Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 699 – 701

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Chapter 699

He even bought several books on writing screenplays to be able to write them and read them all night long.

Studying and working on script changes, he stayed up several nights in a row, but word work really wasn’t for him.

He looked at the script he’d changed and the script he’d gotten for his previous movie and it was just so much worse.

At night he’s back on the computer looking at the comics while ticking off his script.

No heart avatar flashed and he clicked on the dialog box.

“Are you still awake? How come I see you every night?”

“I’m rewriting the script. Why aren’t you sleeping?”

“Hahaha, it’s daytime on my side oh, I’m abroad, we’re jet-lagged.”

“No wonder you were added a few days ago.You’re studying abroad.”

“Yeah oh, I’m still a student, you said you were changing the script, were you changing that comic of mine?”

“Yes, that comic of yours.”

“My God, you’re really going to make a movie out of it,” the other man obviously didn’t take Mo Yiang’s words seriously.

“Of course you do, do you think I’m lying to you?”

“I have a classmate who’s a screenwriting major, or I’ll ask around for you.”

“That’s just great, I’ll send you what I’ve written and then you can have him show it to me.You’re the writer of this comic, so you should be able to make some suggestions as well.”

As soon as the two were done, Mo Yiang sent the script he had written directly to Heart Without a Heart.

Three days later, the other side sent back the re-edited script, Mo Yiang read the new script is simply not too surprised!

“My classmate said he won’t charge you, but when the movie comes out later, remember to sign his name for him.”

“No problem,”

Mo Yiang didn’t expect the script to be done so quickly, and now that the script is perfectly fine, he’s just waiting for Feng Qian’s side to pull the sponsorship in.

But the result is that Feng Qian has not contacted Mo Yiang for many days, Mo Yiang really can not help but give Feng Qian a phone call, the phone Feng Qian did not say anything but directly drove to Mo Yiang’s apartment.

Feng Qian remained silent at first, just smoking vigorously, and finally he twisted the cigarette vigorously out in the ashtray as if he had made up his mind.

“Yi Aang, you were so ambitious, I should have helped you, but these grandsons held you up to the sky when they needed you, and now you can’t even see one of them hiding when you’re begging for them.”

Mo Yiang seemed to have guessed that this would be the result.

“I’m scrapping my phone these days, and I can’t believe no one wants to see me… Either something’s up, or they’ll have no money? movie pitch after movie pitch.”

Mo Yiang wasn’t as angry as Feng Qian, “Brother Qian, don’t be angry, let’s think of something else.”

Feng Qian pulled out a passbook from his own pocket and slapped it on the table.

Mo Yiang picked up the passbook and took a look at the numbers in it, almost shocking his jaw, “5 million Qian, where did you get so much money”

As Mo Yiang’s agent, Feng Qian’s income was still good, but he was a person similar to Mo Yiang who spent a lot of money, so Mo Yiang knew he didn’t have much money either.

“This is my family’s crate of money, but my wife told me that if I lose it, she’s going to divorce me.”

Mo Yiang felt his back tighten, but he had placed such a big bet.

5 million is a lot to say, but it’s a little less for making a movie.

Although they didn’t pay a penny for the royalties, and the man is Mo Yiang, they don’t need to pay, but the rest, there are too many places to use the money, and 5 million will soon be spent.

“But we don’t have enough.”

“Or else I’ll go to borrow again, if I can’t, I’ll mortgage the house, if I can’t again, I can’t really do anything, my wife has to divorce me can’t” Feng Qian hands clasped his head is also very frustrated, regretting that these years did not save some money properly.

“The house” Moichion looked up at the villa he lived in, “I’m selling the house.”

Feng Qian stared at a pair of eyes that he hated to stare out.

“You can’t be serious, you’re selling this house, where you live you’ve been kicked out by your dad and you can’t go home, you’ll be homeless when the house is sold.”

“It’s fine, I’ll rent a room later, maybe our store will make money too.”

Feng Qian long-windedly advised a lot of people, he knows that although the film market is now a big market, but there are also a lot of money lost

If they lose it, it’s really going to cost them everything.

Feng Qian says he’ll think of something else and leaves, and Mo Yiang just hits on the idea of a house of his own.

For now the most valuable thing he has is this house, and it’s the only thing that will give him money for it.

Find out online how much your house can now go for at $40 million in market value.

If the cost of the movie can be compressed a bit, this should be about right.

This thought Mo Yiang to their own house cleaned up a bit, took some photos, hung on the Internet, he did not find an intermediary, because he learned about the price, his own house if the transaction, the intermediary fees are too high, can save a little is a little it.

