Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 417 – 419

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Chapter 417

In the evening Jasmine Tong cooked a table of good food for Albert Ou as usual, Albert Ou came back early, and after the two of them had finished dinner, Albert Ou urged Jasmine Tong to return to her room.

“What? I have to watch TV tonight.”

“Do I look better on TV or do I look better?”

Jasmine Tong poked Albert Ou’s head with a puff of laughter.

“You’ve really taken it up a notch now that you’re jealous, even of the TV? It’ll just kill you.”

Albert Ou, however, directly picked Jasmine Tong up by the cross, “Death under the peony blossom, being a ghost is also windy.”

Albert Ou smiled badly as he carried Jasmine Tong to the bathroom.

“Hey, I’m all done showering.”

Jasmine Tong pursed her lips and piled into Albert Ou’s embrace not daring to look up.

Albert Ou immediately turned around and carried Jasmine Tong to the big bed, pressing her underneath him.

“I knew you’d listen to me.”

“I took a shower that wasn’t for you because I slept in the afternoon and got all sweaty.”Jasmine Tong turned her head to the side with a mouthful of misgivings.

“Not for me ah” Albert Ou put his claws on Jasmine Tong’s waist.

“Ah you don’t tickle.”

Jasmine Tong immediately begged for mercy.

“Is it for me”

“Yes, yes, it’s for you, okay?”

Albert Ou put his face close to Tong’s, one hand supporting himself so as not to stress Tong out.

“I knew you were doing this for me.”

“You’re calling this flexing your muscles.”

“If you don’t coax me a little now, you’ll still want to get up tomorrow” said Albert Ou as he played with Jasmine Tong’s hair.

“I’m not working tomorrow again.”

“Oh so my wife Lord hehehehe little one understands”

Jasmine Tong said this repentant intestines are blue, “you do not ah, I do not mean that do not make trouble, ah”

Albert Ou didn’t care about the trivialities, he couldn’t resist long ago.

His lips landed on her fair and delicate skin, wanting so badly to k!ss every inch of her to remember this unique touch.

He wanted to imprint it all on his memory.

Albert Ou’s palms roamed freely over Jasmine Tong’s skin, and the room was soon filled with petulant sounds.

It had been over a month since we’d made out, but Albert Ou managed to hold back, seemingly not eager at all, but just taking his time with the fight.

Albert Ou gently faded Jasmine Tong’s pajamas.

“Condoms,” came Jasmine Tong’s voice.

Albert Ou, who had been on fire, felt a basin of cold water being thrown down.

Staring at Jasmine Tong’s face with a sad face, all movement stopped.

Jasmine Tong’s face had the unique shyness of a woman, “What’s wrong?”

“Hate to bring that sh!t trying to zero in on you, it’s uncomfortable through the stuff.”

Albert Ou’s voice had a bit of a petulant edge to it, but that said, he pulled open the nightstand drawer to bring the condoms over.

Just as he was about to rip one open, Jasmine Tong grabbed his hand.

“If you don’t want to wear it, then I’ll just take the pills later.”

“How does that work? You forgot the last time.”

Halfway through Albert Ou’s words, the past was something they didn’t want to talk about, it was a scar after all.

“Taking birth control pills is bad for you and can lead to infertility.”

“I won’t need to have kids afterwards anyway, it doesn’t matter.”

“Who says you won’t later” Albert Ou wanted to stop.


“It’s okay, it’s considered not having kids, and the pill is bad for you, it’s okay, I’m just whining.”

Of course, Jasmine Tong understands Albert Ou, he is a person who appears to be wild and domineering, but he is the one who is particularly prone to compromise in love.

“No need to wear it today.”


“I just had my aunt two days ago, so it’ll be safe, don’t worry.”

After saying that, Jasmine Tong circled Albert Ou’s neck and pulled him into her arms.

Another whole night of sweetness.

Unfortunately, this sweetness only lasted for two days before Jasmine Tong returned to the set and Albert Ou resumed his fate of being alone again.

This morning, there was an important meeting in the Dark Empire, and when the meeting ended, Albert Ou handed the Cold Lords over to his office.

“Mandy saw me in the office, you must have gone to a lot of trouble to hide it.”

The cold lord played with the pen in his hand with his legs crossed.

“On the contrary, a few words will fool her, she’s my woman, she’ll believe anything I say.”

There was pride all over Albert Ou’s eyes as if he was saying it on purpose to someone.


Albert Ou unbuttoned one of his buttons and opened his collar, and a large lip print was imprinted on his neck, as ambiguous as it needed to be.

It was a clear sign of how passionate he and Jasmine Tong had been in bed last night.

Leng Lords only felt that the man was childish.

“You’ve been doing well lately, not many days here, people are convinced of you, so keep up the good work.”

