His True Colors Novel Chapter 107 – 110

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Chapter 107

“Grandpa, he is so rampant, will it be ugly to die?” Looking at George Han’s back, Tian Linger felt very complicated.

Displeased his arrogance, do not want him to win. But if he loses, Tian Linger can’t accept the matter of marrying Luo Xuyao ”‹”‹in the future.

Thomas Tian sighed. He didn’t know where this man was confident, but he could almost foresee George Han’s end.

Such a defiant young man. It should be from a wealthy family and never suffered setbacks, so he was so arrogant. He didn’t see the powerful strength displayed by the other party at all. Only if he fell, maybe he would recognize the facts.

“Linger, this person can’t count on it anymore. But grandpa will find other ways to solve it.” Thomas Tian said weakly, never expecting that this competition would cause such serious consequences.

Tian Linger’s face was as gray as death, and grandpa broke his trust. This would definitely make a big joke. Luo Bin would inevitably publicize this matter, and their entire heavenly family might be ashamed of this matter.

“Grandpa. I can’t make the family ashamed because of me, or I’d better decide to marry Luo Xuyao.” Tian Linger resigned and said, relying on him to turn the tide. This is not feasible at all, so Tian Linger has given no hope.

Thomas Tian didn’t speak, and he was very distressed, because he knew the consequences of breaking his promise, but also the consequences of letting Tian Linger and Luo Xuyao ”‹”‹be married.

“Little brother, if you can help me win this game, no matter what you ask, I will promise you.” Thomas Tian looked at George Han who had already entered the ring and said, although hope is slim, he can only do his best. Give it a try.

George Han smiled and turned his head and said to Thomas Tian: “You old man, there are so many words. I said a punch, and that is a punch. Is there anything doubtful?”

Thomas Tian sighed, arrogant and ignorant. In what kind of environment did this young man grow up?

At this time, George Han’s opponent laughed: “You are such an arrogant person, I have never met, since you lied to get me with a punch, don’t blame me for being polite. From now on, be a vegetable. .”

The man’s voice fell, so he repeated his skills, pedaling on the ring, the other ring trembling, his fists were like wind.

In George Han’s eyes, such a speed is as slow as a snail and not worth mentioning.

After twelve punches with the sword last time, George Han could not take care of himself for a week, so he didn’t dare to play like this again this time, after all, Amelia Su would not take care of him personally now.

His legs sank, bent slightly, and leaped for life. George Han jumped up to a height of three meters.

Thomas Tian was stunned when he saw this scene.

Tian Linger’s beautiful eyes are also incredible. Said blankly: “He jumped so high.”

In the air, George Han twisted his body, taking advantage of his opponent’s old strength, his center of gravity sank and fell quickly, hitting the man’s head with a punch.

All this is just a moment of lightning and flint. After George Han fell on the ring, he clapped his hands and said, “You choose the end for yourself, don’t blame me.”

It wasn’t as shocking as being blasted out of the ring before, but George Han did get him with a punch.

There was no sound in the martial arts hall, not only from the martial arts hall, but even Luo Bin was shocked to speak.

“How… how is it possible!”

Thomas Tian’s eyes are almost falling off, the two masters in the martial arts hall. They were all punched off the ring by Luo Bin’s people. Such a powerful person was actually beaten by this young man!

Thomas Tian felt that he was arrogant, arrogant, ignorant, and even reckless.

But now?

“Punch! Grandpa, he really did it.” Tian Linger stamped her feet with excitement, her face flushed.

Thomas Tian took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: “Yes. I didn’t expect that he really did it. Grandpa really underestimated him.”

Luo Bin’s face was extremely ugly. He had already investigated Thomas Tian’s martial arts hall and knew the strength of these people. That’s why he invited a master to spend a lot of money, but he did not expect to kill a Cheng Yaojin halfway, destroying his plan.

Luo Bin’s heart is dripping, half of the Luo family’s industry! But it’s all to Thomas Tian.

No way!

Even break your promise. Nor can it be done.

“Luo Bin, you lost.” Thomas Tian finally raised his brows and looked at Luo Bin with a smile on his face.

Tian Linger glanced at George Han secretly, with some shy expressions on his face, then turned his head and said to Luo Bin: “Grandpa Luo, you haven’t forgotten what you said before?”

Luo Bin snorted coldly and said, “Thomas Tian, isn’t this person from your martial arts gym?”

