Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 693 – 695

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Chapter 693

An old woman with white hair came over, her clothes ordinary to the extreme, even with some stains and a fishy smell.

“Young man, I see you’ve been sitting here all day, is something bothering you?” the old lady’s back was a little hunched and her face was full of wrinkles when she smiled.

Mo Yiang looked at the kindly old lady with a faint smile, “It’s something troubling that I can’t figure out.”

The old lady sat directly next to Mo Yiang, “Then tell me about it, maybe I can enlighten you.”

Maybe it’s because of his years of experience in the entertainment industry that Mo Yi-Ang doesn’t like contact with strangers, but who can Mo Yi-Ang talk to and who can help him?

“My family is forcing me to marry a woman I don’t like.”He said everything about himself in one sentence.

“Oh,” the old lady lengthened deeply.

“It’s no use talking to you, I’m sure you must have children too, you must understand my parents very well and think they must be doing me a favour.”

“Let me tell you a story.”The old woman said in hushed tones.

Mo Yiang wasn’t in the mood for any stories, but he was depressed and had nothing else to do.

“So tell me.”

“Did you know that once upon a time there was a particularly large listed conglomerate called Mid-South Group?”

“Mid-South Group”

Mo Yiang carefully think back, it seems to be heard his father once said, it was probably decades ago, the Zhongnan Group is very famous, but then somehow the founder fell, the group was handed over to someone else, and then transformed into a charity.

“Yes, back then, the Zhongnan Group was a revered company, there is no one who doesn’t know the name of this group, the CEO of this group is surnamed Wu, he has a daughter.”

The old woman narrowed her eyes at the beach, “He only has one daughter, he originally wanted to have a son to inherit his family business, but he never got his wish, so all his hopes were pinned on his daughter to choose the best school and the best teacher for her to receive the best education.”

Mo Yiang suddenly felt that the daughter in this story was very similar to Fang Duo.

Fang Duo is the only daughter in the family business.

“But the daughter was a disobedient child, very rebellious and not very good at school, and when she was 18 she went out with her friends and turned out to be in love with a young man from a fishing village, and they fell in love out of control.”

“The boy from the fishing village then his family would never approve.”Mo Yiang suddenly found this story ridiculous.

“Even you know you won’t approve, her family disapproves even more, she’s a daughter of a thousand dollars and the heir to a listed company, how can she be allowed to marry a fisherman? her family has used every means possible to cut off their connection.”

Mo Yiang felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

“But this girl is stubborn. She wants to marry this fisherman, even to the point of death.The end result was that her parents finally agreed, but kicked her out of the house and told her they wouldn’t give her any money.The girl really did follow that fisherman.”

The old lady narrowed her eyes to a slit and continued, “His parents originally thought that girls grew up with a golden spoon in their mouths and couldn’t stand hardship, so in a few days, the hardship would definitely return, but who knows they thought wrong, and guess what happened afterwards.”

“You’re still really with that fisherman” Mo Yiang didn’t know if this was the right or wrong ending.

The old lady nodded solemnly, “They’re really together.”

“What about her parents? She’s going to inherit the family business.”

“At first, her parents could not understand why their daughter would prefer a life of misery to coming back to inherit the family business, until they got older and came to the fishing village because they missed their daughter, and they saw their daughter laughing happily with the fisherman, a smile they had never seen before.”

“Figure out what” Mo Yiang had unknowingly become obsessed with the story.

“Parents always think that everything they do is for the good of their children, but they don’t know what their children really want, they grow up giving their daughter the best of everything, but they never know what their daughter wants, what she needs is love, companionship, never money and fame, the family business.”

Mo Yiang couldn’t help but have the corners of his lips rise, “My parents are the same, in fact, they never knew what I wanted, they wanted me to inherit the family business and marry the daughter of another group.”

“Why don’t you ask me what happened to Mid-South later.”

“Yeah so what happens when they don’t have anyone to inherit their group of companies.”

“When the girls’ parents grew old, they were no longer interested in running the group, and then they turned the company over to someone else, the old couple went on a trip, and then the group had to declare bankruptcy due to mismanagement, and then it was transformed into a charity.”

“That’s quite a pity, I heard from my father that the former Central South Group is about to rush into international.”

The old woman lifted her dry hand and patted Mo Yiang’s hand.

