His True Colors Novel Chapter 1023 – 1026

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Chapter 1023

Two days later, the people from the Emperor Dragon Palace arrived.

And this news instantly exploded among the major families and sects.

Misty Zong.

When the sect elder Yan Qinghua learned of this, he immediately found the lord Zhan Tai Liuyue.

“Sect Master, the big thing is not good.” Yan Qinghua said in a panic. Although Misty Sect is not the top sect in the imperial court, it is also among the top three. Now three thousand sects have been born out of the sky, and they have also received the care of the emperor , This made Yan Qinghua feel that her sect’s status could not be kept.

“What’s the matter, you are also the elder of the sect, why are you so panicked when you encounter something?” Zhan Tai Liuyue looked at Yan Qinghua helplessly.

“Tianyue went to Xixiang City a few days ago, we were still guessing what he was going to do, and now we finally have an answer.” Yan Qinghua said.

“Oh? What’s going on, let’s hear it.” Zhan Tai Liuyue asked.

“Di Zun has accepted three thousand sects, and the Emperor Dragon Palace has sent people to serve as elders of 3,000 sects and help them train their disciples.” Yan Qinghua said.

Zhan Tai Liuyue frowned her eyebrows. She had guessed for many months the reason and purpose of going to Xixiang City, but now it seems that none of the countless possibilities she has guessed is correct.

“Sect Master, why does the emperor value three thousand sects so much, and even personally appoint a master of the Emperor Dragon Palace to be the elder, then who can win the limelight with 3,000 sects?” Yan Qinghua said with a worried expression.

Zhan Tai Liuyue did not speak, but pondered the purpose behind this incident.

The emperor is not a good old person, it is absolutely impossible to give three thousand such preferential treatment, and the emperor must be jealous of George Han, how can he personally help him expand his influence?

“It’s definitely not that simple.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

“Sect Master, it’s already on the face, that’s how it is, how could it not be simple? In my opinion, the emperor might deliberately please three thousand cases. In the future, three thousand cases will be placed in the sect. I’m overwhelming.” Yan Qinghua is very fond of George Han, and even has some obsessions, but this does not prevent her from feeling unfair about this.

The establishment of each sect is based on its own strength and step by step to the position of glory. The Misty Sect can be one of the three sects, but at a huge price.

But now, three thousand sects are coming strongly, and it is very likely to replace one of the three sects, which makes Yan Qinghua have to worry about the situation of Misty Sect.

“These so-called elders are all from the Emperor Dragon Palace.” Zhan Tai Liuyue suddenly laughed.

“Sect Master, when is it, you still want to laugh.” Yan Qinghua said silently.

Zhan Tai Liuyue smiled even more happily. She knew why Emperor Zun wanted to do this. This was not a performance that valued three thousand cases, but he was not at ease with three thousand cases, so she arranged for someone to go to three thousand cases.

“Qinghua, you are so smart, how can you be confused about this matter?” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

“Why am I confused, doesn’t the emperor want to please three thousand sects?” Yan Qinghua said.

“Three thousand elders, but the emperor of the Emperor Dragon Palace, will they betray the emperor?” Zhan Tai Liuyue asked.

“Of course not.” Yan Qinghua said without even thinking about it: “Those who betray the emperor will not end well. Give them the courage, and they dare not do it.”

“In this case, don’t you know the purpose of Emperor Zun’s move?” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

“Intention?” Yan Qinghua fell into confusion.

Zhan Tai Liuyue shook her head helplessly. Yan Qinghua is a very smart person, but she has no IQ in this matter. Is it possible that it is related to George Han?

“This is the eyeliner that Emperor Zun placed next to George Han. Such a simple truth, can’t you figure it out?” Seeing Yan Qinghua frowned in distress, Zhan Tai Liuyue had to explain.

Yan Qinghua suddenly raised her head: “Yeah, aren’t these elders just eyeliners? And to a certain extent, they can evade George Han’s rights. This is the emperor who is guarding him.”

Zhan Tai Liuyue laughed and said: “Such a simple thing, you finally figured out, am I commending you?”

Yan Qinghua smiled faintly, a little embarrassed, and said, “Sect Master, I’m not confused for a while, accident, it’s pure accident.”

