His True Colors Novel Chapter 1139 – 1142

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Chapter 1139

When Han Jun came to Mullins, Yang Wanlin had been waiting at the door for a long time. From this we can see how much Yang Wanlin attaches importance to George Han. As the young master of the Yang family, he is even the most hopeful person to become the future head of the Yang family. , How could it be his turn to wait for someone when only others were waiting for him?

However, Yang Wanlin was willing to have such a special case for George Han. After all, even Yang Bin attaches great importance to George Han. There is no reason for him to despise George Han.

“Old Han, you finally showed up. It’s been almost half a month, and there is no news at all. What did you do?” Yang Wanlin said enthusiastically.

Han Jun was a little uncomfortable with Yang Wanlin’s attitude. After all, the status of this guy in front of him was much higher than him. Before, he was not even qualified to meet Yang Wanlin. But now, Yang Wanlin took the initiative to greet him.

This made Han Jun couldn’t help but think about what George Han’s trash had done to make Yang Wanlin take the initiative to please him.

“Some private matters, but they have been handled.” Han Jun said.

“You can’t disappear inexplicably in the future, otherwise, I’ll be worried, let’s go, I have already set the position, and I will definitely satisfy you tonight.” Yang Wanlin affectionately climbed on Han Jun’s shoulder, treating Han Jun as Han Jun. He was three thousand years old and didn’t notice it at all, because the appearance of the two brothers was so alike that outsiders could not tell.

Entering Mullins, the heavy bass stimulated Han Jun’s adrenaline. It was not the first time for Han Jun to come to a nightclub, but he was not so open before, and he did not have the mood to do everything today.

Now he looks at the woman completely different, because after getting the consent of Nangong Qianqiu, Han Jun has the qualification to try the forbidden fruit.

The two were taken directly to the attic by the waiter. This was the exclusive VIP location for Mullins. People without certain spending power were not even qualified to go upstairs.

Moreover, the entire second floor has only four decks. This is to allow VIP guests to have enough space, and they will not offend each other’s privacy.

This also means that in this place, it is possible to do anything, and it will not be discovered, and the nightclub will not interfere.

“Old Han, if you fancy someone tonight, tell me directly, no matter what kind of woman, I can help you get it.” Yang Wanlin said to Han Jun.

Han Jun’s heartbeat speeds up, this will be the night he will become a man, so it is inevitable that he is a little nervous and excited.

“One estimate is not enough.” Han Jun said with a smile.

Yang Wanlin showed a questioning smile on his face and said, “Are you bragging, or serious, you are not suitable for excessive at your age.”

“Do you think I am bragging? There is a good girl, please introduce me quickly.” Han Jun said impatiently.

For Yang Wanlin, who often hangs out in nightclubs, how can he not know a bunch of beautiful women.

Han Jun has this requirement, of course he will meet it.

“Sit down first, I’ll meet you right away.” After placing Han Jun in the deck, Yang Wanlin went to invite someone.

The demons danced on the dance floor on the first floor, and among them were many acquaintances of Yang Wanlin. It didn’t take long for Yang Wanlin to show up more than a dozen beauties.

In terms of figure, they are all top grades, and there is no big problem with heavy makeup under dim light.

After bringing all the women up to the second floor, Han Jun’s restless heart became more insecure, and these women, under the instruction of Yang Wanlin, took the initiative to get close to Han Jun.

When Yang Wanlin saw Han Jun’s dirty hands and feet, he thought that he finally caught George Han’s hobby. It turned out that he was still a womanizer. In this way, there would be a way to please George Han.

However, Yang Wanlin was still a little surprised. After all, he was only a fourteen-year-old child, and he did not expect that he was mature enough to have such a demand.

Han Jun hugged left and right, making very dishonest small movements, and those women have become accustomed to being stubborn, and instead of rejecting them, they are very cooperative to cater.

“Old Han, if you have the ability, take everyone away tonight, and I will arrange the hotel for you.” Yang Wanlin said to Han Jun with a smile.

“This is what you said, I take it seriously.” Han Jun said seriously.

“I’m afraid you won’t get out of bed tomorrow.”

