His True Colors Novel Chapter 1119 – 1122

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Chapter 1119

“Boy, do you know that, with your words, I can make you lie down and leave.” Yang Bin said to George Han with a cold face.

Many people know the relationship between Liu Dongyang and the Yang family, but who has the courage to criticize?

Even if it is a private discussion. You also need to be very cautious, let alone mention it in front of the ancestors of the Yang family.

Yang Wanlin looked at George Han with a smile on his face. This guy is not just a trash, he is also a fool. I really don’t know how the Han family can raise such a stuff. Isn’t this causing trouble for the Han family?

But next. George Han’s words were even more shocking.

“I killed Liu Dongyang, you want me to die. It makes sense.” George Han said calmly.

A word of thunder!

Sounds from the ground!

With one sentence, George Han shocked everyone in the Yang family.

They were trying to find out who did this thing, but they didn’t expect the protagonist of this thing to come to the door!

But… how is this possible.

Just a kid, how can this be done?

“George Han, if you want to die, you can change it in another way, and how many people will believe what you say? You want to avenge the Han family, so you deliberately used this method to pull hatred? “Yang Wanlin said with disdain.

What George Han said was indeed amazing, but Yang Wanlin didn’t believe it at all.

Other people’s expressions gradually evolved from shock to mockery.

If it were a normal person to say this, maybe there is still a certain degree of credibility, but how can a child like George Han be convinced?

And it is absolutely impossible for a normal person to kill Liu Dongyang. Go to the Yang’s house and throw yourself into the net.

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt that George Han’s figure flashed and became illusory.

When everyone saw him clearly again, he had already appeared in front of Yang Wanlin.

Yang Wanlin was taken aback. He didn’t even see how George Han appeared in front of him.

It’s just a blink of an eye!


Before Yang Wannian had finished speaking, George Han suddenly caught his neck, and George Han lifted Yang Wanlin into the air with one hand with amazing arm strength.

Yang Wannian, who couldn’t breathe for a moment, could only kick his legs and struggle, and even tried to open George Han with both hands, but he found that his own strength simply couldn’t do it.

what happened!

how is this possible!

How could a little kid have so much strength!

At the same time, the old man also showed shocked eyes. When he wanted to save Yang Wannian, George Han’s voice came from his ear.

“Don’t move, otherwise. I can’t guarantee that I will be nervous and accidentally crushed his neck.”

The old man knew that George Han’s words were definitely not a joke. He didn’t even see his movements just now, and he was able to lift Yang Wanlin with one hand, and he definitely had the strength to squeeze Yang Wanlin’s neck.

At this moment, Yang Bin finally knew that the child in front of him was not something he could despise.

Killed Liu Dongyang and dared to take the initiative to find the door, without any real skills, how can he have such courage?

“What do you want to do?” Yang Bin asked.

“Recommend someone to you, he can get your reuse.” George Han said.

Seeing Yang Wanlin’s face was already green, on the verge of suffocation. Yang Bin said, “You let him go first, and if you have anything to say, please.”

George Han directly let go of his hand, he never thought of taking Yang Wanlin as a hostage. And there is no need to do this.

The old man next to Yang Bin is an absolute strong man. His strength is higher than that of Yanjun, and may even have some relationship with Tianqi. It is a pity that he meets George Han, he is equivalent to an ant.

There is no one who can threaten George Han. How can George Han need to worry so much?

“As for Liu Dongyang, you should be very clear about what he did. Those things he did were a kind of discredit to the Yang family. I killed him and helped you clean up the door. Of course, gratitude is not necessary, just you Accept the person I propose to you.” George Han said.

Yang Bin’s face was frosty. As a superior, no one had ever dared to speak this way in front of him. Seeing what George Han meant, even if he didn’t want to accept it.

And the person he proposed must be his cronies, this is to use the power of the Yang family to cultivate his own people.

Yang Bin doesn’t know how to plant trees for people and let others enjoy the shade.

“What if I don’t want it?” Yang Bin said coldly.

