His True Colors Novel Chapter 1003 – 1006

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Chapter 1003

“Strong, so strong!”

“The Twenty-eight Keqing of the Ximen family is so vulnerable, is this person already in the realm of a master!”

“It’s really terrible. Looking at Xi Menchang’s face, he is almost desperate. He probably never dreamed that Twenty-eight Keqing would fall in this way.”

There were sighs.

Countless people looked at George Han with admiration and hot eyes.

Even some cultivators outside the city were all shocked at this time.

Most of the people here have never seen a real battle in their entire lives, and this time, not only is it an eye-opener, but also the most exciting battle in the imperial court!

Even Ran Yi and Ge Zhonglin couldn’t control their emotions.

“Our guess is correct and correct.” Ran Yi said excitedly.

Ge Zhonglin nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and said: “After this battle, his reputation will definitely shock the entire imperial court. Ximenchang really kicked the iron plate this time, and even if he died in George Han With Thousand Hands, the Emperor will not be held accountable either.”

“Yes, the strong is respected, and there is only a Ximenchang, how can it be worthy of the emperor’s accountability?” Ran Yi’s hand kept trembling, the scenes of the battle scenes, he kept deep for a moment. Printed in my mind, for fear that I missed any picture.

Ximenchang’s expression at this time became more and more desperate. He had never thought that things would have progressed to this point, and even more did not expect that the proud 28 Keqing would end up like this.

I think that when Ximen Chang just established the 28th Keqing family, it caused countless discussions among large families. I don’t know how many people envied him for being able to win over these masters. I don’t know how many people came to visit because of this incident. Family friendship.

It can be said that the Ximen family can have today’s status and influence, and has a very close relationship with the 28 Keqing.

But now, 28 Keqing fell one after another, and every time someone fell from the top of the mountain, it meant that the status of the Ximen family was reduced by one point. For Ximenchang, it was like a nightmare.

“Grandpa, it seems that you are very surprised, but to me, this is an imaginary thing.” Ximen Jin’s expression was as usual, and he was excited in his heart, trying to hide his changes in expression. This was what Ximen Chang taught him, no matter what. Never let your emotions show up on your face anytime and anywhere, and never let your opponent notice what you are thinking.

It can be said that Ximen Jin did everything that Ximen Chang asked him. These bits and pieces have brought together Ximen Jin’s desire for the position of patriarch, because from the moment he was born, everything he did was for the position of patriarch.

“Ximen Jin, do you think the Ximen family will still have such a high status without the twenty-eight Keqing?” Ximenchang gritted his teeth.

“Of course not, the Ximen family will have a higher status under my leadership.” Ximen Jin said lightly.

The corner of Ximenchang’s mouth rose up, splitting a weird arc, and said: “With you, the Ximen family is now at the pinnacle of status, so why can you speak up?”

“There is no Twenty-Eight Keqing, but with a strong master at the extreme master level, isn’t the strong at the extreme master level still inferior to the Twenty Eight Keqing? I am willing to do anything for him.” Ximen Jin smiled Said.

Ximenchang suddenly clutched his chest!

Simon Jin wanted to be a slave?

How can the dignified Simon family be slaves to others?

“Ximen Jin, you actually want to let the Ximen family be a slave? Are you crazy?” Ximenchang shouted angrily.

“Crazy?” Ximen Jin looked at Ximenchang contemptuously, and after looking up and down, he said: “Grandpa, if there is such an opportunity in front of you, how would you choose? Would you refuse?”


Ximen Chang had never thought about this question, because he had never encountered such an opportunity, and when he was suddenly asked such a question, he had no idea how to answer it.

Seeing Ximenchang not speaking, Ximen Jin continued: “Don’t think about it, let me tell you the answer. You will agree, and you will definitely be. The Ximen family is jealous by the emperor, and only the strong of the ultimate teacher can guarantee it. The status of the Ximen family, do you really think that the Ximen family can train an emperor? Even if you now have a holy chestnut, you are still not sure that you can do it.”

“The century-old imperial court is nothing more than Fei Lingsheng.”

These two words made Ximenchang completely desperate.