“There are companies that go out of business, and then there are companies that rise up, but once a man’s heart is dead, he can’t come back, and companies are destined to be emotionless things, but people are different.”

Mo Yiang was surprised and looked at the old lady, “Old lady, you shouldn’t be”

He suddenly thought the old lady was the girl in the story.

The old woman didn’t acknowledge or deny it, she got up slowly, “My old man is waiting for me, my grandson has been making a lot of noise lately, so hurry up and go home, you too.”

After saying the old woman bent towards the old man who was not far away, who was smiling at her.

L.A. watched the two bent bodies in the setting sun’s rays as they slowly walked forward.

The hardships of life may have bent their backs, but they can’t erase the happy smiles on their faces.

Companies will fail and rise, but people’s hearts will die and they will never come back.

Mo Yiang was suddenly enlightened, he couldn’t let his heart die, absolutely not!

in the next few years, but his parents will not be happy to see him unhappy.

So he’s never going to allow that to happen, he’s going to be the master of his own destiny, he’s going to live his life his way.

Mo Yiang grabbed his car keys and quickly ran back to his car, got into the car and grabbed his cell phone.

He had found the answer.

Chapter 694

Mo Yiang’s tweets are almost all over the place.

“I’m sorry for worrying you all lately because of my own business, but I’m here to say one thing, and that is that I did fall in love with the girl who drew the manga.

Some time ago, my family arranged a marriage for me, I still feel inappropriate after repeatedly considering, marriage is not the tomb of love, marriage without love is the tomb, so I will not marry the golden girl of the South Sumer Group, Fang Duo, here to say sorry to her, I believe she can also find the unique one that belongs to her.

The previous tweets announcing the marriage weren’t from me personally, everything was arranged by my family.

I’m sorry to everyone here, it’s in the spirit of being responsible, so I fled the marriage, whether people support it or not, I want to live in my own way.”

This tweet immediately caught everyone’s attention when it was first posted.

Since Mo Yi Aang had previously tweeted that he was getting married, everyone was waiting for him to continue his tweets, possibly to announce something about the wedding.

But I thought what everyone was waiting for was such a message.

Mo Yiang felt relaxed all over after posting the tweet, he finally said what he wanted to say, and finally did something so painful.

While Mo Yi Aang was tweeting, Albert Ou was discussing the wedding at Mo’s house, and they immediately found out about Mo Yi Aang’s tweeting.

Although Albert Ou had always been very confident in Mo Yiang and knew he wouldn’t mess up, he was still particularly followed on Weibo.

The first to discover the microblogging was Jasmine Tong, who was inexplicably pleased to see Mo Yiang’s microblogging.

This big boy is finally growing into a man.

“This bastard, let him come back to me right now and see if I don’t kill him today” Mo Ruchen slapped the table with a sound.

Yao Xiangyun was also very angry, how did her childhood obedient son become like this now.

“Ono, get him back to me right now, this kid is definitely going to run”

Albert Ou had just picked up his phone to set up when

“Who says I’m going to run” All eyes were on the doorway, where Mo Yiang stood against the light, like a knight.

Jasmine Tong looked at the growing Mo Yiang with a smile.

Mo Yiang walked right into the house, “I didn’t want to run without you guys looking for it, one man’s job for one man.”

“Bastard, don’t give me a knee yet you see what you’ve done” Mo Ruchen was simply going mad.

He didn’t pursue the matter at the previous engagement ceremony, and so much news was exposed because of Albert Ou’s patronage.

This time he’s done this a$$hole thing again and he can’t let it go.

Mo Yiang actually knelt down in front of the whole family.

At the same time, Albert Ou had contacted his tech department to delete Mo Yiang’s tweet.

Mo Yiang also already knew that Albert Ou would do this, but it didn’t matter, his microblogging attention was so high that it would only take ten minutes to spread the word, even if he deleted it.

“First of all I declare that I’m not kneeling because I did wrong, Dad, Mom, this is the result of careful consideration, I’m not going to marry Fandor, and I won’t show up on the day of the wedding unless you tie me up, but I’ll tell everyone I’m not marrying Fandor if I get the chance.”

Mo Yiang’s attitude was resolute to the extreme, which made Mo Ruochen even angrier to the extreme!

“Do you know what you’re talking about? do you want to find that little vixen if you don’t marry Fang Duo” Mo Ruchen walked over and slapped Mo Yiang hard.

