His True Colors Novel Chapter 103 – 106

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Chapter 103

In the end, the Su family still had to pay close to 200,000. How could Lily Jiang accept it, and simply refuse to argue with George Han. When that time comes, it is the truth to ask Amelia Su to come forward and ask George Han to pay out all the money.

But this incident also reminded Lily Jiang of another possibility.

With such high annual property fees, George Han dared to buy the mountainside Villa. How much money does this guy have?

Now that the Villa has been transferred to Amelia Su, Lily Jiang started with George Han’s idea of ”‹”‹private money. It is best to ask Amelia Su to let George Han take out all his money.

“You mother-in-law, you are even worse than the TV show.” In the kitchen, He Ting said to George Han with a speechless expression.

George Han was cooking tonight and made some small dishes for Amelia Su. He smiled helplessly when He Ting said this.

“It’s hard for a person who has money eyes to get through.”

“I can’t stand it. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t want to work here.” He Ting said.

“Aunt He, this is a job for you to make money. You just need to make money. What are you doing after worrying about these things.” George Han smiled.

“If you didn’t look down on my daughter, I would marry your daughter. You are such a good person, she doesn’t know how to cherish it.” He Ting said with an injustice. This is not just for fun, He Ting really thought about it this way.

But she knew that George Han would only be in Su’s house for Amelia Su, and he had suffered a lot of grievances, and he was even more willing to be called waste by outsiders. No one can shake this feeling.

“By the way, when is your daughter on vacation? If she is on vacation, let her come to play at home. You can also live together for a while.” George Han said.

He Ting shook her head again and again. She was unaccustomed to Lily Jiang at home. If she let her daughter live here, she would not know how Lily Jiang would react.

She can suffer a bit and be made difficult by Lily Jiang, but she never wants her daughter to be wronged.

“Forget it, it’s impossible for your mother-in-law to agree to this matter. Even if she does, she won’t give my daughter a good face.” He Ting refused.

“That’s true, it’s a pity that the Villa is not mine now, otherwise I can call the shots.” George Han said.

“Three thousand, Aunt He doesn’t want to destroy your relationship. As a man, you have to be strong occasionally. I know that you love Xia, so I tolerate every step, but I can’t let others rub their noses. “He Ting said.

“Aunt He, those who do big things don’t stick to the trivial.” George Han smiled.

He Ting sighed. She couldn’t understand that there were big things and not big things. She felt that George Han was not a waste of money, and there was no need to tolerate everything.

She didn’t know how much Amelia Su was wronged. Naturally, he couldn’t understand why George Han had such a strong feeling for Amelia Su.

The waste kicked out by the Han family entered the Zuo Su family, and Amelia Su had no right to choose. The whole city was jokes. Even the inside of the Su family pointed to Amelia Su. It is conceivable how much pressure Amelia Su was under.

After dinner, George Han returned to the guest room, more or less unaccustomed.

In the other room, Amelia Su was also a little uncomfortable. After all, the habit of three years could not be changed suddenly.

The next day, after Amelia Su went to work, George Han went to the weak water real estate.

At the door of the company, I met a person that George Han did not expect, Tang Long.

Tang Long didn’t expect to meet George Han here. Since the last time he went to the mountainside Villa, Tang Long has been holding a sigh of relief in his heart.

“George Han, what are you doing in my company?” Tang Long stood in front of George Han. Now in the entire weak water property, except for Zhong Liang, he has the highest status. As for the legendary boss, he has never seen him. And I heard from other colleagues that the boss has never been to a weak water property.

“Your company?” George Han said with a smile.

Tang Long knew that this statement was wrong, but what does it matter? What qualifications does George Han have to refute him?

“You heard me right. It’s my company, but it’s still no better than your little white face. I followed the Su family and moved into the mountainside Villa. I am envious of it.” Tang Long sighed.

“You brag, does Zhong Liang know?” George Han said.

This guy still knows Zhong Liang?

Tang Long felt guilty, this cowhide was okay, but Zhong Liang knew it would be finished.

But how could someone like him have something to do with Zhong Liang? It should have only been mentioned by Amelia Su.

“George Han, don’t waste time with me, does he know what it has to do with you.” Tang Long said with disdain.

“You are wasting my time, I am going to see Zhong Liang, can you be responsible for being late?” George Han said.

Tang Long frowned and gritted his teeth again, his expression colorful. Is this guy going to meet Zhong Liang on behalf of the Su family? When did he have such a high status in the Su family?