George Han looked at the old man next to Yang Bin with a smile, and said, “He is not my opponent. If you want to rely on him to arrest me, or even kill me, this is wishful thinking. And I advise you. Don’t have such thoughts, otherwise your funeral will be held in advance.”

After saying this. George Han paused and continued: “Everyone here, there must be many people who want to take your place. You are dead, but it is a good thing for them. If you can’t cooperate with you, I can still find They cooperate, you say yes.”

Yang Bin’s face was pale, and George Han’s words almost made him vomit blood.

However, he knew that what George Han said was the truth. There were people in the Yang family who longed for his death, but these people did not dare to show it.

“This is the site of my Yang family. What you say is what you say. It’s too much to take my Yang Bin seriously.” Yang Bin said coldly.

“There is a word, I want to tell this old gentleman.” George Han said.

Yang Bin glanced at the old man beside him, and the old man nodded.

Only he knew what George Han’s performance meant the most, so even he didn’t dare to underestimate George Han.

The old man walked up to George Han and said, “If you have anything, just say it.”

George Han lowered his voice and said, “I wonder if the old gentleman has heard of the apocalypse, and does he know what it means to be strong in the sky?”

Hearing this, the old man visibly trembled, and his face changed a lot.

Seeing the old man’s reaction, George Han smiled. It seems that the tiger skin of Apocalypse is still very useful, and it can scare many people.

The old man took a deep breath and said, “I was disrespectful just now, and I hope to forgive me.”

George Han shook his head.

When the old man returned to Yang Bin, Yang Bin could clearly see his shaking hands.

Having known each other for so many years, Yang Bin knows very well that this old friend beside him has experienced too much wind and rain, and the things he should be afraid of are by no means trivial. It seems that the background of this little guy is really not small.

If you choose to go head-to-head with George Han, the result is unknown, and to a large extent, I am afraid it will be unpleasant.

As a shrewd businessman, Yang Bin already has his own choice in his heart.

“Wan Lin, you talk to George Han about the new puppet, and you are responsible for this matter.” Yang Bin said.

Chapter 1120

After Yang Bin said this, everyone in the Yang family changed their faces. This was a compromise with George Han!

Yang Bin is the ancestor of the Yang family, and the Yang family is also one of the three Hillwood City families. His status is undoubtedly high. Moreover, for the dogmatic Yang Bin, it is difficult even to listen to the opinions of others, but now. He compromised with George Han.

It was a fantasy that Yang Bin made a concession with just such a child.

Yang Wanlin didn’t know what this meant, but he knew very well that he had to complete Yang Bin’s explanation, and George Han, who was able to make Yang Bin compromise, was definitely not something he could underestimate.

“Ancestor rest assured. I will definitely cooperate.” Yang Wannian said, and at the same time he glanced at George Han, his eyes obviously changed.

This legendary Han family trash young master is obviously not the kind of person he imagined.

And Yang Wannian has an instinct. If you want to get the position of the head of the Yang family, maybe it is an opportunity to befriend George Han, and George Han should be able to provide him with great help in this matter.

“I want to rest. You can discuss the rest.” Yang Bin left after saying this to George Han. Under his plain surface, there was an urgent heart hidden. He wanted Knowing what George Han said to the old man has caused him such a big change.

Everyone in the Yang family stood up at the same time, as if sending the emperor to retreat.

After Yang Bin left, those people turned their attention to George Han. This person who dared to break into the Yang family alone and bluntly said that he killed Liu Dongyang and finally made Yang Bin compromise, really made them feel shocked. It’s even incredible.

Someone pinched his thigh quietly, and after feeling the pain, he was sure that he was not dreaming.

“Brother Han, what do you want. Just tell me.” Yang Wannian walked up to George Han, no longer had that kind of lofty posture, with a smile on his face, and his tone of voice, just like talking to George Han. Like friends.

“His name is Zhou Dingshan. If you have time, you can talk to him. When this matter is done, I will invite you to dinner.” George Han said.

