His True Colors Novel Chapter 1075 – 1078

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Chapter 1075

“How is it possible, how is it possible!”

“Why is this!”

Feeling the change of George Han, the emperor said to himself in panic.

Such a crazy and direct absorption of heaven and earth spiritual power is something that Emperor Zun has never heard of. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that this world could use people who forcibly enhance his strength in this way.

But the facts were in front of him, but the emperor had to believe it.

And he knows that George Han has increased his strength at such an exaggerated speed, he will definitely not be an opponent.

The ability of the successive emperors to stay in the Emperor Dragon Palace became vulnerable and even worthless when faced with George Han’s method of absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

“Who on earth are you? Is God destined to let me die in your hands.” The emperor’s face was full of unwillingness, but in the face of this situation, he was helpless.

The only thing that can give the emperor a chance to reverse is to take advantage of George Han’s process of absorbing spiritual power to give a fatal blow.

Therefore, the emperor no longer hesitated and shot directly, wanting to end George Han’s life.

“Not good.” When the emperor suddenly disappeared, Fei Lingsheng exclaimed unconsciously.

“What’s the matter!” Huang Xiaoyong asked nervously. Master was clearly becoming stronger. How could Fei Lingsheng suddenly say something bad? Could it be that something accident happened?

“Di Zun will start when your master becomes stronger. This is not good news for George Han.” Fei Lingsheng said.

Huang Xiaoyong gritted his teeth with hatred, and said, “This despicable villain, don’t you dare to compete head-on with my master?”

Fei Lingsheng smiled helplessly, at this critical moment of life and death, how could the emperor care if the methods were mean? Only by killing George Han will he have a chance to survive, and if he succeeds in killing George Han, who would dare to say that he used despicable means?

At this time, George Han still had his eyes closed, and it seemed that he hadn’t noticed the Emperor’s intention at all.

Greedy absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth, as if facing a rich and delicious meal, George Han couldn’t bear to stop at all.


Suddenly, a loud noise exploded from the air, aura transformed into waves, and rippled.

The emperor who took the initiative to attack was forced to a hundred meters away as soon as he appeared, and the corners of his mouth were constantly overflowing with blood.

“How could this happen!” The emperor’s heart was shocked. He shot in a silent state, trying to take George Han’s life with one blow, but when George Han did not resist, he was taken by George Han’s side. The spiritual power shuddered, and the power of this counter-shock force was so great that he could not attack, but he was seriously injured.

And at this moment, George Han hadn’t changed at all, the expression of enjoyment on his face seemed to have a full meal.

“It’s such a powerful spiritual power, even if it is not deliberately mobilized, it can still stop the emperor, it seems that I have been thinking too much.” Seeing this, Fei Lingsheng said with a sigh.

Although George Han did not fight back, the spiritual energy around him took the initiative to protect him. Although Fei Lingsheng could not explain this situation, she knew that Emperor Zun had come to a dead end. Can’t hurt George Han. Once George Han fights back, it will be when he died.

“The master is the master, it doesn’t matter if you don’t deliberately shoot.” Huang Xiaoyong said proudly.

Fei Lingsheng didn’t refute Huang Xiaoyong’s words, because he does have the proud capital now. With such a powerful master, no matter how big he is, it is natural.

Even Fei Lingsheng felt an envy of Huang Xiaoyong in his heart. Just imagine, if he had such a master, how good would it be?

“It seems that Han Zong is mainly sitting in the position of God, which is really gratifying.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said with a smile on his face.

Fei Lingsheng nodded, just thinking of conforming to this idea, suddenly his face changed, and he looked towards the emperor.

“It’s over!” Fei Lingsheng blurted out subconsciously.

“What’s wrong, I was taken aback, now my master has controlled the battle, what else can be done.” Huang Xiaoyong said dissatisfied with Fei Lingsheng’s bluffing reaction. It’s over, there is no strong mentality at all.

“The emperor wants to attack us.” Fei Lingsheng said. Just now, she felt a qi machine locked on her, and this qi machine came from the emperor, which showed that the emperor had no way to take George Han. In the circumstances, plan to shoot against them.