What you said just now, if this guy reaches Zhong Liang’s ears, how should you explain it?

“Brother Zhong is not here today, you should get out of here.” Tang Long said.

“It doesn’t matter, even if he is not in the company, I can call him.” George Han said.

Tang Long sneered, this guy actually learned to brag with him?

Although the Su family is a supplier of building materials for the Chengxi Project, in front of Zhong Liang, he dare not have such an attitude. To know who the weak water real estate chooses to cooperate with, Zhong Liang has the final say. The Su family is passive, only to please Zhong Liang.

“You are afraid of being mentally handicapped, although you can represent the Su family. But what can you do if Brother Zhong doesn’t give the Su family face? You can also call Brother Zhong, believe me or not, and the Jade Emperor can come out to see me. That.” Tang Long teased.

“Or, let’s make a bet. I can call Zhong Liang, how about you kneel at this door for three days?” George Han said.

Tang Long nodded without thinking, and said, “Okay, but if you can’t call, help me lick my shoes clean. I am a brand-name leather shoe. You are lucky enough to lick it.”

Seeing the complacency on Tang Long’s face, George Han shook his head helplessly. How could such a person like to die?

“How about. Don’t dare? George Han, tell me, you brag in front of me like you uselessly, can I believe it?” Tang Long sneered.

“There are knee pads at the entrance of the street. I advise you to buy one now, otherwise there will be no chance in a while.” George Han finished speaking and took out the phone.

Seeing George Han’s pretending appearance, Tang Long didn’t worry at all, and said, “Look at when you can perform the show. People like you don’t have to lose face to know that you regret it. It’s like a bad pen.”

George Han hung up the phone, time passed, and the smile on Tang Long’s face grew thicker.

“Your acting skills are still okay. Don’t worry at all. It’s a pity to be a waste of money in the Su’s family. Or I will introduce you to a brokerage company, run some tricks, make some money by yourself, and don’t have to be insulted in the Su’s family. Long said.

“Right. Don’t you need to go to work today?” George Han said.

Tang Long was taken aback, then he thought of clocking in at work.

The company’s rules are very strict, even if he can’t be late, he finally understands now that George Han didn’t call Zhong Liang at all. It was deliberately delaying his work.

“Grass mud horse, George Han, I won’t let you go.” After Tang Long yelled, he ran back to the company.

Although the time to check in was late, but I had to check in.

“Mom. I wasted time with a fool to see how I would deal with you when I punched my card. This dog caused me to be late for work.” Tang Long, who ran into the company, cursed and wanted to beat George Han bitterly.

After punching the card, Tang Long was not in a hurry to go to his office. Although George Han had probably already ran away, he still had to check it out. As long as he caught that guy, he would be given a severe lesson.

When Tang Long, who ran back and forth out of breath, returned to the door of the company, he found that Zhong Liang was there, and he was standing with George Han.

Is it really here?

But it should be normal work, and it is absolutely impossible that George Han called.

“Brother Zhong, I’m late for work today, it’s all because of this insufficiency.” Walking to Zhong Liang’s side, Tang Long quickly threw the black pot to George Han.

Hearing these words, Zhong Liang’s face suddenly sank. He asked Tang Long to come to the company because he was indeed somewhat capable, but this guy didn’t even put his boss in his eyes!

Chapter 104

“Tang Long, what do you mean, Mr. Han is my distinguished guest, you dare to insult him like this.” Zhong Liang scolded coldly.


Tang Long suspected that he had auditory hallucinations for the first time.

How could George Han be a worthy guest of Zhong Liang? Even if he represented the Su family, Zhong Liang couldn’t give him face like this.

“Brother Zhong, he is George Han, did you recognize the wrong person?” Tang Long confirmed again.

Zhong Liang snorted coldly. Said: “Mr. Han, I’m sorry, I am a company employee who looks down on people. What you want to do with it depends on your word.”

Seeing Zhong Liang’s slightly bending over, Tang Long was dumbfounded.

If the auditory hallucination just now, it cannot be an illusion now.

how come!

how can that be possible!

Could it be said that Zhong Liang regarded the Su family so importantly?

But Basin City has too many suppliers that are better than the Su family, so what if you don’t cooperate with the Su family. A lot of people are waiting in line to cooperate with the weak water real estate.