Yang Wannian raised his eyebrows. This meal was not such a simple meal. This was the clarion call for him and George Han to get closer.

“It must be, brother Han, if you need help in the future, just ask me.” Yang Wannian promised, patting his chest.

By doing this, he was already deliberately trying to please George Han, and everyone else in the Yang family was in his eyes. Those who were qualified to compete with Yang Wannian for the position of Patriarch couldn’t help being a little anxious. Obviously, Yang Bin The attitude towards George Han is extraordinary. And getting closer with George Han can improve their status in Yang Bin’s mind in disguise.

This is what Yang Wannian did, so other people, at this moment, are also starting to find a way. They must establish a good relationship with George Han and cannot fall behind Yang Wannian.

“I have something else, let’s go first and see you the day after tomorrow.” George Han said.

“Okay, I’ll send it to you.” Yang Wannian sent George Han to the door of the Villa, and George Han knew what he meant by seeing you the day after tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow was the meeting of the Hillwood City Chamber of Commerce. Although the three major families would hardly pay attention to this kind of gathering, and had not participated in it in previous years, George Han was obviously reminding him to be there, maybe something good happened. .

In the Han family, those people have always treated George Han as rubbish. People from the Han family would never think of what happened in the Yang family today. Yang Wannian knew what role he would play when he appeared, but he was happy to make George Han, and he also wanted to see when George Han appeared in At the party. What kind of reaction will everyone in the Han family have.

At this time, in Yang Bin’s study.

Yang Bin asked bluntly: “Song Yun, I have known you for so many years and I have never seen anything you are afraid of.”

Song Yun smiled bitterly. For the passionate man who beats the world with his fists, there is nothing to be afraid of.

But just now, after listening to George Han’s words, Song Yun was scared. And it’s a fear from the heart.

Song Yun knew that his strength in the duny world was very strong, but he knew more clearly what this strength meant for Tianqi.

That’s playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong!

“The origin of this child is beyond your imagination.” Song Yun said.

“My compromise with him is because of my trust in you. I hope you don’t let me down.” Yang Bin said. If George Han is not worthy of his fear, then his compromise just now is meaningless. Therefore, the more powerful George Han’s status is, the better for Yang Bin.

Of course, behind this compromise, Yang Bin also has his own considerations. As an old fox in the mall, how could Yang Bin let himself suffer?

He is a businessman after all, and will calculate all the benefits on himself, so the more powerful George Han is, the more benefits he can get from George Han.

“Apocalypse, Tianzi level, these are the five words he told me. I believe these five words have enough weight.” Song Yun said.

Yang Bin frowned deeply. He didn’t know much about Tianqi, but he knew that this was an organization above the secular. And this organization master is like a cloud, among which the most powerful is the Tianzi level, known as the Tianzi level powerhouse!

But George Han. It’s just a child, how could he be a person of apocalypse, and how could he reach the level of Tianzi?

“Are you sure? He is still young, and he can really join Apocalypse. And he has become a strong Tianzi rank?” Yang Bin asked with doubt.

“This is also my strange place.” Song Yun sighed. He couldn’t imagine how George Han joined Apocalypse, and how he gained the status of Tianzi-level powerhouse. All this is incredible.

But the strength that George Han showed. But it was so powerful. Although he only shot Yang Wanlin and was only the tip of the iceberg showing his own strength, Song Yun knew that even if it was him, it could not be George Han’s opponent.

“In other words, you are not sure of his identity?” Yang Bin said dissatisfiedly.

“Yes, I can’t determine his identity, but there is one thing I can be sure of. He wants to kill me. I’m afraid I don’t even have a chance to resist.” Song Yun said.

Yang Bin couldn’t help but took a breath, and the blame on his face instantly disappeared.

For so many years, he can rely on Song Yun’s protection to be safe, and Song Yun’s words really surprised him.

Chapter 1121

If George Han really possesses such abilities, then even if he is not a Tianzi-level powerhouse of Apocalypse, he is worthy of Yang Bin’s friendship.

