His True Colors Novel Chapter 11 – 15

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Chapter 11

Lily Jiang’s biggest wish was to find an opportunity to kick George Han out of Su’s family. Now that Amelia Su helped George Han speak, and also accepted the marriage to George Han, he was not angry.

“Amelia Su, I warn you, don’t have real feelings for him, if you follow this kind of uselessness, you will not have a good life in the future, I will be your lesson.” Lily Jiang said angrily.

During the three years of staying with George Han, Amelia Su’s feelings have been imperceptible. Even if there is no weak water property, she will not divorce George Han. What’s more, it is George Han who can facilitate this cooperation. help.

The reason why Lily Jiang’s attitude towards George Han was so bad was entirely because she thought that George Han was not promising. As long as she told her about the weak water property, she believed she would definitely be able to change her attitude towards George Han.


Amelia Su sighed, why don’t you let me tell them this?

“Mom didn’t lose her temper with you, she just didn’t want you to follow in my footsteps.” Lily Jiang noticed that her attitude was a bit too aggressive, and she softened her tone a little.

“Mom, give him a year, and he will definitely not let you down.” Amelia Su knew that George Han was changing for her. Although she didn’t know the specific changes, she believed that George Han ended. One day people who look down on him will look with admiration.

“Humph.” Lily Jiang snorted coldly, and said: “It’s a waste like your dad, even if you give him ten years, what if you look at your dad, are you promising now?”

“Mom, for so many years, although Dad hasn’t made a big deal, isn’t he good to you? He has never been to the mistress, right? Look at those people who have no women outside. Happiness is not measured by money. Yes.” Amelia Su said.

Although Lily Jiang is angry, she also knows that Amelia Su is telling the truth. Wilson Su is indeed poor and has no prospects, but he has never been outside, and compared with many men, he is very good.

“Okay, I will give him a year to see how promising he can be, but I warn you, you can’t let him touch you.” Lily Jiang said.

Amelia Su nodded. Although she had faced up to her feelings for George Han, she was not ready to talk about that.

When Lily Jiang walked from Amelia Su’s room to the living room, she only saw Wilson Su and George Han.

“How about Harry Su and his son? Didn’t you ask us, how did you leave?” Lily Jiang asked.

Wilson Su glanced at George Han, with a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

Just now at the door, George Han had a strong attitude to make Harry Su get out. Wilson Su had never seen George Han’s straight-up and fierce look, which caused him to have no courage to stop George Han.

This married son-in-law has been useless for three years, how could it suddenly change today, and even Harry Su dared to fight!

“I let them go. Since grandma changed the person in charge of this matter, she should solve it herself.” George Han said lightly.

This sentence is like a thunder, which blows up Wilson Su and Lily Jiang to death.

Let the old lady come out in person, this is simply a toad yawning.

“George Han, are you crazy?” Wilson Su stood up suddenly.

Lily Jiang also looked scared, and said: “George Han, does this family have your voice? Do you know the consequences of doing this?”

The old lady is like the Empress Dowager Cixi. Although Lily Jiang is a shrew, she doesn’t even dare to breathe in front of the old lady.

“She will come.” George Han calmly walked towards the kitchen.

Suddenly Lily Jiang felt that he couldn’t see through the uselessness. Did he take the wrong medicine today or was he suddenly nervous?

“Wilson, this…what’s going on, taking the wrong medicine?” Lily Jiang whispered.

Wilson Su shook his head and said, “I don’t know, but he is different today.”

Lily Jiang was puzzled, thinking of what Amelia Su said before, could it be that he really had any real ability?

“You said, will Mom come?” Lily Jiang asked.

Wilson Su smiled helplessly, and said: “How could Mom come to this place? Except for her old man staying in her own Villa, when did she go to other places, and whoever wants to invite her to the house, unless she lives in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain.”

Lily Jiang nodded. The old lady always wanted the Su family to have a place in the Yundingshan Villa area. For so many years, she had never been to any relatives or children under her knees.

the next day.

Amelia Su has the habit of running in the morning and gets up at 6 o’clock every day.

After changing her clothes, Amelia Su walked to George Han’s floor and said, “Still pretending to sleep?”

George Han sat up awkwardly. She didn’t expect to go to see Amelia Su every day when she got off work. She knew, even she knew about the morning jog.

The two went out together. For the past three years, Amelia Su had taken the same morning jog every day, and he would definitely pass by the Yundingshan Villa area.

After arriving at the road in the Villa District of Yunding Mountain, George Han asked Amelia Su: “You will check here every day, why?”

“If you can run on this mountain road in the morning, the air will definitely be better.” Amelia Su said with a look of yearning. No one except the residents of the Villa area can enter the door at will. Amelia Su knows that this is impossible for her to touch. It’s a place where it’s well-known, so I’m satisfied to look at it every day.

“My grandma has always wanted to live here, because only by living here can she truly enter the upper class. This time the cooperation with weak water real estate is likely to bring such opportunities to the Su family, so she will be attitude So tough, let Harry Su come to me.”

George Han looked at the Villa on the mountainside and said, “I heard that the Villa on the mountainside is going to be auctioned. The former owner went abroad many years ago, so he probably doesn’t plan to return home.”