She and Zhan Tai Liuyue may not be important to George Han, but Huang Xiaoyong is George Han’s apprentice, and Emperor Zun’s use of this as a threat is justified.

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoyong was so scared that he hurriedly hid behind Fei Lingsheng. After all, George Han is still enjoying with his eyes closed. He must have taken care of them without any flaws. In case, as Fei Lingsheng said, the emperor wants to kill them. No one can stop this.

“No, what’s the use of killing us?” Huang Xiaoyong said.

Fei Lingsheng’s face was solemn and did not speak, because the emperor had disappeared from her sight, this must be a sign that the emperor had taken action.

“What is your master doing? If he doesn’t open his eyes to see our situation, we will be dead.” Fei Lingsheng looked at George Han for the rest of the time, anxious, because with her strength, let alone protect Huang Xiaoyong With Zhan Tai Liuyue, she didn’t even have the ability to protect herself.

At this moment, George Han was not simply enjoying the spiritual power of heaven and earth pouring into his body.

Not long ago, a voice suddenly appeared in George Han’s mind.

The voice is deep, deep, and powerful.

It told George Han that it was very interested in George Han.

George Han could not determine the source of this sound just now, but now he has sensed that the owner of the sound came from the dark forest.

George Han had thought about the scene when he met Linlong, but he never expected that the first contact with Linlong would be in this way.

Moreover, this Linlong would actually use human language as an expression, which George Han did not expect.

“Why are you destroying Xuanyuan World?” George Han replied with a thoughtful voice.

“I am the ruler of Xuanyuan World. Humans have taken my territory. Shouldn’t I take it back?” Lin Long replied.

George Han frowned. He did not know the history of Xuanyuan World, nor did he know what happened to Linlong and the previous humans, but it was a powerful ancient beast. Perhaps before humans, it did rule Xuanyuan World. .

But the world is changing after all. Now that there has been a high-level civilization, it is only natural that the dominant position will be replaced.

“Is the Dark Forest still not enough for you?” George Han asked.

“It looks like you are planning to do it right with me?” Lin Long asked.

Chapter 1076

Although there is a long distance from Linlong, and George Han also knows that the current Linlong has not recovered its peak strength, so it has not left the dark forest, but now it is still very strong. At that time, we can never conflict with it.

But it is obviously impossible for George Han to bow his head to a beast, or even sullen his voice.

And there will be a battle between him and Linlong sooner or later, there is no need to build others’ power and prestige to destroy their morale.

“There is a difference between humans and animals. If you want to destroy Xuanyuan World, I can only stop you.” George Han said.

“Hahahaha, ridiculous ignorant humans, do you really think anyone can be my opponent?” Linlong sneered frantically.

Not to be outdone, George Han said, “You are trapped in the Dark Forest. Is there any fake? Since the formation of the Dark Forest can trap you, it means that you are not invincible.”

“Ignorant guy, this is what I did deliberately. I have to use deep sleep to hide my breath. Those people back then were just used by me.” Lin Long said.

George Han’s brows were almost twisted into a rope.

How is this going?

Why should it hide its breath?

“Why are you doing this?” George Han asked.

“I come from a higher-order world, where there are my enemies, and I had to avoid him back then, so your complacent formation is only part of my plan, and I even contributed to this formation. “Linlong laughed.

The higher order world.

In addition to the earth and Xuanyuan world, there is actually another world.

George Han was horrified for a moment, and soon stabilized his mind, because thinking about it carefully, this is not unusual.

Since there can be the existence of the earth and Xuanyuan world, isn’t it a matter of course that there are other worlds?

Just as George Han was preparing to learn more about the higher-order world in Linlong’s mouth, a scream of sorrow was heard in George Han’s ears.


It was Huang Xiaoyong’s voice, and it seemed very painful.

George Han opened his eyes, and a white glow cut across the sky. At this time, he was like a god of war exuding white light, as if capable of destroying the world.