The two joked with each other, and the relationship between them was developing rapidly. Yang Wanlin was very happy in his heart. As long as he could please George Han, he could accept any price he paid, let alone some night ladies. It’s a big deal to give them some money afterwards, and for Yang Wanlin, money is the most indispensable.

Not long after, a young man broke into the deck area of ”‹”‹Yang Wanlin. Generally speaking, the VIPs on the second floor should not disturb each other. The club also regulates trespassing into other decks, but this young man, No nightclub staff came forward to stop it. Obviously, the identity was unusual.

“Yang Wanlin, when did you fall to this point, and you were mixed up with a little kid.” The young man laughed and said to Yang Wanlin.

When Yang Wanlin looked up, his smiling expression instantly solidified.

“Wang Li, what a coincidence, I can also meet you here,” Yang Wanlin said lightly.

Wang Li, one of the three major Hillwood City families, a descendant of the Wang family, his status in the Wang family is almost the same as that of Yang Wanlin in the Yang family. He is the next generation with high hopes, and the most promising to become the head of the Wang family.

The three major families of Hillwood City are harmonious on the surface, but the competition in the dark has never been less, and there are even many ugly methods. It can be said that they are enemies with each other.

When the enemy meets, they are naturally extremely jealous.

“Unfortunately, I don’t know, but I came here because I heard you are here.” Wang Li said.

Yang Wanlin frowned, and Wang Li was so outspoken, as if he was coming for trouble.

However, Yang Wanlin was not worried at all. With a master like George Han present, even if Wang Lizhen was looking for trouble, he was the one who suffered.

“It seems that you have something to do with me. Let’s talk about it. If you want to ask me for help,” Yang Wanlin said lightly.

Wang Li smiled coldly and said, “Yang Wanlin, what are you, you want me to beg you, you’re so brash.”

“It’s okay to ask me, why did you come to me on purpose, is it possible that you still want to fight?” Yang Wanlin provoked.

“Some time ago, one of my Wang family’s projects was obstructed by your Yang family. Your Yang family has not given me an explanation for this matter. Let’s make it clear today.” Wang Li said.

“Explain?” Yang Wanlin glanced at Wang Li disdainfully, and said, “I need to explain to you when I work in the Yang family. What are you?”

Chapter 1140

Yang Wanlin’s words made Wang Li angry. The two sides were full of gunpowder, and it was very likely that they would fight if they didn’t agree.

Wang Li came here specially today, so naturally he brought a helper, so he was not afraid at all. In a big deal, he brought the contradiction between Wang and Yang’s family to the table to resolve, completely torn his face.

And Yang Wanlin was even more not afraid. With a master like George Han by his side, no matter what kind of people Wang Li brought, he seemed to be asking for trouble.

“Yang Wanlin, it’s not convenient here, do you dare to change place with me?” Wang Li said coldly.

Yang Wanlin looked at what he thought was George Han. He is still immersed in beauty. If he is allowed to leave at this time, Yang Wanlin is afraid that he will be dissatisfied.

“Wait, my brother hasn’t played enough yet.” Yang Wanlin said.

Wang Li looked at Han Jun mockingly, and said, “Yang Wanlin, is it possible that you still plan to let this little kid help you?”

Little kid?

Yang Wanlin used to think so, until he saw the strength of George Han, even Song Yun at home did not dare to attack George Han easily. Wang Li looked down on George Han like this and would definitely pay the price.

Moreover, Yang Wanlin also found an opportunity. As long as Wang Li irritated George Han, then Wang Li would not have a good end without him deliberately letting George Han take action.

So Yang Wanlin added extra energy and jealously said: “Wang Li, you have to find out who my little brother is, and advise you to speak carefully. If he deals with you, even I can’t save you.”

In this case, it naturally made Wang Li even more disdainful and laughed: “Boy, what are you? Listen to Yang Wanlin, you are very good, do you want to try it with my men?”

Yang Wanlin was delighted in his heart, and Wang Li was so provocative, George Han probably couldn’t bear it anymore.

But to Yang Wanlin’s surprise, Han Jun did not respond. He is not the real George Han after all. His appearance can be faked, but his strength cannot be faked.

And now, Jun Han is completely immersed in female s*x, so he doesn’t have the mind to take care of other things.

“Boy, I’m talking to you, are you f*cking deaf?” Wang Li was even more angry after being ignored by Han Jun, and shouted directly at Han Jun.

