Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 441 – 443

Read Chapter 441 – 443 of the novel Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO free online.

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Chapter 441

“What the hell happened” Jasmine Tong was even more anxious, if even the Leng Lords find it tricky, it must be something big.

“It says it’s an emergency, but it doesn’t say exactly what kind of accident, the local authorities want us to go there right away, we’ve already booked our flights and I’m leaving right away.”

The cold lord’s eyebrows were deeply locked, and he seemed to have a heavy heart.

“What is it about the local government that has even alerted the local government?”

“Mandy, wait here for my news, I’ll be the first to let you know if I hear anything.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“Do you have a passport?”

In the end, Jasmine Tong still did not go with the cold owl, because she does not have a passport, can not leave the country, but the cold owl can not wait for a moment.

Jasmine Tong had been waiting for news at home, and she had been silently praying that Albert Ou would be okay.

She worried while still comforting herself with the fact that Albert Ou was a vampire, his powers were far above those of humans, and the usual trivial things couldn’t possibly affect him.

But even though she thought so, Jasmine Tong was still almost sleepless for three days.

On the fourth day, the Cold Lords finally returned.

Jasmine Tong couldn’t even bother to put on her slippers before she hurriedly ran down the stairs.

“Baron, what the hell is going on?”

The cold lord just hung his head and didn’t speak.

“Out of what happened you quickly say ah” Jasmine Tong saw the cold owl this look, probably also guessed not what good.

“Where’s Albert Ou he didn’t come back with you? He’s hurt isn’t he in the hospital right now I’m going to the hospital right now”

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest models.

“No need to go to the hospital, he’s not at the hospital.”

“Then where is he? Speak up and don’t keep me in suspense.”

Leng Lords silently walked to the sofa and sat down, Jasmine Tong immediately followed.

“You tell me,”

“Can we talk about this somewhere where no one is around?”

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to the list of the most important things you can do.

“You can talk now,”

“Mandy, I wish you would calm down a little.”

“I can’t calm down, do you know how I’ve been for the last three days you’d better tell me quickly and stop selling yourself short”

Jasmine Tong felt like she was going crazy.

“Albert Ou he was attacked by a pack of white wolves in the snowy mountains and was killed.”

The cold lord was trying to slow down his speech, he knew it was cruel, but it was the truth.

“No that’s absolutely impossible, you’re lying to me you’ve got to be kidding me.”

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the new product.

“Mandy, calm down what I’m saying is true.”

“Not really he’s not going to die he’s not human, how could he die he must have accidentally gone somewhere, you go and send someone to find him at once”

Jasmine Tong shook her head desperately.

“No one can hurt him, but you know, the necklace I gave you before and a kind of comb made of wolf’s teeth can hurt him, but because the white wolf is the vampire’s natural enemy.”

The cold lord stated slowly.

Jasmine Tong listened quietly, her eyes dazed.

“Albert Ou went to the snowy mountains that happen to be inhabited by white wolves, and he just happened to run into one, and if there was only one maybe he could have escaped, but he ran into a pack, so”

“Stop saying that I’m not listening, it’s not true, you’re telling a story” Jasmine Tong covered her ears, she didn’t want to continue listening because this was all nonsense.

“Mandy, calm down, I’m telling the truth.”

“You’re lying to me, you won’t go to him, I’ll go to him myself he’ll never die.”

Tong Koman, unsure of what he could do, circled back and forth in his study.

“I’m going to find him, I’m going to be able to find him he’s not going to die.”

She mouthed the words and then headed towards the door to get out, just as she reached it her legs fell to the ground.

“Little Man” shouted the Cold Lords, immediately running over and picking her up.

The cold lord sent the doctor out of the bedroom, the doctor had been hired from Z.Y Hospital.

“Mrs. is fine, but she hasn’t been resting well for the past few days, she’s had a severe lack of sleep, plus she may have fainted from the stimulus, so she’ll be fine with some rest.”

The doctor reports to the Cold Lords.

“Okay, I got it.”

After sending the doctor cold owl back to the bedroom, Jasmine Tong has slowly opened her eyes, staring at the ceiling in fascination.

She had a cell phone in her hand, which she kept to her ear, and the sound of it continued to come through.

“I’m sorry, the number you have dialed cannot be reached at this time.”

When you see Jasmine Tong like this, the Leng Lords also can’t bear to see her, she went to the bed and sat down.

“No need to call again, you can’t get through, he lost his phone in the snowy mountains and we haven’t found it.”

Two lines of tears slowly flowed down the corners of Jasmine Tong’s eyes.

“I thought I’d wake up and I’d be fine, I thought it was a dream, I didn’t think it was real.”

“Mandy, now that it’s done, you accept reality.”

