Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 633 – 635

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Chapter 633

Jasmine Tong was calmed down by Albert Ou.

“Don’t say whether I have a daughter or not, whether I have a child or not, it doesn’t matter to me, what matters in my heart is always only you Jasmine Tong, I’m afraid.”

Albert Ou’s voice was tinged with an imperceptible tremor.

What a terrible thing it is to have a man in high places admit that he is afraid.

“I wake up from nightmares every time I think about those three months you were lying in the hospital, and I’m afraid of having to do it all over again, so I don’t want to have kids.”

That’s why even at the wedding, Albert Ou hadn’t promised her a daughter.

Because he’s really scared.

Jasmine Tong was at a loss as she looked into Albert Ou’s scarlet eyes, she originally thought that as time passed, Albert Ou would slowly fade away from that time.

But Albert Ou had not forgotten.

Jasmine Tong gently walked over to Albert Ou’s side and crouched at his feet.

“Honey, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were thinking that, I thought.”

Albert Ou held Jasmine Tong’s face, “Jasmine, I’d do anything for you, but I really don’t want to agree to this.”

Jasmine Tong suddenly blossomed into a smile, “It’s me who misunderstood you, it’s nice that we have two sons.”

To think that there is such a man who is devoted to himself, Jasmine Tong feels that there is nothing else she wants in this world.

The matter finally came to an end.

As time went on, Meng Rujiao’s belly slowly grew, and it looked more and more normal for the Cold Lords and Meng Rujiao to get along.

The Crystal Garden was crowded and seemed a little more lively.

This day the family welcomed Mo Yiang and Mo Yi Xin, Mo Yiang is developing smoothly and smoothly in Star King International, because the family has been pushing for marriage, he has a full schedule of work, and his popularity is also rising steadily.

In the living room, Mo Yiang and Mo Yi Xin are sitting on the sofa, and Jasmine Tong is leading San San down.

“San-San, look who’s here to see you.”

“San San, let your sister hug you” Mo Yi Xin hurriedly leaned over, “you’ve grown so tall, you’re getting handsome”

“Which gust of wind blew you two over today “Jasmine Tong handed the child to Mo Yi Xin and sat on the sofa.

“It’s been a long time not to come over, isn’t this afraid that you and my little uncle will pick a fight” Mo Yiang sat on the sofa playing with his phone.

“Auntie, don’t listen to him my aunt is pushing him every day to find a girlfriend, he’s bored to death, it’s hard to get home today, auntie is pushing again so he found an excuse to come see you guys.”Mo Yi Xin hurriedly revealed Mo Yi Ang’s true face.

“Mo Yi Xin you don’t talk no one treats you like a mute”

Mo Yi Xin spat out his tongue towards Mo Yi Aang and started playing with San San again.

“Isn’t it normal that you’re not too young, even though you’re a star, your family still wants you to live a normal life, married or not, it’s time to talk about your girlfriend.”

Jasmine Tong spoke in the tone of an elder.

“How do you always say the same thing with them I see you become a mother all of a sudden old is not nagging, long-winded” Mo Yiang looked very impatient.

“If I didn’t have this relationship with you, I wouldn’t bother with your cousin’s wife who’s called me several times to talk to you, and I’ve pushed it all for you.”

“Next time she calls you, don’t answer, it’s annoying as hell.”

“But you’re old so single is not the same thing ah do we have to find someone outside of this industry is not quite right, the circle has like it do you want me to help you introduce.”

Mo Yiang threw the phone to the side and looked at Jasmine Tong, “I said, Miss Jasmine Tong, you are forcing me to go is it I had a hard time finding a quiet place, and you are nagging in my ear again”

Jasmine Tong gestured with an ok, “Okay, I’ll stop, I’ll make you anything you want to eat today.”

“Sweet and sour pork ribs, spicy shrimp, ma po tofu, braised turbot,” Mo Yiang said several dishes as if he were giving the names of the dishes.

“I see you’ve come to our house to dabble in food and drink, today for Xin Xin’s sake, I’ll do it all with you, okay?”

“Hurry up and make dinner.”

Jasmine Tong saw that Mo Yiang was not in a good mood and went straight to the kitchen.

The dinner table was very plentiful and the crowd was the largest it has ever been.

With regard to the Leng Lords, Albert Ou and the Mo family only said that the Leng Lords are relatives on his father’s side, considered his cousin, and did not say that he and the Leng Lords are twins, after all, this matter is too troublesome to explain.

Mo Yiang is also aware of the existence of such a person as the Leng Lords, and has seen them at the wedding.

The only difference is that the last time I saw the Leng Lords, the Leng Lords are still single, and I didn’t expect that so soon, the Leng Lords have taken care of Jasmine Tong’s bridesmaid Meng Rujiao, whose belly is big.

