Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 525 – 527

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Chapter 525

Where did Huang Can dare to slow down and hurriedly ran into the bathroom.

Rameen Tong is vomiting in front of the toilet.

“Miss Rameen, are you okay?”

“What did you feed me for breakfast that’s making me nauseous right now?”

Rameen Tong had finally slowed down a bit.

Huang Can immediately ran out and brought in a glass of water.

“Rameen sister, we also ate this ah yesterday, yesterday was fine, how come today is biased”

“You ask me, I’ll ask who” Rameen Tong was already angry, and caught up with eating dirty food, so naturally her speech was not good.

“Miss Rameen, you’re not pregnant, are you?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“But Rameen-san you’ve been married for over a year, so it’s normal even if you’re pregnant.”

Rameen Tong seemed to have remembered something and hurriedly picked up her phone, she looked at the date, her period was already more than ten days late.

She’s also been really uncomfortable for the past two days.

“Miss Rameen, why don’t you go check it out?”

Rameen Tong was trying to think, “Call Jin Wei right now and tell her to come over.”

Jin Wei soon arrived, and after the two of them had a discussion, Rameen Tong went straight to the hospital.

The doctor’s diagnosis was that Rameen Tong was really pregnant.

With a lab test in hand, Rameen Tong’s smile blossomed.

“God, you’re so good to me.”

With this child, all problems are solved.

In the afternoon, a shocking news to the entertainment industry came out again.

Rameen Tong is pregnant.

The news came from the paparazzi, who followed Rameen, who went into the maternity hospital for a check-up.

The paparazzi then questioned doctors at the maternity hospital and confirmed Rameen Tong’s pregnancy.

Then, Rameen Tong’s agent Jin Wei also immediately reported the good news in Weibo.

After the meeting, many people came over to say congratulations to him, making Ellen Ron confused.

“What are you all congratulating.”

“President, don’t you know that your wife is pregnant?”

“What did you say” Ellen Ron was undoubtedly shocked

“You’re going to be a father. It’s all over the news.”

Ellen Ron quickly left, picking up his phone to make a call as he went.

Before his call went out, Lin Qingfeng’s call came in.

“Ellen, why don’t you hurry back, your wife is pregnant and you’re going to be a father.”

After hanging up the phone, Ellen Ron rushed to the parking lot, driving back to the Diamond Mountain Villa side.

Upon entering, I saw Rameen Tong and Lin Qingfeng sitting on the sofa, the in-laws and daughters-in-law were rarely in such harmony.

“Mom, you were just on the phone.”

“Hey, geez, look at my Ellen, knowing that he’s going to be a father, this gives him excitement ah” Lin Qingfeng did not forget to poke fun at Ellen Ron.

Rameen Tong hung her head and smiled shyly, she knew that Ellen Ron was not excited, but shocked.

“Ellen, you’re all going to be fathers, you have to act more steadily.”

“It’s true,”

“Of course it’s true,”

Rameen Tong gave Ellen Ron the lab report, “I only found out about it this morning when I went to the hospital.”

When Ellen Ron looked at the lab test that showed five weeks of pregnancy, he was finally sure that Rameen Tong was pregnant with his child.

The gods are too good at joking she has planned to divorce Rameen Tong and get Jasmine Tong back again, but at this time it so happens that Rameen Tong is pregnant.

“Meng Meng ah, surprisingly pregnant, then stop all the work in your hands, rest assured at home to raise the baby, then give birth to the child and stay at home to teach each other, this is what a woman should do, what kind of woman is always out in the open to show her face.”

After Lin Qingfeng rejoiced, he was counted out again.

Rameen Tong’s heart was naturally unhappy, and only at this time did she realize that the arrival of this child had both pros and cons.

If she really leaves the entertainment industry, how can she compete with Jasmine Tong?

“Mom, I’ll talk to the company about it, and don’t worry, I’ll put the baby in my belly first, too.”

At this time Rameen Tong can only respond to this matter first.

“Okay, you two go back to your rooms and rest, you need to talk about what to do in the future.”

The two of them went back into the bedroom together.

“Brother Ellen, I know this news is too sudden, in fact, I planned to give you a surprise, who knew that the paparazzi had been watching me for the past two days, they found out that I went to the gynecological hospital and immediately broke the news, I’m really sorry ah.”

Ellen Ron looked at Rameen Tong, she was still this gentle and sensible girl, although she was also aware that Rameen Tong was the cause of several scandals in Jasmine Tong’s life.

But that’s how it’s always been in the entertainment industry, and it’s no big deal.

Rameen Tong was impeccable to herself, and to her family.

