His True Colors Novel Chapter 111 – 114

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Chapter 111

“I accepted the car, thank you for me.” George Han knew that if the car was not accepted, Tian Linger might come in person, and he didn’t know how to explain it.

That person’s attitude towards George Han was very respectful, because it was instructed by Tian Linger to prevent him from being disrespectful to George Han, so even if Lily Jiang scolded Tian Linger, he would not transfer this hatred to him. George Han was on him.

“Mr. Han. Miss said, this car can only be driven by you.” The man reminded again.

George Han smiled bitterly and nodded again and again, and said, “I understand, by the way, say hello to the old man for me.”

“That’s OK, I’ll go first.”

After that person left, Lily Jiang said in a low voice: “Why is this wimpy related to the young lady of the Heavenly Family? What qualifications does he have to know such a big person?”

If she were to be a woman in Jinqiao City, Lily Jiang would definitely make George Han worthless. But the other party is Miss Tian Family, her status is not much higher than that of the Su Family, and being rich and powerful in Basin City is not comparable to that of the Su Family. Instead, her psychology is somewhat unbalanced.

Compared with Amelia Su and Tian Linger, the former is also incomparable.

Although Lily Jiang is a bitch, but at least she is self-aware.

George Han took the car key and walked back to Amelia Su, without speaking yet. Amelia Su said: “You don’t need to explain to me. From now on, I don’t need to know about you.”

“You scumbag, Amelia will divorce you sooner or later.” Lily Jiang said, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

George Han sighed. Without saying much, the facts in the future will naturally prove his innocence.

Back at home, Lily Jiang was still afraid that Tian Linger would trouble her, and asked Amelia Su to help figure out a solution.

But all the troubles that happened to Amelia Su in recent times were all solved by George Han’s help. At this time, Amelia Su would have no choice but to ask George Han for help.

It wasn’t until this time that Amelia Su woke up to the fact that her achievements did not come from her efforts, but from George Han’s help again and again.

No, I can’t go on like this. I have to rely on my own ability to get this time, not his help.

“Mom, I can’t help you with this matter, but Tian Linger shouldn’t care about you. After all, she is a lady of the heavenly family.” Amelia Su said.

“Amelia, what do you mean? Does Tian Linger still look down on me?” Lily Jiang said unconvinced.

Wilson Su couldn’t help but said: “It’s almost done, can you still compare with Tian Linger? Isn’t it normal to look down on you?”

“Wilson Su, I am better than your useless thing, what qualifications do you have to say about me.” Lily Jiang said coldly.

Wilson Su sighed and was too lazy to speak any more. The woman in the nest was slapped last time and was so scared that she couldn’t sleep all night. This time she offended Tian Linger somehow.

If Tian Linger really came here, besides apologizing, would she dare not admit her mistake?

“Mom, be careful when speaking later. We live in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain. There is no simple person here.” Amelia Su reminded.

Lily Jiang loves face and is unwilling to admit her mistakes, but she also knows that Amelia Su is telling the truth. It seems that she will really have to control this mouth in the future, otherwise she doesn’t know how much trouble she will cause.

“It’s all right. I know, I’m not an unreasonable person.”

With this sentence, even Wilson Su couldn’t help laughing.

She is not an unreasonable person, so what kind of person is considered unreasonable?

“By the way, Amelia, I have to remind you of something.” Lily Jiang said.

“What’s the matter?” Amelia Su questioned.

“Men, you can’t be too rich, otherwise there will be capital in the outside.” Lily Jiang said, turning around.

The hidden meaning of this sentence, Amelia Su knew, but the Villa has now been transferred to her, if she wants her to go to George Han to get money. Amelia Su couldn’t do such a shameless thing.

“Mom, if you do this, you will drive him away sooner or later,” Amelia Su said.

Lily Jiang smiled deeply, and the smile between his eyebrows came from the heart, and said, “Isn’t this a good thing? Drive this squandering out of the Su family, and our family will no longer be looked down upon.”

