Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 756 – 758

Read Chapter 756 – 758 of the novel Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO free online.

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Chapter 756

Castle in the Dark Mountains

Jasmine Tong was imprisoned in the dungeon, and she looked at the pitch-black place in despair.

Burt said he wanted Albert Ou to trade their child for his freedom, would Albert Ou really do that?

No, it wouldn’t, Albert Ou had always said that Sanzo had traded his life for his own, he would never do that, he’d think of something else better.

Jasmine Tong clasped her hands together in silent prayer.

In the conference room Bute and his three sons discuss the big plan.

“Father, I don’t quite understand what you want Albert Ou’s child to do Albert Ou is already only half vampire blood, even if his child was born before he was unsealed, then his child is only a quarter vampire blood and doesn’t seem to be of much use to us.”

Viron was very confused as to why Bute had made this exchange.

But Butt looked so sure of himself, “Haven’t you noticed that we never have children in our vampire world?”

The three brothers were all stunned, and on second thought that was true, the vampire world had never had children, Daisy was the youngest transformer, and had been seventeen years old.

“That’s why,”

“Vampires had lived very comfortably for a time since they started living in seclusion away from the human world, until a child came along, a vampire couple who found the long vampire life so boring that they wanted a child of their own and transformed a child with a serious illness into a vampire.”

Butt’s eyes began to deepen, a history that was dusted off.

“The couple did their best to raise the child and teach him the rules of survival in the vampire world, but the child was a child, he was immature and even a bit rebellious, and after an argument with the couple, he killed them.”

The three brothers were shocked to hear this.

“Kill your own parents.”

“Yes, he killed his parents in the vampire world, our adult powers are controllable, but children’s powers are uncontrollable, they don’t have a mature mind yet to face their own powerful energies, often deadly when they strike.”

Bute seems to be very happy with it all.

“The child’s appearance was nothing short of extinction for the vampire, he not only killed his parents, but even all the vampires in the village, and no one was a match for him.”

“Wouldn’t he, then,”

“Because of killing his parents, he knows so little about the vampire world, and his parents haven’t been able to tell him that vampires aren’t invincible, they have a natural enemy, and that enemy is the white wolf.He took it upon himself to break into the Savara Forest and try to tame a white wolf to become his pet, and he was eaten by the white wolf.”

Burt sighed grudgingly, “Only since then has the catastrophe of the vampire world ceased.”

“That’s amazing, are that many vampires no match for one child” Bruce thought ridiculous.

“When this child first became a vampire, knowing that he was alive and had great power he began to take revenge on the people he was born with, because his years of illness had kept him ridiculed and very dark inside, and the first thing he did when he became a vampire was to begin an act of revenge.”

Boot continued his story: “He drained the blood of the little ones who laughed at him, and the nurses who used to give him injections in the hospital, and the doctors who reprimanded him, and he spared none of them, replenishing them with fresh blood, and his energy was immensely powerful.”

“It’s horrible.”

“Because of that he also caused a panic in the human world, but luckily his vampire parents took him just in time, otherwise the humans would have found out about him.”

Mature adults who transform into vampires think they have been reborn into another world, while immature children are more likely to go down the wrong path because they are less able to understand things.

“Then peace was restored to the vampire world, so everyone made a law requiring that the vampires who transformed had to be at least seventeen years old, and no one ever dared to transform children again.”

“But Albert Ou’s child is only a quarter vampire, his energy is all unknown, and even if he did have superhuman energy, would we necessarily be able to control it,” Severn offered a different opinion of his own.

“Children can be taught, his children have never experienced life or death and are still young, everything can be taught, Albert Ou had special abilities before he lifted the seal, and this special ability must have been given to his children.”

Butt seemed very sure about this.

Severn didn’t continue to argue down, hoping everything was right.

Aye Valley

It had been a few days since Daisy had sent Albert Ou back to Aiya, and she was still late in returning, as she was the one who had sent Albert Ou back, and both Muranyi and Osei had been very kind to it.

High up in the sycamore tree, Daisy sat looking out over the distance, the view of Aie Valley was beautiful, so much better than Mount Diablo, but unfortunately this was her second visit and she hadn’t even appreciated it properly the first time around.

Yarwen Tong jumped up from under the tree to the trunk.

“What are you looking at?”