Jasmine Tong hadn’t contacted Mo Yiang these days, all she wanted was for Mo Yiang to calm down for a few days.

Feng Qian still couldn’t hold back and told Jasmine Tong, because in his eyes, it was estimated that only Jasmine Tong could help Mo Yiang now.

Mo Yiang came back from walking the dog in the morning, just had a little breakfast and heard the sound of the doorbell, thought it was someone to see the house, but opened the door and saw Jasmine Tong.

The two men sat on the couch in silence with each other.

In the end, it was Jasmine Tong’s that started first, “I heard you’re making a movie.”

Mo Yiang smiled a silly smile, “Just try it.”

“Pretty good, daring to try is the biggest improvement, making a movie should require a lot of investment right I’ll give you investment how about it.”

But Mo Yiang laughed and shook his head, “No need, I’ll figure it out on my own.”

“I’m not using your little uncle’s money, I’m using my own, and besides I’m not getting money for nothing, you’ll have to give me a bonus when I make money back.”Jasmine Tong made it sound easy.

Mo Yiang had always had a bit of a grudge against Jasmine Tong because of what happened last time, and even if Jasmine Tong used his own money, he would still feel uncomfortable.

“I’m trying to prove that I can do it on my own, I don’t need help.”

“Black Earth, why are you so stubborn I’ve told you I’m an investment and I’m not giving you money for free, it’s better than you selling your house”

Mo Yiang looked sharply at Jasmine Tong, “How did you know I was going to sell my house”

Chapter 700

Jasmine Tong immediately covered her mouth, she remembered what Feng Qian had instructed her, she couldn’t say that this matter was told to her by Feng Qian.

“It’s Ken told you right you go back, Manny, I’m fine, I’ll figure it out on my own.”

“What do you want me to say about you, Black Earth?”

“You don’t have to say anything, I know you mean well, but I just want to prove to myself that I can, so go home.”Mo Yiang gave the eviction order with a cold face.

Jasmine Tong had no choice but to say, “Let me know if you need anything,” and then left.

She knew in her heart that Mo Yiang would not be able to ask for her help.

During the sale of the house, Mo Yiang was not idle, he cleaned up his house and took out all the things that were almost valuable.

Finally looking at the pink diamond, I still didn’t have the heart to be cruel enough to put the ring away, and the image of Lai Qinqin wearing the pink diamond came to mind.

He found a backpack to put all these valuable items in and drove himself to the second-hand market.

Remembering the first time when he was ready to sell his watch and fled in a panic after being recognized, this time he felt much thicker skinned, and even if he was recognized and even taunted, he bargained as usual.

The family sold these items for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and Mo Yiang returned home to a house that was still unoccupied.

Anyone who can afford such a house must be rich, and I’m afraid ordinary people can’t afford it.

Mo Yiang simply put his heart in the right place, directly put the price tag to 30 million, that is, 10 million lower than the market price, he does not believe that no one will buy.

It even had the words “urgent need of money” in the title.

The price reduction really paid off and soon people started calling him and people kept making appointments to see the property.

The house finally sold for $10 million below market value, $30 million.

With Feng Qian’s $5 million, the two of them had a total of $35 million, and the film began to officially launch.

Mo Yiang is also very grateful for Feng Qian’s unwavering commitment to him, so he gave the film a name: Brother.

This movie is about two best friends who grew up together, Yan Jie and Zhiyuan, who both like to play music during their school days.

After this incident, the two best friends fall apart, with Yan Jie being the top student at school and Zhiyuan slowly falling apart.

Years later, Yan Jie Dao became a singer and a big hit, while Zhiyuan became a street punk and even a big brother.

Because of Yan Jie’s growing popularity, his youngest son is kidnapped by Zhiyuan’s sworn enemy.

Zhiyuan and Yan Jie are back together fighting to save Yan Jie’s son.

Mo Yiang and Feng Qian recruited actors from the university because these students were slightly cheaper, and some of them even didn’t want money.

Mo Yiang found a relatively very cheap basement to live in, it takes a lot of money to make a movie, and they don’t always have enough of that money, so he saves himself a little bit.

The movie has finally started filming, and Feng Qian and Mo Yiang have basically taken on everything in the movie, with Feng Qian taking on even more of a logistical role.

In order to keep costs down the film was shot in full swing and was completed in two months.

The next step was post-production, where they rented a small studio and hired a good post-editor.

It took a month and a half of post-production, and they went off to review it.

