Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 600 – 602

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Chapter 600

Meng Rujiao walked into the cold lord’s room and looked around.

“What do you want from me? “The Cold Lords remained aloof.

“Well I, that.”

Meng Rujiao couldn’t say anything as she rubbed her head and fidgeted.

She didn’t even prepare a line for herself, didn’t she say that the drug was powerful? As long as the cold owl eats it, it will soon react.

So Meng Rujiao felt no need for lines at all, just waiting for the cold owl to pounce on him himself.

“Get out if you’re okay, I’m going to rest.”The Leng Lords saw that Meng Rujiao had been silent and gave the order to expel him.

“No, I have something” Meng Rujiao immediately became anxious when she heard this.

“If you have something to say, say it quickly.”The cold lord glanced at her as if he had already seen through her.

“My boss one actually.”

Meng Rujiao fidgeted and couldn’t say anything.

She’s so anxious, why isn’t his medicine working yet?

“What are you waiting for, Pepper?”

“I’m waiting for you,” Meng Rujiao almost got out, “Nothing, nothing.”

“You’re waiting for my medicine to kick in,”

“Ah,” Meng Rujiao blinked hard a few times.

“I knew something wasn’t right from the moment you came downstairs today, and I didn’t even have a soup like that to stop doing, so get out.”

Meng Rujiao listened to the cold and icy tone of the Leng Lords.

It turns out that it’s all within the control of the Cold Lords, who know everything.

Meng Rujiao hung her head in dismay, she was ready to turn around and leave without saying anything.

Somehow the moment she turned around, the Leng Lords suddenly felt some heartache.

Just in the next second, the Leng Lords suddenly felt their breathing and heartbeat suddenly accelerated, always feeling that there is a hot stream of body is restlessly ready to gush out.

He stumbled and immediately held onto the table.

The sound alarmed Meng Rujiao, who immediately turned around to look at the Leng Lords, “Boss, what’s wrong with you.”

“I’m fine, get out.”

“The company’s main business is the development of a new product line, which will be introduced to the market in the near future.

“Go away “The Leng Lords pushed Meng Rujiao away.

Meng Rujiao immediately stepped forward again, “You’ve always been like this, every time you get sick you don’t go to see if you really have a fever, you must see a doctor”

The young woman’s gentle little hand on his cheek made the flame in his heart burn brighter and brighter.

Leng Lords looked at Meng Rujiao and directly picked her up and put her on the bed.

Meng Rujiao was still a bit unresponsive, “Boss, what are you doing”

Meng Rujiao could only hear the rapidity of the Leng Lords breathing and the pair of burning eyes that seemed to swallow her up.

Oh, sh!t. I thought you said you didn’t take your medication.

How could that be?

Meng Rujiao was still new to experiencing male and female affairs and couldn’t help but get a little nervous.

In the living room, the brothers were still taking their time waiting for news.

The monkey came running out of the bathroom.

“Oh no, oh no, the boss threw up all the soup I found by the toilet” the monkey yelled hard.

Everyone but the soldier looked uneasily towards the upstairs.

Ten seconds of silence for Pepper.

“I told you this wouldn’t work, the boss is so smart, can he just take the bait” said the big guy with a pat on the thigh and a hug on his head.

“You’re just a horse’s rear end.”

“Good thing I had a second hand,” said the soldier, stroking his chin.

We all looked at the soldier together.

“Before we ate, I said I had something to see the boss about, and we both had some tea in the room, and in the tea I also put a little medicine in there just in case we needed it.”Soldier explained.

“By Bing Bing, you usually look so honest, I didn’t think you’d be so useful at a critical moment.”

“That’s right, Bing Bing, didn’t see it coming.”

“Now we’re all relieved, go back to sleep, don’t bother them two, just the boss’s skill, this is not a fight until dawn” the rat yawned.

So everyone went back to their rooms.

In Leng Liao’s room

“Don’t, don’t let go of me” Meng Rujiao kept pounding her hands and feet.

This sobered up the Cold Lords quite a bit.

Half of Meng Rujiao’s clothes had already been ripped off, but he suddenly closed his hand and walked straight into the bathroom, picking up the shower and spraying it towards his face.

The cold water hitting his face made him feel much more awake.

He went back into the bedroom and pulled Monroe up on the bed and pushed her straight out the door, locking his own.

Meng Rujiao only then realized what her true purpose was but now it was too late.

She had to go back to her room.

I don’t know if it was because they missed this, but everyone was up at the same time, but when they found out from Meng Rujiao’s mouth what happened last night, everyone stared hard at Meng Rujiao.

