the trash said, look at these people present, but they are all powerful, what qualifications does he have to come.” Su Yihan said disdainfully.

“Amelia, he is your husband. Didn’t you remind him when you went out today? Didn’t he want to escape this matter with a forgotten reason?” Su Yihan turned his head and smiled at Amelia Su.

When Amelia Su got up early in the morning, George Han was still asleep, and Amelia Su was not sure if he could come.

“Will he come. What does it have to do with me.” Amelia Su said coldly.

“I’m so anxious to get rid of him, didn’t you think you would be afraid of shame? Three years now, haven’t you gotten used to it?” Harry Su laughed.

“Harry, he said. Kneel once when you see you, don’t forget.” Su Yihan reminded Harry Su.

“How could I forget, this wastefulness, I have to meet him every day, when I kneel to my satisfaction, maybe I will let him be merciful.” Su Haochao said triumphantly. After being beaten by George Han, now he finally had a chance for revenge. He couldn’t wait to appear immediately in front of George Han after attending the birthday party, so that George Han would kneel down for him.

“By the way, is George Han a dog?”

“It should be, otherwise, why would you kneel when you meet someone?”

“But dogs need their tails when they meet people, Harry, if you want George Han to wag your tails for you.”

The other relatives of the Su family also followed suit.

Harry Su couldn’t hold back his pride at all, and said again and again: “Forget it, raising such a useless dog also loses the face of my master, why bother.”

“That’s true.”

As more and more people entered the venue, George Han still did not show up, and Harry Su became more and more sure about this matter.

In a presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel.

George Han and Thomas Tian fought to kill a few chess games, and the old man was depressed when he lost. Moreover, this guy looked down on people and played chess while playing mobile phones.

“Father, when will your friend come?” George Han asked with a smile.

Tianchang was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke, took out the phone, and threatened George Han: “You wait for me, today you will not destroy your prestige, old man, I will call you Master from now on.”

George Han couldn’t help but laughed and said, “It’s not suitable for you to be my apprentice at such an age, but if you really want to, I have no objection.”

“Old stuff, when you come, I will be someone else’s apprentice, what are you still daunting about.” Thomas Tian said in a bad tone after dialing the phone.

The relationship between the other party and him should be very good, otherwise, Thomas Tian would not speak in this tone.

“Come here, what are you in a hurry.” At this time, the door opened, and an old man with white hair came in, followed by a young man and a woman.

Chapter 116

The old man’s name is Wang Mao, who is the president of the Basin City Go Association. The man and woman behind him are his apprentices. The man’s name is Xie Fei and the woman’s name is Xu Huan.

When George Han saw him, he was a little surprised. Wang Mao’s reputation in the Basin City Go world is very loud, and he is a respected old man. The Go school he founded is also very famous in Basin City. Many wealthy people send their children to school. In addition to cultivating Go, they also have a good relationship with the old man.

The current leader of the Municipal Bureau is his novice disciple. He will definitely bow and call the teacher when he meets. With this relationship, the Go school does not have to worry about enrolling students.

George Han did not expect that Wang Mao and Thomas Tian had such a good relationship.

“You old thing, where are you going, I’m almost anxious to death.” Thomas Tian couldn’t wait to walk to Wang Mao’s side. An expression of dissatisfaction.

Wang Mao smiled and said: “What are you worried about, the man with the loess buries his neck, take a moment.”

“Bah, what are you talking about?” Thomas Tian scolded.

Seeing the way the two communicated, George Han was a little dumbfounded, but Wang Mao, the city bureau chief, had to be respectful, but in front of Thomas Tian, he would not refute when he was scolded, and he smiled.

The previous relationship between the two. In fact, it is hostile. When you are old, you can turn fighting into jade, and there is a feeling of cherishing heroes. The dialogue naturally seems a bit crude.

“You killed my old brother so fast?” Wang Mao walked up to George Han and asked with a smile.

George Han quickly stood up. There can be no negligence towards such a big man, and out of the respect of the younger generation, he cannot be arrogant.

“Grandpa Wang Mao, I didn’t expect Father Tian’s friend to be you.” George Han said.

“I heard that you are not only good at chess, but also good at Go?” Wang Mao looked up and down at George Han, an ordinary young man who had never seen him participate in a game in the Go world before, probably playing in front of Thomas Tian A lot of cattle.