Heard this. Thomas Tian knew that Luo Bin wanted to cheat, and said: “You made it very clear just now that as long as you are in the martial arts gym, you can win even if you can win. Are you going to turn back now?”

“I’m talking about your martial arts apprentice, not an outsider.” Luo Bin said.

“Luo Bin, we are getting older. If you go back, you are not afraid of losing face?” Thomas Tian smiled.


For Luo Bin, face is not as important as half of Luo’s assets.

“Heaven is prosperous, I will come again.” Luo Bin left the martial arts gym angrily after saying this, and his men also dragged the unconscious person on the ring away.

Thomas Tian was in a very good mood. It was already a losing situation. He didn’t expect to be turned around by a stranger. This is a good thank you.

Three steps and two steps. Thomas Tian walked up to George Han with a grateful look and said, “Little brother, thanks to you this time, I apologize for the attitude just now.”

Tian Linger, Nizi, suddenly didn’t dare to face George Han. Instead, he surreptitiously looked at George Han from the sidelines.

At this time, Tian Linger realized that this poorly dressed person had such a handsome face, and it was different from those so-called idols. Full of the masculinity of a man, there is no feminine taste of neither man nor woman.

“The old man is serious, how can you apologize to me.” George Han said modestly.

Thomas Tian really didn’t know how to describe George Han. He was arrogant before, but now he is very humble.

Maybe… this is a truly capable person!

“Luo Bin seems to break his promise. If you have any other requirements, you can just tell me, I will definitely satisfy you.” Thomas Tian said.

George Han shook his head and said: “If it belongs to me, he will have to give it if he doesn’t give it. I will get half of the Luo family’s assets in the future, so I won’t allow him to regret it.”

Thomas Tian sensed an extremely strong smell from George Han’s tone, as if he wanted to take it, the Luo family had to give it.

Who is this young man and why is there such an aura?

Basin City has never heard of any aristocratic child so outstanding.

“Little brother, you and I can be regarded as acquaintance, I don’t know if you can give your name?” Thomas Tian asked.

“It’s not that I can’t tell, but how about the old man who wants to keep secrets for me?” George Han said.

“Of course, the little brother helped me so much, I will definitely keep it secret for you.”

“George Han.”

After speaking, George Han turned and left.

Thomas Tian’s expression is puzzled, George Han, who is this person? Does Basin City have such a powerful Han family?

At this time, Tian Linger suddenly covered her mouth, she couldn’t believe it, and seeing George Han’s back at the moment, she felt a very familiar feeling.

Why is it familiar?

Why does it feel so familiar!

By the way, it seems to be him!

The little piano prince who became popular on the Internet overnight is almost exactly the same as his back.

There was an eldest lady who paid to investigate the background of the little piano prince. This matter was not groundless, because Tian Linger had done it!

“Linger, what’s wrong with you?” Thomas Tian asked curiously when he noticed the strangeness of Tian Linger.

“Grandpa, he is George Han.” Tian Linger said.

“Yes, so what.” Thomas Tian said puzzled.

“Have you forgotten, in Basin City, there is a celebrity named George Han? The trash son-in-law of the Su family.” Tian Linger said, she was very unhappy because he might be the little piano prince, but in a dream The male god, how could he be the son-in-law of the Su family!

Thomas Tian was stunned, the Su family’s waste son-in-law George Han!

No wonder… No wonder he wants to help him keep secrets himself, it turns out that he is the Su family’s George Han.

Chapter 108

“Grandpa, why would such a powerful person enter the Zuosu’s house, and be scolded by the whole city for being useless.” Tian Linger asked puzzledly.

Thomas Tian couldn’t think of the reason, but he knew that George Han was by no means a simple person.

Since he has such a strong ability and is willing to hibernate in Su’s house, he must have some purpose.

“This person. It’s not easy. I’m afraid that Basin City will change in the future.” Thomas Tian knew that he had completely misunderstood George Han. He was not arrogant, and he had a deep understanding of the truth. It is because he can do it himself. It’s just that Thomas Tian unilaterally thinks he is arrogant and ignorant.

There must be a reason for a gentleman to hide himself.

What does he want?

“Grandpa, do you think he is a very good person?” Tian Linger suddenly smiled, looking like a ghost.

Thomas Tian frowned and reminded Tian Linger: “Linger, don’t forget, he is the son-in-law of the Su family and is already married.”