Leng Lords really can’t think of anything to comfort Jasmine Tong.

“What about him?”

“His wolves tore him up so badly that his body is intact.”

Jasmine Tong closed her eyes and let the tears flow freely, “The person is dead, there’s not even a corpse then how are we going to give him a funeral”

“You know Albert Ou isn’t human, and the funeral is better left alone, the fewer people who know about it the better.”

Jasmine Tong only felt the pain in her heart, as if something kept running over her heart over and over again.

She cried out eventually, “Can’t I even give him a funeral?”

“Mandy, vampires have their way if they die, they were human in their previous lives too, and have died once, so there is no funeral or grave if they become vampires and die again, that would just imprison their souls.”

Jasmine Tong bawled her eyes out.

What surprised the Leng Lords was that when Yarwen Tong died, Jasmine Tong just silently shed tears, never had such a big cry.

No funerals, no bodies, no graves.

It was as if Albert Ou’s death had nothing to do with the world and only had to do with Jasmine Tong.

Two days later, the lawyer arrived in Rainbow City with Albert Ou’s former will.

At this time, Jasmine Tong was shaggy, hadn’t freshened up for two days, and her eyes were always red and puffy.

“Mandy, so the will was written a long time ago, aren’t you going to listen to it?”

“What’s there to hear.”Jasmine Tong just sat on the balcony with her knees in her lap.

“Maybe he left you something in his will.”

Chapter 442

Hearing the cold owl say so, Jasmine Tong finally raised her head, went to the bathroom to clean up a little bit themselves, changed clothes to the study.

A lawyer in a sharp suit could not bear to see Jasmine Tong in this state.

“Madam, Mr. Ou once left a will, a will that takes effect when he is confirmed dead or missing for more than five days, and now Mr. Ou has been missing for more than five days, so it is necessary for me to give you this will.”

Because of Albert Ou’s special status, it was always said externally that Albert Ou had disappeared in the snowy mountains, not that he had died.

“What did he say in his will” Tong looked expectantly at the lawyer.

The lawyer looked at the thick will, “Madam, let me put it to you this way in simple terms, Mr. Ou left all the movable as well as immovable property in his name to you, naming you as the sole heir with perpetual effect.”

“And?” apparently that wasn’t what Jasmine Tong wanted to know.

“And” the lawyer turned over the will, “without all the movable and immovable property in Ou’s name this is marked in it, which means that everything Ou owns is now yours.”

“Didn’t he leave any words for me?”

“This one doesn’t.”

Jasmine Tong sighed deeply, since she had left a previous will, and then also definitely didn’t know that she would die one day, so naturally she wouldn’t say anything to her.

She stood up slowly to get out, and the lawyer hurriedly stopped her.

“Ma’am, you are needed to sign the will.”

“What do I need all this money for when the people are gone?”

The lawyer rushes to the cold lord for help.

“Mandy, just sign it, don’t embarrass the lawyer, there might be a lot of things to do next, all of this is Albert Ou’s heart and soul, surely you don’t want his life’s work to be lost like this,”

Jasmine Tong looked at the will handed to her by the lawyer and signed it.

“Okay, ma’am, I’ll leave you then, I’m sorry for your loss, maybe there’s a turnaround.”

The lawyer consoled Jasmine Tong and left with the will.

Leng Lords gently patted on Jasmine Tong’s shoulder, “Don’t be too sad, people can’t come back to life after death, this may be the will of God.”

Jasmine Tong slowly raised her eyes to look at the Leng Lords, which were indifferent.

“God’s will you tell me it’s God’s will.”

“Manny you don’t.”

“Then I ask you what else can I do before I met her, I thought Little Lei was my only hope to survive, then Little Lei left and he was all I had, now he’s left me too, what do you want me to do”

Tears fell the moment Jasmine Tong opened her mouth.

“He’s my only hope in this world, and why is God so cruel to me when he won’t even give me that little hope?”

“You sober up, he is not human at all, you are of two worlds, it is impossible to be together “The Leng Lords grabbed Jasmine Tong’s shoulders and shook them hard.

“So what? We’re just going to be together don’t tell me he’s a sealed offspring, but I’m going to be with him even if he’s a real vampire.”

Jasmine Tong’s rant made the Cold Lords completely dumbfounded.

“I thought for the umpteenth time that I was about to go to hell, he pulled me up from the pit of hell, why wouldn’t he let me love him why wouldn’t he let us be together.”

Jasmine Tong turned her head to look at the chair where Albert Ou had been sitting.

The way he buried himself in documents, the way he sat there eating dessert, the way he read a book, the way he flirted with her unkindly, all of them were displayed in front of Jasmine Tong.

