His True Colors Novel Chapter 1079 – 1082

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Chapter 1079

There should be a handover process for the birth of each emperor. Only in this way can those who sit on the seat of God know how to mobilize the abilities left by the emperors, but because George Han directly killed the emperor, so This handover process is gone, and George Han needs to discover the secrets by himself.

As the restricted area of ”‹”‹the Imperial Dragon Hall, Cangshu Pavilion is not qualified to come here except for the emperor, so George Han believes that the secret of the ability of the emperor should be in the Cangshu Pavilion.

George Han is now strong enough, so strong that he can dominate the world without being imprisoned in the Emperor Dragon Palace, but to deal with Linlong, this strength is far from enough. If he can find a way to keep the previous emperors Ability, truly integrated into oneself, George Han’s strength will definitely be improved, in this way, he will be more confident against Linlong.

Although George Han already has a plan to deal with Linlong, he cannot pin all his hopes on the catastrophe. In case it does not work, George Han will have no retreat, so he must still give One more way by yourself.

The Zangshu Pavilion is not large, it is almost unobstructed, and there is nothing strange about the place visible to the naked eye, but he believes that there must be a place in the secret room here, but he has to explore it slowly. .

After walking a few times around the library, George Han finally stopped in front of a mural.

The mural is a relief, which should be carved by a certain craftsman. The relief is a portrait of a person, one to one in size, and almost every muscle line is shown. It can be said that the craftsmanship of this craftsman has reached the point of extraordinary skill.

But the strange thing is that the details of all aspects of the figure are very delicate, only the face of the portrait is very blurry, and this should not be damaged, but the portrait is like this.

“Why didn’t you leave a clear face?” George Han felt a little strange and said to himself.

Could it be because he looks too ugly?

George Han smiled and shook his head. This kind of thought is just thinking about it, he won’t take it seriously.

At this time, George Han found a small snake wrapped around the left arm of the portrait. He couldn’t help touching the red-eyed jade python on his arm, and said, “Are you also the beast-controller of the red-eyed jade python? Well, we can still have this in common.”

“Since it’s such a coincidence, can you tell me what secrets are still hidden in this library?” These words came out casually, and George Han himself was just a joke.

The stone statue can’t speak, how could it tell him the secret of the library?

Next, George Han found a strange stone eye, located in the upper left corner of the entire mural. The size of this eye is very moderate to the proportion of the entire portrait. Besides the upper left corner, George Han quickly changed An eye was found elsewhere.

“Could it be that the faces of the portraits were made in different places and need to be pieced together to form the appearance of the portrait?” George Han guessed.

Soon, George Han found some facial details elsewhere. What he didn’t know was that the previous emperor would stand in front of the stone statue for a long time almost every day, but he never noticed the secrets. He only spent a few minutes.

However, although George Han found a lot of facial details, the entire mural was integrated, and there was no way to move it. To put it together, he had to destroy the entire stone wall.

“Master, you have left me a lot of trouble, but what this person looks like is not important to me. What is important is that I found the secret room of the library.” George Han smiled and stretched out. Shot.

There is a particularly rounded place in the whole mural, which is obviously a trace left by long-term touch, and this place must be a switch.

Sure enough, when George Han pressed his tentacles heavily, the entire mural began to move, revealing a hidden door.

“A smart person like me is rare in the world.” George Han said with a sigh on his face, boasting of this, George Han is still quite powerful.

Entering Shimen, a small room less than 20 square meters, with several mummy hanging, the picture is a bit creepy, but for George Han, who is a bold person, it is all pediatrics.

George Han counted the mummy on the wall, there are eight in total. It seems that this is all the previous emperors in the imperial court, and the sudden burst of strength of the previous emperor came from these mummy.

“They are all dead, and they have to be used by others. This imperial court emperor is not easy to be used.” George Han said with a tut. It stands to reason that after death, people should enter the land for security, and the emperor is more important. There should be a luxurious mausoleum, but their fate will be hung in such a small room, and they will not even die.