He has been so busy with his work that his son’s education has largely been left to Yao Xiangyun, who has never hit him.

“Yi Aang, what are you talking nonsense ah immediately with your father to admit fault, that you are willing to marry Fang Duo” Yao Xiangyun although also very angry, but in the end she is still distressed about her own son.

“Mom, I am not going to marry Fang Duo, Fang and I are not suitable, forced together, neither of us will be happy, later on when we have children, it is also even more tragic you think you are doing us a favor, but it is pushing your son into the abyss.”

“You know what Fang Duo where not good he where not good enough for you where not better than that little vixen” Mo Ruchen hated to kill Mo Yiang.

“She’s everywhere but I don’t like it, I don’t love her isn’t that enough for me, I don’t want to spend my life with a woman I don’t love.”

“Slap” Mo Ruchen slapped again.

“Shut up you ungrateful son you are the eldest son and grandson of the Mo family, you should make such a sacrifice even if you don’t love her, you must marry her for me”

Mo Yiang from the beginning when he heard the words eldest son and grandson, he would still feel a stone on his heart, but now he wouldn’t.

“Is the family business that important to you than the happiness of our children and grandchildren? The family business isn’t necessarily better for me to take over, is it better for all of us to be tied to it just because there is a family business?”

Mo Yiang is very sane, so sane that everyone thinks this isn’t like him.

“I believe that our ancestors, when they created this family business, created it so that all of us would be a little better off, and that better is not necessarily how rich we are, but happier, but if all of us fell into this family business, it would only be sadder, not happier, it would be against the original intent”

Mo Ruochen listened to Mo Yiang’s words, covering his chest and nearly backing out of breath.

“You you brat, are you trying to be angry with me? Speak in an orderly manner, I’ll let you and Fandor marry without any reason, are you going to do it or not”

“Dad, I just made it very clear that I’m not going to marry a woman I don’t love, and it’s nobody’s business, I don’t love Fandor, so I’m not going to marry her.”

Mo Yiang still cut off the answer.

“Okay, that’s what you said, don’t you regret it, get out, get out of the house and never come back, from today onwards, you’re not a member of our Mo family I’m going to cut ties with you, get out”

Mo Ruchen covered his chest with a very determined attitude.

Mo Yiang was also taken aback, Mo Ruchen is breaking the father-son relationship with himself!

He thought he’d be fine with a beating, but he didn’t expect the consequences to be so severe.

“Yi Aang, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and apologize to your father.” Yao Xiangyun is simply going to be anxious.

Chapter 695

“Dad, if I don’t marry Fang Duo, you’ll have to break the father-son relationship with me” Mo Yiang also looked at his father, Mo Ruchen, in shock.

“That’s right you’re the eldest son and grandson, you should have inherited the family business and shouldered the responsibility you should have, since you’re not willing to bear it, then you’re not a son or grandson of my Mo family, and you can’t afford the name of this eldest son and grandson” Mo Ruchen’s face was black to the extreme.

“You should grow up and bow down to your father.” Yao Xiangyun has only one son.

Mo Yiang’s head hung down and suddenly the corners of his mouth lifted into a smile.

“Are the interests of the company that important to you, even more important than your own sons?”

Mo Ruchen didn’t open his mouth just grunted.

“Since you are so desperate, there is no need for me to stay any longer, fine, I’ll go, I won’t marry Fandor in any way”

Mo Yiang’s attitude was still very firm.

“Mo Yiang, this is what you said, if you walk out of this doorway today, don’t ever come back to our Mo family as if you never existed, in the future, even if you go to ask for food, don’t come to our doorway” Mo Ruchen said these words with almost all of his strength.

Mo Yiang was also disheartened at that moment, not expecting his father to be so resolute

“Don’t worry, Dad, I won’t come to your place to ask for dinner even if I do,” said Mo Yiang, standing up and turning around.

“Aang’s what you say angry words come back to me” Yao Xiangyun shouted through his voice.

Mo Yiang stopped and turned around once again, “Mom, I’m sorry, it’s my son who is unfaithful, but there’s really no way for my son to spend his life with a woman he doesn’t love.”

Mo Yiang kneeled on the ground solemnly kowtowed three times this turned around and did not come back.

