Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 423 – 425

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Chapter 423

In the face of Jasmine Tong’s questioning, Lin Weilang had no defense at all, and sat paralyzed on the stage, beads of sweat trickling down his face.

“I’m sure by now it’s clear who is copying who, you may say that I’m plotting everything today, and yes, I planned all of this, starting with the establishment of this clothing designer.”

Jasmine Tong stood on the stage and spoke freely, as if she had seen day and night doodling for her design.

“My deceased brother Yarwen Tong, who was in the same class as these young men standing on stage, would design clothes in his room every night, and he said that the biggest dream of people like him was to see his drawings become real clothes to wear on people.”

Whenever Yarwen Tong was mentioned, Jasmine Tong would always wet her eyes.

“Because he has a celebrity sister, he occasionally pays attention to entertainment news, and at his last charity night, he was furious when he saw a dress on a celebrity that had come from one of his classmates.”

At this point Jasmine Tong purposefully aimed a glance at Rameen Tong under the stage, and all eyes looked at Rameen Tong.

Rameen Tong was uncomfortable all over her body, the clothes she wore today had won her numerous compliments, but at the moment she felt that they were like shackles.

“And so there is today’s STONE, and I’m going to make his dream come true for my brother, and I’m going to make their dreams come true for young people like him, and so there is today’s XI.They are ten, plus my brother is eleven, so they are named eleven.”

“These young people, they’re starting out, but they’re not constrained by creative limitations, they can skyrocket and are better able to create new and innovative work, but they don’t have the background or the resources to see their designs reduced to scrap paper.”

“What’s worse is when someone seizes on their weaknesses and, in the name of guidance, takes ownership of their designs and devours their dreams.”

Lin Weilang was paralyzed on the ground at the moment and his reputation was in tatters.

“I hope people will give them a chance because it’s the young people who represent the future.”

Jasmine Tong bowed deeply, as did the ten students behind her.

The applause was widespread.

“Lin Weilang is simply too much, I’ve heard that he’s Jiang Lang, but I never thought he’d use such tactics”

“Who says it’s not, copying one or two works is enough, but they’re all plagiarized”

“Love brand too, Rameen Tong can’t investigate before hiring someone?”

“love this is finished Rameen Tong at first said to do what charity it you copied the work to do charity, this is not funny.”

This farce has come to an end here, and next the New Somerset Cup will be announcing the winners.

“Here we announce the winner of the first prize of the Sunshang Cup is A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Designer Eleven from STONE.”

Never in their wildest dreams did the kids think they’d win first prize for their first time!

One happily slapped his hands all swollen.

When they first received their trophies from the presenters, they were all smiling with happiness.

Jasmine Tong sat on the stage watching the scene with relief.

It was as if Yarwen Tong was standing on stage, receiving flowers and applause along with his classmates.

As the curtain fell on the Sunseeker Cup, reporters rushed up to cover the event, partly surrounding Jasmine Tong.

“Mandy, can you tell us a little bit about the specifics of STONE?”

“Mandy, while this is abrupt and rude, could you tell us a little bit about your brother.”

Reporters have been asking questions.

“I’ve said all I need to say, I’m sorry, I don’t want to say anything more.”Jasmine Tong bowed towards the reporters and slowly left.

The other group of reporters directly besieged Rameen Tong.

“Rameen, did you know beforehand about the plagiarism of Lin Weylang?”

“Wren Meng, how do you know Willem Lin can you tell us more specifically about the situation?”

“Almost all of LOVE’s work is suspected of plagiarism, how are you going to deal with it and will you take it all off the shelves”

The reporter’s questions attacked Rameen Tong like a cannon.

“No comment” Rameen Tong grumpily bellowed towards the reporters and prepared to walk backstage.

Where the reporters were willing to leave her alone one by one, they surrounded her.

It took security to come and free her in the end.

Rameen Tong went backstage to find Jasmine Tong.

“Jasmine Tong, you obviously did it on purpose.”

Rameen Tong’s make-up had worn off because of the pushing and shoving with the reporter, and it looked like she was hideous and scary.

“Yeah, I just did it on purpose.”Jasmine Tong didn’t hold back at all.

“You Rameen Tong viciously clenched her teeth hating to break Jasmine Tong into pieces.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the jade Buddha, which looks like it’s worth a lot.

“Don’t you think it’s too late to think about asking the Buddha for blessings only after you’ve done something wrong? “Jasmine Tong was calm and relaxed.

Rameen Tong’s fierce face just now turned into a stunned one.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” she said as she put the jade Buddha in her dress to cover it up.

