Hey Girl You Deserve the World Chapter 225 – 226

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Chapter 225

When Allison Hazel stepped into this familiar land again, it was already five years later…

Five years ago, the people and things in this city made her transformed from an innocent and innocent girl into a woman who began to understand the world.

Five years of precipitation, tossing, tossing, and forgetting, after all, let her return to this familiar city-Pekan City.

Two months later, Allison Hazel successfully squeezed into a high-level club, “Le Nest”, as the secretary of the public relations manager.

Le Chao, as the name suggests, is a happy nest, located near the east coast of the city. It has the most luxurious hardware facilities in the city, ranging from independent villas to private harbors. And here is also the gathering place of all the officials and businessmen, celebrities and wealthy people.

The place where the courtesy should be treated with courtesy. Do you know? “Manager Ronnie still worried and smiled. Even though he has performed very well in his work in the past few months, it is the first time that he has come out with her today.

Allison Hazel followed Manager Ronnie sitting on the battery car in the clubhouse and drove to the villa in the Rhine District.

“Smile, most of the elder brothers whom I will take you to meet are the children of high-ranking officials. Their fathers are the top figures in Pekan City, so I will see them later and welcome guests.

“En! I will pay special attention!” Hazel agreed.

Soon, the battery car stopped in front of a luxurious independent red brick villa.

As soon as he opened the entrance door of the villa, he saw a group of young people sitting casually on the sofa lazily sipping red wine, and the mahjong table beside them was still struggling to fight, it was so lively.

However, Allison Hazel, who was still at the door, never expected that five years later, she was here and met him again…

The man named Blair Elijah!!!

That, the man who had a short marriage with her!

That year, Blair Elijah, these simple three words, like a ferocious animal, completely tore her to pieces.

Among the crowd, he leaned lazily on the leather sofa, standing very casual, but his temperament was still extraordinary. A European-style dark suit is on the body, making his tall and taller body more upright, permeating a kind of upper-class elegance.

His handsome face is slightly sideways, his eyes are narrow, with a bit of playfulness, under the tall bridge of the nose, there is a slight smile between his sexy thin lips. At this moment, he is looking down and focusing on the sofa. The charming and beautiful woman talked about something fun, which made the girl laugh out loud from time to time.

In the memory of Hazel, the man named Blair Elijah is not a person who is good at telling jokes! But five years, if it is long or short, it is enough to successfully baptize a person, like him and her!

Until the moment when Manager Ronnie led her into the villa, finally, Blair Elijah’s conversation with the girl stopped.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he ran into the woman who was walking in with Ronnie.

Elijah’s eyes did not show half ripples, as if there was not even a trace of stunningness. He only stared at her faintly, with indifferent waves in his eyes.

Hazel was staring at him, and she felt like she couldn’t move an inch. At that moment, even her breathing seemed to become depressed.

Yes! She should have known long ago, how could the city’s top official businessmen lack Blair Elijah?

“Yo!, Manager Ronnie, I said why I saw people this time! It turned out that there were beautiful women to accompany me, so I couldn’t bear to come over!” At the card table, Owen turned his head towards them, teasing Ronnie jokingly.

“Owen, don’t make fun of someone my age!” Ronnie replied with a smile, and hurriedly introduced Hazel to everyone, “This is a newly recruited employee from our public relations department. Allison Hazel will pay back later. I hope you can take more care of your, young masters!”

“It’s easy to say! The successor of Manager Ronnie, everyone has to show some face, right, Young Master Blair?” Mateo asked silently Blair Elijah.

“En.” Elijah snorted in response, but his eyes fell on Hazel’s body as if he could burn her out of a hole.

Seeing this trend, Ronnie hurriedly said with a smile, “Smile, this is the boss of Silverbell Real Estate, the mayor’s son Blair Elijah, Master Blair!”

“President Blair, I would like to take care of you in the future.” Smiled with a smile, pretending to be generous and stretched out her hand as if to shake hands with him.

Of course, Blair Elijah just glanced indifferently at the slender jade hand she stretched out, and smiled coolly, “Sorry, Miss Allison, I…have a cleanliness!”

In a word, Hazel showed embarrassment but quickly recovered.

Yes! She almost forgot the nasty nature of this man!

“It’s okay!” Hazel smiled gracefully, and calmly retracted her right hand.

On the other hand, Blair Elijah had already started chatting with the girl beside him, as if he was not even interested in the existence of Hazel.

Hazel only glanced at the warm-hearted ones faintly, then forced herself to withdraw her gaze.

Then, Ronnie introduced other brothers to Hazel one after another.

After a few rounds, Hazel got acquainted with them. Everyone clamored and started another mahjong table. The man who asked Paisley to squat and sat on the table, forced to help, Hazel had to bite the bullet. Play two with them.