Now, she is pregnant with her own child.

“Are you sure you want to have this baby?”

“Of course we’re going to have it, it’s our child, our flesh and blood, Brother Ellen, as you can see, Mom’s been waiting for us to have a baby and you don’t want it”

Rameen Tong looked at Ellen Ron with tears in her eyes.

“No, I was afraid you wouldn’t want to have it.”There was nothing that Ellen Ron could do, and he still compromised.

“Oh, that’s a relief, I thought you didn’t want to be a father, the baby is both of ours and of course I’m going to fight for your opinion.”

“In that case, listen to Mom, leave the entertainment industry for a while, and get well.”

“Well, I hear you.”

Rameen Tong gently leaned on that Ellen Ron’s bosom.

“Brother Ellen, do you want a boy or a girl?”

Ellen Ron’s thoughts were suddenly pulled back several years ago, and he remembered when he and Jasmine Tong had discussed this issue together.

“Brother Ellen, what’s wrong with you?”

“It’s nothing, it’s a man or a woman, we own it anyway, why don’t you take a break here, I’m going back to the office.”

Ellen Ron didn’t stay with Rameen Tong for a moment longer and left the house.

This heart that Rameen had dreamed of finally fell, and she could sense that Ellen Ron wasn’t much happier.

But she also knew that Ellen Ron would never mention the divorce again, and even if he wanted to, Lin Qingfeng would never agree to it.

The only question she needed to face next was how else was she going to compete with Jasmine Tong after she left the entertainment industry.

Jin Wei’s side was quick to announce that Rameen Tong was pregnant and was going to say goodbye to the entertainment industry for a while, and her upcoming film had to apologize to the cast.

Naturally, Jasmine Tong also saw this news.

Knowing that Rameen Tong was pregnant, Jasmine Tong was also in a bit of a trance, as she went home after finishing work early.

A few days ago, Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou were still irritated because of Ellen Ron’s matter, and the purpose of Jasmine Tong’s return this time was also to coax Albert Ou.

Chapter 526

By the time Jasmine Tong came home, Albert Ou was already in the study.

After she saw the baby, she made a little dessert and brought it to Albert Ou.

“Honey, you’re not still mad at me, are you?”

Jasmine Tong arrived in front of Albert Ou with a flattering face with dessert.

“I’m still investigating what you asked me to investigate, and I haven’t got a result yet.”

As soon as Albert Ou opens his mouth it’s time to get down to business.

Jasmine Tong trailed off, “You don’t think that I came home after all this trouble just to ask you about this, do you.”

“Of course not, you still have to see your son.”

Anyway, she never came back for herself.

“What do you mean my son, it’s both of our sons, look what you made for you, eat.”

Jasmine Tong placed the mango pudding in front of Albert Ou.

“Seeing that I’ve come back from a long trip and am tightly occupied with making you dessert, don’t be mad at me, okay?”

Albert Ou brought the included patch over and scooped a spoonful into his mouth.

“I’m not angry, am I that petty?”

All the while, eating with relish.

Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but roll her eyes, and didn’t know who it was, getting jealous like she wanted to kill someone

“You said, and it’s strange, why Rameen Tong’s people can’t even find out about you.”

Jasmine Tong was very puzzled, and reasonably speaking, Albert Ou should be able to investigate.

“I haven’t got the full proof yet, but I’ve almost figured it out.”

“Who is it?”

“Shisha Camp.”

“Shisha Camp what’s that?”

“It’s an organization that takes money from people to help them get rid of disasters, all the members of this organization are outlaws, specially trained and very good at it, they all have murder cases on them, once they are found out, either life imprisonment or death penalty, that’s why they dare to do this kind of business, the reason why they want to make money is for the sake of their families, but also for themselves to get away with it.”

It dawned on Jasmine Tong, “No wonder.”

“Their composition is very mobile, so it’s hard to find out, and I guess Rameen Tong gave them a lot of money, that’s why they keep working for her again and again.”

Said Albert Ou already finished the mango pudding, “Just make this one and eat it all in two bites.”

“So what are you going to do now?”

“A pot of gold.”

He would never allow such an organization to exist, originally it was not a threat to him at all, but if they threatened Jasmine Tong’s safety, it must not exist!

“What about Rameen Tong what are you going to do about it”

“The Shiksha camp won’t help her hide her crime, and when the time comes to get evidence from them, will Rameen Tong still be alive?”

Jasmine Tong grabbed Albert Ou’s hand, “Let her live.”

“Why are you softening up a bit again, if it wasn’t for her, you wouldn’t have nearly”

The months that Jasmine Tong lay in her hospital bed were Albert Ou’s nightmare.