Yang Bin makes friends and interests are paramount, so in this case, he can completely ignore George Han’s age. There is no problem even being able to become a year-end friend with George Han.

“It seems that this little guy is still quite interesting, but I don’t understand why such a powerful person would be treated as waste?” Yang Bin had an incomprehensible expression. If George Han were in the Yang family, he would definitely get his reuse, but the Han family. But completely ignored the existence of such a family that can revitalize the family.

“I’ve heard some inside stories about this matter.” Song Yun said with a wry smile. The reason for the wry smile is because it seems to him ridiculous.

As a martial artist, Song Yun has a very good relationship with Jun Yan, so when the two get together occasionally, they will chat. Song Yun learned about George Han from Yan Jun.

Song Yun used to think it was no big deal. After all, Nangong Qianqiu did it only to train the next Patriarch of the Han family. As for who sat in this position, it didn’t matter.

But now Song Yun felt that his idea was too simple, because George Han was much better than Han Jun, and Nangong Qianqiu did this. It was an absolutely stupid choice.

“What inside story?” Yang Bin asked curiously.

“George Han is a compatriot brother. He also has an elder brother named Han Jun. Nangong Qianqiu has found an expert to count. Han Jun has the emperor’s appearance. Only Han Jun can become a talent and lead the Han family to the next glory, Nangong Qianqiu. I believe in this, so the treatment these two brothers have suffered in the Han family is worlds apart. Nangong Qianqiu held Han Jun in her palm, but George Han was a thorn in her eye. This is why George Han The reason why Qianhui was regarded as waste.” Song Yun said.

After Yang Bin froze for a while, he laughed. It’s really ridiculous. Nangong Qianqiu actually believed these horrors, but it was a good thing for him. If George Han was not treated as a waste in the Han family, how could he take advantage of it?

“It seems that this is an opportunity for my Yang family. Maybe before I die, I can see the Yang family surpassing the other two families.” Yang Bin said with a smile.

The three major families of Hillwood City seem to be very harmonious on the surface, but they have been fighting secretly for many years. Everyone wants to be one of the other two families and become the true first family of Hillwood City.

Yang Bin had a deep obsession with this matter earlier, but he worked a lot. But to no avail, he had already given up on this idea, but because of the appearance of George Han, he saw hope again.

If we want to change the situation of the three existing families. George Han is the absolute core figure.

“George Han won’t be controlled casually, this matter must be careful, otherwise it will only be counterproductive.” Song Yun reminded.

Yang Bin nodded naturally. For an old fox like him, he naturally understood this simple truth. He would not try to control George Han. It will only be presented in a cooperative way.

George Han, who left the Yang family Villa, was about to go home and rest. Of course, the home here was not the Han family compound, but the place where Wu Xin was a neighbor.

suddenly. A familiar car stopped in front of him.

When George Han saw Han Cheng stepping down from the car, he immediately turned and changed directions.

Han Cheng’s face was full of irritation. This guy made such a big incident at home, and he turned a blind eye to him now.

“George Han, is this how you saw your father?” Han Cheng said angrily to George Han.

“The real father will not let his son live in the doghouse and suffer inhuman treatment.” George Han said coldly.

Regarding this, Han Cheng also knew that he was sorry for George Han, but Nangong Qianqiu had no choice but to do this.

“I heard that you even beat Yan Jun. When did you start to become so arrogant.” Han Cheng asked coldly.

“You go quickly. Otherwise, I will even hit you.” George Han said.

Han Cheng’s face became more ugly, this is his son. Actually want to hit him!

“Go back with me, otherwise, you will starve to death on the street sooner or later. Go back and apologize to your grandma, as if nothing happened, I will help you with something nice.” Han Cheng said.

“Apologize?” George Han turned his head to look at Han Cheng with cold eyes. Said: “You actually want me to apologize to her? Why is she.”

“You still need the shelter of the Han family. Without the Han family, you can’t even eat enough food. You really want to vent your anger for yourself. When your wings harden in the future, you can go to her to prove yourself, but now, Do you have this ability?” Han Cheng said. He knew that these words might cause a great blow to George Han, but he had to say that, regardless of his attitude towards George Han, George Han After all, it was his son, and he didn’t want to see George Han dying on the street from the morning news one day.