“But the Su family doesn’t value him at all, and treats him as a waste. Moreover, he and Amelia Su shouldn’t have a relationship.” Tian Linger said indifferently.

“Linger, you are only 18 years old this year, and you have not yet thought about these things.” Thomas Tian smiled bitterly.

“But such a good person. I missed it, can I still find it? Linger Eighteen is already an adult.” Tian Linger said with a pouting mouth, so powerful, and possibly the little piano prince she was thinking about. , Tian Linger doesn’t mind that he is already married.

After all, marriage can be divorced, and a good man is worth even a second marriage.

“But you have to know that no matter how beautiful a rose is, it is also thorny. His excellence may leave you with scars.” Thomas Tian never intervenes forcibly in Tian Linger’s relationship. As long as the granddaughter is happy, he will Will do it.

Although George Han was married, as Tian Linger said, he would not be reused and would not have a relationship with Amelia Su. Then this paper marriage contract has no substantive meaning.

If… this young man can really become the son-in-law of the heavenly family, it may be a breakthrough for the heavenly family.

Thomas Tian’s chances of seeing people go wrong is very small, he believes that George Han’s future achievements are immeasurable.

How could such a young man who forbeared and dormant do nothing all his life?

“Grandpa, I want to make friends with him.” Tian Linger said with a smile.

“You can try to socialize, but remember not to use too much affection.” Thomas Tian said. Those who do big things never stick to the small section. When George Han remarries to the Heavenly Family, Thomas Tian will also greet him with both hands.

George Han was regarded as scumbag and rubbish in Su’s house.

But who in the Su family would have thought that even Thomas Tian valued George Han so much, and even Tian Linger, a jewel in his hand, would fall in love with George Han?

“The person whom this lady looks after, wait to surrender under my pomegranate skirt.” Tian Linger said with a swearing expression, raising her pink fist.

Thomas Tian smiled spoilingly, touched Tian Linger’s head, and said: “If you like it, do it. Grandpa will definitely support you.”

George Han never dreamed of it, but just wanted to take this opportunity to connect with Tianjia. But the little girl Tian Linger was taken in!

When I returned home, I didn’t have to pick up Amelia Su to go to get off work, which seemed particularly empty.

Now that the family has money, Lily Jiang and Wilson Su spend almost every day at the mahjong table, endlessly dying, but this also prevents George Han from facing them for a long time, which is a good thing.

After chatting with He Ting for a few days, George Han returned to the room to rest.

Tomorrow Zhang Linghua will be discharged from the hospital, she has to pick it up, and then she will have to arrange a job in a weak water property. George Han always keeps this matter in mind, although it is Lily Jiang’s sin. But seeing Zhang Linghua and her mother struggling for life, George Han still couldn’t bear it.

This may be his biggest weakness. Although it will not overflow sympathy, but the bad things that happened in front of him, he can’t do the hard-hearted, otherwise he will feel ashamed.

Of course, when facing the enemy, George Han’s ruthless methods are beyond doubt.

Early the next morning. George Han rode a small electric donkey to the hospital, because he can’t drive the two cars at home now, and he doesn’t bother to buy a car again.

In the hospital, helping Zhang Linghua go through the discharge procedures. Suddenly, George Han was blindfolded from behind. If he hadn’t restrained him quickly, he would have used one of his shoulder throws.

“Guess who I am.”

This kind of mentally handicapped game made George Han smile helplessly, but listened to the voice. A bit familiar and a bit strange.

“Did you admit the wrong person?” George Han said.

“Really boring.” The voice’s master let go, and George Han turned his head to see clearly, isn’t this Tian Linger?

Given his relationship with Tian Linger, he wouldn’t be able to play such an intimate game, this Xiao Nizi is familiar with herself.

“Tian Linger, why are you here?” George Han asked.

“You care about me, you are not my boyfriend.” Tian Linger mumbled and said with a proud face.

“That’s true.” George Han was about to leave.

Tian Linger stood in front of George Han. Said: “Grandpa said, to be a man you must know how to return to Entuo.”

“So?” George Han asked in confusion.

“So I want to invite you to dinner tonight, and I made it myself.” Tian Linger said with a smile.

This little girl is only eighteen years old. Can she cook?

George Han couldn’t help but think of Shen Lingyao’s dark cooking, waved his hand again and again, and said, “Forget it, you want to poison me. Just put it more simply.”