“It’s nothing, I just think you Aie Valley is beautiful, I haven’t seen such a beautiful view in a long time.”

This time, Daisy gave Yarwen Tong a gentler feeling, not as overbearing as before.

“The view of Aie Valley is absolutely the most beautiful in the entire vampire world, and you know why” Tong sat on Daisy’s side of the table.


“Because the vampires here are good-hearted and never fight the world.”

Daisy heard this without saying anything.

“Anyway, thank you.”

“I’m not helping you, I’m helping myself.”

“Help yourself” Yarwen Tong didn’t understand Daisy’s words.

“It was that demon, he killed me he killed me if it wasn’t for him I could have lived a full life, you’re right, vampires are nothing good, living each day over and over again, day after day, year after year.He’s the one who ruined me and is using me as a pawn.”

Daisy’s eyes were filled with hatred, “I will not allow his plans to succeed, I will destroy whatever he wants to get.”

Daisy told Tong what she had read in her diary.

Yarwen Tong suddenly felt sympathy for this girl in front of him.

“So what are your plans now?”

“Haven’t thought about it yet.”It was precisely because she hadn’t thought about it that she stayed here, otherwise she was the one who felt ashamed to stay in Aiya.

“Might as well you stay here.”

Chapter 757

“Stay here” Daisy turned to look at Tong.

“Yeah, stay here, I thought you just said it was beautiful, I think you’ve only gotten a few tenths of the beauty of the place, there are more beautiful places.”

Daisy averted her eyes back, “Forget it, what’s wrong with me staying here I used to be the laughing stock of the place, stay and continue to be the butt of ridicule?”

“The people here won’t laugh at you, they’re all very kind here and I thought you said you were going to get your revenge, my father will find a way to get my sister out of there and there’s bound to be a bad fight then.”

Daisy’s lips turned up wickedly, “You bad boy, you want me to stay and help you get Jasmine Tong out”

“It’s not all about my sister.”

“Then what are you for?”

Tong stood up and looked down at Daisy with a very intent look.

“Go ahead and guess then, stay or leave as you wish.”Yarwen Tong jumped down with a light leap.

Daisy found this young man interesting, she hadn’t observed him properly before, she had said he was very handsome when her sisters La La was here, but unfortunately at that time she had never taken her eyes off Albert Ou’s body and hadn’t paid attention to him.

He was typically oriental, along with those beautiful vampire blue eyes, the cleanest vampire eyes she’d ever seen.

Well, she’d stay, then, for the handsome young man.

A plane was heading towards the Aie Valley, it had already landed in several places to fill up with fuel so it could set off again, it was too far to travel after all.

The first time on the plane all the way to cheerful SanSan now also wilted, after all, the plane space is limited, go too hasty, the cold owl only prepared some toys to him.

San San just get on the plane when still jubilant to death, the whole is a hundred thousand reasons why, after all, he is the first time to fly, before seeing but never fly.

The freshness passed within a few days.

San San lay down on the seat and yawned, the cold lord had been a serious face.

“Uncle, when are we getting off the plane?”

The cold lord turned his face to cover San San with the blanket on his body, “Soon.”

“How did my daddy mummy go on such a long trip ugh it’s so unnerving.”

San San’s words made the Cold Lords smile.

“Sansan, be patient a little longer, you’ll be able to meet your grandparents and your uncle when you get off the plane.”

“What are grandparents uncle and what can I eat?”

San San, a snack, had nothing to eat on the plane at all, and all he brought was instant food, which he had long since gotten tired of, and now that his stomach was deflated, he couldn’t really eat anything on the plane.

“Grandparents are your dad and mommy, and uncle is your mommy’s brother.”

Ever since San San had no memory, his grandparents and uncle had disappeared from his life, and since he couldn’t see them later, simply Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong were never mentioned again.

“Oh” San San let out a long “Oh”, “I seem to remember oh.”

The Leng Lords looked at San San in amazement, how could he remember?

“How do you remember what you remember?”

“Can’t quite remember.”San San shook his head again.

The cold lord laughed probably just a child talking nonsense.

It was already midnight when the plane arrived in the Aie Valley, and at that time the little one was already sleeping heavily, and it was the cold owl who took him down from the plane.

Ou Sheng, Molanyi and Yarwen Tong were all awake waiting for the plane to arrive, but it’s always a comfort to be reunited.