“Shelter?” George Han looked at Han Cheng mockingly. These two words were extremely ridiculous. When did the Han family protect him? Didn’t he treat him as a dog and kept him in the backyard? Not willing to touch this place.

Even many of the subordinates are in a superior posture in front of George Han.

He, the young master, was a joke in the Han family.

Moreover, the current George Han, with full wings, had enough strength to prove that Nangong Qianqiu’s approach was wrong.

“Leaving the Han family, do you have a way to survive?” Han Cheng said.

“See you the day after tomorrow, I will let you know how I am after leaving Han’s house.”

“From now on, people will remember me, George Han, and the Han family will be the family I abandoned.”

“Remember, I abandoned the Han family, not the Han family abandoned me.”

After saying these words, George Han left without looking back.

Han Cheng was stunned in place.

Did he abandon the Han family?

How can he be so confident.

The day after tomorrow, why is it the day after tomorrow.

What will happen the day after tomorrow?

Han Cheng’s head was full of squishy, ”‹”‹and he didn’t realize the meaning of George Han’s words at all.

Seeing George Han walk away, Han Cheng reluctantly got into the car.

Back home, Han Cheng told Mary about meeting George Han, Mary began to blame Han Cheng for not bringing George Han home, and Han Jun secretly heard the sound of the wall, immediately. One thing told Nangong Qianqiu.

Nangong Qianqiu directly broke into the room of the young couple.

“Did you see George Han?” Nangong Qianqiu asked Han Cheng.

Han Cheng was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Jun Han hiding behind Nangong Qianqiu, he instantly understood that it was Han Jun who had gone to inform him.

Chapter 1122

At this time, Han Jun made a smug face at Han Cheng, and Han Jun, who was protected by Nangong Qianqiu, was lawless, even Han Cheng and Mary would not look at him.

From childhood to adulthood, Han Jun has not suffered any grievances, and he has been very well protected by Nangong Qianqiu. As a result, when Han Cheng spoke to him a little more heavily, he would be scolded by Nangong Qianqiu. Over time, no one would criticize Han Jun for his mistakes.

“Mom, I did see him. I wanted to bring him back and apologize to you. But…”

Before Han Cheng finished speaking, Nangong Qianqiu interrupted: “I don’t need his apology. Since he has left the Han family. From now on, I don’t like seeing him at home.”

“Mom, how can I say that he is also your grandson.” Mary was anxious. Hearing what Nangong Qianqiu meant, she was going to give up George Han completely, which made Mary unacceptable.

Even if Mary didn’t care enough about George Han because of Nangong Qianqiu’s relationship, she was George Han’s mother after all. How could she want to see George Han living on the street?

But Nangong Qianqiu’s heart was so cruel that Mary could no longer imagine. Nangong Qianqiu, who had long seen George Han dislike him, never thought that George Han would return home.

“Dear grandson?” Nangong Qianqiu smiled coldly and said, “In my eyes, there is only one grandson.”

After speaking, Nangong Qianqiu stroked Han Jun’s head. His face was spoiled.

Han Jun smiled triumphantly and said to Han Cheng, “Dad, anyway, he is just a waste. Why should he go home to waste food? The Han family will rely on me in the future.”

Han Cheng gritted his teeth. Han Jun didn’t look like an elder brother at all. What else could he do except say bad things about George Han in front of Nangong Qianqiu?

But Nangong Qianqiu took this set again. As long as Han Jun acted a little, Nangong Qianqiu would agree to whatever he wanted to do.

I’m afraid that George Han will not be allowed to go home this time, and Han Jun has also expressed his opinions.

“From now on in this house, no one is allowed to mention George Han.” After leaving this sentence, Nangong Qianqiu left the room with Han Jun.

Han Cheng sighed and sat weakly on the edge of the bed.