“Tang Long, do you remember the gambling appointment just now? I called Zhong Liang and you are going to kneel at the company’s door for three days. Am I right?” George Han looked at Tang Long faintly.

Kneel for three days!

Tang Long didn’t believe that George Han could do it, so he agreed to this bet.

How could Tang Long do such a shameful thing.

“Tang Long, you’d better abide by the gambling agreement. Otherwise, I can only fire you, and I can prevent you from finding a job in Basin City, and all companies dare not use you.” Zhong Liang threatened.

Tang Long was completely confused, it didn’t matter if he lost his job. The big deal is to lose a better development opportunity.

But he believed in Zhong Liang’s abilities. If Zhong Liang really let go, no one in Basin City’s company would really use him.

“Brother Zhong, I…”

George Han walked towards the company, Zhong Liang also followed behind him without saying a word, leaving the dumbfounded Tang Long dumbfounded.

Kneel or not?

Shame on kneeling, don’t lose money on kneeling!

In the end, Tang Long chose to kneel down honestly. Face is not important, and he doesn’t want to lose his job.

Temporary humiliation is nothing. When I get reused by the Han family, even if you Zhong Liang is in my eyes, it is just rubbish. .

However, George Han is so useless, why can he know Zhong Liang. And is Zhong Liang treated as a VIP?

When George Han left the weak water real estate, he saw Tang Long kneeling and smiled slightly. This guy looked like a bone, but he had to bend down in front of money.

“George Han.” After Tang Long saw George Han, he stood up and walked to George Han’s side and said, “I apologize to you for the recklessness just now.”

No matter what the relationship between him and Zhong Liang is, in Tang Long’s view, he now needs to bear the humiliation. Only if he keeps his job can he get close to the Han family and be reused by the Han family.

Tang Long believed that he had a day to stand up, and that day, whether it was George Han or Zhong Liang, he would be trampled under his feet.

George Han was a little surprised by Tang Long’s apology, but Tang Long also gave him a big surprise.

It’s no wonder that he can get a million annual salary in a place like Basin City, and his city government and Zhi advance and retreat are not comparable to ordinary people.

George Han didn’t think Tang Long really admitted his mistake, this guy just didn’t want to lose his job. Even the chance of revenge was lost.

Do you use weak water properties to approach the Han family? If this is the case, he might be desperate again.

“I’m not the kind of person with small belly and chicken intestines. As long as you kneel for three days, I won’t care about you.” George Han said with a smile.

Tang Long gritted his teeth and looked at the back of George Han’s departure, and said viciously: “Waste things, you will fall into my Tang Long’s hands one day, and when I become a person of the Han Family, I want you If I can’t die, Amelia Su will also become a minister under my crotch.”

After speaking these words fiercely, Tang Long, the cartilaginous head, knelt down again.

Without George Han’s instruction, Zhong Liang did not expel Tang Long.

Although Tang Long’s mistakes were enough to kill him millions of times. But George Han did not deliberately speak, this was what he meant to keep, so Zhong Liang was not willing to call the shots without authorization.

Magic City Nightclub.

When George Han saw Mo Yang with a smile on his face, he knew that the boxing field was settled without asking, but the fierce man with Twelve Swords came forward. This was indeed a matter of getting caught.

“The boss of the broken car, when can you give your men more face?” George Han said with a smile.

As Mo Yang, he also drove a Santana. There is indeed a price drop, and George Han can’t figure it out. He clearly has 200 million in his hand, why is he reluctant to change himself to a good car?

Hear George Han’s ridicule. Mo Yang looked indifferent and said, “I’m low-key, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, understand?”

“You still pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? You are almost a pig. How to eat a tiger, do you know that face is very important in today’s society? You drive a broken car and even your subordinates feel no face, so how can you go? Talk to others.” George Han said.

“Stop talking nonsense, what are you doing to me, nothing else. Hurry up and disappear from me.” Mo Yang closed his eyes, as if he didn’t want to see George Han.

“Mo Yang, I am your creditor. You still owe me 200 million yuan. This is how you talk to me?” George Han smiled.

With a cheeky expression, Mo Yang sighed and said: “Oh, don’t you know that it is the uncle who owes money these days? Who will put the creditor in his eyes.”

This guy. It’s getting shameless now.

George Han laughed angrily at his rogue attitude, looked at the men next to him and said, “Look, this is your boss, what is the difference with the rogue.”

Those subordinates dared not participate in the conversation between the two of them. Although they knew that the person in front of them was the well-known Su family in Basin City, they were all appearances, and they dared not speak.