“Whether you know it or not, I just want you to know that this is just the beginning.”

“What do you want?”

“What you want, I want.”

Jasmine Tong knew that Rameen Tong was determined to bring her down, and now she was also determined to bring Rameen Tong down, it was as simple as that.

“Jasmine Tong” Rameen Tong narrowed her eyes into a slit, anger bursting out of it.

“If I were you, I’d hurry up and figure out how to save LOVE, you and I can’t change anything by spending more time here.”

“We’ll see.”

Rameen Tong said and quickly turned around, but she was a little too forceful, and with her heels too high, she walked forward and all of a sudden broke her foot and fell to the ground.

So strong, she naturally didn’t want to be humiliated in front of Jasmine Tong, and even though her feet hurt, she still tried to get up and walk out.

The “Mandy” kids came running and they were so happy with their trophies.

Lin Zhihang handed the trophy to Jasmine Tong.

“Sister Manny, we unanimously decided that the first trophy we got for our eleventh was to be given to Little Lei, and this trophy was supposed to belong to him.”

“No, I’ll go to his grave and tell him about it, and you can have the trophy.”

“No, the trophy should go to him, and the theme of Midsummer Night’s Dream is what he had in mind.”

“Then why don’t we make a trophy wall in the studio and from now on you guys will put your trophies in there for every trophy you get.”Jasmine Tong suggested.

“That’s a good idea,” everyone agreed.

“But you mustn’t be proud, you must keep working hard.”

“Don’t worry, we will.”

Tong left in a hurry as he had another person to thank back home.

Chapter 424

It’s already midnight when Jasmine Tong arrives home after the New Somerset Cup is completely over.

Albert Ou was waiting for her.

She’d been so busy filming that she’d still taken time off for the New Somerset Cup and the crew, or she wouldn’t have had time to come back.

Pushing open the bedroom door Albert Ou was sitting on the bed looking refreshed.

Jasmine Tong immediately ran to the edge of the bed and jumped into Albert Ou’s arms.


“Did I tell you a long time ago that I never accept a verbal thank you.”

Jasmine Tong lifted her head and k!ssed Albert Ou hard on the lips.

“Is that okay?”

“I went to all that trouble and you just k!ssed me and that’s it” Albert Ou was a hundred percent unconvinced.

“So what do you want?”

“Tonight hey hey” Albert Ou rubbed his hands like he was going to do something big.

Jasmine Tong knew what he wanted without having to ask, and he’d been like that since the first day she’d known him.

“I’ll take a shower first then.”

“No need to wash it, do it and then wash it” Albert Ou took Jasmine Tong into his arms and turned her over in a smooth motion.

Jasmine Tong slowly ruffled Albert Ou’s hair.

“I should really thank you today, I wouldn’t have known how to deal with that Weyland Lin without those notarizations you did early on, he’s far more established in the circle than I thought.”

Jasmine Tong was thankful to Albert Ou with all her heart that he had secretly done so much without her knowing.

“Seriously, how did you come up with the idea to do justice?”

“If you’ve been in this place called the mall long enough, some things come naturally to you, so stop talking nonsense and get a grip.”

Albert Ou didn’t want to take credit with Jasmine Tong but k!ssed her directly on the lips.

Jasmine Tong was also very cooperative with Albert Ou.

Unfortunately, the sweetness only lasted one night, and the next day they both went their separate ways, one to the office and the other to a movie.

Compared to the sweet night that Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou spent, Rameen did not have a good night.

She immediately summoned all of LOVE’s top executives and told them about today’s events, asking them to help figure out what to do.

“Miss Tong, since there has been such a serious case of plagiarism, but now there is only one way out, remove all products from the shelves and a public apology”

The manager of the LOVE brand is still a decent guy and he’s still around in the business.

“Removing all the products from the shelves, how is this possible? I had thought that Mr. Lin got, the first prize of the New Shang Cup, we can also sell a big sale for a while, there is a backlog of so many new products, the inventory is also full, you let off the shelves at this time.”

The first thing you need to do is to get your own copy of the book, and then you’ll be able to get your own copy of the book.

This time she is determined to win the New Somerset Cup, and has already started to prepare in advance, the inventory is all piled up, just in case the sale of one less dress.

It’s all in your hands now.

“Miss Tong, if you still want the brand, this is the only way we can do it, we’ll have to fire Willie Lam and hire another designer to get the brand going again, otherwise”

The manager didn’t go on with the following words, and I’m sure everyone in the room understood.

If only one or two styles were copied, that would be fine, but now it’s love almost all of the styles are copied.

