Her Eternal Mr Right Chapter 13 – 14

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Chapter 13

On the way back, Jamie Ye was still a little confused. Alexa Xiao’s remuneration for the recording made her very excited. She also said that if the ratings were good, she would add more money. If this is the case, isn’t she going to make a fortune?

Tens of thousands of dollars are related to the word. It sounds a little hopeless, but it is really a great thing for Jamie Ye.

Now that her uncle is sick, she must prepare a lot of money. She has just been fired and has no means of living. If this reality show guest can really make money, she must have the next step.

When the car stopped at the entrance of the alley, Jamie Ye hurriedly got out of the car carrying the documents, and was stopped by the entrance of the alley. Roy Qin looked at her with a snobbery look with his hands in his pockets.

“Jamie! I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

“Wait for me?” Jamie Ye was not angry.

She did not wear black-framed eyes, her eyes were very fluid, and her voice was not as slow as usual. She changed a person completely. Roy Qin liked it tightly, and her face was shy: “I have something to say to you,”

While she was speaking, he stretched out her hand and pulled Jamie Ye. Jamie Ye was startled and she threw away his hand like a reflex: “Roy Qin, what do you want to do?”

Roy Qin immediately grabbed her hand again: “I really have something to tell you!”

“I don’t want to hear you, Roy Qin, you let me go!”

“I won’t let it go!” Roy Qin’s eldest master had a temper, and he dragged Jamie Ye away regardless.

Jamie Ye raised her hand to his face angrily, and he received a slap. He was prepared, so he instantly grabbed Jamie Ye’s hand.

She couldn’t get rid of it, and was dragged by Roy Qin in the direction of her car.

Jamie Ye had no idea that he would be so shameless, and immediately called for help: “Help!”

A passerby stopped and looked over. Roy Qin was not afraid at all, and smiled at the passer-by: “My girlfriend! I made her angry in the morning.”

When people saw Roy Qin’s attire, he looked like a noble, not like a disciple. In addition, he is handsome, and Jamie Ye is beautiful and beautiful. The two are too close now.

Seeing Roy Qin drag her to the car, Jamie Ye got angry, lowered her head and bit on Roy Qin’s hand viciously. Roy Qin didn’t expect her to be so cruel, and suddenly let go of her pain.

Jamie Ye turned around and ran, Roy Qin’s hands were full of blood, and he grinned with pain, “This woman is so cruel!”

He said that he wanted to chase after her, with a harsh brake sound, he turned his head, Juan Mu sat in the car and stared at him for an instant.

They are all people with a face, and it’s a bit of a shame for Roy Qin to be looked at by Juan Mu like this. An awkward smile: “Why is Mu doing here?”

Juan Mu smiled, “Roy Qin, is this?”

“You saw me and i won’t hide it from you. Women are stingy. She asked me to accompany her last night. Didn’t I have any business? I didn’t accompany her. She became angry. I came to apologize bluntly, but I didn’t get it. The cruel creatures”

This was harsh to Juan Mu’s ears, and he smiled coldly: “Roy Qin is really passionate?”

“Everywhere, other people are acting on the spot, this is what moved my heart, and I will introduce you to you another day.”

“Ticked?” Juan Mu’s eyes flashed with danger, his hands clenched unnaturally, “Roy Qin’s taste is getting worse and worse?”

“Is it bad? I think it’s pretty good? I don’t know how many times I played with beautiful women. Isn’t she a little bit more beautiful than Mr. Mu, your secretary daughter, right?” Roy Qin smiled, but invisibly Juan Mu was lost.

“Haha!” Juan Mu sneered, “I’m afraid that Juan Mu will lose out.”

These words changed Roy Qin’s face. He and Juan Mu had no grievances and no grudges. What was the reason for him to come and ridicule like this? His hands hurt so badly that he didn’t want to fight with Juan Mu.I got bit so badly so I have to go to the hospital to bandage it to prevent infection!”

Watching Roy Qin’s car go away, Juan Mu slammed a fist on the steering wheel, and it was shameless that the watery woman hooked up with Roy Qin so quickly!

Chapter 14

Jamie Ye packed up her things and went back to the hospital. She took out the information Alexa Xiao gave her and started to look carefully. This reality match show is similar to the popular domestic dating show If You Are the One and the American dating show Bachelor.