His previous ideas were very persistent, but now he seems very naive.

Just as Ximen Jin said, there was only one Fei Lingsheng in the century-old imperial court. How could the Ximen family dare to have such extravagant hopes.

“I will bury you in the most luxurious way. I hope you will bless the Ximen family from generation to generation.” After Ximen Jin said these last words, he walked towards the foot of the mountain. He wanted to welcome George Han who returned from victory. , Expressed loyalty to George Han.

Ximenchang’s face was defeated, but his blow was more than that.

At this time, Ran Yi and Ge Zhonglin walked up to him again.

“Mr. Ximen, have you ever thought of such an accident?” Ran Yi asked Ximenchang.

Ximenchang looked at Ran Yi with a torch-like stare, and said, “It’s not your turn to taunt me.”

“The dying person has such a big temper, it’s not very good.” Ran Yi said with a smile.

“Ximengchang, do you know how many people want your life? For so many years, your arrogance has planted countless seeds of hatred for you. Look at your side, how many pairs of eyes are staring at you? Do you think you still have a chance to leave alive?” Ge Zhonglin teased.

No need to look, Ximenchang can also feel a lot of hot eyes staring at him in the dark, and he himself knows enough how many enemies he has provoked over the years. Ximenchang never took these things to his heart before, because he had come to him. Said that it was just a trivial matter, and the status of those people could never surpass the Simon family, which meant that they had no hope of revenge in this life.

But now, the Ximen family’s status is weakened due to the fall of Keqing, which brings them hope of revenge.

However, Ximen Chang knew that he would not die in the hands of those wastes, because Ximen Jin would definitely kill his life with his own hands!

“Do you think I will put these wastes in my eyes? Even if I die, I will not die in the hands of these wastes.” Ximenchang gritted his teeth.

“It doesn’t matter whose hands you die, what’s important is that you will die today.” Ge Zhonglin said with a smile.

At this time, on the top of the mountain, with the exception of Zhong Qishan, all Keqing fell off the cliff, and the battle was coming to an end.

Chapter 1004

“Old stuff, your companions are dead, how long can you hold on?”

On the top of the mountain, facing the panting Zhong Qishan, Huang Xiaoyong riding a wing tiger was full of triumph.

Although Huang Xiaoyong was the son of the city lord in Longyun City, he had never been as dazzling as he is today, and he had never had a fight with others so freely.

Facing such a result, Zhong Qishan was not surprised in his heart, because when Fei Lingsheng appeared, he had guessed that George Han’s strength was by no means simple. Otherwise, Fei Lingsheng could not have felt so much about this matter. interest.

Just knowing the result does not mean that Zhong Qishan is willing to accept.

The strength of the Nine Lights Realm, once the dream is broken! For Zhong Qishan, this is undoubtedly a devastating blow.

You must know that he is the closest person to the Supreme Master Realm in the entire imperial court. Once he successfully breaks through, he will return to youth and gain more lifespan. The world will break through, even in the dark forest, he has the strength to take a look.

And now, if he died in the hands of George Han, then all his efforts in this life would be turned into a basket of water.

“Who are you?” Zhong Qishan asked George Han. He couldn’t understand why, besides Fei Lingsheng, in the imperial court, how could there be a strong master in the extreme master state.

“Is it important?” George Han asked rhetorically.

“I’m just not reconciled. In the imperial court, besides Fei Lingsheng, how could there be a second Supreme Master Realm powerhouse.” After saying this, Zhong Qishan looked at Jiang Yingying again, because in his eyes, Jiang Yingying was the same He was a person who couldn’t see through the realm. This situation almost broke him.

One is not enough, but the second one?

When did the Extreme Master Realm become so ubiquitous?

“I heard that you are the Nine Lights closest to the Extreme Master Realm, presumably you don’t want to die.” George Han said.

Hearing this sentence, Zhong Qishan seemed to see hope, because if George Han said that, it must be that he would not be killed under certain conditions.

Although Zhong Qishan is the guest of the Ximen family, it does not mean that he is willing to dedicate his life to the Ximen family. For a strong man like him, being alive is the most important thing, and as long as he can step into the realm of a master, his life will be Become more beautiful, this is the dream that every strong man is looking forward to.