“In addition Miss Tong, I hope you will be prepared for a lawsuit Lin Wieland has copied so much, the other side is unlikely to let up.There’s plenty of evidence on the other side, and we’re even more at a disadvantage in a lawsuit.”

Rameen Tong with her hands on her head had completely disregarded her image.

Is she going to ruin the love brand she built?

The point is that she’s still a star, and the impact of this incident on her is not trivial, she had a hard time salvaging her image

The next day, Jasmine Tong looked up this morning’s freshly baked news as she sat in her car on the way to Yancheng.

The fashion news and entertainment news sections all documented last night’s New Somerset Cup, and the headline was undoubtedly the plagiarism incident by Willard Lim.

Lin Weilang slumped on the stage as well as Rameen Tong’s collapsed face were all captured on film.

There is also some very eye-catching news about the quality of LOVE as well as the service issues.

LOVE has been exposed for its crude clothing, using inferior materials that break down after a few days of wear, and for the poor attitude of LOVE’s sales staff.

“Many deeds lead to death.”Jasmine Tong closed the news.

Someone from stone clothing studio called Jasmine Tong.

“Sister Manny, our clothing is on fire all of a sudden today there are several people who have come to talk about cooperation, our store, now full of all the customers, it’s crazy.”

These Jasmine Tong had expected, but just didn’t think it would be so hot.

“You must keep a close eye on the quality, we don’t have that much inventory right now, and the manufacturer’s side is asking them to speed up the process, but the quality must never fall short, and we’d rather sell one less garment than one inferior product.”

“Yes I understand.”

“And tell our designers to take a break from rushing out new models.”


The phone hung up Jasmine Tong’s face finally showed a satisfied smile.

“Xiaolei, if you know that your clothes are now on sale, you should be happy too” she seemed to see Yarwen Tong’s clean, unblemished smile.

Entering Yancheng, Jasmine Tong began shooting again in earnest.

Rameen’s side promptly posted the tweet.

“I’m sorry everyone, I’m very sorry, I also really didn’t expect that Lin Weilang was such a person, when I first met him, I thought that he was a master in China, so there shouldn’t be any problem, who knew that he would copy his own student’s work.”

Rameen released a lengthy tweet, blaming all the blame on Willie Lam and announcing that all of LOVE’s clothing on sale was off the shelves.

At the end of the tweet she also told everyone that she would try to pick herself up and start a new life.

As the saying goes, there’s nothing wrong with knowing your mistakes, not to mention the fact that the plagiarist is Lin Weilang, Rameen is just the boss, so this matter does not have a great impact on her.

The only impact is money.

There are media for liquidation, love this time the losses will reach several hundred million, some agents, and even in pursuit of fleeing Rameen Tong, after all, they are also signed a contract in the, do not know how much compensation to count these.

So this time Rameen Tong really lost a lot.

Jasmine Tong has ignored the question, because the thing that makes her happy has finally arrived, the Golden Wolf Awards ceremony is about to begin.

Chapter 425

Tong stood in front of the mirror to officially wear her dress for the Golden Wolf Awards ceremony.

It is a dark red dress, short in front and long in back, which will bring out Jasmine Tong’s two straight and slender legs, elegant and lively at the same time.

Every time Jasmine Tong attends an event, her dress is always fresh and elegant, and this is the first time she has chosen a red dress, this dress is also designed by Yarwen Tong.

One of the many gown designs in Tong’s thick design book that were designed specifically for Tong, this is one of them.

Albert Ou gently wrapped his arms around Jasmine Tong’s waist from behind.

“Why is my woman so good-looking?”

Albert Ou k!ssed lightly on Jasmine Tong’s naked back, and Jasmine Tong only felt a tickle.

“Don’t you dare, it’s a dress for the awards ceremony tomorrow, don’t ruin it for me.”

“Why is it as if I’m a saboteur in your eyes” Albert Ou felt oddly aggrieved.

Jasmine Tong glared at Albert Ou: “Isn’t it true that my pajamas, underwear, and all kinds of clothes, you have given me to tear how many pieces of ah you count yourself.”

What he wasn’t a spoiler from the moment we met seemed to have a penchant for ripping her clothes off, never having the patience to help her take them off

“I’ve been tearing up less lately, is that making you unhappy.”

Jasmine Tong hurriedly left Albert Ou and took off the dress she was wearing and put on a nightgown.

I don’t want this dress to fall into Albert Ou’s hands again.

Albert Ou once again embraced Jasmine Tong in his arms, Jasmine Tong’s lips gently rising up.

“Do I look good in this dress?”

“It’s not pretty.”Albert Ou answered without hesitation.