If Jasmine Tong didn’t stop him, he would’ve had a way to chop Rameen Tong into pieces.

“But she’s pregnant.”

“So what,”

“She’s guilty as hell, but the child in her womb is innocent, and we’re people with children, and we don’t want to be involved in any of our own sins, do we?”

Albert Ou turned his head in contemplation.

He has also changed a bit emotionally since having his son and is no longer as impersonal as he once was.

“It’s a life after all, a life that is still somewhat involved with my life in a sense, let’s just leave her alone this time, maybe she’ll change when she has a baby in her belly.”

Albert Ou smirked coldly and chuckled, “Do you think someone like her would change because of a life?”

“Whether she’ll change or not, I’ll let her go for once, seeing as how she doesn’t value the child in her belly, and if she doesn’t value the child in her own belly, there’s no one else to blame.”

“Forget it, just do what you want.”

“Hehe, I knew my husband was the best” Jasmine Tong hugged Albert Ou.

“When am I not good” Albert Ou grunted that one proudly.

“Oh yeah, you, you’re just so busy all the time, you don’t know how to take care of your son, he’s poor enough without me as his mommy.”

There was a subtle change in Albert Ou’s eyes, but he didn’t speak.

Rameen Tong’s temporary farewell to the entertainment industry has received unanimous support from netizens.

Many actresses have previously been pregnant and still save to attend various events, even some commercial events, which we all know is to keep the star hot.

It’s unacceptable for the netizens to disregard the baby in their bellies in order to make money and keep themselves hot.

Anyway, it was Rameen Tong who got unanimous support for this temporary farewell to the entertainment industry for the sake of the child in her belly.

Rameen Tong also posted a message on Weibo, and her followers increased at once.

Because of the effects of pregnancy vomiting, Rameen dreamed of returning to her mother’s house.

This pregnancy is a beautiful one for Duthie.

Simin Du dropped everything she was doing and took good care of Rameen Tong at home.

“Meng Meng, you’re pregnant, now your position in the Ron family is secure, it would be even better if you could have a big fat kid”

“Mom, what era is this? You still value boys over girls?”

“Silly girl, a family like the Ron family naturally needs a son to inherit the family business, it doesn’t matter how many daughters you have, the most important thing is that you have to have a son, good thing you’re still young, this is the first child.”

Rameen Tong didn’t want to discuss this mess with her own mother.

She’s got a lot on her mind.

“Mom, how’s Tong’s Liquor?”

“It’s all good, the last performance suffered a bit, but it’s coming back soon, don’t worry.”

The first thing you need to know is that you can’t be a part of the family, and that you can’t be a part of the family.You don’t know my mother-in-law.”

“That’s true, but Montmorency, don’t worry, your mother’s family is your patron and you still have me and your father.”

Duthie said, patting her chest.

Rameen Tong suddenly had an idea.

“Mom, why don’t I go work for the company and have my dad give me a position and more shares, then my in-laws won’t look down on me.”

“That’s a good idea, talk to your dad about it later.”

Rameen Tong finally knew how she was going to fight against Jasmine Tong.

And Jasmine Tong is about to get busy again.

Chapter 527

The movie that signed the deal with Master Xu is also going to start shooting.

Originally, Tong did not want to take on other films during the filming of the post-Christian legend, as she was still breastfeeding after all, but, as things happened, she was confused and took on this film.

What surprised Jasmine Tong was that the movie was Nirvana.

In the first place, she was eager to make the film, but it was snatched up by Rameen Tong for various reasons.

Rameen Tong made this movie out of it, and it was also very unsatisfying to everyone.

She actually had plans to remake it, but because the post-Christian legend remake is also Rameen Tong’s.

Now that the movie is also a remake, one can’t help but suspect that Rameen Tong is deliberately working against Rameen Tong.

But there’s no way around it now, the agreement has been signed, so we have to scalp it.

“Girl, do you have a problem with this movie” Master Xu was still affable and friendly.

“No, it’s just that, Xu, you may be unaware that Rameen Tong has made this movie before, and this TV series I’m making now was also made by her before, I’m worried”

Jasmine Tong suddenly smiled brightly again, “Don’t worry, Old Man Xu, you relieved me in the first place, and I signed the agreement, so I’ll definitely fulfill it.”

Master Xu nodded, “I’ve seen that movie she made, it’s too fancy and unrealistic, and the plot part is too gorgeous, in the cheerleading circle which has so many miracles, it’s just a matter of how much sweat you put in and how many trophies you reap.”

At first Rameen Tong did have the screenwriter change the script in order to accentuate herself.