“Tian Linger gave him such an expensive car, maybe it’s a waste in your eyes. It’s a treasure in the eyes of others.” Wilson Su said with a flat mouth.

“Just he can still be a treasure? Wilson Su, why would you say so mindless words to laugh at me?” Lily Jiang put his hands on the corners of his eyes, as if he was afraid of crow’s feet.

Wilson Su sighed inwardly. George Han buys a car and a Villa again. With such a strong economic strength, Lily Jiang will not fail to see it, but her image of George Han’s uselessness for the past three years is too deep. That’s why I was blinded.

In Wilson Su’s view, George Han is probably not a waste of money, maybe he is still a very powerful person, but he just didn’t show it, otherwise, how could Tian Linger send him Lamborghini?

“Mom, no matter what, I won’t do this.” Amelia Su said.

“You are really a silly girl. You will regret it later, don’t cry in front of mom.” Lily Jiang looked at Amelia Su angrily.

On the same day, Tian Linger called George Han again. Invincible exploded the caller ID of Little Cutie. George Han changed it and stored Tian Linger’s name directly.

“My grandfather heard that you want to invite him to dinner, he immediately agreed, and there is still free today. What do you think?” Tian Linger said on the phone.

“Look with your eyes.” George Han said. For Tian Linger’s great gift, he was a little bit dumbfounded, but it was not expensive, because in George Han’s eyes, it was just a small number, just such a gift. Way, Amelia Su can’t help but think more about it. And he didn’t even give him a chance to explain.

“You are quite humorous.” Tian Linger said with a smile.

“You’re quite willing, you can give away a car with millions of dollars if you want to give it away. Miss Tianjia is really proud.” George Han said.

“That’s it. This young lady can make it easy. Just say that. You will pick me up this afternoon and we will go shopping together. Then you will cook for my grandpa.” After that, Tian Linger hung up the phone.

George Han, with a dumb face, thought back to the conversation with Tian Linger, when did he say it, he hadn’t said such a thing!

This eldest lady is really capricious.

But since he wanted to meet Thomas Tian, George Han would naturally not refuse.

After lunch, George Han went out without telling Amelia Su, because Amelia Su didn’t even look at him during the whole meal.

Tianjia lives in another Villa area in Basin City, and it is located in the suburbs. Compared with the luxury and environment of Yundingshan Villa area, this place is definitely not comparable, but the entire Villa area is occupied by Tianjia people. , And only people with the surname Tian can live here, and the meaning is completely different. It is not an exaggeration to call this place the Tian Family.

The guard had obviously been signaled by Tian Linger, so George Han’s car arrived and let him go without checking outside the door.

In front of the Villa belonging to Tian Linger’s family, Xiao Nizi looked forward to it for a long time, and finally saw George Han’s car and forced herself to act like her eldest lady.

After the car was parked, George Han rolled down the window and said, “What are you doing in a daze.”

“Don’t you know a gentleman, and help this lady open the door?” Tian Linger said.

George Han sparked, stepping on the accelerator and trying to leave, Tian Linger stomped on the ground with anger, wishing to choke the person in the car.

“Are you sure you won’t get in the car?” George Han said.

Miss Tianjia, wherever you go, you must not be held as a jewel in your palm. When you change to someone else, the eldest will go home straight away as soon as her temper comes up.

But Tian Linger didn’t do that. Instead, he opened the car door with a grudge on his face and sat in by himself.

“Not a gentleman at all, I gave you this car.” Tian Linger said with a pouting mouth.

“It just so happens. If you regret it, you will return the car today.” George Han said.

Tian Linger felt a rush of blood rushing to his brain, and shook his fists in front of George Han, threatening: “Have you ever seen a fist with a big sandbag? Anxious Miss Ben, the consequences will be very serious.”

“You forgot what happened to Luo Bin’s master?”

Tian Linger was taken aback when she heard the words, put down her hands and drooped her head. This young lady seemed to be eaten to death?

