Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 513 – 515

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Chapter 513

Basically, all the news headlines were about that program that Star Royal International Mo Yi Aang led the Little Flowers to form.

There are no words for the finale of Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong.

Also, it’s very big news that Albert Ou has finally appeared in the public eye

This time, Star King International’s artistes are taking the limelight.

What’s also different is that Rameen Tong, who had announced before the annual meeting that she would be the grand finale and give a spectacular performance, didn’t even show up.

It’s been all over the news.

Early in the morning when I saw the news, Rameen Tong began to storm out.

“How dare you play tricks on me, do you think I’m a vegetarian Rameen Tong?”

Rameen Tong was pacing back and forth in her room, she had suffered a great loss this time, she had delayed a lot of progress and put off many announcements for this program

“Tweet right now and tell them that the Dark Empire has gone back on their word and I want everyone to see them for what they are.”

Jin Wei looked a bit embarrassed, “Miss Rameen, I’m afraid this is not good.”

“What’s wrong with that, we’re just being realistic.”

“Once we release our tweets, the Dark Empire could have put out the contract, after all, that’s how we signed the contract, and they might even bite us back and say we don’t have professionalism.”

Kim Vee is also considered a very experienced agent.

“You stupid pig, it’s your fault for signing such a contract.”

Rameen Tong immediately shouted at Jin Wei

Jin Wei could only break her teeth and swallow in her stomach, who had taken the job in the first place.

“So what do you suggest we do now?”

“Do as I say, do nothing, and if a journalist asks about it, say it’s a consideration for the length of the show, unfortunately, at least we’ll have a good reputation to fall back on.”

Jin Wei’s voice was very low, worried that the way she handled the situation would provoke Rameen Tong to throw a tantrum

Rameen Tong was literally so angry that she was about to explode, but it was all she could do.

This time, she’ll just have to suffer this time, who asked her to pin her hopes on the Dark Empire?

Rameen Tong’s eyes were fixed on the mobile screen news.

This is a news story about Dark Empire President Albert Ou, with his picture on it.

Rameen Tong vaguely felt that this man looked very familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere before.

“Albert Ou looks so handsome” Huang Can couldn’t help but let out an exclamation, taking a glance at Rameen Tong and hastily covering her mouth.

“Huang Chan, think about it, has this guy we’ve seen somewhere before why do I think he looks so familiar”

“I just think he’s so handsome, I look familiar to handsome men.”

“Think about it.”

Huang Can really couldn’t think of anything.

Rameen Tong heart thumped, suddenly thought of something.

“Why wasn’t the finale performance of Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong released?”

Jin Wei thought about it and replied, “Maybe it’s because Albert Ou is in such a position that he doesn’t want to have any scandal with a celebrity, and he also hates media reporters writing nonsense, so he’s not allowed to release it.”

Rameen Tong felt that Jin Wei’s analysis was reasonable, and that she was probably overthinking it.

She suddenly felt that this man was a lot like the duck that Jasmine Tong had once been with.

But she quickly dismissed that thought, and while she couldn’t quite remember what the duck looked like, she remembered that the duck was a half-breed with blue eyes, while Albert Ou had black eyes.

The Dark Empire’s annual conference has grabbed a wave of powder for Star Royal International’s little flowers, and everyone is starting to pay attention to this post-Christian biography that Tong is remaking.

Already journalists are starting to arrive for interviews and visits.

Xu Xingru came to update Jasmine Tong on the company’s situation.

“Sister Xingru, you don’t actually need to follow me every now and then, come over here to report, you’re the president of the company now, just make up your own mind on what to do, I’m your subordinate, not your boss.”

Jasmine Tong was still very trustworthy of Xu Xingru.

“Maybe I’m an insecure person, too, if I don’t read to you about these things.”

Xu Xingru smiled helplessly, not reporting back to the boss’s wife and feeling somewhat unsure.

“By the way, Manny, you played Rameen Tong well this time, is that what you meant?”

“The person who can make people dumb and have bitterness with such tactics, who else can there be but our Hall’s Head Ou, who hasn’t even discussed this matter with me.”

“But this is so wonderfully done that it’s strange that Rameen Tong has suffered a great loss and has to smile at the reporters and maintain her professionalism.”

Naturally, Jasmine Tong also watched the news and knew about Rameen Tong.

“Little Man, you should be more careful lately, Rameen Tong will definitely put this on you, and might start holding back some big tricks again.”

“I’m defending her.”Jasmine Tong smiled faintly, but there was a faint sadness in her eyes.

Xu Xingru seemed to have seen through Jasmine Tong’s mind.