“What do you want?” Zhong Qishan asked.

“You should know that after the contract between the master and the alien beast is reached, all the behaviors of the alien must obey the command of the master.” George Han said.

“Do you want me to be your subordinate?” Zhong Qishan said, this requirement is not too much in his opinion. After all, although he is in the Ximen family, although his status is very high, his true identity is also a subordinate, but a relatively high-level subordinate. That’s all, the Simon family just gave him huge benefits and cultivation resources in exchange.

As for anyone at the moment, Zhong Qishan will naturally not refuse such a request.

But George Han’s next words changed Zhong Qishan’s expression drastically.

“It’s not just as simple as subordinates. I have made some improvements to the contract between the alien beast and the beast master, so that this contract can be used on people.” George Han said.

Zhong Qishan’s eyes suddenly became frightened!

George Han actually wanted to sign a contract with him, controlling him like a strange beast!

If he really improves the contract, it can be used on people, once signed, his life and death, but George Han’s matter.

Moreover, the signing of this contract will make Zhong Qishan completely lose his free body, and he is likely to become a puppet in the future.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you do things for me. I just don’t want to be betrayed. Moreover, you are still good.” George Han said. After all, Xuanyuan World is a place that once attacked the earth. George Han would naturally not let go of such a strong man, but if he could control it, George Han would not have to kill him.

People like Zhong Qishan have great strength in their own right. If they can control him, they might be able to help with other things in the future.

Just yesterday, George Han had a very crazy idea in his mind.

The main reason he came to Xuanyuan World was to investigate why Xuanyuan World launched an attack on the earth.

However, investigating the reasons cannot fundamentally solve this matter.

So George Han thought of a way to solve this problem, that is to rule Xuanyuan World.

Not to rule the imperial court, but to rule the Xuanyuan world, so this was a crazy idea.

Since he wanted to rule the world of Xuanyuan, he naturally needed more powerful men, and people like Zhong Qishan were very qualified.

“What’s the benefit?” Zhong Qishan asked. In fact, in this matter, he has no choice. If he has a chance to survive, he will never face death. Moreover, there are benefits, which makes it easier for him to accept.

“Kill Ximenchang, you can get the holy chestnut in his hand.” George Han said.

“You…” Zhong Qishan looked at George Han in shock, and asked in disbelief: “Is what you said is true? Are you willing to give me Shengli?”

“Holy Li may be able to help you break through the realm, you should be very clear, is this benefit big enough?” George Han smiled and said, whether a holy chestnut can reach the ultimate master state, George Han is also unknown, because at the beginning He and Jiang Yingying used the holy chestnut as a fruit belly, and didn’t know how much they had eaten. Therefore, George Han couldn’t figure out how useful a holy chestnut could be to the Nine Lights realm powerhouse.

But one thing is certain, that is, it is better than nothing.

“If so, I am willing to be your servant, please sign a contract.” After Zhong Qishan finished speaking, he knelt down in front of George Han, and knelt down on both knees.

Since you want to be a servant, you naturally have to be like a servant.

And Zhong Qishan’s kneeling shocked those who watched the excitement outside the city.

“Zhong Qishan actually knelt down, is he begging for mercy?”

“I didn’t expect the powerhouse of the dignified Nine Lights Realm to end up like this, which is really embarrassing.”

“The world of the strong, I and mortals can’t understand, perhaps in his eyes, the Nine Lights Realm is no different from ordinary people, but it’s all ants.”

Ximenchang, who only had a little hope in his heart, no longer had any flukes and expectations at this moment.

He knew that the result of this incident was irreversible, and there could be no miracles. Even Zhong Qishan knelt down and begged for mercy. What else would he use to fight George Han?

“I didn’t expect Ximenchang to end up in such a field. Is it true that heaven is going to kill me?” Ximenchang said desperately.

George’s fingerprint was on Zhong Qishan’s forehead.

When Fei Linger in the distance saw this scene, he was puzzled, what is this doing?