“Yes, Mr. Ou,” the Leng Lords’ lips rose up in an evil manner to stand up, “I’ll leave if it’s okay.”

“Wait, did you make up the story I asked you to make up recently?”

“Didn’t you say your woman only believes your words? Let you just make up your own, and why should I have to make it up?”

“You Cold Lords, don’t forget what you promised me in the first place.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to give you a satisfactory answer when the time comes.”The Cold Lords put down this sentence and sailed away.

feel relieved

There was no way he was going to let it go.

In the afternoon, Albert Ou took a short break to lie in the lounge and brush up on the news for a while.

“You’ve won two posthumous trophies, can Mandy Tong achieve the grand slam?”

This news headline caught the eye, and when he saw Jasmine Tong’s name, Albert Ou didn’t hesitate to click on it.

Turns out it’s time for the annual Golden Wolf Awards again, and the Wolverine Awards have released their shortlist.

Jasmine Tong was nominated for the Golden Wolf Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role for her work on the other side of the mountain.

The other side of the mountain is considered an art film in terms of subject matter, although the box office was not good, only 300 million box office, but because of the limitations of the subject matter, to have 300 million box office in the book, has broken the record of the subject matter.

Over the Mountain uses a double female setup, with two women, Qin Liyuan and Jasmine Tong, both nominated for the Best Actress award, which shows the impact of the film.

“When I achieve the Grand Slam, we’ll have an open relationship and a big wedding.”

The dimples of Jasmine Tong’s smile as she spoke still echoed in his head.

If Tong can take home the Golden Wolf Award for Best Actress this time, then she has truly achieved the actress’ grand slam.

It would also set a new record for the fastest to win a Grand Slam.

Albert Ou immediately called John Quan with a deep brow lock.

Chapter 418

The annual Fashion Design Competition is about to begin for the New Fashion Cup.

The Grand Prix was pretty star-studded, and for those in the South, it’s the biggest competition on the country’s fashion scene.

Rameen Tong became the focus of everyone’s attention as soon as she appeared.

Her fresh and elegant outfit was a real eye-catcher, with a bralette style that set off her figure to perfection.

Standing with her is love’s chief designer, Willie Lam, who is a gentleman in a stiff tuxedo.

“Miss Tong geez, I really don’t know if I should call you Miss Tong or should I call you Boss Tong, now that your business is doing so well, you’re really a businessman who’s been delayed by your career as an actor ah”

“Who says it isn’t? love in such a short time, all of a sudden became the top brand in the country, Miss Tong, give us a way out, okay”

These people were all complimenting Rameen’s words.

“Miss Tong, this dress of yours is so beautiful, I don’t know which designer’s hand it is from”

Rameen Tong is keeping a high profile.

“When you come to the New Shang Cup, naturally you have to wear clothes designed by your own designer, ah, this is our teacher Lin’s own design, called Lotus Pond Moonlight.”

“Wow, this name and this dress simply match perfectly with Miss Tong’s impeccable facial features.”

The ass k!ssers go on and on.

Rameen Tong smiled and accepted the compliments.

“Miss Tong, I want to open a store this year, I wonder if I can represent that new downtown mall that LOVE opened, I just got a storefront, if Miss Tong is willing, it can open within a month.”

Mr. Zhang from the Hana Times hurriedly handed over a business card.

“The downtown mall, but you’re talking about the Mineway Mall.”


Rameen Tong’s heart was happy, she was about to go to negotiate, what about that commercial building’s stores, but she wanted to make love bigger and stronger.

“Yeah, we’ll talk about it in detail later.”

“An immense honor.”

Rameen Tong this lap back to her home brand’s lounge, like big brands have exclusive lounges.

From the time she walked in the door to the time she was able to sit down, there were already seven or eight people wanting to talk to her about working with her, which shows how hot LOVE is.

“Mr. Lin, just now there are quite a few people who want to make an appointment with me about the store, I think the new models are ready to come out again, if we can win the first prize of the New Shang Cup this time, then we LOVE will be invincible from now on.”

“Miss Tong, don’t worry, I’ve quietly asked around, I’ve been in the circle for so long, I’m familiar with many designers, there are not many who can tie with me, I’m bound to win the first prize this time.”

Lin Willem raised his head high.

Rameen dreamed that Lin Weilang had a plan and was slightly relieved.

Suddenly there was a flurry of people outside, as if everyone was running out of the house as they saw something remarkable.

Naturally, someone of Rameen Tong’s status wouldn’t run out to watch the fun like those people.

“Miss Tong, if you’ll excuse me while I go check on the models.”

“Well, you go about your business and make sure nothing goes wrong.”

Waylon Lin walked out of the lounge.

Rameen Tong was sitting on a chair preparing to touch up her makeup.

