Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 621 – 623

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Chapter 621

Albert Ou came back Jasmine Tong told Albert Ou about it the first time.

“She’s pregnant.”

Apparently Albert Ou hadn’t expected such a link in his plan either.

“Yeah, all thanks to you this kid is drinking and drugging, it’s not even sure if the kid will be normal.”

Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but go and complain about Albert Ou, after all, this whole thing was because of him.

Albert Ou kept stroking his chin wondering what he was planning.

“Honey, I think the most important thing for you to do right now is to hurry up and get Brother back, this child is both of theirs after all, Pepper is still a child, she can’t make up her mind.”

Albert Ou, however, acted as if he hadn’t heard Jasmine Tong’s words.

“Honey, what are you thinking?”

“Ah, nothing to think about, what did you just say”

“I say you need to get Brother back quickly, and this child is Brother’s too, so let them both make up their minds whether to stay or not.”Jasmine Tong had to repeat it again.

“Okay, I’ll get him right back.”

The evening passed, as Jasmine Tong became nervous at the sudden addition of a pregnant woman to the family.

Jasmine Tong also specifically instructed the kitchen to cook some nutritious meals and take extra care of Meng Rujiao.

The two men ran into each other at breakfast.

“Pepper, just talk to the kitchen directly about what you want to eat and don’t want to eat, your tastes change a lot in early pregnancy, and you don’t need to be embarrassed.”

Meng Rujiao’s dark circles were heavy, and it was obvious that she hadn’t slept well last night.

“Manny-san, I’ve made up my mind, I’m going to keep this child, even if he’s physically defective, that’s his fate, I should let nature take its course, I shouldn’t decide whether she lives or dies.”

Meng Rujiao said with a kind smile on her face as she kept touching her stomach.

These words made Jasmine Tong somewhat moved.

“When my dad sold me when I was a kid, I remember it vividly, and he told me girl, this is your life.Then I met the boss and let him take me on, and I felt like this was destiny.”

Meng Rujiao stared down at her stomach, “If he’s destined to die, then I can’t have him, and if he lets me have him, then it’s his fate, and I have to accept it.”

Jasmine Tong couldn’t even find a rebuttal, Meng Rujiao was still a child, but she was reasonable, and she was a person who accepted death.

Now we can only hope that Albert Ou Noma will find the Cold Lords and ask the two of them to come together to discuss it.

A child can’t be born without a father.

“Pepper, this baby is both yours and my brother’s, I think you should talk to him about it, I’ve asked my husband to go get him back for you.”

Meng Rujiao, however, smiled cloudily, “There’s nothing wrong with the child being both of us, but if he doesn’t want the child, then I’ll raise the child alone, it doesn’t matter.”

In other words, the Leng Lords return or not, this child Meng Rujiao are to stay.

Jasmine Tong didn’t want to discourage Meng Rujiao, it’s not easy to raise a child, Meng Rujiao doesn’t even have a proper job now, how can she raise a child?

A series of three days passed, the cold owl side still no news.

Instead, Albert Ou sent a large amount of tonic to Meng Rujiao.

Jasmine Tong did feel comforted, knowing in the end that Meng Rujiao’s belly was her little nephew, so Albert Ou was extraordinarily attentive.

But this always need to let the cold owl know it, the cold owl side has been no news.

“Honey, is there still no word from my brother?”

As soon as Albert Ou returned Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but rush him.

“I’ll tell you when I have news, why are you more anxious than others.”

“I’m not in a hurry, this belly says it’s getting big, and this can’t be delayed, so you can send some extra men to find him.”

“Okay, okay, I get it, worry less about the others and go back to bed and wait for me.”Albert Ou winked at Jasmine Tong.

Jasmine Tong returned to the bed, and after a while Albert Ou returned.

“My little darling has been waiting a long time” Albert Ou turned off the light and got under the covers and started doing something shameless.

The next morning Albert Ou got into the car.

“Ou, shall we go straight to the office?” the driver asked.

“Let’s go to Z.Y Hospital first.”


The driver immediately started the engine and drove Albert Ou to Z.Y Hospital.

Albert Ou went straight to Zhong Yu Ling’s office.

“You did the examination of Meng Rujiao, didn’t you?”

Albert Ou guessed that Jasmine Tong trusted Zhong Yu Ling a lot, so Meng Rujiao’s examination should be left to Zhong Yu Ling.

Zhong Yu Ling nodded, “Yes, Mr. Ou, what’s the problem?”

“Nothing wrong, just wanted to ask you if the baby in her belly is a boy or a girl.”

Zhong Yu Ling was stunned, it didn’t seem to have anything to do with Albert Ou, right?

“Why do you ask, Mr. Ou?”