Tian Linger akimbo her hands on hips, her mouth puffed up with anger, and said, “What do you mean, do you doubt my cooking skills? Since I was fifteen years old, I will learn how to cook every summer vacation, even my grandfather said it is delicious. , You dare to dislike it.”

Thomas Tian regards Tianlinger as the jewel in his palm, he said it is delicious. Can such nonsense be believed? Even if Tian Linger gave him a dish of arsenic, he would eat it with a smile.

Therefore, there is no criterion for Thomas Tian’s words, how could George Han believe it.

“I have something else, don’t block me.” George Han said.

“Or let’s bet. If I make delicious, you can praise me more, how about it?” Tian Linger said.

George Han couldn’t help but laugh, and praised her as a bet? This little girl is quite cute too.

“Well. If I have time, how about going?” George Han said perfunctorily.

“No, you have to promise me, or I won’t let you go.” Tian Linger opened his hands, swearing not to give up.

George Han was still anxious to go through the discharge procedures for Zhang Linghua, and she was so determined that she could only respond and said, “Okay, you tell me the location.”

“Give me the phone.” Tian Linger smiled and stretched out her hand, and hooked her finger at George Han.

George Han hesitated for a moment, then sighed before giving the phone to Tian Linger. Tian Linger entered his number and also took a name that made George Han especially speechless.

Invincible explosion cute!

The little girl now, George Han really couldn’t understand at all. It all exploded, how cute?

“Okay, go and work.” Tian Linger said with satisfaction, who achieved the goal.

After helping Zhang Linghua to go through the discharge formalities, George Han rode a small electric donkey to the weak water property. Although Zhang Linghua can adapt to the new environment, but with her tenacity, in order to feed Zhang Tianxin, there should be no problem. .

There was a Porsche parked across the street from the hospital, and Tian Linger was sitting in the car. When she saw George Han leaving on a small electric donkey, her face was full of smiles.

“Grandpa said that you bought a mountainside Villa. Why do you still ride a small electric donkey if you are so rich? In this case, this lady will give you a car.”

Yesterday Thomas Tian investigated George Han. Although not many things were found, it was enough to surprise Thomas Tian.

The waste son-in-law of the Su family turned out to be the owner of the mountainside Villa. Because he seldom pays attention to business matters now, he does not deliberately understand, and the family will not tell him. At that time, Thomas Tian felt even more that George, after telling Tian Linger about this, there is still a little hope that Tian Linger can make friends with George Han.

“Go to the Lamborghini 4S shop.” Tian Linger said to the driver.

“Okay, miss.”

Chapter 109

After arranging Zhang Linghua’s work and residence, George Han’s phone rang in a timely manner. Invincible exploded with a cute call. It was seen that three black lines appeared on George Han’s forehead.

Knowing the address on the phone, George Han went riding on a small electric donkey.

A high-end elevator apartment, but not everyone lives here.

Tian Linger has a lot of best friends, this place is only useful when best friends get together, and this home. No man has ever been there before, and George Han is the first.

After waiting for Tian Linger at the gate, Tian Linger did not dislike it, and sat in the back seat of the battery car to show George Han the way.

George Han was a little surprised that such a big lady could ride the battery car without disgust.

Because George Han has seen too many women worshiping money, and the eldest ladies of rich people are often very visionary. Not to mention the battery car, even if it’s the next car, they don’t like it.

“This is my home, how about it?” When I came to the house, the room was full of fluffy toys and pink decoration, full of girlish hearts.

George Han definitely can’t accept this style of decoration, but for girls like Tian Linger, it is not unusual.

“Do you live here?” George Han asked.

“Of course not. This is a secret base for my girlfriends and I. To tell you a secret, you are the first man to come here.” Tian Linger smiled.

George Han had no sense of honor, but frowned.

Thomas Tian that old guy. Even if you want to use Tian Linger to get closer to him, you don’t need to pay such a heavy book, right?

This is also the reason why George Han agreed to come to eat, because in his opinion, Thomas Tian should be on the stage. While he wants to win the heavenly family, Thomas Tian, who has seen his skills, should have the same idea as him.

But now it seems to be a misunderstanding!

“You sit down first, I’ll cook.” Tian Linger said.

“Are you really cooking?” George Han looked at Tian Linger in surprise. Isn’t this just a casual statement?

“Of course, can I still joke with you?” Tian Linger walked into the kitchen while he was talking.

George Han walked to the door and knocked a few times. The way he chopped vegetables was really good, not at all the demeanor Tianjia should have.