Chapter 112

Shopping for food in the supermarket, Tian Linger bounces like a flea. It seems that he can’t be quiet for a moment. Although it is a bit annoying, George Han feels magical and easy to get along with Tian Linger. He doesn’t have to worry about everything. The feeling of Tian Linger, you can do anything with no scruples.

After buying vegetables and returning to Tian Linger’s secret base, Thomas Tian did not take long. This made George Han feel relieved, if Tianchang didn’t come, he must have been caught by Tian Linger again.

It’s still early, don’t worry about cooking, Thomas Tian pulls George Han to play chess.

For George Han, he is not good at chess. He prefers Go, but the old man likes it, and playing a few games is not a problem.

George Han went to the toilet while taking advantage of the time to put the plate. Secretly played a piece of chess software.

Next, it was the nightmare of Thomas Tian.

This kid clearly said that he could not play chess. Thomas Tian thought it was his chance to kill the Quartet, but when he was distracted while playing on the phone, he also killed Thomas Tian so that he lost his helmet and unarmed his armor and lost three games in a row. It was refreshing, without suspense, which made the old man a little unhappy.

If you are modest, be modest. If you win, you will win. Why don’t you give the old man a little face? Anyhow, respect the old and love the young.

“Three thousand. You make the old man very shameless.” Thomas Tian said.

Seeing Thomas Tian’s upset, George Han smiled and said: “This is only chess. Go is my best, but unfortunately, I don’t have it. Otherwise, I can perform for the old man.”

This kid. You learned the skill of rubbing your nose and face.

Thomas Tian snorted coldly and said: “You are so powerful, next time I introduce a friend to you, he is a figure of the national level. Don’t lose too ugly.”

Thomas Tian has a sense of victory and defeat. George Han discovered this when he was in the boxing gym. The reason why George Han won him mercilessly was to lay the foundation for the next meeting.

Isn’t this opportunity just sent to the door?

“Father, if you have the opportunity, you must see it.” George Han said with a smile.

Thomas Tian curled his mouth, couldn’t understand George Han’s pride, and said: “A few days later, he is coming for my birthday, so you can join in the fun.”

George Han was faintly surprised. The grandfather of the Heavenly Family is an annual event in Basin City. I don’t know how many people in the shopping mall have cut their heads and want to participate without a chance. Even the Su family seeks opportunities every year, but not once. After being able to attend successfully, he didn’t expect him to take the initiative to invite. This is a surprise.

“Father, let’s say it, but if I win, you can’t turn your face.” George Han said with a smile.

Thomas Tian was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, but he wasn’t really angry, but he was very dissatisfied.

“Wait and see, don’t cry when you lose.” Thomas Tian said.

George Han touched his nose, he was never afraid of what he was good at.

Since he was a child, he has known all the famous players in the world, repeating it over and over again to understand the layout of the master and the overall situation. Although Yan Jun’s original intention was to improve George Han’s temperament and cultivation, when George Han was really fascinated by it. , Yan Jun discovered that he has the potential of being a master of the country. In Yan Jun’s words, if George Han can study chess all his life, he must be unparalleled.

This kind of evaluation comes from Yan Jun’s mouth, and it is by no means just talking about it casually.

It’s a pity that the Han family doesn’t know the Dust Pearl. Although Yan Jun regrets this, he can’t do much.

At 5 o’clock in the afternoon, George Han began to work in the kitchen.

An old and a young sitting in the living room, Thomas Tian accompanied Tian Linger to watch idol dramas, listening to Tian Linger’s explanation of the bizarre relationship between characters in the play, he was amazed.

“Being in love for so many years. In the end, it turned out to be a brother and sister.”

“His lover turned out to be his father’s illegitimate daughter!”

“Why got cancer again?”

Thomas Tian’s speechless expression told how his three views on idol dramas collapsed, and what all these are.