“Yi Aang, I can finally go home and see your sister-in-law, your sister-in-law misses me like crazy” Feng Qian has been staying in the crew, but hasn’t left one step.

“It’s you who’s going crazy thinking about your sister-in-law,” Mo Yiang said jokingly.

“How can you feel the pain of a married man when you’re married you’ll see, I’ve been a monk for three and a half months.”

Mo Yiang laughed.

“What are you laughing at? You’re a virgin who has no right to laugh at me” Feng Qian’s smile was suddenly a bit unkind, “Hey, Li Qinqin has been living in your place for some days, haven’t you two” Feng Qian made a gesture.

“Get lost “Mo Yiang used his elbow to disguise Feng Qian.

“Okay, I’m here, you go back.”Feng Qian got out of the car and went straight to his own door.

Mo Yiang, however, didn’t take the car away immediately; he lit a cigarette.

Feng Qian’s family had a wife and children, so of course he was anxious to get home, but he had nothing in his own home.

The dilapidated basement was as quiet as a tomb, and there was only Apple for his company.

Just now Feng Qian mentioned Li Qinqin, in the blink of an eye, it’s been more than half a year since Li Qinqin left the country, I wonder if she’s doing well abroad.

With no phone number for her and her tweets logged off, he had lost contact with her completely.

Mo Yiang smoked a cigarette and drove off, and he’ll probably be busy for a while after the film passes through the review and also starts setting up a schedule.

The Crystal Garden side is also lively, in the blink of an eye Leng Liao and Meng Rujiao’s daughter sweet has eight months, a total of three children at home, every day is hot and bustling.

The name Sweetness is the name that the Lengæž­ took, the Lengæž­ felt that Meng Rujiao was too spicy, hoping that his daughter would be a little bit better behaved, so he named her Sweetness.

“Sweetie come here, auntie hug.”Jasmine Tong hugged Sweetie in her arms, Sweetie smiled brightly, “Look how good my daughter is, unlike those two jerks in our family, one is more naughty than the other.”

“Mommy, don’t” San San stood at Jasmine Tong’s feet reaching out and patting Sweetie’s feet, “come down don’t hug Sweetie hug San San”

This action of San San’s made Meng Rujiao smile.

“Sansan is jealous.”

Seven also came over, and he, who was still not speaking well, also pointed at Sweetie, “No.”

“You two are really going to piss people off” Jasmine Tong had to return the sweetness to Meng Rujiao.

San San was satisfied with this, and got into Jasmine Tong’s arms, and Seven rushed to take her place.

Jasmine Tong rolled her eyes at the two sons, “Two little villains.”

Looking at Sweetie’s well-behaved appearance, Jasmine Tong still wanted to have a daughter.

“Manny-san, you like your daughter so much, just have another one.”

“My little sister-in-law, you’re still calling me sister now, it’s my turn to call you sister-in-law.”

Meng Rujiao threw out her tongue, “I can’t change it.”

“Forget about it, I want to have a daughter too, but they won’t agree to it, and besides, if I have another son, three sons in our family, I think I’ll go crazy.”

The two men laughed together.

In the evening, when Albert Ou returned, Jasmine Tong opened the conversation.

Chapter 701

This time regarding Mo Yi Aang, O Zeno was really hard-hearted, he gave an order to Star Huang International, there was no need to consider him, if it was an ordinary artist in this situation should be dealt with how to deal with Mo Yi Aang.

Plus, Xu Xingru has always been a very fair and impartial person, it’s no surprise that Mo Yiang couldn’t get resources.

“I heard that Black Earth made a movie.”

“Well.”Albert Ou just grunted, seemingly uninterested.

“I’d say you’re pretty cruel, too, for not even helping him out this time when he’s having such a hard time.”Jasmine Tong’s tone was flat and she didn’t want Albert Ou to feel like she was accusing him as well.

“Just to teach him a lesson so he can grow up.”Albert Ou got on the bed and turned off the light in passing.

“He’s had a pretty hard time making this movie, selling his house and making the movie, otherwise you’d help him when the movie comes out um”

Albert Ou rolled over and pressed Jasmine Tong underneath him, “I think it’s more realistic for us to discuss the question of who’s on top today.”

Jasmine Tong pushed Albert Ou’s chest, “I’m serious with you, no one is willing to invest when he invests, even if the movie can be released, it’s estimated that the major theaters don’t dare to schedule too much, we all know that the amount of scheduling is determined by the box office, he has done so much effort, you just end up being a good guy yet”

Albert Ou still ignored Jasmine Tong and directly sealed it with a k!ss.

