His True Colors Novel Chapter 1059 – 1062

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Chapter 1059

Regarding the Emperor Dragon Palace.

Emperor Zun has been paying attention to three thousand events, but the latest news has not been sent back, making Emperor Zun a little anxious.

“Isn’t it said that there will be the latest news soon? What’s going on, why the whole day has passed, I still don’t know what happened?” The emperor asked his confidant, three thousand eyeliners have always been caused by The confidant is in contact, this kind of trivial matter, the Emperor will naturally not intervene personally, but his current curiosity has made him unable to wait.

My confidant also felt strange that three thousand cases of such a big thing had happened, and the news should have come gradually. How could there be no news back for so long?

“Emperor, will it happen? What accident happened to them?” his confidant guessed that if it were normal, there would be no news back, so he had to think that the eyeliner he sent was probably going wrong.

But does George Han really dare to do this?

Even if he knew that the elders were the eyeliners sent by the Emperor Dragon Palace, he could only accept it, which showed that George Han was still afraid of the Emperor Dragon Palace.

“You mean, George Han killed them?” Di Zun said coldly.

“Killing is a possibility, but in my opinion, the greater possibility is to imprison people. George Han should not be so brave.” said his confidant.

The emperor nodded. If it is imprisonment, it really makes sense. George Han shouldn’t be so daring to this point. Knowing that the elders are his people, he still has to kill the killer. Isn’t this showing his face to him? Is it right?

“Emperor, his apprentice is still in the Emperor Dragon Palace, he will definitely come back, don’t worry.” His confidant soothed, even if you don’t know what happened to the three thousand cases, but as long as George Han will return to Emperor Dragon Temple, they will know about this sooner or later.

The emperor nodded, but fortunately he still kept a hand, not afraid that George Han would not return to the Emperor Dragon Palace.

Fei Lingsheng’s home.

Except for Huang Xiaoyong being trapped here, Zhan Tai Liuyue is also the same.

The two of them were under the pavilion at the moment, with a little helpless expression on their faces. Ever since they knew they were trapped here, they had never thought of running away, because after all, this is the Emperor Dragon Palace, which is being watched by the emperor’s people. Wings are also difficult to fly.

But for Huang Xiaoyong, this is not all a bad thing, after all, being able to get along with such a stunning beauty as Zhan Tai Liuyue day and night is a very rare opportunity.

Although it is true that Huang Xiaoyong now likes Jiang Yingying, it is normal for him who was born in Xuanyuan World to spend his heart, and it does not prevent Huang Xiaoyong from having a good impression of Zhan Tai Liuyue.

However, Huang Xiaoyong still knows himself well. He knows that a woman like Zhan Tai Liuyue is only worthy of his master, so he doesn’t have many other ideas.

“Sect Master Zhantai, did you say that my master saved my aunt?” Huang Xiaoyong said with some worry.

Zhan Tai Liuyue has already learned about three thousand events from Huang Xiaoyong. Although she doesn’t know who the opponent is, but George Han has come forward. No matter how big the matter is, it will definitely be solved. After all, George Han But above the hall and the emperor’s contend but not lose.

“Don’t worry, if your master comes forward, nothing can be resolved,” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

Huang Xiaoyong nodded arrogantly and said, “That’s right, how can there be troubles that my master can’t solve.”

“Instead of worrying about your master, it is better to worry about our current situation.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said helplessly.

Huang Xiaoyong shook his head, but he didn’t care about this matter at all. Although he lost his freedom now, it was only temporary, because he knew that George Han would come to rescue him sooner or later.

“Sect Master Zhantai, don’t worry, when Master solves the troubles of the sect, he will definitely pick us up and leave.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

Zhan Tai Liuyue shook his head, Huang Xiaoyong thought things too simple, and with George Han’s hot temper, in case of conflict with Emperor Zun, this matter is not as simple as leaving or not.

“What’s wrong? Is it possible that we are going to be locked here for the rest of our lives?” Huang Xiaoyong said with a smile.

“Why do you seem to be very happy?” Zhan Tai Liuyue frowned and looked at Huang Xiaoyong.

Huang Xiaoyong hurriedly shook his head. Although he really felt that this was not a bad thing, Huang Xiaoyong still knew himself if he wanted to climb Zhantai Liuyue. This was simply impossible.