The Leng Lords are considerate to Meng Rujiao at the dinner table, and Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong have been very close.

“Big Brother, why do you think the two of us came over here today?” said Mo Yi Xin jokingly.

“I say you this speed is too fast, I want to say when married you two look like no fun ah, so fast, the stomach is so big” Mo Yiang for this matter is also very surprised.

“Do you think everyone is like you?” spoke Albert Ou, “Find a girlfriend quickly if you have the time, save your mom from calling you every day”

Yao Xiangyun calls Jasmine Tong and of course calls Albert Ou, who is also a bit impatient.

“Okay, let’s eat, just stop talking so much and try my sweet and sour pork ribs.”Jasmine Tong grabbed a piece of ribs and placed it in Albert Ou’s bowl.

After dinner, Jasmine Tong pulled Mo Yi Xin aside, “Xin Xin, I have a letter here.”

“What letter?”

“It’s from packing out Lei’s clothes, he wrote it to you.”

Jasmine Tong pulled out a letter from her pocket and shoved it into Mo Yi Xin’s hand.

Hearing Yarwen Tong’s name, Mo Yi Xin was still stunned.

That name was always on his mind, but it was rarely mentioned to anyone anymore.

“Xin Xin, I know you’re as sad as I am, some people leave and never come back, I’m sure you know what I mean.”

Mo Yi Xin looked at the letter in her hand and felt heavy.

Mo Yi Xin nodded her head nicely.

“Xin Xin, you deserve a new life, you shouldn’t live in his shadow, we should all come out.”

“Auntie, I know that.”

“Good boy.”

Mo Yiang and Mo Yi Xin didn’t stay long before driving back, and on the way back, the two of them didn’t say a word, each with their own thoughts.

Mo Yi Xin was thinking about the letter in her pocket, and she couldn’t wait to go home and read it.

And Mo Yiang thought of even more things.

Chapter 634

Mo Yiang sent Mo Yi Xin back home, and he drove himself back to his own apartment instead of returning to Mo’s house.

He really didn’t want to listen to his own mother nag him, he thought he was still young and talking about marriage was a matter for later.

Today, I saw Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong, as well as Leng Lords and Meng Rujiao when they were really stimulated.

Everyone else is sweet and blissful, but he’s the only one who’s still single.

The most important thing is that Jasmine Tong, whom he likes, has become his own little aunt and is already a family of three with his own little uncle.

Some things should be dropped.

As soon as Mo Yi Xin returned home, she hurriedly ran to her room, locked the door, and hurriedly pulled out the letter Jasmine Tong had given her from her pocket.

Yarwen Tong’s familiar handwriting came into view.


This is the first time I’ve ever called you that and all the boys and girls you know seem to call you that, including my sister and brother-in-law, and it sounds very kind.

But I never dared to call you that, I didn’t want to, and we became closer, because I knew I would leave this world sooner or later.

I was diagnosed with congenital heart disease at a very young age, and I knew it was going to put me out of this world by the time I was 17, and I was lucky to have lived past 17 and 18.

Before I went to college, I was even counting down the days to my life, when I was thinking that there was nothing left in the world for me but my sister, and that maybe if I left this world a day sooner, my sister would be better off.

It wasn’t until I went to college and met you that I realized how much I wanted to live, how much I wanted to live one more day, how much I wanted to see you one more second, how much I wanted to be normal.

I also understand what you are thinking, the love letter you wrote me forgives me for not having the courage to open it, I am afraid, I will not be able to control my feelings and be with you and bring you nothing but hurt, because my life will be two years at most.

I’m sorry, Xin Xin, I can’t accept your liking, I even chose to hurt you in order to avoid you, the long pain is better than the short pain, the two of us together will not end well.

But I don’t regret meeting you, and it’s my greatest fortune to have met you in the last moments of my life.I hope you can come out of the shadow I brought you sooner, there are many good boys in this world, there will be a person who can accompany you until you grow old.

If there’s a next life, I’ll chase you instead.

Yarwen Tong (1941-), PRC actor

The letter wasn’t very long, and Mo Yi Xin read it word by word, several times.

Tears fell one by one, but Mo Yi Xin’s lips were with a smile.

He liked her too, and he finally knew the answer.

Perhaps he liked himself more than he liked him.

Jasmine Tong is right, some people leave and don’t come back, and those who are alive have to start living again.

Mo Yi Xin carefully put the letter paper away and handed it out to that small box on the dresser.

He said that if there was a next life, he’d come after her instead.

“Yarwen Tong, a man has to keep his word, I’ll just live this life to the fullest, and if there’s a next life, wait for you to chase me.”

Mo Yi Xin said to the box on the dresser.

