Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 393 – 395

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Chapter 393

Jasmine Tong was shocked, and as soon as she raised her eyes, she saw Albert Ou’s cold face.

At that moment, what reverberated in her mind was the way Albert Ou had madly bitten Huo Yulong last night.

It would be a lie to say she wasn’t afraid, she was just a girl who hadn’t experienced the world after all.

But the man in front of her is the man she loves very much ah is the man with whom she spends her days and nights, but also deeply loves her man.

What does she have to be afraid of?

Thinking of this, Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but relax her guard and tried to squeeze out a smile.

But Albert Ou still saw the hint of fear in Jasmine Tong’s eyes.

That was the last thing he wanted.

“I did,”

“Roll.”Without waiting for Jasmine Tong to finish her sentence, Albert Ou opened his mouth to say the word which made Jasmine Tong a little overwhelmed.

“What” Jasmine Tong even had some doubts that she had heard wrong.

“I told you to f*ck off, don’t you understand me” Albert Ou was as full of coldness as he was full of spoiling in the first place.

It was as if he didn’t know Jasmine Tong at the moment.

“Shouldn’t we have a talk” Jasmine Tong tried to restrain herself.

“What’s there to talk about you don’t you already know, now that you know, why don’t you get out of here, you’re not afraid that I’ll eat you and drink your blood.”

Albert Ou was very scary at that moment of grimace.

“Do you have to?”

“What else would it take to treat you like you did before? Do you think it’s possible? I’m tired of playing with it anyway, it’s no fun, and since you found out it’s good that I can find my next target.”

Jasmine Tong blinked her eyes and tears fell without a fight.

“Well, Albert Ou, since you’ve said that, I have nothing to say.”

Jasmine Tong quickly turned away towards the downstairs and ran downstairs.

Albert Ou’s eyes followed him until she ran out the villa’s front door.

The light in his eyes finally dimmed, and two clear tears slowly flowed out of the corners of his eyes.

He lifted his hand to touch his face and looked at his own hand.

He’s crying.

It was like the first time he’d ever shed a tear.

But after Manny left, and I don’t know how long it took, Albert Ou finally went downstairs.

Wu Xiu didn’t expect Jasmine Tong to get up so early, nor did he know what had happened to the two of them, but when he saw Albert Ou coming down, he rushed up to her.

“Young Master, the wife is really diligent, up so early to make you breakfast, hey, where’s the wife she doesn’t join you for breakfast?”

Albert Ou ignored Wu Xiu and went straight to the restaurant, where the breakfast prepared by Jasmine Tong was already laid out on the table.

He sat down, he was all too familiar with these breakfasts, but at this moment he couldn’t take a bite.

The phone rang urgently, a call from Russel Cheng.

“Mr. Ou, my phone was hacked yesterday, I think it was a message to my wife, is she still okay?”

Albert Ou hung up the phone directly.

In fact, Cold Lords and Huo Yulong knew it would be hard for the two of them to kill him with the full moon’s ability.

So their real goal is actually just to lure themselves into the bait and let Jasmine Tong know who they really are.

He was surprised why the cold owl would know himself so well, as if he were the other half.

Jasmine Tong returns to Rainbow City, and Aunt Fang and Pearblossom see her disoriented and unsure of what happened.

Jasmine Tong went straight back into the bedroom and lay on the bed with tears falling down.

Why is the world so cruel to her? She fell in love with a man so easily, so easily want to be quiet and live the rest of her life, but that man, and she is not the same kind.

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past two years.

The call came through quickly.

“Baron, how’s uncle?”

“Nothing too big, got a little blood sucked by Albert Ou, the wound isn’t too big, it’s packed now.”The Cold Lords answered truthfully.

“That’s good.”

“Are you still going to stay by his side? You know, last night he hurt your uncle and the next time he hurts it could be you.”

“Baron, can I ask you for one thing?”

“You said.”

“You and uncle should not interfere in my matter with Albert Ou anymore, and since I already know his true identity, you have achieved your goal.”

The cold owl was suddenly silent at the end of the phone, and he didn’t quite understand Jasmine Tong’s meaning.

“You are also expected to keep this matter confidential.”

“Are you trying to shield him?”

“Just think of it as me begging you guys, okay? He’s the man I love so much in the end, and as for the two of us, I wish I could leave it to the two of us to settle the matter, as for what choice to make, that’s my business, I hope you and uncle don’t interfere anymore.”

“But you know you’re dangerous like this I can’t let you stay with him, nor can I allow this scourge to continue in our society, he’ll hurt more people” the Cold Lords silence finally spoke.