“Xu seems to know a lot about cheerleading.”

“My little granddaughter is a cheerleader.”At this point Master Xu’s eyes suddenly became a little sad.

Jasmine Tong had a vague feeling that there would be a story here.

“Cheerleading is a lot hotter now than it was before, and it’s a good choice for little girls to cheer.”

“My little granddaughter especially loved cheerleading, from her first class, but unfortunately she injured her leg in a car accident, fell disabled and could never dance again.”

Jasmine Tong only felt the experience of déjà vu, when she was also injured due to a car accident, until now she can’t dance like before.

“All of us in the family thought that if we couldn’t dance, we should just be able to walk normally, and no one thought that the shock to her would be so great that she would choose to commit suicide at her young age.”

Hearing this, Jasmine Tong only felt even more shocked, the little girl must really like cheerleading.

Master Xu couldn’t help but cry old tears.

“So you decided to remake the film.”

“Yes, I made this movie for her, and I hope she gets to see it in heaven.”

“Xu Lao, don’t worry I’ll perform well, I was actually a cheerleader once, and I couldn’t continue dancing because of a car accident.”

“Girl, you don’t want this thing to be too stressful either.I don’t want to put that emotion on anyone else, and I’ll feel guilty if it makes you feel pressured.”

“Instead of being stressed, I feel motivated and more empathetic.”

Master Xu cast an expectant glance at Jasmine Tong, “Then let’s work together.”

Tong began the back-and-forth between the two sets and still had to be on time for milking every morning, but she didn’t have to work that hard since her little baby had started to take a little supplement.

At the same time, Rameen Tong was officially appointed CEO of Tong Kee Wines.

Marven Tong is the chairman of the board with 34 shares, while Rameen Tong is the president with 29 shares.

But Lin Qingfeng was quite vocal about this matter.

“Your mother’s family is also really, knowing that you’re pregnant and still letting you serve as some kind of CEO” Lin Qingfeng was naturally thinking of her grandchildren.

“Mom, my appointment as president is nothing more than an idle position, it’s still actually my dad who is in charge, and my dad has transferred some of the shares he has to me to make me president, but he just wants me to make a stand in the company.”

“Your father has given you shares again” Lin Qingfeng started to make a wishful little plan again.

“Yes, my father saw that I was pregnant, not so much that the shares were for me, but for the baby in my belly, my brother never married, and the two old men in the family had been looking forward to having a grandson for a long time, and when he heard that I was pregnant, my father was so happy that he made a big stroke of the shares into my name.”

Tong Kee Wines is not the same as it was back then, and their shares are worth a lot of money.

Who doesn’t want more money than they have?

The last time Eixin International suffered a crisis, it was Rameen Tong who asked her mother’s family to inject funds to help solve the problem.

Now, Rameen holds so many shares, it also gives an additional layer of protection to Eason International.

“This in-laws are really quick to do things but Meng Meng ah, I can remind you, the baby in the belly is important.You don’t want to get too busy.”

Lin Qingfeng’s attitude towards Rameen Tong made another 180 degree turn.

It was no surprise that Rameen Tong had already seen this face of hers.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”

With this guarantee from Tong Ji Liquor, Rameen Tong can also raise her head high in the upper house.

With so many more shares, she enjoys an additional share of the dividend, which will line her pockets, even though she doesn’t have the income from film endorsements and other income.

In this way, she could also continue to deal with Jasmine Tong.

When you’re busy, time always feels like it’s going by fast.

It’s been over two months.

Sparrow Nirvana has been killed, and so has the legend of Jeong Hou.

Jasmine Tong was so relieved that she could finally take a break.

She’s hardly been home for the past two months, and sometimes she can’t sleep in the middle of the night thinking about her baby.

The good news is that communication is better now and she can video the baby.

After shooting her last scene in Yancheng, Jasmine Tong didn’t even have a killing banquet and was ready to go home.

It’s 8:00 p.m. after filming and everyone is urging her to go back in the morning, but she misses her baby so much she’s ready to leave right after filming.

It’s a good idea to pack your bags and get ready to take the bus home.

Just outside the hotel, a familiar figure stood there in the warm yellow streetlight.

He was even more jaded than the last time I saw him, with deep sunken eye sockets that made him look much older.

“Jasmine, can we talk for a second?”

Because of what happened last time, Jasmine Tong didn’t want to have too many interactions with him.

“If you have anything to say, say it here, I’m in a hurry to get home.”

“I’ve been waiting here for you for five whole hours.”

It’s already into summer, and it’s hot, but he’s been waiting here for five hours.

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