“Useless thing, thanks to all of us who helped you think of it.”

“You’re the one who deserves it. You’re the one who’s still trying to catch up with the boss.”

You all talk about Meng Rujiao to no avail.

Meng Rujiao also hates herself for being so useless.

And yet the cold lord said nothing, as if nothing had happened last night.

After another day, it was time to go down to the grave and everyone picked up their spirits again.

Arrival site survey completed, all deployments in place.

“It’s the same old rules, when you go down there, no one is to go alone, everything is at my command.”The cold baron is still the one with the leadership style.

“Yes,” everyone said in unison.

Everyone packed up and put on their gear and went down to the grave.

It’s not the first time we’ve been down to the grave, and there’s nothing new to see, so we’re all very cautious and careful along the way.

The Cold Lords were always the first to go.

Finally into the crypt, this large tomb is very luxuriously decorated, with a lot of gold and silver treasures and antiques and curios, innumerable.

“We’re rich,” the big man couldn’t help but exclaim.

Leng Lords were never greedy, and he educated his own men to be the same.

“It’s the same old rules, each person can only take three things, be quick, I’m afraid there are still traps here, so be careful.”

Once again, the Cold Lords gave orders, and everyone got orders to immediately start picking out what they liked.

Meng Rujiao seemed a little distracted, these things were commonplace and didn’t appeal to her, or perhaps her heart wasn’t in it.

She slipped around the crypt at random, looking here and touching there.

Suddenly I noticed a flower carved lifelike beneath the coffin.

She was curious, so she went over to touch it and suddenly heard a “da” sound.

The flowers suddenly rose out of the ground and slowly bloomed before her eyes.

Meng Rujiao laughed, but there was something so high-tech.

“Beware,” the Cold Lords suddenly yelled.

Chapter 601

lit. ten thousand arrows in one volley

Just in the nick of time, the Leng Lords directly pressed Meng Rujiao underneath them.

At that moment, the two of them looked at each other.

Meng Rujiao was shocked and foolishly looked at the Leng Lords.

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past few years, and the company is now in the process of developing the new product.

“Don’t you want to die?” the Cold Lords bellowed with a glare.

The entire crypt began to shake, and dust continued to fall from above.

“No, the cemetery is collapsing,” said Soldier, holding his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

“Immediately retreat,” the Leng Lords ordered, we immediately ran towards the door.

Every time we went down to the tomb it was a nine-life experience, and before each time everyone was prepared to never come back up.

At the moment they had just exited from the tomb, there was a “boom” and the entire crypt collapsed.

“That was thrilling, glad we exited early” Monkey wiped the sweat from his brow.

“It looks like this crypt made a self-destruct mechanism, and now when someone is found to be raiding the tomb and runs into the mechanism, it will turn on the self-destruct mechanism, no wonder I didn’t even find anything before, it was done so stealthily.”Bing Bing is a technical control and starts analyzing as soon as it comes out.

“But we didn’t run into any traps, did you guys run into any traps?” the monkey asked, touching his head.

Every one of them was already familiar with the catacombs, and they were all familiar with the usual mechanisms.

The Leng Lords immediately rushed to Meng Rujiao, “so obvious organs can’t see it? What are you thinking about, everyone is going to be killed by you.”

Everyone looked at Meng Rujiao, but it turned out that Meng Rujiao had accidentally touched the mechanism.

The Leng Lords have always been merciless in scolding people.

The first thing you need to know is that you can’t do anything wrong.

Everybody’s nuts. What the hell is going on here?

“I know you care about me in your heart” Meng Rujiao closed her eyes, beautiful.

The Cold Lords also had a moment of hesitation.

“Boss, just admit it, you like me too, right?”

The cold lord pushed Meng Rujiao far away with one hand.

“Don’t follow me with this crap, you touched the trap yourself and saw all your brothers die with you, give yourself a good calm introspection, pack your things, retreat”

The cold lord’s face was still cold.

Meng Rujiao playfully threw out her tongue, still just beautiful.

On the way back, the Cold Lords didn’t say a word.

Meng Rujiao, however, kept thinking back to the way the cold lord threw her underneath him.

“Pepper, what have you been smiling about” said Bigger and stronger looking at Meng Rujiao.

“You know, when I touched the mechanism just now, the boss said it was too late and just jumped me, so I think the boss has me in mind, don’t you?”

“If it wasn’t for the boss, you’d have been poked and prodded.”Soldier said.

They are all brothers born and bred, and will not blame anyone for breaking the authorities and putting everyone in danger.