“You once said you were going to rip off Rameen Tong’s trump cards one by one, you took away LOVE, you took away COLOUR, and now Rameen Tong’s popularity is slipping, I think she only has one last trump card left.”

“Yes, it’s the only one left.”

“So you’re wondering how you’re going to get rid of this last trump card?”

Jasmine Tong’s lips wore a bitter smile.

“Sister Xingru, you go and get busy, you still have to take care of things in the company.”

Xu Xingru knew that Jasmine Tong was reluctant to talk, so she didn’t force her way back to Star King International.

Because of the influence of yesterday’s annual meeting, Star King International’s artists shine, everyone knows that New King International is a company of the Dark Empire, so it seems that the Dark Empire is afraid that the Dark Empire will support Star King International, which also brings a lot of new life to Star King International.

Jasmine Tong sat on the hotel bed, thoughtful.

Rameen Tong has one last trump card left, and that trump card is the Tong family, Tong Kee Liquor.

In fact, she had already asked Russel Cheng to investigate Tong Ji’s employment for her.

Tongji looks like a glamorous wine company, but it has just as many problems as Colour.

Nothing is worse than false advertising, and exaggerated propaganda from micro-businesses.

And, since the concept of wellness wine caught fire, they’ve been in short supply and the quality of their wine has begun to suffer.

But Jasmine Tong knew that once the Tong Kee Liquor was touched, then the family would be finished.

After all, it was his own father, and although he hadn’t fulfilled his duty as a father, but pushing his father into a corner like this, Jasmine Tong’s heart hadn’t been so ruthless.

How is she going to do this.

Rameen Tong was not someone who could be defeated so easily, she would not let up as long as she still had an ace in the hole, and after taking a big loss this time, she would definitely find another chance to fight back.

Chapter 514

surname Tong

Tong Kee is doing surprisingly well indeed, they took the fastest time to market and were once the top seller in the last six months.

Today, Marven Tong is not what it used to be, and he is now a CEO worth billions of dollars.

Simin Du has now crossed over into the ranks of wealthy wives, and many people are rushing up to fawn over her, giving her countless gifts every day.

Today is the weekend, Marven Tong did not go to the office, lately too busy, by Simin Du a good scolding, he finally can have a day to stay at home.

Marven Tong put a bank card on the coffee table.

“You take the money out and deposit it in your passbook.”

The previous Dossier was still gleaming at the sight of Marven Tong bringing money to the house, but this time he lazily picked up his bank card.

“How much is it this time? Didn’t I tell you to save a little more and then give it to me so I don’t have to run to the bank all the time.”

Marven Tong held out three fingers as he smoked his cigarette.

“Three million ah three million is worth it to get it back to me” Dossier put the bank card on the coffee table again, “it’s not even worth the trip.”

“Add another zero.”

Duthie’s eyes widened dramatically, “Thirty million.”

Marven Tong smoked his cigarette with relish.

“More than last time.”

Once again, Duthie picked up the bank card and k!ssed it hard

“Old man, you’re really good. We’re rich. But last time, Dream said we should put our money in the bank. The interest rate is much better than the bank, don’t you think?”

“Bank I’m not even happy to save, but also take for financial management, I tell you, this money is still safe in my pocket if not because we have too much money, I will not put it in the bank you less listen to the dream.”

“Oh, well, I’ll just save it all up.Old man, our family’s money now adds up to a few hundred million oh”

Dushman could laugh in his sleep.

“And that’s just our family, you know how much our family company is worth and how much our shares are worth.”

Duthie shook her head, she was a woman, how could she know this?

“Women ah is hair long insight short, our company if sold, this money spent several lifetimes.”

The two men were talking when suddenly Marven Tong’s phone rang.

Marven Tong very impatiently picked it up, “Hey, didn’t I say I was off today? No important things, don’t call”

Dossier was snickering, “Getting more and more composed, see what you can do”

“What do you say again” Marven Tong immediately sat up straighter, startling Dusyman.

“Okay, okay, I’ll be at the office right away.”

“What’s the hurry?”

“Something big has happened” Marven Tong hurriedly began to dress, “something has happened to our family’s wine drinking”

Marven Tong immediately rushed to the office in a feverish rush.

It turns out that someone who drank Tong Kee Liquor fainted and was sent to the hospital to be rescued in time, and is now in intensive care, not out of danger yet.

I didn’t realize that the family had a relative who was a journalist, so they just sent out a press release and it was a big deal.

Tong Kee Liquor immediately held a meeting to prepare for a discussion on the matter.

“Mr. Tong, this matter has a very serious impact on our company’s reputation and we must handle it properly”

“No matter what the family wants, no matter how much they want, we’ll compensate them for whatever they have.”