“No, of course not. What is there to be happy about being locked up here for a lifetime? I just want to tell you that this is impossible. How could the master allow us to be held hostage by the emperor, and he will bring you to the emperor. Longdian, I will definitely take you away safely. I know what my master is like.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

Zhan Tai Liuyue seemed hesitant to say something. Although George Han could indeed take her out of here, if the emperor had a grudge against George Han, the Misty Sect was very likely to retaliate against George Han. Will become a punching bag.

George Han’s ability to fight the emperor does not mean that Misty Sect has such qualifications.

Once the emperor had to deal with Misty Sect, Misty Sect was likely to be defeated by Extinction.

“Sect Master Zhantai, what’s the matter with you? Seeing that you look worried, what are you worried about?” Huang Xiaoyong asked inexplicably, frowning Zhantai Liuyue had a different flavor, but after all, it was not as charming as a smile.

Zhan Tai Liuyue shook her head. The worries in her heart are only speculations, and there is no need to tell Huang Xiaoyong.

“Nothing.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

Huang Xiaoyong did not continue to ask, Zhan Tai Liuyue is after all the Sect Master, and he is a small figure, how can he be qualified to ask Zhan Tai Liuyue.

“Hey.” Huang Xiaoyong sighed suddenly, and said to himself: “I don’t know if Master will kill that guy. If he dares to hurt my sister-in-law, there must be no way to survive.”

“Do you know who he is?” Zhan Tai Liuyue asked curiously. She was speculating about this matter before. After all, with George Han’s current influence, it is impossible for ordinary people to go to 3,000 cases to find trouble.

George Han fought against the twenty-eight Keqing of the Ximen family. I don’t know how many people have become a shadow in their minds. Knowing George Han’s strength, he still went to trouble. Isn’t it just death?

“Fei Linger’s brother, what is Yi Qingshan’s name?” Huang Xiaoyong said.

Fei Linger is Fei Lingsheng, and Zhan Tai Liuyue already knows this.

But when did Fei Lingsheng have a brother? This has never been heard before.

And this Yi Qingshan’s name is very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

“Yi Qingshan, how come you are so familiar?” Zhan Tai Liuyue said in confusion.

“Sect Master Zhantai, do you know him?”

Zhan Tai Liuyue suddenly thought of something, her expression became horrified!

Chapter 1060

In the realm of Zhantai Liuyue, she has no ability to leave the imperial court, but it does not mean that she has never heard of the name of Yi Qingshan. This Xia country’s number one powerhouse is very famous, even in the imperial court. It also has great influence.

And this time, it caused three thousand troubles. It turned out to be Yi Qingshan, which shocked Zhan Tai Liuyue.

Why did Yi Qingshan suddenly come to the imperial court, and why did he find 3,000 troubles?

“Are there any grievances between your Master and Yi Qingshan?” Zhan Tai Liuyue asked curiously. In her opinion, if there is no grudge, Yi Qingshan is a strong person. It shouldn’t be trouble to George Han for no reason.

Huang Xiaoyong shook his head. Although he has not been with George Han for a long time, if the two really have any grudges. It should also have happened before, so he naturally didn’t know.

“I’m not sure, but Master has never mentioned this person.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

Zhan Tai Liuyue couldn’t help but sighed and changed to another person. This matter was easy for George Han to solve, but after all, the other party was Yi Qingshan, a powerhouse in the Extreme Master Realm, and there was nothing to deal with. It’s as simple as imagined.

Zhan Tai Liuyue certainly couldn’t imagine that Xia Guo’s number one powerhouse had now died in the hands of George Han.

“What’s wrong, isn’t this guy named Yi Qingshan very powerful?” Seeing Zhan Tai Liuyue sighed, Huang Xiaoyong couldn’t help being a little worried. After all, he was just a small person in Longyun City, compared to knowledge. There must be no Zhan Tai Liu Yue Guang.

“It’s really amazing.” Zhan Tai Liuyue smiled bitterly, and explained to Huang Xiaoyong: “The number one master of Xia Kingdom, the powerhouse of Extreme Master Realm, can you say that it is not amazing?”

“Extremely…extremely strong in the master realm!” Huang Xiaoyong was stunned. For him, the strong in the extreme master realm exists like a god. It is invincible in the world. How can it be enmity with the master? !