“Who did he hurt being the president of the Dark Empire, he’s been here for many years, have you ever heard of who he sucked blood from, you know so little about him, it’s a complicated matter and I don’t want to tell you too much about it”

“‘The Leng Lords probably thought Jasmine Tong had gone crazy.

“Baron, there’s a lot of things I don’t want to explain to you, and I don’t want to bullsh!t you anymore, I just want to tell you that you and uncle ruined everything, you took everything from me, and you’re the cruelest people”

Jasmine Tong’s voice was choked with tears.

The Lengæž­ suddenly doesn’t know what he can say, he’s obviously helping her!

“We’re obviously helping you, you two aren’t going to be together, long term pain is better than short term pain.”

“Stop thinking, you think you’re helping me, you think you’re doing me a favor, but if it wasn’t for you, he and I might have been able to live like this for the rest of our lives, but nothing is possible now.”

Jasmine Tong cried bitterly, she had never been so sad as she was now, it was as if her dreams had been completely shattered at that moment.

“You you can forget about him and start over” the cold owl’s voice was a little light, as if he was doubting what he was saying.

“It’s probably only a cold-blooded person in this world who would say something like that, but if it was that easy to forget someone, the world probably wouldn’t be sad.”

Jasmine Tong wiped her own tears.

“I’m telling you, Leng Lords if you ever do anything against him again, I’ll hate you for the rest of my life.”

Chapter 394

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past two years.

“Don’t think anymore.”

“You’ve ruined everything for me.”

“I will hate you if you are doing anything against Albert Ou.”

Jasmine Tong’s words have been reverberating in the ears of the Cold Lords.

“The baron, whose phone is it,” Huo Yulong asked when he saw the cold baron was slow to move.

Huo Yulong was lying on a hospital bed, his right hand wrapped in a thick gauze.

Because there wasn’t a lot of blood loss, and there was no need for a transfusion, except that when they went into the hospital yesterday, the doctor asked about it, and they could only say that they were stonewalled by a wild animal bite.

The cold lord returned to put his phone in his pocket.

“It was Manny on the phone, she said this is the end of the matter, don’t let us get involved, she’ll take care of it herself.”

The cold lord’s voice was somewhat low.

“What can she handle? How can she fight a vampire in a girl’s house? When I’m better, we’ll think of another strategy.”

Huo Yulong was still angry.

Leng Lords walked to the window eyes gazed out of the window, dark pupils unfathomable.

He finally spoke slowly after a long silence.

“Godfather, are we really doing the right thing?”

Leng Lords has never been a firm person, he never doubted his choice, but because of Jasmine Tong’s few words, he started to doubt himself.

“Lords, what exactly did Mandy say to you how can you doubt whether what we ourselves did was right or wrong? of course it was right Albert Ou is a vampire and his coming to human society was the biggest mistake”

The cold lord’s eyes flashed with a puzzled light.

“But Albert Ou loves Mandy he’s a very smart man, we’re obviously full of loopholes but he still fell for it, isn’t what we’re exploiting that she loves Mandy so much that if he didn’t love Mandy, we wouldn’t have gotten away with it.”

“That’s true, but you can’t assume that, after all, they’re not from the same world.”

Huo Yulong’s voice also weakened.

“I’ve always had a point of confusion, he and Manny have been under the same roof, why is Manny unaware of it Manny has also been telling me that Albert Ou has a heartbeat, I thought back carefully and when I clamped down on him yesterday, he did have a heartbeat.”

The cold lord shrank his pupils slightly as if he had found a lot of doubts.

“That doesn’t seem to be the same as the information.”

“So maybe Mandy’s right, and if we hadn’t torn that fact hard in front of Mandy, they might actually be able to live their lives.”

“For life.”

“Godfather, Mandy is an adult, and since she already knows who Albert Ou is, I’m sure she’ll make the choice he thinks is right, so let’s not interfere.”

The cold lord turned his head to look at Huo Yulong’s eyes as if he was requesting.

“Mandy is exactly the same as my sister was back then, too stubborn I’ll never allow her to make the same mistakes as my sister.”

“Then you’re not afraid she’ll hate you?”

Leng Lords words seemed to poke Huo Yulong’s mind, causing Huo Yulong to be stunned.

“I think if Mandy’s mother were alive and time could do it all over again, and you had stopped her from leaving, she might have lived her life in peace, but she would have hated you.”

Huo Yulong fell into silence with his head hanging low.

Still on this side of Rainbow City, Jasmine Tong had been waiting, and Albert Ou might come back and have a chat with her sometime when he figured it out.

The day passed and he did not return.

Two days passed and he still hadn’t returned.

And so a week went by without even noticing.

Jasmine Tong even sent him WeChat and made phone calls, WeChat all stonewalled and the phone calls never got through.