Fei Lingsheng and Zhan Tailiuyue were seriously injured and fell to the ground. They didn’t move at all.

Huang Xiaoyong was caught by the emperor and pinched his neck tightly. As long as the emperor used a little force, Huang Xiaoyong’s life could not be saved.

“George Han, if you don’t want your apprentice to die, get out of the Emperor Dragon Palace quickly.” The emperor threatened George Han.

George Han smiled faintly and said, “I wanted to go before. You wanted to stop me, but now you want me to go again?”

The emperor looked embarrassed. Before he left George Han, he wanted George Han’s life. How could he think that George Han would become so strong.

“Stop talking nonsense, don’t do what I said, I can let him die right away,” said the emperor.

George Han shook his head, looking helpless, and said: “Do you really think that if he is in your hands, I can’t help it? I’m afraid you haven’t seen absolute power yet.”

Absolute power?

A trace of doubt flashed across the emperor’s face, and then he felt that he was locked by a force of strength, he couldn’t even move his fingers, and the whole person froze in place.

Seeing George Han walking towards him step by step, the emperor was panicked and exhausted his entire strength to break free from this inexplicable bondage, but it was of no avail.

“How could this happen, how could this happen.” The emperor was full of horror, and his eyes showed strong fear, because he knew that once George Han got close to him, he could only let George Han kill him.

“This is absolute power. I am much stronger than you. How can an ant compete with an elephant?” George Han said lightly.

Walking in front of Huang Xiaoyong, George Han did not forget to educate his apprentices at this time, and said: “Now you know the importance of strength, see if you dare to delay training in the future.”

Huang Xiaoyong was speechless, because his neck was pinched tightly by the emperor, but his eyes were telling George Han that he would not dare to relax in the future.

George Han raised his hand, turned it into a hand knife and chopped it down, and Emperor Zun’s entire arm was cut off.

Huang Xiaoyong pulled his fingers away and threw his arm away.

“Master, this guy is really shameless. He can’t beat you, so he actually attacked us.” Huang Xiaoyong said to George Han, breathing heavily.

“Take a soft persimmon, don’t you understand such a simple truth? So don’t be a soft persimmon in the future.” George Han said.

Huang Xiaoyong bowed deeply, and said, “Follow the instructions of the master.”

“Han…George Han, please let me go.” Looking at his broken arm, the emperor’s heart was ashamed. He knew that he could not be George Han’s opponent, so he finally put down as an emperor. Dignity, begging for mercy from George Han.

“What did you say, I didn’t hear it, speak louder.” George Han said lightly.

Now the strong people in the city are all looking at him. If the emperor’s words are heard by others, it will definitely cause people to laugh, but he has no choice and must do this to have a chance to survive.

“Please, let me go.” The emperor said loudly, and deliberately let his voice be heard by the entire Emperor Dragon Palace.

Huang Xiaoyong glanced at Emperor Zun disdainfully. He used to treat Emperor Zun as an idol. He didn’t expect that he was such a spineless person. What kind of shit Emperor Zun turned out to be just a rat generation who was afraid of death.

“Master, Master Zhantai and Fei Lingsheng are in a bad situation, so don’t waste time.” Huang Xiaoyong reminded George Han.

George Han nodded, and said to Emperor Zun: “I could have considered letting you go, but you hurt my friend and you can’t blame me.”

The hand lifted the knife and fell, and a burst of white light penetrated the emperor’s body directly.

Starting from the top of the head, a blood line is pulled directly to the lower body.

George Han slashed empty-handed, and the Emperor was divided into two!

The highest figure who ruled the imperial court was destroyed!

At this time, all the powerhouses in the Emperor Dragon Palace knelt on the ground in unison.

When George Han returned to the city, everyone’s voice resounded across the sky.

“Welcome to the emperor.”

“Welcome to the emperor.”

“Welcome to the emperor.”

The previous emperor was dead, and the new position of emperor naturally fell on George Han. No one dared to have any opinion on this, because George Han was powerful enough to seal their mouths.

