Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 537 – 539

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Chapter 537

“What do you mean by that?”

Jasmine Tong had thought that Qin Tianlian had come over to express friendship with her, not realizing that she was the same as the others.

She had almost forgotten that Qin Jianlian was her rival.

“Jasmine Tong, I knew you were a two-faced woman at first, and now it does seem so.”

Qin turned his eyes upward all the time, seemingly completely ignoring Jasmine Tong.

Back then, she won the Golden Wolf Award for Best Actress over Jasmine Tong, and her career started to go smoothly.

In terms of current popularity, Jasmine Tong is indeed not comparable to her.

“I didn’t think you knew some of the ins and outs, and I don’t think you’d think the same as everyone else.”

Jasmine Tong feels that others don’t know, but Qin Tianliang is aware that she is with Albert Ou, who has Albert Ou would still go and hook up with Ron Bie.

“It’s because I know something of the inside story that I’m more certain of the true nature of your bad woman.You’re so ungrateful.”

While Qin is busy with her own career, she doesn’t pay attention to the news about Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong, and with John Quan out of the country, she knows nothing about their situation.

After this incident came out, his first reaction was that Albert Ou had found out Jasmine Tong’s true face and dumped her, which was why she had gone to hook up with Ellen Ron.

“The Lord has finally opened his eyes.”

“I’m not going to bother theorizing with you about that.”Jasmine Tong really didn’t want to argue with Qin Liyuan.

“I’m telling you, Asawa he’s going to be mine sooner or later.”After saying this, Qin turned around and left Jasmine Tong.

Jasmine Tong, that’s an uncomfortable, his own matter has not yet been settled here and then came a rival.

“Look guys, look, even Qin Lianyan ignored Jasmine Tong yeah”

“I heard that when Jasmine Tong was just starting out, but Qin Qianlian was always promoting her.”

“It’s not that I’ve heard ah, it’s true that Qin Yangyan was very much promoting Jasmine Tong, but unfortunately Jasmine Tong was ungrateful and stepped on Qin Yangyan and even squeezed him out of Star Huang International This woman ah, is simply too bad.”

“Oh my god so he’s not only seducing a married man ah isn’t that the entertainment industry’s stinker?”

“A stinker like that should be thrown out.”

No one paid attention to themselves anyway, so Jasmine Tong sat alone in that corner.

This year’s Golden Wolf Awards were pretty dismal for Star King International.

There were no more finalists, other than her, who were even invited to perform.

Mo Yi-Ang switched the runway and started attacking the TV drama circle, and no works were nominated this year.

Jasmine Tong is all alone and looks pitiful indeed.

But just because she is the only seedling of Star King International, she should show her posture even more!

No matter if she won the award this year or not, she represents Star International, and Star International has special feelings for her, she absolutely cannot let the Star National Drama go downhill.

The awards ceremony started soon after and all the guests were seated.

Qin Liyuan was also nominated for the Best Actress award, and she and Jasmine Tong were particularly close to each other.

Before that, Chin Wai Yuen won the best actress award over Tong Siu Man. This year, she won the best actress award.

“It’s a bit of a déjà vu image.”Chin said with his head turned up high.

“Just say what you want to say, there’s no need to beat around the bush.”

Because that’s how the position was arranged, Jasmine Tong couldn’t get away.

“Remember back then, we did the same thing and were also double finalists for the Golden Wolf Award, only that time it was me who had the last laugh.”

Qin turned around and raised his eyebrows.

“Then suddenly, sister, I don’t know if you’ve heard of the phrase “the wheel of feng shui” last time it was you, but this time it won’t be you.”

Jasmine Tong also showed the same courage.

Since she had declared war on her, there was no need for her to dodge it.

“You just came back, took such a short time to make a movie, and the movie hasn’t even been released yet, and you want to compete with me with something like this?” joking.”

The film that Qin Yianran was shortlisted for was a box office hit of 2 billion, a box office champion, and also had excellent word of mouth, receiving praise from both inside and outside the industry.

And Tong’s movie, which people don’t even know what it’s like, hasn’t been released yet after all.

“It’s pointless for us to play all the tricks here, who wins and who loses, it’s the organisers who make the final decision.”

“Jasmine Tong, it seems you’re bound to win, how about we make a bet?”

“What’s the bet?”

“If the best actress award is mine this time, you will get out of the entertainment industry immediately and never appear again and you will never be allowed near Azawa again.”

Jasmine Tong sucked in a breath of cold air, the stakes were too high.

Honestly award or not, she wasn’t too sure.

Besides, there are times when such things require a certain amount of luck.