“Now you know how troublesome this matter is.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

Huang Xiaoyong was stunned for a while, then began to shake his head, and said, “Impossible, how could it be possible, how could Xia Kingdom’s top master appear in the imperial court.”

“Could it be someone with the same name and last name?”

Zhan Tai Liuyue had the same idea at first, after all, there are hundreds of millions of people in the world. Even if they have the same name and the same surname, it is not surprising, but when she thinks about it, she feels that this is not very likely, because George Han’s current status is definitely not something ordinary people can provoke, let alone arrest George Han directly. Qian’s sister.

In the battle of the 28th guest of the Ximen family, George Han’s powerful strength was enough to make many people hold their tails in front of him. How dare to take the initiative to trouble him?

And according to Zhan Tai Liuyue’s knowledge of the experts in the imperial court, among these people, no one is named Yi Qingshan, so the possibility that this Yi Qingshan is the number one expert in Xia has become very high.

“The possibility is very small. And besides him, I can’t think of anyone who would dare to trouble your master. You should be very clear about how high your master’s status has become after the First World War.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

Speaking of the high status of his master, Huang Xiaoyong nodded unconsciously, and there was a hint of pride on his face.

“That is, my master became famous in the first battle, I don’t know how many families want to secretly win over, but my master old man dismisses them. I don’t like them.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

“So, besides being Xia Guo’s master, can Yi Qingshan be someone else?” Zhan Tai Liuyue asked rhetorically.

“Hey.” Huang Xiaoyong sighed heavily. He was very confident in George Han, but after learning the identity of the other party, he became a little unstable. After all, the impression of a strong master at the extreme master level is too strong. Although Huang Xiaoyong also thinks that George Han is powerful, it may still be a little troublesome to deal with a master at extreme master level.

“You don’t need to sigh, she should have gone to 3,000 cases too, if she is willing to make a move, maybe your master doesn’t have to be afraid of Yi Qingshan.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

“Who, she?” Huang Xiaoyong was puzzled.

“That fake beggar next to your master.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

“Fei Linger, what can she do to help, this woman is useless except for being more beautiful.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

Zhan Tai Liuyue knew that Fei Lingsheng had hidden his identity in front of Huang Xiaoyong and others, so Huang Xiaoyong would say so. Of course, but let Huang Xiaoyong know the true identity of Fei Lingsheng, he would definitely not dare to say that.

“Her real name. It’s called Fei Lingsheng. You haven’t heard of Yi Qingshan. You should know who Fei Lingsheng is.” Zhan Tailiuyue said.

“Of course Fei Lingsheng has heard it. Isn’t she just…” Suddenly, Huang Xiaoyong reacted with shock on his face. Her real name was Fei Lingsheng, and that beggar turned out to be a strong master in the imperial court!

“You…you, what did you just say, she…her name is Fei Lingsheng?” Huang Xiaoyong stammered and asked, full of guilty conscience. After all, his previous attitude towards Fei Linger was not very good.

“Yeah, this is what she personally admitted in front of your master, and it was also with us to see the Emperor. The Fei Linger in your mouth is Fei Lingsheng.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

Huang Xiaoyong was almost scared to pee. The little beggar he hadn’t seen in his eyes, and even the woman who sometimes thought about it, turned out to be Fei Lingsheng!

At this moment, Huang Xiaoyong’s heart was about to collapse. Thinking about the unkind words he had said to Fei Lingsheng, with Fei Lingsheng’s position, if he wanted him to die, he might have died thousands of times.

“It’s over, it’s over, it’s over.” Huang Xiaoyong was full of panic, thinking that he had offended the No. 1 strong man in the imperial court, and his heart was terrified.

Looking at Huang Xiaoyong’s reaction, Zhan Tai Liuyue guessed that his attitude towards Fei Lingsheng must have been bad before. Otherwise, there is no need to be so scared now.

But with George Han, Fei Lingsheng couldn’t retaliate against Huang Xiaoyong casually, so Huang Xiaoyong’s worries were completely unnecessary.

“Don’t worry, Fei Lingsheng won’t kill you if your master is there,” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

“Yes, yes, there is a master, and there is a master, and the master will definitely help me.” Although that was the case, Huang Xiaoyong, who was flustered, did not calm down at all.