Yang Wanlin quietly looked forward to Han Jun’s outbreak, and even hoped that Han Jun could directly defeat Wang Li, which would help him reduce one opponent.

But when Han Jun looked up blankly, he did not receive the response Yang Wanlin expected.

“I don’t like fighting, you should solve your own affairs by yourself.” Han Jun said.

Yang Wanlin was stunned for a moment. What does this mean? Isn’t he going to take care of this matter?

Yang Wanlin put all his hopes on Han Jun, which gave him the confidence to clashed with Wang Li without any underlings. If Han Jun didn’t care, he would only be crippled today.

Hearing what Han Jun said, Wang Li burst into laughter and said to Yang Wanlin: “This is your very good friend, and it’s just an asshole, Yang Wanlin, are you f*cking stupid, you want to have a kid? help you.”

Yang Wanlin’s face was extremely ugly. He didn’t understand what Han Jun meant and why he looked out of the way.

Of course Yang Wanlin would not have thought that the person in front of him who was exactly the same as George Han was not George Han at all, and he did not have the strength of George Han, so naturally he could not help him solve the problem in front of him.

“Old Han, what’s your situation?” Yang Wanlin asked Han Jun.

Han Jun looked at Yang Wanlin with a puzzled expression. He didn’t understand what Yang Wanlin meant at all. He said, “This is a matter between you. I’m an outsider, how can I intervene, and how do you want me to help you.”

These words were extremely unkind, and Yang Wanlin couldn’t help but wonder whether Han Jun’s invitation tonight was intentional. He and Wang Li were in collusion?

But this is somewhat unreasonable. Why would he do this?

“Wang Li, today I admit that you have the ability to kill me, otherwise, I will definitely find a chance to avenge you.” Yang Wanlin said to Wang Li.

Wang Li was not so daring to kill Yang Wanlin. The Wang and Yang family were of equal power. Once he really killed Yang Wanlin, the Yang family would inevitably endure endlessly, and Wang Li would not be able to get the slightest advantage.

But it is impossible for Wang Li to let Yang Wanlin go easily.

“My good deeds were ruined by you, you should pay a price, of course.” After saying that, Wang Li beckoned to the men behind him.

Several of his subordinates walked directly to Yang Wanlin’s side, and they fisted and kicked every word.

When Han Jun saw this, his eyelids jumped with fright, playing with the woman, why did he start fighting.

Yang Wanlin was quickly beaten to the ground.

Wang Li squatted next to Yang Wanlin and said condescendingly: “Next time you dare to ruin my good deeds, I won’t let you go so easily. By the way, I would like to remind you that you have to bring a little bit of power when you go out in the future. Character, get involved with this kind of kid, and I don’t know what happened to the corpse on the street.”

After speaking, Wang Li took his men and left.

Yang Wanlin sat up hard, as if nothing happened. Today, he was careless, and he believed too much in George Han. This kind of thing would never happen again.

“How are you, are you okay?” Han Jun asked Yang Wanlin.

Yang Wanlin doesn’t even understand what Han Jun wants to do now. What is the use of caring afterwards?

“Old Han, I have something to do, let’s go first.” Yang Wanlin stood up and said.

Han Jun already has a beauty in his arms, and can’t wait to go to the hotel for a long time, but he doesn’t know how to speak. Yang Wanlin is going to leave, so he can just take this opportunity to slip away.

“Let’s go together, this kind of place makes me a headache.” Han Jun said.

Yang Wanlin took a deep breath and disappeared for half a month. He realized that George Han in front of him was completely different from before, like two people.

But this may be what George Han did on purpose. Yang Wanlin didn’t dare to test it easily, so he could only go home and tell the ancestors about the matter, so that he could decide.

After the two left the nightclub together, Yang Wanlin got in the car, and Han Jun took the women to the nearest hotel.

Sitting in the car, Yang Wanlin quickly discovered something. A group of people followed Han Jun, as if something was going on.

If George Han was present, he would definitely recognize a familiar face among those who followed. George Han rescued Wu Xin in his hands. Obviously, this was a premeditated revenge. It’s just that the person they wanted to retaliate against was George Han, but they were met by the hapless man Han Jun.