“What do you think.” Amelia Su looked at George Han helplessly, and said: “In the entire Yundingshan Villa area, the Villa on the mountainside is the most expensive, and it also best reflects the status. This time, there will be many Qian Ren shot, I heard that the transaction price is estimated at 60 million, do you know how much it is?”

Sixty million is indeed a lot, but… it’s really not that much.

“Let’s go.” George Han said with a smile.

Before returning home, the two ate breakfast together. For the first time in three years, George Han found an excuse to leave the house shortly after returning home.

Weak water property.

Top floor boss office.

George Han stood with his hands in his hands, standing in front of the French windows.

Zhong Liang stood behind George Han respectfully.

“For the auction of Yundingshan Villa District, you find someone to help me take it.” George Han said.

Zhong Liang said with a dilemma, “Little Master, the Han family’s money can only be used by you to develop the company, this…”

George Han sneered coldly, threw a bank card on the desk, and said: “From the age of twelve, I knew that the Han family belonged to him, so I used the Han family’s connections to help me earn money. I had my own company when I was old. You are in the Han family, responsible for the cooperation with Fengqian Company?”

Hearing these words, Zhong Liang suddenly became short of breath.

“Qin Lin, the chairman of Fengqian Company, has been with me for many years.” Zhong Liang said.

“Chairman?” George Han raised a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth: “It’s just a puppet.”

Zhong Liang’s heart was shocked, and he looked at George Han’s back incredibly.

Qin Lin turned out to be the puppet of the young master of the Han family. For so many years, George Han controlled Qin Lin. Is he the real boss of Fengqian Company?

“Do you know why it is called Fengqian?” George Han asked.

Zhong Liang was so scared that he didn’t know what to say.

“This vertical is a sword hanging over Han’s head.”

Zhong Liang’s forehead was cold and sweaty. He couldn’t believe that when Han was three thousand and twelve years old, he was paving the way for himself. Shouldn’t it be a young and worry-free age? This scheming city mansion is by no means comparable to the Han family eldest master.

Who could have imagined that when the young master of the Han family spent time and drinks, the young man in front of him had already hung a sword on the head of the Han family.

With a cool breeze on his back, Zhong Liang said: “Little master, don’t worry, I will never tell anyone about this.”

“This Villa will be photographed for me at all costs. She wants to run on the mountain road in the morning.”

What you want, even in this world, my George Han will try my best to give you.

Chapter 12

The old lady of the Su family is out!

The old lady of the Su family seems to be going to Wilson Su’s house!

After the news spread in the Su family, every relative was shocked beyond words. For many years, the old lady never went to the place where the children lived. She even said that she wanted me to go to your house unless you Eligible to live in the Yundingshan Villa area.


“Grandma is really going to Amelia Su’s house.”

“No way, who is rumored, how is this possible.”

The WeChat group of the younger generations of the Su family was very lively, and everyone said that they couldn’t believe it.

But when a picture of an old lady getting off the car was posted to the group, the group suddenly became quiet.

They all know that grandma’s personal appearance this time is considered to have sold Amelia Su’s big face, and Harry Su’s position in the company will inevitably be affected.

Wilson Su and Lily Jiang were shocked to speak for a long time after they learned about this. They thought it was impossible for the old lady to come, but they didn’t expect her to actually come forward.

The cooperation of weak water real estate is very important to the Su family. Whether it can squeeze into the first-line family of Basin City depends on how to grasp this opportunity. The biggest wish of the old lady in her life is to let the Su family live in Yundingshan while she is alive. Villa area, so when she heard that Amelia Su was sick, she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. In case Zhong Liang found another partner, there would be no way to recover the matter, so she had to come and see in person To be at ease.

The old lady is very old, and climbing stairs almost killed her.

Wilson Su and Lily Jiang had been waiting at the door for a long time, and when they saw the old lady, they hurried forward to help.

“Mom, why are you here in person? If you have something to call, let’s go see you.” Wilson Su said.

“Yeah, mom, just call if you have something to do.” Lily Jiang also said.

The old lady was out of breath, her face paled from exhaustion.

“I came to see Amelia, I heard that she was sick.” The old lady said.

Wilson Su was shocked, Amelia Su was simply pretending to be sick. Would it be enough if the old lady knew?

George Han glared fiercely, it was all his bad idea.

George Han looked indifferent, and after inviting the old lady in, poured her a glass of water, but the old lady didn’t even look at it.

“Where is Amelia?” the old lady asked after sitting on the sofa.

“I’m sick, so I’m in the room for fear of infecting you,” Lily Jiang said.

“She is not sick.” George Han said suddenly.

Thunder on the ground!

The words of George Han made Wilson Su and Lily Jiang almost urinate. They tried their best to conceal this matter, but George Han admitted to it.

“George Han, what nonsense are you talking about, Amelia Mingming fell ill.” Lily Jiang looked at George Han angrily, pretending to be sick was suggested by this guy, and now he actively admitted to pretending to be sick. He is doing harm. People!

“Mom, don’t listen to George Han’s nonsense, he doesn’t know anything.” Wilson Su said in a panic.

The old lady looked at George Han dissatisfiedly and asked, “What do you mean by saying that you are not sick?”

“Amelia is the project leader. She won the cooperation with Weak Water Real Estate. No matter what Harry Su said, the decision to change the project leader is yours. Harry Su is responsible for this matter, but it is also your fault. You Say yes?” George Han said calmly.