“You just have to answer my question.”

“That girl is less than two months pregnant and there’s no way to tell the sex of the fetus yet.”Zhong Yu Ling had to answer truthfully.

“So when will we know the sex of the fetus?”

“Two more months.”

“Here’s the thing” it seems he’s still a little anxious, “you need to take care of her this baby can’t miss a beat.”

It was as if Albert Ou had given an order, Zhong Yu Ling remembered that even when Jasmine Tong was pregnant, Albert Ou didn’t seem to have ordered him like this, could it be that this child

“What he should eat now and what is good for the fetus in his belly, you arrange all of that.”

“It’s our job to ensure the safety of the pregnant woman and the fetus, except O, didn’t the missus tell you that the baby is likely to have health problems?”

“Doesn’t he have any health problems right now? There’s more to say and don’t tell my wife that I’ve been here.”

Although Zhong Yu Ling felt strange, Albert Ou was the owner of this hospital, so she couldn’t say anything.

“Yes, Ou.”

“I know you’re close to her, but I’m telling you, you need to remember who’s your boss, and if I want to heal you there are a hundred ways to do it.”Albert Ou threatened.

“Don’t worry, Ou, I won’t tell anyone.”Zhong Yu Ling could only compromise.

Albert Ou left the hospital, Jasmine Tong had always wanted a daughter, hadn’t she if Meng Rujiao was pregnant with a daughter this pregnancy, so that he could just bring this daughter around.

And Meng Rujiao’s child has the blood of the Leng Lords, which is also the flesh and blood of the Ou family.

In fact, he didn’t even look for the Leng Lords, and if the Leng Lords come back and he’s with Meng Rujiao, he won’t be able to snatch this child.

This child he was bound to snatch.

Chapter 622

Another three days passed, and there was still no news from the Cold Lords.

Jasmine Tong this can be sad, if this child can not keep, then definitely have to make a decision before three months, seeing as Meng Rujiao’s tires are already two months full.

Why is Albert Ou so inefficient these days?

“Madam, here are the flowers that came today, look how beautiful they are, it’s the first time I’ve seen green roses”

The maid placed the flower arrangements on the table.

“It’s pretty.”

green rose

Right, she remembered, a long, long time ago, the Leng Lords once gave her a brocade bag, if she wanted to find him, she should open it.

At that time, the cold owl kept saying that Albert Ou was a vampire, Jasmine Tong didn’t believe it at all, so she didn’t take the brocade bag thing seriously.

Maybe this bag of tricks can really find him.

Jasmine Tong began to rummage through her cupboard for something, it had been so long that she couldn’t really remember where she had put it.

Li Hua carried San San over, “Madam, what are you looking for ah is something lost?”

Pear was shocked to see the mess in the bedroom.

Seeing Pear Blossom, Jasmine Tong immediately climbed up from the ground.

“You’ll be here in a minute too, I’ll ask you if you’ve seen a tapestry.”

“What’s a brocade bag” Pearblossom tilted her head to look at Jasmine Tong.

“It’s just that” Jasmine Tong’s mind didn’t even have it, she only remembered that the Leng Lords had given it to her, but exactly what it was like, she herself didn’t even care.

“Gee, I can’t explain it, it’s been too long.”

“See if you remember when this came out.”

“In sure it was before I got pregnant.”

She remembered that he was supposed to be getting pregnant with Albert Ou during that time, and the cold owl kept saying that Albert Ou was a vampire.

It was also later when she found out that Albert Ou was really a vampire that she gave up preparing for pregnancy.

Pearblossom burst out laughing, “Before the pregnancy we didn’t all live over there? haven’t moved here yet, Mrs. You forgot that it was only after giving birth to the young master that we moved over here.”

Jasmine Tong smacked herself on the head, “Yeah, this brain of mine”

She must have left that bag when she lived there. It’s useless for her to look for it here.

“Three years of foolishness in one pregnancy, ma’am, but that’s exactly right.”

“No, I’ve got to get over there and you can have the place cleaned up.”

As soon as Jasmine Tong shrugged this off, she immediately left the house and got in her car to return to the villa she had previously stayed with Albert Ou.

She had been in hospital for three months before San San, and had moved straight to Crystal Gardens when she came back from the hospital after giving birth, and she wasn’t well enough to care about the moving job, and she didn’t think it was anything important either.

Only that she and Albert Ou were here to receive the wedding some time ago, making a mess and not knowing if things were still there.

The house still smells festive when you walk in the door.

There were still uneaten dried and moldy fruits on the table, and no one had cleaned up after the festivities here.

Jasmine Tong ignored the direct upstairs, and the bedroom was even more of a mess.

