Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 483 – 485

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Chapter 483

And so the day went on, with Tong still asleep, and the doctor examined Tong, as well as the Glass score.

Albert Ou sat in the office of the specialist’s consultation with deep locks.

The best doctors in the entire Z.Y. Hospital are all here, including Director Zhou Licheng.

Zhou Licheng had gone through this series of changes in the Ou family, thought they could live a happy little life from now on, but never thought that they would meet with this calamity.

“Mr. Ou., we ran a series of tests on Mrs. O., as well as a Glass score, and Mrs. O. scored a three.”

“What concept” Albert Ou’s voice was deep with a hint of huskiness, and medical things he didn’t understand.

But when they heard the score, everyone in the room took a breath of fresh air.

“The Glasgow Coma Score is a medical method for commenting on the degree of coma, it”

“Talk to me about the results.”Without waiting for the doctor’s explanation, Albert Ou interrupted him.

Medical stuff he didn’t want to know about, he just wanted to know when his wife would wake up.

“Let’s put it this way, Ou, the concept of three is the lowest score, the most severe level of unconsciousness, and if the wife doesn’t wake up in three months, that means she’s a vegetable.”

The doctor’s voice was very, very soft, afraid that an accident would irritate Albert Ou, but he had to tell Albert Ou the truth.

Albert Ou only felt as if his heart had been hollowed out.

“Is there a medical case of getting three points and waking up.”

“Yes, but very, very rarely.”

Albert Ou closed his eyes, finally relieved, as long as the others could wake up, then there was still hope for Jasmine Tong.

“This is a golden moment to promote reawakening, I would recommend a caesarean section of the fetus without anesthesia, the wife is not responding to pain, I don’t think it would be too much of a problem even without anesthesia, it would be a good idea if the wife could wake up from the pain of the operation”

“I don’t agree that a day in the mother’s womb is equivalent to a week outside I have examined my wife and she is no longer showing any symptoms of bleeding, it is safer for the fetus to stay in the womb than to be taken out, even if a caesarean section is carried out, there is no guarantee that a seven-month-old child will live, and even if it does, it is not good to know what the consequences will be later.”

Zhong Yu Ling immediately raised an objection.

“What’s more, the wife is desperately trying to keep this baby, this baby in her womb will make her stronger, make her consciousness clearer, and maybe she’ll wake up.”

She added.

“Mrs. Glass scores too low to do anything about it, there’s no chance of waking up, and if she does it’s a miracle something has to be done.”

Doctors who advocate C-sections argue strongly.

They all actually have a point, but each has a different perspective.

“Okay, you guys stop arguing, we’d better listen to the family’s opinion, Ou, what do you think” Zhou Li Cheng stopped the doctors from arguing further.

Albert Ou’s eyes were still devoid of light.

He stood up silently and walked right out without saying anything.

Back in the ICU, looking at Jasmine Tong still in bed, he wished so much that the moment he came in, Jasmine Tong had been on her feet.

Unfortunately, no.

“Jasmine, the doctors are fighting over you, what do you think I should do?”

Albert Ou looked at Jasmine Tong, who had been sleeping, as if his heart had been crushed by something over and over again.

“The doctor says your score is too low, it’s the lowest score, you were always the top student in school, how can you tolerate only getting a three? three is the lowest score.”

Albert Ou held Jasmine Tong’s hand, her hand was warm and soft.

“Jasmine, you have to get top marks, okay?”

Albert Ou carved a k!ss on Jasmine Tong’s hand.

“The doctors wanted to take the baby out first, no anaesthetic for the procedure, and they said you can’t feel any pain at all right now, and it doesn’t matter if it’s not quite anaesthetic, if you can feel it, it’s just as well to wake up.But, I’m hurting, Jasmine.”

Either way it turned out, Albert Ou felt the pain that was piercing his heart.

Whether she felt it or not, his heart would ache.

“Dr. Chung said that although the baby is formed at seven months, it may not survive, and even if it does, there is a chance that something could go wrong.”

“Jasmine, wake up, wake up and tell me what to do, okay there are many things waiting for you to do it, there are many orders in the company that need your signature, I also have no money, you have to give me pocket money ah”

Albert Ou burst out laughing, “I’m ridiculous, if you woke up, you wouldn’t have to do this multiple choice question.”

He was the only one in the ward with Jasmine Tong, and the nurses were outside the door, unwilling to come in and disturb him.

Listening to Albert Ou’s words, the nurses couldn’t help but tear up.