Chapter 1005

“What is this guy doing?” Fei Linger muttered to herself. She wanted to know what was going on. It was very simple. She could perceive it through her own power, but doing so would inevitably cause George Han to suffer. Realizing that Fei Linger didn’t want to reveal her identity yet, so she had to settle down on this impulse.

After the contract was signed, Zhong Qishan could obviously feel that there was a power in his body that was not his own. He knew that this power came from George Han, and George Han could use this power to control his life and death.

This also means that from now on, Zhong Qishan will unconditionally obey George Han’s orders. Otherwise, if George Han thinks, he will explode and die.

“Go and do what you should do.” George Han said.

Zhong Qishan nodded and headed down the mountain.

“What’s the situation? Has he let Zhong Qishan go?”

“It seems that Zhong Qishan betrayed the Simon family in exchange for his own life.”

After going down the mountain, Zhong Qishan walked to Ximenchang.

Ximenchang was full of anger at Zhong Qishan, because he knew that Zhong Qishan had betrayed himself.

“Zhong Qishan, I didn’t expect you to lose even your dignity. Have you forgotten that you are a powerhouse in the Nine Lights Realm?” Ximenchang gritted his teeth and said to Zhong Qishan.

Zhong Qishan has faced this situation calmly, so he will not feel ashamed of this incident.

Compared with dignity, alive is the most important thing, because even if a dead person has dignity, it is just a corpse.

“I’m only one step away from the Extreme Master Realm. I don’t want to waste my life’s efforts in vain.” Zhong Qishan said lightly.

Ximenchang has a sassy face and sneered at him, saying: “Those who are greedy for life and fear of death, you will never reach the ultimate master level.”

“Really?” Zhong Qishan laughed and said: “He said, as long as I kill you, I can take the holy chestnut as my own. With holy chestnut, maybe I will soon break through.”

“You…you want to kill me!” Ximenchang said in disbelief. Zhong Qishan has served him for so many years, and he never thought that one day he would die in Zhong Qishan’s hands.

“If it weren’t for the resources you gave, I might not be able to break through the Nine Lights. This is what I want to thank you for, but people are selfish. At this point, you must know better than me that people don’t kill themselves.”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhong Qishan slammed through Ximenchang’s body with a punch, directly penetrating from the heart.

Ximenchang’s sluggish expression quickly filled with pain.

“Zhong Qishan, you are ungrateful.” Ximenchang’s mouth kept pouring blood, his expression full of unwillingness.

“Yes, I am ungrateful, because I have no choice.” Zhong Qishan withdrew his hand and watched Ximenchang fall, and then found the holy chestnut on Ximenchang.

After going around, Sheng Li actually suffered a hand injury, something that Zhong Qishan didn’t dare to think about.

At this time, George Han also went down the mountain.

Ximen Jin, who had been waiting for a long time, walked to George Han with wind under his feet, bent slightly, and respectfully said: “Mr. Han, from today onwards, Ximen Jin will be a slave by Mr.’s side. You can do anything with him. Give any orders.”

“Sheng Li, I gave Zhong Qishan, do you have any opinion?” George Han said.

“Of course not.” Ximen Jin said without hesitation: “Zhong Qishan gets Holy Chestnut, it is possible to reach the Supreme Master Realm, which can reflect the value of Holy Chestnut better than mine.”

“Next to clear the obstacles in the clan, you can ask Zhong Qishan to help, and he will stay with you in the future.” George Han said, it is not yet time for Zhong Qishan to realize the value of use, so George Han will not take him with him .

With a contract as a constraint, George Han would not worry that Zhong Qishan would defect.

“Thank you sir.” Ximen Jin said gratefully.

George Han stretched his waist and said, “I went back to rest. After playing for so long, I was a little tired.”

This battle was soon spread out with Fengshang Mall as the center. Some painters even recorded the fighting scenes as portraits and made small books to make money.

There are countless storytellers who spread the stories and myths in major tea shops.

In just three days, almost no one in the imperial court knew the name of George Han.

When the picture album began to circulate, the major cities within the imperial court set off a trend of imitating George Han’s clothes. If the younger generation did not create the image of George Han’s clothes, they would have no face when going out.