“It’s so nice to see how big the little guy has grown, he looks exactly like Ono did when he was little.”Muranyi smiled from ear to ear and picked up San San from the Cold Lords’ arms.

“I’ll hold it.”A voice came from behind, and everyone looked towards the door as Albert Ou stumbled out.

Bruce’s force was so great that Albert Ou’s face was covered in gauze and he broke two ribs.

“You’d better not hug it, it hurts.”

“This is my son.”Albert Ou forcibly snatched Sanzo from Muranui’s arms, wondering since when his son had become so heavy.

Albert Ou staggered at his sleeping face and carried him back to his bedroom.

He put him to bed with the pain and tucked him in.

“Ono, you’re badly hurt, what if the little guy kicks you in the middle of the night or let him go to our room” Murray walked in.

“No, Mom, you go to bed, I need to rest too.”

Murray knew Albert Ou had something on his mind and went back to his bedroom without saying anything more.

Albert Ou was lying on San San’s side, and the brat hadn’t even woken up after all this commotion.

This is his son, his son with Jasmine Tong.

He reached out and touched his fleshy little face, a fair little face with no expression on it, he’d never gazed at him like that before, and now he really did look like himself, like a smaller version of himself.

He suddenly marveled at how great life really was, that it was possible to add another self to the world.

Albert Ou leaned in to Sanzo’s face and placed a soft k!ss on his little cheek.

He had always seen Jasmine Tong so pro-son before, but he had never done so.

San San was awakened by the sound of birds chirping in front of the windowsill in the morning, chattering very irritable, he rubbed his eyes and sat up on the windowsill to watch the birds, here the birds are not afraid of people are not flying away, but very curiously watching him.

Then the bird flew away, and only then did San San notice that she was sleeping next to her own father.

He stared at the man for a long moment and noticed that his beard was growing again.

Albert Ou opened his eyes the two of them looked at me and me at you, neither of them spoke at first.

“Where’s mommy? “San San had never slept alone with Albert Ou, as if he wasn’t quite used to it, and he rarely spent time alone with Albert Ou either, the most he said to him was “Where’s mommy?”.

“Go somewhere else.”

“Where did it go?”

“You’ll be able to see her in a few days.”


San San saw the gauze tied to Albert Ou’s chest and the gauze taped to his face, and he pointed with his finger.

“You’re hurt,”


“Does it hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt.”

“You lie, the last time I cut my finger with scissors and bled that little bit it hurt.”

“Sansan, you’re a man, and men aren’t supposed to cry out in pain, even if it hurts a lot, and tell people it doesn’t.”

Sansan blinked his big eyes a few times, bright as morning, and his eyes flashed with a hint of confusion.

“But Mummy says I’m a child, I’m a little boy, not a man.”

“You’ll be a man when you’re away from Daddy and Mommy.”

“All right then.”

Chapter 758

The tone of the conversation between father and son was very flat, no one had an expression or tone of voice.

They looked at each other, and even Sansan, a three-year-old, could sense the awkward atmosphere between them.

“Get up, you can play here for three days, and after that I’ll take you to see Mummy.”

Even though Albert Ou said “play”, the little guy didn’t feel happy at all, because his father felt like he was being tortured when he said the word “play”.

Albert Ou touched San San’s head finally smiling kindly, “Don’t you want to fly your grandfather can do it, he can also send you to a high tree and put the deer for you to ride, there’s a lot of fun here.”

San San’s eyes glazed over as he listened, “Really?”

Albert Ou nodded and sat up and took Sanzo out of bed, washing him with difficulty and cleaning him up before sending him out.

Murray was already waiting outside, “Sonny, you’re awake, let Grandma take a look.”

San San tilted her little head to look at the déjà vu woman in front of her, “Are you my grandmother? You look so young.”

“And do you like young grandmothers” Murray crouched down to look at the eccentric little man.

“Oh, I remember I’ve seen you before and your cooking is terrible.”

San San finished his words Albert Ou and Murray were all stunned.

How could he have known that Murray was a terrible cook?

“How do you know Grandma’s cooking is bad?”

“I just know, I don’t know how I know I’m so hungry the plane is so bad I don’t know if your cooking is bad or the food on the plane is bad”

Murray didn’t pursue the matter any further leading San San’s men upstairs and into the restaurant.