The poker table officially started the game. Although Hazel played a little absent-mindedly, the situation seemed to be on her side.

“No way! Smile, you have such an evil hand, shouldn’t it be a red hand!” Paisley smiled dumbly and smiled scornfully.

Hazel was instantly blushed by her words, not because her question was too straightforward, but because the damn man who broke her red flower happened to be there!

“Paisley, don’t play mahjong and go on the sidelines! Give one to Aaliyah!”

She doesn’t know when, Blair Elijah walked over with Aaliyah in his arms, and patted Paisley from behind, beckoning her to give up her seat.

Seeing that Blair Elijah had a rare interest in participating, Paisley hurriedly got up and gave up her seat.

Hazel felt her scalp numb, and couldn’t help but glance at Blair Elijah, who was only half a meter away from her, but unexpectedly, Elijah’s eyes happened to crash into his dark abyss.

His eye pool, like a strong hurricane, is enough to absorb people deeply, and she cannot extricate herself from it!

Hazel was stunned for a few seconds, and then returned to her senses. She stopped opening her eyes, but the heart pond was still startled by a faint ripple, which shook her uneasy heartstring at the moment.

“Aaliyah, you just fight, the money you win is yours, the money you lose is mine!” Blair Elijah smiled charmingly, picked up a chair, and sat down beside Aaliyah.

“Young Master Blair is considerate and generous to his own woman!!” Owen at the other table did not forget to tease Blair Elijah here.

Hazel frowned and threw a card out indiscriminately, only to feel that after Aaliyah came to the table, even the surrounding air seemed to reveal an irritating factor.


While Hazel was still in a daze, she suddenly heard Aaliyah whisper, and Hazel gave her a shot.

In the second round, Hazel was more attentive, perhaps because of the rivalry between women. Hazel secretly didn’t want to lose to this woman.

“Aaliyah, this can’t be beaten.” a deep voice tinged with magnetism, sounded in Aaliyah’s ear.

It’s Blair Elijah!

The slender fingers gently took the card that Aaliyah was about to play, put it aside, turned around, and drew a card from the middle of the card, and dropped it outside, “Ninety thousand.”

He can’t afford to smile, continue to draw cards.

It’s strange to say that after a round of play, Hazel didn’t get any cards, and the hands were still messy.

This round was her next game. The moment Aaliyah spread out the cards in her hand, smiled and woke up in an instant. All the cards she wanted were picked up by her upper family, Blair Elijah, toward the military division. No one fell in his hands.

This man was not going to make her feel better.

Hazel was already very interested, and Blair Elijah would be cold attacked by this, and she became more and more distracted. It was just because of the manager’s face, but she had to continue to spend time with these young men at the table.

As she can imagine, she lost terribly.

“Come on, drink for the loser!” After the end of the spectator, Paisley brought a glass of schadenfreude.

At this time, Manager Ronnie approached Hazel and said in a low voice, “Smile, go to the bar for Blair Elijah! I don’t know if this young master has been deviled today, or if I am too sensitive, I always think he seems to treat you well. Prejudiced!”

Without prejudice, how could Blair Elijah, who has always been a gentleman, embarrass a woman so much at the poker table? To say that Blair Elijah didn’t mean it, Ronnie didn’t believe it.

“He is a big customer of our club. In the future, if you take my class, you can’t offend him, otherwise, the road will not be easy in the future!” Ronnie wanted to hold her.

“Okay…” Hazel bit her lip and nodded. As the manager’s right-hand man, she has no reason to refuse this point.

Smiling with a half glass of red wine, she walked towards Blair Elijah standing in the middle of the crowd.

“President Blair, I toast you a cup.”

Blair Elijah turned around, his eyes were filled with a wave of indifference, and if there was a seemingly nonexistent tick at the corner of his lips, “Why?”

He took a deep breath without a smile, and he had to admit that after five years of not seeing her, the man’s powerful aura continued unabated.

“Mr. Blair, just make friends!” Smiling calmly, showing a row of clean and beautiful teeth.

The sunny and charming smile is the most powerful weapon that Hazel has used for so many years.

“Friend?” Blair Elijah raised his sword eyebrows exaggeratedly, and a sneer chuckled between his sexy thin lips, “Then we have to see if Miss Allison is qualified to be my friend!

While talking, Blair Elijah opened his long legs, walked slowly to the table, elegantly picked up a cup of Maotai on the table, and handed it to the opposite smile, the corners of his thin lips were still like nothing but nothing. Chuckles, “Miss Allison, your sincerity… is all here!”

It means that as much as she drinks, she is sincere.

He smiled for a moment, his water eyes flickered, passing by for a few moments of amazement, but he came back quickly.

He is deliberately embarrassing her! Because, five years ago, she would get drunk when she touched alcohol!

Chapter 226

However, he did not know that five years…enough to change a person, too much! Now, what is this glass of spirits worth to her?