In particular, some rich children have made this to the fullest. Their clothes and even hairstyles are almost exactly the same according to the image of the album.

This creates a special situation. When you walk on the street and look at the back, almost many people are exactly the same.

Emperor Dragon Palace.

Emperor Zun also held a booklet in his hand. The portrait on it clearly recorded every moment of George Han’s move, and even gave people a feeling of being on the scene.

When the emperor turned to the last page, he couldn’t help but sighed, and said to his opponent: “I didn’t expect this George Han to be so powerful. The 28th guest of the Ximen family was in front of him like paper. .”

“It is almost certain now that he is a powerhouse in the Extreme Master Realm, Emperor Zun, what are you going to do next?” the subordinate asked.

Emperor Zun shook his head. He had already sent someone to Longyun City and also explained his attitude to George Han, but George Han had not come to the Emperor Dragon Palace for a long time, which made him very passive.

After all, he was the first person in the imperial court. He could not show his kindness to George Han again and again, and even if he sent someone again, George Han would not necessarily come to the imperial dragon palace. Are you more embarrassed?

“Where is Fei Lingsheng?” Emperor Zun asked.

“At the time of the war, she was watching the battle from a distance, and there was nothing special about it,” the subordinate said.

“I don’t know what exactly is the relationship between her and this George Han.” The emperor shook his head helplessly. The current situation is very uncertain, so he doesn’t know where he should go next.

“By the way, Lord Emperor, there has been news from the border defense recently that I heard that the Dark Forest has made a big move, and I don’t know which country’s Great Master entered the Dark Forest.” The subordinate said.

“Does the Supreme Master want to come to the imperial court, or go to other places?” The emperor frowned and said with a puzzled face.

At this time, the imperial court frontier guard, somewhere in the dark forest, this is a place that no one dared to approach easily, but there was an embarrassed old man who staggered out of the dark forest.

The clothes were torn and gray, and it seemed that he had just experienced a big battle.

“These beasts are really ferocious dogs. Fortunately, they came out safely.” The old man sighed and said to himself: “If it weren’t for the woman from Jingwu Mountain, I wouldn’t need to be so embarrassed. It’s not good to be at home. Bring the kids, what kind of arena to put on.”

Chapter 1006

Three days after the war.

George Han, who was recuperating, left the inn for the first time.

When he saw the people on the street who were dressed in the same height as him, he looked dumbfounded. Even if he looked at the back of those people, he couldn’t help but have self-doubt.

When did I have so many brothers?

“What’s the situation?” George Han asked Huang Xiaoyong.

Huang Xiaoyong looked like You Rongyan, and said proudly: “Master, you don’t know how good you are in the imperial court. These people deliberately imitating your clothes have become a trend, and there are still no Few people deliberately changed their names, and now you can see Liu George, three thousand kings and three thousand three thousand.”

After listening to Huang Xiaoyong’s explanation, George Han became even more confused. What kind of demon style is this. Is it possible that these people can be as strong as him if they change their names and dress?

Not far away, two people who imitated George Han’s clothes were arguing.

“I’m Wu George. Get out of sight. If you don’t agree, fight on the mountain outside the city.”

“I, Zheng George, will not be afraid of you. The duel is a duel. I will definitely shoot you down from the mountain.”

Hearing these words, George Han had a headache, what the hell are these people!

Only a few minutes after leaving the inn, George Han hurried back to his room. For him, the outside world was full of demons and ghosts, and these were not what he wanted to see.

“Master, what’s wrong with you?” Huang Xiaoyong asked in a puzzled way. For him, this was a very honorable thing, so he couldn’t understand George Han’s rejection of this matter.

“How long has this situation lasted?” George Han asked.

“After the end of the war, I discovered this situation in less than a day, and more and more people imitated. I heard that it was not only Fengshang Mall, but also other places.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

“f*ck!” George Han couldn’t help yelling, not only Fengshang, but even if he went to other cities, he couldn’t get rid of the situation of seeing himself in the streets?

Three thousand world is full of three thousand?

Thinking about George Han, my scalp feels numb.