“Jasmine, I know I’ve always been a selfish person, if it was you, you would have done everything you could to keep the baby, but I can’t, if the baby is kept and you’re not there, how am I going to bring it up on my own, I can’t, I really can’t, I have a bad temper, I get angry at every turn, and like you said, the baby will be mentally challenged.”

“Jasmine, I’m not going to let the doctor take the baby out, let him stay with you ok let him stay with you in the belly, live, you all live, can’t live, let him stay with you and I’ll be there for you.”

“Jasmine, I don’t know, do you agree with me doing this, but I’m going to do it because I can’t do it without you, and you have to wake up.”

Albert Ou took a deep breath, tears falling onto the back of Jasmine Tong’s hand.

He eventually told his doctor about his options, opting for conservative treatment and no cesarean section.

A week passed and nothing changed.

Once more Glass scores, still at three, and once more the doctor persuades Albert Ou.

Albert Ou still stands by his choice.

He just wants to gamble.

Bet Tong can’t bear to leave him, bet Tong can’t bear to leave her child.

A month passed and Jasmine Tong was moved to a general ward, her body no longer needing to be filled with tubes, but she still wasn’t awake or responsive.

The doctor was feeding her nutrients daily to meet the needs of the fetus, but she was still asleep.

Because a month had passed, the golden hour was over and the doctor had stopped trying to persuade Albert Ou.

But Albert Ou was stuck in a tangle day by day, wondering if he’d picked the wrong one.

The basement of Crystal Gardens.

Lu Wei Ran already had countless wounds on her body and she was lying on the ground dying.

Chapter 484

The last month of torture had worn her down.

Lu Weiran had never expected her plan to be so seamless that she had missed the fact that the people of this mountain stronghold were so simple and simple that they would risk everything for strangers.

Although she escaped quickly, Albert Ou captured her back.

A basin of cold water was poured over her, and the nerves that had been numbed by the icy stimulus were revived quickly.

“I want to see Mr. Ou.”

In the end, Lu Weiran was a special forces soldier, and his body was so good that even though he had already been tortured, he was still able to tough it out to the end.

“The person in charge of guarding Lu Weiran naturally didn’t take her words seriously.

“I’m telling you, if you don’t let me call Ou, you’ll regret it and Ou will kill you.”

“Haha, you woman is beaten silly right Ou would kill me for you”

“Of course Ou is ignoring me now because he doesn’t know the truth of the matter I want to see Ou and I want to tell him the truth of the matter”

Lu Wei Ran gritted his teeth, his mouth all tasting of blood.

“I’d like to hear what the truth is,” an indifferent voice came from outside.

All the bodyguards all stood up and curtsied respectfully, “Hello, Ou.”

The moment Lu Weiran saw Albert Ou, his smile finally blossomed as well.

There had been no strength left in her, but the moment she saw hope, she shakily climbed up.


The bodyguard immediately brought a chair for Albert Ou, who sat down and just crossed his legs.

His face was still gloomy, and he didn’t look good, and in the hospital, Jasmine Tong was still in bed, so he couldn’t eat or sleep well, so he naturally didn’t look much better.

“Go ahead.”Albert Ou’s voice was as eerie as if it came from hell.

“Mr. Ou, do you remember the first time you met with Jasmine Tong?”

The words took Albert Ou’s mind, back almost two years ago.

It was a love letter bar, and he still remembered the first time he saw Jasmine Tong, who was like a frightened white rabbit at that time.

His lips couldn’t help but turn up, and it seemed as if the past scene had happened yesterday.

He never knew he was such a nostalgic person.

“Mr. Ou, the person that Quan arranged for you at that time was me, it wasn’t Jasmine Tong at all, she’s a scheming bitch who stole my position she deliberately arranged a meeting with you, although I don’t know how she knew you were there, but she did steal mine”

Lu Wei Ran was very eager, she had endured this for a long time, she wanted too much to get back everything that was hers.

If she had been able to go to the love letter bar earlier, and had been able to successfully sleep with Albert Ou, she would be Mrs. Ou today.

“So it’s you,”

Albert Ou also seemed to vaguely remember that John had said that the woman he’d found for him was a special forces soldier, for fear of Albert Ou, the half-human, half-vampire was too physically powerful for the average woman to handle.

“It’s me Ou, it’s really me” Lu Wei Ran hurriedly tidied his messy hair and wiped the blood from his face.

“So you set out to design Jasmine at every turn because John approached you in the first place.”

“Mr. Ou, Jasmine Tong she is a scheming bitch, she intentionally planned all of this you should never fall for her trick”

Albert Ou hooked his finger towards Lu Wei Ran, “Come here.”

Lu Wei Ran was overjoyed and hurriedly crawled over to Albert Ou’s side.