Picking up the phone, there were two WeChat messages from Huo Sijie lying quietly in it.

“Xin Xin, are you there?”

“I have two tickets to the movie, want to see it tomorrow?”

It’s not that Mo Yi Xin doesn’t understand Huo Si Jie’s fondness for her, she’s just addicted to Yarwen Tong’s shadow and can’t get out, so she repeatedly rejects Huo Si Jie’s invitations.

“Yeah, I’m craving a barbecue, let’s go to a barbecue after the movie tomorrow, you’re buying me.”

Huo Sijie’s message came back quickly, “No problem, I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”

“Then it’s settled.”

Mo Yi Xin sent a happy expression and looked at the box on the dresser before getting ready for bed.

dark empire (i.e. empire of darkness)

After reconciling with Jasmine Tong, Albert Ou still worked as usual, and every day there were endless meetings and endless documents to approve.

After the meeting, Albert Ou came out of the conference room, and Cheng Horton caught up with him.

“Mr. Ou, someone wants to see you.”

“Who’s looking for me?”

“Miss Xiangli Group’s daughter.”

“What’s with the sweet and stinky pears? If you don’t know me, blow me out.” Albert Ou won’t eat this.

“No, Mr. Ou, it’s Xiangli Group, have you forgotten that last time you also had dinner with Mr. Li of Xiangli Group, we have a lot of business with them as well.”

“Send the person in charge of a business relationship to discuss what to say to me.”

“I said so, but Miss Lai he won’t leave, she said he must see you we have no choice, and we don’t dare to offend Xiang Li Group.”Russel Cheng looked helpless.

“Then call security to blow him out,” before Albert Ou knew it he had walked to his office.

“O, this,”

Albert Ou opened the door directly into the office and immediately saw the girl sitting on his office chair.

Albert Ou frowned for a moment, how could his office be entered by just anyone?

“Where’s the security how come everyone is let into my office?”

Russel Cheng came to the front, “Miss Lai, how did you get into CEO Ou’s office I thought I told you to wait in the parlor.”

“The girl, wearing a white dress and swinging her long legs, swiveled around on Albert Ou’s chair as if she thought it was her home.

“I told you to get out immediately,” Albert Ou snapped.

He was in his office, and no one but Jasmine Tong had dared to casually walk in on him.

“Russel Cheng knew that Ou Zeno had never been fond of worldly affairs, but this Xiangli Group was not easy to offend.

“Miss Lai, you know our CEO Ou’s temper, he doesn’t like people coming into his office, so hurry up and get up.”

The girl remained secure in her chair, “We’re old friends, can’t an old friend see him in his office and sit in his chair?”

“Old friend,” Russel Cheng looked at Albert Ou.

“Who’s an old friend of yours? Get the hell out of here.”

“Why are you so angry, can’t you be polite to me after not seeing each other for so long” the girl stood up and walked up to Albert Ou.

“You really don’t recognize me, take a closer look at this face.”

It was a very clear face, with delicate makeup, pink face and white clothes against her beautiful skin, and a really beautiful youthful beauty.

“Mr. Ou’Donnell, if you think about it, we’ve really met.”

Chapter 635

The fair-skinned girl winked playfully, and was really a quirky little fairy.

Albert Ou, however, didn’t bother to pay attention to her, “I’ve seen a lot of people, how will I have enough brains if I remember every single one of them, get out of here now”

It is indeed not a happy thing when a girl’s pout is not remembered.

“Why are you a man like this ah can the average person compare to me? do you really not remember me? then well, do you remember almost a year and a half ago you saved a girl in the Lover’s Sea”

“Sea of Lovers.”

Albert Ou went there not much, only remember that time Jasmine Tong ran away, that is, to the Lover’s Sea, he thought Jasmine Tong was going to commit suicide, indeed from the sea to save a girl.

“Oh, it’s you” Albert Ou really didn’t remember what the girl he made up looked like, he only remembered Jasmine Tong at the time.

“You’ve finally remembered, it’s me, the person you saved in the first place is me, my name is Li Qinqin”

Russel Cheng saw that these two people were indeed old acquaintances, so he hurriedly exited the office.

“What are you doing in my office? “Albert Ou was still icy cold to Li Qinqin.

“I came to look for you ah you are my savior, how can I repay you” Li Qinqin tilted her head and looked at Albert Ou with her eyes.

“I don’t need you to repay me, just forget about all that.”

Albert Ou went to the desk, “Get out.”

Li Qinqin had never thought that even though she had exposed herself, Albert Ou was still so indifferent to her.

“Hey you this person is too rude right I came to repay you with good intentions and you even let me out” Li Qinqin stood up and walked to Albert Ou, stomping her feet in anger.