“Drive, follow them slowly.” Yang Wanlin said to the driver.

Chapter 1141

When he was approaching the hotel, Han Jun was already excited, and he began to imagine the process of becoming a man in his mind. At this time, he had only one word in his mind, and that was desire.

The people who followed him suddenly rushed up at this moment and surrounded Han Jun.

“Little thing, I f*cking finally waited for you.” The man who was beaten by George Han gritted his teeth and said to Han Jun. Since being badly done by George Han, the man has been squatting around Mullins for a few minutes. In days, just for revenge, I finally ran into Han Jun today, and the anger in my heart instantly burned.

“Who are you and what do you want to do.” Han Jun asked coldly.

“What the hell are you doing? I’m going to break your leg today,” the man said.

“Except for him staying, you can go away.” The man pointed at Han Jun and continued.

A group of women left without any memorials.

This made Han Jun angry too, he finally ushered in his most important night, seeing that he was about to enter the hotel soon, but was destroyed by these inexplicable guys.

“Do you know who I am? You can’t afford to mess with me.” Han Jun said gloomily.

“Brothers, come, let him know how good we are.” The man came to avenge, so he didn’t talk too much nonsense, and he understood the reason why the villain died because of a lot of talk. He didn’t want to wait until Han Jun’s Reinforcements came out.

In the distance, Yang Wanlin sat in the car and watched all this quietly. Before Han Jun hadn’t helped him out, causing him to hold a fire in his stomach, but now, he naturally did not intend to help Han Jun.

However, the George Han he had in mind was definitely not the skill of these gangsters who could be opponents.

It’s a pity that Han Jun, after all, was just the misidentified George Han, not the deity of George Han.

The next thing is of course.

Han Jun was beaten by a few people. He didn’t even have the ability to resist, and he quickly lay on the ground.

The gang came quickly, and went quickly, and they scattered after the fight.

Han Jun was lying on the ground, all over his body aches, calling the heavens should not.

Yang Wanlin frowned when he saw this.

What the hell is going on? How could Song Yun be so badly beaten by a few punks!

“Master, do you want to help?” the driver asked Yang Wanlin.

Yang Wanlin shook his head subconsciously. He couldn’t figure out what was going on now, but he was sure that the identity of George Han must be weird, because if he was really George Han himself, this little matter would be solved by himself.

“Go home.” Yang Wanlin said.

The driver directly stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle whizzed past Han Jun.

When I returned home, it was late at night. Everyone in the Yang family should have rested, but the lights in the living room were still on. Yang Wanlin felt strange and found Yang Bin sitting in the living room.

Yang Wanlin walked to Yang Bin respectfully and said: “Ancestor, it’s so late, you haven’t rested yet.”

“How was the meeting with George Han?” Yang Bin asked.

Yang Wanlin was shocked. The ancestor had waited for him so late, so he just wanted to know about George Han. This is too much attention.

“Ancestor, I feel a little strange about what happened tonight.” Yang Wanlin said.

Yang Bin raised his head curiously and said, “Sit down and say.”

Yang Wanlin was flattered and sat cautiously beside Yang Bin, and said, “My ancestor, although George Han and I have not seen each other for half a month, the feeling he gave me is completely different from before. I even suspect that I will see you tonight. The person in question is not George Han at all.”

“Why are there such doubts?” Yang Bin asked.

“He was beaten by a group of gangsters, and there was no room to fight back.” Yang Wanlin said.

Was beaten by a gangster?

Yang Bin’s expression flashed with surprise, George Han, as a Tianzi-level powerhouse of the Apocalypse, could have overturned the ship in the gutter and was poked by the gangster?

Even Song Yun is not his opponent.

“You can’t read it wrong, right?” Yang Bin doubted. He didn’t want to understand why this happened. Because George Han’s strength had already been exposed in front of the Yang family, he didn’t need to use such inferior methods in Yang Wanlin. Hide yourself in front of you.

And the relationship between Yao family and George Han, Yang Bin also inquired clearly. The reason why Yao Yuhai wanted to stand for George Han was because George Han helped Yao Hanxing solve the big problem. This also shows that George Han is very skilled. People.

“No, this is what I saw with my own eyes, there is absolutely no possibility of falsehood.” Yang Wanlin said.