“I have an idea, don’t we always have to have a celebration feast every time we return from tomb raiding” Meng Rujiao seemed to have an instant enlightenment.

“You’re not thinking of drugging the boss again, the boss is so smart, it’s impossible.”Soldier shook his head and said.

“No drugs, we don’t get drunk at every celebration, I’ll have my own ideas then.”Meng Rujiao looked like she had a chest.

There was indeed a celebration this night, though they had touched the mechanism and caused the tomb to be destroyed, and at least each of them had brought back one or two things that didn’t leave them pellets.

“Boss, we’ve survived another death today, here’s to you,” Big Zhuang was the first to lift the glass.

The Cold Lords also came to drink it all.

“Yeah, boss, already don’t know how many times this is the first time I’ve escaped death, but next time I won’t be so lucky, so I’m not going to get drunk today,” the monkey, who had three consecutive glasses of wine, didn’t change his face.

We all drink, usually this time the cold owl will not be so spoilsport, and everyone is a drunken party.

The cold lord wasn’t a good drinker, he was a little drunk without having too much to drink, but he was pretty sober.

“I’ve had too much to drink, you guys go on.”The cold lord swayed upstairs, stuck his head into his own room, and lay down on the bed and never wanted to get up again.

It was a solid night’s sleep.

Everyone got a little too drunk that night and didn’t get up the next morning.

It was about 10:00 am when the cold owl finally opened his eyes, and the moment he opened his eyes he felt a sharp pain in his head.

The cold lord rubbed his temples and sat up, suddenly realizing that there was another person by his bedside, startling him.

Meng Rujiao was sitting on his bed, covered with his blanket and wearing his hair.

“Pepper, what are you doing here?”

“If you ask me why I’m here I’ll have to ask you, boss, you’re not going to turn your back on me, are you” Meng Rujiao hung her head with a touch of shyness on her face.

“What’s the admission” the cold owl’s head is racing, what else actually happened last night.

“You see you’re just going to disown the two of us last night, last night” Meng Rujiao bit her own lip and laughed, “I don’t care, you’re responsible for me anyway.”

“You mean the two of us last night “The Cold Lords patted himself on the head, he was indeed drunk last night, and he really couldn’t remember what happened.

“Yeah, don’t you remember, the two of us had that last night, and you’re responsible for my body.”

Meng Rujiao boldly shouted towards the cold lord.

“Really? “The cold lord is not remembered at all.

“Of course it’s true, can’t I lie to you boss, I can’t believe you’re this kind of person, you’ve turned your back on what you’ve done and still won’t admit it.”

“There’s no way I can’t admit what I’ve done.”

“This is what you say, then you marry me and let me be your woman” Meng Rujiao took advantage of the victory.

“But it’s whether or not something like that happened last night that matters.”

“Of course it happened, can’t I lie to you, we’re all in the same bed, in one bed all night of course it happened la”

Meng Rujiao was anxious and hurried to explain.

“Lying in one bed all night, that’s what happened?”

“You’re drunk you don’t remember, but I remember it happened, it just happened I say it happened it just happened” Meng Rujiao argued reasonably.

“Then describe the process to me, so I can remember, I really don’t remember much.”

Leng Lords walked to the table and sat down, pouring himself a glass of water.

“That last night,”

Chapter 602

Meng Rujiao was trying to think of words, “Then I came over to see you about something and then you were drunk, weren’t you, and you just grabbed me on the bed and”

The Cold Lords calmly drank a glass of water, “Okay, don’t make it up.”

“I’m not making this up, it’s true.”

“Then explain to me why we’re still wearing the clothes on our bodies when we’ve even done that already.”

Meng Rujiao hurriedly looked down at her clothes, she was indeed wearing her clothes well.

“And what about me carrying you to bed in one hand, I was drunk and wobbly walking yesterday, let alone carrying you.”The Cold Lords continued.

“You” Meng Rujiao didn’t expect to be revealed so quickly.

“Get out.”

Meng Rujiao jumped right off the bed, “Boss, why don’t you just agree to let me be your woman I know you have me in your heart, and I have you in my heart, why not”

“You’re still a kid.”

“I’m 20 years old, I’m not a child. I’m 18. I’ve been an adult for two years. By law, a girl can get a marriage license when she’s 20.”

Meng Rujiao said with a stalk.

“I’ll let you out” the Cold Lords are even more impatient.


“Say bullsh!t again, and believe me I can throw you out right now, how I brought you back.”

The cold lord dropped the teacup to the floor.

Meng Rujiao left her mouth and had to slink out.