“Oh hello, who is this, what a beautiful day”

Rameen Tong saw Lisa in the mirror, and Lisa was considered one of Rameen Tong’s partners, and the two of them were familiar with each other.

“I’ve had too many compliments today, so if you want to compliment me, you’d better change the words.”

Lisa wiggled her way in and sat next to Rameen Tong.

“Then I won’t compliment you, hey, I’ll tell you what, do you know who just showed up? Guaranteed you’ll never think of it”

Rameen Tong was puzzled, “Yeah, who just came, I seem to have seen a lot of people running out, which cur is making so much noise”

“It’s relevant to you, think carefully.”Lisa was deliberately selling out.

“It’s got to do with me, geez, can’t think of anything, you can say it if you like, or pull it off.”Rameen Tong picked up the powder puff and continued to touch up her makeup.

“Jasmine Tong,”

When she heard the name, Rameen Tong immediately turned her head to look at Lisa, “What’s she doing here.”

“I had the same reaction as you when I just saw her, she’s an actress coming to get together, she’s not a member of the circle, but I found out when I asked around that she also owns a costume studio.”

Lisa lifted her hand to look at her latest manicure, “Your sister looks like she’s going to call you on it.”

“Jasmine Tong even opened a clothing studio this is when how come there’s no word of this at all”

“Supposedly it just opened a while ago, and as for the lack of buzz, either she’s more low-key or she wants to do something big.”

Somehow hearing this news, Rameen Tong was uncomfortable, but she had a vague sense of pride.

“Just open it, it doesn’t matter, our LOVE is already a top domestic brand anyway.”

“But ah, she really can’t compare to you, it’s said that this studio has been preparing for quite a long time, and now the store is just getting ready, it seems like it just opened in the past two days, the visibility is too low.”

Rameen Tong smiled coldly and surveyed herself in the mirror.

“She’s a little young to be fighting me.”

“But she’s such a trickster, all the people she brought with her were wearing masks, I counted seven in total, and people outside said Jasmine Tong was trying to create Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs haha.”

Rameen Tong also laughed at Lisa’s words, and Lisa suddenly looked at Rameen Tong and frowned.

“Why does this dress of yours seem to be identical to Jasmine Tong’s?”

“How is it possible that this was designed by Mr. Lin himself and named Lotus Pond Moonlight.”

“But it’s really the same I just saw Jasmine Tong wearing the same dress, the difference is yours is a bralette style and hers is a one-shoulder ruffle”

Rameen Tong’s face changed abruptly, “Could it be that Teacher Lin’s design was leaked No, I have to go out and take a look”

Rameen Tong said fixing her clothes and walked out.

Jasmine Tong is being introduced by Meng Jiajia, chatting with several designers and insiders.

Seeing the clothes on Jasmine Tong’s body, Rameen Tong really believed in it

The outfit on her turned out to be identical to her own, as Lisa said, her own was a bralette style, while Tong was wearing a one-shoulder ruffled design

This one on myself is a little bit s*xy, while Jasmine Tong is completely fresh and natural.

Rameen Tong walked calmly into the crowd.

“Sister, we haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

Everyone was attracted by the sound, everyone looked at Rameen Tong and then at Jasmine Tong.

This can be embarrassing, Rameen Tong and Jasmine Tong’s feud, there are people in the circle who do not know it and now the two sisters are head-on bar, even wearing the same clothes.

Chapter 419

All eyes were on the two sisters, and this was going to be a good show.

I wonder how tit-for-tat the two sisters on a collision course will be

“Yeah, we haven’t seen each other in a long time, I was supposed to see you at my brother’s funeral, but unfortunately you didn’t come.”

Jasmine Tong’s words are informative.

The first one is naturally that Jasmine Tong has a younger brother and has just recently died, so it’s no wonder Tong hasn’t been out lately, but it’s a death in the family.

Secondly Rameen Tong is Jasmine Tong’s half-sister, then Jasmine Tong’s brother should also be Rameen Tong’s half-brother, but she didn’t show up at the funeral.

Rameen Tong’s face instantly fell when she heard these words.

She didn’t expect Jasmine Tong to confront her with a single word.

No amount of heavy makeup could hide her panic and embarrassment.

Jasmine Tong kept smiling as she waited for Rameen Tong’s answer.

“I just can’t find the time to go, and I hope my sister will forgive me.”

If Rameen Tong gets angry at this time, won’t her image collapse in an instant?

“It doesn’t matter if I didn’t forgive you originally, the point is whether my brother can forgive you or not.”

Jasmine Tong’s words were a double entendre, and Rameen Tong’s face was even more ugly.

Her lips twitched a little.

But in the end, being someone who had seen a great deal, Rameen Tong quickly stabilized her position.

“We’re not ashamed to be sisters, we even chose the same dress, sister, I wonder which brand this dress of yours is.”