She was all smiles and ready to take on anything that belonged to her.

Unexpectedly, Albert Ou slapped her neck and choked her.


“You don’t even look at what you are, even if that day, it wasn’t Jasmine I saw, but you, I wouldn’t have f*cked you because I thought you were dirty.”

Lu Wei Ran had little strength left, she was still trying to struggle, but it was to no avail, and what she could watch her face turned purple, but Albert Ou let go of her hand.

“It’s too cheap to strangle you like that I’m going to save your life to torture you slowly.”

Albert Ou lands a leg kick that knocks Lu Wei Ran off balance.

Lu Wei Ran coughed violently a few times, one hand extended towards Albert Ou.

“Mr. Ou, please believe me, I’m telling the truth.”

“I don’t doubt that what you say is a lie, it’s just that that probably doesn’t quite understand that Jasmine and I were married a long, long time ago, it’s just that I never met her, and even if I hadn’t met him that day, we would have done so sooner or later, and we’ve always been married, and you, today, were the one who actually slept with me that day, and are at best a whore in my eyes”

Every word of Albert Ou’s hit Lu Wei Ran’s heart hard.

There was something terrifying about her widening her eyes.

“No, that’s not possible,”

“Do you want me to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and check the registration records of the two of us to show you ah what are you that you even dream of becoming Mrs. Ou.”

Lu Wei Ran seemed to sense his crisis coming.

“Mr. Ou, I was ordered to do all this by Rameen Tong.”

Lu Wei Ran had actually said this many times to the bodyguards.

Long before she worked with Rameen Tong, she had already thought of a way out for herself.

When the time comes, she will pretend that she knows nothing, and put all the blame on Rameen Tong, anyway, Rameen Tong and Jasmine Tong have been at odds with each other, and it’s reasonable to blame it on Rameen Tong.

Albert Ou suddenly laughed coldly, “Sure enough, someone from a special forces background, all the back roads have been thought of.”

“Mr. Ou, please believe me, I’m really not being used, it’s Rameen Tong, it’s really Rameen Tong”

“You told them before that Rameen Tong ordered you to do this, I let them check it out, I was convinced of what you said, after all Rameen Tong and Man Man have always had a problem, it’s just a pity that I caught the man who acted with you that day and also tortured him to get a confession, guess what they said”

Lu Wei Ran suddenly felt that he might have fallen into a trap.

“They said they were the ones you found, and you also told them that if they did get caught, they would say that Rameen Tong had ordered them, you were quite thoughtful, but unfortunately Rameen Tong has been abroad for the past few days and hasn’t come back at all.”

“No it’s not, it’s a trap she dug, really she’s the one who set everything up all the plans.”

Lu Wei Ran shook her head desperately, it seemed that she had really fallen into Rameen Tong’s trap.

She wanted to make Rameen Tong take the blame, but was smart enough to get back at her.

“If she did do something wrong to Jasmine, I will pursue it to the end, but you, I will not let go”

Albert Ou wanted to rip Lu Weiran apart!

Chapter 485

Lu Wei Ran sat on the cold ground in dismay, this time she was completely planted

“I’ll tell you what, if Man-Man is safe, I might let you live, but if anything happens to Man-Man, you”

Albert Ou didn’t say anything further, and the consequences of that can be imagined.

He got up and walked out of this shady place.

The bodyguards sent Albert Ou away, and Lu Wei Ran immediately grabbed a bodyguard’s shirt.

“Is Jasmine Tong not dead?”

“Of course it’s not dead.”

“What about her baby? Is the baby still there?”

“The baby’s fine, it’s just that now that the wife is in a coma, if she’s gone, you think you’ll still be here.”

“Hahaha good, good, it’s been a month since she’s been in a coma she’s definitely not going to wake up, and she’ll never get what I can’t have hahaha.”

Lu Wei Ran’s laughter was a bit maniacal.

Albert Ou was back in the hospital, and Moichiro was standing in the doorway.

“Uncle, you’re back I wanted to go in and see Manny, they wouldn’t let me in.”

The bouncer at the door was always on guard, and Albert Ou had orders that no one was to visit without his orders.

“Go in.”There was some frustration in Albert Ou’s voice.

“Jasmine, Ione is here to see you.”Albert Ou shouted as soon as he entered the room, and it sounded as if nothing was wrong with Jasmine Tong.

When Mo Yiang saw Jasmine Tong on the hospital bed, he was also shocked.

She just lay there so quietly that if he didn’t still feel her breathing, he almost thought she was dead.

Some time ago, Jasmine Tong was able to fight with him on WeChat, fighting with pictures, and the two of them even videoed it.