Huang Xiaoyong worried that Fei Lingsheng would not let him go.

Zhan Tai Liuyue believed that with Fei Ling’s life, Yi Qingshan would not cause much trouble to George Han.

But these two people were wrong. Not only was Yi Qingshan dead, but even Fei Lingsheng’s position became worthless in front of George Han.

The number one powerhouse in the imperial court in other people’s minds, but has become a role that favors George Han.

Chapter 1061

Does Fei Lingsheng need to please others?

If this kind of remark is heard by others, it will definitely be treated as a joke.

As the number one powerhouse in the imperial court, even the emperor had to give a little bit of face. How could Fei Lingsheng go to please others?

But not believing it does not mean that the fact does not exist and there is time to hear the news. It’s not necessarily fake.

The current Fei Lingsheng was indeed pleasing George Han, because when she needed more Sheng Li, she had to find a way to stay with George Han.

Originally, she had a very good chance, and she could even win the trust of George Han, but because of a little hesitation. She missed the opportunity.

Fei Lingsheng had to find a way to find an opportunity to make up for this matter.

When Jiang Yingying recovered her health, George Han was on the way to see Yanqinghua. Met Fei Lingsheng.

This was definitely not a coincidence, but Fei Lingsheng had been waiting for him for a long time.

“I’ve told you to leave 3000 Sects.” George Han said coldly. An untrustworthy person, George Han would never have any softness towards her.

The old man often taught that in a foreign country, one should not trust anyone easily, not to mention that George Han is not just as simple as a foreign country at this time, but in another world, he will naturally become more cautious.

No matter from which way, Fei Lingsheng is a person of the emperor, and George Han will become an enemy with the emperor sooner or later, and the friend of the enemy is naturally an enemy.

“What can I do to make up?” Fei Lingsheng asked directly, saying this. It has been shown that Fei Lingsheng has placed himself very low in front of George Han.

When did the dignified Extreme Master Realm powerhouse vent his breath?

But Fei Lingsheng had no choice.

The first point is that George Han easily killed Yi Qingshan, which shows that his realm is much higher than the extreme teacher realm, which can make Fei Lingsheng respect and jealous.

The second point is that Fei Lingsheng breaks through the extreme teacher realm, and the only hope for reaching the god realm lies in George Han, so in her opinion, it should be a matter of low-voicing to George Han.

“Fei Lingsheng, you are a strong master in the Extreme Master Realm. How could you forget your identity? It’s not so good to be so low to me, an ordinary sect master.” George Han said.

“I have been pursuing the legendary god realm. I used to think this goal was illusory to me. Because no one knows whether this realm exists, and you have made me firm my yearning for the god realm. I know that the God Realm really exists, and only you can help me break through the Supreme Master Realm.” Fei Lingsheng said without shy, she doesn’t need to deliberately hide her purpose, after all, George Han is not a fool. How could she not know what she wants to do?

“Why should I help you become a powerhouse of the gods? In this world, I am the only one to dominate. Why should I create an opponent for myself?” George Han said lightly. Now his strength can definitely support the four words dominating the world, of course. The premise is to ignore the Linlong in the Dark Forest, so George Han has no need to help Fei Lingsheng break through.

Who can’t think about it and create a strong opponent for themselves?

Even a fool would never do such a stupid thing.

What’s more, the current George Han is not a real powerhouse of the gods, his strength has increased. Relying entirely on the ability of bones.

George Han couldn’t guarantee if Fei Ling was really able to become a powerhouse in the god realm.

Fei Lingsheng couldn’t refute George Han’s remarks, because she had no way to prove that she could be loyal to George Han forever, and it was only natural that George Han had this fear.

But in order to be able to feel the real god realm, Fei Lingsheng was willing to pay any price. After all, this is the only goal she pursues. Without this goal, life becomes meaningless.

“Don’t you have a self-made contract that can be used on people?” Fei Lingsheng lowered his head and said.

George Han’s brows condensed, he never thought that Fei Lingsheng would say such a thing.

The contract was originally used for alien beasts, so that alien beasts were absolutely loyal to their masters and obeyed their orders.

In order to better control Zhong Qishan, George Han made some slight modifications to this contract so that it could be applied to people.

But he never thought that Fei Lingsheng would be willing to be controlled by him.