“George Han, you are now in the den of the rogue. Is it weird to see the rogue here?” Mo Yang said with a leisurely expression.

Yes, shamelessly fight this guy, George Han is destined to lose badly.

“The current Basin City. Only Fang Peng can be called an opponent, right?” George Han said.

Fang Peng, another tycoon-level figure in the gray area of ”‹”‹Cloud City, is at the same level as Lin Yong before, but because of the reason that the backstage is stronger. So his status seems a bit extraordinary, but for so many years, Fang Peng has not expanded his influence in Basin City.

Rumor has it that the Tianjia deliberately manipulated it behind the scenes to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by Fang Pengshu’s big draws. After all, the Tianjia is doing a legitimate business, and it is only unavoidable that it is tainted with gray ground, rather than trying to get caught in it.

“Fang Peng will not expand his power, but you should also be aware that it is very difficult to shake his position.” Seeing that George Han stopped joking with himself, Mo Yang’s attitude became serious. .

George Han nodded, and Fang Peng was indeed difficult to deal with with the Tian Family as the backstage, because the Tian Family could not allow Fang Peng to fall.

The Heavenly Family is also the first family in Basin City. To deal with Fang Peng, the Heavenly Family must be dealt with first. This is not a small project.

“I heard that the old man of the Heavenly Family has a martial arts hall in Basin City, and he himself is an avid martial arts fanatic. Have you ever thought about making friends with the Heavenly Family?” George Han asked.

Mo Yang’s brain swiftly moved, and he quickly thought of what George Han meant, and said: “Do you want the Twelve Swords to attract the attention of the Heavenly Father? Your brain is pretty funny, is the Twelve Swords social? Let him go, what else can he do besides knocking down the entire martial arts hall?”

George Han smiled bitterly, and Mo Yang was right in saying that, with the character of twelve swords going straight and straight, he would either punch or turn around and leave. How could he get closer to the heavenly father?

“It seems that I can only go by myself.” George Han sighed.

“By the way, what’s the situation in the boxing field?” George Han asked curiously.

“In the three boxing fields, the twelve swords hit each other, much more powerful than your kid.” Mo Yang said with a smile, although his tone was a bit despised by George Han, he recognized George Han’s strength in his heart. , Being able to fight against the pervert of the Twelve Twelve is not at a disadvantage, and even tried to force the Twelve to retreat. Few people in the entire Basin City can do this.

Chapter 105

Fist is the most efficient means to solve troubles, but unfortunately not everything can be done with this method. The Heavenly Family is in Cloud City, after all, it is the most influential and powerful family family, and wants to knock down such local families with fists. , That is wishful thinking.

After George Han left the magic city nightclub, he went to the Thomas Tian Martial Arts Hall.

As the head of the Tian family, Thomas Tian has almost handed over all the affairs of the company to his children under his knees. I also went to Shaolin to study for a while, but because I didn’t meet the requirements for getting started in Shaolin, I didn’t become a Shaolin disciple.

In Thomas Tian’s eyes, society is a river and lake, and in the rivers and lakes, there should be people who learn martial arts. It is rare for Thomas Tian, who is strong in the country to have such an awareness when he is old.

Inside the Budokan, there were humming. Thomas Tian was followed by a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl with a pair of ponytails, looking full of energy.

Although the little girl is not very old, she is already a slim and big beauty in appearance. She has little white shoes with a baseball skirt and sports short T. She doesn’t deliberately show off sexiness, but she gives people a feeling of enchanting figure.

“Grandpa, you said that today, let me watch master fights. Where are the masters and why haven’t they come yet.” Tian Linger, as the youngest and most favored granddaughter among the young generations of the Tian family, Tian Home is like a jewel in the palm. She grew up holding Thomas Tian’s beard and took Thomas Tian as a horse to ride a horse. This kind of treatment was given to the whole Tian Family.

“What’s the hurry, people haven’t come yet.” Thomas Tian smiled dozingly, and today I met with an old friend who has been acquainted for many years. The other party said that he wanted to bring a master to show him. Convinced, so I planned to let the most powerful person in the martial arts hall come forward, let his old friend see what a real master is.

Thomas Tian and this old friend have been together for many years. On the surface, they are friendly, but they often compete in private. For so many years, there is no winner or loser. Today is the time to decide the winner.

After all, they are getting older, and they live a day or a half, and no one wants to close their eyes until the day they close their eyes.