“Are you sure that he is really George Han?” Since the matter is true, Yang Bin can only doubt George Han’s identity. The fundamental reason why he can’t beat those punks is that he is probably not. George Han, in this way can explain.

“Yes.” Yang Wanlin said categorically, “No matter his height or appearance, he is exactly the same. If he wasn’t George Han, who else would he be?”

Yang Bin glanced at Yang Wanlin angrily, and said, “I have warned you a long time ago. Nothing is absolute. I want you to face everything with three-point vigilance. Have you forgotten it? “

This was the teaching Yang Bin gave to Yang Wanlin, and Yang Wanlin would keep it in his mind all the time. It was just that the incident of George Han really made Yang Wanlin not feel that there was anything doubtful.

“Old ancestor, I was wrong.” There is no mistake. In front of the ancestor, Yang Wanlin will admit his mistake at the first time, even if he thinks he is right, but the ancestor thinks that he is wrong, that is wrong.

This is Yang Wanlin’s way of survival in front of Yang Bin. He knows that only by following Yang Wanlin’s words can he get more attention from Yang Wanlin.

“Did you forget that the Han family has siblings. It’s not unusual for these twins to look exactly the same,” Yang Bin reminded.

This sentence made Yang Wanlin Digu initiate. Before, he thought why he felt that George Han had completely changed. He was reminded by Yang Bin and instantly understood.

It’s not that they have changed. These two people are probably not the same at all.

“Ancestor, I completely forgot about this. You mean, George Han I saw tonight is Han Jun!” Yang Wanlin said in surprise.

Yang Bin nodded. This is the only possibility. Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense for George Han to be beaten by a group of gangsters.

“No, he contacted me on the initiative. If he were Jun Han, where did George Han go? Could it be that with George Han’s strength, he could still be imprisoned by the Han family?” Yang Wanlin guessed.

Yang Bin didn’t speak, but looked thoughtful.

After a long time, Yang Bin said, “If he is imprisoned by the Han family, then he must be deliberate.”

Chapter 1142

The reason why Yang Bin said this is because in his opinion, George Han’s strength is definitely not something that the Han family can control. The strongest person in the Han family is Yanjun, and Yanjun and Song Yun are very familiar.

Yang Bin had discussed this issue with Song Yun, and Song Yun’s words have left Yang Bin in his memory.

Song Yun said that even if he and Yan Jun joined forces, they might not be George Han’s opponent.

Under these conditions, how could George Han be imprisoned by the Han family?

So if this happens, it must be when George Han has not resisted.

But such a statement made Yang Wanlin feel very strange. How could George Han be so strong that he would be willing to be imprisoned by the Han family for no reason? And also voluntarily lose freedom, which doesn’t make sense.

“Ancestor, you said George Han volunteered, why would he do this?” Yang Wanlin asked in confusion.

Yang Bin’s serious expression suddenly showed a smile, as if thinking of something.

Yang Wanlin was confused, and didn’t even know where Yang Bin’s smile was, so he could only quietly wait for Yang Bin to explain to him.

“As everyone knows, Nangong Qianqiu’s importance to these two brothers is very different. George Han lives in the Han family and lives in the name of trash. He did this, I am afraid he just wanted to prove himself.” Yang Bin said.

Yang Wanlin still didn’t understand, to prove himself, with George Han’s strength, isn’t this a very simple thing, why do so many tricks?

“Ancestor, I still don’t understand.” Yang Wanlin said.

“Why did Han Jun appear as George Han? This must be Nangong Qianqiu’s instruction, and even Nangong Qianqiu planned to let Han Jun bear the name of George Han and slander him outside, so Nangong Qianqiu locked up George Han. As for Han Why didn’t George resist? This is probably because George Han took advantage of the situation. He should have guessed that Jun Han would reveal his identity and even cause big trouble. At that time, only George Han could save Jun Han.”

“This is the reversal of status. After Han Jun got into trouble, Nangong Qianqiu wanted to save Han Jun, so she could only ask George Han.”

Yang Bin’s explanation was so clear and plain that Yang Wanlin finally understood it, but in his opinion, it was completely unnecessary and troublesome.

George Han wants to prove himself in front of Nangong Qianqiu and has more and better opportunities to choose, why bother to do so many things around?