“Albert Ou didn’t you say you’d be with me forever? Didn’t you promise me that you’d take time out of your year to travel with me every year? You promised me so many things, you go and cash in ah what kind of man are you to just walk away now.”

Jasmine Tong roared at the chair as if Albert Ou was actually there.

“You’re a liar and a big liar and a big bastard, Albert Ou.”

Jasmine Tong roared hoarsely and threw all the books on the desk onto the floor.

The cold lord didn’t stop her, just watched quietly from the side, she needed to vent.

What the Leng Lords didn’t expect was that when Yarwen Tong died, they didn’t see Jasmine Tong so crazy.

Jasmine Tong took down all the books from the shelves like a madwoman and threw them to the floor, as long as it was something she could see, no one would be spared!

“Do you think you’re noble enough to leave me all your money and I’ll be happy? I’m telling you, you’ve got the wrong plan.”

“Albert Ou, I hate you you lying bastard, I’ll never forgive you for the rest of my life.”


Jasmine Tong cursed as she destroyed this study until she was exhausted and finally stopped.

The study was also a mess at this time.

Jasmine Tong crouched right next to that chair and cried bitterly.

“I won’t forgive you until you can come back,” she was still muttering to herself.

The cold lord’s phone rang and he had to go out to answer it.

The call was from the office and there was a lot of stuff he needed to take care of.

The cold lord had to go downstairs, “You can keep an eye on her and don’t let her out of your sight, I’ll be right back.”

After instructing Aunt Fang and Pearblossom, the Leng Lords left Rainbow City.

Aunt Fang and Pear Flower went upstairs together and looked at the mess in the study, so they prepared to go in and clean up.

“Ma’am, don’t be like that, the gentleman just disappeared, he might be able to get it back.”The pear was wide open.

“Yes, ma’am, don’t feel too bad, Mr. Lucky has his own way.”

“Get out.”Jasmine Tong said slowly with her eyes unseeing.


“I’ll let you out” Jasmine Tong followed with a roar.

Aunt Fang hurriedly pulled the pear blossom out of the way.

“It’s better to leave your wife alone.”

Pearly nodded, there was no other way now.

Jasmine Tong didn’t know how long she had been squatting next to the chair, but she stood up slowly when she saw the mess of the study.

Picked up the books one at a time off the floor and put them back where they belonged.

After a long time of packing up, the study was finally back to its original state.

“I’ve cleaned up your study, come back, will you, I won’t scold you, you’re not a liar, you’ll make good on your promise, won’t you.”

But the only thing that responded to her was air, and nothing more.

The whole company knows that Albert Ou has been missing for five whole days, and that the will has gone into effect, and that the entire Dark Empire is now under Jasmine Tong’s name.

Albert Ou had already explained before, the company’s all matters are handed over to the Cold Lords to deal with.

The cold lord was in his office dealing with an emergency.

“Mr. Leng, something has happened over at Star King International.”

Chapter 443

“What’s going on “The Cold Lords are now so busy.

Before this, Leng Lords had always felt that Albert Ou was nothing special, but now when he actually sat in this seat, he only secretly admired Albert Ou.

Being able to keep a company of this size running properly is really not something that ordinary people can do.

“It was something that happened to General Manager Quan, General Manager Quan had sex with a small artist from the company and made someone’s belly big, that artist made a scene in the Quan family, and the old man of the Quan family drove General Manager Quan overseas in a fit of anger, and now the whole company knows about it, so it’s good that the artist isn’t very famous.”

For a person like Leng Lords who has been walking the streets, this kind of thing is simply polluting his ears.

“How could Albert Ou be with someone like John Quan” the Leng Lords couldn’t help but mutter.

“Now that Star King International doesn’t have a single mainstay, Mr. Leng, you need to get an idea of who to send over there as soon as possible.”Russel Cheng said.

“Now that the head office side really can’t pull out any manpower, is there anyone under John who could be used before to bring him up.”

“There is down to the fact that Mr. Quan’s deputy was promoted by Mr. Quan and is said to be good.”

“That’s him, and now the Star King International photos are all left in his hands, so there’s no need to report them.”


For the dark empire headquarters, the cold owl is not able to take care of the matter, the star emperor international side of the matter can only be slowed down.

After dealing with the company’s affairs, it is already midnight, the cold owl immediately returned to the rainbow city, he is still worried about Jasmine Tong.

As he instructed, Aunt Fang and Pearly took turns watching Jasmine Tong.

“How is Little Man?” the Leng Lords asked Aunt Fang.

Aunt Fang sighed first, “It’s the same old story, she doesn’t eat or drink, one keeps whining there, either that or she keeps crying, can’t be persuaded no matter what, it’s hard to get her to drink two bites of porridge at night.”