“Master, I never dreamed that one day I would be able to become the apprentice of Emperor Zun.” Huang Xiaoyong now feels like he is dreaming. He has become Emperor Zun’s apprentice somehow. This kind of honor is not something ordinary people can have. Yes, if he let his father know, I don’t know how excited he would be.

And the Chen family in Longyun City, I’m afraid they will have to regret it.

Chapter 1077

Fei Lingsheng’s home.

George Han took Zhan Tai Liuyue and Fei Lingsheng home and checked them. They were indeed injured, but fortunately, there was no danger of their lives. As long as they were not dead, George Han could restore them to their original condition. this is a good news.

The current George Han is actually fully qualified to live in the hall. After all, he is already the new emperor, but George Han did not do so, because he is not obsessed with the rights of the emperor, and for him, how Dealing with Linlong is the top priority.

After the conversation with Linlong, George Han was worried. If what Linlong said were true, I am afraid that with the power of Xuanyuan world, there is really no way to deal with Linlong, and it may even be George Han. Plans are useless.

“Master, what’s the matter with you? Now that you are the emperor, why are you still upset?” Looking at George Han’s unclear expression, Huang Xiaoyong asked incomprehensibly. In his opinion, being a god, this Can be excited for three days and three nights without sleeping.

“What about being a god?” George Han asked back.

“Isn’t it enough to be the first person in the imperial court?” Huang Xiaoyong couldn’t understand George Han’s mood, because for him, being able to sit on the throne of God’s respect is a lifetime glory and possesses With such a great power, can’t you do what you want?

“Superficial, rights are like clouds to me, even if it is the first person.” George Han said lightly.

“Master, you said that if you let the Chen family of Longyun City know that you are now the emperor, Chen Yanran will have to regret what you have become.” Huang Xiaoyong said with a smile, he could already imagine Chen Yan and regret it. Expression, it is estimated that the entire Chen family now regrets why they didn’t treat George Han well.

George Han looked completely uninterested. The Chen family was just a passer-by in his life, and the matter had passed. How would the Chen family treat him? George Han had no desire to know.

Even if the Chen family regretted it, it didn’t make sense to him, because from the beginning, George Han just used the Chen family to hide his identity.

“You want to know, it’s better to go back to Longyun City by yourself,” George Han said.

Huang Xiaoyong wanted to go back and show off his power, but how could he be willing to leave at this critical juncture?

With his current identity, walking on the streets of the Emperor Dragon Palace, those strong people have to nod and bow at him. Compared to playing prestige in front of ordinary people, it will feel better to make those strong people bow their heads.

“Master, if I don’t leave now, I still have to take care of your old man.” Huang Xiaoyong said shamelessly.

At this time, the unconscious two woke up.

George Han got up and walked to the bed.

The blood on their faces was a little pale, but this was normal. After all, they were still seriously injured and it was impossible to recover so quickly.

“How is it?” George Han asked the two of them.

Fei Lingsheng was still very weak, but seeing that both George Han and Huang Xiaoyong were safe and sound, he probably thought of the end of Emperor Zun, and said to George Han, “Now you are the Emperor.”

“Of course, who is my master? How could that old thing be Master’s opponent.” Before George Han spoke, Huang Xiaoyong took the lead.

Fei Lingsheng smiled helplessly. She had never thought that someone could overthrow the emperor. This was a person who would be afraid of even the strongest master.

Not only did George Han manage it, but he was also unscathed.

“You have reached the real god realm now,” Fei Lingsheng continued to ask.

Huang Xiaoyong couldn’t answer this question, after all, he didn’t know what strength George Han was now.

George Han deliberately glanced at Huang Xiaoyong and said, “Why don’t you speak anymore?”

Huang Xiaoyong grabbed his head in embarrassment and said, “Hey, Master, this…I don’t know.”

“Even though I have reached the real god realm, I am still not Linlong’s opponent by my own strength.” George Han said, he knew what Fei Lingsheng wanted to ask, so he simply explained it directly.

In Fei Lingsheng’s view, after George Han reached the real god level, he would definitely have the strength to fight Linlong, but why would he still say that he was still not Linlong’s opponent?