“You go to rest, look at me, is it because I am beautiful?” Tian Linger turned his head. Smiled at George Han.

She is indeed very beautiful. To be honest, Amelia Su can’t match it, especially the lively heat that infected George Han like a few years younger.

Sitting in the living room, soon there was the sound of cooking in the kitchen, followed by the smell.

This made George Han not calm down.

It’s all about cutting vegetables and pretending to be something. She really knows how to stir-fry. How could this be possible!

George Han walked into the kitchen and was shocked to see Tian Linger’s skillful movements.

This is not something that can be performed casually, Miss Tianjia, she really knows how to cook!

“What are you dazing about? Is it strange that I have money in my family and I can cook?” Tian Linger said with a smile.

“It is indeed very strange.” George Han said without concealing it, in a wealthy family like Tian’s family, and Thomas Tian also regarded her as a jewel in his palm. In George Han’s view, she should be the kind of finger that does not touch Yang Chunshui. That’s the woman of.

“My grandfather has taught me since I was a child that having money in the family has nothing to do with my own abilities. A person’s desire to be good is not reflected by money.” Tian Linger said.

“The values ”‹”‹are quite correct. It seems that your grandfather’s spoiling of you did not turn you into a barbaric princess.” George Han said.

“Of course.” Tian Linger said with a proud face, holding his head up.

“Can’t help but boast?” George Han smiled.

“You should be happy to be praised. Am I still crying?” Tian Linger retorted.

George Han felt that he was going to suffer from a quarrel with this little Nizi, so he simply went back to the living room.

In half an hour, four dishes and one soup were on the table, and the taste was really good, indicating that her cooking skills were so good that George Han couldn’t stop eating, but Tian Linger looked straight at him. Move chopsticks.

“What are you doing. Why don’t you eat it, it’s not poisoning me, right?” George Han was taken aback and asked Tian Linger.

“Have you forgotten something?” Tian Linger said angrily.

“Wash…wash your hands?”

Tian Linger’s mouth bulged like a toad, and said dissatisfied: “Whether you wash your hands or not has anything to do with me.”

“Then what did I forget?” George Han asked in confusion.

“You stupid, you said in the hospital, I cook delicious food, you have to praise me.” Tian Linger rolled his eyes through the sky.

George Han almost had no internal injuries. This Nizi waits to praise her if she doesn’t eat?

“Fine, how do you want me to praise you.”

“Of course I praised me for being beautiful, cute, and good-looking.” Tian Linger said without hesitation.

“But what does this have to do with cooking.”

“Is it important? Anyway, you promised me. Otherwise, you don’t want to eat.” Tian Linger tried to grab the chopsticks from George Han.

George Han turned around and hid, and said: “Yes, you are beautiful and cute, and you have a good body. You cook deliciously, and you are the best woman in the world.”

“Is it better than Amelia Su?” Tian Linger flashed big eyes, looking at George Han with hope.

“Of course not.” George Han blurted out without hesitation.

Tian Linger wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction, and immersed herself in eating.

Tian Linger handed over the task of washing the dishes to George Han, and George Han naturally did his part. After all, she is also a lady of the heavenly family. Cooking for him has already given enough face, how can she still wash the dishes?

After finishing everything, George Han checked the time, and it was almost time to leave. After all, he was in the same room with a man and a widow. His well-known wretchedness was nothing but Tian Linger’s reputation could not be damaged. And she is still a little girl.

“You can play a tune for me. How about repaying me for cooking for you?” Tian Linger said to George Han.

“Don’t you cook to repay me? Why do you want me to repay you again.” George Han felt baffled.

“My kindness is greater than you, so you have to repay me again.”

Although Tian Linger could see that George Han and the little piano prince were very similar in their backs, they couldn’t be 100% sure that they were the same person to make such an arrangement, and even the piano was bought today.

Be reasonable with women. That is looking for death!

George Han, who knows this well, sat in front of the piano, stroking the piano with his hands, and asked Tian Linger: “How do you know that I can play the piano?”

“I just know. What are you talking nonsense.” Tian Linger said impatiently. The little piano prince passed away like a comet. There has been no news since then, and I can see him again at this moment. Tian Linger was very excited, if she hadn’t restrained, she couldn’t help waving her hands.

“Okay.” George Han smiled.