George Han sat cross-legged in the center of the room. Since these mummy existed for the past emperor to have the strength to restrain other powerhouses, as the new emperor, George Han naturally wanted to use their remaining power. stand up.

However, George Han’s method is different from that of the previous emperor. He not only uses it, but wants to absorb all the power here in himself.

“Seniors, don’t worry, George Han is definitely not a person without conscience. When I finish using you, I will let you be buried.” George Han closed his eyes after saying this.

The power of the mummy quickly merged into George Han in a way that was visible to the naked eye. However, because the power came from different people, there was a phenomenon of rejection between each other, but for George Han, it was not a difficult task. , It just takes a while.

Three days later.

Fei Lingsheng and Zhan Tai Liuyue were almost in good health. When they went out to breathe fresh air, they found Huang Xiaoyong sitting under the pavilion alone, but George Han was not seen, which was a bit strange.

After Fei Lingsheng approached, he asked Huang Xiaoyong, “Where is your master?”

Huang Xiaoyong looked weak, turned his head and glanced at Fei Lingsheng, and said, “It has been three days since I went to the hall, and I haven’t returned yet.”

“What’s the matter with you, you look so unlovable, what kind of blows did you get?” Fei Ling asked inexplicably.

Huang Xiaoyong sighed. Since I heard Master said that the world of Xuanyuan is likely to be destroyed by Linlong, Huang Xiaoyong has been worried about this situation all the time. He is very afraid of death in his heart, but if even the Master can’t deal with Lin. Long, who else can do it?

“Fei Linger, we are all going to die.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

Chapter 1080

Although Huang Xiaoyong now knows Fei Lingsheng’s true identity, he is used to calling Fei Lingsheng, and he is George Han’s apprentice, so he doesn’t need to treat Fei Lingsheng as a superior figure. Fei Lingsheng’s name has not changed.

Fei Lingsheng didn’t mind this point either. After all, Huang Xiaoyong was George Han’s apprentice, and his identity was also unique.

However, what Huang Xiaoyong said made Fei Lingsheng a little confused.

Are going to die?

Could it be that George Han has given up dealing with Linlong?

This is impossible!

With Fei Lingsheng’s understanding of George Han, he would never give up easily.

“What did your master tell you?” Fei Lingsheng asked.

Huang Xiaoyong shook his head and said, “Although Master didn’t say it so directly, it probably means that. There is no way to deal with Linlong. What chance do we have to survive.”

Fei Lingsheng glared at Huang Xiaoyong helplessly. Fortunately, it wasn’t George Han who said, otherwise, it would really be finished.

As long as George Han did not give up, there will be a turning point in this matter.

“You don’t look like your master at all. How can you be worthy of being his apprentice as a bullshit?” Fei Lingsheng said disdainfully.

Huang Xiaoyong looked at Fei Lingsheng dissatisfied, and said, “Why do you say that to me? I am not qualified. Are you okay?”

“Your master is not a person who gives up lightly, and he must be thinking of a way to deal with Linlong. You are an apprentice. You don’t help to find a way. Instead, you are here to sigh and wait for death. Do you think you are qualified?” Fei Ling Sheng said.

Huang Xiaoyong was stunned. Master would definitely not give up. How could he be so discouraged as an apprentice? If even Master can’t believe him, who can he believe in this world?

“Fei Linger, to tell you the truth, although you are a strong master in the Extreme Master Realm, I never put you in my eyes, but what you said made me admiration.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

“Why, do I still need your approval for my dignified powerhouse? Does it matter whether you treat me with admiration?” Fei Lingsheng said disdainfully.

Huang Xiaoyong knew that a strong like Fei Lingsheng wouldn’t care about his opinion at all, but it didn’t matter. Fei Lingsheng’s words woke him up, and he would not be so decadent.

“Sect Master Zhantai, how are you doing, are you in better health?” Huang Xiaoyong walked to Zhantai Liuyue’s side, whispering concern.