Mary had an anxious expression on her face. Said: “You don’t want to think of a way? Do you really want to watch George live on the street?”

Han Cheng shook his head, with a helpless expression on his face, and said, “You have seen your mother’s attitude. What else can I do? You eldest son, I don’t know what he said in front of his grandma.

Mary gritted her teeth. Sometimes, she also hated Han Jun. If Han Jun hadn’t spoiled her secretly, Nangong Qianqiu wouldn’t have hated George Han.

“By the way, what day George Han said the day after tomorrow. Do you know what he wants to do?” Since the barrier cannot be broken from Nangong Qianqiu, Mary can only hope that things will have other turning points. George Han confronts Han Cheng Those words said. Maybe it’s an opportunity.

“Does the day matter? What do you think he can do?” Han Cheng said.

“Maybe what did he prepare?” Mary said expectantly.

“The day after tomorrow!” Han Cheng suddenly thought of something and said: “The day after tomorrow is really an important day, but what does it have to do with him.”

“What day?” Mary asked impatiently.

“I think you are also confused. The day after tomorrow is a chamber of commerce gathering. Is it possible that you have forgotten such an important thing?” Han Cheng reminded.

Mary suddenly realized. Of course she couldn’t forget this, but after she focused on George Han, she completely ignored it.

“I haven’t forgotten, but what does it have to do with him.” Mary said puzzledly.

“Of course it doesn’t matter, do you think he will still be eligible to participate?” Han Cheng said with a wry smile, a gathering of this level. He had no contact with George Han, so he was sure that what George Han said about the day after tomorrow had nothing to do with the party.

As a mother, Mary really hoped that George Han could do something to change herself, but she also did not think that what George Han said about the day after tomorrow was related to the party.

It was a gathering of people from the upper class, and George Han was not eligible to enter.

At this time, George Han had already returned to the community where he lived, and a woman who took the elevator with him, dressed in stilettos and high heels, had a very good figure.

And the two got off the elevator on the same floor. The woman directly pressed the doorbell of Wu Xin’s house, which seemed to be Wu Xin’s friend.

In order to avoid being seen by Wu Xin, George Han hurried back to his home.

“Wu Xin. Didn’t you say that no one lives nearby? Why I saw a little boy come home just now, are you sure we won’t disturb your neighbor?” There are more than a dozen women at home. They look pretty good, and they seem to be having a private party.

After Wu Xin heard this, her face was puzzled. There have been no people living next door for several months, she is very sure about this, otherwise, she would not hold the party in her own home.

“You are sure to see clearly, I haven’t heard of renting out next door.” Wu Xin asked suspiciously.

“In broad daylight, is it possible that I have hell? If you don’t believe it, go and see for yourself.” The woman said.

Wu Xin really didn’t believe it. All she planned to go out was to make sure that if a new neighbor moved in, she would have to let her sister control the volume to avoid disturbing the neighbor.

George Han, who thought he had escaped a catastrophe, when he heard the doorbell ringing, he understood a truth.

It seems that it will come sooner or later.

With the non-stop ringing of the doorbell, George Han, who didn’t plan to open the door to face him, could only get up from the sofa.

When the door opened, George Han saw Wu Xin’s face with a surprised expression.

“How could it be you!” Wu Xin looked at George Han in shock, but she never thought that her new neighbor was actually George Han.

“I asked my friend to find a place for me, and I didn’t expect it to be so coincidental.” George Han said helplessly. The more I pondered about this, the more mysterious it became. George Han even thought it was a joke made by God.

Wu Xin didn’t think things would be so coincidental. In her opinion, George Han must have done this deliberately.

It’s no wonder that she had such thoughts. Putting this matter on anyone would inevitably suspect that George Han was unpredictable, after all, the coincidence was too unbelievable.

“Little brother, you don’t have any thoughts about your sister, so you deliberately become a neighbor with your sister, right?” Wu Xin asked George Han with a smile on his face.

George Han was helpless, he had expected this kind of misunderstanding after Wu Xin knew about it, but he really didn’t have such a thought.

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