“How dare the kid make an axe in front of you, he just learned a few tricks.” George Han said modestly.

“Come on, if you don’t win you today, this old man will not let me go.” After Wang Mao finished speaking, he sat down opposite George Han.

George Han looked at the time, it was almost time for the birthday banquet to begin, and Go was deadlocked, and it took several hours to talk about it after a game.

“Grandpa Wang, it’s time for the birthday banquet to begin soon, let’s come after dinner.” George Han said.

Wang Mao looked at the time and said, “There are more than twenty minutes left, that’s enough.”

At this moment. Behind Xie Fei looked at George Han contemptuously, and said: “You can hold on for twenty minutes under my master, even if it is great, do you still want to win?”

Wang Mao whispered, “Xie Fei, how can I teach you, you can’t be too arrogant.”

George Han could hear that although Wang Mao was saying that Xie Fei was not the one, his arrogance in his bones was not concealed.

But with Wang Mao’s position, he is also rightly proud.

“In this case, it’s better to be respectful.” George Han sat down.

Wang Mao holds the white, this is his habit, playing against anyone never changes.

It happens that George Han likes black chess, so the two are not mutually exclusive.

From the moment George Han played chess, his aura suddenly changed, and Thomas Tian felt a sense of mastery in him.

This guy is really different when he is serious.

However, Wang Mao responded with a chuckle attitude. Now the young people are pretending too much. In his Go school, the rich second generation didn’t learn anything, so they learned how to control the aura. This kind of appearance. All things are imaginary, without real strength, sooner or later they will show up.

“Master, I’m hungry.” Xu Huanjiao said dizzyingly. The meaning of these words was obviously to make Wang Mao win George Han faster.

“Good, good. Master will solve it as soon as possible and let you eat.” Wang Mao said with a smile.

The game of Go is like fighting on the battlefield. This is what Yan Jun warned him from when George Han first came into contact with Go. So even if the person sitting in front of him is Wang Mao, a respected old gentleman in Basin City, George Han is also No thoughts of tenderness at all.

At the beginning, Wang Mao fell like flying, because he didn’t put George Han in his eyes at all, and didn’t show his true strength. When the game entered the middle, Wang Mao suddenly woke up. The young man in front of him was not easy.

Sitting sideways, Wang Mao straightened his body, his eyebrows also showed a solemn expression.

Seeing this scene, Xie Fei and Xu Huan were a little surprised. Master had never treated a young chess player, this guy in front of him so seriously. Let the master be so solemn!

The two looked at each other, and saw the incredible in each other’s eyes.

Although Thomas Tian is not good at Go, he also knows some ways. Now in the middle of the game, George Han occupies a huge advantage. This is playing against Wang Mao.

Seeing George Han’s hot eyes, as if he was on the battlefield at this moment, completely throwing himself into it, it was really difficult for Thomas Tian to associate him with the waste son-in-law of the Su family.

“Unexpectedly, I underestimated you, but the disadvantage of the mid-game. With my strength, it is not difficult to get back, you be careful.” Wang Mao smiled confidently.

George Han was immersed in the chessboard and did not speak. In my mind, I recalled the famous games I had played countless times.

His attitude made Xie Fei very unhappy, and said displeased: “What do you pretend to be, you really regard yourself as a master, my master let you.”

Xu Huanpu looked at George Han with blinking eyes, she did not look down on George Han. It’s just a surprise that this man can actually make Master’s attitude serious. No matter how badly he loses in the end, this is already considered an honor. You must know that in the whole Basin City, Wang Mao has never been in the game of Go. There is no opponent.

And even in national-level competitions, Wang Mao also has very impressive results.

“Ahem, true gentlemen watching chess without speaking, don’t disturb them.” Thomas Tian coughed twice. Reminded Xie Fei.

Although Thomas Tian came to Wang Mao to destroy George Han’s power, but at this time, he suddenly wanted to see how powerful George Han was, and even hoped that George Han could win this game.

The more the chess game was pushed back, the more anxious the situation became. And Wang Mao, who vowed to move back to the situation, did not allow his disadvantage to continue to expand, but when it came to moving back to the situation, no signs appeared.