“George Han, what kind of thing do you dare to question grandma?” Harry Su said with a runaway face.

Su Guolin was also so angry that his scalp was numb, and he was just a son-in-law. He even dared to question the old lady and was impatient.

“George Han, there is no place for you to speak, you better disappear in front of me, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude to you.” Su Guolin said.

“Grandma, only Amelia can handle this cooperation now, don’t you?” No matter how excited they are, George Han always looks calm.

The old lady took a deep breath and said, “What is the advantage of doing this? If it angers me, I am not afraid that I will not want this cooperation in my anger, and I will drive you out of the Su family?”

“Of course there is such a possibility, but the losses faced by the Su family are too great, you would not do this.” George Han said.

“You will eat me like that?” the old lady said.

“Grandma, I just want you to pay attention to Amelia, nothing else, if there is something that makes grandma angry, I will apologize for you.” George Han said.

The old lady laughed, slapped a candy, this method is really good.

“Is this your idea? Don’t be impressed for three days.” The smile on the old lady’s face was gradually replaced by gloom. Amelia Su definitely didn’t dare to play such tricks with her. As for Wilson Su and Lily Jiang, Seeing that she didn’t even dare to breathe the air, besides George Han, she couldn’t think of anyone who could come up with such an idea.

“My original intention was just for the good of the Su family.” George Han said.

Su family?

It is hard to say whether it is her old lady’s Su family or Amelia Su’s Su family.

“Where is Amelia?” the old lady asked.

At this time, George Han’s phone just rang, and after answering the call, George Han pressed down the PA building.

“Three thousand, I just talked to Zhong Liang, he is willing to continue to cooperate with the Su family.” Amelia Su’s voice came from the phone.

Both Wilson Su and Lily Jiang were dumbfounded. They didn’t even know when Amelia Su left home.

“Grandma is at home, she must be very happy to hear this news.” George Han said.

The old lady reluctantly squeezed out a smile, and said: “Welcome Xia, thank you for your pain, come to grandma’s house for dinner in two days.”

“Thank you grandma.”

The old lady stood up, looked directly at George Han, and said, “George Han, if you have the slightest covetous heart for my Su family, I advise you to dispel this idea. I will never let you succeed.”

“Don’t worry, grandma, I’m not interested in the Su family’s property.” With the weight of the Su family, George Han didn’t pay attention to it. Just a second-rate family, how much oil and water can there be?

After the old lady left, Lily Jiang, who was kept in the dark, questioned George Han: “George Han, this was planned by you and Amelia? Do you know how dangerous it is to do this.”

“Mom, don’t you breathe a sigh of relief? After so many years, don’t you want to vent the humiliation you have suffered in the Su family?” George Han asked back.

Lily Jiang was taken aback, and what happened today was indeed a sigh of relief. If it weren’t for George Han’s arrangement, how could the old lady come to their house.

“And in the future, relatives of the Su family will not dare to underestimate you anymore. The projects in Amelia’s hands can at least make her and Harry Su on the same level.” George Han continued.

Lily Jiang was speechless, even if he wanted to pick the bones in the egg, he really couldn’t find a reason.

This incident caused turbulent waves among the relatives of the Su family. Amelia Su got the status of the project leader, and his status in the company will definitely rise. Several Su women who have always looked down on Amelia Su were angry and angry for a while. They didn’t want to be Amelia Su. Ride on the head.

“Don’t be afraid, we still have a chance to marry a rich family. With so many dowry, even if it is not from Hillwood City’s Han family, it must be a big family.”

“Yes, we can say that the sisters are all right, and they are unanimous. No matter who can marry into this Han family, we must protect our sisters from now on and not get too close to Amelia Su.”

“She has always been a woman, and the Su family cannot fall into her hands alone. Don’t worry too much. Harry Su will have a way to deal with her in the future.”

A group of sisters without Amelia Su set off a crusade against Amelia Su for no reason.

Amelia Su returned home, Lily Jiang secretly called Amelia Su back to her room.

“Amelia, you tell your mom honestly, is there anything else you are hiding from me?” Lily Jiang asked.

“No, why did you suddenly ask like that?” Amelia Su was panicked, but on the surface it was calm and steady.

“How do I feel, George Han seems to be a different person, you didn’t see the calmness that he had when he talked to your grandma today, the whole Su family, who would dare to talk to the old lady with this attitude?” Lily Jiang Said.

Amelia Su smiled. Although she didn’t see George Han’s strength, she was very scared when she knew the plan from George Han, but she chose to believe in George Han, and the facts proved it. , I believe he is right.

“Mom, no matter what, it’s good for us.”

Chapter 13

Three days later, Su’s Villa.

The old lady hosted a celebration banquet for Amelia Su, and all relatives of the Su family arrived.

During the banquet, Amelia Su specifically talked about the cooperation with Qianshui Real Estate. The old lady was very happy to hear it. The relatives of the Su family were all wicked. Amelia Su’s leadership has become an established fact, and Amelia Su’s future status in the company is bound to be Unshakeable.

After all, the weak water real estate needs to build the west of the city into the main urban area, and this project must take a long time.

If the project is not over, who can shake Amelia Su’s status?