“I don’t think you are accidental, you care about it? But you care about Misty Sect or George Han, don’t you explain to me?” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

“Sect Master, what are you talking about? Of course I care about Misty Sect. How could I care about George Han.” Yan Qinghua said without hesitation. For her, George Han is just a man in the process of being infatuated. That’s it, how can its feelings be compared with Misty Sect.

Yan Qinghua grew up in Misty Sect, cultivated, became a strong person, and became an elder. This kind of feeling is irreplaceable by anyone or anything.

“I believe you.” Zhan Tai Liuyue was just making a joke, and she didn’t expect Yan Qinghua to be so serious.

Of course, Zhan Tai Liuyue would not have the slightest doubt about what Yan Qinghua said.

“Sect Master, Emperor Zun can kill two birds with one stone, right?” Yan Qinghua said with a smile.

“You are smart now, but the emperor’s trick is indeed very clever. When the world thought that 3,000 sects were provoking his majesty, he planted his own in 3,000 sects and became an elder. It is telling the world that three thousand cases are still under his control.” Zhan Tai Liuyue said.

“Sect Master, since the Emperor Dragon Palace has admitted three thousand cases, when are we going to come to congratulate?” Yan Qinghua asked.

“I can’t wait to see him so much?” Zhan Tai Liuyue smiled.

Yan Qinghua nodded, and said, “I want to see if he is really so good, a bit similar to the picture album.”

Zhan Tai Liuyue actually had the same idea in her heart. He hadn’t decided whether to go to the Three Thousand Sects before, because he was worried about the Emperor Dragon Palace. But now, the emperor has admitted the existence of the Three Thousand Sects, and the concerns have naturally disappeared.

Congratulations, you can improve your schedule.

“The time has not arrived. When the sect is opened, Misty Sect will definitely come to visit.” Zhantai Liuyue said.

After meeting with several 3,000 future elders in Xixiang City, George Han shut himself in the room.

Facing the current emperor, George Han could not face resistance directly, so he could only tolerately accept it. Fortunately, the attitude of the elders was also humble, which did not make George Han feel too much discomfort.

When George Han touched his arm unconsciously, a trace of panic appeared on his face, and he immediately opened his sleeves.

The red-eyed jade python that was supposed to be entrenched on his arm has disappeared.

“f*ck, I almost forgot to give this guy a few days of free time, and I don’t know where it went.” George Han said to himself.

Chapter 1024

Accustomed to the existence of the red-eyed jade python, its sudden disappearance made George Han a little unaccustomed, and George Han couldn’t help thinking about what this guy was doing.

Half a month later, an unprecedented turmoil broke out in the Dark Forest. No one knows what happened in the forest, but the painful roar from countless strange beasts caused the entire Xuanyuan world to fall into tension, and There is also the chaos of the world, which is even more frightening.

Various speculation versions began to circulate among the Three Kingdoms.

Some people say it was a battle between two powerful alien beasts, which led to the changes in the Dark Forest.

Some people say that it was a strong man in the extreme master realm who broke into the dark forest and wanted to tame a powerful alien beast, so they fought the alien beast.

Some people say that alien beasts are unwilling to stay in the dark forest and want to leave the imprisoned place. Such a statement has caused even more panic, because once the alien beast leaves the dark forest, it will be almost a devastating blow to the three kingdoms. .

No one can count how many strange beasts survived in the Dark Forest, but people from all countries know that this strange beast force is absolutely devastating, and no one can stop it.

“Yi Qingshan, only you have been to the Dark Forest recently, what have you done?” Fei Linger questioned Yi Qingshan at an inn in Xixiang City.

The Dark Forest has been silent for hundreds of years, and it is absolutely impossible for this to happen for no reason. Therefore, in Fei Linger’s view, it is very likely that Yi Qingshan broke a certain balance in the Dark Forest that led to today’s result.

“I…I didn’t do anything, this matter has nothing to do with me.” Yi Qingshan said with a guilty face.

“The way you lied is really convincing. If you don’t tell me the truth, can you bear the responsibility when things get out of hand?” Fei Linger said angrily. She wanted to know the truth. Only in this way can we find a way to control the current situation.