“Old Patriarch, why didn’t he change to a simpler and more direct method?” Yang Wanlin asked.

“What he wants is not just to prove himself, but the most important thing is probably Nangong Qianqiu’s begging.” Yang Bin smiled and said, he deserves to be an old fox in the mall. With just a few details, he actually figured out George Han’s overall plan. .

However, for Yang Bin, this is just a guess at the moment. Yang Bin is not sure whether this is the case.

But following this line of thought, Yang Bin knew what he should do so that he could better cooperate with George Han, and even made George Han thank him for this incident.

Since knowing that George Han is a strong man at the Tianqi Tianzi level, Yang Bin has been thinking about how to build a better relationship with George Han all the time.

The three major families of Hillwood City have worked hard for many years, and there has never been a victory or defeat. Originally, Yang Bin thought that in his lifetime, he would not have seen the Yang family reach the top of the three families, but the appearance of George Han gave Yang Bin hope.

With the help of George Han, the Yang family can definitely rise to the top and overlook the other two families!

“Let him come home tomorrow.” Yang Bin said to Yang Wanlin.

“Ancestor, do you have a way to prove his identity?” Yang Wanlin asked curiously.

“Does his identity still need to be proven? If he is really George Han, how could he be beaten by a group of gangsters, what about your brain?” Yang Bin scolded.

Yang Wanlin shrank his neck involuntarily, and could only say, “Ancestor, I know what to do.”

Yang Bin wanted to say something, but after sighing, he walked towards his room.

Yang Wanlin is indeed very good, and among the younger generation of the Yang family, the person most likely to support the Yang family, but his biggest shortcoming is that he can’t think, and he always looks at problems in a simple way. This is what makes Yang Bin the least satisfied. The place.

It’s a pity that this kind of thing cannot be solved by outsiders. Only Yang Wanlin can understand it and learn to think deeper.

This sigh made Yang Wanlin’s heart cool, and he didn’t even know what he did that would make Yang Bin behave like this.

But Yang Wanlin knew that as long as the relationship between him and George Han was deepened, he would still be the best candidate for the head of the family.

On the other hand, Han Jun, who was beaten up, fell to the ground and rested for a long time before sitting up. During this period, he was regarded as a drunk, and occasionally people passing by would stay away from him.

The pain in his whole body made Han Jun feel like he was dying. He had never been wronged since he was a child, when would he be beaten so badly.

After taking out the phone with difficulty, Han Jun dialed Nangong Qianqiu’s cell phone.

When the phone was connected, Han Jun started crying: “Grandma, I was beaten, come and save me.”

Nangong Qianqiu was already asleep, because she knew what would happen to Han Jun tonight, so she didn’t plan to wait for Han Jun to come home. This call directly caused Nangong Qianqiu to wake up.

“What’s the matter, how could I be beaten? Did Yang Wanlin do it?” Nangong Qianqiu’s first reaction was that Han Jun’s identity was discovered by Yang Wanlin, so Yang Wanlin would attack Han Jun, but this is too fast. , And how could Yang Wanlin see the difference between the two?

“No, it’s a bunch of gangsters. It should be George Han who offended them, so the revenge was on my body.” Han Jun gritted his teeth and said, this hatred, he would naturally count it on George Han’s head. However, he can still use Nangong Qianqiu’s hand to punish George Han, which is also a way to vent his anger.

“Where are you, I will pick you up right away.” Nangong Qianqiu said.

Han Jun reported his address, and Nangong Qianqiu immediately got up, put on his clothes, and drove towards the place where Han Jun was.

When Nangong Qianqiu arrived and saw Han Jun sitting on the ground, he suddenly felt distressed.

“Jun’er, how are you, are you okay, do you need to go to the hospital?” Nangong Qianqiu said nervously.

Han Jun, with a blue nose and a swollen face, didn’t think about how to find revenge for those little gangsters, but said: “Grandma, it’s all George Han, and he harmed me. If he didn’t provoke those who are inconsistent, why would I Getting beaten?”

Nangong Qianqiu was heartbroken. When she heard Han Jun say this, she couldn’t help but put her hatred on George Han.

“Don’t worry, grandma will go back and teach that dog thing immediately!”

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