Everyone was talking about it.

Marven Tong’s head was spinning as he listened, the first time he had ever encountered such a thing.

In the end, it was unanimously decided to pacify the family properly and pay as much as they should.

“Mr. Tong, our sales have skyrocketed recently and there is shoddy workmanship in the production line, I think we do have some problems with our wine and it’s time to straighten it out.”

Jiang Manager in charge of the production department said hastily.

“Wine is not an ordinary commodity, it itself has some damage to the human body, we are even more strict quality control,” added Manager Jiang.

Marven Tong was also in a cold sweat because of this.

“What do you have to offer?”

“Why don’t I stop the production line first, strengthen the hygiene of the production line as well as the various steps of wine making again, and then our raw materials, we need to straighten up a bit and bring up the quality, as the saying goes, sharpening knives does not delay the work of chopping wood.”

Marven Tong is very timid, and this accident scared him to death.

“Okay, okay, let’s do what you say, stop the work and then do the reorganization.”

At this point, the manager of the sales department immediately protested.

“Tong, we must not stop work, we have some pre-sold out wine on this side, and some that need to be completed overtime, if we stop work, who will be responsible for the damage caused.”

“Tong, if we don’t stop work to straighten things out, we’ll still have to pay compensation in case something like this happens again, and if things get too big, that’s not something that can be solved by stopping work.”

Manager Jiang hurriedly retorted.

“Stop work as I say, this must never happen again.”

Meeting adjourned.

Manager Jiang returned to his office and made a phone call.

“Miss Tong, I’ve done what you said, and I guess Mr. Tong is scared enough to have agreed to my solution for a work stoppage and rectification.”

“That’s fine, please, Manager Jiang.”

“Miss Tong, you’re too kind, this is what I should do, I’ve long wanted to straighten up the production line, Tong Kee Liquor will really be finished if it continues like this.”

After hanging up the phone, the Jiang manager immediately began a plan to stop the work and rectify the situation.

Word soon came from the hospital side that the patient had regained consciousness and was out of harm’s way.

But the compensation they demanded was astronomical. They asked for three million dollars.

Rameen Tong originally did not know about this incident, and Dusyman was scared enough at home to call her in a hurry, and she only returned home in her busy schedule.

Marven Tong returned dejectedly.

“How’s it going, old man? Is anyone dead yet?”

Marven Tong shook his head and said, “He’s not dead, he’s been resuscitated, but he wants three million dollars in compensation.”

“Three million ah more is a little more, but the breakage of money to avoid disaster, this kind of thing can’t happen again.”

Duthie was also finally relieved.

“It’s going to be three million Dad, you promised.”

“Of course I’m going to say yes to people promising to take it private, thank goodness already.”

“Dad, you are so careless, this is obviously blackmailing money ah, and once we compensate, it will also prove that there is something wrong with our family’s wine, how can a person eat grains and cereals and not get sick? Maybe he himself ate the wrong thing, that’s why he was in the hospital, how can we blame our wine?”

Once Marven Tong thought about it, he also felt that Rameen Tong’s words made sense.

“You’re so confused, we mustn’t pay this compensation and unravel their schemes.”

Chapter 515

“Montmorency, what do you think we should do about compensating this thing I’ve already promised people, I can’t go back on my word.”

Marven Tong hadn’t seen much of the world, supporting a company on his own, but also relying on the people underneath him, so it was natural to panic when things came up.

“Dad, you just verbally agreed, didn’t you, without signing any agreements or anything like that?”

“That’s not a signed agreement, just a verbal promise and some supplements over there.”

“That’s fine, it’s just a verbal promise as to whether we’ve agreed or not, it’s all up to us, they can say whatever they like.They can get reporters to expose this and so can I.”

Rameen Tong’s eyes showed pride.

“Leave this to me, Dad, you don’t have to worry about it, besides I always felt there was something strange about this, I’m afraid someone is deliberately messing with it.”

“Deliberate Trickster” Marven Tong and Dusyman spoke in unison.

“Can’t be, Montmorency, your father and I are very cautious in what we do and have never offended anyone, how could it be that someone is deliberately trying to mess with us” Duskman thought of himself as being very close to each of his wives.

“It’s not a good thing to say, but I’ll look into it.”Rameen Tong seemed to have an idea.

“One more thing, Dad, I thought the company was going to be shut down for consolidation, and who came up with this idea of shutting down for consolidation.”

“It’s Manager Jiang from the production department, and I’m also worried about something like this happening again, so I want to stop work for a bit.”Marven Tong was also very frustrated that this was a decision that had to be made.

“The manager of the sales department told me that we still have a lot of pre-sold out wine that we haven’t made yet, and if we stop work, the loss would be too great and the outside world would really think we have a problem, so we are determined not to stop work.”