Tian Linger saw it with gusto, but half of his thoughts were in the kitchen, and he whispered to Thomas Tian: “Grandpa, you said he was in Su’s house. Did he really do laundry and cooking for three years?”

“I won’t know if it’s true or not in a moment, but it still looks decent after smelling it.” Thomas Tian took a deep breath, and the scent wafting out of the kitchen was no worse than Tian Linger.

“Grandpa, if the two of us merge with Double Swords, you won’t have to go to the hotel in the future.” Tian Linger said with a smile.

Thomas Tian looked at Tian Linger dotingly, he knew what this sentence meant. And he also admired George Han very much, and didn’t mind George Han marrying Tian Linger again, but he had to ensure that Tian Linger would not be wronged.

“Linger, grandpa no matter how you treat your feelings, but the most important thing is not to hurt yourself.” Thomas Tian exhorted.

“Grandpa, I am your granddaughter, how can I get hurt casually.”

The grandfather and grandson chatted, and George Han was busy alive.

Dinner is on time at six o’clock, five dishes and one soup. The color, fragrance, and taste are delicious.

Tian Linger’s taste is very tricky, and the average five-star chef is unavoidably picky by her, but after eating the food made by George Han, he smiles contentedly. Even if I want to pick the bones in the egg, I can’t express the slightest dissatisfaction.

Thomas Tian was also very surprised. It is not difficult to make a decent meal, but it is not easy to achieve George Han’s craftsmanship.

“You won’t really cook for three years at Su’s family?” Thomas Tian said.

“The rumors about me out there. Many are true.” George Han said with a smile.

“The Su family really doesn’t have eyesight, and it’s a waste of talent like you.” Thomas Tian shook his head. If George Han could be cultivated, the Su family would definitely be worth more. It’s a pity that such a powerful character was just doing it. The physical work of cooking.

George Han smiled and said nothing.

After eating, Linger cleaned up the mess today, washed dishes and chopsticks.

George Han chatted with Thomas Tian about martial arts, and asked about George Han’s master, but George Han didn’t say much about it. Because it involves his true identity.

At almost nine o’clock, George Han left Tian Linger’s home.

Back at the Villa, Amelia Su unexpectedly sat in the living room today.

But when George Han was about to say a few words to her, Amelia Su suddenly stood up and said, “I’m going to grandma’s house tomorrow.”

After speaking, Amelia Su went back to the room, and it seemed that she was waiting for George Han specifically to say this.

Tomorrow is less than Family Day, and there is nothing special happening in the company recently. Based on past experience, the old lady will definitely find a way to participate in Thomas Tian’s birthday. That’s why the relatives of the Su family went back to discuss.

Although Su’s family is now a building material supplier for the Chengxi project, it has the opportunity to be promoted to the first-line family of Basin City, but if it can establish a good relationship with Tianjia, this possibility will become even greater.

The next day, when we arrived at the Su family’s Villa, the old lady mentioned it, but none of the Su family’s relatives showed much hope. After all, it has been many years, and the Su family has never squeezed into it. In the circle, there have been some changes in the Su family this year. But whether it can be seen by the heavenly family is still unknown.

The Heavenly Family represents the ceiling of Cloud City and is the supreme existence. Those who can participate in the prosperous birthday banquet of the sky are all frontline figures in Cloud City. Although there are proud people in the Su family, they also know themselves in front of the heavenly family.

“This year, our Su family has made some achievements. Maybe we won’t be turned away like in previous years. Harry welcomes the summer. You two make time to visit the Heavenly Family.” , It means that they are eligible to participate. If they don’t accept it, just as in previous years, they are not eligible to enter.

Naturally, the old lady would not come out in person. After all, this was a thing that might be ashamed. She had to stick to the bottom line of the Su family.

Harry Su was very dissatisfied when he heard this, because the security guards in that Villa area looked down at people. He didn’t want to be despised, but he didn’t dare to refuse the old lady’s words.