With the melodious sound of the piano, Tian Linger looked at George Han from the same angle as the video. The video was playing silently on the phone, exactly the same, without deviation!

He really is the little piano prince!

I thought that Tianlingercha didn’t think about rice and didn’t want to, just to find him, I didn’t expect that fate was so wonderful that he would meet in the martial arts.

Tian Linger felt that this was an opportunity God gave him. Even if he is married now, he should seize this opportunity.

After all, he was just rubbish in the eyes of the Su Family, but after arriving at the Heavenly Family, it was different.

When the sound of the piano ended, George Han stood up and found that Tian Linger was looking at him with blurred eyes.

“What’s wrong with you?” George Han asked.

Tian Linger recovered, and said quickly: “I didn’t expect you to be so good at playing the piano, you friend, I’m settled.”

Being able to make friends with Tian Linger was good news for George Han, so he did not refuse.

“I have to go home, next time I have a chance, I will show you my cooking skills, but you have to call your grandfather.” George Han said.


Tian Linger sent George Han to the elevator door. When Tian Linger was waiting for the elevator, she couldn’t wait for the elevator to arrive right away, but today she hopes that the time will pass a little bit slower and slower.

But no matter how slow it is, what should be there will still be there.

“There is a big surprise waiting for you tomorrow.” Tian Linger said when George Han walked into the elevator and the door was about to close.

Chapter 110


George Han prayed, but don’t be frightened. After all, Tian Linger is a ghost, who knows what she will do.

Back home, except He Ting who was still cleaning, everyone else went back to their room to rest. George Han chatted a few words and went back to his room.

Early the next morning, I woke up on time at six o’clock. However, Amelia Su no longer needed him to run with him, so George Han didn’t get up either, but stayed in bed until nine o’clock, and then he got dressed when he heard loud noises coming from outside the Villa.

Outside the Villa, a red Lamborghini was parked, and a man was standing beside it.

Today is the weekend, so Amelia Su did not go to work either. The family of three looked at Lamborghini in a daze, especially Lily Jiang, with hot eyes, wishing that this Lamborghini belonged to her.

If you can drive this car to meet your sisters, you won’t be envious of it!

“Amelia, this is our private site, why would he park the car here?” Lily Jiang asked Amelia Su.

Amelia Su is also very puzzled, but the rules of the Yundingshan Villa Area are very strict. Who dares to break this rule!

“Who are you and what are you doing?” Amelia Su asked the man next to the car again.

But he still didn’t speak, just kept a smile on his face.

“Amelia, this person will not be a dumb person. He can’t speak at all.” Lily Jiang said.

Amelia Su also thought it was very possible, because she had asked many times, but the other party didn’t even say a word.

At this time, George Han walked out of the Villa, and when he saw Lamborghini, he was also a little surprised.

“What’s the matter?” George Han asked Amelia Su.

Amelia Su glanced at George Han lightly, before speaking, the man next to the car bent slightly and said, “You are Mr. Han.”

Lily Jiang accidentally drove George Han, this guy was not dumb, but waited until George Han came out to speak!

“I’m good, but do we know each other?” George Han asked in confusion.

The man smiled and said, “Of course Mr. Han doesn’t know me. I was only ordered to bring this car to Mr. Han.”

Lily Jiang jumped instantly. Was this person sending a car to George Han?

Did he buy another Lamborghini?

This prodigal thing. His money belongs to Amelia Su, how can he spend it casually like this?

Lily Jiang also counted on Amelia Su to take all of George Han’s money. This was another millions of dollars spent, which she couldn’t accept.

“George Han, you are so courageous now, you don’t even discuss the matter of buying a car with us in advance.” Lily Jiang was so angry that he looked fierce, as if George Han spent her money.

“I didn’t buy this car, and I don’t know what’s going on.” George Han was confused. He didn’t buy a car, and Lamborghini is not his taste. The sports car looks very exciting. , But sitting is uncomfortable, that is, it is just pretending to be in front of others. These exaggerated things have never been liked by George Han.

“This is a gift from our lady to Mr. Han.” The man said.


George Han suddenly thought of the surprise Tian Linger said last night. Could it be this car?

Miss Tianjia, it is indeed proud to make a shot, a Lamborghini as a gift. This surprise is really big.

Lily Jiang was stunned when he heard these words, it turned out to be a car that a woman gave to George Han.

This car is worth millions, how could it be possible to give him such a valuable thing casually.