Twenty-five women of various occupations and ages stood on the stage, but they all appeared wearing masks. They explained their hobbies, characters, beliefs, and their views on love, marriage and family one by one, and then sat down. The male guest below selects the female guest on the stage for the first call.

If the female guest is interested in the male guest below, ask three questions to the male guest. If the male guest’s answer satisfies the female guest, the female guest can take off the mask and proceed to the next step. Otherwise, there is no need to take off the mask.

Jamie Ye finally understood why Alexa Xiao said that the money was easy to earn. She was just running the hall, so naturally she would not be interested in the male guests in the audience, and naturally she didn’t need to take off her mask.

It seemed that she wouldn’t be able to earn the money. She picked up the phone and called Alexa Xiao, “I read the information.”

“How? Is this money easy to earn?”

“looks great!”

“It’s not that, it’s really good. If you don’t make a profit, you just make the first period of money. If it gets hot, you will still make it.” Alexa Xiao was confident, “I tell you, The sponsors I have got are all top companies. By the way, the person surnamed Mu also agreed to sponsor. You and the person surnamed Mu have been together for these years. You should know him well. What he likes is impossible not to make money.”

This is the truth. Juan Mu’s vision of making money is not overshadowed. It’s just that Jamie Ye was hesitant after hearing that Juan Mu also sponsored. She didn’t want to get involved with Juan Mu at all. Alexa Xiao naturally guessed Jamie Ye’s Mind , “Don’t worry, the surname Mu won’t have time to follow such a show.”

Alexa Xiao was right. She is poor and earning nothing. If there is such a chance, why not do it. She gritted her teeth and said, “Alexa Xiao, I will take this show!”

“That’s right.” Alexa Xiao did not expect that she would agree so readily, “You come over tomorrow and sign the contract first.”

That’s what happened, and Jamie Ye rushed to the TV station the next morning to sign the contract. The first episode of the reality show blind date program will be recorded for 20 times. She can make a fortune if there is no accident. By then, the medical expenses of the uncle will be reduced, but the kidney source is a problem.

The doctor said that uncle’s condition could not be delayed and that the source of the kidney must be found as soon as possible. She had no way to find the source of the kidney.

Jamie Ye thought about going back to the hospital, and unexpectedly ran into Roy Qin at the gate of the hospital, and Roy Qin greeted her again when he saw her eyes glowing.

“Jamie, why are you here? Sick?”

“Does it have anything to do with you?”

“It doesn’t matter. You are my assistant. The boss cares about the assistant. Come. If you feel unwell, I will accompany you to the doctor.”

While talking in his mouth, he stretched out his hand to pull Jamie Ye, and Jamie Ye threw it away: “What are you doing with your hands?”

“I’m kind to help you? Obedient!”

Jamie Ye was angry when he saw his rogue appearance, “I tell you Roy Qin, I have resigned, if you harass me like this, don’t blame me!”

“What do you want?”

“I’ll go and break the ugly things about your playing with women, Mr. Qin doesn’t care, when the time comes…”

These words changed Roy Qin’s face suddenly, and Jamie Ye pushed him away and strode straight to the inpatient department.

Roy Qin stood where Mimi’s eyes flashed, and he pulled the door to get into the car. When starting the car, he picked up his mobile phone and called assistant Taylor Zang: “Go and check what Jamie Ye is doing in the hospital. The sooner the better. !”

Taylor Zang moved quickly, and the results were found within a few hours. Hearing that Jamie Ye’s uncle Andre Ye was hospitalized and needed a kidney transplant, Roy Qin frowned and picked up the phone to call Jamie Ye.

The phone was broken in the past, he continued to dial, more than ten times, and finally answered on the other end, Jamie Ye said coldly, “Roy Qin, what are you going to do?”

“Give you half an hour to meet me at the Hotel, otherwise…”

“Your brain is convulsed, right?” Jamie Ye interrupt him angrily.

“If you don’t want your uncle’s kidney source, Tell me then!”

These words made Jamie Ye soften suddenly: “Roy Qin, do you really have a kidney source?”

“What did you say? I’ll give you half an hour, hurry up!” The phone snapped and hung up.

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