“Grandma, I have a lot of things in the company recently.” Harry Su veiled refusal.

“Grandma, why not let Amelia Su and George Han go, this kind of embarrassing thing falls on George Han’s head, he is also used to it.” Su Yihan quickly said in order to avoid such unlucky things falling on his head.

Chapter 113

To go to the heavenly house, you must be sincere. The more the core members of the Su family come to the door, the more you can show your sincerity.

Obviously George Han does not have this qualification, and the old lady has never thought of asking George Han to come forward. He is a well-known trash in Basin City. If the heavenly family knows that the Su family sent him to come out, how could they be able to attend birthdays? The qualifications for the feast.

“Su Yihan. Did you deliberately want the Su family not to get the birthday invitation?” the old lady said coldly.

Hearing this, Su Yihan looked proud and was splashed with cold water, and quickly lowered his head and said, “I’m sorry, grandma, I didn’t mean that.”

“Amelia, or you should go alone, anyway, you have been used to shame for so many years, and you are not afraid at all, right.” Harry Su said. For so many years, the Su family has been ignored by the heavenly family. Harry Su has also eaten several times behind closed doors. This year he really doesn’t want to go. He clearly knows that he is going to be embarrassed and stretches his face in the hands of others. Why bother?

“Grandma, I can go. But I can’t guarantee the completion of the task.” Amelia Su said.

“No, right? You are now the person in charge of the Chengxi project. You have to help our Su family secure this opportunity.” Harry Su knew how difficult this matter was, and he also explained that it would be shameful. But when Amelia Su agreed, he had the intention of letting Amelia Su establish a military order.

“Harry Su, what do you mean?” Amelia Su said with a frown.

“I don’t mean anything, it’s just that you are so powerful now, so many troubles have been solved by trying to solve this little thing, can you still be embarrassed by this little thing?” Harry Su said with a smile.

If this kind of malicious trickery is used for other things, perhaps other relatives and old ladies will agree with Harry Su, but how difficult it is to participate in Thomas Tian’s birthday banquet, the people present know well, so no one Help Harry Su said.

“Welcome to summer, just do your best.” said the old lady.

At this time, George Han stood up and said, “Grandma, or I should go.”

This sentence caused everyone’s laughter. Is this guy so self-aware? Let him represent the Su family, but can’t he be swept out by the Tian family?

“George Han, you got kicked by a donkey when you went out today, let you go, didn’t you make it clear that we Su family should be hated by the heavenly family?”

“Yes, you are not from the Su family at all, let the heavenly family know that we are so insincere, how could you invite us to the birthday banquet.”

“There is really no self-knowledge, stupid and not chirp, do you think anyone can go to Heaven?”

Harry Su stood up, smiled coldly, and said, “George Han, you are quite swollen lately. You dare to intervene in anything. If you want to be the chairman of the Su family, I will let you be in the future.”

With this inexplicable remark, Harry Su was beating the old lady in secret, and he was really courageous.

“As you said, I am not from the Su family, so I was invited. It does not mean that the Su family is invited, but I am willing to fight for the Su family.” George Han said.

“Puff…” Su Yihan clutched her lower abdomen and laughed, and said: “George Han, you said that you have already been invited, so bragging, aren’t you afraid of breaking the bull’s belly?”

“I was indeed invited, and Thomas Tian personally invited me.” George Han said.



“I’m so ridiculous. This guy brags like an idiot. He actually said that Thomas Tian personally invited him.”

“George Han, what kind of big do you think you are? A shopping mall giant, or an officialdom boss, even Thomas Tian has to come out in person. You don’t have to be so damn bragging.”

Amidst the sarcasm, George Han was calm as usual. He knew whether he was joking or bragging.

At this time, Amelia Su frowned and glanced at George Han secretly.

She felt that George Han was not bragging, something he couldn’t do. He never talked about it, and Tian Linger gave him a Lamborghini yesterday, which shows that he does have something to do with the Tian family.

