Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 561 – 563

Read Chapter 561 – 563 of the novel Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO free online.

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Chapter 561

When that deep voice with a smoking voice reached Jasmine Tong’s ears through the earpiece.

It’s all clear.

Jasmine Tong’s most unexpected event still happened.

“Jasmine Tong, prepare a hundred million to my account right away, and I’ll return the child to you.”

This voice is all too familiar to Jasmine Tong, Marven Tong.

“Dad, you actually kidnapped your own grandson you’re ridiculous do you realize you’re still a prisoner on probation and if I reveal it directly to the police you’ll go to jail right away.”

Hearing Marven Tong’s voice, Jasmine was unbelievable for the first moment, and shaking with anger in the next.

“Dear grandson huh, you remember me as your father at this time I was kicked out of my house and forced to rent a house outside, and you lied about how you had already helped us, since you don’t care about the father-daughter relationship, why should I”

Jasmine Tong felt herself trembling all over.

She really didn’t expect Marven Tong to be so confused.

What she had intended was to make Marven Tong and Dusyman suffer and learn a lesson, and if they truly reformed, then she would lend a helping hand.

But I didn’t expect Marven Tong to do something like kidnapping.

“What lies, I don’t even know what you’re talking about hurry up and get my son back, I’ll consider not calling the police and you won’t have to go to jail otherwise”

“Jasmine Tong, I’m telling you, if you really lost your conscience, then go ahead and call the police, I have your son anyway, at worst I’ll die with him I’ve lived for so many years, I’ll take my grandson with me when I die, haha, no loss”


When she heard Marven Tong say the words “to die together”, Jasmine Tong almost bit her tongue.

“Where are you now you give me the baby first and we’ll talk.”

“You’re thinking of giving you the baby, can I still get a penny from you Jasmine Tong, I’ll send you the account, you’ll put the money into my account, I’ll contact you after I receive the arrival information.”

“Dad, will you come to your senses?”

“I’m sober if you didn’t treat me like this in the first place, I wouldn’t be desperate enough to kidnap my own grandson this is all your own doing you better not call the police or else you’ll be in for it”

toot toot

The phone hung up.

“Hey, Dad you,” Jasmine Tong slammed the phone right down towards the couch, “pissed off at me.”

She covered her face, feeling shivers all over her body.

Jasmine Tong tried to take deep breaths to calm herself down, if the baby was really in Marven Tong’s hands, then things would be easier instead.

Marven Tong was not an ordinary kidnapper, at least not until he was forced to, he could not kill his own grandson, all he wanted was money.

Jasmine Tong picked the phone back up and called Albert Ou.

More than half an hour later, Albert Ou returned home.

Jasmine Tong told Albert Ou all about the call.

“Honey, what do we do now?”

Jasmine Tong was so distraught that she could only turn to Albert Ou for help.

Albert Ou held Jasmine Tong in his arms and stroked her.

“He just wants a hundred million, we’ll just give it to him, and if we don’t, he’ll definitely find another chance to do it later, so it’s better to give it to him now and put it all out in the open if he wants the money later.”

Albert Ou’s tone was deep, but his eyes shone with something different.

Jasmine Tong didn’t expect Albert Ou to agree so readily, perhaps he had done more thinking after being a parent.

“All right then.”

“I’m transferring him to the account right now, and by the way, did anything seem odd to you when you were just on the phone.”

Albert Ou suddenly asked.

Jasmine Tong thought back carefully for a while before replying, “It’s quiet, but there’s been a murmur on the phone, so maybe he has a bad signal there.”

“There’s a murmur” Albert Ou thought carefully, then touched Jasmine Tong’s head, “Don’t worry, leave everything to me, I’ll bring your son back to you, hmm”

Jasmine Tong managed to squeeze out a smile.

Half an hour later, the transfer was completed.

“Jasmine, you call him now and tell him that the money has been called.”

Jasmine Tong immediately took out her cell phone to call Marven Tong, the phone took a long time to connect, Jasmine Tong pressed the speakerphone.

“Hey Dad, the money’s been called, when are you going to give me back my son”

“You’re not playing any tricks on me if you’re calling, I’m not even getting a text here.”

“Maybe there’s a delay in the bank’s text message, but I’ve got the money on my end.”

“Well, you mustn’t play games, I’ll contact you twenty-four hours after I get the text message to return the child to your location.”

“Twenty-four hours.”

Before Jasmine Tong finished her words, Marven Tong’s side hung up the phone.

“He even said twenty-four hours” Jasmine Tong looked up at Albert Ou in puzzlement.

“Usually a transfer of such a large amount can be cancelled from the bank’s side in twenty-four hours, and he’s alert and smart.”

Albert Ou kept listening to the phone.

“But baby.”

Jasmine Tong is worried about her own son.