As the chess closed, George Han’s serious expression suddenly revealed a relaxed color. Seeing this scene, Thomas Tian brows, is it going to win!

“Grandpa Wang, I’ve given up.” George Han left his last son, and Bai Zi had no place to survive, and he lost all games.

“This…” Xie Fei looked at the defeated Baizi in disbelief, and lost! Wang Mao would have lost, and he would still lose in the hands of a young man.

Xu Huan looked at George Han with full eyes, as if wishing to strip all his clothes off. He even won the master, so powerful. She is also handsome, she is the prince charming in her mind.

Wang Mao froze for a long time, looking at the powerless chessboard, although he did start lightly, but the mid-game started. He was almost trying his best to save the situation, but under George Han’s step-by-step pressing, there was no chance, until the end was defeated.

Wang Mao had to admit that this was an opponent worthy of his full attention. And even if he didn’t start the game lightly, he might not win.

“My master let you, otherwise how could you win.” Xie Fei refused to accept the winning George Han. In his opinion, if it weren’t for Wang Mao’s initial care, it would never lead to a disadvantage, so he won. It’s just good luck.

“One more game, my master won’t let you this time.” Xu Huan didn’t see the excitement too much. She wanted to see if the person in front of her really fits her prince charming.

“This… It has been more than an hour since the birthday banquet opened, and there are still many people waiting for Father Tian to congratulate him on his birthday, or maybe next time.” George Han looked at the time and said with embarrassment. , I was too invested just now, completely forgot the time that passed by one minute and one second.

“Yes, yes, next time, today is my birthday banquet. If my old birthday star does not attend, they should be anxious.” Thomas Tian smiled.

Chapter 117

Wang Mao, who had been silent all the time, said in a deep voice, “After eating, we will come to a serious game.”

Wang Mao doesn’t believe that he will lose. He is more accomplished in Go than many others. How could he lose to a young man?

George Han would not refuse this request, otherwise it would be too shameful for Wang Mao.

As for who loses and who wins, that is another matter.

“Grandpa Wang, let’s eat and drink and fight again.” George Han smiled.

Wang Mao took two apprentices. Leaving the room first.

Thomas Tian didn’t care how old he was a few rounds older than George Han, and put his hand on George Han’s shoulder and said: “Boy, you can do it, get serious, even Wang Mao is not an opponent. But, he is too. Not serious, how sure are you in the afternoon game?”

“Father, I remember someone is going to apprentice.” George Han said with a smile.

Thomas Tian’s expression condensed, this guy still remembers this.

He became a teacher at his age. It’s a shameless face to speak out, and he is the head of the heavenly family. Even though he doesn’t care about the business of the heavenly family, he is also the first person in the heavenly family to be the apprentice of a young man.

“Father, you are such a big person, wouldn’t it be considered that you don’t know how to speak?” George Han pinched Thomas Tian’s throat with one word, so that he didn’t even have a chance to refute.

Thomas Tian smiled awkwardly and said: “I speak. Of course it doesn’t count, but Wang Mao didn’t try his best, so you can’t win, and you want me to apprentice. Unless you can beat him in the afternoon. “

This old guy is trying to escape.

But this apprentice, George Han was settled.

“Don’t you want to know how sure I can beat him?” George Han said.

“Yes, how many are there?” Thomas Tian asked curiously.

“Ten percent.” George Han’s firm tone without hesitation made Thomas Tian stand on the spot.

Seeing George Han walking out of the door, Thomas Tian recovered and hurried out.

“Boy, don’t brag, if you lose this afternoon, it will hurt your own face.”

In the birthday banquet hall, time was almost two o’clock, and Thomas Tian hadn’t appeared yet. This made the people in the hall very puzzled. Of course, there were also a lot of grievances, but they didn’t dare to vent in their stomachs. Even if he was late for the birthday banquet of Thomas Tian, no one dared to say anything about it.

“How come Father Tian hasn’t come yet, this is the auspicious time. Nothing will happen, right?” Su Guolin looked at his head and said, there was no movement at all, and the Heavenly Clan was not in a hurry.

“It doesn’t matter if Thomas Tian comes or not. George Han didn’t come anyway. This idiot doesn’t know what his mood is now. Hey, I don’t want to eat anymore. Go see how cool he is to kneel for me.” Harry Su said with a smile. .