Even if Thomas Tian personally invited him, it was justified.

But Amelia Su couldn’t figure it out. Why did George Han suddenly have such a good relationship with the Heavenly Family?

You must know that Thomas Tian’s birthday banquet can be attended by all the top figures in Cloud City, and even those people. It’s just that if you can get an invitation from the Tianjia, it will never be invited by Thomas Tian.

According to the previous relationship, Amelia Su should help George Han to speak at this time, but she did not do so, but quietly listened to the cynicism of the Su family relatives to George Han.

“George Han, this is a place to discuss business matters, not an occasion to make jokes for you.” The old lady scolded coldly.

“Grandma, you think I’m joking. But I’m telling you the truth.” George Han said lightly.

“I really can’t stand you as an idiot. Why did you say that you were invited by Thomas Tian?” Harry Su looked at George Han impatiently.

“It is possible that he admires me.” George Han said.

“Appreciate you? Appreciate your uselessness and trash? You f*cking give me a headache. I can’t even learn to brag. It’s really trash.” Harry Su rubbed his temples with a headache. How could there be such an idiot in the Su family? Entering it. Fortunately, this kind of remark was only spoken within the Su family. If it were spread out, the Su family would have to become a joke for the entire Cloud City.

“George Han, close your stinky mouth. I feel sick when I hear you speak. I find a mirror to look at myself and see what kind of wacky image I am. Does saying this make us sick?” Su Yihan looked disgusted. With George Han.

“Grandma. Are you sure you don’t want me to help?” George Han asked the old lady, ignoring Harry Su and Su Yihan.

The old lady couldn’t help but sneered and said, “You can just keep your kindness in your heart. The Su family hasn’t gotten your turn to help.”

George Han stopped talking. Sitting back in his position, Yu Guang looked at Amelia Su, sighing in his heart, if you could help me say something. Maybe their attitude will change?

After three years of persistence, why did it suddenly become like this?

George Han was puzzled, and Amelia Su actually didn’t understand. She just couldn’t bow her head to George Han, especially after Tian Linger sent the car, she was even more reluctant to say a good thing to George Han.

A woman in love has zero IQ, while a jealous woman has a negative IQ.

Of course, there is also Amelia Su’s Tsundere, because she is also used to George Han’s forbearance and retreat in the past three years.

If you don’t give you a chance to explain, can you really not explain it?

“Amelia, you go to Heaven on behalf of the Su family. I have prepared a gift.” The old lady made a final decision.

At this time, the servant of the Su family walked into the living room and said to the old lady: “There is someone outside the door, saying that it is a member of the heavenly family.”

The old lady stood up awkwardly, people of heaven!

How come people from the heavenly family come to Su’s house suddenly? Could it be…

“Quickly, invite them in.” The old lady said excitedly.

After a while, a middle-aged man came to the living room, obviously holding an invitation-like thing in his hand. When the relatives of the Su family saw it, they were all dumbfounded.

Did the Heavenly Family send someone to send the invitation?

The Su family is now even eligible to receive the birthday invitation, which shows that the Tian family can no longer ignore the existence of the Su family!

“This is the birthday invitation of our old man. I specially asked me to send it over and give it to you. Who will take it?” The middle-aged man’s attitude is not humble, but arrogant.

However, his attitude was taken for granted in the eyes of the Su family. After all, he was sent by the heavenly family.

Harry Su walked towards the middle-aged man in excitement, and was scolded by the old lady halfway: “Harry, what are you doing?”

Harry Su was stunned, and the old lady walked to the middle-aged man with trembling steps, took the invitation letter from him, and said: “Help me thank you father, thank him for giving the Su family this opportunity.”

The eyes of the middle-aged people are a little contemptuous. Everyone who gets the invitation has almost this expression and emotion, which is indeed a small family expression.

“There is a request to attend the birthday banquet on the invitation. Don’t forget to read it.” After the middle-aged reminded him, he left the Su family.