“Divine realm, real divine realm, how could it not be able to deal with Linlong.” Fei Lingsheng said in disbelief, Xuanyuan world, the legendary divine realm is already the highest realm, so in her opinion, this is a kind of invincible Status, it is absolutely impossible to be unable to deal with Linlong.

There are no outsiders here, so George Han said directly, “I talked with Linlong when I was absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth.”


When these words came out, both Fei Lingsheng and Zhan Tai Liuyue showed incredulous expressions.

As a strange beast, how could Linlong talk to humans?

And the Emperor Dragon Palace is thousands of miles away from the Dark Forest, how can it be able to talk.

“I know it’s unbelievable, but it’s true, and Linlong told me that the reason why it was trapped in the Dark Forest by the formation was not how strong the formation was, but it did it deliberately, even the formation. The law can succeed, and it also helps in secret.” George Han said.


This sentence only made Fei Lingsheng feel absurd.

Why did Linlong deliberately do this? What good is it for him to sleep for a thousand years, and it is still helping in secret, it is even more nonsense.

“If it really told you so, it must be lying to you.” Fei Lingsheng said firmly.

George Han shook his head. He also thought about whether these words were a lie, but he thought that Linlong didn’t have to lie to him, and there was no need to bluff.

“Why are you so sure?” George Han asked.

“The Divine Realm is the strongest realm and the pinnacle of this world. In order to trap the Linlong, countless masters contributed to it. According to legends, after the power of the people gathered, they reached the power of the Divine Realm, so they were able to trap the Linlong. , Facing the power of the gods, no one can resist, even its Linlong.” Fei Lingsheng said.

In Fei Lingsheng’s concept, it was not wrong for her to understand it in this way, but it was a pity that Linlong said that it was not a product of this world, but came from another higher-order world.

“If I told you that it came from another higher order world, would you still think so?” George Han said lightly.

another world!

Fei Lingsheng was dumbfounded.

Zhan Tai Liuyue was also shocked to show dementia.

Huang Xiaoyong almost fell to the ground with his chin.

After a long silence, George Han continued, “It came to Xuanyuan World to avoid its enemies. I don’t know whether these words are true or not, but I don’t think it is necessary to lie to me.”

Chapter 1078

“Master, according to what you said, Xuanyuan World couldn’t deal with Linlong at all.” Huang Xiaoyong looked at George Han in panic and asked, although he is sometimes not very smart, but in this matter, Huang Xiaoyong thinks very clearly.

Since neither was a product of a world, and Linlong came from a higher-order world, its strength was naturally not comparable to Xuanyuan World.

George Han glanced at Fei Lingsheng. If he wanted to defeat Linlong with strength, this was indeed a very unlikely thing, but the plan he mentioned about Fei Lingsheng still had some possibilities.

Fei Lingsheng understood what George Han’s eyes meant, and she also knew that if Linlong’s origins were exactly what George Han said, it would be possible to win this battle only with the help of the power of the catastrophe.

“I will improve my strength as soon as possible.” Fei Lingsheng said.

George Han nodded and said to the two of them: “You should rest first, and wait until the injury is better.”

Leaving the room, Huang Xiaoyong followed George Han like a follower.

“Master, will Xuanyuan World really be destroyed this time?” Huang Xiaoyong asked George Han cautiously.

“It is indeed very possible.” George Han sighed and said. He used to treat Linlong as a very powerful monster. It is only strong and he can find a way to deal with it. But now, Linlong comes from another Gao Rank world, this made George Han feel a little weak.

“Master, even if you say that, it seems that you are really going to die.” Huang Xiaoyong’s face was ashamed, and he instantly lost hope in life.

“Don’t worry, as long as I am here, I will find a way to solve this matter.” George Han patted Huang Xiaoyong on the shoulder, not for Xuanyuan World, for himself, George Han would not admit his fate, after all, he is on Earth. And Amelia Su and Han Nian’s wife and daughter, George Han would never allow himself to die in Xuanyuan World.

After separating from Huang Xiaoyong, George Han came to the library.