Once again, she failed.

The cold owl looked at her back a glance memory as if it was pulled back seven years ago.

Seven years ago, they were a newly formed team.

The Leng Lords is on the street to see Meng Rujiao, that year Meng Rujiao only 13 years old, or a dirty little beggar.

At 13 years old, the little girl already knows how to look pretty, she can groom herself and her breasts are starting to develop slowly.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the new product.

Meng Rujiao stole his money and was caught by him, and the cold lord also felt sorry for the beggar, so he gave her the money, but she was like a follower and kept following her.

“Why do you keep following me?”

“I don’t have a home or a place to go, you’re a good man and I want to follow you.”Meng Rujiao spoke very bluntly.

“What makes you think I’m a good person just because I gave you money?”

“No, I can see that.”

“Look out huh.”The Cold Lords laughed, “My job is very dangerous, it’s not appropriate for you to follow me.”

“I’m not afraid of danger, my dad sold me several times, then I got into the circus, that’s what’s dangerous, I can’t finish my meals every day, I have to practice, I fall down and get beaten.”

“Circus “The Leng Lords listened carefully to Meng Rujiao’s story.

Meng Rujiao’s family lived in the countryside and there were too many children, so her own father sold her, and she was changed several times, peddling around in the hands of traffickers and into the circus.

Because she was old, all the circus kids started practicing when they were three, four, five years old, but she was ten years old when she entered the circus, and couldn’t practice well enough, and she was beaten and bruised.

Then she ran away from the circus and became a beggar.

“I’ll follow you, big brother, as long as you don’t beat me and let me eat whatever you want me to do.”

Meng Rujiao pulled the hand of the Leng Lords and begged bitterly.

“It’s not that I don’t want to take you, little brother,”

“I’m not a little brother ah, I’m a little sister, I’m a girl” Meng Rujiao blossomed with an innocent smile.

In that instant, the Leng Lords were stunned, she was a girl!

Leng Lords were suddenly in a tangle, he was naturally inconvenienced with a girl, but if people knew she was a girl, her situation would be a hundred times harder than it was now.

He could even imagine what it would be like to be a girl, out on the streets.

And she’s 13, once she develops and people find out she’s a girl.

In the end, the Cold Lords took her away and brought her back to live with the team.

He remembers when Meng Rujiao’s first menstrual period scared the hell out of herself and thought she was going to die.

She held him tightly and cried non-stop, and said that in her next life, she would marry him as her daughter-in-law.

The Lengæž­ only knew later, it was Meng Rujiao’s first menstruation, these things and no one to teach her, the Lengæž­ is also a young man, to this kind of thing more or less shy, but he is her only dependence.

He bought books for her to read and even taught her how to use sanitary napkins.

The cold owl even gave her an online corset when she started to develop her breasts.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, Meng Rujiao began to understand and stopped talking nonsense.

Until the day of her 20th birthday, everyone celebrated Meng Rujiao’s birthday together.

Everyone was a little too drunk, and the Leng Lords and Meng Rujiao were the ones who k!ssed that day.

The Leng Lords didn’t know what was wrong with them that day, only that they were a little dizzy from drinking.

Seven years have passed since then, and the tomboy who couldn’t see a man or woman has come out of the woodwork.

The cold lord suddenly didn’t know what to do with her.

The cold lord came to the room of Bing Bing, who is the team’s technical control, proficient in computers, and also in charge of the accounts.

“Boss, you wanted to see me about something.”

“Make a tally of all our accounts, and this time, I’ve found a buyer for the stuff that’s ready for immediate action.”

“Boss, there’s no rush right, we’re not waiting for the money.”The soldier felt very baffled.

“I have an emergency, so do as I say.”


Bing Bing also didn’t continue to say anything, but felt that the cold owl was strange.

A week later, all the money was aggregated, and the soldier had compiled a data sheet.

The Cold Lords took these and gathered everyone together.

“Here’s all the money we have now, I’ll divide it equally into five parts and each of you will take one to go.”

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what was happening.

“What do you mean, boss?”

“In our line of work, it’s nine lives every time, walking on the edge of a knife, you’re all big and old, Bing Bing has been married for a few years, it’s time to have children, you should live a normal life, so let’s say goodbye.”

The Cold Lords spoke in a very relaxed tone.

Everyone got his point. It’s a dissolution.

“Boss, are we disbanding?” asked Bigger.

“Sort of, we’ll have a whole new life together, we’ve been brothers for so many years since we were born, so we’ll meet again someday.”

After saying that the cold lord went straight upstairs.

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