“This dress of mine” Jasmine Tong was just about to open her mouth Rameen Tong continued, interrupting her words.

“This dress of mine is by Mr. Lin, and I believe everyone in the circle has heard of Mr. Wieland Lin, who named it Lotus Pond Moonlight.Mr. Lin is also our head designer for LOVE.”

Jasmine Tong was not defeated in the slightest, “It’s such a coincidence that this dress of mine is also by our designer.”

“Oh yeah then may I ask who my sister’s designer is? It can’t be Mr. Lin too then I’d like to ask Mr. Lin, how can he design clothes for other brands when he’s signed up for our family’s brand.”

“My designer,”

“Sister, if your designer isn’t Mr. Lin, that would constitute plagiarism, and it would be better for Sister to investigate the background of her own designer.”Rameen Tong interrupted Jasmine Tong once again.

Jasmine Tong, however, was not discouraged in the least, she knew that Rameen Tong was building up her public opinion advantage.

“You’ll find out who my designer really is in a minute.”With that, Jasmine Tong put down her words and walked towards the backstage with an elegant step.

People started talking about it.

“Who do you think is Jasmine Tong’s designer?”

“According to Jasmine Tong’s overall strength, she definitely can’t afford to hire a foreign designer, while her dress was obviously designed by a domestic designer, who else can compare to Lin Weilang?”

“That’s right, so yeah whoever Jasmine Tong’s designer is, it’s a copy of Wilang Lin’s work.”

“Jasmine Tong this just opened a clothing studio, just exploded plagiarism, how can this still be mixed up in the future ah”

“There’s no chance it’s hype through plagiarism.”

Listening to everyone’s discussion Rameen Tong was relieved.

Tong came backstage, as STONE is still a new brand, though not comparable to LOVE, and they don’t have a separate lounge, so they have to share a room with everyone.

The large room was a mess, full of people coming and going, model designers as well as assistants.

Of these, Tong’s design is the most noticeable, with each of them wearing a mask on their faces, as if to keep the mystery deliberately, and people coming and going would look at them twice.

The only thing that everyone shows is a look of contempt, now this newcomer’s way of getting attention is really getting more and more unique

In the other room Rameen Tong was fuming at Lin Weilang.

“It’s impossible, it’s absolutely impossible, it’s my own design, how could she be wearing the same dress”

“Why not you go see Jasmine Tong and see if the clothes she is wearing are the same as mine” Rameen Tong sat on a chair.

She was a slight favorite just now, but she had to be on guard early.

“Mr. Lin, was your design leaked?”

Lin Weiland’s face was a little different.

“I can’t rule it out, knowing that there are plenty of designers in the country who copy me as a trendsetter.”

“Wait a minute, if you get the chance I want you to beat them out of breath, never to turn back.”

Rameen Tong would never give Jasmine Tong any chance to surpass her!

“Yes, I will, with my position in the circle, I’ll beat them to the punch.”

Although Lin Weilang said so with his mouth on his lips, his heart was inevitably muttering.

“Miss Tong, I’m going out to take a look, I’ll be back in a minute.”

Lin Wieland came into the large common room, and he peered in cautiously, suddenly seeing the familiar piece of clothing in the corner

When someone looked at him, he left at once and hurried back to their common room.

“Miss Tong, I’m afraid it’s not good, I’ve just taken a look at a group of models wearing clothes very similar to the ones we’re entering in this competition”

“It must be from Tong’s side.”

“It’s okay I have an idea.”Said Lin Weilang, whispering in Rameen Tong’s ear for a while.

Rameen Tong’s face was suddenly filled with a satisfied smile.

“Very well, I’ll make the arrangements right away, and I’ll leave the rest to you.”

The New Somerset Cup has finally kicked off and everyone is sitting in their seats.

“Below we have the work of love brand designer Willie Lam, Mr. Lam’s work this year is titled, A Gorgeous Summer.”

The people in the audience were confused, as a two-time first prize winner of the New Somerset Cup, wasn’t his work the grand finale?

It’s a strange day to be in the lead, isn’t it?

But the models still walked out one by one.

The models just appeared, immediately let a person bright, incomparably gorgeous color matching, see people dazzling, under the fine tasting, really gorgeous summer!

Summer is the season to be flamboyant, the season to let loose, and it should be colorful.

The color combination and the exaggerated style are really a hit with everyone.

“Worthy of Mr. Lin’s work, he just never follows a routine.”

“This year’s first prize is expected to go to Mr. Lin again.”

“It’s so beautiful, I’m going to choose LOVE for all my clothes this summer.”

Listening to these compliments, Rameen, who was sitting under the stage, was not to mention how happy she was.

“Jasmine Tong, you fight me and wait to drown in spittle later.”

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