At this time, George Han came to the martial arts hall. When Linger saw George Han that day, she ran to George Han with a ponytail.

Looking up and down at George Han with curious eyes, he asked, “Are you the master?”

George Han is inexplicable, where is this beautiful little girl, is it love at first sight from one side?

“I just came to take a look, not a master.” George Han said.

Thomas Tian came over and asked George Han: “Little brother, are you interested in us?”

George Han looked at the prosperity of the sky, the old man smiled kindly, completely unlike an old fox who had been immersed in a shopping mall for many years. He could not feel any cunning breath in him, and his eyes were especially clear, which surprised him.

“I just…”

Before George Han finished speaking, a group of people walked outside the martial arts hall and interrupted him.

“Thomas Tian, I am not late.” This is Thomas Tian’s old friend, Luo Bin, with a group of young people in vigor.

And the person closest to Luo Bin, with heavy steps, is obviously a master of training.

“No, no, it’s early, how come you are late.” Thomas Tian ignored George Han and walked towards Luo Bin.

After Tian Linger knew that the person in front of him was not a master, he curled his lips and walked away without interest.

“Grandpa Luo.” Tian Linger shouted politely.

Luo Bin was extremely happy, and said again and again: “Linger’s mouth is still so sweet. If you are Grandpa Luo’s granddaughter, Grandpa Luo will be able to stun your eyes even if you die.”

“Linger, it’s been a long time.” A young man beside Luo Bin looked at Tian Linger with fiery eyes. His name is Luo Xuyao. He is Luo Bin’s grandson, about the same age as Tian Linger, and likes Tian Linger very much.

Although Tian Linger didn’t like Luo Xuyao ”‹”‹very much, he responded politely.

Luo Bin has always wanted Tian Linger to become his granddaughter-in-law, and the more he looks at it, the more satisfied he gets, but he has never found a reason to make it right. He came today, and he didn’t just win or lose with Thomas Tian.

“Thomas Tian, the master I found today, your entire martial arts hall is taking turns, I am afraid it is not his opponent either.” Luo Bin said with a smile.

Thomas Tian snorted coldly. Said: “Luo Bin, have you ever seen a master? If not, I will let you see it today.”

“Hahahaha.” Luo Bin laughed and said, “It’s boring just to let them compete, otherwise, let’s do some coloring.”

Thomas Tian frowned, what is this old guy thinking about?

“What color do you want?” Thomas Tian asked.

“Xu Yao has liked Linger for a long time. If you lose today, it’s better to settle their relationship. How about?” Luo Bin said.

Thomas Tian didn’t expect this old man to be so shameless that he started Tian Linger’s idea.

Tian Linger was his heart, and Luo Xuyao, Thomas Tian didn’t see it at all, it was pure waste. Marrying Tian Linger to him would not ruin Tian Linger’s life.

“How about it, don’t you dare? Otherwise, you can let the martial arts people get on one by one, and I don’t mind the wheel fight. As long as your people can fight it.” Luo Bin said proudly.

Seeing Luo Bin’s arrogance, Tian Linger couldn’t shame grandpa and said, “Grandpa, I believe you.”

Thomas Tian was also very confident before, but it was a little guilty to take Tian Linger’s happiness as a bet.

“Prosperity, when did you become such a mother-in-law, or did you get older and less courageous? If you can win, I will give you the property of Luojia in Dongshan City. How about half of it for you?” Luo Bin Said.

Luojia industry in Dongshan City, and still half! Even for Tianjia, it is an amazing asset.

But the more this happened, the more bottomless Thomas Tian’s heart became. If this old fox had no confidence, how could he dare to say such a thing?

“Tian Linger, your grandpa is going to be a tortoise.” Luo Bin said to Tian Linger with a smile.

Tian Linger’s mouth bulged with anger, how could grandpa be a tortoise with his head shrinking.

“Grandpa. We also have a master, don’t be afraid of him.” Tian Linger said, pulling at the corner of Thomas Tian’s clothes.

If he didn’t dare to agree, this old face would be lost today, and with Luo Bin’s character, he would definitely talk about it and publicize it.

Thomas Tian could not accept himself as a turtle, and said in a deep voice, “Okay, I promise you.”

“Hahahaha, this is the Thomas Tian I know, happy.” Luo Bin said with a tricky trick.

George Han on the side saw this scene and laughed.