Jasmine Tong eventually couldn’t settle down and went straight to the Dark Empire, thinking to herself that no matter what, Albert Ou would never leave his company alone.

But she runs into an anxious-looking Russel Cheng at the office.

“Ma’am, I was just about to go to you, O has not been in the office for a week, I don’t know what happened to him, he won’t answer when I call her”

Without waiting for Jasmine Tong to speak, Russel Cheng instead spoke first.

“He hasn’t been here for a week.”

“Yeah, a lot of this company is waiting for him to take care of things, and without him the whole company would collapse.”

It turns out that she also did not come to the company, Jasmine Tong not only a little disappointed.

“Madam, if you see Mr. Ou, please ask him to come to the office at once, you are the only one who can persuade him now.”

Jasmine Tong very reluctantly tugged at the corners of her mouth, she actually wanted to say there was nothing she could do about it.

“If I see him, I’ll be sure to pass it on for him.”

Jasmine Tong hung her head and silently turned away.

Will he just disappear from here?

Will he leave the human race?

Will she never see him again?

At that moment Jasmine Tong was panicked, she was worried that she would never see Albert Ou again.

After receiving a call from Xu Xingru halfway, Jasmine Tong went directly to Star King International.

Xu Xingru was shocked when she saw Jasmine Tong. Her face was full of haggardness, dark circles and heavy bags under her eyes, and her face seemed to have lost a circle of weight.

“Mandy, what’s going on with you how long has it been since we’ve seen each other how come you’re haggard like this”

“Sister Xingru, what do you want from me” Jasmine Tong very stiffly changed the subject away.

“That drama I told you about last time, the one with the big girl, I’ve already negotiated with the other side and we’ll be on set next week.”

“Oh,” Jasmine Tong couldn’t mention any interest at all.

“Manny, shouldn’t you tell me what happened I don’t think you’re in good spirits, it’s hard to make the director happy if you come into the cast like this.”

“Sister Starru, I may not be able to film for a while.”

Seeing Jasmine Tong like this, and knowing that Jasmine Tong was in love, Xu Xingru naturally thought that it should be a love affair, maybe a breakup or something else.

“I knew I shouldn’t have let you fall in love in the first place, once an actress starts dating it’s hard for her to get her mind all on her career”

Xu Xingru’s words were also slightly angry, and Jasmine Tong did not retort.

Looking at Jasmine Tong’s decrepit appearance, Xu Xingru couldn’t blame her anymore.

“I’ll tell you what, I’m talking to the other side and pushing your time back a bit, you hurry up and settle the matter in hand, you haven’t faced the public in a long time, it’s been dangerous lately, don’t bury your own future.”

“I know.”

As soon as the voice fell, a cell phone suddenly came ringing from Jasmine Tong’s pocket.

She saw the number displayed on her phone screen and blanched

Chapter 395

z.y. Hospital

Jasmine Tong rushed into the hospital in a feverish rush and raced down the corridors of the hospital.

“Where’s Leigh? How’s Leigh?” she asked breathlessly as she grabbed a nurse by the shirt.

“Ma’am, calm down, we’re being rescued right now, Dean Zhou is inside”

Jasmine Tong breathed heavily.

“How did this happen? How did this happen? Wasn’t it fine a while ago?”

At the door, there were a few of Yarwen Tong’s classmates, who were also very surprised when they saw Jasmine Tong flying over.

Rumor has it that Yarwen Tong’s sister is Jasmine Tong, but Yarwen Tong has always denied it, so it’s true.

“Manny-san, I’m sorry, we shouldn’t have dragged him to the basketball game.”A boy in a basketball uniform was sweating and apologetic as well.

“Sister Mandy is sorry” the rest of the people also apologized towards Jasmine Tong.

“He plays basketball with you guys.”

“Yeah, I knew he wasn’t feeling too well and didn’t really want to call him, he’s usually not too willing to participate with us, but this time, I don’t know what happened, but all of a sudden he said he wanted to join us.”

“Tong also said he was jealous that we could play basketball together, he just wanted to be active and nothing more, so we agreed.”

“At first it was fine, after a while of activity, everyone was sweating, I asked him if he wanted to take a break he himself played very happy, and did not want to rest, who knows on” the boy who spoke did not continue to say.

Jasmine Tong finally understood the context.

“It’s okay, you’re not to blame for this, you can go back.”

Just at that moment, the emergency room door opened and the doctor pushed Yarwen Tong out.

“Excuse me, excuse me the patient is not well and needs to be sent to the cpu immediately, please.”

Jasmine Tong saw Yarwen Tong’s pale face.

Zhou Liesheng also came out of the emergency room, and Jasmine Tong immediately walked forward and grabbed Zhou Liesheng’s arm.