You should know that once the contract is signed, Fei Lingsheng is just a puppet, she does anything. All need to be approved by George Han, and the contract was signed, George Han had a thought. It can make Fei Ling live and die. In this case, what is the use of her becoming stronger?

“Fei Lingsheng. You are not kidding me, are you willing to be my puppet?” George Han looked at Fei Lingsheng with question, if he hadn’t heard too clearly. He might even suspect that he had auditory hallucinations.

“No, I am absolutely sincere.” Fei Lingsheng said.

George Han took a deep breath. Is this woman crazy?

The puppet of the Extreme Master Realm!

This is something that George Han never thought about, but now, it seems that as long as he nods, he can have it.

“Why do you want to do this?” George Han asked. Fei Lingsheng was willing to pay such a high price. There must be a purpose. In George Han’s view, her purpose is probably more than simply breaking the border, so Han Three thousand had to deal with this matter carefully.

“Broken the realm, this is my only purpose, I want to feel the world of the god realm, I want to know what it’s like to be a strong person in the god realm.” Fei Lingsheng said.

George Han is still skeptical, but after thinking about it carefully, once Fei Lingsheng becomes her own puppet, everything she does will be under her control, and she has absolutely no ability to resist, so even if she still has For other purposes, George Han didn’t actually need to worry too much.

It’s just that this incident happened too suddenly, which made George Han unacceptable for a while.

“You have to know that no matter how strong you are, the contract cannot be unilaterally interrupted, so don’t think that after you become stronger, you can get out of my control.” George Han said, this is his last confirmation fee Spiritual attitude, he wanted Fei Lingsheng to know the price of signing the contract.

“I know.” Fei Lingsheng said without hesitation.

George Han sighed heavily and said, “I’m going to see Yanqinghua now, you should go back to the room first, and I will come to you.”

“Yes.” Fei Lingsheng lowered his head and walked straight away, as if he was obedient.

George Han had to sigh that this world is too crazy. Even people like Fei Lingsheng are willing to be his puppets. Could it be said that God Realm really has such a powerful attraction?

Chapter 1062

George Han could not understand Fei Lingsheng’s thoughts. This is normal because he has no attachments in this area, but for Fei Lingsheng, this choice can actually be understood. It is almost impossible to reach the gods. But now that the opportunity appeared in front of Fei Lingsheng, she naturally wanted to seize it fiercely.

And Fei Lingsheng is doing it now. Not only Sheng Li, but she also hopes to help herself through George Han’s own strength. After all, in Fei Lingsheng’s eyes, George Han is already a powerhouse of the gods.

When he arrived at Yan Qinghua’s door, George Han knocked on the door.

Since Yan Qinghua is still resting, the door opened by the same school sister.

When the same school sister saw George Han, her pretty face blushed. He lowered his head and shouted: “Sect Master Han, why are you here?”

In the current Misty Sect, there are many people who have a good opinion of George Han. George Han fights against Ximen family 28 Keqing’s small picture album, and almost everyone has one, and many people are secretly in love with George Han.

“How is Yanchang Lao?” George Han asked.

“Lao Yanchang is still resting.” The same school sister said.

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Qinghua’s voice came from the house: “Sect Master Han, please come in, I am no longer a serious problem.”

Yan Qinghua was indeed resting, but when she heard George Han’s voice, her energy level was immediately restored. It didn’t matter what she was resting. It was a cure to see George Han.

Moreover, after Yan Qinghua had eaten the Holy Chestnut, the energy that had been hollowed out in her body was quickly restored. She is now just adapting to absorb the energy brought by the Holy Chestnut. As long as she uses it properly, she can take this opportunity to break territory.

George Han smiled and walked into the room.

The woman’s room contained a faint fragrance. Although George Han would not be tempted by other women, the smell made him secretly take a deep breath.

“Yanchang Lao. Are you okay.” George Han walked to the bed, Yan Qinghua’s face had recovered a lot, and her ruddy face was somewhat seductive.

For ordinary men, Yan Qinghua’s appearance is definitely attractive enough, but unfortunately for George Han who is knowledgeable and embraced by countless women, the temptation will be reduced a lot.

Yan Qinghua sat up halfway and said, “Sect Master Han, I’m already much better. Thank you Sect Master Han’s Sheng Li, but Yan Qinghua is ashamed of such a precious thing.”