“Now what?”

“Still in the bedroom, always holding Mr. Pillow.Mr. Leng, do something about it, Madam can’t go on like this.”

“You go rest, I’m here.”After saying that the cold lord went upstairs.

The door is open, through a crack, the cold owl through the door, see Jasmine Tong holding a professional pillow sitting on the bed dazed.

He pushed the door open and walked in, Jasmine Tong was shocked and looked up at him sharply.

“Are you back for dinner yet?”

“Eaten.”Leng Lords also did not expect Jasmine Tong to naturally talk to him, he went to the bed and sat down, just when he was about to open his mouth.

Jasmine Tong jumped right over and hugged him tightly.

“It’s so good to have you back, I knew you wouldn’t miss a beat, you’ll be back.”

Leng Lords stunned also hugged Jasmine Tong.

“I had a fight with you the other day and drove you to the guest room to sleep, in fact, I know you can’t mess around outside, you won’t betray me, but I’m just headstrong ah you don’t worry, I’ll never drive you to the guest room to sleep again.”

Only then did Leng Lords realize that Jasmine Tong was probably in a trance and thought of herself as Albert Ou.

His hand slowly loosened, but who knew that Jasmine Tong actually grabbed his hand directly and hugged her waist again.

“Don’t let go aren’t you still mad at me aren’t you used to like hugging me the most then just keep hugging, don’t let go ok I miss you so much, the last few days apart from you, I feel like centuries have passed.”

Leng Lords had a headache and didn’t know how to deal with the somewhat mentally disturbed Jasmine Tong.

“The last time we went on a trip, you bought me some pajamas that I never wore to show you, I wore them today, do you like them?”


“I knew you’d like it, you stinky rascal, and I’ll do whatever you tell me to do from now on, and I’ll never confront you again.”

Jasmine Tong released the Leng Lords to hold his face, “You are thin, tomorrow I’ll make you something delicious to make up for it, okay?”


Jasmine Tong finally smiled she closed her eyes as if she was slowly waiting for something.

The cold lord’s heart is always struggling, he is a grown man, of course, know what the two couples will do at night, also know what Jasmine Tong is waiting for.

The Lengæž­ can’t help but feel some heartache as he looks at the face of Jasmine Tong that has light tears.

In fact, at this time, he could have sex with Jasmine Tong instead of Albert Ou, and maybe wake up tomorrow morning and everything would be different.

But how he was willing to be a replacement for someone else’s band.

Leng Lords quickly stood up and prepared to walk out, but Jasmine Tong grabbed his hand.

“Where are you going so late? Are you still mad at me?”

Leng Lords turned around and lifted Jasmine Tong’s chin, “Jasmine Tong, look carefully, who am I”

Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but shudder, and when she saw the Cold Lords, she quickly pushed him away and picked up the blanket beside her to shield herself.

“How are you,”

“It’s always been me Albert Ou is dead, come to your senses you’ll never see him again the only thing you can do now is pull yourself together and live your life.”

The Leng Lords finished snatching out the door.

Jasmine Tong hugged the blanket and cried once again, what’s wrong with her that she even misidentified Albert Ou?

It’s only been a few days and she’s mistaken him for someone else.

Leng Lords returned to the guest room, where he had to stay for the next few days because he didn’t know what else would happen to Jasmine Tong.

With his hands cushioned behind his head and his clothes still on, he lay on the bed.

I don’t know if what I’m doing is right or wrong, but looking at Jasmine Tong like this, I wonder when she’ll be able to pull herself together.

Suddenly felt a footstep outside the door, the cold owl can’t think much about immediately get up, the sound seems to come from the study side, like someone looking for something.

Leng Lords immediately went over and pushed open the door of the study room, and indeed saw Jasmine Tong inside.

She looked very anxious in there, and was searching through a book, looking through every drawer.

Jasmine Tong had changed out of the s*xy nightgown she was wearing.

“Mandy, what are you looking for?”

Jasmine Tong didn’t answer his question, but continued to rummage.

“Honey, I’m sorry, I’ll even admit that you’re wrong, don’t worry it won’t happen again, I’ll take your picture and look at it dozens, no, hundreds of times a day definitely won’t admit it again, definitely won’t I swear, don’t be mad at me.”

Jasmine Tong mouthed the words as she rummaged through it.

“Manny, what time is it and you’re not going to bed.”

Leng Lords walked over and grabbed Jasmine Tong’s wrist.

“No, I can’t sleep, I need to find a picture of him to sleep”

Jasmine Tong shrugged off the cold lord’s hand and continued to flip.


For a while, Jasmine Tong sat on her butt and cried once more with her hands on her head.

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