Ronnie watched from the side, did not dare to stop, but could only do anxiously for Hazel. He was very surprised. Why did he come here to embarrass such a weak girl like her?

“Mr. Blair, smile first!”

Perhaps it was because she didn’t want to admit defeat in front of this man, so she didn’t hesitate to raise her glass, and when she raised her head, the whole glass of Maotai was consumed by her with pride.

Maotai was very fierce, and it went around Hazel’s lips and tongue, and burned her throat, as a hot blade swept across her throat fiercely. It was painful and spicy, and it burned her almost to tears.

“Smile, are you okay?” Manager Ronnie came over to help her with a worried face.

“Relax, manager, I’m fine!” Hazel smiled knowingly but only felt that everything in front of her was already dizzy.

In front of her, more than a dozen Blair Elijah’s sullen and stinky faces were swaying, making her dizzy and uncomfortable.

“She seems to be drunk…” Owen’s voice sounded in Hazel’s ear.

“I’m not drunk…” Smiled and waved, but she staggered unconsciously.

“Laughing? Laughing?” Manager Ronnie raised his eyebrows, patted the already drunk and red face, “This girl, she doesn’t know how to drink and she can’t support it! Hey, it looks like someone has to take her back first!”

With that, Ronnie took out his cell phone and prepared to call the driver of the club.

“I’ll send her!”

Among the crowd, Blair Elijah, whose face had been volatile, suddenly made a noise.

In the low voice, there was a kind of domineering that was hard to refuse. Amidst the repeated exclamations of everyone, he walked over and bypassed Ronnie, holding on to the crooked smile.

Everyone was surprised.

Ronnie was even more puzzled. He didn’t know which Blair was singing, but he was rushing to do it both in black and white! Want to attract a girl’s attention is not enough to use this method?

“I don’t want you to send me!!”

Hazel suddenly played a little temper because of drinking alcohol. She pushed hard against Blair Elijah’s strong fitness body, “Blair Elijah, you go away! I’m not familiar with you!!!”

“Unfamiliar?” Blair Elijah raised a pair of thick eyebrows dangerously, but his tall body still stood in place, motionless.

Cold fingers propped up her flushed cheeks, and stared at her coldly like gnashing her teeth, “What does it take to be familiar? Married, the bed, and unfortunately a man who broke through your safflower, isn’t it? Known?”

Blair Elijah’s words, like a time bomb, exploded in the entire villa with a bang.

The story goes back to five years ago, the wedding night-


The sound of the lights rang in the empty bedroom.

The dark bedroom was instantly brightly lit.

The bed squinted and smiled for a second, then opened her eyes, and the phoenix eyes, which were holding water, swept across the door subconsciously.

A long black figure, especially slightly drunk, stood lazily leaning against the door frame.

The faint eyes seemed to shine with a dangerous light, half-squinted like a falcon, staring at her on the bed urgently, the scorching feeling, as if to burn her alive.

“Came back?”

She stared at him like a thorn on her back, smiled and picked up a small smile, and asked him softly.

She quickly lifted the quilt and got out of the bed, and walked into the bathroom with bare feet, “must be exhausted today? I will help you with water and take a bath first!

Blair Elijah pressed his thin lips tightly without speaking, and followed her shadow into the bathroom, his charming eyes half-squinted, staring at her unscrupulously.

In the bathroom, water mist, like a tulle, enveloped her petite figure, her long black hair pouring down like a waterfall, softly scattered on her attractive back, and a few tiny bits of it. The hair, with the movement between her hands, leaped sexily on her fragrant and soft jade shoulders, teasing Blair Elijah’s desire to gain momentum.

Undoubtedly, this woman is beautiful, sexy, and charming. Her sultry index is enough to describe the word ‘fairy’.

But this kind of woman is not his favorite!

Eros, a little bit faded in the dark eyes, was replaced by indifference and alienation.

“Allison Hazel, what is your purpose in marrying me?”

Smiling raised her head, the misty water eyes looked at him in surprise.

“If it’s love, I advise you not to bother about it…” His tone was extraordinarily indifferent.

The pretty smiled eyebrows frowned, and she reminded him lightly, “You want to marry me.”

“Yes! But I don’t like too complicated things! Especially feelings… So, I remind you in advance, Allison Hazel, don’t fall in love with me, and don’t expect that one day I will fall in love with you!!”

The dark pupils gleamed under the warm yellow light, but they were so cold that there was no trace of temperature and no trace of affection.

Hazel tried the hand of the water temperature, froze slightly, and looked at him with dim eyes, “What about you? Since you don’t love, what is the purpose of marrying me?”

To her question, Blair Elijah didn’t answer, his deep eyes fixedly looked at her, but he said, “I hope we can get the marriage we need, and it can last for a while…”

A period of time?