Chapter 114

The old lady’s hand holding the invitation was trembling. After the middle-aged person left, she still did not calm down her emotions.

Thinking of the past, the Su family’s hot face and cold ass were not given a chance to attend a birthday banquet.

But now, the Tian Family would take the initiative to send invitations, but for the Su Family, it was a very big leap.

“The Su family is finally coming out. Finally coming out.” The old lady said excitedly.

“Grandma, let’s take a look at the request.” Harry Su is also very excited. As the second-tier son of Basin City, when he is spending time and drinks outside, he must be quiet when he meets people from the first-line family, even if it is the box he went to first. , As long as those first-line boys let him go. He also swallowed his breath.

But now, Harry Su sees his hope of becoming a first-line son, who will dare to let him sullen down in the future?

“Yes, yes.” The old lady spoke excitedly and opened the invitation.

The invitation is marked with the number of attendees and the location number arranged by Tianjia for them.

“Ten people attend, but the Heavenly Family gives us a lot of face.” When seeing the content on the invitation, Harry Su said with excitement, which means that the Su family will have a separate dining table at the birthday banquet. These specifications are not available to ordinary people.

“Yes. Not bad.” The old lady said with a pleated smile: “This time, the Su family has been so valued by the heavenly family. It seems that we are going to become a first-line family. It is just around the corner.”

“Grandma, Tianjia has to value the Su family. We are now in charge of the project in the west of the city. The new city will be in our hands in the future. Will Tianjia dare to underestimate us?” Harry Su said proudly.

“Grandma, we can’t be ignorant of ourselves. It’s nothing to be valued by the heavenly family. We will definitely be able to compare with the heavenly family in the future. They are afraid, so they dare not give the Su family face.” Su Yihan said with a smile.

The old lady thought carefully, there was indeed such a possibility, but she didn’t expect that the Su family could have this day.

The Su family members, who were silent in their self-pleasure, had no idea why this invitation was sent to the Su family.

City West Project? Su family status?

These are not seen by the heavens.

Although Chengxi is a good development project, the Su family can indeed make a fortune because of it, but it is just because of this. Thomas Tian is about to give the Su family face, and it is too small to look down on the Tian family.

The reason why the invitations were delivered to the door was because of George Han, if it weren’t for Thomas Tian to give George Han face, the Su family had a hot face and cold butt end this year.

“Grandma, since there are only ten people who can participate, you have to carefully consider the candidates.” Harry Su said, he was relieved, because he was definitely one of the candidates.

As for the other relatives of the Su family, they all look forward to it, hoping to be named by the old lady.

“Well, I will think about it carefully, and I will inform you in a few days.” Such an important matter, the old lady can’t be trifling, so I plan to think about it carefully.

Harry Su looked at George Han at this time and said, “Grandma, you don’t think about a good candidate now, but you can’t make it. You know. George Han is not from our Su family, he is definitely not qualified.”

“He?” The old lady sneered and said without hesitation: “Of course he is not qualified. How can he go on such an important occasion.”

“However, he was personally invited by Thomas Tian. Even if he didn’t follow Su’s house, he should be able to show up. George Han, I look forward to meeting you at the birthday banquet.” Harry Su was full of jokes to George Han. Said.

Seeing Harry Su triumphantly, George Han smiled indifferently, and said, “We will meet each other for sure. I hope you won’t be too surprised by then.”

“It’s all this time, you still pretend to be forced, and you have to wait until my face is slapped on the birthday banquet to admit it. Okay. If you come, I will kneel down at the birthday banquet and learn how to bark.” Harry Su Li said.

George Han couldn’t help laughing. He had never seen such a stupid person, and he had to push himself to a dead end.

“Okay, if I don’t go, I will see you once and kneel for you once.” George Han said lightly.

Seeing George Han’s unhurried appearance. Harry Su feels guilty, isn’t this guy really qualified to go?


How could it be possible, if he was such a waste, if he could get an invitation from Thomas Tian. Unless the sun hits the west.