“It should be fine, and since he’s so smart, he should know that I’ll never let him get away with anything that happens to my son, and he’ll take extra care of it.”

Albert Ou said so, but Jasmine Tong felt that it was reasonable, but her own son was still unsettled without her.

Soon, Jasmine Tong’s side received a message from Marven Tong, who said he had received the money.

“Jasmine, he’ll contact you in twenty-four hours to pick up the baby, it’s been most of the day, you haven’t eaten anything, so eat something.”

“I’m not hungry, I don’t have much of an appetite.”

“How is that going to work baby is still breastfeeding, where is the breast milk if you don’t eat, he’s going to need it first thing when he gets back, hmm”

Albert Ou stroked Jasmine Tong’s hair, “I’ll eat some with you and then you go rest, okay”

Jasmine Tong didn’t want Albert Ou to worry about her either, so she agreed.

It was clear that she couldn’t eat anything, but she forced herself to eat something, knowing that the baby would need milk first thing when she got home.

If she doesn’t eat, how will she be able to supply the milk?

Albert Ou stayed in the bedroom with Jasmine Tong for a while until she fell asleep, then he tucked her in and walked out of the bedroom.

Russel Cheng was already waiting for him outside the door.

“Mr. Ou, I’ve set up as you instructed.”

“Very well” Albert Ou clenched his fist, wishing he could break the man into pieces

“Also, the money we called in has been transferred from an account.”

“I’ve already guessed that my son, the one that Mann fought so hard to give birth to, will be called by anyone who touches him, dead or alive.”

Chapter 562

Jasmine Tong woke up at first light this sleep.

In the end, missing her son, she woke up with a start from her dream, the bed was empty.

Jasmine Tong touched it, it was cold.

I don’t know if Albert Ou didn’t come back all night or if he got up early and left.

The door opened and Albert Ou walked in, a black and blue under his eyes.

“Awake so early.”

“Well, honey, I’m worried about the baby, I don’t know if he’s getting enough to eat, it’s slowly getting cold, will he freeze without someone he knows around, will he cry?”

“Kids aren’t adults, a little food and drink is all that matters.”Albert Ou walked over to the bed and sat down, “All the money from the accounts has been withdrawn, I’m sure it won’t take him more than twenty-four hours to contact you.”

Jasmine Tong touched Albert Ou’s face, “Did you not sleep all night?”

“Sleeping, just up early, sleep some more.”

“Why don’t you get some more sleep, I’ll wait for the call and make you something to eat on the way.”

Jasmine Tong just wanted to find herself something to do to distract herself.

“Fine, you go ahead.”

Albert Ou carved a k!ss on Jasmine Tong’s forehead.

As soon as Jasmine Tong made the breakfast ready, she received a call from Marven Tong, and as expected from Albert Ou, since the money was withdrawn, he didn’t have to worry about this side withdrawing the money back, and he didn’t have to wait 24 hours.

“You can just meet me over on Tin Yan Street in an hour.”Marven Tong said over the phone.

“How’s my boy?”


Marven Tong wasn’t willing to talk to Jasmine Tong much.

Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong didn’t even eat breakfast before heading straight to what Marven Tong called Tianren Street to wait.

Tianren Street is a very busy area, and there is a snack street right next door, where people come and go all the time.

Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong arrived together in a car.

Through the car window, Jasmine Tong looked out, “Why in such a place”

“If things go south, he’ll be able to escape, there are so many people here, he’ll be hard to find if he just gets into one, your father is very smart.”

Albert Ou also headed towards the window and forgot about the past.

“Confused all his life, the only thing so smart about kidnapping his own grandson.”Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but feel chilled.

“Don’t take it to heart, don’t you always say that a man does what he does and holds his head up to God? He’ll be punished for what he’s done.”

Albert Ou appeared very calm and hugged Jasmine Tong in his arms.

“Honey, will you blame me? “Jasmine Tong tilted her head up to look at Albert Ou.

“Blame you why blame you”

“If I hadn’t come from a family with a dad like that, this wouldn’t have happened to our son.”

Jasmine Tong lowered her eyelids slightly, her family of origin had brought her so much hurt, and there would probably be more in the future.

Because they have children, they have to make one compromise at a time.

I wonder how long this damage will last.

“How come? You’re you, they’re them, they did what they did, why should I blame you for not thinking about it.”

Albert Ou affectionately rubbed Jasmine Tong’s face, all eyes full of affection.

“If I’m going to blame you, it’s going to be because you neglected me for your son.”Albert Ou hastily added this sentence.

He was the constant reminder to Jasmine Tong to focus a little more on himself.

Jasmine Tong leaned into Albert Ou’s bosom, “Did you forget what I said last time? always jealous of your son, then after that one or two more children, how do you do”

“Where’s the one or two”

“Just in case we’re going to have kids later.”