“So you’re accusing your savior of being rude?”

“Uh” Li Qinqin suddenly realized that it was indeed rude to talk to her savior like this, “Well then, I apologize, I really want to repay you, how do you want me to repay you just say it, I promise I can do it.”

Albert Ou sat in his own chair and thought carefully about it, looking up at Li Qinqin.

“You really want to repay me.”

“Really, why else would I have come all the way here to you?”

“Well, you close the door outside.”

Li Qinqin frowned, “It’s that simple”

“How about just that,”

“It’s too no difficulty just shut a door, you’ll have to be my life, I’ll help you shut a door, it’s too much” Li Qinqin that’s a person who wants to do great things.

“If you can’t even do this little thing, you still have the nerve to say that you’ll repay me, when you just said you could do anything.”Albert Ou smirked a bit.

“Good, I’ll close the door for you then” said Li Qinqin walking to the door and closing it.

At this moment, Albert Ou quickly pressed the button on the remote control, only to hear a “drop” sound, the door was locked.

“No ah but I still have to go in” Li Qinqin reacted and prepared to open the door, but she couldn’t open it, “Hey, this is too much for you, you even locked the door”

“Okay, you’ve repaid my debt to you, you can go now and don’t show up in front of me again.”

Albert Ou threw the remote control to the side, picked up the documents on the table and began to review them, busy every day, but also to accompany this little girl trouble.

Lai Qinqin didn’t open the door even with a lot of effort, and Albert Ou’s side pressed the button, so no one could open the door unless he opened it himself.

“Miss Lai, it’s better if you don’t waste your efforts, this door was designed and arranged by Mr. Ou himself, as long as he doesn’t open it, no one can open it.”Russel Cheng warned from outside the door.

“He even designed the door himself,” Li Qinqin was even more adoring.

“Our company focuses on developing programs? many of the designs are designed by Mr. Ou himself, he is a genius in this area, I believe Miss Lai has heard of it before.”

Russel Cheng boasted about his boss, that was also unabashed.

“Genius I like it “Li Qinqin was full of peach blossom shining eyes.

Russel Cheng suddenly felt something wasn’t right, “Miss Lai, our Mr. Ou is already married, I’m sure you can see it on the news, Mrs. Ou is the famous Jasmine Tong, who took home a grand slam.”

Speaking of Jasmine Tong, Lai Qinqin didn’t feel anything.

“Of course I know he’s married, that there’s nothing ah these days, marriage and divorce, divorce and then marriage much more” Li Qinqin turned to look at the door, “I must take you down.”

After saying that, Li Qinqin left in a big way.

Russel Cheng was in a cold sweat, this girl is young, but she still has such aspirations, this is miserable, I’m afraid that Mr. Ou will have a family crisis.

Albert Ou, however, did not treat Li Qinqin’s arrival as a big deal in the slightest.

After a long day and a little overtime, he went straight home.

He had already eaten when he arrived home in the evening, and Jasmine Tong saved it for him.

“Have you been busy these past few days? “Jasmine Tong sat at the table guarding Albert Ou.

After the last incident the two men were closer.

“Busy as hell, is it easy for your man to make money for you?”

“Then you stay home and rest while I go make money.”

“That can’t be a man raising a woman that’s right and proper, I’m a grown man, what’s the point of having a woman raising like a word” Albert Ou released his comments as he ate his meal.

Jasmine Tong quietly looked at her man with one hand on her cheek.

“Don’t get too tired then, I’ll just put the bath water on for you and have a nice soak later.”

“Are you asking me to take a bath” Albert Ou winked at Jasmine Tong with a bad smile.

“Who’s asking you out” Jasmine Tong patted Albert Ou’s head, got up and went upstairs.

He went upstairs and boiled the water and put on the bath water for Albert Ou, testing the temperature just as Albert Ou came up.

“Do you want to come along” Albert Ou took Jasmine Tong’s hand and prepared to go to the bathroom.

“No, not with you in the bathtub, don’t I know what’s going on in your head?”

“Then why did you reject me?”

“Because I don’t want to be in the bathtub, pressed up.I’ll wait for you in bed.”Jasmine Tong stood on her tiptoes to get close to Albert Ou’s ear.

“Come now then” said Albert Ou and prepared to undress.

“To hell with you, go soak your bath quick go quick go” Jasmine Tong if you push Albert Ou into the bathroom, “bath little sister for you 24 hours service oh.”

Albert Ou soaked into the tub, warm and comfortable.

“Shower girl, any special service?”

“Yes, but not until Mr. Ou’Brien has finished his shower.”

Jasmine Tong stepped out of the bathroom, and the two couples were still saying ambiguous things.

Albert Ou’s phone rang, and Jasmine Tong walked over.

It was a text message.

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