It was a bit of rummaging and she finally found the brocade bag in the crack of the bed.

She quickly opened this pouch and there was a note inside.

This has a phone number recorded on it.

This must be the phone number of the Cold Lords, whenever the Cold Lords go out to call his previous phone number, it will always be off or down.

But how can a person not need a phone?

Turns out he had a spare cell phone number.

Jasmine Tong quickly dialed the cell phone number and the call did go through.

“Toot toot,”

I tried several times, but no one answered.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at this.

The Cold Lords still didn’t answer the phone.

Jasmine Tong had to save her phone number as a wrong number and send a text message.

“Brother, get the news back quickly, Pepper is pregnant.”

If you’re not, then consider this message as a spam message.

Jasmine Tong dialed several more times, but her phone was later switched off and she returned home helplessly.

Albert Ou had returned and was guarding Sanzo and Seven in the nursery.

“What have you been doing” Albert Ou asked curiously, Jasmine Tong was usually at home when he came home.

“Nothing, went to our previous home to look around.”

“Is it too much for the two kids at home if you want, we’ll go back there for a few days.”

He couldn’t be happier for a few days for two.

“It’s the two kids at home you’re too annoyed with,” Tong walked over to the kids.

Albert Ou grunted no words.

“Why is he still missing?”

“I’ve already sent people out to look for it, so blame me if I can’t find it.”

“Where do you think he’s going? You can’t even find him. He’s really good at hiding.”

As soon as the words were out of their mouths, they heard a loud clatter, and then the giggling of children.

The two men looked together towards the source of the sound, a pile of shattered glass under San San’s feet

The kid dropped the cup on the table.

Jasmine Tong rushed over and picked up San San and carried her back to the bed, where the maid came to clean up.

Jasmine Tong rushed to check if San San was hurt.

“Look at how he’s laughing, how could he be hurt” Albert Ou couldn’t help but spit on the sidelines.

“San San why are you so naughty, the table is so high you can kind of walk, you can run around and drop things everywhere can’t you”

Jasmine Tong said as she poked San San’s small chest, and San San laughed even more.

“You should get a spanking for laughing at me.”

“Come come let me fight, you be careful of your hand pain” Albert Ou leaned over and pulled San San, just about to raise his hand, Jasmine Tong hastily held San San in his arms.

“What are you doing? You’re really hitting me.”

“You’re the one who said he deserved a beating how many times have I told you to beat him up, have you ever once laid a hand on him?”

Albert Ou was so unhappy, every time he said he was angry with him he lost his temper, every time he said he was ignoring people he ignored them, but when it came to San San here, he never beat him up once.

“I was just saying that.”

“He’s been so mischievous, and you’re still talking about it.”

“I’m just joking, he’s only a little over a week old and he doesn’t know any better.”

Jasmine Tong looked at her son sadly, “San San, can you stop being so naughty?”

Then Jasmine Tong raised her head to look at Albert Ou, “Hubby, let’s have a baby daughter, they say that daughters are sweet, I guarantee you’ll like it.”

Chapter 623

Jasmine Tong looked at Albert Ou pitifully, and what a pair of longing eyes it was.

“What do you want? Two boys and a daughter? I can’t afford it. I’d like to live two more years.”

Jasmine Tong threw up her tongue, she hadn’t even made Albert Ou promise her to have her daughter at the wedding, so it was useless to say anything now.

The two men weren’t discussing the subject.

Albert Ou knows in his heart that Jasmine Tong wants a daughter, can he push it for a while, but still be able to push it for a lifetime?

He had to take the baby right away but hopefully what Meng Rujiao was carrying was a daughter.

According to the checkup time provided by Zhong Yu Ling, Jasmine Tong took Meng Rujiao to the hospital for another checkup.

After the test results came back, Jasmine Tong and Meng Rujiao went to Zhong Yu Ling’s office together.

“Ma’am, Miss Monmouth, the test indicators are normal.”

This is what every doctor wants to see, and what every pregnant woman and her family wants to see.

“Look Mandy, I’ll tell you what, my baby’s going to be fine.”

Meng Rujiao comfortably stroked her not-yet-rising belly.

“But I still say that just because there’s no problem now doesn’t necessarily mean there won’t be a problem later, and it doesn’t mean there won’t be a problem after birth.”

Although Zhong Yu Ling’s words were cruel, it was as if Meng Rujiao hadn’t heard them, but it was Jasmine Tong who was worried.

“Thank you, Dr. Chung, we’ll be back then.”

Jasmine Tong took Meng Rujiao back to the Crystal Garden.

“Manny-san, do you think the baby in my belly is a boy or a girl?”

As soon as the conversation was over, the two men walked through the door together, and there was the man standing in the living room.