“There will be no such eventuality, one son is enough.”

Albert Ou’s attitude was strong and Jasmine Tong threw up her tongue, she shouldn’t have brought up the subject.

The two men, and the bodyguards accompanying them, had been waiting for over an hour, but still hadn’t seen Marven Tong.

Jasmine Tong looked at the time and couldn’t sit still for a bit.

“Why aren’t you here? Is there an accident?”

The more time passed, the more unsettled Jasmine Tong’s heart became.

“Let’s wait and see, who knows what trick he’s pulling, maybe he’ll be around until we’re sure we haven’t called the police before he comes out.”

Albert Ou turned his attention to the street outside.

“Maybe.”Jasmine Tong had to continue to wait.

After about another ten minutes, Albert Ou’s phone rang.

“O, it’s done.”

“Okay, I got it.”

“What’s done” because it was so close, Jasmine Tong could hear the contents of Albert Ou’s phone clearly.

Only then did Albert Ou dare to look at Jasmine Tong squarely, but he didn’t say anything and instead said to the driver, “Go to the SPARKLE International Mall.”

“Okay, Ou.”The driver immediately started the engine and drove the car away.

“Why go there and not wait for my dad? What the hell is going on” Jasmine Tong just realized that something was not quite right.

Albert Ou bit his teeth or didn’t say anything.

“Jasmine, you’ll see when we get there.”

“You’re hiding something from me” Jasmine Tong looked at Albert Ou very confused.

“I’ll explain it to you slowly later.”Albert Ou held Jasmine Tong’s hand tightly, as if he was worried that she would escape.

Jasmine Tong didn’t ask any further questions, she knew that Albert Ou must have his own plan, but didn’t we agree to meet at Tianren Street?

The car arrived at SPARKLE after half an hour on the road, with several police cars flashing their lights and a crowd of onlookers.

Albert Ou got out of the car with Jasmine Tong, and immediately a policeman came forward with a child in his arms.

Jasmine Tong hurried forward to pick up the child, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she was sure it was her son.

“Thank God,”

The baby was sleeping in Jasmine Tong’s arms.

“The little baby is very obedient and has been sleeping.”The cop smiled and answered.

Albert Ou frowned, “Send Z.Y. Hospital immediately and give young master a full body checkup.”

“Well, it’s more comfortable for him to spend the night away from his family for the first time and check with an outsider, so I’ll follow him to the hospital.”

Jasmine Tong only has her own son in her heart and has long forgotten about Marven Tong.

As she was holding her son in her arms to get in the car and head to the hospital, she suddenly heard a roar.

“Jasmine Tong you this unfilial daughter you will not call the police do not you do not keep your word you this is to send your own father to jail ah everyone come and see ah is this snake scorpion hearted woman, she personally sent her own father to jail to see how cruel her heart.”

Marven Tong had handcuffs on his hands and was yelling at the sky.

Chapter 563

Only then did Jasmine Tong realize that Marven Tong had been arrested.

It just occurred to me that Marven Tong is still on probation, and committing a crime during this period is severely punished.

“Cut the crap and go,” the cop urged.

“Jasmine Tong, you lose all your conscience will not have a good end you even arrested your own father, your conscience was eaten by dogs” Marven Tong is still loudly reviled towards the sky.

Hearing her own father spit at her, Jasmine Tong only felt as if her heart had been hollowed out.

Urged by the driver, Jasmine Tong got into the car with the baby in her arms.

She was in a trance the whole way, looking at the baby in her arms, who seemed to be sleeping so sweetly, and she pressed her face against the baby’s face, feeling his presence.

The baby was taken to the hospital for various tests, and since there was still time to wait for the results of some of the tests, Jasmine Tong went home.

By the time we got home, it was dark.

The baby slept for a while longer before waking up, probably because the police still needed to investigate some things and Albert Ou hadn’t returned yet.

Aunt Fang came forward and brought a bowl of silver-ear congee to Jasmine Tong, “Madam, you haven’t eaten for most of the day, have some silver-ear congee.”

Only then did Jasmine Tong regain her senses and looked up at Aunt Fang.

“Aunt Fanny, thank you.”

“You’re too kind, ma’am, it’s what I’m supposed to do, I’ll look after the young master.”Aunt Fanny walked over to the crib, “That’s a good night’s sleep.”

“Yeah, I don’t know what happened, but I was so naughty at home and now I’m so good.”

Jasmine Tong had just taken two mouthfuls of silver ear porridge when she heard Aunt Fang shout in surprise, “Wake up, young master is awake.”

She hurriedly put down the silver ear porridge and came to the crib, “Baby, it’s mommy, do you miss mommy hungry, do you want milk?”

In the past, the little baby always blinked its big eyes twice and then started to make a fuss, but today it was exceptionally quiet, and it took a long time before it opened its arms towards Jasmine Tong.