“What’s wrong don’t dare bet with me do you fear you’ll lose it’s okay, I didn’t say you had to bet.”

“And what if I win?”

“If you win, then speak for yourself.”

“If I win, please stay away from my husband.”

Jasmine Tong’s gaze was burning as she looked at Qin Liyuan.

When Qin turned around, he couldn’t help but scoff, “At this time of the year, you’re still calling him your husband, how shameless are you?”

“You bet or you don’t bet.”

“Well, since you’re partial to bumping into a gun, I’ll take the gamble.”

“It’s a deal.”

Jasmine Tong is pretty much out of the question.

“Jasmine Tong, Jasmine Tong, how horny you are, isn’t there any way for Azawa to satisfy you and go out and find another man?”

Jasmine Tong snorted, “Say whatever you want.”

“It can’t be that Asawa found out what you really are and has already abandoned you that’s why you’re betting against me.”

When Qin turned around, he was always eager to test Jasmine Tong.

This thought was also seen through by Jasmine Tong, and the more she asked, the less she said.

“Then suddenly sister, you seem to want to know about my progress with him hey, if you want to know, then just ask me, why beat around the bush like that?”

Qin turned a bit embarrassed, “I’m not interested in your business.”

“Yeah? Well if you’re not interested then don’t ask a single question, lest I misunderstand something.”

Qin Yangyan slanted his eyes to stare at Jasmine Tong, count you cruel.

Before you know it, the ceremony has reached the much-anticipated moment: the winner of the Golden Wolf Award for Best Actress.

Jasmine Tong straightened her back, Qin Qianliang’s smile blossomed, and the camera has been pulled over towards this side.

“We are about to reveal the winner of the Golden Wolf Award for Best Actress this year’s ceremony is very similar to previous years, for example, Qin Yianran and Jasmine Tong both nominated, last time Qin Yianran took away the trophy of the Queen of the film so this year we will wait and see.”

Chapter 538

It has reached its most tense moment.

On the surface, Jasmine Tong looked the same as usual, but in reality, her heart was already in her throat.

If she loses, she’ll really lose badly.

When Qin turned around and took a contemptuous glance at Jasmine Tong, she was bound to win this award.

She doesn’t believe she can’t beat Jasmine Tong

“The winner of the Golden Wolf Award for Best Actress is Jasmine Tong.”

At that moment the whole room was silent.

No one seems to be responding.

This time, although Jasmine Tong was shortlisted, no one put her on the shortlist, after all, she has such a bad reputation lately, how could she win?

After ten seconds of silence in the arena, there was finally a sparse sound and the salute bloomed from the air.

Next to him, Qin turned around with an expression already petrified.

She thinks the same way as everyone else: the character-oriented Golden Wolf Award would never go to a scandal-ridden Jasmine Tong.

But it just happened, like a dream.

Tong stood up in a red dress and thanked the camera.

She carried her skirt, tilted her head up, and stepped onto the stage.

No one knew that she was actually sweating all over her nervous hands, and she had never wanted the award as badly as she did now.

What she didn’t know, however, was that the surprise was still to come.

“Next we have the guest of honor for this award, Mr. Albert Ou, President of the Dark Empire Group.”


Everyone’s mouths were almost in an o-shape.

Albert Ou, the president of the Dark Empire, has come to present the award.

Oh, God.

Is this for real? You’re not dreaming, are you?

Some time ago, at the annual meeting held by the Dark Empire Group, Albert Ou made his first appearance.

Almost overnight, he became a national idol, the perfect husband candidate for all the girls.

Jasmine Tong was also shocked to hear Albert Ou’s name, but when she went out, Albert Ou was still honestly at home with the kids in his light housecoat.

Why all of a sudden?

The golden door opened and Albert Ou, dressed in a black stiff suit, walked in.

He had a charming smile, and all the best phrases to describe a man could not be applied to him.

All the women are bouncing around.

That’s awesome.

That’s cool.

When Albert Ou stood next to Jasmine Tong, everyone noticed that Albert Ou’s tie and Tong’s dress were the same color

It’s a coincidence. This has to be a coincidence.

The microphone was given to Albert Ou.

“Mr. Ou, we know you’ve always been reluctant to make public appearances, so what brings you here this time” the host’s voice was shaky.

This was the first time she had ever been exposed to a god-like figure, and although she was being ridiculously funny, everyone could hear that she was timid.

“I am honored to be a part of this award ceremony and to be the guest of honor at this award ceremony.”

Albert Ou’s answer was very official.

Jasmine Tong couldn’t even help but want to laugh, but she had to hold it in, hold it in, and hold it in again

“Mr. Ou, can you talk to us a little more? It’s so hard to meet you in the flesh.”