“Dean Zhou, how is Xiaolei’s condition?”

“It’s not in good shape and needs to be watched in the cpu for a while.”

“So when will he wake up?”

“That, ma’am, you should know better than to say.”

Jasmine Tong’s eyes slowly fell lonely.

Zhou Li Cheng looked this way and that way in the corridor.

“Madam, why haven’t you seen Mr. Ou?”

“Oh he’s been busy lately.”

Although Zhou Liesheng was a little confused, he ultimately did not ask.

“I’ll get busy then, I’ll have them let you know if there’s any news from the cpu.”After saying that Zhou Li Cheng left.

Jasmine Tong told those students of Yarwen Tong to go back to school, and she stayed in the hospital alone.

The nurses here still put her in her old room, where the conditions were better and she could get a good night’s sleep.

The ICU is not for everyone, there are set visiting hours.

A day and a night passed like this, no progress on Yarwen Tong’s side, and the doctor didn’t say yes or no.

It was time for another turn of the day’s visit, and Jasmine Tong went to the ICU, as Yarwen Tong had been in charge of Zhou Li Cheng.

Yarwen Tong didn’t make any progress for a day and a night, and Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but feel anxious.

The liquid in the infusion bottle was slowly being injected into Yarwen Tong’s body, and those high-end instruments had been emitting sounds of different frequencies.

Jasmine Tong was very familiar with all of this, after all, Yarwen Tong had been in the intensive care unit many times over the past few years.

But Jasmine Tong also knew what this meant.

“Dean Zhou, the last few times Little Lei has woken up and recovered very quickly, so why hasn’t there been any progress this time after a day and a night?”

Because she was in a hurry, Jasmine Tong’s tone wasn’t very good either.

“Madam don’t worry, you know Little Lei’s situation better than anyone.”

Jasmine Tong shook her head vigorously.

“No, I’m not sure, all I know is that the first few times he woke up fast, this time there was no progress”

Jasmine Tong bit her lips so tightly that they were already oozing blood.

Of course she knows everything. She just doesn’t want to accept the truth.

“Madam, calm down, will you? Why hasn’t Mr. Ou come yet?”

With Zhou Licheng’s understanding of him, Yarwen Tong was hospitalized, it was impossible for him not to come over, even if he was busy.

Zhou Licheng really wanted to tell Jasmine Tong that if Albert Ou didn’t come, Yarwen Tong was doomed to not wake up this time.

“I told you he’s been busy.”

Albert Ou’s affair was equally exhausting for Jasmine Tong, and over this past day and night, Zhou Liesheng had asked her several times about why Albert Ou hadn’t come.

Jasmine Tong looked fiercely at Zhou Li Cheng.

“Dean Zhou, you’re not going to treat Little Lei properly because Albert Ou didn’t come over, there’s nothing wrong with him being your boss, but you’re a doctor, it’s your duty to heal and save people”

“Ma’am, I think you misunderstand, I’m not saying that if Ou doesn’t come, he won’t treat Little Lei properly, but”

Zhou Li Cheng almost said something.

“Only what?”

“It’s nothing, ma’am, you can stay here with him for a while longer, I’m going out.”

Zhou Liesheng’s flickering words made Jasmine Tong realize the end and she directly blocked Zhou Liesheng’s path.

“You can’t leave until you get your story straight.”

Yarwen Tong’s condition made Jasmine Tong almost lose her mind.

Such a somewhat out of control Jasmine Tong also really surprised Zhou Licheng.

“Ma’am, what are you doing?”

Jasmine Tong also realized that she had overreacted, and her knees slowly bent and went straight to the ground, scaring Zhou Liesheng even more.

“President Zhou, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said this to you, I beg you, save Little Lei, he’s still so young, he’s still a child, he can’t die like this” Jasmine Tong begged bitterly.

In her eyes, only Zhou Licheng could save Yarwen Tong in this world, and since Yarwen Tong took over into Zhou Licheng’s hands, Yarwen Tong’s condition began to slowly improve.

“Madam, you quickly get up, quickly get up ah, I can’t afford it” Zhou Lixin immediately helped Jasmine Tong up.

“Ma’am, it’s not that I won’t save him, but I can’t right now.”

“But didn’t you also save him from life and death the last few times you must have a way, Dean Zhou you must have a way, I beg of you”

“The first few times that was with General Manager Ou” Zhou Licheng accidentally spoke out.

“What does it matter if he’s here or not to Lei?”

Zhou Licheng wanted to stop talking.

Suddenly Jasmine Tong also realized something, and she immediately grabbed Zhou Licheng’s sleeve.

“Does it have something to do with who he is” Jasmine Tong began to make probes and didn’t dare to make it too full of words.

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