There are now rumors that alien beasts want to rush out of the cage. Although this is somewhat unlikely, because the dark forest has a powerful formation imprisoned, and this formation is jointly produced by many ancient masters, and its strength is anyone and The strange beasts can’t be broken, but it is not 100%, after all, the formation has been in existence for many years.

And if someone destroys the strength of the formation, it is very likely that the formation will be broken.

“I really don’t. Do you think I will do something to destroy the formation? What benefits does the alien beast leave the Dark Forest for me?” Yi Qingshan said helplessly.

“Who caused your embarrassment? What kind of strange beast did you encounter in the Dark Forest.” Fei Linger asked. With the strength of Yi Qingshan’s Extreme Master Realm, it would be absolutely impossible for him to encounter an ordinary strange beast. So embarrassed, even if some high-level monsters appeared, it was easy to run with his strength.

But the state of Yi Qingshan leaving the dark forest is obviously not that simple.

“I…I might have met Linlong.” Yi Qingshan lowered his head and said.

“Linlong!” Hearing these two words, Fei Linger had beautiful eyes on the stool, and said with a look of disbelief: “How could it be possible that Linlong had fallen asleep under Xuanyuan Mountain long ago? How could he suddenly wake up? come!”

Linlong is an alien beast of the gods. It is the most powerful existence in Xuanyuan World. Even Xuanyuan World has very little knowledge about it. According to some ancient records, Linlong sleeps for a thousand years in a deep sleep state, nothing special. What can alarm it is impossible for it to wake up for no reason.

“I don’t know why. Soon after I entered the Dark Forest, I found many bones of alien beasts. From then on, I felt that something was not quite right, so I followed the direction of the corpse to find the cause until I was about to approach. Xuanyuan Mountain only stopped. Do you know what I saw?” It seemed that he was thinking of the fear of that day. When Yi Qingshan said this, there was an expression of extreme fear in his eyes.

“What!” Fei Linger asked in a deep voice.

“Linlong is entrenched on Xuanyuan Mountain. There are countless bones of strange beasts under the mountain. It eats the belly of strange beasts. Even the white ling ape is dead.” Yi Qingshan said.

Fei Linger took a deep breath. The White Ling Ape was the most powerful creature in the Dark Forest except the Linlong. It was dead, enough to imagine how terrifying the Linlong was.

“Did you alarm it?” Feiling continued to ask.

“How is it possible that I am afraid that I fled all the way to make myself look embarrassed. If it is disturbed, do you think I can survive?” Yi Qingshan said.

Fei Linger nodded. If Yi Qingshan really alarmed Linlong, he would indeed be unlikely to have a chance to survive.

But why did Linlong wake up suddenly?

“There must be something we don’t know about Xuanyuan World. Otherwise, Linlong will not be able to wake up. We must investigate this matter clearly.” Fei Linger said.

“Actually, I have a guess.” Yi Qingshan said weakly.

After Fei Linger glared at him, he said, “Isn’t there any time to say, when is it, you still sell it.”

“Yes, yes, according to my guess, another powerful alien beast should have appeared in the dark forest. We don’t recognize it. This alien beast makes Linlong feel that its status is threatened, so it will wake up. , Defending one’s position with strength, this can also explain the shaking of the dark forest. This must be the result of the battle between the two big powers, but I really can’t think of what kind of strange beast it is. Compared with Linlong.” Yi Qingshan said.

Whether Linlong awakened because of threats is unknown, but Yi Qingshan said that the two powerhouses are fighting. This is a fact in front of us. Those movements from the dark forest can never be Linlong alone. If it weren’t for a strong opponent, Linlong wouldn’t have made such a big move.

“If so, it might be good news for us,” Fei Linger said.

Yi Qingshan shook his head. Obviously his point of view is completely different from that of Fei Linger. He said, “Do you know that if two god-rank alien beasts fight each other, it is very likely that the formation will be destroyed. Once there is no formation to imprison the Dark Forest , The alien beasts broke out of the cage, and the Three Kingdoms might be cut to death by these alien beasts sooner or later.