Harry Su’s face is very ugly. He is the highest-ranking young generation in the company, and he is expected to become the successor to the chairman of the Su family. Now Amelia Su is in power and will virtually weaken his influence in the company, but he is thankful The thing is, Amelia Su is a woman after all, and Harry Su believes that grandma cannot give him the entire company.

In addition to the celebration banquet, there is another major event happening in Cloud City today, the auction of the villas on the mountainside and the villas at the top of the mountain.

Although the Su family dare not think about this kind of fantasy, they still pay much attention to this matter.

“The mountainside Villa is going to auction today, I don’t know who can get it.”

“Basin City has the strength to bid, but it’s just the three families. It depends on who is willing to spend more money to prove themselves.”

“I heard that the estimated transaction price fluctuates at 60 million yuan. This is living in a pile of money.”

“These top rich people, who cares about this little money for the sake of face.”

Su Yihan, Amelia Su’s cousin, the last time the Han family gave the dowry gift, she showed very strong self-confidence, thinking that the Han family’s dowry gift was given to her, then leisurely said: “Maybe, this set The Villa will be photographed by others.”

“Yihan, you mean…”

“Didn’t the Han family give us a betrothal gift? It hasn’t revealed his true colors for a long time, and he doesn’t know what he is pretending to be a ghost. Maybe he just wants to give me a big surprise.” Su Yihan smiled, looking confident, as if It has been determined that the Han family came for her.

The other female juniors of the Su family were a little unhappy when they heard this.

But Su Yihan is indeed the most beautiful among them, and she is the most likely to see her.

“If this is the case, wouldn’t our Su family have a chance to live in the Villa area of Yunding Mountain?”

Hearing this, even the old lady was a little moved. Although it is said that the cooperation with Weak Water Real Estate is likely to promote the Su family to the first-line family of Basin City, but if this Han family really bought the mountainside Villa, the Su family would also Being able to follow the face and face, and join forces, the status of the Su family in Basin City is likely to surpass the existing three major families, this is something the old lady dare not think about.

“It’s a pity that he hasn’t shown up until now.” The old lady sighed. After sending such an expensive betrothal gift, the host was late to show up, and the old lady couldn’t understand it.

“Such a man must be a blockbuster, and when he is ready, he will come to pick me up.” Su Yihan said.

At this time, George Han immersed himself in eating and did not participate in this topic.

Harry Su took a look with disdain, and said, “George Han, no one is robbing you. Have you never eaten such a good dish?”

This sentence made many people sneered. They dare not run Amelia Su casually, but this son-in-law still doesn’t need to give face.

“I’m almost tired of eating such delicacies.”

“Some people are poor, it’s normal if they haven’t eaten them.”

“I really don’t know what it’s like to be a poor man.”

The old lady coughed, and the sarcasm stopped.

Su Guolin received a call and said in shock: “So high! Isn’t it about 60 million?”

“Who won the bidding?”

Upon hearing Su Guolin’s words, the Su family knew that he was talking about the auction of the mountainside Villa, and they all looked at Su Guolin attentively.

“I know.”

Su Guolin hung up the phone and sighed.

“Dad, what’s the transaction price?” Harry Su asked impatiently.

“89 million.” Su Guolin said.

This number made everyone present stunned. The old lady was also unable to calm down, far exceeding the estimated price of more than 20 million. I can imagine how fierce the auction is. The most important thing is that the actual value of the Villa is simply not worth it. Many, 89 million, all spent on face.

“And I really made Yihan right. He is a mysterious buyer, I don’t know who it is.” Su Guolin continued.

Su Yihan’s heart was surging, she just said casually, she didn’t expect it to be true!

If it was really bought by the mysterious Han family, and she was the one who was valued, it would not be as simple as flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix.

“He should appear soon.” Su Yihan said with a look of expectation. Although he didn’t know what the other party looked like, Su Yihan could accept it even if he was an ugly monster.

“Grandma, our Su family has a real chance to live in the Yunshan Villa area, and it is the most luxurious mountainside Villa.” Su Yihan said to the old lady.

The old lady is getting older, and her heartbeat speeds up at this time. I don’t know who bought the Villa, but the bride price actually went to the Su family. It’s all a great thing.

“I hope he can come forward quickly. I have been insomnia for a long time for this matter.” The old lady said.

After a meal, George Han and Amelia Su went to the back garden of the Villa for a walk, one meter apart, respecting each other as guests.

“Will you be envious?” George Han asked Amelia Su.

Amelia Su knew that George Han was talking about the bride price, nodded and said: “I am also a person, of course I would be envious, but it is not necessary. For me, it is already very good now.”

Amelia Su’s candid answer made George Han smile softly. If she said she didn’t envy her, George Han would still think she was hypocritical, but Amelia Su certainly couldn’t give such an answer.

“To spend 89 million to buy a Villa, what do these people have to do with money?” Amelia Su asked George Han curiously.

George Han thought about it very carefully and said, “Perhaps, it’s just his pocket money.”

Amelia Su blinked her mouth and was faintly surprised. Wouldn’t the eighty-nine million pocket money be too exaggerated?

“You said, is it really possible that the person who bought the Villa was the one who made the offer?” Amelia Su said.

“Perhaps, after all, the bride price is really not small.” George Han said.