Fei Lingsheng gritted her teeth. Although she didn’t care about Huang Xiaoyong in her heart, she and Zhan Tai Liuyue were both women. This kind of different treatment still made her feel a little unconvinced.

“Huang Xiaoyong, don’t you weigh your own weight when you show your kindness?” Fei Lingsheng said, isn’t this toad still wanting to eat swan meat, isn’t it a wishful thinking?

Huang Xiaoyong pretended not to hear Fei Lingsheng speaking, and continued to say to Zhan Tai Liuyue: “Sect Master Zhan Tai, you have to rest more now, so you can’t leave any sequelae.”

Zhan Tai Liuyue looked embarrassed. Huang Xiaoyong could not put Fei Lingsheng in his eyes, but she did not dare.

“I’m fine, thank you for your concern.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

“What are you thanking for? This is what I should do. Your distinguished status deserves more attention.” Huang Xiaoyong said with a smile.

With these words, Fei Lingsheng almost broke his posterior molars. Zhan Tailiuyue is noble. Isn’t her status as a master of extreme master level no longer noble?

Fei Lingsheng suffocated the anger in her heart without breaking out, because she knew that Huang Xiaoyong said this, just to anger her deliberately. If she reacted too aggressively, wouldn’t it let Huang Xiaoyong succeed.

“You still don’t want to find your master.” Fei Lingsheng suppressed his inner anger and said to Huang Xiaoyong.

Huang Xiaoyong waved his hand and said, “Master went to the main hall. There must be something important. I’m going to disturb him. Isn’t it a beggar?”

“After three full days, what did he do?” Fei Ling frowned in confusion.

“I don’t know, if you have the courage, ask yourself, but if you interrupt the important things of my master, I can’t guarantee what you will end up with.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

Fei Lingsheng really wanted to go to George Han and ask George Han what he would plan next, but Huang Xiaoyong said that, she had to dispel her thoughts.

In the Cangshu Pavilion, for three days, George Han was absorbing the power of those corpses. During this process, George Han was constantly getting stronger. I have to say that these corpses are indeed quite powerful. No wonder they can become successive ones. The emperor’s trump card can give an emperor of the Eight Lights realm the strength to deal with the strongest masters.

When George Han opened his eyes, a golden light flashed away. At this time, the strength in his body had become stronger, and there was a qualitative change. The previous George Han’s own feelings, the strength of the body Like a torrent, but now, although the power flow in the body seems to be more smooth, the essence is completely different.

If the previous state of strength was described by water, now it has become a paste. Although the flow is slow, it is more vigorous and powerful.

Standing up, George Han stretched, his joints creaked.

At this moment, George Han suddenly felt an inexplicable traction in the air, as if to take him away from here.

George Han’s expression changed and he quickly walked out of the secret room. He did not look back. He was completely unaware of the portrait on the mural. The details of the face had been restored, and the appearance of the portrait was exactly the same as him!

When I walked out of the library, the clear sky was already covered with clouds in an instant, thundering.

“Could it be… this is a catastrophe!” George Han said with a horrified expression. He could sense that the sudden weather had something to do with him, and the thunder seemed to be because he was accumulating power.

George Han hurriedly suppressed his breath. When he became a true god, there was no tribulation. George Han was surprised by this incident, and even thought that it might be related to the skeleton, so he couldn’t attract it. Coming to heaven.

Unexpectedly, this time out of retreat, there will be a catastrophe.

Fortunately, George Han had complete control over his own breath. After he suppressed his realm, the thunder slowly dissipated, and the dark clouds in the sky gradually revealed the sun.

At this time, everyone in the city felt strange, the sun was shining, and suddenly the clouds were overcast. It didn’t last long before the clouds had dispersed again. They had never seen such a strange sight.

Fei Lingsheng’s home.

Huang Xiaoyong looked at the sky and said doubtfully: “What’s the matter with this ghost weather, the sun for a while, and the dark clouds for a while, it’s not because God is convulsed.”

Chapter 1081

Almost everyone thought this was an abnormal weather. When the sun came out of Basin City again, no one took the matter to heart. Only Fei Lingsheng, who was in the Extreme Master Realm, felt a little strange.