The guy beside Luo Bin. It seems unsurprising, but in fact, there is explosive power in his whole body. Although there are a few good people in this martial arts hall, they are still far behind him.

No fight yet. George Han has already seen the ending.

Today, Thomas Tian will not only lose face, but also his beloved granddaughter.

George Han suddenly felt a blazing gaze toward him, and turned his head to see that it was Tian Linger looking at him bitterly.

This guy who didn’t know where he came from was laughing.

“What are you laughing at?” Tian Linger walked to George Han. Questioned with hands on hips.

“You are going to marry Luo Xuyao, I smiled and blessed you.” George Han said.

“Pooh, crow’s mouth, how could my grandfather lose? If you talk nonsense, I will tear your mouth.” Tian Linger said angrily.

George Han shrugged helplessly. If you want to win the competition, you can’t do it with your mouth. Unless there are hidden masters in the Thomas Tian Martial Arts Hall who have not shown up, you can’t win with these people.

“By the way, if you want me to help, remember to call me.” George Han smiled.

Tian Linger glanced at George Han contemptuously, and said, “How could I ask you for help, there are so many masters in the martial arts hall, what are you, you can watch how grandpa’s people teach him.”

“Well, I must have eyes wide open, I hope you won’t lose too ugly.” George Han said with a serious face, stomping Tian Linger with anger.

Chapter 106

Originally, Thomas Tian intended to challenge the strongest person in the martial arts hall, but now it is related to Tian Linger’s happiness, and Luo Bin also said that it is not a game that determines the outcome, so he intends to let another person try it out.

“You take a good look, you must not lose this battle.” Thomas Tian told the people around him, he is the strongest person in the martial arts hall, and at this moment is standing on the ring. He is ranked second in the martial arts hall.

“The owner can rest assured, I will go all out.”

At this time, there was a loud noise in the ring, and Luo Bin’s people kicked the ground, exploding with a very huge momentum, and the whole ring was shaking.

After the loud noise, I saw the prosperous person approaching quickly, in the eyes of ordinary people. The speed was very fast, which was staggering, but George Han shook his head.

“Too much emphasis on strength training will lead to a decline in speed and agility, but it is enough to deal with the people in this martial arts gym.”

George Han’s words heralded the end of this competition.

As soon as his voice fell, Luo Bin’s person blasted out. Hearing only a scream, the second master of the martial arts hall flew directly off the ring.

It was just a head-on blow, and the victory was already divided.

Thomas Tian’s eyes widened. Can’t believe it.

How could this guy be so powerful! His people couldn’t resist even a single move, and they fainted.

“You… do you have confidence?” Thomas Tian asked the people around him. Now he has finally realized why Luo Bin dared to take half of the Luo family’s assets as a bet. This guy obviously came prepared.

The people around him smiled bitterly. The opponent’s strength completely exceeded his imagination. The gap between him and the second place in the martial arts gym is not very big. It usually takes dozens of strokes to tell the winner. But the people in the ring, one The punch is done, and the judgement is settled.

“Master, I can only do my best.” The man said, the previous all-out has become a best-effort, which shows that his confidence has been defeated by this punch.

“Prosperity, it seems that your skill is not very good, you can’t even take a punch.” Luo Bin said triumphantly.

Thomas Tian clenched his fists. Victory is not important anymore. What is important is Tian Linger’s happiness, which must not be ruined in Luo Xuyao’s hands.

“What anxious, the real master of the martial arts hall has not yet appeared.” Thomas Tian said.

The No. 1 master of martial arts debut, but the confidence is obviously insufficient.

George Han sighed helplessly. Before the fight started, he already showed fear of the opponent. It didn’t matter whether he could fight or not, because he was defeated.

“Grandpa, we won’t lose.” Tian Linger said tightly while holding Thomas Tian tightly.

At this moment, Thomas Tian had sweat oozing out of his forehead, although he repeatedly told himself that he would not lose, but he had no confidence at all.

“Linger, don’t worry, grandpa won’t let you marry Luo Xuyao.” Thomas Tian said firmly.

At this time, Tian Linger couldn’t help but quietly glanced at George Han. If the martial arts people really lose, can he help?

But I told him just now that it is impossible to ask him for help. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing to ask him?

“Quick battle and quick decision. With so many people in the martial arts hall, you won’t be convinced if you don’t fight one by one,” Luo Bin told the people on the ring.

The man nodded, smiled contemptuously, and shot again.