“It seems that Su Yihan will be the best person in the Su family. I don’t know what kind of life it will be to marry such a rich person.” Amelia Su didn’t have the slightest envy on her face, she was just curious.

“Do you also think it will be Su Yihan?” George Han smiled.

“Even if you don’t want to admit it, she is indeed the most beautiful person in our generation. Such a rich person can only look at her.” Amelia Su said naturally.

“You are more beautiful.” George Han said.

Amelia Su glared at George Han fiercely and said, “Are you crazy? I’m already married. How could this matter have something to do with me.”

George Han smiled and said nothing more.

Not long after, Amelia Su was called away by the old lady. There should be something to explain to her.

George Han was alone in the garden, with flowers blooming in the early summer.

“George Han, you have not forgotten about you hitting me.” Harry Su walked behind George Han and said in a gloomy tone.

George Han turned around, looked at Harry Su alone, disdainfully said: “If you want revenge, I advise you to find two more helpers.”

Harry Su shook his head: “How could I be so careless with you? You are the son-in-law of the Su family, don’t you know what identity you are? Why should I lower my identity for you.”

“Then why are you looking for me?” George Han asked in confusion.

Harry Su said: “I just want to tell you, don’t think that Amelia Su is on the throne, you can fake it, you will always be the son-in-law of the Su family, a waste in our eyes.”

George Han smiled faintly, bravely speaking, he really didn’t have this interest.

Seeing that George Han was not angry or refuted himself, Harry Su gritted his teeth and said: “You are a waste of money, and you can only swallow your anger when I scold you and see what a dog is like.”

“Harry Su, I want to arouse me, let me hit you, and then go to grandma’s case. This is what you are doing? And can you be smarter, this little trick is useless in front of me.” George Han said .

Harry Su gritted his teeth, but he did not expect to think of a way to deal with George Han, and he would be seen so easily.

Moreover, this trash, dare to say that he is not promising!

“By the way, I want to beat you, no matter where you are, not to mention Su’s Villa, even in front of grandma, I am still not afraid, do you want to be hospitalized?” George Han stepped forward.

Harry Su was so frightened that he took two steps back and made a complete mess.

George Han smiled and left the back garden.

Harry Su was so angry that he stamped his feet on the spot. He hated himself for taking two steps back. Why was he afraid of this waste? Even if Amelia Su has a position in the company, it does not mean that this waste also has a position.

“George Han, I will definitely let you kneel down and kowtow to me. I can’t make my surname Su!”

Amelia Su talked to the old lady for less than half an hour, and George Han didn’t ask anything, but from Amelia Su’s expression, he could probably guess something.

The old lady told him before, let him not covet the Su family’s property, I guess she is also worried about this now.

“Is there anything in the afternoon?” Amelia Su asked George Han.

“No, what can I do.” George Han said.

“Come with me to go shopping, I have an appointment with my sister, let you be a coolie, okay?” Amelia Su said.

George Han replied, “Of course there is no problem.”

Chapter 14

In front of the department store.

Shen Lingyao’s beautiful figure attracted the attention of many men, and in just a few minutes, three men had chatted with her.

The printed T-shirt plus a pure white coat, and the pleated white skirt on the lower body exposes the slender legs. I don’t know how many men are dazzled by it.

As Amelia Su’s classmate and best friend, when she saw Amelia Su walking far away with a man next to her, she opened her mouth slightly in surprise.

Amelia Su had been married for three years, and the legendary son-in-law had only met her once at the wedding, and Amelia Su brought him out today.

Is this dazzling wrong?

“What’s the matter, what surprised you so much.” After Amelia Su approached, she smiled and asked Shen Lingyao.

Shen Lingyao pulled Amelia Su aside, and asked in a low voice: “Amelia, this, the famous George Han, am I right?”

In the entire Basin City, even if you have never seen the appearance of George Han, you have heard his name more or less, because three years ago, things were too much trouble, and Harry Su deliberately fanned the flames, and some ordinary people knew this. Things.

“En.” Amelia Su nodded and said.

After Amelia Su’s confirmation, Shen Lingyao was even more surprised. When Amelia Su got married, she was full of grievances. She also helped Amelia Su fight the injustice. Although three years have passed, this matter is still being mentioned as a joke.

“Are you crazy, how could you bring him out?” Shen Lingyao said.

Amelia Su knew that her sister was very close to her, but it was already a fact that George Han was her husband, and after facing her own feelings squarely, Amelia Su felt that George Han should really be integrated into her life.

“I’m not crazy, you will see him often in the future.” Amelia Su said.

“You…you, don’t you accept him?” Shen Lingyao was like hearing a ghost story, with a face full of horror and often met. Doesn’t this mean that Amelia Su would often bring him out?

Amelia Su nodded without hesitation, and said, “Although I don’t have all of them yet, I’m trying my best.”

Shen Lingyao rolled her eyes and wanted to say something, but swallowed again when she reached her throat.

“Be happy with you, who makes you my best sister.” Shen Lingyao said.

Taking a peek at George Han, Shen Lingyao was surprised to find that if he were to exclude his status as a son-in-law, he would still look good, at least the whole person was still very handsome, and his temperament was outstanding, but it was a pity that his reputation was too bad.

After the three of them entered the mall, the two women started shopping. They said whether to buy or not, each store had to try on the clothes they liked.