Yao Xiangyun was just about to chase after him when Mo Ruchen immediately snapped, “No one should chase after him, no one should help him, I’d like to see how good he is”

Albert Ou hadn’t been able to speak, and he wasn’t exactly comfortable speaking for such a scene.

“That’s your real son, you only have one son” Yao Xiangyun didn’t go after him, stomping her foot and talking to Mo Rudu.

“So what if he doesn’t care about you as a mother and me as a father, let him go, get lost far away” Mo Ruchen sat directly on the couch and panted.

“He’s talking in anger, I know you’re talking in anger too, I’m going to get him back, I said he’s letting him marry Fandor, let him come back.”

“Cousin-in-law, there’s no need to waste your breath, he’s not coming back.”Jasmine Tong, who had been silent in the crowd, finally opened her mouth.

Albert Ou looked to the small woman beside him without speaking.

“Jasmine Tong, you have the best relationship with him, go help us persuade him, okay” Yao Xiangyun turned to Jasmine with an anxious face.

“Don’t say that I couldn’t persuade him, even if I could, I wouldn’t.”Jasmine Tong’s words were very cold.

The Mo family had always felt good about Jasmine Tong, and everyone was very shocked that he had said such a thing.

“Mandy, your cousin’s wife won’t like to hear that, our family has been good to you, is it so hard to get you to help now that something has happened”

Albert Ou coughed, he just couldn’t stand to hear people talking about his woman.

“My cousin’s wife, my family has been good to me, I know, but that’s a different matter.”Jasmine Tong’s serious expression wasn’t intimidated by that.

Albert Ou even stood by Jasmine Tong’s side like a knight protecting the princess.

“I don’t think he’s wrong, is the family business more important than his personal happiness? He’s the eldest son and grandson no doubt, but it’s not up to him to decide that, it’s up to you guys to decide that.”

Everyone was silent as Jasmine Tong spoke these words with ease.

“We can all see, we all know he doesn’t like Fandor, if he had that little bit of liking, he wouldn’t have run away during the engagement ceremony, but you guys insisted that he marry Fandor, there’s nothing wrong with Fandor, it’s just that he doesn’t like it, ask any of you here, who isn’t in free love, and only married after having love”

Jasmine Tong scanned everyone in the room, none of them spoke, as if they were thinking about it.

“You always think every decision made for him is for his own good, you always say he’s an adult and should take responsibility for himself, but why can’t he get $100,000 for a movie star who makes tens of millions of dollars a year.”

There were a lot of things Jasmine Tong had wanted to say a long time ago.

“Since his debut, you’ve been controlling him financially and not treating him as an adult when he should be treated as an adult, and not treating him as a child when he should be treated as a child, so it’s normal for this situation to arise.What I say may not be nice, but it’s the truth, so let’s all think about it.”

Jasmine Tong turned around and walked out of the room, and Albert Ou immediately followed her and hugged her shoulders.

In fact, Jasmine Tong’s hands were all sweaty as she said these words, and her biggest worry was that the Mo family would accuse her of not being a Mo family member, and that Albert Ou would stop her.

But it didn’t even happen.

Jasmine Tong looked up at Albert Ou uneasily, “You’re not angry that I’ve offended all of your family.”

“What do you mean your family I’m not a member of the Mohicans in the first place, we’re the family.”

Albert Ou’s gaze was still full of pampering as he looked at Jasmine Tong.

The two men got in the car for the ride home, hands clasped together.

“You really don’t mind what I’m saying do you I’ve been speaking for Black Earth.And even disobeyed you.”

“My woman is very good,” Albert Ou raised his hand to touch Tong’s hair, “You’re right.”

Jasmine Tong would smile Looks like Albert Ou is getting to understand himself more and more.

“I was thinking of our son, of San San, San San is also the eldest son, and you have such a big enterprise, he will definitely be needed to succeed him in the future, and we might have to give him a marriage when the time comes, husband, you have to promise me that no matter what, you will not let San San go to the marriage.”

Albert Ou narrowed his eyes at Jasmine Tong, “I promise you, I promise you everything.”

In their eyes, the family business is more important than the well-being of their son.

Leaving Mo’s house, Mo Yiang drove aimlessly on the highway, but he couldn’t find a place to go.

Are you really going to cut ties? Is the family really that cold and heartless that they really don’t want him if he doesn’t go through with the marriage?

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