Su Yihan covered her mouth and chuckled, and said: “What are you in a hurry, you have to kneel once when you see you, and you are not in a hurry for this day.”

“That’s true.” Harry Su nodded proudly, and sighed: “The days are still long, if he dares to regret it, I will break his legs.”

At this time, the venue suddenly became lively, and many people stood up and greeted each other with smiles.

“Hello, my god.”

“I wish my old man a long life and live longer than Nanshan.”

“I wish my father a good health, and have the present every year.”

Amidst the ups and downs of blessings, there were many voices of doubt, because there was a young man who walked into the venue with Thomas Tian, and looked at the face, not like the Tian family.

“Who is this young man, actually enters the arena with the old man.”

“It seems that Father God values ”‹”‹him very much, otherwise, how could it be possible to walk so close.”

“Hey. I don’t know which young Toshihiko it is, who can be valued by the old man. This is a good luck.”

Among the many doubtful voices, only the Su family members did not speak, because they were stunned.

The old ladies of the Su family, Harry Su, Su Yihan, including Amelia Su, all had jaw-dropping expressions.

Because the young Junyan in the population is George Han!

Not only did he come, but he also entered with the old man, what kind of high treatment is this!

“How could it be, how could it be George Han!” Harry Su’s face was pale, and he didn’t want to believe it. He had already figured out how to make George Han kneel before him. But the facts gave him a head start.

The old lady took a deep breath, her expression and eyes were very solemn.

She didn’t want to know why George Han was able to walk by Thomas Tian’s side, because the reason was not important at all. The important thing was that such a special honor actually happened to George Han.

“What’s going on? George Han is a wasteful, why!” Su Yihan said unwillingly. Although she didn’t need to kneel to learn how to bark a dog, she could not accept the wastefulness in her own eyes. .

Amelia Su’s eyes were also puzzled. Although she knew George Han was not easy, she never thought about it. George Han was able to stand at such a height, strong enough to be a top big figure like Thomas Tian.

When George Han walked to the main seat and sat next to Thomas Tian, the audience was shocked, a foreigner who did not belong to the heavenly family. What’s the situation of being able to sit on the main seat and be side by side with Thomas Tian!

George Han and Tian Linger were left and the other right. This situation quickly reminded many people of a certain possibility.

Could it be that this young man. Is it Tian’s future son-in-law, Tian Ling’er’s boyfriend?

“Tian Linger has a good vision, this young man is extraordinary and must be a talent.”

“The appearance is dignified, and he looks like a handsome guy, and Tian Linger is simply a golden girl, a match made in heaven.”

“It’s just that I don’t know which young master it is. It seems that our Basin City is about to push up a new family soon.”

These words reached the ears of the Su family, and they were particularly harsh. Because in the past three years, George Han has been in Su’s house, but he was just a waste, but now he has been touted by the audience, making the Su family feel very uncomfortable.

“Obviously, it’s just a useless, so extraordinary, these people are blind.” Su Yihan gritted his teeth and whispered.

Harry Su was not in the mood to say that George Han was not. He only hoped that George Han did not see him and could treat him as nothing happened, otherwise he would kneel down and learn how to bark in this banquet hall. He became a joke for the entire Basin City.

Amelia Su squeezed her chin in her hand and leaned on the table with a wry smile.

Everyone treats him as a talent, but the Su Family treats him as a waste.

The Heavenly Father always valued him so much, but the Su Family never put him in the eyes. This is simply a great irony.

“Amelia, you are George Han’s wife, so you don’t want to toast the old man.” said the old lady of the Su family. She didn’t dare to refute those people’s words easily for fear of causing dissatisfaction from the heavenly family. But let Amelia Su appear as a wife, this is not a problem, and you can also take this opportunity to let outsiders know that the heavenly family values ”‹”‹the Su family’s son-in-law. The status of the Su family can also rise.

The old lady played a very loud abacus, but Amelia Su had no plans to do so.

“Grandma, are you sure you can use him to help the Su Family improve their social status? Does the Heavenly Family put him in their eyes or the Su Family’s eyes. Don’t you know? We can come, but It’s just an accessory.” Amelia Su said lightly.

“Nonsense, how could we be an accessory.” The old lady retorted immediately.