The sudden dark cloud just now gave her a very strong sense of oppression, which was definitely not caused by the weather.

“What’s wrong with you?” Huang Xiaoyong asked curiously when he found Fei Lingsheng with a solemn expression.

“What happened just now is not that simple. Maybe it has something to do with your master.” Fei Lingsheng said.

“My Master?” Huang Xiaoyong was puzzled. How could the weather change have anything to do with Master? Is it possible that Master can control the weather?

But for a long time, George Han returned to Fei Lingsheng’s house.

After many days of absence, Huang Xiaoyong ran to George Han with a look of excitement, pretending to be missing him, almost crying. ,

“Master. The disciple wants to kill you, I…”

Before he finished speaking, George Han gave Huang Xiaoyong a fierce look. This guy was like a goosebump seller. And the poor acting skills really made George Han look down on.

“What happened just now?” Fei Lingsheng walked to the front and asked George Han directly. She believed her instinct, so she must find the answer in George Han.

For these people in the yard, George Han had no need to conceal, and said directly: “Perhaps the previous gods were all illusions, but now I have reached the real gods.”

Along the way, George Han thought a lot about this matter. The belated Tribulation may not be late, but George Han had misunderstood his own strength before. The gods he imagined before were not at all. Divine realm, so after breaking the realm, it did not attract the catastrophe.

It wasn’t until he absorbed the abilities left by the emperors of the past that he truly reached the divine realm, which caused the catastrophe.

“The real god, you mean. The weather change just now was caused by the catastrophe?” Fei Lingsheng said.

“Yes.” George Han nodded and continued: “I can sense the involvement of a force. It seems that I want to take me out of this world. The higher-order world that Linlong calls should exist. .”

“Heavenly Tribulation, is it a test to another world?” Fei Lingsheng is also a wise man, and he immediately understood the meaning of Heavenly Tribulation. In addition to being able to transform the body, he can also go to another high-level world.

Of course, you can only go if you pass the test of the tribulation. If you don’t pass it, you will probably be crushed.

“It should be so.” George Han said.

“You suppressed your breath, so the catastrophe has disappeared again. You have a chance to leave here, why don’t you do this?” Fei Ling looked at George Han incomprehensibly, the world of Xuanyuan is now shrouded in the crisis brought by Linlong Among them, it is very likely that the entire Xuanyuan world will be destroyed, and George Han had a chance to leave here before. But he did not do so.

Is it afraid?

Fei Lingsheng denied this idea in her heart, because with her knowledge of George Han, he would never be timid because of the catastrophe.

Everyone has their own secrets, and George Han can be honest with Fei Lingsheng and others about all the secrets of Xuanyuan world, but he will never let these people know about the earth.

For that high-level world, George Han is full of curiosity, but absolutely no desire to see it. What he wants to do more is to return to the earth through the hidden space tunnel of Xuanyuan Mountain, because there is something worthy of him. People who care.

“Do you still need why?” George Han asked back.

Fei Lingsheng knew that Jiang Yingying was very important to George Han. He killed Yi Qingshan for the sake of this sister, and did not give Yi Qingshan a chance.

But isn’t he longing for another world?

“You stay. It is very possible to die here with her. This kind of risk is completely avoidable for you.” Fei Lingsheng said.

George Han shook his head with a smile on his face. He had never thought about what risk is not. From the moment of deciding to come to Xuanyuan World, George Han had already prepared in his heart. After coming to Xuanyuan World, George Han had only two things to do, trying his best to relieve the earth’s crisis and return The earth, as for other things, was not in George Han’s consideration at all.

“Master. What do you mean is that the weather change just now can take you to another world?” Huang Xiaoyong, who had been shocked by the dialogue for a long time, finally came back to his senses with an unbelievable expression on Han. Three thousand asked.