Isn’t it just a fight, these people need to be so crazy?

In George Han’s view, fighting the 28th guest of the Ximen family is nothing, but in the eyes of more outsiders, this is worthy of worship in various ways. After all, the 28th guest of the Ximen family is early It has already become famous, and has been strong in the imperial court realm for many years.

And George Han almost counteracted the 28 Keqing attack with one person and shot them down. What a majestic deed was this?

“Isn’t there you? Why no one imitates you.” George Han said.

Huang Xiaoyong showed a little regret. He thought so too, but he also thought about it in another way. If he could imitate George Han, who would imitate him? After all, in the battle, he was just acting as a panacea. He was only engaged in sneak attacks and did not show much strength.

“Master, no one imitated me, but someone imitated me.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

George Han looked at Jiang Yingying, and Jiang Yingying couldn’t help rolling her eyes. Obviously, she didn’t have much favor in the face of this matter.

“Brother George, in my opinion, you can only accept this situation frankly, because the influence is so great that this is not something you can control at all.” Jiang Yingying persuaded.

“Hey.” George Han shook his head helplessly. This incident has affected the entire imperial court. It is indeed not something he can control casually. But at this stage, he still can’t adapt. It will take time. After all, it takes time to go out. To countless people, this kind of visual impact is still unbearable.

“Where is Ximen Jin?” George Han asked.

“Master, Ximen Jin asked me to tell you that he will go back to the family to eradicate dissidents. If you need it, you can contact him at any time. No matter what, he will do it for you.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

George Han nodded. He left Zhong Qishan beside Ximen Jin. Ximen Jin had no chance to betray him, so there is no need to worry about this.

But next, George Han didn’t know where to go.

The Emperor of the Imperial Court must have been waiting for him for a long time, and sooner or later he and the Emperor will meet, but at this stage, George Han does not want to go.

Now that the plan has changed, George Han will implement actions for his own plan. It doesn’t make any sense for him to meet with Emperor Zun now.

“Go and rest.” George Han said to Huang Xiaoyong.

“Master, I’m so full of energy, I don’t need to rest,” Huang Xiaoyong said.

“Are you sure? Not injured, doesn’t mean you can’t rest. Of course, if you want to rest in an injured state, I can also satisfy you.” George Han said lightly.

Huang Xiaoyong was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that George Han was giving an order to chase away guests. It must be the brother and sister who had something secret to say.

“No need, no need.” Huang Xiaoyong said quickly, then yawned and continued: “Master, I was suddenly a little tired, so I will go back to the room first.”

After Huang Xiaoyong left, George Han said to Jiang Yingying: “I have a new plan. I should let you know.”

“Brother George, no matter what your plan is, I will accompany you.” Jiang Yingying said.

George Han had never questioned this. Even if he was an enemy of the entire Xuanyuan world, Jiang Yingying would definitely stand by her side.

“Originally, we came to Xuanyuan World to investigate why they launched an attack on the earth, but I thought about it carefully. It was just an investigation, and it didn’t make any sense. Instead of wasting time like this, we should rule the entire Xuanyuan world. In this way, the earth There will be no threats.” George Han said.

If such remarks are spread out, I am afraid that those people will treat it as a joke.

Xuanyuan World has thousands of years of history, and the division of the Three Kingdoms also exists for thousands of years. No one has been able to rule the Three Kingdoms, because the difficulty of this matter is not only reflected in the Three Kingdoms, but also in the Dark Forest. This forbidden place is doomed to the Three Kingdoms. The split between the situation.

But Jiang Yingying didn’t think it was absurd at all, because for her, as long as it was what George Han wanted to do, he would definitely be able to do it.

Whether on the earth or in the Xuanyuan world, Jiang Yingying’s trust in George Han is 100%.

“Brother George, the first step is to conquer the imperial court.” Jiang Yingying said.

George Han nodded, he couldn’t be fat in one breath, so this matter must be done step by step, and the imperial court is his first step.

“I need more powerful people. The imperial court is by no means as simple as we know. The emperor can stand as the first person in the imperial court. There must be a reason.” George Han said.

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