“So far in the Chengxi Project, there are many people who want to get involved, but Tianjia is not among them. This shows that Tianjia has not put the Chengxi Project in its eyes at all. Does the building material supplier of the Chengxi Project look at us differently?” Amelia Su shook her head. All this is just an illusion of the Su family. She can be sure that it is because of George Han that she can come to participate in the Thomas Tian birthday banquet. , And to a large extent because Thomas Tian gave George Han face.

The old lady wanted to refute, but she couldn’t say anything for a while, her face was extremely ugly.

Does the Su family actually expect this wastefulness to improve their social status?

This is to make her old face shame in front of George Han.

“No matter what the relationship between him and the heavenly father is, in my eyes, it is a waste after all. I want me to admit that he is excellent, unless he can make the Su family a first-line family in Basin City.” The old lady said coldly.

Chapter 118

Amelia Su suddenly felt extremely disgusted by the words of the old lady. Only when the Su family became a first-line family did they recognize George Han’s excellence?

But she didn’t seem to have thought that George Han didn’t need her to admit it at all.

How can people who can sit next to Thomas Tian care about others’ opinions?

Halfway through the banquet, Tian Linger flicked his ponytail and came to the Su family table.

Seeing Tian Linger, the old lady quickly got up. I dare not have the slightest idea of ”‹”‹relying on the old and selling the old.

“Hello, Miss Tian, ”‹”‹this is the Su family…”

Before the old lady finished speaking, Tian Linger interrupted unceremoniously, “Who is called Harry Su, I heard that there is a show to watch?”

Tian Linger is not an impolite person, but she doesn’t have the slightest affection for the Su family now, so she doesn’t put the old lady in her eyes.

The lover of her dreams was described as useless by this family. Can this mood be good?

Hear what Tian Linger said. The eyes of all the Su family fell on Harry Su involuntarily.

The so-called performance is probably Harry Su kneeling down to learn how to bark!

Harry Su gritted his teeth and said, “Miss Tian, ”‹”‹I am Harry Su.”

Tian Linger looked at Harry Su with a smile on his face, and looked up and down and said: “It’s you, kneel down to learn how to bark a dog. I have never seen it before. Would you like to let me know more?”

Harry Su thought he could escape this disaster. Unexpectedly, it was Tian Linger who would come forward. Yu Guang stared at George Han viciously. It was this rubbish thing. He must have told Tian Linger about it.

But Harry Su is a person who wants face. In such a gathering of high-class people, if he knelt down to learn how to bark, tomorrow the entire Cloud City would be his joke.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹I was just joking with him.” Harry Su said.

Tian Linger frowned in dissatisfaction and said, “You won’t let me come back in despair.”

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹it’s really just a joke. If you don’t believe it, just call him and ask.” Harry Su can only find a way to deter George Han and ask him to stop the matter.

But since George Han told Tian Linger about this, he never thought that he would let him go.

After all, he is not a living Bodhisattva, and if George Han fails to appear, will Harry Su let him go? The answer is obvious.

“Do you need to ask? If you don’t kneel, I’ll take down this account, and I will settle it with you later.” Tian Linger said.

There are two words in this sentence that are very important. Tian Linger is talking about you, not you. This means that she will not only trouble Harry Su, but also trouble the entire Su family.

When the old lady heard this, her face suddenly sank. Although she hated George Han for letting outsiders interfere with him and Harry Su, she didn’t dare to be hated by Tian Linger. After all, this is a lady of the heavenly family. what.

“Harry, you still don’t do what Miss Tian said.” The old lady said coldly.

Harry Su’s face is as gray as death, and even his grandma has spoken. It seems that today’s catastrophe cannot escape.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry.” Tian Linger waved her hand suddenly, and then said with a throat open: “Everyone should stop and be quiet.”

The banquet hall was not noisy at first, everyone was talking quietly, and after hearing Tian Linger’s voice, all fell silent.

“Today there is a special performance, I hope you can smile, don’t miss it.” Tian Linger said.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹how can you let us perform a show.”

“Yes, you are honorable. How can we have such an honor.”

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹or I’ll do it for you and amuse everyone.”

“I’ll come, I’ll come.”

“I, I, Miss Tian, ”‹”‹I will come.”