There was nothing Jasmine Tong could do with him.

It turns out Mo Yiang’s film had a long way to go before it was sent to the censorship process, and they made several changes before it was finally approved.

And then there’s the issue of setting a schedule, and it’s not like the movie can be released whenever it is.

Mo Yiang’s popularity has arguably dropped to the extreme, which means that there are still a few fans who remain, many of whom have gone off the grid.

Plus, the film is relatively low cost, and with the exception of Mo Yiang himself, all the others are newcomers, no big name production, no big name stars, so naturally all sorts of people are sidelined.

Mo Yi’ang and Feng Qian are considered to have done their best to pull down their faces to beg their grandparents for a date for the movie.

This slot was scheduled just before the end of summer vacation.

Naturally, the summer holiday season is great, but there are also a lot of movies out there that don’t catch on and they have to be scheduled in the sluggishest of slots.

But that’s okay, good food for thought, as long as it makes it to the screen, you’ve taken the first step.

On the day of the movie’s release, Mo Yiang sent out a microblog, and in the old days, whenever he sent out a microblog to promote his movie or something, many people would immediately help forward it, including fans as well as friends in the circle.

But this time the reblogs were so few.

Because of limited funds, they have done a poor job of promoting the film, and the movie is out, but very few people know about it.

The day of the screening, Mo Yiang quietly came to the cinema to buy a ticket, the theater are very small queues, he sat in the last row, when the film began, the theater is still less than 13 people.

This somewhat chilled Mo Yiang, but surprisingly, not a single person left during the entire movie, which somewhat pleased Mo Yiang.

The week before its release, the movie’s box office was pathetically low.

Mo Yiang and Feng Qian sat together, both of them smoking cigarettes and full of thoughts.

If this movie loses, they’ll really lose their money.

“The f*cking bastards have one sh!tty schedule, and there aren’t many movies in total, and they’re telling me they can’t schedule more than one.”

Feng Qian shamelessly begged many people.

“Let’s think of something else.”

Feng Qian pondered for a while, “Or else we can spend some money to hire some navy to paint the movie with a better reputation and drive the box office.”

“Making a false statement, wouldn’t it be even uglier if people knew about it later” Mo Yiang was surprisingly calm.

“Then we can’t just stand by and watch the movie we’ve worked so hard to make you can’t forget that you sold the house and I’ve paid out the family fortune.”

“Ken, I have faith in our film, he will be able to counterattack with his quality”

Mo Yiang didn’t know where to get his confidence.

Feng Qian looked at Mo Yiang is also very touching, “the worst case is to start over, men well what to be afraid of”

The two men clapped their hands.

After almost three days or so, Brother the movie reached a rating of 9.7, which is basically a very high rating from people who have seen the movie.

Everyone felt like they didn’t want to miss a second of it, and they all watched every bit of it with rapt attention, and even though there was no love, this brotherhood brought tears to your eyes, and the laughs and tears were just right.

A lot of people say that it always feels like the movie’s Mo Yiang has grown up.

With the increase in positive reviews, the number of people seeing the movie is slowly increasing because there is so little to schedule, and many people are starting to suggest to movie theaters that they have more to schedule so that they can be more selective.

Jasmine Tong didn’t expect Albert Ou to actually sit back and do nothing, and it was to be expected that she would go to the cinema and find that the queue was really too small.

She bought her own ticket to secretly watch the movie and was deeply moved by it.

When she got home, she posted a tweet with a picture of her movie ticket.

“Support the great nephew’s film, I feel the great nephew from a jade face, into a vichy uncle, the key is this vichy uncle, but even made me a little stupid really good movie, I hope the major cinemas can be a little more scheduling it, so that more people can enjoy such a good movie.”

Jasmine Tong has tens of millions of Weibo followers, and as soon as she sent out this Weibo, many people knew that Mo Yiang had even made a movie and that he had made the transition.

When I went back to the internet and searched for the movie, it was so highly rated that I immediately started booking tickets.

The cinema side saw that Jasmine Tong had tweeted and knew that people would definitely come to see the movie, so they raised their schedules this weekend.

Nearly half a month after Brothers’ release, it finally hit the big time, grossing $100 million this weekend!

It’s been really hard to get this box office after the summer season.

The cinemas saw the attendance so high, they added more films to the schedule, and after another week the film’s cumulative box office reached 500 million.

That’s a mind-boggling number.

Mo Yiang and Feng Qian also did not expect that the two immediately decided to extend the screen time.

And surprisingly the box office and word of mouth are flying in tandem online for the film.

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