Such worries are not unreasonable, and Fei Linger seems even more helpless, because the current situation is beyond their control.

Even a strong person in the extreme master state is not omnipotent. The sense of powerlessness is no different from the weak.

Chapter 1025

“I only know now that even in the Extreme Master Realm, it is just an ant. Facing a god-ranked monster like Linlong, it is no different from ordinary civilians. “Yi Qingshan sighed and said, this is the first time he feels powerless after becoming a master, especially when he thinks of the mood when he saw Linlong that day, the fear has almost penetrated his bones.

“Come with me to the Emperor Dragon Palace, I want to tell the emperor about this.” Fei Linger said.

“Is it useful? Even if the emperor knew it, he would not have the ability to stop this.” Yi Qingshan said, in his opinion, he can only sit and wait for death now, unless someone can kill Linlong to solve this crisis.

But this is simply impossible. Divine rank strange beasts, even those strong in the realm of gods, are not necessarily opponents.

“Even if there is no way, we still have to figure out some way to do it, can we just wait to die? If you don’t go, just stay in Xixiang City.” Fei Linger said, she is not a favorite People who accept their fate, although the chance of solving this matter is very small, it does not mean that they give up without trying.

“All right, I’ll go with you, you are gone, what’s the point of my stay here.” Yi Qingshan said.

After deciding to go to the Emperor Dragon Palace, the two of them left Xixiang City without delay.

West Gate Mansion.

Ximen Jin came to the door of George Han’s room. He had already checked the contents of the secret room. There were many legendary objects, and some of these objects were once belonged to the Bai Ling family.

Ximen Jin didn’t know what method Ximen Chang used to get it, but he knew that these treasures were definitely a wealth of an enemy, and they were collected bit by bit by previous family heads. His responsibility is to Guard these things.

“You won’t regret it?” Opening the door, George Han saw that the person was Ximen Jin, and he couldn’t help thinking of his leg bones. This guy was not so generous on the surface. He took his things by himself, and what was his even. I don’t know, I will definitely feel disappointed.

“Mr. Han was joking, since it was something that I gave away, how could I go back.” If you don’t want to give up, Ximen Jin must have such an idea in his heart, but since it has been given to George Han, he has not thought about it. Want to go back, and dare not think so.

“Then what are you looking for me for?” George Han asked.

“The two people you asked me to monitor have left Xixiang City.” Ximen Jin said.

Since Fei Linger came to Xixiang City, George Han asked Ximen Jin to arrange personnel to pay close attention to their actions, because Fei Linger had too many secrets to make George Han curious.

But she did nothing and left suddenly, which made George Han feel that something was wrong.

“Really gone?” George Han confirmed.

“Yes, and my people are still following them.” Ximen Jin said.

“Okay, I know. Go ahead.”

“Yes.” After

closing the door, George Han’s doubts caused him to frown unconsciously. Fei Linger’s trip to Xixiang City, what She left without doing anything. Could it be that she has done something, but she has not been discovered by herself?

This kind of thinking made George Han feel a little uneasy.

At this time, the knock on the door rang again. After listening to the breath, George Han knew that the person outside was Jiang Yingying, so he said directly: “Come in.”

Jiang Yingying pushed the door in, looking tired, obviously because The affairs of the sect were overworked.

“Thanks for your hard work.” George Han said apologetically. He has long been used to throwing his hands off the shopkeeper, so this kind of hard work was done by Jiang Yingying and Huang Xiaoyong.

“Brother George, have you heard about the recent dark forest?” Jiang Yingying asked George Han.

George Han nodded, how could he not know such a big movement, and George Han had also heard of many rumors in the market.

George Han still had some doubts about this incident, because the turmoil in the Dark Forest occurred after the red-eyed jade python left, which inevitably made George Han think these things were related to the red-eyed jade python.

Of course, these are just speculations so far, and no one knows the truth of the matter.

“I heard another saying today that the formation of the Dark Forest has reached the brink of breaking and will soon be unable to support it. Once the formation is broken, a large number of strange beasts will leave the Dark Forest. This is for us. That seems to be a good thing too.” Jiang Yingying said, their main purpose of coming to Xuanyuan World was to relieve Xuanyuan World’s threat to the earth. If those alien beasts leave the Dark Forest, they will inevitably cause severe damage to the power of Xuanyuan World, and naturally it will Achieved their purpose of coming to Xuanyuan World.