“Where not to look at it” Jasmine Tong felt like she was suddenly splashed with a pot of cold water, from the head to the feet, just not also praised her good-looking it so a while to change her face.

“You look best when you’re not wearing anything,” Albert Ou slowly fought in Jasmine Tong’s ear.

“Drive when you don’t agree, old driver.”

Jasmine Tong’s heart was still beautiful and grabbed Albert Ou’s hand, “Do you remember what I once said”

“You’ve said so much, how can I remember that clearly.”

“Geez, didn’t I say we’d have a wedding if I achieved the grand slam of showbiz?”


Albert Ou paused significantly before answering.

“Tomorrow is the last trophy, and I don’t know if we’ll get it, but if we do, let’s get married.”

Albert Ou buried his head in Jasmine Tong’s neck, “Yes, all at your service.”

“Do you know I found a particularly beautiful wedding dress in Xiaolei’s design book, a big red one I asked Lin Zhihang about it and he said that if it was going to be made, he would have to hire a particularly good embroiderer to make it.”

“Well, I’ll help you find an embroiderer then.”


Albert Ou said picking Jasmine Tong up, “What’s the point of talking about these useless things, we’ll talk about it then, do something useful now.”

“Hey hey, wait a minute, I’ll warn you, don’t plant strawberries for me if your dress is more revealing tomorrow”

“As ordered.”

“Ah just said what ah that you can’t k!ss, not here either, ah hate”

The Golden Wolf Awards finally kicked off.

Naturally, Tong was in the spotlight because, as we all know, she was one last trophy away from a Grand Slam.

And it just so happens that she’s also nominated for Best Actress at the Golden Wolf Awards this time, so she’s still a very strong contender.

Wherever Jasmine Tong goes, reporters follow her, and other actresses pale in comparison.

Some of the organizers of the red carpet walk also put Jasmine Tong in last place.

As usual the red carpet part was the most noticeable.

Surprisingly, there was a figure of Rameen Tong on the red carpet, this time she also came with Ellen Ron.

Rameen Tong in a white dress fairy floating, as usual and Ellen Ron is still gracious debut.

I don’t know if it’s because there are so many occasions for two people to show their affection that everyone loses interest.

“I didn’t hear that Rameen Tong has been shortlisted for an award this time, so why is she here?”

“Such an important award ceremony, even if you don’t have a work, you have to come over ah, rubbing it in, it’s not pulling my husband again.”

“That’s right, a few days ago the LOVE thing was making a lot of noise, Rameen Tong really met a bad girl, thanks to the fact that I like this brand so much, and I bought several pieces.”

Because Rameen Tong had been busy with her business, she didn’t have a work shortlisted this time.

The organisers arranged for her to be the last one to walk the red carpet, as we all know that she is the one getting the most attention.

If she gets the Golden Wolf trophy this time, she’ll be the second actor after Murray to win a grand slam.

And it’s really promising.

Immediately after Jasmine Tong’s red carpet walk, a large crowd of reporters gathered around to conduct an interview.

“Mandy, did you deliberately choose a red dress today, are you celebrating early?”

“Of course not, it’s just to try a different style.”Jasmine Tong’s smile was dimpled, unaffected in the least by the big game she had played some time ago.

“If you got the award today and became a second Grand Slam actor, what would you do to celebrate?”

“If you do get it, it should be celebrated in a very special way, and I’m not sure we’ll know until then.”Jasmine Tong shyly covered her mouth and smiled.

In fact, we all know that Jasmine Tong is also very eager to this trophy after the film.

“Will you get married? I announced last time that I have a boyfriend. When will you get married?”

“We’ll all know that then.”

Xu Xingru hastily stopped the interview, “Thank you all for your concern, we still have things to do, the interview will wait until after the award ceremony, thank you”

After saying that, he escorted Jasmine Tong away.

“Mandy, it’s better to keep the talk about dating to a minimum from now on.”Xu Xingru was still very wary.

“Starru-san, if I get the trophy this time, I might just announce the wedding news.”

Xu Xingru was also shocked, “Developing so fast?”

“That’s what we agreed to, but if we don’t get it we’ll talk about it later.”

“That’s good, Manny, then I wish you well.”

Jasmine Tong narrowed her eyes and nodded her head with all the joy between her eyebrows.

“Your hopes of winning this award are very high, and your main competition is only Qin Liyuan, and none of the works shortlisted this year are particularly good.”

Xu Xingru patted Jasmine Tong’s shoulder, and although she felt that it was a bit early for her to get married, she still wished her well.

Qin Liyuan in the corner is not as popular as the other finalist.

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