Now that he has become the emperor, he is fully qualified to come and go freely in the library.

Moreover, the former confidant of Emperor Zun has now become George Han’s subordinates.

“Di Zun, do you need my help?” his confidant asked George Han.

“What’s your name?”

“Under the moon.”

Next month?

Although this name feels a little strange, it is quite poetic.

George Han smiled and said, “Under the moon, when did the last emperor want to kill me?”

Yuexia didn’t dare to hide anything, after all, George Han was his master now, and said, “The first time I learned that you killed the imperial court.”

“It seems that his tolerance is quite strong.” George Han said with a smile.

“He is also afraid of your strength. If you change to another person, you will already have a killer.” Yuexia said.

George Han suddenly remembered something about the Bai Ling family. After all, the Bai Ling family was annihilated back then, and many different versions of the reason flowed out.

“Why was the Bai Ling family destroyed?” George Han continued.

This is an adult past, and it has long been sealed in dust, but Yuexia clearly remembers every detail of this incident. Because of the genocide, the emperor ordered him to personally supervise it.

“Although the Bai Ling family has a great influence, it did not have any influence on the previous emperor at the time. It is a pity that he is unwilling to watch the Bai Ling family grow stronger, so he unites with the Ximen family and eliminates the Bai Ling family. “Said Yuexia.

In many versions of rumors, there are also theories that the Simon family secretly started, it seems that some of the rumors in the light are not all false.

“I heard that Ximenchang was just a member of the Bai Ling family?” George Han asked curiously.

“The subordinates are not counted, but Ximenchang is indeed inferior in front of the Bailing family. This is why he will do his best to help the previous emperor. Ximenchang has long thought to replace the Bailing family, but it is only because of Bai Ling. The Ling family was too powerful, so it was helpless. It was not until the last emperor summoned him that Xi Menchang found the opportunity. Later he became a mad dog. Anyone related to the Bai Ling family was killed by him.” Explained.

“Didn’t the last emperor think that if you kill a Bai Ling family, there will be a substitute, and sooner or later this substitute will threaten him? Wouldn’t it be better to find a way to truly control the Bai Ling family? Is it?” George Han asked in doubt. If this matter were to be handled by him, he would never choose this extreme way, because this way of solving troubles is only temporary, not a lifetime.

“He was still young and vigorous back then, so naturally he couldn’t think of this, but later, after the Ximen family became stronger, he did say that he regretted having destroyed the Bai Ling family.” Yuexia said.


George Han sneered coldly. After killing so many people, would it be useful to regret it again?

Bai Lingwan’er was just a swaddling baby back then. If it weren’t for being taken away by the nurse, maybe even the baby would become a dead soul under the sword.

“The Bai Ling family and the people of the family are still alive. I want to reverse the case for the Bai Ling family, no matter what crime he used to kill the Bai Ling family.” George Han said to Yuexia in a commanding tone.

Bai Ling Wan’er’s biggest goal in this life is to avenge her people. Although the previous emperor is dead, George Han knows that Bai Ling Wan’er’s resentment in her heart will never be vented so easily, hoping to help the Bai Ling family reverse the case. Things can reduce her resentment.

In fact, George Han doesn’t need to care what Bai Lingwan’er feels at all. It’s a pity that he has a soft heart. He promised some things for Bai Lingwan’er at first, and George Han hopes to do these things better.

Most men’s promises are not credible, but every word George Han utters is by no means trifling.

“Yes.” Yuexia nodded and said, George Han is the new emperor, no matter what he wants to do, he has to take orders.

However, there are still members of the Bai Ling family alive, which makes Yuexia a little depressed. After all, Ximenchang was a mad dog who bites at the sight of others. There are many branches of the Bai Ling family, and even a poultry did not survive. How could one survive?

After going down to arrange for the Bailing family to reverse the case that month, George Han walked into the library.

The last time he came here, George Han could only read books in the designated area, but this time, George Han was already the new emperor, and everything in it could be read at will.

However, George Han came here, the main purpose is not to read a book.

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