What another world, what heavenly calamity, this is no longer a category that Huang Xiaoyong can understand, although George Han has long heard that Linlong comes from another world. But this matter has not actually been confirmed by evidence. Huang Xiaoyong has always held a skeptical attitude, but now Huang Xiaoyong has to believe it, because the other world almost really appeared before him.

“Why, are you interested in another world?” George Han asked.

Huang Xiaoyong shook his head unconsciously. He didn’t think he had this kind of ability. It had to be a chance to go to the legendary divine realm, and it was only a chance, because it had to be successful before he could pass the test. Huang Xiaoyong didn’t have the guts to take such a big risk.

“Master, will you leave Xuanyuan World eventually?” Huang Xiaoyong asked, in his opinion. Even if George Han didn’t leave through the robbery now, he would still face this matter in the future, because he was already the strongest person in Xuanyuan World, and there was nothing worthy of his memory here. If you want to become stronger, you must go to a higher level world.

It was good for George Han to leave, but it was completely different from what Huang Xiaoyong thought. George Han would not pursue his own realm endlessly. He would not go to the high-level world either. He would return to the earth and seek a stable life with Amelia Su and his daughter.

“Yes, I will leave sooner or later.” George Han said.

Huang Xiaoyong’s expression was dim. There was a small loss in his heart, but he also knew that no matter what he did, it was impossible to keep George Han, and he was not qualified to do so.

“Since you have been able to provoke Heavenly Tribulation, when do you plan to deal with Linlong?” Fei Lingsheng asked George Han.

Originally, George Han planned to use Fei Lingsheng’s Tribulation to deal with Linlong, but now it is no longer necessary, and he wants to reach the divine realm by Fei Lingsheng, which is even more distant, because now Fei Lingsheng In George Han’s eyes, it was like an ant, which showed that the gap between the divine realm and the extreme master realm was very huge. It is absolutely impossible for Fei Lingsheng to reach the divine realm in a short time.

Chapter 1082

More importantly, Linlong is now in the recovery period, which is an excellent opportunity. If time goes back, Linlong will only become stronger and stronger. If you want to deal with it, it will become more and more difficult. Higher.

It can be said that now is the best opportunity to deal with Linlong, once it is missed. I am afraid it will create a very irreversible dangerous situation.

“I came back to tell you that I plan to go to the Dark Forest.” George Han said.

“Now!” Fei Lingsheng looked at George Han with a look of shock. Although she had guessed that George Han would change his plan, she didn’t expect it to be so soon.

“While it is still recovering, this is a very good opportunity.” George Han said.

Fei Lingsheng understood this truth, and since George Han had already decided, this was something that no one could change.

“Sect Master Han. Have you thought about it?” Zhan Tai Liuyue, who had been silent for a long time, finally asked George Han aloud. She couldn’t help me with this matter, but in her opinion, it was so hasty. The decision is irrational. After all, Linlong is too powerful. In order to seal Linlong, Xuanyuan world almost lost all the powerful people. Now, George Han wants to deal with Linlong on his own. Isn’t this a foolish dream?

Moreover, George Han didn’t have to bear this responsibility on himself, it was related to the fate of the entire Xuanyuan world, and it should be all the cultivators to solve this problem together.

“Sect Master Zhantai doesn’t need to worry about me. If the moment is missed, Xuanyuan World will really be ruined, so I have to do this.” George Han said.

“Master, in case…in case you can’t come back, how can I explain to my sister-in-law, she will kill me.” Huang Xiaoyong said, but even though he said that, he was not afraid of what Jiang Yingying would do. He, it’s just that he wants to use Jiang Yingying, let George Han think about it, and then consider going to the Dark Forest.

“If I really die, everyone can’t live. So you don’t need to worry that she will kill you.” George Han smiled and said, now he is the strongest in Xuanyuan world. Once he dies in the Dark Forest, Xuanyuan The fate of the world cannot escape being destroyed. At that time, no matter who it was, it was a dead end.

Huang Xiaoyong’s eyelids jumped, and he quickly said: “Master, I think you can definitely come back safely. You are invincible in my mind. How could Linlong be your opponent?”