George Han was also very patient. After all, it was the first time shopping with Amelia Su. This feeling was very good for him.

Every time Shen Lingyao puts on s*xy clothes, she will deliberately look at George Han. She is confident about her figure and appearance. Every time she goes out, she will be accosted. Men are visual animals. In her opinion, George Han is certainly no exception.

However, after trying several times, Shen Lingyao found that George Han only smiled when Amelia Su changed clothes. As for her, she didn’t even look at it.

Isn’t this guy a blind face? Isn’t he trying to show her beauty?

Shen Lingyao didn’t believe in evil, and deliberately wore a particularly revealing dress, a tube top and hip skirt, which almost showed her good figure, and she deliberately walked in front of George Han.

“You help me to see, is it good-looking?” Shen Lingyao said.

George Han looked up and down, she was indeed in good shape, with her lordosis and back curl, where she wanted to be, and said, “It looks good.”

The next moment after saying these two words, George Han put his eyes back on Amelia Su, without stopping for a moment.

For men, Shen Lingyao asked herself to have a deep understanding. George Han looked at her eyes without any desire at all, she was extremely clear, this could not be pretended to be.

So Shen Lingyao was convinced of one thing. George Han was definitely a face blind. In his eyes, there was no beauty or ugliness.

At this time, a man and a woman walked into the store, the woman dressed in enchanting, and the man was thick and thick, with a thick gold necklace hanging around his neck, full of upstart style.

After a woman enters the store, she doesn’t even try any clothes that are important to them, and just asks the shopping guide to install them.

“I want this one too.” When the woman walked in front of Amelia Su, Amelia Su took a piece of clothing and planned to try it, but she did not expect it to be taken directly by her.

For such a bold customer, the shopping guide is generally a service that licks his face, and Amelia Su has tried several items, and has no intention of buying, so Amelia Su is naturally not taken seriously.


“What’s going on, my friend took a fancy to this matter first.” Before Amelia Su spoke, Shen Lingyao took the lead and asked the shopping guide.

The coquettish woman looked at Shen Lingyao proudly, and smiled disdainfully: “I buy clothes and never try them on, because people like you try and try, and I don’t know how many bacteria are on it.”

“You can’t try to buy clothes too much. How can you know if you don’t try it?” Shen Lingyao retorted.

“Inappropriate?” The woman smiled and said: “Throw it away if it is inappropriate. Women buy clothes, looking for the feeling of spending money. Sorry, you should not understand.”

Shen Lingyao was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke.

Amelia Su said, “I want to buy this dress.”

The woman glanced at Amelia Su contemptuously: “Ask her, do you sell it to me or to you?”

After that, the woman looked at the shopping guide and continued: “If you want to sell this dress to her, I asked you to wrap it up just now, so no trouble.”

The shopping guide said without hesitation: “This lady said first to buy, you should pick other ones.”

“Do you want such a force, she is a guest, and we are also guests.” Shen Lingyao said unconvinced.

The corners of the shopping guide’s mouth rose, and he chuckles: “The customers are also divided into different categories. Can you compare the purchasing power of this lady?”

Hearing these words, the coquettish woman smiled triumphantly and said: “Don’t shame yourself, weigh the weight of your wallet, and see if you can compare with me.”

At this time, the man wearing a gold necklace walked up to the coquettish woman: “What are you talking about so much nonsense? Money is king, do you have it? If you want to be a god, you can also get some real money.”

Shen Lingyao’s face was livid, she saw that this coquettish woman was a small third, she was not convinced when she was stepped on her head, but how could the weight of her wallet compare with this upstart?

Although Amelia Su was born in the Su family, she has always received the same salary as ordinary employees, and her family background is not strong. Although she is now the project leader, her status has not been converted into money in a few days.


Before Amelia Su had finished speaking, George Han stood up suddenly and said, “Whoever buys more, sell it to whom?”

The upstart glanced at George Han disdainfully, and said, “Why, you want to play with me?”

Amelia Su hurriedly walked to George Han, and said in a low voice, “George, don’t have the same knowledge as them.”

She didn’t want George Han to show off for a while. This nouveau riche was obviously a rich man, how could it be compared.

George Han gently said to Amelia Su: “As long as you like it, I will let you get it.”

Amelia Su listened to George Han’s firm tone, and she shook her head for a while, just like the time when George Han texted her, it was like the time when George Han said that grandma would come in person. Three thousand, Amelia Su felt the same today.

Shen Lingyao didn’t think that George Han was really richer than this upstart. He also walked up to George Han and reminded him: “Pretend to be struck by lightning. You are richer than him, so forget it.”

“Young man, I advise you to listen to your friends, otherwise it is yourself who is embarrassed.” The upstart said proudly.

The coquettish woman was a little interested in George Han’s looks, but it was a pity that she was a poor ghost at first glance, but she did not meet her mate selection criteria.

“Aren’t you chasing out these obtrusive people? It disturbed my mood, be careful I didn’t buy it in your store.” The coquettish woman said to the shopping guide.

The shopping guide doesn’t want to lose such big customers, and would rather offend George Han.

“Please leave, our shop does not welcome you.” The shopping guide said to George Han.

“I want all the clothes in the shop, but you also helped me get rid of these two obtrusive things.” George Han said.

Amelia Su was shocked when she heard this, she wanted it all! How much does it cost? How could George Han be so rich?