Rameen Tong’s attitude was very resolute.

“What can we do about that not stopping work, I’m afraid there will be another accident on this production.”

“You can just ask them to check the various steps while you’re producing, so nothing is delayed.”

“Then let’s do what you say.”Marven Tong Ben has no idea what to do, the company is basically all listening to Rameen Tong.

Rameen Tong would have been busy, but she no longer had LOVE and COLOUR, and now Tong Kee Liquor was her last resort and the root of her in-laws.

Therefore, she must not let any problems arise in Tongji Liquor.

She put off a lot of things and put her mind to Tong Kee Liquor.

Two days later, she investigated.

“Dad, Mom, I’ve investigated very clearly, this incident was created by Jasmine Tong and Manager Jiang, inside and out.”

Marven Tong and Tu Si Min were both shocked when they heard “Jasmine Tong”‘s name.

“Montmorency, you can’t be mistaken although we have no contact with Little Man now, but she is my daughter in the end, how could she do such a thing”

“How could she not have done such a thing to show me that she could do anything.”

Dushman slapped his thighs in righteous indignation.

“You forget, it was Jasmine Tong who smashed our house to pieces in the first place, it was Jasmine Tong who did the mess at Meng Meng’s wedding, it was also her she what else can’t she do”

“But why would she do that” Marven Tong couldn’t figure that one out.

“It’s not all for the family shares, for your property look at this good daughter you raised didn’t bring the slightest benefit to the family, but also a strong desire to scourge the family, I see if this family is not defeated, she will not rest”

Duthie’s voice rose above the noise.

Marven Tong was also furious, “This unfilial daughter didn’t expect that she would even do such a thing”

Rameen Tong however looked much more calm than these two.

“I’ve fired that manager Jiang, as for this thing he did, the company will not pursue it, there is no point in pursuing it, the media over there I have sent someone to write a release, let’s say that the family themselves ate bad things and want to blackmail us a sum of money.”

Rameen Tong had expected that Jasmine Tong would definitely make a move against Tong Ji Liquor, so it was easy to find out.

“Look at our family Mengmeng, so considerate which is like your daughter surnamed Tong I tell you, if you dare to give a penny of Jasmine Tong’s property, I’ll die with you.”

Duthie hastily borrowed the question.

“She’s trying to bankrupt me and I’m giving her back her property and this time I’m not going to spare her.”

Rameen Tong was finally slightly relieved, fortunately she was more vigilant, otherwise she really was exploited by Jasmine Tong.

But then she had some doubts, if Jasmine Tong really wanted to make a move against Tong Kee Liquor, why would she choose such a way?

And we have to reorganize the line.

What the hell is she up to?

On the set of Goose Town

Jasmine Tong is waiting for the filming, and is very anxious to get back here after the New Year’s arrangements.

“Sister Manny, there’s a gentleman named Jiang outside who says he wants to see you.”A staff member came running to report.

“Surname Jiang” Jasmine Tong carefully recalled that she did not have a friend surnamed Jiang ah.

“Yes, he said he wanted to see you on urgent business.”

“Oh, I remember, you can have him over.”

The staff immediately ran back, and after a while, the manager of the river came rushing over.

“Manager Jiang, how did you find your way here?”

“I called you several times and couldn’t get through to you, so I had to come here to find you.”

“I’ve been a bit busy the last few days and I’ve been leaving my phone at the hotel, is something wrong?”

Jasmine Tong put the script to one side.

“I was sacked.”Manager Jiang’s expression was a bit ugly.

“You’ve been sacked how is that possible? Didn’t my father say he’d listen to you and reorganize the production line?”

“I don’t know what’s going on, but I just heard that Miss Rameen Tong came over the past few days and the compensation promised to the family wasn’t given, and then I was fired.”

Jasmine Tong suddenly realized something, “I see, it should be Rameen who knows that you and I have been in contact and must have said that we are working together inside and out.”

“But it’s true that this man drank our wine and was hospitalized, and that’s a fact ah the production line does need to be straightened out, if this continues it’s only a matter of time before something big happens.”

Manager Jiang is also dedicated to Tongji Liquor.

“It was careless of me, I should have thought of that.”

Jasmine Tong sighed uneasily, she should have thought long ago that Tong Kee Liquor was already Rameen Tong’s last trump card, and Rameen Tong would fight to the death to keep this trump card.

“Manager Jiang, I’m really sorry for causing you to lose your job, they didn’t give you a hard time,”

“That’s not true, and I’ve been paid as usual, probably because I know too much about the production line and I’m worried I’ll leak it.”

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