The two men shouted out together.

After that there will be no sound cold owl stood up and stared at the two women who came in.

Jasmine Tong felt that she was a bit redundant, so she hurriedly said, “You guys talk first, I’ll go upstairs to check on San San and Xiao Qi.”

She said and hurried upstairs.

Leaving these two in the living room was even more awkward.

The Lengæž­’s gaze is fixed on Meng Rujiao’s stomach, received Jasmine Tong’s text message, he was stunned for a long, long time, can not believe that this is true.

I can’t believe I got it in one go.

“Boss, you’re back, sit down.”

The maid brought them two cups of water, and Meng Rujiao picked the cups up and returned them to the maid.

“Please add two slices of lemon for me.”

“All right, Miss Mon.”The maid took the cup back again, added two slices of lemon, and brought it back again.

Lately my mouth has been feeling a little bitter and I’ve been craving something sour.

The Leng Lords remembered that Meng Rujiao used to not eat acid, she preferred sweets.

Jasmine Tong instructed the maids not to disturb them, and they retreated far away.

The two men sat on the couch in silence.

Meng Rujiao pulled out the freshly made ultrasound list from her bag, “Look, this is the baby in my belly, she’s still a little bitty, Sister Manny said she’s not fully developed yet or a little monster.”

The Cold Lords took the ultrasound list over to look at their child.

Regardless, this child has come into the world, so perhaps this is God’s will.

It was the heavens forcing him to be with Meng Rujiao, so he should just follow the will of the heavens.

“I’ll take charge and get well, I won’t be leaving again.”The Cold Lords finally got the words out.

Meng Rujiao was in a trance, always feeling like a dream, but had the feeling of floating in mid-air, unable to fly to the sky or land.

Leng Lords came over and stroked Meng Rujiao’s hair, “Out for half a day, go upstairs and take a rest.”

“Well.”Meng Rujiao nodded stupidly, and the Leng Lords led her hand upstairs.

“You get some rest.”The cold lord walked to the door, and Meng Rujiao sat on the bed.


The Cold Lords stopped and turned around, “What’s wrong?”

“Are you sure you’re not going to leave again?”

“Really, when have I ever lied to you?”

The two people smiled at each other, and the Cold Lords walked out.

Meng Rujiao lay sweetly on the bed, yes, when had their boss ever lied to her?

From the first day she met him, everything he said would count, everything he promised to do would be done.

If he says he’s not leaving, he’s not leaving.

The Leng Lords closed the door to the nursery, just as Jasmine Tong was ready to come out.

“Where’s my nephew?”

“All asleep.”

“Well then, a gift for them to bring.”

Jasmine Tong smiled, “Brother, I was just looking for you.”

The two of them went into the small parlor together, and at first Tong didn’t know how to speak.

“Manny, thanks to you taking care of Pepper this time, I’ll be accompanying her in the future for birth control and such.”

Jasmine Tong was overjoyed, “Brother, so you are accepting Pepper.”

The cold lord nodded without speaking.

The first thing you need to know is that you can’t be too sure about the quality of the food you are eating.

“What’s wrong with you seems like you have something to say to me straight up.”

“Bro, here’s the thing, I don’t think you’ve ever been in a relationship and you have no experience in procreation forget it let me get this straight, the time you and Pepper drank a lot and you haven’t been drugged, so so this baby”

Leng Lords has probably understood Jasmine Tong’s meaning.

“What did the doctor say?”

“Now the child’s tests used to be healthy, but the doctor said that the child may not be born healthy, even if all the birth tests show that the child is fine.”

Jasmine Tong relayed Zhong Yu Ling’s words to the Cold Lords.

“Normally, men and women are required to abstain from smoking and drinking for six months if they want to conceive the next generation, plus the drugs administered are very strong, as I’m sure you know.”

“In other words, the child is not to be kept, is that what you mean, Mandy?”

“Not really, after all, a deformed fetus is only a matter of probability.”

Jasmine Tong hurriedly explained, but she could also hear from Zhong Yu Ling’s words that the doctor actually didn’t really recommend such a child to be born.

Even a child conceived under normal circumstances may not be healthy, let alone one that is

“Pepper is still so young, there are things she doesn’t understand, I told her that she was insisting on having the baby, she said it was the baby’s life, that’s why I’m so anxious to get you back, this baby is both of yours her staying or going should be up to you.”


“The doctor said if you’re sure you don’t want the baby, you must try to have the operation before three months, and the pregnant woman suffers too much after the month is over.”

“I know.”The Cold Lords stood up and walked out of the small parlor.

Jasmine Tong’s heart was filled with mixed emotions, pregnancy was such a joyful thing, but it was such a burden for them.

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