Leaving the Su family Villa and returning to the Yundingshan Villa area, at the gate, the car of the George Han family was blocked by security.

“What’s the matter? Don’t these people have eyes. Don’t you know we live in a mountainside Villa?” Lily Jiang said cursingly in the car.

The vehicle has been registered, even if it is a new security guard, it is impossible not to know it. The Property Department will never allow such an error.

George Han got out of the car in confusion and saw Tian Linger sitting in the security pavilion.

She is a bad person, and it seems that Lily Jiang’s words have reached the princess’ ears yesterday.

George Han hiked up the mountain.

Under Tian Linger’s instruction, several security guards forcibly opened the door and dragged Wilson Su and Lily Jiang out of the car.

“What are you doing. Don’t you know that I am the owner of Mountainside Villa?” Lily Jiang struggled.

Amelia Su felt that something was not quite right, got out of the car and asked the security guard: “What happened?”

At this time, Tian Linger walked out of the security booth, walked to Lily Jiang, and slapped Lily Jiang on the face.

“Where did you come from, you dare to hit me.” Lily Jiang suddenly became angry and stretched out to fight back, but the quick-eyed security Limala stopped her hand.

“Yesterday you said I was a stupid woman?” Tian Linger said lightly.

Heard this sentence. Amelia Su knows what’s going on, she is the young lady of the heavenly family, Tian Linger!

Lily Jiang also condensed her bitch’s temper in an instant, and was dare not to speak in the same place.

“My dad and my grandfather don’t know about this, otherwise, you wouldn’t be as simple as slapped today.” Tian Linger said.

Lily Jiang trembled with fright, and quickly apologized: “Sorry, I didn’t know it was you yesterday. That’s why I was talking nonsense.”

“You also know that you are talking nonsense?” Tian Linger was eighteen this year, but after all, she was born into a big family. His aura was not comparable to that of ordinary people, even if Amelia Su was in front of Tian Linger. I also felt a heavy depression.

After more than ten minutes of silence, Lily Jiang oozes cold sweat on her back. Amelia Su really couldn’t stand the depression, and asked, “What do you want?”

“Well. You divorce George Han.” Tian Linger said.

“What do you mean?” Amelia Su frowned. Didn’t she come to trouble Lily Jiang? Why is George Han involved suddenly?

“Anyway, you all treat him as rubbish, what are you keeping him for?” Tian Linger smiled.

Tian Linger is only 18 years old this year. Amelia Su doesn’t think she is robbing George Han from herself. Maybe she is just for revenge, so she wants her to divorce George Han and create another Basin City joke?

But what good is it for her? And she just gave Han three thousand Lamborghini?

“I’m just talking about it for fun, you don’t need to take it seriously, but yesterday’s matter can’t be solved with a slap.” Tian Linger’s meaning is very simple, George Han divorces, she has a chance, but she is worried about Amelia Su This matter was told to George Han that George Han would be dissatisfied with her, so he quickly said it was a joke.

I have to say that Tian Linger cares very much about George Han’s opinion of her, so he appears so cautious.

Otherwise, with the status of Miss Tianjia, why should Tian Linger shrink so much when he does things?

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹let me slap you twice, I hope you can forget the blame.” Lily Jiang bowed his head very simply in front of the power.

Tian Linger looked at Wilson Su and said: “Since she is your wife, it means you have no way to teach others, let you fight, but if you are lightened, I can only let these security guards take action.”

Whether to be beaten by Wilson Su or by a security guard, Lily Jiang certainly chooses the former. These strong young security guards slapped her into the face, and still couldn’t beat her into a concussion?

“Fight, hit hard.” Lily Jiang gritted her teeth and said to Wilson Su.

Wilson Su is a strict wife, and he dare not speak loudly to Lily Jiang. When did he fight Lily Jiang, it makes him a little bit uncomfortable.

But if he doesn’t fight, those security guards will be even more serious!

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