“But we haven’t found a way to leave Xuanyuan World. This situation is not a good thing.” George Han said.

“That’s what I want to say, should we try to find a space tunnel that leaves Xuanyuan World?” Jiang Yingying said.

“Actually, I have already thought about what you said, but we have no clues at all. This is definitely not something that can be done overnight. This thing can be left to its development, but it must not be destroyed by us. Formation.” George Han guessed what Jiang Yingying wanted to say in the end. She wanted to help such a strange beast to break the formation, but doing so would surely be a disaster.

There are still many ordinary people in Xuanyuan World, and George Han is absolutely unwilling to cause these people to die because of his own reasons.

When it is not a last resort, George Han will not let those people be buried in order to achieve his own goals.

“Brother George, is my thought too selfish?” Jiang Yingying asked with her head down.

“No, it’s understandable that you think so, but you have to know, if we kill the civilians here, what is the difference from the Xuanyuan world’s invasion of the earth and massacre, we are not saints, but we absolutely cannot be Evil.” George Han said.

Jiang Yingying sighed and continued: “Brother George, there is one more thing I want to tell you. I talked to an elder today and learned that Xia Guo has a master, and this master is very strange. He is a woman. With a child, I heard that there is no one in the territory of Xia Kingdom. Some people even guess that she has reached the gods. If this is the case, this woman’s plan for you is a huge threat.”

“It looks like you I get along well with those elders.” George Han said with a smile.

“Knowing ourselves and the enemy, what we do every day is under their noses, and we will report to the emperor through them. Naturally, I also want to inquire about the imperial court.” Jiang Yingying said.

Chapter 1026

“The innocent girl back then, I didn’t expect to have changed and become a scheming city.” George Han joked with a smile.

When Jiang Yingying showed a faintly resentful expression, George Han hurriedly said: “However, the news you inquired about is very important. After all, our goal is not just the imperial court. If there is a strong god in Xia Guo It’s trouble for us.”

“Brother George, you are so attractive, so why don’t you turn her into one of us? With the help of a strong god, you will get twice the result with half the effort.” Jiang Yingying said with a smile, and the little girl is a vengeful person. , Has just been ridiculed by George Han, this is the way to treat his body.

George Han, who had been commanded by the army, smiled bitterly, and said, “Didn’t you say that, she still takes this child, is it possible that I still have to be a stepdad?”

“What’s the matter? It’s just to give Nian’er one more sibling. Isn’t it good?” Jiang Yingying said naturally.

“Yingying, I think you want to kill me. If you know about this, I won’t be beaten to death.” George Han said silently. The relationship between him and Amelia Su can’t be lost The three stepped in, otherwise, George Han was afraid that the life of putting scissors under the pillow would return to him.

“Why, this is not the earth anyway, sister Amelia doesn’t know what you do.” Jiang Yingying smiled.

“Little girl, are you trying to grab my handle and use it as a threat to capital in the future?” George Han asked seriously and deliberately.

It’s a pity that Jiang Yingying doesn’t take this set at all. Faced with George Han’s seriousness, she didn’t care at all, and said: “Why? I’m your sister. Of course I want to help you keep secrets, but what if I have something Conditions, you can satisfy me.”

“Are the sect affairs finished? Do you want me to arrange some other coolies for you?” George Han said lightly.

Jiang Yingying didn’t speak, and ran away in a hurry.

after one day.

Fei Linger and Yi Qingshan, who were rushing in the dust, finally returned to the Emperor Dragon Palace.

It took only one day to reach the Emperor Dragon Palace from the West Chamber. If they were not for the powerhouses of the Extreme Master Realm, it would be absolutely impossible to do this.

“I’m really exhausted, do you need to be so anxious?” Yi Qingshan said out of breath, being able to put his body under such a heavy load, indicating that this intensity of driving is indeed overwhelming.

Fei Linger’s face was also not very good-looking, although he was only on the road, but this kind of physical strength and energy consumption was no different from a big battle.