“For me, Jiang Yingying’s life is more important than anything else. You brought her back safely, a holy chestnut, no need to hang your teeth.” George Han said faintly, in his eyes, holy chestnut is indeed not counted. What, Yi Qingshan used Jiang Yingying as a threat. It’s just death.

“Sect Master Han, perhaps Sheng Li is nothing to you, but to me, this kind of treasure is an honor to even look at, let alone eat it in my stomach.” Yan Qinghua said.

“This is what I should do. Needless to say, thank you. If you don’t want to waste Sheng Li, you can retreat now. Sheng Li’s energy will definitely help you break through.” George Han said.

Yan Qinghua also had such a plan. After all, Shengli had already eaten it, and it couldn’t be wasted.

However, compared to George Han, Yan Qinghua directly turned the retreat out of the sky.

How could she miss George Han because of her retreat?

“Sect Master Han, retreat matters. When I return to Misty Sect, I will proceed. Yan Qinghua will never let down the kindness of Sect Master Han.” Yan Qinghua said, she knew. After Zhantai Liuyue returned to the three thousand cases, it was when they left, so Yan Qinghua naturally did not want to spend time on the matter of retreat.

“Don’t worry, even if Sect Master Zhantai comes back, I won’t drive you away. Three Thousand Sects and Misty Sects are a family. You can stay as long as you want. The retreat should be carried out as soon as possible. Only in this way can Sheng Li be reflected to the greatest extent. The value of it.” George Han said.


These three words touched Yan Qinghua’s heart very much. Although she knew that George Han’s so-called family was not what she had imagined in her mind, Yan Qinghua was already content to be so close.

“Sect Master Han, is that okay?” Yan Qinghua asked.

“Of course I can, and I have to go to the Emperor Dragon Hall, so Yanchang Lao can retreat in 3,000 retreats with peace of mind.” George Han said, now Zhan Tai Liuyue and Huang Xiaoyong are locked in the Emperor Dragon Hall by the emperor. If George Han didn’t go, the two of them couldn’t leave, so George Han had to go.

“Sect Master Han, are you still going to the Emperor Dragon Palace?” Yan Qinghua asked in confusion.

“There are still some things that need to be dealt with. I will leave soon. Let’s extend Lao Anxin’s retreat.” After speaking, George Han made a farewell gesture.

Although Yan Qinghua still wanted to keep George Han, after all, this kind of time was invaluable for Yan Qinghua, but she really couldn’t find an excuse and could only watch George Han walk out of the room.

When the door closed, Yan Qinghua couldn’t help sighing.

“Yanchang Lao, what’s wrong with you?” Seeing Yan Qinghua’s expression suddenly changed, the same student couldn’t help asking.

“I like Sect Master Han.” Yan Qinghua said frankly, her personality is like this, she will not hide herself in front of Zhan Tai Liuyue, but in front of the same door. It is also frank and direct.

After leaving Yan Qinghua’s room, George Han hesitated to find Fei Lingsheng. Although Fei Lingsheng had already made it very clear, he asked a strong master in the extreme master state to sign a contract with him. George Han still felt a little unrealistic.

To put it bluntly, George Han was worried. He couldn’t see through Fei Lingsheng, so naturally he didn’t dare to do this easily.

But in fact. Signing the contract didn’t do any harm to George Han, and he didn’t need to worry that Fei Lingsheng would try to get wrong.

Once the contract took effect, Fei Lingsheng’s life was in his hands, letting Fei Lingsheng have any evil thoughts. George Han was able to contain her.

After thinking for a long time, George Han finally walked towards the room where Fei Lingsheng was.

The door of Fei Lingsheng’s room opened wide, waiting for George Han all the time.

When Fei Lingsheng saw George Han, he asked directly: “Have you thought about it, the puppet of the Extreme Master Realm may even break through the Divine Realm in the future. Such a subordinate is not so easy to find.”

“Fei Lingsheng, for the God Realm, the price you have to pay is too great.” George Han did not understand Fei Lingsheng’s thinking. In his opinion, if he loses his freedom, even if he becomes a strong God Realm again what’s the point?

“If you can’t become a powerhouse of the gods, it’s tantamount to living in the world. This is not what I want. This price is nothing to me.” Fei Lingsheng said persistently.

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