Hazel was slightly startled, and there was a dull pain in her heart.

A period of time, does it mean that sooner or later there will be a divorce between them?

“Let’s take a shower first! The smell of alcohol on your body is a bit pungent.”

Smiled and got up, spared Blair Elijah, and went out of the bathroom.

As she passed by, Hazel smelled a feminine perfume, elegant and noble, like the faint vanilla, fresh and unique.

It was already half an hour after Blair Hazel came out of the bathroom.

When he just came out of the bath, he simply wrapped his strong lower body with a bath towel, and the neat and strong muscles on his chest showed no doubt for a while, and the wheat-sorrel skin became more and more charming against the yellow light. When he put on his handsome face, which seemed to be finely pecking, he smiled silly every second.

“Have you seen enough?”

Blair Elijah asked a cold question before suddenly letting the smile come back. The next second, her cheeks were flushed like a young girl.

“I’ll get you a hairdryer.” As she said, she smiled and jumped out of the quilt, and ran to the cloakroom with bare feet.

“No need.” Blair Elijah refused in a deep voice, and his dark eyes glanced deeply at her big bed, frowned slightly, and turned around to go out.

“It’s so late, still not going to bed?” Smiling stood at the door of the cloakroom, looking at him in astonishment.

Blair Elijah paused and looked back at her, “Are you planning to live in the same room with me?”

The sexy thin lips moved coolly, and after a while, he raised his eyebrows and sneered, “Allison Hazel, don’t you think I’ll touch a woman I don’t love at all?”

“Sorry, I have a hobby!”

Indifferent and contemptuous words overflowed from between his cold lips and hit the most vulnerable part of Hazel’s heart.

Hazel’s eyes dimmed in an instant, and the sour ripples expanded in her heart…

“Okay, whatever you want…”

She smiled and answered softly, only to realize that her voice was so weak.

With her permission, Blair Elijah turned around and went out of the bedroom without any nostalgia, leaving nothing but a smile and standing there dazedly.

Originally, the bedroom that was finally warmed up became extremely cold in an instant…

Probably, they are the only couples who sleep in separate rooms on the first day of marriage!

Hazel didn’t understand. Since he doesn’t love her, why does he insist on marrying her? Even, despite the strong opposition of his father, Lord Mayor?

She can’t understand this man more and more! Or, in fact, never understood.

On this day, after getting off work, Hazel bought a lot of ingredients and prepared to go home to cook a great dinner for Blair Elijah.

After struggling in the hall for a long time, Hazel finally plucked up the courage to dial Blair Elijah’s phone.

“Hello?” A familiar low voice came from the other end of the phone, “Who is it?”

“It’s me…” The smiling breath stopped for a second.

He still didn’t save her number. She remembered that she had called him two times before marriage.

“Something?” His tone became indifferent.

“When will you…about home?”

At the other end, he seemed to be stunned for a second when she asked him questions, and it took a while to reply to her, “Immediately.”

“Toot toot…” The phone was hung up by the man on the other end.

But Hazel was holding the phone and smirked silly at the screen that was still on.

Only halfway through the meal, Blair Elijah returned, Hazel quickly turned off the fire, washed her hands, took off her apron, and went to the hall to meet him.

“It’s early to come back, isn’t it cold outside?”

Hazel cared about him while taking off his heavy windbreaker.

“I’ll do it myself!” Blair Elijah gave her an indifferent look and faintly blocked her diligence.

He is very uncomfortable with the feeling of having more hands beside him suddenly!

“Okay!” Hazel spread her hands and didn’t care too much.

A strong smell of oily smoke permeated the entire hall, making Blair Elijah frowned in disgust, “Are you cooking?”

“Yeah!” With a smile, the two cute dimples on the corners of the lips also flashed and flashed, “It will be well soon, you rest for a while, and later will let you see my good craftsmanship.”

“I’m not interested!” Blair Elijah refused coldly, his eyes were biting, and warned, “Immediately clean the kitchen! And in this room…” Blair Elijah covered his nose with disgust, “You want the whole is the smell of oily smoke all over the room? Allison Hazel, let me remind you again, I hate this kind of smell very much, I am obsessed with cleanliness, and, in this house, cooking is not allowed!!”

This is not a reminder, but an order!!!

Hazel, the smile that hadn’t faded in the future, because his few cold words were already stiff.

“A home that doesn’t cook is still like a home?” The question with a smile was light, but the attitude was firm.

“Home? Allison Hazel, we are just married!” Blair Elijah kindly reminded her that he laughed too deeply, and even before she could return to her senses, a document had already been left in front of her.

“Look, I signed it.”

A decisive sentence, as if there is no second way to choose.

“What is it?” Smiled and frowned, fingers stiffly picked up the file on the coffee table, not yet opened, but inexplicably had a bad premonition in her heart.

“Post-nuptial agreement!”

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