There are so many people who are vying for the first time, and they all hope to show off in front of Thomas Tian, even if it is a good thing that Thomas Tian can remember a trace of goodwill.

Tian Linger shook his head and said: “You don’t need you, you just need to watch it carefully.”

Seeing that there is no one’s own share, the enthusiasm of the group of passionate people just disappeared instantly.

I don’t know which lucky person it is. If he can make Tianchang full of heart, it is also an opportunity.

Harry Su was as uncomfortable as eating two catties of shit. If it was a normal performance, it would be fine, but he knelt down to learn how to bark, which would make people laugh.

“Harry Su, start your performance, so many audiences can’t wait.” Tian Linger said to Harry Su.

Harry Su glanced at the old lady, he was ashamed, which meant that the Su family would also be ashamed, and hoped that the old lady could help him find a way.

But the old lady didn’t even look at Harry Su. What a shame is better than making Tian Linger upset.

Resigned Harry Su knelt on the ground and barked.

After a moment of silence in the banquet hall, roars of laughter broke out.

Harry Su flushed with his head buried. His eyes were vicious.

George Han, you are responsible for all this, Harry Su, I will not take revenge and vowed not to be human. You wait and see, one day I will let you kneel down in front of me and pay back the shame of today ten times.

You are useless, when you have no use value to the heavenly family, what will you fight with me?

In Harry Su’s eyes, George Han was able to climb this level of relationship, it must be what Tianjia wanted to use him for, and after he was done using it. He would definitely kick him away, and then it was time for him to retaliate.

The gentleman takes revenge, it is not too late for ten years, I Harry Su can bear it!

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹this performance is really good, who is he, he looks like a dog barking.”

“He seems to be called Harry Su, and he lost a bet. That’s why he learned to bark as a dog.” Tian Linger explained.

Many people at the scene had never heard of the name Harry Su at all. After asking each other, they knew that Harry Su was originally from the Su family.

This made Harry Su feel even more embarrassed. At any rate, he was considered a second-tier young man in Basin City, so many people didn’t even know who he was.

Could it be that the Su family is in Basin City, so it has no influence?

The Su family is a very arrogant family, especially the old lady made a lot of rules, so that the Su family thinks that they are nobles. But as far as Basin City is concerned, before joining hands with Weak Water Real Estate, not many people really knew that the so-called second-tier family was quite reluctant. Not to mention the name Harry Su. Except for his circle of friends, he has no reputation at all.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹Harry Su doesn’t have a good relationship with you.”

“We made a note. We will meet this kid in the future. We will never give him face.”

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹don’t worry, I will definitely be at odds with this Harry Su in the future.”

Many people expressed their stance in front of Tian Linger, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that Tian Linger was targeting Harry Su, so it was also an opportunity to use the incident to make Tian Linger feel good about him.

But when Harry Su heard these words, he wanted to die.

There are all big figures in Basin City. If they are targeted, will he have a way to survive in Basin City in the future?

Tian Linger didn’t admit it, but didn’t deny it either, and returned to Thomas Tian with a vague attitude.

The old lady’s face was pale. She thought that attending the birthday party today was an opportunity for the Su family, but what happened now was a disaster.

In the future, Harry Su will become the director of the Su family. Today, Harry Su has become a public enemy of the whole city. If the company is handed over to Harry Su, who else can cooperate with him?

It is impossible for the Su family to rely on the Chengxi Project for a lifetime!

You have to think of a way to get this thing back.

The old lady looked at George Han. Since he is the son-in-law of the Su family, he should certainly do something for the Su family.

And this incident was caused by him alone. If he doesn’t count the responsibility on his head, who else can be counted on?

As the banquet came to a close, Wang Mao couldn’t wait to stand up and said to George Han, “Brother, are you full? If you are full, let’s go upstairs.”

During the meal, Wang Mao replayed the game with his memory. Although it was incomplete, he also found some flaws he believed to be. He was confident that playing against George Han again could find face.

George Han glanced at Thomas Tian and asked, “Master, have you finished eating?”

“Okay, okay, you can eat any time. The wonderful chess game is not always available. Let’s go.”

The group left the banquet hall, George Han walked with Thomas Tian again, and everyone in the Su family looked at him viciously.

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