It’s true that she doesn’t cook well, and she can aggravate her husband and son, but she is the only one who doesn’t want to aggravate her little grandson, who deliberately went to someone’s house in the morning and asked someone to make it.

San San looked at the adorable smiley face potato pancakes as well as the cereal porridge with an appetite, and Osei was sitting across from him.

“Just like his father.”

Sansan heard the speaker this turned his attention to his opposite side, “And who are you.”

“I’m your grandfather,”

“I remember you too you always had a mean face” said Sanji as she ate her focaccia.

In the meantime, did this little guy hear it from Albert Ou from Albert Ou?

“My daddy says you can make me fly and send me to the trees and ride deer, is that true?”

San San stared at Ou Sheng despite the man looking fierce, he felt nothing to be afraid of.

Muranyi and Osei looked at each other, they thought that Albert Ou wouldn’t tell Sansan this, after all, Sansan would definitely have to stay away from the vampire world in the future, he was starting to have memories now, and for that reason they had been pretending that they were human to keep from revealing their vampire nature to cause Sansan’s suspicions.

“You can play with him later.”Albert Ou came down the stairs.

Neither of them knew what kind of drug Albert Ou was selling, but since they both said so, Ousheng didn’t refuse.

After breakfast, he took San San out to play and was simply stunned when he made the branches extend infinitely.

“Geez, it’s just like in the cartoon hey, it turns out the cartoon acted real.”

The branches extended indefinitely binding his small arms and legs and carrying him into the air.

“Wow I’m going to fly hahaha, so happy, I can fly”

Everyone laughed at San San’s happy face.

Yarwen Tong carried San San and flew from one big tree to another, making San San scream and scream, it was so exciting, he felt like he was dreaming.

Osei also got the deer to take San San through the jungle.

The cold lord went to Albert Ou’s room, where Albert Ou was standing in front of the window seemingly with something on his mind.

“What did you want me to bring him here for? “Although the Cold Lords had roughly guessed, they still wanted to be sure.

“Butt wants me to trade him for Jasmine.”

Same as he thought.

“You’ve made up your mind.”

“I have no other choice, what about the company”

Albert Ou turned to the Cold Lords and he changed the subject.

“Quite well, there’s really no other way” the cold owl saw Albert Ou this injury is also considered to see, probably they are angry with Bute, has torn the face.

“You take care of the company.”

Albert Ou’s repeated diversions made the Cold Lords a little angry.

“Is there really no other way? That’s your own son.”

“Don’t I know that’s my own son? That’s the son that Mann traded his life for I’m more sorry than any of you but I can’t help it.”

Albert Ou growled as well, he’d had a torturous few days, but he didn’t say anything.

“I watched them closely during the days I was with the Bute family, Bute had been preparing for the unification of the vampire world for a long time, and many, many of his people there are very powerful, not to mention the entire Ae Vale, but two Ae Vales may not be a match for them and”

Albert Ou dropped his head to headache, “He’s a ruthless man, everyone there has been brainwashed by him, one with a black heart, he’ll do anything if he can’t get what he wants.”

He wasn’t simply going to the Butters to play them for a fool, but had his own agenda.

If it had been in the past, he was afraid he would have asked Osei to gather the people of Aiya to spar with the Bute family.

But now that he knew he couldn’t fight and let so many people go to their deaths, he couldn’t do it.

“Three days, San San can play here for three days, after three days I’ll take him to the Dark Mountain to exchange, you go back, there’s no use staying here.”

The cold lord turned to go out, he knew Albert Ou, but if there was any other way to think about it he would not be so frustrated.

When he reached the door, Albert Ou started talking again.

“You know the moment before you and Sanji got off the plane, I had the idea that you would guess what I wanted to do and bring Seven here.”

The Leng Lords heart “thud” a bit, in fact, he is not without thought.

After all, Xiao Qi is not their biological flesh and blood, even Xiao Qi’s mother has tried to harm Jasmine Tong countless times, if Xiao Qi is brought over to exchange perhaps

“It’s just a thought, but if I did bring Seven here, Jasmine would hate me even more.”

The cold owl walked out of the room with mixed feelings.

San San rode back on a deer, a brain sweat, shouting excitedly towards the cold owl, “Uncle, uncle, look at me, it’s fun.”

The Cold Lords walked up to San San and wiped the beads of sweat from his face.

“Uncle is coming home so he can take a good look at you again.”

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