Facing Huang Xiaoyong’s self-comfort, George Han just smiled, in fact, he is not sure at all right now.

Linlong comes from a high-level world. It is very strong, but how strong it is is not something that George Han can imagine. Moreover, it is still unknown how much the catastrophe can have on it, so the current situation George Han is like a little white mouse. Paying his own life for the experiment.

If there was a choice, George Han wouldn’t do it, but it’s a pity that he has no choice at all.

“Well, the things that should be explained have already been explained. I’m going on the road. Take care of yourself.” George Han said.

Huang Xiaoyong and the three of them sent George Han to the door. They had a lot of things to say, but they couldn’t say anything. They could only watch George Han go further and further.

“Master is here, can you come back?” Huang Xiaoyong drooped his head, as if all his energy was hollowed out.

Fei Lingsheng’s face was solemn. In her opinion, George Han had very little hope of dealing with Linlong by himself, but the current Xuanyuan world. No one is qualified to help at all. The powerhouse of Extreme Master Realm, Dingtian is just cannon fodder, and it is impossible to play any role at all.

But Fei Lingsheng didn’t want to say these frustrating words. Said to Huang Xiaoyong: “In your mind, isn’t he invincible? You don’t even have confidence in him?”

Huang Xiaoyong was taken aback, took a deep breath, straightened his chest, and said: “How is it possible, how can I have no confidence in Master? My Master will definitely be able to squash Linlong. Wait, it won’t be long. We will be able to taste the taste of dragon meat.”

Fei Lingsheng smiled faintly. Although Huang Xiaoyong’s morale-boosting remarks were a bit exaggerated, they were quite exciting.

Eat dragon meat, this is what people often say, but no one has ever been able to do it.

“Sect Master Zhantai. Shall we continue to stay in the Palace of Dragons, or return to the three thousand times?” Huang Xiaoyong asked Zhantai Liuyue.

“Return to three thousand sects.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said without hesitation. There is nothing she can commemorate in the Emperor Dragon Palace, and she has been away for so long, and she doesn’t want people in the sect to worry about her, so I should go back and have a look.

Huang Xiaoyong thought that the wing tiger descended from the sky, this kind of flying transportation is undoubtedly the most convenient.

“Fei Linger, we’ll just leave. When the dragon meat feast comes, I will definitely let the master inform you.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely come.”

The wing tiger soared into the sky, carrying the two of them to the direction of Three Thousand Sect.

Fei Lingsheng raised his head until the two figures disappeared into the sky, then lowered his head and returned to his room.

Three thousand cases.

George Han killed Emperor Zun. The news of becoming the new emperor has reached 3,000 cases, and now almost the entire imperial court knows about it, so there are now 3,000 cases. Even if it is just a new Jin sect, it has become the first sect in the imperial court. After all, its suzerain is the current emperor. This is unparalleled.

But when everyone was excited, Jiang Yingying was inexplicably worried. This strange feeling made her feel that something happened to George Han. An unknown premonition lingered in my heart, and it could not dissipate.

A day later, Huang Xiaoyong and Zhan Tai Liuyue returned safely, and when Jiang Yingying learned of this, they ran all the way to the front of the Zongmen.

But she only saw Huang Xiaoyong and Zhan Tai Liuyue, not George Han at all.

“Huang Xiaoyong, where is my brother?” Jiang Yingying walked to Huang Xiaoyong for the first time and asked eagerly.

Huang Xiaoyong could see the worry in Jiang Yingying’s eyes, but there are too many people here, and the situation in the Dark Forest cannot be spread widely. He can only say: “Auntie, let’s find a place where no one is. Tell you slowly.”

Jiang Yingying directly carried Huang Xiaoyong, left the sect, and headed towards the back mountain of Phoenix Mountain.

Huang Xiaoyong is like a chicken who can’t resist, can only admit his fate.

Coming to the back mountain, Jiang Yingying asked immediately after releasing Huang Xiaoyong: “What’s going on, what happened? Is my brother in danger?”

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