“I’m here today to present an award to my wife, I don’t want to steal my wife’s shine, so let’s all pay more attention to our new queen, Miss Jasmine Tong.”

“Give my wife an award.”

Although Albert Ou spoke fast, everyone heard the words

He said he’s giving an award to his wife. Is his wife Jasmine Tong?

There was dead silence. Everyone was stunned.

Even the hosts didn’t know what they could say.

“O, Mr. Ou, what did you just say, giving your wife an award, your wife can’t be Miss Jasmine Tong.”

“Yes, my wife is Miss Jasmine Tong, and we’ve been married for almost three years now.”


Everyone was dumb, petrified, stunned.

How is that possible?

Offstage, Qin turned suddenly, that face was not to mention how ugly it was.

He had thought that these two had gone their separate ways, but he hadn’t expected them to start showing their love publicly

She clenched her fists, her face was livid, and it felt like her heart was being ripped apart

Publicly, the relationship is finally out in the open.

“Didn’t you just tell me to say more then okay, I’ll say more then.”

Albert Ou cleared his throat and continued.

“I’m so thankful to the judges of the Golden Wolf Award, which was finally given to my wife this year, otherwise our relationship would have remained hidden, my wife hadn’t officially graduated from college when we got married, and she’s a deadbeat, she always said she’d get some kind of grand slam or she’d never make our relationship public.”

Albert Ou’s words explain everything straight away

The host took a long time to respond.

“Miss Jasmine Tong, oh no, it should be Mrs. O, this really surprises us.”

Jasmine Tong pursed her lips and smiled, “I’m also surprised, before I came to the award ceremony, Mr. Ou was still at home with his children, I had no idea he would come to give me an award today.”

“What so you guys already have kids” the host was even more surprised.

“Yes, thanks to those who have been supporting me, I can finally be very honest here and tell you that I am married and have a child, and I also want to say I’m sorry that I said earlier that I was going to study and recharge my batteries, but in reality it was because I was pregnant and I did go and have a baby.”

The audience felt like they’d been hit by a 10,000-point barrage.

It’s okay that the national husband was taken away, but the national husband is already a father!

It’s shocking. It’s a wave of news.

When Qin turned around and heard the news that they had given birth to a child, he felt like thunder from a clear sky

That’s great, they’re already in love, so even if they don’t have a relationship, they’re probably not going to part, right?

“There’s been a lot of news about me and I haven’t even bothered to clear the air, I hope people can forgive me because I love my acting career and I don’t want to rely on my husband, I want to rely on my own abilities, so after talking to my husband, I decided to hide the relationship and the fact that I’m having a baby.”

Jasmine Tong bowed deeply.

Albert Ou immediately embraced Jasmine Tong in his arms.

“If people want to blame me, then blame me, I didn’t protect my wife and let her get caught up in the scandal, but not anymore.”

Albert Ou was smiling the entire time, but when he said those words, the smile disappeared.

It was as if he was warning everyone that Albert Ou’s woman was not to be violated by anyone.

At first there was sparse applause, and then the applause literally took the arena by storm!

When Qin turned around, he had to follow the applause.

Chapter 539

The stage is already beginning to boil.

Qin turned to stare at a man and a woman on stage, fire blazing in his eyes.

“Hey hey, did you know that Albert Ou has come down from his position as the richest man, and not only that, but his place on the rich list has disappeared as well.”

“Isn’t that because the Dark Empire is not doing well these days?”

“Even if it’s really mismanaged and a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, it’s not like his place on the rich list is disappearing.”

“So what’s the reason,”

“I have a friend in the dark empire, and it is said that Albert Ou especially favored his wife by transferring all the property in his name to her that’s why his place on the rich list disappeared, and the dark empire was poorly run because he didn’t have time to manage it and take care of his wife to go”

“Oh my god this Jasmine Tong saved the galaxy in her last life, right?”

“Looks like people are close.”

Listening to the people behind him discussing, Qin suddenly felt even more unpleasant.

Jasmine Tong, who was on stage, began her acceptance speech.

“Today I want to give a special thank you to my husband for supporting me in every decision I make, for spoiling me, for accommodating me, for everything he has done for me, it’s been a hard time for you, I’m going to take some time off and stay home with you and my son, that’s it”

Jasmine Tong bowed deeply once more.


Tong’s acceptance speech reveals the gender of her child

She’s given Albert Ou a son, so her position as Mrs. Ou is secure.

The next part of the award ceremony, everyone lost interest, all immersed in the fact that Albert Ou had been married to Jasmine Tong for three years and had a child.

The awards ceremony was followed by an interview session.