“Stop talking nonsense, follow me to see the emperor.” Fei Linger rebuked coldly. She was also very tired, but facing the dark forest, there was nothing to complain about.

When the two appeared in the Emperor Dragon Palace, the golden armored guards were immediately let go. These guards belonged to the Imperial Forbidden Army. They naturally recognized Fei Linger, and Fei Linger had the right to enter and exit the Emperor Dragon Palace freely.

Above the main hall, the emperor looked forward to waiting for a long time.

“Lao Fei, you are so anxious to come back, is it because of the dark forest?” The emperor asked Fei Linger.

“Yes, don’t you know what happened in the Dark Forest?” Feiling asked directly without talking nonsense.

“According to the news from the border guards, there was a big battle in the Dark Forest, but the cause of the battle is unknown.” After the emperor finished speaking, he glanced at Yi Qingshan. He was very surprised by this strange face. curious.

“This is Yi Qingshan, a strong master of Xia Guoji.” Seeing the curiosity of Emperor Zun, Fei Linger took the initiative to introduce.

The emperor was surprised. He had naturally heard of Yi Qingshan’s name, but he did not expect Yi Qingshan to appear in the imperial court.

“Elder Yi came here unexpectedly, and hopes to redeem his sins if he misses the distance.” The Emperor said politely.

Knowing that these were just polite words, Yi Qingshan said with the flow: “There is more interruption, more interruption.”

“Di Zun, when Yi Qingshan passed through the Dark Forest, he found something, so let him tell you.” Fei Linger said. Yi Qingshan is the person involved and he can make things clearer, so Fei Linger I’m not the messenger.

“Lao Yi, please also mention something.” Di Zun said.

Yi Qingshan repeated his experience in the Dark Forest again. When the emperor learned that Linlong was awake from his sleep, his face became paler.

As the emperor, he knew better what it meant for Linlong to wake up, and also knew what kind of changes such a terrifying alien beast would bring to the world of Xuanyuan.

Once the formation of the dark forest fails and Linlong is freed, the entire Xuanyuan world will fall into a nightmare.

“Lao Yi, are you sure you read it right, it is really Linlong?” Emperor Zun asked.

“Although I am a young man, I still don’t miss Linlong. If the emperor doesn’t believe me, I can send someone into the dark forest to explore.” Yi Qingshan saw that the emperor didn’t believe him, and was quite dissatisfied.

The emperor had a heavy face and sent people into the dark forest. I don’t know if I can see Linlong, but it must be a dead end, because the dark forest is not peaceful recently, even the strongest masters in the extreme master realm dare not enter easily, let alone People under the extreme teacher realm.

“Lao Fei, according to a secret book of the imperial court, the awakening of the Linlong means that the end of the Xuanyuan world is coming. Unless the dragon envoy appears, whether the dragon envoy is a person or a thing, there is no mention in the secret book. “This is the secret of the imperial court, but in this case, the emperor cannot hide it.

“Royal Dragon Envoy?” Fei Linger had never heard of such a thing. When she looked at Yi Qingshan, Yi Qingshan also shook his head.

“This secret book has existed for more than a thousand years. This legend, perhaps the entire Xuanyuan world, is only known to me.” Emperor Zun explained.

“What else does the Secret Code say?” Feiling asked.

“The secret book mentions that the only way to suppress Linlong and make Linlong sleep again is to find the Imperial Dragon Envoy, and the rest is not mentioned.” said the emperor.

“We don’t even know what the Royal Dragon Envoy is, what should we do now?” Fei Linger said helplessly. With this little information, it is impossible to solve the immediate problems.

“In the imperial court secret library, there are many ancient secrets, I will use the shortest time to check, if there is news about the dragon envoy, I will tell the two as soon as possible.” said the emperor.

Fei Linger nodded, she did not ask herself to go to the imperial court secret vault, because that was the private forbidden area of ”‹”‹the emperor, even if she was a strong master in the extreme master realm, she was not qualified to enter.

“In this case, you can check it as soon as possible. I have an intuition that the formation of the dark forest will not last long.” Fei Linger said.

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