For that, Albert Ou gave him a good lecture.

But now she’s just lying on the bed and not moving.

Mo Yiang felt like he had something stuck in his throat and couldn’t say anything.

“Uncle, what did the doctor say?”

“If you don’t wake up in three months, you’re a vegetable.”

Albert Ou’s expression was calm though, and he pulled Jasmine Tong’s blanket upwards.

Mo Yiang had also checked with his friends, the first month was the best stage for awakening, the longer it took, the lower the chances of awakening.

And now, that golden hour is over.

Mo Yiang moved himself to a chair and sat down.

“You talk to her, she’s probably tired of hearing me talk every day.”

The doctor said that he should always talk to his patients so that Jasmine Tong could wake up sooner.

Albert Ou was always tirelessly nagging in Jasmine Tong’s ear, but Jasmine Tong had no reaction to his words.

“Mandy, I downloaded a lot of new emoticons a while ago, I was going to give them to you for relieving your boredom when you’re done having babies and sitting on the moon, they’re all especially fun, don’t you want to see them?”

Mo Yiang was full of thoughts, wanting to say too much and not knowing where to begin.

“Manny, we’ve known each other for almost six years now, since freshman year, and we’ve been looking at each other like we don’t like each other, and you think I’m the young master, the star, always putting on a stinker, and I think you’re the one always looking at people like you’re the superior student.”

“But you don’t know, I actually admire you for getting first place in every subject because you’re a girl and I can’t bear to lose to a girl, so I’m always against you.”

Albert Ou sat holding Jasmine Tong’s hand in a harrumph, not knowing if he was listening to Mo Yiang or not.

“I didn’t think we’d become particularly good friends, and I don’t know when I started liking you.”

There was a noticeable pause in the movement of Albert Ou’s hand.

Mo Yiang seemed to be suddenly disrupted in his own thoughts.

“That, Uncle, this, I”

“Go on.”

Mo Yiang was shocked that Albert Ou didn’t even scold him or lose his temper.

“Well, I’ll go on then, Mandy, I know you’ve always thought of me as a good buddy, but I liked you a long time ago, until later, when I tried to confess to you and found out that you’ve become my little aunt.”

“I was actually particularly fuming and angry, and I kept thinking about how to get you back from my little uncle, but then I found out that you were particularly happy with my little uncle, and then you got pregnant, and it was like all of a sudden I got over it.”

“I’m looking forward to this little brother or sister, even though there are quite a few younger siblings in the house.Mandy, I think it’s good that we’re like this, wake up, I’m done dwelling on it, I’ll continue to fight with you, and I swear I don’t want you to play games with me anymore.”

Mo Yiang hung his head, tears in his eyes.

He wished so much that life could go back to the way it was, that he could get back on track.

“How come she didn’t react at all after all I said?”

“Go back.”

“I’ll be off then, Uncle, so if she wakes up, you remember to tell me.”


Mo Yiang walked out reluctantly, not far away, and suddenly heard voices coming from inside.

“Jasmine, there are still many people in this world who miss you. If you go away, how sad everyone will be. Wake up. Wake up, will you?”

Mo Yiang looked in through the window, and Albert Ou was kneeling beside Jasmine Tong’s bed.

He had never seen his youngest uncle look like this before.

“Jasmine, did I do something wrong should I have chosen in the first place, get rid of the baby first Jasmine, it’s my fault, it’s my fault, you wake up and scold me and beat me all right, please wake up okay”

“I lost the bet, I shouldn’t have gambled with your life Jasmine, count me in I’m begging you I’m begging you, Jasmine, wake up, wake up.”

Albert Ou is like a child crying like a child who has done something wrong.

Mo Yiang stood outside, his eyes sore, and tears fell as well.

Of course he knew the choices Albert Ou had made when Jasmine Tong had just been in trouble.

While he waited here, he also heard the nurses talk about how Jasmine Tong might have woken up if Albert Ou had chosen to remove the baby first.

He’s the one who’s carrying a lot of pressure, and no one knows how much pressure and panic he’s under.

“Manny, you have to wake up or what about my little uncle?”

Mo Yiang bit his teeth and left quickly.

Albert Ou was still on his knees, slumped over and sobbing.

“Jasmine, if you will wake up, I’ll do anything, I’ll give you anything, I’ll do whatever you say from now on, I’ll do what I say, wake up ok?”

His voice was hoarse but he still repeated the words.

Jasmine Tong, on the other hand, didn’t react at all and remained still, her eyes closed, still breathing evenly.

The belly wasn’t much different than it had been for over seven months; after all, she was now surviving only on imported nutrients.

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