“Three thousand, are you confused, do you know how much these clothes cost?” Amelia Su said quickly.

Shen Lingyao also felt that George Han was crazy, he was just a son-in-law, even if he hid private money, he couldn’t have so much.

The nouveau riche laughed aloud when he heard this, and said, “Okay, I watched you pay the bill. If you can really spend so much money, how about I get out of this store by myself?”

The coquettish woman trembled with laughter, as if she was watching a joke: “I have never seen a poor and face-saving person like you. Do you know what the bragging end is?”

The shopping guide didn’t believe that George Han had this kind of strength, because she had seen many rich people, and George Han was a dick in her eyes.

“We just took inventory today. If you want to buy all the clothes, you don’t have to forget it. The total is 463,800 yuan. I will give you a discount. I will pay the 800 yuan. How about?” The shopping guide said these words like a joke.

George Han smiled coldly and said, “All the achievements are written on her head.”

The other shopping guide that George Han was referring to was the only one who did not show a look of despise from beginning to end.

When George Han walked to the front of the bar, Amelia Su and Shen Lingyao were nervous and froze. The nouveau riche and the glamorous woman looked at George Han so confident, and they were also confused.

He won’t really have money to pay the bill, will he?


The bank card was given to Zhong Liang!

Chapter 15

Seeing that George Han couldn’t take out his wallet for a long time, the nouveau riche breathed a sigh of relief, with an arrogant look on his face again.

“It’s over, it’s blown out now. The wallet doesn’t carry such an excuse. If you say it, it will be a joke.” The nouveau riche said.

The fascinating woman laughed strangely and said: “Poor, can you not bother me buying clothes, get out of it, and be embarrassed.”

Shen Lingyao quietly tugged at the corner of Amelia Su’s clothes, and whispered: “Let’s go, don’t lose face with him, I can’t stand this humiliation.”

Amelia Su looked at George Han puzzledly, bragging for the sake of face? George Han is not such a person, but why would he do this?

Amelia Su shook her head, walked to George Han and asked, “Forgot to bring your wallet?”

George Han looked embarrassed. He took his wallet, but gave the card to Zhong Liang. He had completely forgotten about it just now.

Hearing Amelia Su’s words, the nouveau riche laughed and said: “You really have the face to say this kind of thing, who will believe it.”

Shen Lingyao’s pretty face was hot and red to the root of her ears. She wanted to leave, but Amelia Su was her sister. If she left like this, she wouldn’t be loyal.

“Amelia, listen to me and follow me. His bragging rights made him shame.” Shen Lingyao walked to Amelia Su and took her hand.

“Sir, if you don’t have money, you still have time to leave.” The shopping guide didn’t have the patience to continue wasting time with George Han, and directly ordered the eviction.

At this time, a panting young man came to the store. When he reached George Han, he handed a bank card with both hands and said, “Mr. Han, this is your bank card.”

George Han took a surprised look at the young man in front of him. The bank card in his hand was indeed his own. It seemed that Zhong Liang had been sent to him by someone.

The nouveau riche still wanted to tease a few words, but when he saw the appearance of the young man giving the bank card, his face instantly turned pale.

He went to join in the fun today and looked at the auction of the mountainside Villa. Isn’t he the one who bids 89 million today?

Everyone at the auction site knows that the mysterious buyer is unwilling to show up, so I found an errand guy. Now this young man passes the bank card to George Han. Even if the upstart is a fool, he can guess George Han. Qian is the mysterious buyer that everyone in Basin City wants to know.

Legs trembled and trembling, the fat on his face throbbed like an electric motor, and the amazing price of 89 million yuan to buy the mountainside Villa, the identity of this young man, I can’t even think about it!

The nouveau riche now has only one idea, go! To be precise, it was escape, because he knew that the person in front of him was not something he could provoke.

“Go.” The upstart whispered to the coquettish woman beside him.

A coquettish woman has a good face, and she doesn’t believe that this card can really make money. Maybe she just found someone to act in a play, and said, “Where are you going, the show is not finished yet, I want to see it.” Is there any money in this card?”

The nouveau riche can’t wait to choke the coquettish woman to death and make enemies with such a rich man. Isn’t that looking for death?

When George Han handed the bank card to the cashier, Shen Lingyao was so nervous that she clenched her fists, her palms were sweating, and Amelia Su also became nervous inexplicably.

“Please enter the password.” The cashier handed the POS machine to George Han with trembling hands. She was also a little nervous when seeing such a large order for the first time in her life.

George Han looked at Amelia Su and said with a smile: “Would you like to enter the password?”

“Huh?” Amelia Su looked at George Han in shock, how could she let her enter the password? She didn’t know what the password was.

“Try it.” George Han said.

The first number that Amelia Su thought of was their wedding anniversary. Could it be…

“Hey, you just need to be ashamed, do you have to be ashamed of Amelia and follow you?” Shen Lingyao looked at George Han dissatisfied.

Amelia Su stretched out her hand and entered a few numbers in her mind.

Credit card successful!

The shopping guide who looked down on George Han just now looked dazed, really… really paid!

The nouveau riche is not surprised at all, because he has bought all 89 million mountainside villas, and more than 400,000 yuan is still a shit.

The coquettish woman had no body, and was waiting to see the joke when he actually paid.