With another punch, the martial arts master flew out from the ring and hit the ground with a bang.

Thomas Tian’s face was pale and he lost again, and he still lost so neatly.

Luo Bin was not surprised by the result at all, because this was a master he had hired with a lot of money, not only to win face, but also to win a wife for Luo Xuyao.

“Grandpa. We… lost again.” Tian Linger was already sweating a lot while holding Thomas Tian’s hand.

Luo Bin smiled and said to Thomas Tian: “Thomas Tian, let’s hurry up and call out the real masters of your martial arts gym. It doesn’t make much sense to try it again.”

The real master?

The two most powerful people in the martial arts club have lost now, where are the real masters.

If you lose, you have to admit it.

But how could Thomas Tian recognize that this was Tian Linger’s life happiness.

“Grandpa, why don’t we ask him for help?” Tian Linger pointed to George Han and said.

“He?” Thomas Tian looked at Tian Linger unexpectedly. I don’t know why she made such a proposal.

“He just said that if we lose, we can ask him for help.” Tian Linger said.

This young man, did you say such a thing? But look at him. It’s not like someone who can beat him. How confident is he to say such things.

“Linger, how can you believe that everyone, look at him. Do you look like a master?” Thomas Tian said.

Tian Linger sighed, she did not see how George Han looked like a master, but she could not accept the fact that she was going to marry Luo Xuyao.

Releasing Thomas Tian’s hand, Tian Linger walked towards George Han with a flushed face. In addition to being afraid of marrying Luo Xuyao, she was more embarrassed because she had promised not to ask George Han for help. of.

When he walked to George Han, Tian Linger lowered his head. I couldn’t say anything to help.

George Han did not speak, just waited quietly.

“You…can you help me?” Tian Linger said with a voice like a mosquito.

Although George Han could hear her clearly, his voice was too small. He deliberately pretended not to hear, and asked, “What did you say?”

Tian Linger’s face was red and his ears were red, this guy had heard it, but even pretended not to hear it.

“Can you help me?” Tian Linger said a little louder.

“Of course, but what good do I have?” George Han said.

“You…what benefits do you want? I can give you a lot of money.” Tian Linger said.

Money doesn’t make much sense to George Han. Of course, he couldn’t do anything to Tian Linger. After all, there was a good wife in the family. Although there was no real husband and wife for three years, George Han would never betray Amelia Su.

When I came to the martial arts gym today, George Han was looking for a chance to have a good relationship with the heavenly family. Encountering this incident was a godsend. To say that it is good is to amuse Tianlinger.

At this time, Thomas Tian also came over, although he didn’t believe George Han. But now there is really no other way but to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor and give it a try.

“This little brother, I heard Linger say. Can you help me?” Thomas Tian asked.

“He solved your person with two punches, and I can also solve him with one punch.” George Han said lightly.

When Thomas Tian heard such arrogant words, he didn’t believe it even more. How could he be able to solve the problem with one punch?

Young people nowadays, speaking big is simply not considering the consequences of shame.

“Little brother, you have seen his strength just now. The two masters of my martial arts gym are not his opponents. What’s the point of bragging in front of me?” Thomas Tian said.

“Two masters?” George Han laughed blankly. If these two people are considered masters, it would be an insult to the word master, and said: “The two big wastes are about the same.”

“You…” Thomas Tian looked at George Han angrily. The two most powerful people in the martial arts hall were described as two wastes by him. Wouldn’t the whole martial arts hall be waste in his eyes?

“Father, don’t worry, what I said is true or false, don’t you know after taking the stage?” George Han smiled.

Thomas Tian took a deep breath and said, “What are your conditions?”

“I remember Luo Bin said just now that if he loses, half of the Luo family’s assets will be given to you.” George Han said.

“As long as you can win, this half of the assets belongs to you.” Thomas Tian doesn’t even care about face, so how can he care about money, now he only hopes to make Tian Linger well, don’t marry Luo Xuyao ”‹”‹that waste.

“But you can’t let outsiders know about this. How about you keep the Luo family’s assets for me?” George Han said.

Thomas Tian frowned and didn’t quite understand what George Han meant, but since he said that, it didn’t hurt to do so. After all, the most important thing was whether he could win the competition.

“Little brother, don’t take it lightly, his strength is very strong.” Thomas Tian reminded.

George Han stood up, twisted his neck, then walked towards the ring, and said as he walked, “I said that once I punched, I would never use two punches.”

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