“George Han, have you hooked up with a stupid woman outside again?” Lily Jiang said coldly.

At this time, Amelia Su’s expression was not very pretty, she was willing to believe that George Han did not make any way to go to Jinqiao City, but what happened to this car, the so-called young lady in his mouth, if it weren’t for George Han. Relationship, how could you give him such an expensive thing.

When the man heard Lily Jiang’s words, his smiling expression was instantly replaced by coldness, and he said coldly: “I advise you to be more polite.”

“What kind of thing are you. I want to be polite when you hook up with a married man, your lady, you must have a lot of money all night.” Lily Jiang said.

The person’s face was frosty, and with some murderous intent, he said: “Who are you, dare to slander my lady like this.”

“Who am I? Hehe.” Lily Jiang stuck her waist and said, “I am the owner of this Villa. Do you know where this is? Mountainside Villa, can your lady afford this kind of place?”

The owner of the Villa is not Lily Jiang, but it is Amelia Su now, so Lily Jiang thinks that this Villa is his own and there is no problem.

live here. But the embodiment of noble status, she doesn’t care about what a young lady is not a young lady.

“Mom, you should say a few words less.” George Han persuaded.

When Lily Jiang heard this. I became even more unhappy, and said coldly: “You have to help the wild woman, George Han, you are really not a thing. You are hooking up and out. Fortunately, I still want to treat you as a real son-in-law, you too Let me down.”

The real son-in-law?

These words are simply great irony.

“The wild woman in your mouth is the lady of the Heavenly Family. Tian Linger, I will tell the lady about this matter. The Heavenly Family will never allow her to be slandered.” The man said coldly.

God…Miss Tianjia!

Lily Jiang was immediately stunned, and the person who sent the car to George Han turned out to be Tianling’s Miss Tian.

And she actually said that Miss Tianjia is a stubborn woman!

After swallowing, Lily Jiang’s arrogance just disappeared.

Offended the Heavenly Family in Basin City. But it is equivalent to offending Hades.

Wilson Su quickly said: “I’m sorry, she didn’t know that your lady was Tian Linger, so she said nonsense.”

Even Amelia Su is not calm anymore. The Su family’s career development is thriving. If the Heavenly family is offended at this time and the Heavenly family wants to target the Su family, this will be a disaster.

“I apologize to you for my mother. My mother didn’t mean it either.” Amelia Su said.

“I don’t know. Isn’t it possible to maliciously slander our lady if you have the intention? You don’t know what heaven means in Basin City.” The person said.

Lily Jiang is a typical bully and fearful of hardship, and she has offended such a big figure like the Heavenly Family. She slapped her mouth and said, “I’m sorry, I’m talking nonsense, don’t tell Tian Linger about this, or else I will give you some money.”

That person’s eyes looked at Lily Jiang like an idiot, how could there be such an ignorant woman.

“Mr. Han, our lady said that only you are qualified to drive this car. As for insulting my lady, you don’t have to intercede for them, because it’s useless to intercede. I will tell the lady truthfully.” That person is right George Han said.

Lily Jiang was shocked. If Tian Linger knew about this matter, he would not dare to think about how serious the consequences would be.

Since George Han and Tian Linger are friends, it should be useful for him to intercede.

“George Han, I’m your mother, don’t you help me to say something nice?” Lily said to George Han insultingly.

If her attitude is better, George Han might be able to help say a few words, but even at this time, she still looks aloof.

George Han is a soft persimmon who can swallow for Amelia Su, but it doesn’t mean that he can always be pinched by Lily Jiang.

Moreover, George Han had decided before that he wanted to teach Lily Jiang a lesson. This time, it happened to be an opportunity.

“What can I help you? Do you still expect the Heavenly Family to give me such a waste of face?” George Han said lightly.

Lily Jiang was anxious and said angrily: “George Han, what do you mean, this matter started because of you, and you are also responsible.”

The shameless woman was obviously cursing herself, but now she blames George Han.

“Oh.” George Han said lightly.

Seeing that her words were not working, Lily Jiang shook Amelia Su’s arm, obviously hoping that Amelia Su could help him speak.

But Amelia Su was having a conflict with George Han, how could he bow her head to George Han, and the previous matter had not been resolved yet, George Han had a relationship with Tian Linger again, and she was even more angry.

“Mom, what qualifications do I have to order him to do.” Amelia Su said lightly.

George Han smiled bitterly and shook his head, and walked towards the man.

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