“Amelia, you…how do you know the password?” Shen Lingyao couldn’t believe that there were two points. The first is that George Han is really rich, and the second is that Amelia Su obviously doesn’t know the password. Why did he enter it correctly?

Amelia Su lowered her head and said, “It’s our wedding anniversary.”

Shen Lingyao’s face flashed with unconcealed envy when she heard these words.

“Who said that I would get out of here?” George Han said suddenly.

The nouveau riche and the coquettish woman just walked to the door and were about to slip away quietly. Hearing George Han’s words, they immediately stunned.

“What about the money, I am not a poor man, why do you let me go?” The coquettish woman looked at George Han unconvinced.

George Han smiled and said nothing.

The nouveau riche looked at George Han with a smile, and his hair stood up. He knew that if he didn’t do what he said today, George Han would definitely not let him go.

This kind of person can’t afford to offend!

The nouveau riche walked into the shop again and rolled out like a meat ball.

“Sorry, I was wrong just now,” said the upstart.

The coquettish woman felt that she couldn’t keep her face, and shouted at the nouveau riche: “Are you crazy? You can do whatever he wants you to do. Are you a dog?”

A trace of sorrow flashed between the eyebrows of the nouveau riche, and a slap in the face of the coquettish woman: “Where is your f*cking bullshit, what kind of thing, what is it?”

Amelia Su and Shen Lingyao were dumbfounded, and it was enough to get out of the nouveau riche. Now they are still having such a big fire, are their brains cramped? Although he said that George Han would get out of here if he could pay, no one would dare to do anything to him if he broke his promise.

The coquettish woman covered her face, not daring to speak any more nonsense. She could lie in the arms of the upstart and act like a baby, but she also knew that she was just a junior. If he was really angry, he could kick her away at any time.

“I’m sorry.” The coquettish woman said to the nouveau riche.

“Mr. Han, if there is nothing else, I will leave first?” the nouveau riche asked George Han in an obvious questioning tone.

After George Han nodded, he left with the coquettish woman.

Shen Lingyao swallowed and told her instinctively that this matter was not just as simple as George Han paid. This upstart was obviously afraid of George Han.

But he is Basin City’s famous son-in-law, who is a joke, so why would anyone be afraid of him?

“Mr. Han, I’m sorry for the attitude just now, it’s my fault.” The shopping guide bent over and said to George Han.

George Han took a cold look and said to Amelia Su: “These clothes are all yours, what are you going to do with them?”

Amelia Su still seems to be dreaming, but she is not immersed in the matter of how much money George Han has spent, but the bank card password, the wedding anniversary, which is coming soon, she has nothing to worry about, George Han used it as the bank card password.

“I…I don’t know either.” Amelia Su smiled bitterly. When will I finish wearing so many clothes.

“Aren’t you two of the same number?” George Han glanced at Shen Lingyao, judging from the body, the size of the two should be different.

Shen Lingyao nodded.

“Separate the size of clothes that suits them. As for the rest, don’t need it.” George Han said to the shopping guide.

No… no more!

This sentence made the shopping guide dumbfounded. This is the real rich person. After paying the money, she said that she didn’t want it. She actually looked away.

“Well, how does this work? Give me the rest of the size.” Shen Lingyao was excited to say this, and it was revealed that George Han paid the money, and he is qualified to control the ownership of these clothes. , Weakly asked George Han: “Okay… OK?”

“No problem.” George Han said.

After handling the clothes, the store will deliver the goods to the door, so that George Han will not be a coolie. This is a great blessing, otherwise it will be exhausted today.

I bought the whole store, and I don’t have to go shopping for the rest. When I was about to leave on the first floor of the department store, Shen Lingyao took Amelia Su to the bathroom. I didn’t know if I was going to the bathroom. There must be something private to say.

George Han was waiting on the first floor, and there happened to be a piano training class enrolling students, so he went up to watch the excitement.

“Sir, our school also has adult classes. Are you interested?” A promoter walked up to George Han and handed George Han an advertisement.

George Han looked at the piano with an inexplicable impulse. This was his biggest interest when he was a child, but after leaving Han’s house, he hadn’t touched a piano for three years.

“Can I try it?” George Han asked, pointing to the piano.

“of course can.”

Stroking the black and white keys, the familiar feeling came to my heart, pressing the next key, the action was slightly jerky.

As the sense of familiarity is slowly recovered, and gradually become better, the melodious and high-pitched notes jumped out from the fingertips, and more and more people stopped, all attracted by the sound of the piano, even for several piano training classes. The teacher was shocked.

The crowd onlookers quickly became squeezed. The inside and outside three floors watched the excitement, and some people used their mobile phones to take small videos.

Croatian Rhapsody is Maxim’s masterpiece. The music uses a bright rhythm to describe the ruined walls in the ashes of Croatia after the baptism of war, and the tragic picture of the setting sun reflected in blood, tears and dust.

George Han also used this song to ignite the passion of the people at the scene.

After the song, a wave of applause sounded.

“What’s the matter, why is it so lively over there.” Shen Lingyao asked curiously, coming out of the bathroom.

Amelia Su also felt strange, why those people were crowded together.

At this time, George Han squeezed out of the crowd and quickly walked to Amelia Su and said: “Let’s go.”

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