The media reporters directly surrounded Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou.

Albert Ou obviously disliked this interview style, but he repeatedly endured it for the sake of Jasmine Tong.

“Mr. Ou, I heard that you transferred all the property in your name to Mrs. Ou, is this true?” the reporters were naturally very well informed.

“I’m happy to do it, it’s none of your business” Albert Ou was very dismissive, he hated having his personal affairs discussed.

Jasmine Tong stood to the side very awkwardly.

“And don’t always Mrs. Ou, Mrs. Ou is called, my wife has a name, her name is Jasmine Tong.”

A warmth flowed through Jasmine Tong’s heart, and that was the problem she was most worried about.

Her greatest fear was that one day everyone would know that she was Mrs. Ou and she would be without a name of her own.

Albert Ou’s angry rebuke scared all the reporters, and everyone dared not make a fuss.

“Manny, have you ever thought about having a second child?” a reporter began to turn the conversation to Jasmine Tong.

“Ah that hasn’t crossed my mind at the moment, maybe I’ll make plans in a while.”

Jasmine Tong hadn’t even thought about it, but she didn’t expect this to start rushing her second child.

“No, you’re still a woman. You’ve never had a child before. You know it’s hard for women to have children. Try having one yourself.”

The one who asked the question was a female reporter, Albert Ou, who immediately yelled at the woman when she heard the question.

The female reporter was so scared that she was going to cry.

Jasmine Tong is embarrassed by this, Albert Ou is really making too much of a fuss over this

Because Albert Ou always had an angry look on his face, and it was as if he would play with anyone who tried to bully his wife.

No one was afraid to ask questions, so the interview ended early.

The two men got in the car for the ride home.

Albert Ou sat upright, experiencing such a scene for the first time.

“Did I just misbehave?”

Albert Ou stared straight ahead, not seeming to want to face the subject.

Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but laugh out loud, so this man also has a lack of self-confidence ah

“What are you laughing at?”

“No la, behaved very well, always acting like a mother hen defending her chickens, scared the reporters so much that the interview ended early so we could get home so early.”

“What hen protects her brood, it’s clearly a rooster protecting a hen,” corrected Albert Ou.

“You’re the chicken,”

“You were the one who said it first.”

“Okay, okay, I was the one who said it first, I was wrong.”Jasmine Tong immediately snuggled into Albert Ou’s arms.

It’s finally out in the open.

“Are we ready to start preparing for the wedding” Jasmine Tong said sweetly in Albert Ou’s arms.

“What? Can’t wait to marry me.”

“Yeah, can’t wait.”

As soon as he got home, Albert Ou pulled Jasmine Tong’s hand and kept running upstairs until he reached the bedroom before stopping.

“What’s the run for?” panted Jasmine Tong looking at Albert Ou.

“I thought you said you couldn’t wait I couldn’t keep you waiting too long” Albert Ou said taking Jasmine Tong into his arms and k!ssing her.

“Where did I say that?” Jasmine Tong really wanted to cry.

This night, Albert Ou didn’t get his wish after all, because the maid came over before he had even taken Jasmine Tong’s clothes off.

It’s time to breastfeed the baby.

Jasmine Tong had to go to the nursery to nurse the baby to sleep.

Watching the baby eat soundly, Jasmine Tong was also heartened.

“Baby, Mommy’s going to give you a little sister.”

The baby ate while watching Jasmine Tong dance around.

“I want a little sister too, don’t I?”

If the reporter hadn’t asked the question today, Jasmine Tong would never have thought about it.

One son, one daughter, one lifetime.

It’s so beautiful.

A little while later, Albert Ou came over as well.

“Has the little one had enough?”

“Quiet, you’re fast asleep.”

Albert Ou immediately lowered his voice, “just will go against me you say he is not doing it on purpose.”

“On purpose what on purpose he’s still so young, what do you know?”

“Hurry up and put him to bed, there’s work to be done.”

Of course Jasmine Tong knew what was the main thing in Albert Ou’s mouth.

“Honey, let’s have another baby and I’ll give you a little lover, okay.”

“What little lover”

“People say a daughter is daddy’s mistress from his last life, I’ll give you a daughter.”

“Jasmine Tong, you really have forgotten the pain a few months ago, you just went around from the ghost gate, and now you still want to have a baby, you’re brain-dead right not to have, determined not to have this one, it’s enough, children are annoying”

Jasmine Tong threw up her tongue and didn’t continue this topic.

As soon as the baby fell asleep, Albert Ou dragged Jasmine Tong back to the bedroom to continue his business.

While they’re busy with their own business, the internet conversation about them has been steadily climbing and is about to blow up

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