Jasmine Tong hastily picked him up, “Must be hungry.”

She lifted her shirt and began to nurse the little baby, who was unresponsive.

“Ma’am, no one is born to be a parent, you’ve been great, what happened was an accident, don’t take it personally, and the good news is that the young master is now back safely.”

Aunt Fanny said comfortingly.

Jasmine Tong tugged at the corners of her lips, probably because Aunt Fang had seen Young Master return, and Jasmine Tong didn’t look very happy.

“Aunt Fanny, my father was arrested, and he said that I had lost my conscience, that my conscience had been eaten by dogs.That I’m a snake-oil woman.”Jasmine Tong’s mouth had a faint bitterness to it.

“He said such a thing, that’s what’s sad he kidnapped his own grandson ah since childhood, he as a father, also not good for you, before that also in front of the media to smear you, now he lost, in turn asked you to help him, on what basis.”

Aunt Fanny seemed angry too, she had always been a peaceful person.

“Ma’am, you are just too good natured and kind hearted, but kindness should be to another good person, not to an evil person, with all due respect to your father he deserved it, he drank to death and caused so many people to be hospitalized with poison, I don’t know how many people were ruined, he should have gone to jail to atone for his sins.”

Jasmine Tong took a deep breath of relief and nodded, “You’re right, maybe I was doing it wrong from the beginning.”

“Ma’am, I’m not supposed to say anything, but if the gentleman hadn’t helped them in the first place, he’d probably be in jail right now, he’d be in jail and the kidnapping wouldn’t have happened today.”

When Aunt Fang said this, she spoke much more softly, fearing that she might hurt Jasmine Tong.

“Yeah, it’s actually my fault for being so soft, if I’d been tougher, a lot of this probably wouldn’t have happened.”

“And don’t blame yourself, the wife is a good person, that’s why.”

“Aunt Fanny, thank you for telling me all that.”

“What’s polite about a nice guy like your wife really isn’t very many.”

After the two of them chatted for a while longer, Albert Ou pushed the door open and walked in, Aunt Fang looked at Jasmine Tong and then at Albert Ou and hurriedly stood up.

“Ma’am, sir, I’ll be out then.”Aunt Fang said and hastily exited the bedroom.

Albert Ou went to sit on the edge of the bed, Jasmine Tong was still nursing, and neither of them had finished.

Albert Ou immediately saw the silver ear porridge on the table that hadn’t moved a few bites.

When Jasmine saw that the baby was not eating milk, she put him back in his crib.

“Why don’t you eat something cold? I’ll have it warmed up.”Albert Ou was about to go to serve the silver ear porridge when Jasmine Tong spoke up.

“No, not very hungry, I’ll eat later when I’m hungry.”

Albert Ou stood up and walked over to the crib and took Jasmine Tong in his arms.

“I’m sorry, Jasmine.”

The baby in the crib didn’t cry or fuss, just looked at Jasmine Tong stupidly.

“Sorry for what?”

“I should have told you beforehand, I shouldn’t have lied to you, I shouldn’t have made the decision to go after Marven Tong on my own, I put your father in jail myself.”

Albert Ou had made up his mind to do this from the start.

Jasmine Tong straightened up and looked at Albert Ou, “It’s because I’m too soft-hearted and you were worried that if you did that, I would stop you, that’s why you didn’t tell me, right?”

Albert Ou didn’t say anything, which was a tacit acknowledgement that he knew Jasmine Tong too well and he knew that she would never agree, so he deceived her.

“You did a good job, and if you hadn’t been so good at advocating, I might still be stubborn.”

Hearing Jasmine Tong’s words, Albert Ou was startled, is he right?

Jasmine Tong didn’t even get angry.

When he made this plan, he was prepared to be scolded and even get cold feet, but Jasmine Tong even said that he was doing well

“Jasmine you don’t say the opposite, I know it’s wrong.”

“I didn’t say it backwards, I meant it, honey, you’re so smart and so good, but you have a wife as stupid as me.”

Jasmine Tong gently leaned against Albert Ou’s chest, and Albert Ou realized that Jasmine Tong wasn’t speaking backwards.

“By the way, how did you know my dad hadn’t been out at the mall?”

“He called you has been bad signal, there is always a murmur, which means that the place he is in must be very well hidden, I carefully calculated the time, such a short time, with his skills it is impossible to escape from the mall, the reason for creating the illusion is to confuse the public so, I pretend to evacuate everyone, let him relax, wait for an appointment, and then wait for the rabbit.”

“Good thing you’re smart.”

Albert Ou looked deep into Jasmine Tong’s eyes and he pressed on Jasmine Tong’s shoulder.

“Jasmine, there’s something I want to tell you, so don’t be afraid.”

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